-WEEKLY COURIER. ARCH'D. T. B-STKIS. . . 'EDITOR AXD PROPRIETOR. . n oSJa SATURDAY MORNING JUNE 2., 1 MM aMa '--POIl GOVERNOR, . : JOHN TV. ELLIS, ' r - J- OP ROWAN COUNTY.. ':. . t . JOB THE SENATE, muvcaiv shaw. 7 The following compliment to our distin guished townsman, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, we clip from out cc temporary the Washington DU- paten. This gentleman having. Completed his Spring Circuit, retires from the Bench and returns to the Bar. During hi short sereice on the Bench, he has won for himself all over the State, what he already had secured in his own county whore best known, the esteem and confidence of all, I for his personal and official purity, his amiable character, his gentlemanly, deportment, his in i telligence and useful talents, and his unswerving integrity. "We regret the necessity for his retir ing ; because we had looked with pleasure and conndence to him, tor a bright, uxefal and long career of judicial service,! which we believed would be alike honorable to himself and the Bench, and valuable to the State. Judges Cald well and shepherd though men of different men tal and moral calibre, possessed in an eminent de gree qualifications which few iosess for that un portant office. Strict, unbending personal integ rity, the very highest estimate of the solemnity and responsibility . of the cCice, a nico and just reuse oi me saucuiy 01 an oa:n, an inaenuaDie horror of the crime of oeriurv or any compromise mu M4 mUj jl m jLt . I of personal inteentv iu a witness or any one else. FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT and whouy above the reach or temptations to olh ciai corrnpuon, are in our estimation me very highest qualifications for a Judee. These we believe, both of those worthy men possessed ; hence we regard their retirement from the Bench, as a great public loss Hon. C. C. Clay, Jr., will please accept our thanks for valuable public documents. : , i. , i , : The Editors. of-the Turboro' Jvvtry,!are about to undertake nhe publication of a biograph ical sketch of the life aud biatory of the Corps Editorial of North Carolina, j ' , 1 The Biography of each Editor, together with would make capital out of the discussion which illustrations, will be compiled and put up in book is an argument to show that as Ion; as the pro- ing State and National afiairsj ducts of slave labor constitute the principal : ' - wealth of Xorth Carolina the proposition should ; The Haverhill Publisher trives au uccouut of net be brought up In the State.'" Tke RaUigk . . - . . .. . ? P u R7istr. ihtciirai oraa th rw.;.-.v. nnri nf a steam shoe factory in that place, for sewing the j . j r j -------- J I . . " Si 7 r. o i y o .- I 1 rr i i roa the nocsE of commons, , C. G. WRIGHT, i il, COFFIELD, J. S. HARRINGTON. FOE'SnERirOP CUMBERLAND COUNTY, '-V FRANK N. ROBERTS, i . oa th btat at large : ALFRED M. SCALES, of Rockingham. ED. GR4-IUM HAYWOOD, of Wake. . ; , . y! .- ' ; msTaicTs : ' 1 Jst District, JOHX W. MOORE, of Hertford. WM. B. RODMAN, of Beau Tort. WM. A. ALLEN, of Doplin. IIENRY W. MILLER, of Wcke. J. R. McLEAN, of Gnilford. T. W. KEEN, of Rockingham. J. A. FOX, of iletklcnburg. JOUN A. DICKSON, of Unrkc. cccCCCfet!J- 4th 5th' th Tth , 8th M It : . "w u . tThe Standard knows 'that the Abolitionists Carolina January 21, I860 seaines and pegging shoes. The machinery wall Trrrl-Yixt a cm-ill f5vo lirtrwo tiiirf f Amrlnn T r EXPLOSION OF THE STEAMER KATE ' IZ " 7r '. V , mS '" SZZAZ . - , McLAURIN. . I , . . . . y , . Iv The Captain and three of the Or KllleJ. U CU"i' rM"Z a"d shar"13 be Tho Steamer Kate McLaurin of Orrell and j Thee arc then parsed to the story above, !tv-i .t- 1. t a t-i i i ii- where; the Phocs are lasted, and the outer mles Daileys Line, uhicn left Wilmington .for this I ' ; i place, collapsed her flues at Little Sugar Loaf . ' . 1 . , -v 1. -1 T-tr.t-.i. v for reiox. Ihe pexsin machines are simple aooub eigut m iiin oeiow Xiuzao.-ntown, oeiween 3 and four o'clock on Tuesday morning: last, killing Captain William T. Evans, her Com man der, and two free negroes named Charles Jenkins and John Henry Hayes, and a negro man named Charles. Bcebee, belonging to 3Icssrs. D. & W. TWnTjinrin nf ihta nlarw. Tho Rfp-nnrr A. P. Hurt was dischar- freight about tweintv vards WOod f thc refluIiX J WtJth' an J ucat,J 't .i. :ij r i e j .- y, j coil one hundred feet ia leiujtii nuuvc .lie 111-ia.Lcu oi:auer, -uu : eti inigu iu sa J , Cj?"The Clurlottc linUcnn U to be cularc 1 pegging. I tie pegging machines are simp in their construction and mode of operation, but perforin the .work with goat dispatch and accu racy, drivinthe pogi at the rate of fourteen a second thc inach factures the f'Ogs f.r its own u.-e DEMOCRATIC MEETING IN BLADEN, showed him his teeth b6$quattedt thou-h he was ; THE-lriCIlATIC" PARTY . V COUNTr. jnightyiiA just before he found his man. , " We'calf . the attention " of o'or readers to the . According to previous notice, a majority of th? It is not the Carolinian' or its politics the people article below which we clip from the u Was ; j- Democratsof WhiU's Creek district met at Clirks- of Fayetteville want to put down, St is its present tm City Evenxny Advocate." It is an exctlnt yille, on Saturday, the 26th inst. The' meeting editor, whom they think wants common sense, article and well worthy a carefal perusal : i - was organ. u oy caiiing ivegisier to ie anu w itome nis arrogance, ana to teacn mm to . -PUA,,T1,'B1 ti . ... . I , . i . . ' . . . .1 THE DEMOCIiATIO ,JPAlt- x. Viiair, anu appointing x.utus Kegister secretary. J ocnave him sell as an American gentleman. And - ! CZ 2 L, .. The chairman explained the object of the meet- all this reform will be for the good of the Demo- To one who believes in a superintending Provi- ing. It was moved that the chairman appoint a cratic party. His appeal to the Scotch will be LdenCe ,D hum" 9?m thBeT as unsuccessful as it is contemptible. The Scotch Via-4V r" v Vi committee of fire to prepare business for the meet ing. The chairman then appointed the follow ing gentlemen via t John H. Clark, Dr. A. K. McDonald, J. C. Clark, H. J. Carter, J. A Mc- Coiloch. The committee reported as follows : Whereas, Without Conventions,"- ill chance don't fancy their degenerate sous. . - SCOTCH DEMOCRAT. ; I Ju?e If, 18C0. , SLAVERY-HOW IT1S PROTECTED. CTateful and instructive contemDlation. That it r was the design of Heara in the aetilesrat cf this continent by the European race, ssyi tl? Democratic Standard, to check the prepress cf tyranny, in the establishment of a free aad popu lar government which should ailord a borne and - We- like eaceedinedr to call thiols br their for Unity and rartV-aCtion WOUld be lost, for theT rmht ntnu Tf an rmr U rt finer in nmlnA afford the only and best means bf asccrtanirig the I currency errors m7 circuit more or less I an asylum to the oppressed and the needy cf all views and consisting the wishes of all portions of let it be pointed but and proscribed, and in a f nations, where every one might be plentifully fed uc , ' .,;".-. , spirit, too, which may.maicuto mat we greatly aQd clothed, and enjoy . the privilege of wprshjp- KrMilcea. 1 hat we" approve 01 the holding of- nrefer trnth tn f-il;rhrtod rf frauds " " . n . .. . j"r the County'ConvcntionPfn Elizabethtown, on" the T ?icta7 to known on the que h P' ' d f first Saturday m June, to nominate a suiuble per- tion of slavery, and on the subject of protecting where Done. Jare molat r Iaake bun afraid, can, slave property by Congress, here or elsewhere, at this time, with our past history and our pres we propone to devote a few unequivocal words to ent circumstances before us, scarcely admit a ra the matter.. We declare, then, explicitly, that, tional doubt. ' unenul Josn inhInMrfu nf th Anterior to our assuming the position of an in ... a country ; aud mat. luasmujn as we son to run as a candidate to represent us in thc House of Commons at the next Legislature of North Carolina. ..' Iiesolvcdy That the chairman apoint ten dele gates from this district to represent us in that con- f, ; ,, ' L O Iera tLe parLlcLr;, When we left, tea k e -.-.reined, Thlca tre r. v. u appear, it 15 it prove interesting', it will 1 row's issue, Mr. .'Jones is a Trcll-knou man, ard this is tie fLtt c LT : . heard cf 111 I ..r- cr ' -1 ; thccb tz 1. 1 I' -: ' ': ' r frrc It h-'l-t'j-:-'. ?'t3 1'. clf ta tis E-llcr::!.-:, trl cr;;. a full hrrrt: ztlzz. . . 1 a c death of the HON. w::.c. rr.z::c it yesUriay, cf the IIc3- Sfi'M-zi C ' "1 2 . too, at the resides rs cf LU irc:L:r, J. J. 2 ; I "7 ' -- . severe and rafrw-ririrae frri C, . .. . : v . 1. t n,, . . . v ... t ' his trials with a cheerful ofiLe A!htJ, and luU cf the rich t?t characters and laws only, and preparatory to that event arose ul Christian. He 9 th ? t ; i ; : -: r : " -uty of the the Democratic nartr of this eountrv. That Z1!?1' ? Vin' T f-:. vention. The chariman appointed the following jrcntle- such races in the United States, with men as delegates to the County Convention via : palpably defined, it is the obvious d D. R. Perry, F. Shaw, Howes J. Cartcjr,' James provided H consUntly b existence, shaping rer being membeV cf the Cg Johnston, S. B. Perry, Dr. A.K. McDoKald, WL ,r;cin n tli wdiiA mn th l-W nf th u,v and moulding the institutions of this country and I United States then sitae- in that elr- liam BLickman, John II. CUrk, Jphn;-it Rack- 8Ud by putting the latter in subjccJon to the originating and directing the public measures by tacr was the only child cf Ota. Joy, John A.' .Mctulloch, Ihos, W. laultsby; dn'd" on motion,. the" Chairman jind "Secretary were added to the list. ' , .' Jictoi 'ced. 'That the proceedings of this iaoctin; be published in the Wilmington Journal and thc fayetteville Carolinian. On motion, thc meeting adjourned. . , J. M. REGISTER, Chn. Ri fus Reo'ister, Sec'y. , former. We therefore beliCTe that American I which, in ttim mun. rhtvAT nf Trrmprifv t r I slavery ! is a philanthropic institution ; that it is -n;l h.. n,r.l ' btle of Kirg a Mc . . 4, Ti . . I It is that its opponents sometimes, aud possibly I ent ar that3Ir individual protection; through this agency alone its fricnd fc others, have caused the party to early youth with our city and :e can we maintain them. The attempt to enforce take different names, but the fundamental prin entered as a student of the tou:h the opposite or free negro system would bring on ciplcs with which it originally set out, have been g graauatea wua c j :i i. u:- m i i I . : ' . . I &t thare of eighteen. lie the iniippfi I if i ur II nil i :r a - a. j y i. y y y - r- ;r.;M Ini S tY unorm-7 -n-n-oea na -BS-unM Irom lDe J8 dent of the eminent William Wirt. ir.j r i'J.ZZi Civ.- De ii, wno com man a ea tne American ivrevs -.: t uctiru. i Her rv -.- r r- , enrv. ueua c:f a: Preston has been iic-Lt:ci : r ini;; . r.tt:. a ia i : 1 at the ace of eighteen. He then tvc: & - ItiV. ! For the Courier. . ' Richmond, Va., May 2Gth 1SC0. Editor of the Courier: Having been about some to-day and seen how the city is built an irrepressible conflict 1VI U S a IVUUIlt DIlllU VUUIU CIIU IU UlU I . a . . . uttr nnnihibtion of th inf.nr noo Th hbrk of RevoluUon down to the present.day ;. j : are not informed of one nrincinle for which the I rone, where he' was the co u hiij wuuiii to nut luiviiui laic, auu ifc l i i ' . 1Tr, k .i...-.i : : .v-I VK; f 7 v. : I Albton. ashmirton Irvm? and In: -a L- - We j and left his cface for an extended t ur j: nsntiin r.f v - . Returned in 1S16, he scx-n married .ML-? C. daughter of David Coaker, Eq., f: i ;e r. : condition of slavery. We therefore believe that tained bv the Democratic oartv. nor of one crin- i .... - I r- suvcrT IK 111st. I . ? 1 . ... .1 f, - Now let us advance one step farther. If it is P 7 - lumba. In IO, Lereturned toe t:i5i and the innumerable interests nro-ressinranidlv. just, under what law is it maintained? We " " " C14CVfc miuea wine car.a a !D i: ia l . .r,. FlL. .J.lr.t ... tl X n V mi 1 (Kaaa . aI. a MJn.MIhilalita nAniA ilia vifj -1 I 1 i r I " ' . ct i Dure no laiin in mc power oi humanity to maxe I "i",u M uuimcu, uu i v.. .. nt i . . . J I , ..... j loon f; ro;a . t presume inev are not uouDteu or senoualy ones- i iUUl,i "v . -w..x v may be in neeo:. Uoned bv an v. the eone uaion which follow, ia. . V.w "Vr " r have no faith that individuals, or thc nation. ... .... ' jeare since ana he leaves neitner v well cultivated land-acm. as well as theinnume- in other Words, will ever be able to protect the .7 . ,K w cuy drea. 1Ie scrTed our city as -May. r-.I.U m.n.Mn.;,, ,i, ,. l;.- .u Lt. Drro ran-, if the latter are loft in freedom to "creu to hy Uie dominant partyof the country, Sutemth w.w mmmabv iw uuw ssmw a.u a i y t vy aavjov i i . , . I . " I.. t y i . a .y. . I m K a aiam . 1 . tk. I f Afrma anrl y-vTT v-c ti rfx.-f hn i 9 n t tn.i c busy and producUve machinery is civin" bread ,.eie I0. 8UDSllilDfe n ie le wnites. - w 4 luc cuc . 7". --; . " V iirouuMTe uwciiinery is givin0 oreaa experiment has been tried with the Indians: ral manamcnt of th .ffkl of th n.t nr reer m his profession, until he chang to thousands, and an impulse to business litUe 4nd it , n( theni from thrM m;iliofi. to r, : v. . high and honorable dktinction cf Unlui - vtuiwiauii lusiuuuuuji wlu wc a&lc. me VJulOQ 10. irk i. - .1.- Think of it, one firm giving employment to leu. them vastly more degraded than it found " . F Z. V Pw becanio I'resident cf the bouth Can i.La C . . . . - - I . 1 B -1.1 . . 1 J 1 , -c . r. . 1 . r " : your numerous reaJers. rrom the nc-rtico of ,r t.:.i 1- : i j . - uui luaiiTL ji iiiaiik.iiii iiivu iuay ill uu. the Capital a person has a splendid view of a I We b tn aancreu 10 Dy tne dominant partyot the country, State m the LejrisUture, re-elected 1 m I in the adoption of its measures and in the eene- I terms, and pursued a brilliant a That experiment has been tried with the Indians: ral management cf the affairs of the nation, our reer 10 Lis profession, unul he chzvztrd it t. ? t dreamedoff by the sober denixens of Fayetteville about three hundred thousand persons. It has . r ,', , . I Senator. After his retirement from th I . ..I J . . . I ..,. : TV' l 1 1 r. . Onc?cf tho most curious operatkus'of eI6ht Weired liands, and thU -is but one amongst cm; . can it be said that the government l"J - uu lu, u,.e u,,. c : "?l!T?Mj!H the mamr that are rescuin, th. South from th h". fM to the ti ' " as sion merits the more confidence from the conside- cy and the highest success, uat.l f.reed ly ' nuivmi, uwuu- - o ne? Mted SpfforL tu mnrove Ihp r tond t on nnd nn tK.t tK fif w res' siauon. r A strin'of odmm that has heretofore been cast upon her in clcvatc thjm ; thc gculc of civli;xation. lt has j . J, u ,, . "tuck of paralysis incapacitated 11 . y 1 . 1 ii vau v aE u icom.u j t iud v a. 1 pcts iciiun us nil 11 v 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 rr .1 been Vatchful of their interests, liberal n the , r . . . , ; rf 1 auues, out ne naa sumcienuy rt she and her crew sustained very little damage. :The Captain of tho Steamer Hurt saw two or and otherwise improved on 1st three objects in the air shortly after thc explosion, and thinks they must have been the' lifeless bodies and Jenkins. for their bodies, as the water was all over the low regard to her manufacturing industry. This is the most favorable poiut for.building bestowal of bounties; it has dignified them with uiv a manufacturing interest that there is on the the name and character of nationalities; it has . ... eutire Atlantic coat. S.uith of Maion and r cr n..r. v Tt. ' 4 -i f 1 1 f. ' f 1 ' 1 i i it 111 . . i C.il rt-cuve-ii-J ta revi' to emov i.:e. 11 ins time tor a period ot more than eiehtv vears.1 !iw !i.tprt ;n nnr rite t.- .v ! and found to work welL The matter is, there- I steady concern in the welfare of car c k'z soiij;lit to elevate their humanity bv every means fore,- no longer to be viewed as an experiment, evinced in his liberal appropnat.un ct . - . . 1 - v 1 September uetL lYixov? Linr, railways diverge in olmi-t every .1 . and device of lesrislation. These efforts as ble iibary to the Athenxum, of which Le - is t: iavfl r- -m1Y ot k- .V uie uoary 10 me ai suited in siirnal failure at every roiut. We re- r.v. n ' 1. hrst, and continued, its only iTesident.- -5 t 1 I , ' . rt-t rt .1. . I .. 1HUMIHig lUIUi VI LUICllUUCUk .. I 1 I'V V.. V TtMimm.irp.1 ir, 1? i vn vn direction., ine canal penetrates the Icoal and ter to these historical events in proof of the prin- , . .. . . ncwjuipiiiuuicu iron regions of Western Va. As I trod the Capi- ciple that t is impossible to maintain two un- or f 7 W "er it as such, for lude to the rare gift of eWeuce w of .Cptri- eou,,er,h.r,bHr!on of . 7317X3 TmTu TS -i -k.-ib-1-ii it, d predict "rtk un.jWto.' Lcrci As the Cicero cf tl sioa iocs auiTEea i grounds wjiere they are supposed to have fallen. masthead, the nrme of Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson The fireman, a negro boy named Chester, the of New York, for President, property oflMaj. John T. Gilmore, was seriously I ; injured. Others of the crew were slightly in Ren-tc:.ent Requests Thc renowned T-pc lured. M- - , J . ' i " Founder, L. Johnson, who died recently in Phil The Pilot had the wheel which moves the dlphiaf luudo the following charimble bcfucb I ? . 1 i y y . . . rudder blown out of his hands. He sustained no 1 U1' Iroviae'1 Ulat rcaI CUl1 I-ena estate shall exceed 5240,000 one year after his death : To the Printers Bcncvoleut Association, L . . " the OKI Dominion had played in the history :nd::(lllau.i1J4t the truih of tha i .":.. . ' v:. halls of legislaUoo, as well as those c f j W The rilur Of We,Itm hn hninttni in lU f J ,1,A . i- " .7 -i . . r.Z . . V. v piug oi v;a .JrtT,f4 C,,,a T V! ,U V , . . I vvi u T. uu "UU vaeh UIT k IUC 1 CCI. I milfnT fln lnrr.1CMl Trunin IHA TiMSt inrM I .1 . . ... . 1 -K"-" " i.itj - . . . . . .... ..... ' I ' I " - i - I in.m m f rriw t annmhtinn tw-I nnt nw...An I - ., ... v j . r .1 ' . L i . . , .AM....S. A . . A .. i . . 9 l i uiiMuunruiiu utrr iAiunuii.1. auu i lJ t : ' w.i . oiucue o io riiacr I uuaricra ui a tvuiui j nuui a icn uunuiru uivu- i , , , : . . 7 nf the 22nd of Februarv wnd to about lour millions ot persons. m- - wc I f ewuic, uu uc peruaie eiu-jucu.e . CJ-assembled thousand V . , ' Be the earnest patriotism of Hamilton, and th i i: j - . .i buiiu iuruc vi loiDouu. were unueu wua i.ie 'cr -injury.., -;' . j -j Cantain Hurt bv his manlv exertions eucceded in savimr several of thc hands from a watery I $100 American Sunday School Union, $0000; "I TT- -f ... and beheld" the Eqvcstru of his country, inavgrat 1858, amid thc plaudits of Virginians chivalric sons, while on thc South bnse stands a life hizc statue of the eleetric Orator Henry, when he gave utterance! to the memora ble words " give me liberty or give mc death, " on his left stands a statue of Muon, and still further to the leiton the East stands in a thougt- ful I.M n (hVniii'li fh, inlrvrntlon nf (,nnn-i,s ? IT.is I Tl . " i n e . " . : i -. me wnicrsiDu suicsnien to wnom we reier i : j i ? .in -.-- t Wn t.v State rnrtn:rn;. ? 1v neither, it i - . . ' . . ius anu learum-oi tjarr-er, in uieir en jH3 lor perfectly evident. It has been through the W "ejiot lound m Ureat IJntain only where anU- weal. His social qualities were of the i, .v, rest which individuals have had in the labor of Plhy and doubt as to our success formerly were order, and his conversational poweos rui.y the bLak rate. That Lbor h:is been given to most confidently proclaimed, but in the other pow- ever xjualled. the master; and the duty of protcctiou has been erful and enlightened nations of -nwdern times. . 11 ? has Pff taronSh life l(h m!:ier-t d devolved all the while uioU the ma-ster. It U n,:. r;. tinction, and his death has been that of a wcrr: . i a u0 -wMmaaK-A a as ivt vii.u vlauivu yvuy.ci aaiuif an t l a- i i. i v t - t.y . .V- ,r .t.- Url -t- ..I .1 . . .!.. ...... VUU1U iWCi.ll VLMIUVU wu m. . - i i i iNBiiiirp. ill v MiaiiiM mil iii inn mi triiipr a n i wnA in Aa-A?r w r a n w n a m ocrrt riis ir vrt.-v itnv- WW l . V I I I llll III I IB It'llL HMHIH'IU I Hill Jl I Ii II I I TWi TVn I I T Sl l 1 lua ft a a Aaa. m. k aiimi an a 1 k . . M. . . WW 1 trrar'A. lli flid a within nowrr tn leppn rrift I , , a...-. . , .i.:.i. 1 c?.:i. .l. . wuuuc imku va mic uioiiuuuuuu uim uc unec- wrr. lie Iitp th rume rf a n-. n a -.-. . x r i it ii m-ii . i oiaiesman. i nomas aicnerson. noumir in dm uiui Mcn. curueuuwo io . . ... - ... " I . . : . . r" " ' Kate from sinking but the largest hawsers with V -Liome lor r nenaiess nuaren,w,vw on-l..J ,, ,ri. : m.j , . intrP.-lL and there is nothing Uh of Lirirv. V- "ty Of our people Will remain unchanged : and Ueman, and a Christian. t7Hwa -'t. fun a o - . . - . i i ii.liiii a i ii i in war i 1 1 - i i m in rn anni w 1-i - i- - - i.. , which he fastened her to his boat were not suffi- 8Jlvan, Institute for the Blind, 1,000; Deaf and .. . . t, .... , ' ' "I appeal to Mr. Toombs, who is a planter, to bear that the landmarks originally kid down.and now lau f tay l i m rtnra . w - w -- v va . . -. i t . 4 . - n - a . a. . - ciently strong. She drifted several miles down ".-yjr. . , - trt . , umouy u.. one ueorgi. is so long esUWished, wiU be breserved and adher- ' ' IAUIU14B.UlWWr.UU..UIVW ll - M A U 1 MJ I l 1 A . .11 I . J Z . . 1 . 1 .. , .,l. , , - , cu w ia ui wuuuz uuie. ii w a u wuunm uu I thev shonld thru rkuira thir nnininn nf rim V is mam- I r - into atoms; her hull is also badly damaged. from Tennessee, ran awy together from Wiltnin- h:atnre ne nr -rt,w ,i i;Mu tained exclusively by individual interest. tnus tari we have not been swayed by that tick : w a ii iwi a I'm . -a i va v a vvuiiii a amud a i i av-if iillid iilii i . i .... Captain Evans was a clever irentleman. who bv b100.' eanay- I he telegraph was . ' : - . ' . hat folly and madness, then, is this blind Iencsa which has scaled thethortrlived fate of all " ' , I Tint in rnnniiiti.n l...t tSn nAiA 1 . 1 T. I iu l m V lb uas li-U 111 HUUULIII' CVCrV 1 . l "1 .1 . O f a rr i j i i" i i - i f " i " i' i ntit. uia inu;uciun; i - -- v i ic.n uow f Jk ii i ui vi'vi tn mc .-. iuic ij lorec upo ?--"-jr -muo ru5c.0 Tiu- the j , arreitel. The vounir Imlv i vm thtn that has i vi tt: ,i j I . . . y . jor uimsen aueuviauio lejm-iiuu. .us buuucu nan Jsome,.and her p.irents arc very wealthy. A and untimely death is greatly deplored. . y Day Book. . ' The Kate JleLaurm was built in Lower Jray- This is a mistake. Thc youthful ccuole eloped - . m a i ' a) the river where if is supposed she would lodge in young lnan of n:m)e1 Cox; hau;ng from lover of historic remniisccnccs, it affords a wide the experience and obscrvaUon of every a cove. The upper work of the boat was blown I Georeia, and a young" lady of 14. named Watkins. I finU f- r,-,l .t;- w c,l i;ti .v holder to bear ua witness, that Liverv ia . " a r mw . Ml mm Mm IX W a uu Hv. u UltMilvUi U 3UU (ku llaalO LUC I " ' T f - etteville, jnnder the supervision of R. M. Orrell, for Jlessrs Orrell and Dailey, and was one of the from Wilmington, Del. The you!g man was attending the Military best and most handsomely finished boats upon the School at Wilmington, and the young lady was a Cape Fear. She was valued at between 58,000 PnP" ur. UnmshaW s School, at the same place. and 9,000. ': i . At the time of the explosion she had on a cargo worth between fifteen hundred and two thousand dollars.' ' ' : 'Y Taix Paiczs to the estate SIJIPLE MODE OF ASCERTAINING INTEREST. The Detroit Advertiser gives a new recti:! c computing interest on any camber cf J:'.!rs, i six ner cent, which ntvjir sinir,! . . . . I r 1 .vr. ui,l V UUIUVO. auu V T w UIVU .UC A. 1CULI1 kJ9- 1 . T "1.1 1 f .. ranini ti r.ioi-.iin nit, .i . ..i.?.. I " " i ncmrsu! int n"ni nnn r -!it- n a r t - - 'tuv"-u,j .w vn.ai -uu maun; luc connirj me intmcniion oi v,.nress 10 pro- I ,,ki:- v... k r, i I c c - i the human race: study more and imitate closer tect slavery ? Who is it that seeks to confer!: . ... f ara the figure on the left hand of this ser-r-:!r thc heroic virtues of our fathers in sur countries jurisdiction upon that body over a subject of this , , c nuea upon -t irvst in cents for six d: early Of eens in resrai inf. o - .vv, -uv. uu.viwi vi oi- .... , , ... I j v-r ; ji .. I " j " - - are safe. ' : i I . . . - so separaie me ngoi nana enures ci ie c .. . .. whether they be cents cr mills in tie given 5 : 1 7. a Mwt-!. 1 tn.11 are 10 lorce Aiuericau hiavery iuio legislation 1 i'l"v'i'a tluuc rocaa 1 -,,- ftn t,p -,-:,t i.f th r.vrt ' . ' r. - -1 nitrt iu ilimT U 11 Ihd (riMni U df lh SuMith I lh( il IfUi lAlkn J I -w to 6e gnU tecuag ordmppo.Dtmeot hostile n.joritv ! HM bJirida.! -..fc. tf n, - . .r J V. "n. .am t J two : a KO me umcaco nominations, consider- inicresi ana pmecuou i-iieu 1 nas oiavery, as a 1 , - . 1 autiy uays, luree iur ninety cav., ixc. 1 cr tr. it. Un-.i ;.tf M-,k-f wise instituuon. intended to protect an inferior ,wo8 M " ,uoen' w ese, oar mnen mve BnmUf U, i!,,n .Ir ,v. t-.- f-- - U v.r 3 .. I " J ' " - - . crs.At a sale of negroes belonging port by right minded and sober men. What the f8; 80 lo6t Pwcr' that U WQ U uPhdd t? Tit j 1 -c i-t? 'I -n -n j ... 1. .1 I by Longress ft . uCCeu, in irsnsilB xeui.nicT will QO IS lO DC aevciopCQ in Uie IU- Tn-.vin! 4ntirw,t iN hflirt Innc-i f r it . -tf t . i f . 1, . I . 1 - . . .... . . . . 1 . . .0 wuvjr, . t.,oBuio xiu insu, uie louowmg tare, cnqneism, is suji rampant, but whether it slavery. A hundicd thousand people, in our prices were obtained. , will racceed in its designs time alone can tell, judgment, taken from Massachusetts and put Man 29 years old. SUCo : do. 28 rears old. I trust the Vat inn 1 TUninr -;? hofi upon a cotton soil and in a cotton climate, would 1ST The Fayetteville Cadets, Capt. Wm. An derson. Celebrated their fourth Anniversarv on I Tnot sound.1) 1.230: do 2Cf. vcars old. SI. 525 : tho r.eon!e ' . , ,. ' I i " ' I , J0th May, by target exercnie and dinner at Ualc Oirl lb years old, being an average of thc gift'of the people, and thus roll back the Spring. In the forenoon an election of officers J 51,481 "o each. to serve for one year, -was held. Capt. Ander son declining to serve any farther, the following Officers were elelected : ; ' J. ; '. CapL Isaac Jessnp; 1st Lieutenant, J. Tf. Hol .lingsworth; 2d. do., B. E. Sedbcrry; 3dJ W. T. CampbeU ; Ensign,' OrT. Haigh, Jr ; O. 8., J. Kendriclc; 2d Serg't, R. James; Cd., P. Rose; '4th j J. Maulteby ; 5tH:, Wm.'. Tliomas ; Secreta aud Treasurer W:,T." Campbell. , f " ."!'',. The following is the result of the target ex- ercise: Best average 2d';'V :5d i V. Rose, .5 7-12" Best single shot, by Capt Jcssup,. . J inch 2d do do " do ,s da Y A 3d best, - - - 1 jl "' ' No, liails'fired at target- ' - 54 . r ' ; ' ; . --Entered-: ;42' ! 1 t( Thejprize, .a handsome silver goblet, was pre sented to Capt. Jessup by Mr. Benjamin Robin son in a few appropriate remarks. -., ' , I endangered The Norfolk Dag Book says that Porthmouth al Dcmocracv will nhec before ui" soil and in a cotton climate, would w" 7, IQK m 01 1DB exntm on al Democracy will place before J it did not exi.t ; and any like . f the 29th by the report that three f wifi for the burliest office in . , -,:' I . v.j v .r - Vrr - iiuiiilkt iroiu Auuauii auu .'iiM."iij.'i, mas 1 iivub uu vwa mot vj iir. l. . aiones, tne ferrel tn Riill nnd r.llm.ifp -nrbefp sl.ivc lalnr i I Xf..n- r...lu.. xT v 1 rrt. ... .. 1 " 1 viMv yau. iici tuuic iiiy aru. lue laciS. as tide of Bntish policy that has been sweeping not profitable; would abolish if if it existed. L-.tii r n, ' ..Tt-: i. down one barrier after another, until tho very I Why, then is lit sought to protect slavery where I . , ,, J " 1 . . . .....! or liiik mom n ira u in inarm 11 can never exist, any more man 10 pronioit it ' . where it can never be prohibited ? It can never appears that Mr. Le Roy Teed, a young be prohibited in this country, by the legislation man well known in Portsmouth, had been dis- of Congress, where it is profitable ; and we hold charged from the Caulker's Department by Mr. it to be just as clear, that ;,t can never bo main- Jone8 who had fc- by Mr. Peedof tained where it is not profitable. ' "(:iw .We care not a fig under what language a man auscharging him on political grounds. Since that Pnv nffi oi T- Sfn- x ir..rn r I Vw . - 7 . . i 01 mn irL'iicnu:ua itiay uu-guide n:s parpoeed u 1 x tw icjwtucuij mu upeaiy aTOW- x uai. vyiiicc -1, Aijou owre, xaanover ix., 1 Democratic tarty to sustain him in a neunuirri M and appointed Robert V. Lyon Post Master. w,y. and prevent a destrucUon. which hi own sUverv. he is an enemv to the South, and the tv .j .u.. r . v- . . aii I. , . ' "". I c... r-..- ii--wi -iioui uanug nacucu tiiraes, oe The Democrats of Orange county have nomi- mProuco rapidly bringing on him. His u.cu,,--ouuW ch had consulted with hU friends no longer thaai id Messrs. CODQUCl eincc "me into this commanity is by Amalgamation as it is Dkxadkd Beau- yesterday evening, on thetJroorietv of tretUni? out . 1 . .. . IT T1. O . I - O CONDITION OF THE TREASURY. The receipts into the Treasurry last week, were S1,1S1,000 an increase over the sum on hand tne previous wceic ot ooo,uvu,.; ine amount subject to draft Ls S7, 26,000. existence of the States as a National compact is Yours Truly, Iaoo. For the Courier. Mr. Banks : The man of thp P.-imlmlan of The Post Master General has established a Leatordav maA At .ru aMM t,w e'shotly Capt: Jcsup;21 inches! nat . Pride Jones fcr the Senate, and M , ' '- j0 7 ' 4 John, W. .Norwood and m. F. Strowd, f u''w .p T?L' . Commons. .. Or not. ni is ii Tery wen, out a simpler r,u sr.rrtt way remarks the PhlLidelphia Ls-Jjrr. Is t 1 . i 1 , number of days of interest desired. serart:-tl right hand fisrure and dividing by six : tie r-. :' -.l-A " . . t ' t , 1 of days at six per cent. This nil a in n Kimr.lc nn.l -j t 5 . ?.- - all bnsin v.it tl-.at. Mvrr Tls-.I-.-r TV. -V.-- .' V.I V.U U , Vi V i Jfc. CU aiU .-C. Ik ' . . L - . - and use. There being no such thl- z S a f.- tion- in it, there is scarcely any llil ilay to err:r or mistake, by no other aritlrz:: -r.! pr;: : s c:.a the desired' information be cl twitted tt; figures. ' :.u - for the . North Carolina bond "are last quoted in' New1 York at 07,.. " ' I " r. A New Gold Field. a b-.a-t ion in any man to come into a" press nas longiound a suojectot retaiuUonin the Btartbt least, at iity and by the Undnos. of a few. .f0? ched condition of so- J J ' . . ciety at the North, against the insidious and se- iUJYr wnen ne ti irgo of a press, and then before docuve villanics that occur, Ume without number, Mr. Jones onabe s EC 1 - CSr'W''-hear from private source that the recent stonns Tit . raJn'ahd .wind Have done enrcat A monument Ls" to be erected at Columbia, S. C, in hoDor of W C Preston. Tlie Savannah Eijtress ,says it has yet to see 10 first paper in Georgia which lias placed the ri ii i yy u.e.TVt ua .Jiicrai iis uie ueau 01 us and faU in the third Congressional district, and column. . . . , - effect no more the general welfare of Democracy Roebeuy. U c learn that Mr. John McDon-1 l"an the whistle of a steam engine.. If our suc- no means to be admired. It is certainly very I tt and Blackness at Home. The Southern great presumption in any man to come into a Press has Iongtound a subject of retaliation in the strange community persons, get charge no is warm in bis nest, arrogate to himself not in the sweet and sunny South. Nature has en only to be the leader, but the dictator of thc ereat I dowed all h nman kind with the nature the dis-I nr)f )n nmvn Von 11a. & . . ' I penny-weichts. waLsfouni, edJ vra ! - . . Democratic party, and presume to Udl that party j i C ; J70 f Ffme desperate. Des- j th me in.ihe . though no regukr search Las Lcciir-:, ..-t that its nolitical aueew ArunAm n th f-' "ewony ige iduw.wjt. anea joi- 1 - . , . - - I ranging in vaiue trod nve to en r : 1. ,- -r iu i.v 1 f ..... - v ... iii 1 Biame. ana l'eea nn tw- nh 1 1 1 . . - . . ..I " ' "ui iui 1 X uui n a utu at wuii fVUUK I 7 vn ii n vi c i uucSUr UiCae UT) I . 820 he receives : what KtnfT ! what lmnnn ! I . - . T. . .. J . b . - i-kjr j.itc4 ut. tho first Daoer in Geor-a which lias nbteed th . r, 1 " iaay irom tne orth came to tms cny the vie- snou 'eea received- JkbaLUn one of. his knees. - - - , . - .. I v -jr. ' "-" l BUCU u,eu .u,a7 tim or this indecent love, fche applied where r Jones was then seen runW -,;- every where !; but not to reveal her fdiame. At jjjm . - . ,3; ; - - last abo eutcred the alms ho-e the Poor House, "" . . " , " ' ' ' ''' ' ' we call it. Wei have too much respect for our . A Wltness uwd the report of a pistol previous, readers to give farther Darticubrs. -1 UadcchdJ testified that Peed was limping at the time iraicoru; On yesterday the unh:ppy mother he entered the street. Jones did not run verv J!..l Ci. . r . iii . t 11 - - J the-fall of rim-was so crcaf as'to"' remove several row's Hotel, was rebbed of about $050 on the ZZIjL- ' T 7 ZTa" " ' I" ZLV vul A We far he the atreet before he wheeled tridcesTo-e jf which was from over the Creek ff thc24Ih on that . ? 1. . . . . ' . ' ' - ' oT v, L nni:r;-" ITT in the direcUon of Peed. , -v. : , r - - - - , 1 nigni ieavini? that amount m his pantaloons noc- MUC " a teace warrant to reatnin PmJ an1 ar. - . -.. v vv . - . trtJn0wl im .M.v:.- e precious meiai, Picei up ayor GrJce, and lady, passed Pioneer Mills, Cal ;arrus Iv..-.'- v atreet. Mr. Jones then went I showu us. It may be seen at cur c w.ei r i n f. . . ha J . . j ... .. . . niiri T Tn a c nAA 4 t 1 - - . .- miuuj. j.vn fio auu rccu. cuue bozetner. na I cui" uit . .. i....,i t.. . n a --. a . ar-. -ii xi 1 - ,'' -i .1 1 . 1 , . - "r: " aamage me u neat ana Lorn crops oxnainam lel, of Jones county, who has been in town cess depends on such flinty thin-s I would most and JUoore. - in scportions- those Oounties some days with a drove of horses, stopping at Car- devoutly pray the political gods for a speedy de- xtw ijms. Trade with Jafan. ? U. Gallagher, assxiate of Jchn Ar.-.-ni, Jr Co., Kanagawhs, Japan, is in Wss hie pieting amEjcnenti for strt:r a I... . .... ships from New York ia the J.- -t:: ' . first ship will prctal ly leave ia a .J tt t c.ls known as Tic- Crcelc-and oaeovcx :Beax Creek. times past we did look to the Car- one.. .Northern journals might enter into the sick- .'A "teTera ning details, with that Ketct-furtiUhinn pirit 11 w 8nPPed j that this ras the shot which u j . a. j. . I . : - .t . . .. tu bau lmx wjlui.. next ujrr;in p-. avmrprpd I uuuuu tm wo omii oi ouriiuiT in uim nrimiw i , . . i r i i . . . . ii.ii.:- - o '.T'j .. , . . . - ? . ". which enaractenxes the press of New York. The x ececi in uio breast of Junes Eroyn. . a a-w la - virvwi..-. v n-ii -.--t" r...v,- -7-. o . j 11 o i iKu u. v vu mm soflainea some 1 tnax nis moncv was rone. . eufrmcion rested n 1 ihn ;t .a -,?f . 1 j : . . . : r : - 1 little damage from the overflow, and that they man who had been stopping at the Hotel some UiVed mn -h- AlA 1 . 1 k , it 1 , A w Jy 'n tne i oor nappenea to bo near, and who ia not likely to . , N A .': ii-.i- :l . . J Lv .-j iJ .f.. :v. -T.i-. tteni who dl1 "ot-ruo around the couotry House Kami Grounds mrl worth thMiaanda up- anrvir it nu -v.. . - ? i ii -I . . i 1 look in- nn rrrtiu IWivini r V.;a.-i on thousands, buried bv tna anthoririAn nf an mt I - . MiB P1' c' lad to suspend operations for a few dnys. recently, tut was refused ly tl.: y ;r It, was wet, ca the rrc-r, i t; nijse the handirr;uz(7 : i L:',:r was said to have tcz,t ii. ing his bilL ; The aupposed robber called himseli ty Park erYrVarieiies a'tlraetccr a. very lar?e I C. T. Howell, and hailed from. And appreciative auiienco.at Iarmers' Hall Lust Teai 114111(5 13 10 e -1. .- -" ' t . .3 ? 1 1 is from Tennessee. . He is said mgnt. xne ainerens acxs announcea m.i,ne jnro- '. , , , , r, vt. i ' u ' .. - ...iL. - , . . neighborhood ofiPrymouth, and several have cone gramma werejall cfcreditahrjr panned.. f A -m pur3it of hii The last accounts, they were Prs$. fr-xir-ST ."'- irrv idaj, and that he on the street when in the discharge of their duty, -' - ' . ed on the ear . - . , 7 - to, reside, in the DOr fight sham duels forthe amusement of the JP'rt' 'FfRyESCE. An Indian" being . T i . .i:., ui ' tO, We may .refer -to the ' Conamunication signed " A Sootch-Democrat editorially on to xsorrow or pe'xt"day.--ir --z;' I - : ; - ... We .give the particulars-as they come to us. ,. Washington JuirpatcJ Some author Ulla ua that 14 much it said about the tonjTie." True, the thing it everybody's mouth I - . Banh ot Hczzli Cjlzz Mceting: of tie Stcc Lhc!i;. leigh, on te;scc: J T',---- 1 The Town, Hall was crowded to.its utmost ca- j of the mcr:th. vii3 1.:. vu. .i asau x,ngnsnman s taoie at Stuart, expressed his tituuin . iiciluit wfin nil v 1 1 i num inartTpn ia m i .... . . ..... ' J i gnmn.se. bv loinl nrolimaf i.-rw nniwiniT-u rid I MCltV thisr Tnnrnm 1.. I r .1. v.. pabho journal of swindling a eommunity, (a de- quantity of froth ooze out of a bottle of portcrVai rived, and his office - would have been crowded mal of which has never been ; made), and of soon as the cork was drown, Being- asked what too, bnt it was closed and no outsiders admitted leaving between two suns. I. do not think he is wrpnsed him, he replied; ....... ' . . . . 8BU 00 ae admKtwJ very dangerous or has much fondness for powder t -t "U ? ? rTTT -ocntered- whea it carries weihtrfor I leam yW u r ir. .vw-tM". wuuJT.tue"--JOueeicoQ. T - :; u00r own open r v - ; 1 mve to squeeze it aU wT" , , ; Ithe crowd rushed in, aad thi r:: ItETrRxrn.' ed state leakic -3 . fte;::r.cr 1' i l.-is l.-ur - Eliha Jenkias, a 2"