Kobmricdljrer.st Cri:ciflxions " Ther is a superstition current la Brittany that when par Saviour yr&3 bearing his cross roia took one thorn from Li crown. -which taiaed it breast, and since that time the red breast had been the friend nad favorite of men,;-, , ' V - r r ; LD -T ;.. '4 ' , Up Monat Calrary's height ftjcendingj j e. "-.";' ,- Toiled the Man of sorrows on, - : - i Joomed to die lbr man's transgressions, "TK, God's sinless, onlj.Soa, On that bro-r ffttUt rever conc-laied, to A crown of thomt he ceekJix wore,. icii (' WMle Hie rnbr dew'ircra fathered,' 'T "r 1 ' Kound each pouit the jcrixason gore. , . :, ' " ! 4 ' Fainting 'neath the cross" his burden, From his lips na accents flow; 4 ' ' ave "Forgive tteir Heavenly Father, - "; For they know not what the do.1 4 - - - AU unmoVed, 5e.d's hpsn,'"peopje V Heard the meek, firgrjving word,-( . r And no throb "of human' pity1-Ci-a - In their stony bosoms Btirrcd.'--, V i't : 1 - " . - - ; ,? i .Bal a wild bird q'c then flying, . Caught the plaintive, pleading-tone, a i And one thorn plucked from tis forehead, As if to shame man's heart of etone.' - ? , - . .. ': ' -.-' . ' i. ; - . ry t J ' v - . t- . . - . . v . - . . From its tiny beak descending -, f v - k . i Totrcbed the point its little breast, f And npoa the glossy plumage - : t i Its own crimson hue impressed, t ."'" ,. . .f '7, ; j . , , "; ' . -r, - ' .And still that sanguinary color ' ! Pyes the hosom .of the bird, '..And still near the homes of Christians, Are its sweetest warhlinst heard. ' Xlie ? Iamp - at- Sea .. Tpe night was made for cooling shade,1' "'' For silence, and for f Iecp j - 1 ' And when I was a child, I laid if r -My bands upon my breast and prayed, And sank to slumbers deep. ' Childlike, as then, I lie to night, ; 1 And watch my lonely cabin light. . Each movement of the swaying lamp -Show how the vessels reel, And o'er her deck the billows tramp, And all her timbers strain and cramp, "With, every shock she feels ; It starts and shudders, while it burn?," t And it its.hinged socket. tarns. ; " ", ! i . - v- r . f ..'- - Kovr swinging slow, and slanting low, . It almost level lies, t . '. -And yet I know, while to and fro I watch the seemingr pendnle go, " "With restless fall and rise, " ' The steady shaft is still upright, poising its little globe of light . ' . O, Hand c,f God ! Q, lamp of peace I - O, promise of my soul ! Though week and tossed and ill at ease, Amid the roar of miling seas' , , The ship's conlusiye roll I own, with lore and lender awe, Yon perfect type" of faith and law ! . A heavenly trust my spirit claims ! -My soul is filled with light ! ; The ocean sings his solemn psalms ! " The wild wind chant across my.palm3 -Ilappy a3 if to night, - Under the cottage roof again, """I -bxd,. the soothing summer rain. pll, FOR A HOilE IN THE yoODS. t x. r, w. . Oh, for ti home far in the woods, Where no unwelcome one intrudes, -. But with a faithful, generous friend, "What greater comfort could life lend ? Where no gold-seeking avarice stains, But unpolluted nature reigns ; Where giant mountains, tow'ring higbf ,-Fart the clear ether of the sky.- , , Where in the smooth and glassy lake, . The springing trouf their freedom take j . And o'er the hill-side come the deer, At eve to drink the water clear. . ' - - f, " Where the blood-thirsty panther hie., Waiting for night to dark the skies y Catlike and stealthy, seeking prey, And fleeing ere the dawn of day. Where lives the pond'rou3 savage bear ; Where dwells the little timid hare ; Under blue heaven's starry dome, There would I make my happiest home. Far in the woods, with dog and gun, There let this earthly life be run ; ? There will I live where all ia free, Till death shall come and conquer me. A Charge as is a Charge. -Jndge Jonah Jole recently delivered the fallowing charge to the jury, in the case of Elim Crunch, lor stealing: f Jury, you kin go out, 'and don't tdiow your gly mags here till you find a verdict. If -you can't find one of your own, git " the one the lust jury used.";, . The jury retired, and after an .absence of fif teen minutes, returned with a verdict of suicide in the ninth degree and fourth verse. " - Then Judge Jonah. Joles pronounced upon Elim Crunch, this sentence : Elim Crunch, stand up and face the music. You arc found truiltv of suicide fur stealing. Now, this. -court sentences you to pav a fine of iwommngs, io snave your hcail with a baggo net in the barTlcks, and if vou trv.to cave in the beads of any cf the J ury, you'll catch thun der, tnats all; lour late will be warn in to . others, and in conclusion, sheriff, brinj: mc a riot I . T r..l aI- - 1 ui iw-kjv x ui aniiu mirsiy. j For tile Boys. Seven classes of company to pe avoiaea, viz : . - , . ,, ,. ., 1. - Those who ridicule their parents or disobey their commands. - . 2. Those who profane the Sabbath or tcoff at " religion."- : t" . -. o. a. nose wno use proiane or nlttiy language." 4. Those who are untruthful, play truant and waste their time ia Idleness. - f. " ..; , 6. Those who are of a quafelsome temper ; and are apt to get into a difficulty with others. 7. Those whp are of a cruel disposition and talce pleasure pleasure ia torturing j maiming ani 'mals.' . - - A Wisconsin paper, after describing a farm which the advertiser wants to sell, adds : - "The surrounding country is the most beautiful the God of nature ever made. The scenery is celes tial divine ; also, two wagons to selL and a voke of steers." . - Tell me, angelic hosts, ye messengers of love fchall Swindled printers here below have no re dress above ? The shining angel bands replied " to us is knowledge given,; delinquents on ihe I ' Inters book.' can never enter heaven !. ; - A Dutchman thinks " Honesty ish de best pol icy, but it keeps a man tarn poor." The : Panama Star reveals the existence of th " eUrs- trade; between New Granada and I'." . From the'.TCilcKugtoa Journal." TO TIIE SOUTUERX "MEMBEKS OP CON- guess.:-'V' l - 1 :T7n.3iiVcTb,"N. 'CIaj 13,1800. r GeuUtmcn ; "So doubt ou all koovr that whit were ike iseutliuenti of Mr. Webster an d Ir. Ev erett on the subject of tlie. joint acrjuireci Tfrri tories,. ere, still the Fentiments cf theNortbcrn majority.: ot .Congrcw. u i j vu" - ; ; Tf In the celebrated tpeeclt,f'.Jfr. Webrtcr to an immensely large laudience.t'HiiSalJy ia M;iy, 1851,'he said : Gentlmcn, I have always corn tended tbat any measure of Con'grcs3,' calculated to bring slave territory into Uie.Uuiqn, ia beyond tha power of the Constitution and aaint u pro- , .-I ift ----- " It Is my opinion tnat it Kas not in tba origin al scope and, design of the Constitution to aduut new States into the Union out of foreign territo ry, meaning flaye territory by which the South might receive some bent-fit,) and I j never would consent tbat there" should be one foot of plave territory beyond wbat the old thirteen States had at the time "of the forrnalieri of the t!?iu,titution- ncver-r-never. . . -; ' ""When nev States arc to b admitted into the Union,r Congress (meaning the Xoiiheni" majori ty) have the right to say whether thoy shall come in or not. and .what 'they shall brir.g along with them."-r- : ' 1 .- 1 : . ,''- ' ' " Nowj, aj thcic.Inoi the least partic le or infer ence in! the Constitution, upon which Mr. "Web ster ud Mr. 'verett, or any bo-ly c, c?n pre dicate such au utscrtiuii, there can be no other reason r5sigii id iu truth, but that lis wilfully in tended auJ, alo, the Northern majority of Con gress, endorsed bv Mr. Kverett, to puha off a bld and barcffacpdly fal.-e "constriictiorj or the Con stitnticrnpon the public mind cf the country, and more particularly tie .Smthcnt States: J 2Wf when Mr. "Web :tcr.-Mr. Everett and ihe Northern telf-intc:ctcd majority of Congi e, for fraud and stolen "pjlitn al jxiwer," udmitted Cal ifornia' jnttj'thej riiion, what did they firing along with her?"' Answer: A furled now vseaut State Constitution ! and their New England ilio gally adopted land piroey Sivth Article cf the Ordinance, July IC, 17S7, for the c.vpre: pur pose to! ttea the terfox VH(i tclusirt control 155,000 Fuare miles of Hjuthern valuable wil derness and rich gold luine; and for which the fifteen Northern States had never pai.l a dUlar for the title inasmuch ;is theV had Lckcd up their Northern title and lot-Led. the South out. Wherefore then -is thesr northern V Coitr-titu-tional Squatter popular Sovereignty" in the l.iw ful Southern , Territories, without title or integrity- H ' ' -I If the people of the i-Vuth are not to know both tides of the cu.e, they don't; know he: her they arc cheated or not j j -. And,: therefore, whcii they ' admitted Califor nia inn the Union, S-.'pJeiaber 1 S."D, they brought along with thefu" a i:fw vacant Stite of public crime by Statute flre the penal code, and th-y now seek to do th? snme thing wiih Kansas. There b a principle f naiion.ii.h-ti r and jus tice, and national i h :racter involved in this joint 41 i J 'a titti vtni a.tkavv. a va ' in i , acquired tciritorLd rjues-tinn, theame in law joint acquired pwperty by iiiTivi-luai-, aod th( as ere- f..r, it bbi'.i!l le ii" dlnjmcp . to any I'reddent, meuiljcr of Congrcs pr pre North, South or West, ' to establish .justice among the tStae.," as directed in the main leading j Article of the Con.tItlition. " The mryority of the op!e ff the United States North. South and We-t'de.Mre to be honc-t, jnoritlrrl they could seethe legal mer its of the taso. Why ihoul l the Suth be cora pcl'ed by ftaiute to acquire TcrrUnrics an I hnd-i exrhiAic' ly for the c ontrol --rich LcncCt sa l polit ical power of the North, any morejthpn the North should be compelled to do th? f.nre thing fir the South?'. It is ;iuiptfcxiblc to conceive a mori unionist and tyranic.tl principle of public crime byptatatc, than that of Mr. Web' ter, and endorsed by Mr, Everett and the northern majority of Congref? to wit: That the people and 'poicri..y of, the Southern States tallj be 'cnmrx-Ued by ttatufe, to expend their bliod, treasure, ti;uc labor and taxe? to the (lovermneiit, to acquire new countries lands and rich gold j mine, erflusireli for the people and posterity rf the Northern Staler !!! From the bluck chain f evidence, the fact lii fully cftablhcd thttt the nortljra ' majority of Congress cannot now ad r.nt i Kansas into h Union, without ' bringing along witlr the jx-nal code, as a-duplicate of California " " ' , j Ifrhould- think it behooved' every Southern member of Congress, without distinction of party, to show, a .sflid phalanx iu dofenceof the South- era tiib ; far I never read in j history of any people I wemg the control of title of their country of vested rights, that did not lose their liberty in the near distance.' - ' '' ., The foreg.-ing quotations of northern principles and sentiment., on the vital subject to all parti-s of the joint acquired Tcrritories'and. public land?, since -March 1,1 t $l, to the Mexican Treaty of of 1848, contain the whole JciJuty, ia a cut licll, of the trouble between the Northern and South ernStatcs. ; i . f . ! - . , About two thirds of the Northern ' SLites arc under a fa al mistake cf having been d''-.;wte.l- lj milled for years past, by theeclf-intcrestei and industrious minority, who have been, trying, at an outlay of millions of dollars, to make a rdyiuiu iHhjcet of the joint acquired Tcrritori'c ao 1 pub- Janus, but there ia no ycnuine religion abcut it It is entirely a matter cf landed property of ves- tcdnghts in the soil of the conatry, which cen ters in money and law ! I and not rthgion. , There is no denominatioq of religion through out the, juiis-prudence of the world,- that is a lawful tender forhnded property of vested righ's no matter whether acquired on joint account between a certain numWr of States or individnaL. The snpre;Jie law of the land, in .1 all ; civilized countries, is the same in one case as in the other t and, if the mass of the intelligent people North', Southland West; were allowed to understand the reaTlegal merits of the caseia which their mu tual liberty is deeply interested,' it could never have been carried by a few designing -and self- interested Northern leaders, presses and pulpits, to the present danger of the Ilepnblic and vested rights and liberty of the people and their pos terity. ; " - f - - '- i ' . ' - The majority of the people North, South and West, want the true legal lights ;on the merfb of the case. Thia is the true pshw -,P . VnVU , T ' ,UUt.Kt ,jlt is itapu-iiLic tbat themajority of the people of the United States hare, intentionally, vibrated back into barbarism ill 'Theyliave been deceiv ed by the arch and eelf-inte rested sectional mi nori."y, uatil they have been deluded to overlook the precepts of moradty; law', honor and the uni versal obligations. of juitice, pxace, prosperity and god will tq each other. , And so long as" such an t;:. Fortunate state of things .continues, to exist in tie ptrtrlir-rniud NorthSouthrnnd West; it i3 ut terly imjcsib!ertb have & virtuous Government,' no matter who may be elected President of these unfortunately tTu iJnl States. ' ' ' " y Such is the nature of the joint acquired Terri tories and j?ublie ; lands, that it is impoiiible" to tub "one Southern party withcut the other. ---"I, "j ' -w i, RO-L(NO rUBLlCO:; ' iiVAEF AND TIIllILLING ROMANCE. ' , In n beautiful lor' cabin in tha mountains of Old Virginia, our' talc opens. Around, nature's to'velincs was suLlimo ,, The loAy trees hung out hcir green -leaves in jjerfection, aud the high rocks caupht the grey mists cf the morning and prcised them in their rough liosoms, until they malted in tears, again?t their sides. ' A lovely ;.i i i.x i ; i . t ' inaiucii Ma nuxiug uy a. iulmc, irouiuing ner iiair with a fine-tooth ci.n;b a nmnlr form enters the the'door, and stealthily creeps up behind her &nd ' ' 'r .. ... .. f . ' -' ,. . i ' - CHAPTER II. "Ah, Jolin I" exclaiiiicd the lovely heiress cf hat beautiful cabin, aud the extensive potatoe Powell behmd it, "vcu ought n to do that way I ijay.it ah cn my jj-.c, g;u: " Love 1 there ' no euch tiling among fvlks I 1 . The turtle dove j ' Only knows love :' As the ncrt sings" ! ;" f ' ! -"Then you don't love me?" " - ' 'Not:' " -! No ? Jane, call b tck that word I" . " " No 1 oh, -'no!; Cotue back here I Twon't come, John ti.- one !" 4'Thfn I'm L'.jiic. too !" And th impassioned youth rushed fiara the ; lovely cabin like a maniac. CUAITIoi III. 1 Sadly did the young man run along the road, while the pirl. Grin and submissive iu the dis charge of her doty. proceeded to fry some onions fjr dinner. Mcauwi.ile the youth rushed madly on ; the burning fever cf hits heart muddenedjn his bruin, and lie thought of stlf-destruction. Jerkicg nla pocket comb f.cm l.Li vest ockct vainly attcmj.ted to cut bis throaL Nature, however, who had b'esed him with a tough hide, proved too strong for him; he rushed to a wagon rot, but there was watr atlea&t two inches deep, and he flung bium-lf into, or rather upoa, itJ There he Ly for full live f-ectnJs, when Henry Cl-tt, the f-thfcr of the gal, jvifsod by 3 CHAPTER IV. ; lie ?')n nnfjldoJ his sad tale to hU friend, end finally c-n-cr.fed to live, if Henry would give bi:n a h.-w of toi:aci-o. lie returned to the bouse, and in bis haggard countenance, Jane .iw hi unhappy condition He never pit over it, thr.ugh "About twenty years after, die fell from a wagn, a:i 1 his iifck wa broken, lor. a kheriff had though tlc-s'y slipped. roje over his hid. ' j The Petersburg Express is reer s csiblc for the (Ilowing: . I In treat cf ths Central Warehouse, a pluloso phiml darkey, leaning larily atiust one cf the vi het-Ls f a dray, t!js deiivi-red hitnxdf t a brother Jt b.u who wo.-, ui. poking of hiu.self simi larly : "All nurgcrs ought to i.d de dignity cf bc-in nigtrcr)?, cept free nigsrs what duomi vjiat diguity am. LK miu'ist I'm wutf about fifteen hundred dollars," and he gr.ve a demonstrative gesture with his left fort finger, " and u heap o' uhitc foiL can't fay that lor deys-lve.-'. Now dir," v.ud be j.inted to "a gentlemanly vagrant, "is a white man ; be couldn't turn Lin.jlr into money to save his life,. More'n dnt he ai' wuff ftufiln, he duuno nuCin.cnd be wo' do nufiln. 1 feeis de dignify of the fact, aud dat's whet makes Lie say what I do say." Gumbo is undoubtedly a genius. A Hiii roa the Chicago Nomination. Mr. John Uo!l in his Kpccch to the serenaders in Philadelphia, paid : rrjard the majority of the J!fj,uLh'an pcrtj t.s derated to this Constitution and ihii Vnion." . An ExriiAoaDiNAur Fr.oa. In the Pallas (Tex.) Herald we find the following: A gentleman of undoubted veracity informs us that last week a bud-frog was killed uear here, measuring eighteen inchc acrs the shoulders, and over two feet aud a half loDg. His voice was terriO, his cnorraon3 eyes f tack out three inches, and he could leap beyoad the conception of the most cxtravagnnt. He was idiot by a boy, and the jewtd-heade-l monster was captured with much difficulty, in consequence of his long con tinued vitality causing him to leap out of reach whenever he was touched. ' " Aiu't there no exceptions to your law about punching a fellow ?" said a scamp to a judge, i "No, sir: 1.0 cxccpticu3 whatever." "Now, J udge, I guess yoa are mUtaktn." - Just suppose, for instance, I should brandy.punch a man what then P' ; " No levity in Court, sir. Sheriff, expose this man io the atmosphere." Rcsrzcx to tue b'Ex, It should be the board of every man that he never rut mrv!.-t'r to the b!u5b, nor.encouraid immtdc3tviorcrcQTo her mask. Put we fear there is far too bttlo chivalry in the present day If young men do not tucu their Dartner3 under the chin! tl.p ire often guilty cf preying their hands vhen the uauce auorus an opjortUDity. lucre is a calm dignity with which to show that the r.fT na lii been noticed, but if a lady condescends to reprove . M ... miles iuu vuijrik j ucicad mm self, and OUfll rnl h nl-in tKfiV.riAl. . -r) . uivaui VURC. Ou the other hand, let a'womao oaco overloA tne s,:giitct lamibanty, and fail to tbow her sur prise in her manner, and she never can "be certain max. u csaaoi oc rer-;c.j. UatiU; cf Uocd cuty. . '" : - - Anecdote or Cualii. Bull. Iu a Ufe of tlm eminent surgeon, recently published in Par w, by Dr. Amedce I'icbott, the lollowing auec- uoie oi iae recognition ot his merits by the fa mous French Professor Koux, occurs : As Itoux was lecturing to his students. Eel! struction, entered the room. The Parisian recog nized him, and wadiib. He closed his stu dents, as he pointed out the distinguished foreig ner ho exclaimed "Enough. r-enti.Mnrn nr..,Su for this day "you ; have the honor of ecein" diaries uo.i i . . , . . New Orleav. pico to the Cth have been received here which state a CTet battle baa l.on Cnnrrh c.. Lams rotoii. The forces on each side about 4.000. The lipitmnut. r;,, - . . w ... aiuuu a par- ty) were completely routed with the loss of 8 cannon, 1,000 prisoners and "' the whole ' of their bainrire and ammunition tne " T, r:t :t. entcredthe city amidst . the rejoicing of the 1 j",.. From iht VTestern "Advocate.-" " I IIESOTjBCES OF WESTEIIN NOHTn CAK- To even enumerate the varied wealth cf our mountain section would take more f pace than is al lowable m a newspaper article : heuco" much may be omitted or passed over. hurriedly. The gTcat strength of this section is; her agriculture, her rich value ,and urprisiogIy fertile, mountains. It is to be irgTettcd that for the most part tha famo old ej stent of . tiilagwhickoiaJathcra prac ticed is' atill- retained. :Jn this eouoty and.ia Ilendersoa afu to bo found tome farms which are beautified with taste and cultivated ;with kiil fartns where the learning and tikill of others are used td cd rich the ownerei. And, too, thcte we throughout the West bodies of land which with the ordinary,. filLtgo -produce. marvellously, such is the native - fertility of the eoil. v Upon every mountain Ptrcam i.4 found tnore or Ics such vally LiliJ. ... Uui one matter of w"onJr to traii?cxa.ii that our mouDtainB should be fertile to their very tops, and wc have 4 heard the , warmest expressions of surprise irom them on sceiDg the luxuriant gras which covers the bald spots and is found in some decrco all over the mountain. That these rich mountains are of incalculable value for the raibing ot tueep tL-erc cannot be the slightest doubt. The fieid for enterprise in this respect is inviting, yea holds forth more than ordiuary inducements Hheep will live where anything eke would starye, is an' eld saying J and very near a true one, but here we have , lo : need to put them on barren heathers, as jn Scotland, for we have rich moun tain tops, town by nature with grasp, whereon they pasture and still use no ground easily til lable. ' - ' t - ' " -' Fjcm sheep growing the mind naturally U to the manufacture oiwool. "'this section sh( urns should and is peculiarly adapted to be a great manufac turing region. As vet, however, almost the first decisive acticn is to Le had! .The magnificent wa ter powers of Valley and lliawassec llivcrs, Nan tahala, Tennessee and Tuckasegc, Pigeon, French Board aud Swnnnanoa, the Catawba and its trib utaries, the Caney, the Toes, and the Watauga are all comparatively idle except here and there a grist or saw mill. If the South is to live to heiself then the must hare manufactories, and uo section can present the advantages health of location, immense water power and fertile soil to produce grain which Western North Carolina can. ' Then, too, are f her mim ral resources by no means email. Iron the great artery of the world's indn.-try-4-Coppcr, Lead, Silver aud Gold ; an abundance of limestone and the finest of mar ble. Of nit the immense beds of iron ore on one only are any wotks of consequence operated the Cranberry in Watauga. We have not the slight est doubt that there are other bcis equally as valuable as this, whiah is said to rank in the world. The forests are here from which to have th chcrcocl, the ore is at hand, then why not have the works T It is true there is yet no out let to tho woi Id, but the lbJlroad is fast approach ing Morgauton and the day is at hand when we can look with entire confidence to its arrival in or near Ashcville from three different points. ' Copper ore abounds in Jackton and has been develoj.-d thcreJ It is to be found in quantities in Vancy aal Madison, and'furthcr explorations may dcvolope it 'in Henderson The latter coun ty furnishes gold, while an abundance is found in Kutherford, Caldwell, Burke and McDowell Cherokee ai-n has eonic gold but is richer, we think, in lead and silver. There are, too, some snudl iron ,'works in Cherokee. We have uo doubt that ncarj the great lincstone lead from McDowell to the Upper Trench Jlroad tune will bring ' to lighi a vciu of Silver-bcaring-lead. Dlaek loud'cxhds in immense quantities but is not sufficiently j-ure or highly priced to pay trans portation at present.,.. - . '" E ux a wav No Fayetteville 3Iail. We are without a mail from Fayetteville this mor ning, owing, as we learn, to an accident to the Fayetteville and Warsaw Stage, in the neighbor hood of tho latter place. It would appear that the driver got iS for some purpose, perhaps to fix the reins, when the horses took fright and ran off. John S. Jamcs Esq., of W ilmington, who was one of the. passengers, jumped out and escaped withoutt KC.-ious injury, ca did also another pass enger, a gentleman '-from Philadelphia. What went with the stage and horses we have not yet beard. When last seen they were "running at a rate that would do credit to tho nominees of any convention. We trust that no serious loss will arl-e to our friends Holmes & Robinson. Daily i- Good.--A jury was t being empannelcd some years ago in Ouchita. Uncle Zekts, ficm tho Pine Hills, was on the panel. When .called up to be sworn, he objected to sitting on the case. It required some trouble for the Court to get his reasons. -! Finding it necessary, however, to di vulge, he said : , " Judge C.,' I don't like to expose this town, but the iact is, I've been drinking mighty mean lickcr for near a week, "and have bad nothing but cat fiih to cat at the tavern, and fear, under the the circumstances, my narves being powerful we:ik, that I couldn't do justice." Of course, Uncle Zcke was excused. Democratic Platform Song. ' i:a ;C3ccl sam's takh. : " Of all the might parties, from the East, and from the. Weft, " . The Drcocraiic party is the greatest and the best; Every State in this great nation, it respects thect '- all the same, To preserve this glorious Uaioa Is itschject and iL , aim. ' i f . enoars. ' ,. ." Thea come lon;, ccm along, rntke no delay ; Come from every nation, and eorac from every m-ay ; Oar riatfjrm is boad enough, den't be a'.nrtned,' TLe plunks urc all sound, and the timbers are na- tarrae.'.,' . - . , Oar sword is Equal It!;hts, the Constitutioa u our . ' shield, j ' ". ' , , And wth Justice on our banners, we will botdly take the field . . TTIth Eachann far our lender, we will route the fusion hosts. Ere the idea of next November, there'll be nothing uut uicir !o?:s. With old Buck, of Pennsylvania, we win buck them of the track . Aad with Breck, of old Kentucky, break their abo lition back, ' " The urncl" crossed fru ltr, fa hli great Pa- , cine course, , ; - : . . And he'll soon explore SaU river, on his little wool j aorse. - . - . - Every State an Territory thtll aBactHs local laws; We will preach non-iatervcation; and we'll flht" ' 3 Freedom's cause ; . .We'll protect the right of suffrage from the Border Huffman tools, ' From the Know-nothing assassins, and from Aboli- -.' tion foolsj .. . .. - - Illinois and Indiana, and New York will go for . , Buck, '-- "... . . J Maiae, Xew Hanipshire, California, Pennsylvania ' and KentncV, , .'.', . " All the States, both North and South twenty-nine - for Buck will count, " . Bad we'll give the nigger-stealers Massachosetta ' and Vermont. One Day Later From Eurcpe. Farthxh Point, C. E., :iay 21, IS CD. The steamship Anglo Saxon passed hero yes terday forenoon from Liverpool for Quebec, but in. consequence of our news boat for our dis patches being stove by the Eteamer, no news was obtained : the crew of the bect was saved. She brings one day later newsL ; ' 5 - L ; . .." ' Adtlltlonnl Aews bj tbc Adriatic. fThe steameT Great Eastern will sail from South ampton" for Xew York on the 9th of June. -: Count' Montcraolin" and; JJoa, Ferdinand had publicly renounced their claims to tho r1?.0.0 throne lur-v!-:- . - , ';. h r' -'' -. Garibaldi had left for Sicily, in command of an expeditionary corps. ' '"- ' ; ' " N- Switrerlarid insists on the assembling' cf a Con- ference of the Great Powers immediately. , In reply to the proposrls. of France England consents to adopt as the basis of a Conference ar ticle 02 of the first act of Vienna, which Tefers f to tuc neutralization oi cnaouis ana raucigj . England rcsmcs the right to make proposals at the Conference relative to the mode of neutraliza tion. This declaration increases the probabilities of, the assemblage of the Conference. " " " " " ' "' ' THE LATEST. "" , ' - Bj Telegraph from London to Southampton. , London, May 9. A despatch from Berlin says that the Chamber of Deputies ! has Tinani uibusly granted the supplies for placing the army nrvMi a war footing. , The s last advices from Italy state that the French garrison would remain at Rome and pro bably be re-inforced. i ... The steamer Prince "Albert arrived at Galway on the 4th. . The Loudou Herald's Paris correspondent says that the - camp at Ghalons will number 40,000 under Marshal McMahon, and will be the centre of an army ot observation along the Rhine fron tier; the whole force to consist of 90,000 men, under the command of the Emperor. A Turin despatch says the insurrection is spreading throughout he island of Sicily, and is spontaneous. The Eoyal troops arc in possession of the towns, and are blockaded between the sea and the in sureetion in the interior. Advices from Naples to the 4th, report tran quility throughout Sicily, while other despatches confirm the above report from Turin. Rumors were current that the relations between Russia and Turkey were again assuming a bad aspect, and that Prussia and Denmark were on the eve of'a rupture with IIo!stein bat they were thought to be manufactured for speculative purposes. ! Congress. Washington, D. C, May22, 18G0. , Senate Yesterday, the Territorial Resolutions j were debated The House passed a resolution. requiring the concurrence or the bennte, to; ad journ sine die on the ISth June next. Also, the bill increasing the pay of the Navy. Foreign. QuEBtc, My 22, lSGtL Tho Anglo Saxon brings Iaverpool dates to the 10th hist. Her news is uninteresting. Cotton Sales for the previous two days reach ed 18,000 bales. The market was generally un changed. Trices for breadstufis were easier but quotations unchanged. Provisions dull. Pro duce market generally unchanged. Consols closed at PriJaOoJ. From lTasliington. Wasuixotox, 'May IS The United States government having receiv ed the Japanese embassy as envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary, the highest diplo mating office known to our government, it became incumbent on them to make the first calls on the forciga ministers resident in Washington, but re stricted this courtesy to those only representing powers which have treaties with Japan, namely: The Netherlands, Great Uritain, Ruia and France. They concluded their calls to-day, Bar on Stockl being the last in the scries. There, is at present, however, no French minister in Wash ington. During the proceedings of Congress this after- coon much excitement prevailed, especially among the republican members of the House, concerning the events transpiring at Chicago. Ercry fresh telegraphic dispatch served ; to increase the com motion. The presidential nomination occasioned much surprise, and was not at once credited. It b stated that the first intelligence on the subject reached tho capitol in a dispatch from Mr. Has kins to Mr. Ponglas, ! Tnfi DirrtatSCE. A country girl recently asked a city acquaintance to go with her to pur chase some articles," and to act as spokeswoman. They entered a store, and the city girl asked," Have you any hose V M F don,t want hose," said the country maiden,1 I want stockings." The Putsicax. Here is a tribute, well de served, to a profession to which society owes a vast debt : - - uiQ c'ss ot men in the regular-dii charge -of duty incur damrer mere frpnuontl tfcan thn'Unr,- est phpsican. There is no type of. malinast nunu :c lain to Leeoaie aciituiPt ted ; no hospital so crowded with contagion thit he dare not walk freely through its wards. ' Ilis familiar fnend of those who are sinking under in fectious disease j and he never shriEkTfrom the horror of observing it under all its aspects. He must do so with equanimity as he inhales the poi soned atmosphere, he must coolly reflect oa tie medicine which. may mitigate the sufferings thit he cannot remedy. Nay, after death has ensued, he must ftirph with his dissecting knife, for its bidden cause, if so by multiplying his own perils ha may discover some alleviations for the afEic-tic-a of others. ' And why is thisf Because the physician is indifferent to death ? . Because he is steeled and hardened arairst th " n ; c cause fte Oaipises or pretends to despite it? Bv nnmaanm 1 . : . k t : I . . J "'y a c-piai DCiinesi to value life ; to cheriih the' least anunaJ,1 ptkI,. i - t the habit of carina for tha liv of r.,v. is lar from leading hira to an habitual indI2er- encetohiSQWQ. The T,Lvs:raar .Ktiri rra ,r.' ger but such as the glory cf his profession coin, mands him to defy." It U eircn out that Mr. TTrirla P-,, . " - - - ' JJ pacLicicg oa a spceca Ciaeinaaa is the "jETawhurg of Ancria,-aai the JeafropoU-cf tha "West. - ; ' - "i f r. . - . . i now re : . - m FViyettevillo Hnt'5!- .1 V. ii Grtt i . ; i . . ; . UPS or W U H - cr ? f all the latest .'v . - proved sty::: r Silk;4- BEAID liV V- - -CLOTH, CAE"?!""" ''. - 1 L.t.atfcC . Also a very fine r": " :". tG- Tha attention ff the 7n?? ti il e p. seruy Is mvitea tottus si-:-', . t ply of Uadrrsi4IlATS, f:rc:rtsr-, on hand. - . - 1 sir JL Jka. iiiSi Cx , st arr &, vi i l lia:::c , ARE NOW RECEIVING TflEIP. SPRINq SUPPLIES, cvilraci:; a tc?y lrje t':i cf St ap l o and 3? a n"c v II A TS, B ONSETS, LL O OVERS, B Q G IS, SHOES, Keady-Iiladc Clotliin UMBRELLAS, PABASOLS With a larjre varietv of XOTIOXS, to -aL-ch tie attention of who!cMile buyer i respectful'y fo'.ic'.tf A. Sbceting3, of various Lracd, alvrnyg ca tsr.u, i-wj for sale at market prices. J. li. .iits. tahlo-tf J. M. T.'am . . ATIi ANTIC IIOVGZZ. ncaufort, .1. C TEXDEH i P1GE, Proprietors. rIS LARGE AND "COMMODIOUS ESTALI.-IT-ment is bow open for the reception c f visitor?. Tne House it located iu the Uiot elirit-Ie and j '. . - i :. : situation for a ninuier Report in Eastern Nortli t'r. .i na, being- inttnediatclr la fro-jt cf the inlet froci tie AUaatic Ocean, with not the lcM obstacle to oLct.re tic view either of" Old Occon," Core .SouuJ, Ii.-j--e Sound, or the Town of Dcufvrt. Aa fine FISHING GKOU.ND a the IlarLor srJi I immediately in front of the colorades which urroi;vi the Southern and Western portion of the bcilJi::.-, to the boarders the opportunity of acj'.in w.;.;. ui exposure to the san,thile setcd ander the cc'.oru--. -i cr from their chamber viaiow i if they prefer, t Hoa-c is situated immediately over the water. The beautiful and varied views, presented to tl.e visitors, from ths location, are Alone worth a tr.sl t f tlm e$Ublishment. The objevt of the Proprietor La beea to rtrn3er this the tnot-t attractive rvort Nc rili or South nature and climate taring been raon b-t -ca-tiful to this favored pot leavics but Lttle to art la improve. The Proprietors Lave added to ibe cstsblliLr.-.f i.t B-ATIIINti HOUSES. sufficiently large to swim in. and so sitnated that i-;L can be taken at any hour, for the accommodation tf ladies and gentlemen, . who triah to indeige ia tii pleasant and healthy patimc. - To invalias, bitbir. -in salt water i undoubtedly condecive to the Le!:'.. Should person prefer it. they en batbe ia the octsn serf or sound. inimeliati-Iy conti-ons to the" Iljiu-e. . Wc have a STEAMBOAT thit will alwnys Y e i.v rcadiness to convey pa.cerirers from Morehcd City," the tertmoua of tU A A N C llailrod. lo Ibe Atlan tic Hoa.ie, making alo daily excursions about the Harbor. - " A good Hand of 31usic has been seenrrd f c r the senson. . TENDER & PAG E, Iprirtcr , T. A. GltANGOl, S-upsriKter.dttd. . niujlO-tlS A. C. EVANS Co., WHOLESALE DRU Km w O 21S JFcarf a OFFER FOR SALE IX QUANTITinS to fz'.t t! trade, a Comprehensive Stock cf Ge cuiceX'rt; and Medicines, Chemicals, rain;. Vamifbes. cf - i'; ranted quality," for R. It. Coaebc, Crrivr i. Pain la and Colors, Oils, Larrpj, J.'acLiaery, "Lz'z .'rr Kerosene best make at Factory Price, (cki-h) . : and Tanner's. Window Cl.-tsa. French sud Amcr.ca rcrfumcry.of fine qualities 5"be!-t la-. ported Ftr.z. '. ogne," and variety of Fancy Coed?. '. C.Tc'. sccr-, vina Cigars tc. i c., 4c. Particular attention given to Mercantile Irr;i. V.-. ' ieines andsupplies,vis : Casti'e Faci!y,andiar5c.-5. Indigo, '-best Spanish Float," led gr-od Cctrtre re .-1 50c.) Camphor, Pearl Starch, Salaratu. acd .'cii'.zg Soda I j and ti papers, Rock and Powdered IVj.o in Cans, Concentrated Lye, Crea ra Tartar, Ccckl: r Fi trats, Lemon, VaniUa, Orange, Pine Ar jle, It., f;r I e Creams. Cakes, Dlnnk taacpe, Ices Ac- All pc-::!i: Patent Medicines, and Domestic Remedies, ' ia cr ;? form" of pood qualities, Opodildoc, E.5erccs Te"r mint, Cinnamon, Jtc, Castor and Olive Oil. :-- sites. Pepper Sauce,&cr, and DISTILLERS CABINET GLUES ALSO. Wines and Brandy, for Medical and Cookitt $cs, from $150 to S3 00 per gal, Lemon Syrcp. Cc and Coopers Gelatine, tc. tdT" We buy exclasivelr fcr CASH, and til! it:':e very lowest PRICES, choice Gvoia oa the cs ztl crti it ofCmes. for approve piper. New York, tnh 5 win - U. 7 SHIP, 'BREAD A X D CRACKER 33 AK-RTT .SODA CRACKERS. "Butter - da Sajjr do Boston do Water ; do - Lemon do All orJir ylxh h$ r.: PU- iVdkwtf WINE EISUiT 'Milk da Al-crr.ct! t d ? Arrcwroo't Jo rior rpr, Tin: J.rr i Nary C -t rro?.-.: I'r exec. A : , " - - L I X E' O F -. . '. n o r-j " ' ARE all in (jcvoJ order ani rnniii- - rc-.'ir'T. Patrons Of this Line KJT rr'-r r?.n rr-!' .:'. tinUon. (fc:3-dlwtf) "ORRELL L DAILEV. BSLS. Xo. 3 mac:;:::::;l, 15 da. No. 1 MULLETS, ia c;k V .- 25 do. IIERRINil. Kcrs:. r aprS-dawtf EE!'!;":!; ' ,t 5 L A rroTisIcnil Provi:!; t t - t f -: 10 f-rr rW 25 2C0 icr.:: ; i , ALT Frier, rxrrr?. rr ! :; CiflS-ciwlT o-t ' era..: T 3 y v-' -,..

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