PAGE TURL'E SOCIAL NEWS Mrs. LouieJLanier, Society Editor Phone 301 I Have Returned to Wilmington Mr. J. W. Murchison and dangh Iters,, Misses Lucy and Jennie Mur chlaon, and Miss Martha Williams ihovo returned to Wilmington after spending tbe week-end with Mr, land Mrs. E. L. Pemberton. BOYS AND GIRLS lome folks pray for a boy. and soraa- lor a golden haired little alrl to come ome claim to think there is mora of Joy r' rapped up In tbe smile of a little boy r'hlle others pretend that tbe silky cuns Ind plump, pink cheeks of the lit tle girls ring more of bliss to the old home slace. - ' laan a1 small hzy't Queer little irecKiea race. low which is better I couldn't say mo uoth should ask me to choose today: He should put in a call for me, ia say, jnow what shall your order bo boy or girl? I have both in store. rhleh of tbe two are you waiting rorr' say w.ilfi one of my broadest grins; Send either ono, If it can't be . twins." ire heard It said to some people's shame , ; hey cried with grief when a small boy came. . or they wanted a girl. And soma folks I know ho wanted a boy just took on so Fhen a girl was sent. But it seems to me, piat mothers and fathers should happy be, think when the stork has come and gone fiat the Lord would trust then with either one! 3y or girl? Tiere can be no choice. aere's something lovely in either yoice , lid all that I ask of the Lord to do to see that the mother cornea safely through, lid guard the baby and have It well. lth a perfect form and a healthy yell. ad a pair of eyes and a. shock of hair tien, . boy or girl and it's dad won't care. By Edgar A. Guest. Lrs. Wooten Speaks of New Bern Disaster Many friends at Fort Bragg and this city will remember Mrs, iyard Wooten. at one time Camp liotographer, and the following 3m the Rocky Mount Telegram nil. perhaps, be of interest to lem: - ... "Mrs.- Bayard Wooten of New bin spent Sunday in the city, the est of Mrs. W. Oray Williams on dee street. Id speaking of the Ible fir, which last weak sar led New Bern, Mrs. Wooten baIJ CLUB CALENDAR Tuesday 3:00 p. m. Tuesday Bridge Club will meet with Mrs. . Sol W. Oooper on Green 8treet 6:30 p. ms Business ' and Pro fessional Woman's Club will meet in the Rest Room. Wednesday 10:00 a. m. Comrades Sunday School Class, Hay Street Shurch, will hold their an ual Christmas sale ef fancy articles, homemade cakes and candies. A Turkey din. ner, chicken salad, fried oysters, etc., will be served at 12:00 noon until 3:00 and supper will begin at 6:00 p. m. Thursday 3:30 p. m. Rest-A-Whlle Club will meet .nth Mrs. J. F. Ray on Maiden Lane. 3:30 p. m. The Book Club will meet with Mrs. B. R. Huske, Hsymoynt 3:30 p. m. The Haymount Book Club will meet with Mrs. W. Newton Jackson on the Raeford Road. 3:30 p. m. The Dilletante Club will meet with Miss Hester . Lilly on the Morganton Road. 3:30 p. m, The Would-Be-Wiie Club will meet with Mrs. Charles G. Rose on Hillside Avenue, Haymount. 4:00 p. m. Tea and Topics Club will meet with Mrs. 8eavy Highsmith on Green Street. 8:00 p. m. Orloinal Thirteen Club will meet with Miss Grace McNeill, Haymount. Saturday 10:00 a. m. Throughout the day the Junior Aid Society of the Hay Street Chuch will hold a bazaar in the bond ing formerly occupied by the Farmers and Merchants Bank on Hay ?reet. A chicken salaq plate will br served for the convenience Junior Aid Society to Have Bazaar. Phllathea Class No. 1 Will Meet Saturday j Thursday Evening of tbe meet in I oaiuraay ) uiau.iy evening ) The Junior Aid Coclety will have ' Ph'lathea Class No. I their pre-Chrlstmas sale on Satur-jfJr8tT Baptl9' Church will i day, December 16th, In tbe bulla ing formerly ocupied by the Mer chants and Farmers Bank on Hay 'Street. They will have many, at tractive fancy articles, and In ad dition will serve a chicken salad plate for tbe convenience of the lata shoppers. They will also place on sale de licious homemade cakes and can dles.' A cordial lavltatlon la extended to everyone to visit this bazaar. Letters to Santa Claus This morning's post brought the I following letters for our friend iSanfa Claus: Fayetteville, N. C, December 8, 192J. Dear Santa Clause: Please bring me a train, a horn, a picture nook, ana a ball, a street car, a drum, and a tricycle and some fruit, candy and nuts. I ami Is Quite Sick in Norfolk a little boy three years bid. J. T. Leslie is very 111 in Norfolk. lommy uranora. jva., rrom a recent iroke of paraly 411 Greensboro Street. sis. Mr. Leslie Is a son of Alex under Leslie of this city, mJio, him tbe Ladles Parlor on Thursday ev ening at eight o'clock, with Mrs. W. O. Penny as hostess. Mrs. R. L. Rhodes was to have been hos tess with Mrs. Penny, but Is quite sick at her homo on Chatham Street.. Every member of the Class Is expected to- be present at the meeting Thursday evening. Fayetteville, N. C, 145 Ramsey Street, Dear Santa Claus: I will write ou a letter Just to let you hear from me. Dear Santa Claus. 1 want you to bring: me a tea set and I want a table and 4 chairs, and I want a cooking set, story book, doll bed, carriage and kitchen set. Santa Claus bring me sjme fruit. Mother said I was good in school From Lizzie Covington. Expected the First of Week Miss Emma Troy King, Holllns" College, and Jimmle King from Woodberry Forrest, will arrive in tho city Monday to spend the Christmas holidays with their mo ther, Mrs. J. A. .King. To Spend Winter In Florida Mm A. B. Watson and children will leave on Friday before Christ mas for DeFun ak Sorlnrs. Ha., where they will spend the remain der of the winter with Mrs. wat son's brother, A. F. Bullard. Fayetteville, N. C, December 7, 1922. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a uoll and a ban and tea set. Your loving little friend Mabel Hair. Will Attend Funeral of Miss 8aHy Bay Mm Anrim Rav Is In Sanford. where she was called on account of the death or Miss Sally Ray. miss Uolan Tllllnrbast sad D&vld ft. TininvtiBfit will leave this morning for Saaford to attend the funeral. Tbe news of tbe death or miss to mo. rAxoiveri here with dees sorrow, as she bad many friends in tbe city and It was not snown that she was even ill. " Guest Of Parents Mm. Rex K. Stoner'of Lantley Field. Va.. la the ruest of ber par ents. Mr. and Mrs. John R. To- lar, Jr., on Anderson Street. lieutenant Stoner, wbo Is in the la ikU 4a ttm ftki rj Mnaftltsl uany inenas win ne aengniea o learn that Miss Nan Williams, who has been a patient In the High smith Hospital, has sufficiently re covered as to te able to leave that institution. Miss Williams Is a member of the Fayetteville School faculty. Society Continued on Page 5 aviation service, will arrive in the city Just before Christmas to Join Mrs. Stener. 1 i Will Return to Raleigh This Even-. ing i J. S. Harper, Jr., who hss been spending several days with his nnreti Mr. and MM. J. S. Har per, expects to return to Raleigh tbls evening. L C DERBY ENGINEER BUILDER Aaso'e. JHem. Am. Boo. C. C General Engineering and Contracting. 1M Donaldson St Phone 818 Fayetteville, N. C., December 7, 1922. Dear Santa Claus: Will soon be twelve years old. Please send me a King air rifle with shot. Your friend, Jas. B. Strickland, 212 Ruusel Ave. Fayetteville, N. C. December 8, 1922. Dea Santa Claus: I am going to write you and lot you ktow what I want you to bring me Xmas. I want a doll, a tea set and pair I of bedroom slippers, and a pair of gloves. . Goodnight Santa, happy dreams. Vemil Lucile S!mmon9. Comrade Sunday School Class to HaV Their Bazaar on Wed nesday 13th The Comrades Sunday School Class of Hay Street Methodist Church will have their baxaar on. Wednesday, tomorrow, December 13th, in the building next to the Huske Harware House on Hay Street. The announcement rela tive to tbe time and place of the sale in yesterday's Observer was in error. The liazaar will be held Wednesday, December 13th. in the building next to the Huske Hard ware House, Hay Street. Many beautiful fancy articles. moderate in price, will be on sale. A' Turkey dinner, fried and stewed Oysters, chicken salad, homemade cake, candy and pies, will be for sale, and supper will be served at sjx o clock self, is quite sick at the home of his brother, J. D. Bruton, In Rock Osh. Miss Florence Leslie, a sister, and Scott Campbell, a nenhew. have gone to Norfolk to be with Mr. Leslie. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome Invigorates, Purifies and Enriches the Blood, eoc ?tth:dD Christmas sale will afford -' Ui. nt SS:tX the" outf-town shoppers, aa wel, w of funds or clothing, she say,, da ,,," k nZ i.-n.. t tha Aouslni and sanitation sJM L!.'5 A?' an Jenl mv. ,w.anf JWn.rrin,i. wioppvriuaiiy,!!.. secure some very r.,,..v,M.. r Interactive emu . .., " . - w: . order prevails anttne, suM . . t . hrs are putting the! 'shoulders! ,i; V . i fhV citv shaaalM ':' .colossal task otwm-KwMbin-. In Uhe city .roday.' shopping was ..Mrs.-. : Jere Peargall of Dunn, who was a guest of ; Ke'r brotheri and sister-in-law, Dr. ad Mrs. W D. Oibbs. "Mrs. Pearsatt will , be remember- ,eu dv a nost or friends Here as Miss Virginia Oibbs, daughter of ur. ana mra. J. i. uidds, tne for mer ai one lime r resiamg Kiuer of. the Fayetteville District. Mrs. Pearaall was married in Warren ton In November. ; n. Miss "sedberry in ; WasMnotO"! Irbe following by te Washington l-respondeat of the News ana u rver, .appearing in state .papers fnday will be of much interest friends in the city: - ,' f Colonel and Mrs. Terry A, Lyon ive as inuir -auesi o .wb 'ss -MUdred Sedberry, daughter iMr. and Mrs. Stiles Sedberry Fayetteville. who is on her way me after attending tne TnanKs- ing dances at the Virginia Mil- ury institute, coionei ana PLm ' mA Ula Carl Kcrru1 a a thlr U MRU .Tlino uww.aj est at tbe reception given ny Southern Society in Contlnen Hall to M. Clemenceau.", xenon Elanyaroidcoua, colds, I PfH-hri. or otber winter i 3a, by protecting the body wiiath consistent use oS cott's Emulsion It u food and tonic rich in nemiin-Duio" Titamines, and is a source of warmth and energy. Th f -C. !.- ngmar ns vi iivu EmaltlaA conserve jtttngth Palmetto Fish Tankage Guaranteed Analysis ' Ammonia ....7 Per Cent A. P. A. 2 Per Cent BEAT THE BOLL WEEVIL .... w;th an early crop. You can do it with PAL METTO FISH TANKAGE a scientific blend of various ammoniates which will give your crop an early start and stay with it 'till maturity. The best cotton fertilizer known. If your local agent cannot supply you, com municate with us direct. A. F. Pringle Inc. Charleston, S. C. I! THE X ,M A S STORE The Oapitol THE XMAS STORE Fayettevllle's Largest Department Store ORIGINALITY IN XMAS GIVING! Every one seeks to be original In his Christmas giving. Here are Electrical Appliances a'plen ty that are ideal for such gifts. You'll , find here scores of de sirable Appliances at the amounts you wish to spend! Hunter Bros. Electric Co. A Visit Here Will Convince ' You "The Live Store" "One Price to All" GIVE BED ROOM SLIPPERS THEY'LL ALWAYS APPRECIATE SUCH GIFTS ROSE All This Week KRAMER'S SMILING THROUGH GIRLS ADDED PICTURE PROGRAM 3 TODAY Pathe Comedy and Pathe News Ladies' ribbon trimmed QCc PnH " VJ Children's felt slippers ........... Ladies' Turkish Boudoirs , Ladies' black kid Boudoirs, with pom-poms, leath- 1 9C er heels and soles .... t 85f 95 Ladies' quilted satin Boudoirs, with leather soles CI QC and heels Some with soft soles . .... . . . $1.25 Children's Shoes of all kinds, S?K $1-00 to $4.75 Erery purchase of chil dren's shoes gires you a chance for the big beautiful doll now in our shoe win dow. This doll will be sent to the winner; JT, Broadvay Today : GLORIA SWANSON in "THE MRS. BELLEW" nnir ii 11 Mi Or oFKIULw i'irjSSw m V kkP" my Winner of the O. Henry Memorial Award for the Best Short Story of 1921. A STORY CRAMMED WITH ACTION, LOVE AND ADVENTURE IN THE WILDS OF THE CARIBOU RANGE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA, A REGION OF UNEQUALLED ROMANCE. This Remarkable Story Starts Thursday, December 14, in the Fayetteville Observer BETWEEN THE CAPITOL AND THE WHITE HOUSE Harry Hunt, NEA Service staff writer and Washington .correspondent for Observer, who knows politics and government1 as you know your own home, will give you a clear and unbiased insight into the affairs of the United States. He will review the activities of Con gress and the White House and interpret them im partially for the folks at home in a weekly letter. - - . . , . . READ HUNTS FIRST LETTER SUNDAY WATCH FOR IT. HARRY HUNT Whether you belong to a political party or none at all, Hunt's weekly letter from Washington will be of im portance to you. It will increase your knowledge of our government, its policies and affairs, and tell you what the nation's leaders are doing. His reports will give you the outstanding features of the past week's events at the capital. WATCH FOR THEM EACH SUNDAY IN OBSERVER. 1 m pi Mi

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