AD VALOREM . TAXATION. . fVre Tp'aAfi.n will T1VJls stndV tie followm - J 7 J aw ar all fmm Onnonrinn npwpnilDCrB ana Orr V.. , r .4KK . 'tors. ',.fj -i . " r ; -t ; " " '." ' . . ; -. WHAT IT MEANS. "'. Wesliall soon hare a just and cqnal system cf taxation upon all property. BJeSh Ecgister, -KMr Pool declared that the effec t of ad valorem gaer&IJy 'wauiu uot locreatw At the proposea coang taxed, . una tntu cctp ' .v. " -I- r tha state witaout .inereasms A-. Lt L-LiK rK LtiS W F MB , VU 1 ' -wtrcia tax truces v : ' ' ' KeworU. Market. . . New Yoax, May 31, 18C0. v Tjotton drooping : aalca of 700 bale at Ili a 11 cents per lb. for middling Uplands.". Flour ad van- ! cioar : Southern $5 80 a $6 25 per bbL Wheat active.- Corn firm, and all qualities slightly ad vanced ; mixed 62 a 62 1-2 r cents per bushel. Am - M . W . a a. A . ' fcnmu lurpenune d all at i-j a 45 1-2 cents per gallon. Rosin firm" at f 1 58 per bbL for Com mon, luce quiet . Railroad Depot Curat. Philadelphia, Mat 29. The Camden and Auaboy IUilrwad depot at Bordentown, New Jar- At (lie solicitation of a number of mj mends, who bare desired mo to become a candidate- I hereby declare my self as a candidate for reflection ' as Sheriff in the county of Bladen. Although lately railed into office. I beliere that my course has been each to my friends as to demand tha approbation of the citizens of the court,, and lean only promise that, should yon see proper to elect me to that office, everything tbntl can do shall be done to give tbe people confidence and I satit taction; . raa30-dta BFITZRANDOLPH. ; "Squire, what is the meaning or I J. Um tVl'DUFFm, dealer is DRYGOODS, GROCERIES, Cfv" Ami the Standard. m rpj Jartrttai iniumiJ jurawen, ih jrara ej, wh u u u u crocs uua noromg. lOfCO of an- At the request many inenda. 1 airain nouDee m jaelf a Candidate for tbe Office ot Sheriff, of Cam- bcxlind ConntT. Tbankfu ; A. We. that ad valor mean that neirroca .DmtM aod ten cars wer deatroxred with th hniL .lo n lUow . cUiieBJ-. ' Tr liberal aopport .J.r. . ' j , r.!iwi . TV,;- I - . Heretofore glTea me, abould tbey arala , elect me to gnau d j 7;: j ..r , i;tl- Ti, ainS- f . : - - - lb Office, I can enl7 proml.e as before to discharge t 1H I m Hvn, n itu WUBk aU 11 1 k T I U1HT DOSSES! all alon" that ad ; calorevi, coavcrtcu 'sion, into Tie Stump clerk in tbe New York Wt office toiiowimr, in toe looKtepa or Tostraaster Fowler. is abo a defaulter. J lie, however, stole but 82000. whiJe Fowler go 145,000. American shoes. Proverb Sherry-cobblers mend no MAERIED. I TJntrllab. meant 'according to vae and ad val- Arrat taxation rirxpljr lb Uxig of taxes upon aU property, ickctker megrt, tt. or nmythtrng mrnffton' Herald. ""There ls also a lanreamcrautofVirmiure, plate, 'earriajres and bunes, wagons, carts and farming " uut -----, ;t 1 p At the re.idenca ofU bride's f-ther, on Wednes- rnttSeV at "HlKTePU w uiae up i a.- vanins' tha SOth Inat- hr thm R T. n;rkh.A iYT v " i.L .(il. rti i it. 1 . rl .. ' , . . . v . . -t 7' 4n-aegae wwm ux.uie ctaie, me twuo wi i nr. juti uAibbi, o miss fTC eld- "fCh I have tib means of ascertaining, hut uKch j est daughter, of Peter P., Johnson; Esq., all of this Near Terebinth, on Thoradaj, 24tb of May, by 0. W. Wheeler: Esq., Mr. Wna. B. Warrick, formerly of Sampson, to alias France, daughter orCapt. William Uaria. - . . - Observer and Raleigh Papers please copy. In Wilmington, on the 23d insL, by the Rev John S Lonff, Mr W J COKBETT, to Miss HELEN" V. LAO, of FayetteviL'e. -c . . v . , i UMa vnDKui,,Mr. vau i &-i o.-iou.-i ou, lu .M ISM ;nmnateonly in tavor oi me nauve pruuucuj pi.rvniivnnni.r. ri.nohurnfUr Jmn w.h. . . , . 1 ... - 1'it' ?aT I . ' of the State and the industrial pursuits oi iue ciu- all, all of Johnson co. maj3-dwte HECTOR McXEILL. Weeklj paper Copy till election. x We arc Authorized, ana reoueated to announce Silas W. Douglas, as a dem ocratic Candidate, to represent me counties oi uumucrland and Harnett, in the House of Common, of the next Legislature. mnj24-dwie Carolinian copy -te icviuit enter nio ic f y - i under ihe ad raJomtQttem of taxation. Ralph tTiW?. we have stated what we understood of the West on ad yalorem j that ia, that every specie of property is to be tax ed according to its value, not onlj land and ne eroes, but horses, cows sheep and hogs, leaving it Zith the Legislature in framing a revenue law, to j J A 1-3 IJble cut Ilerrlnar t 1U 6 Uhdi ew Crop MULASfciKd. Just received and Tor Sale by J R XcDL'FFIE, . 4 i-aw4w No 5, CJreen St. the position whicb be had taken in the Jast, ana the position which he will maintain in the West. With Mr". Pool, ad valorem is preciesly the same thin in the East as it is in the V est. Green boro' Patriot. "Mr. Turner, of Orange, moved to take the vote on Ad Valorem, offering an amendment against taxing sucb small matters as tin cups, plates, &c. " The amevdment teas rejected J" Proceedings of tde Opposition State Coucention,from tlu. liaeigh Jleguier. . , , -nrirsT Tint TVTAVTQTQ TTTTVTT ClV IT Abolitionists tcoald make capital out of the -discussion vsktch Vie ad valorem, proposition would excite, and if they could do so now or at ann time, 'it is an argument lo tlww that as long as the pro- duets of slave labor custitiUe the principal vcealth - . . . .of Kortk Carolina, the proposition stotua not oe . brought up m the iSlaU . ilaleigh Itegister, J an. 'J21st I860. WAKE COUNTT ADDRESS OX AD VAL0IIE31. , ,.t. " i r "i a . v jj :n..,. La LI J Id a q ion of the " Irrcuressxile Conflict '. which ever prists between Freedom and Slavery!" " It has the same general effect as Helper's Impending Crisis !!" 2, aJ tonal (Abolibon) Lra. " The Greensboro' Patriot publishes it with approbation.'.' And ao the Irrepressible Coo- Hict goes on. - nan jora Aoouiwny Mrrw. Tb'is Address is now adopted by the Know Nothing party of this SaU. aid has been published En all their leading papers. What's the difference between a good soldier -and a fashionable young htdj? " Happy, thrice happy may they be. Never have caused to grieve or sign Live a life of righteousness, . And reign at last supremely hich. Raleigh Sptof the Age, and Press please copy. DIED Hardaway Bone was hung at Dallas, (Jaton Co., N. C, on Friday last, for the murder . of James 'Cornelius in Catawba County. He " died and made no sign," in fact he said nothing at all before .they hung hjm. "3Iaink DsMoaiicrrs The 3Iaine Democratic '.State fosrveatMsi wili aaeelat Portland on the 28th of June next Candidates for Governor and State -officers will be nominated ' ' In the vicinity of this place, afttr a long and pro- traded illness, on the morning of tbe 31st., Mr. JAMES B. FERGUSON, in tbe 32nd year of hi age. He was for maav years a consistent member of the Presbyterian Cbnrch, and' died with the Lope of blissful immortality. . - . . j At the residence of his mother, on Toesday, the )7tk insU, at La tirange, TennM JANti WBIUUT azed 27 years : yonngest child of Rev. Tbomaa and Mary H. Wright, ronnerlj of Wilmington, Ii V, i In this town, oa the 31st May, JOIIX TAVLOR, roangest son of John S-, and Ann Eliza OankJ, aged riar, 3 moaths, and 17 days. : t " When Christ who is oar life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory." The funeral will take place at' the residence of Mr Philemon Taylor, this evening at 6 o'clock. ! In Cam'erlaud Co.. on the 18th of May. after a long and protracted illness, Mr. ANGUS McRAK, in the 57th year of his age. . . . In thi coiint, on the 10th"of May.' HARDY AIT OrSTL'S, on of John and Caroline Williams, nged : years. Il uiootas ana jo aays. i Thou wert so like a form of light, ; - j That heaven beningly called thee hence, I Ere yet the world could breathe one light j . O'er thy sweet coaatenaoce ; I And thoa that brighter home to bless, ! Art passed.' with all thy loveliness, i Town papers please copy. 1 I la Washington city, on Friday the 35tb last, Mrs ALTONA F. CaMKROX, wife of John Wilder Canter I MciiDEtt. We learn that tbe Rev. John E 'Chambers,- a local Preacher of tbe MetboJ'-st iCbixcb, in Montgomery county, was murdered near bis own Wuse on Wednesday afternoon " the .23d iBaTbost su-dotrn. Ills horse having ar rived at bosjB-,L8pieioa wasexcited, search made, and about 11 o'clock at night the body was found in a'crcek near by. It appeared that ke had been shot m the side, apparently with a pistol, making but a slight wound, when be either fell ffor was dragged off his horse and his head bea ten with a stoue till he was dead. . The body was tthea d laced LQ ft HACK iUsViJ t9msi) fr (Va ra r Suspicion having been excited against two of his negro men, they were arrested aad allege that .the murder was commited by a' rmaaway' negro, with their knowledge, hvwevex. Mr. Chambers was between 50 and 60 years of "e1) "au ui jamuy, aaa audi res pec tee. , ; -i . ' j . FaydiciUe .Observer - "v,.. ai iiwti uotunLauoas are eaued a Kangaroo ticket," becanse it is strongest in its TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ! From Havana. .- : ' Chableston, May 28th. The steam -r Cahawba, from Havana and Key West, has arrived with dates to the 25th. Sugar was dull and the market depressed, and prices tending downward. "Muscovado unchanged fles: at 6 a 8J rials; fair refining qualitfes 7 J mis. Molasses was in:bat little inquiry tad Price, were weak y Clayed 3 a 31 rials; Mnsco. .vado nncged. Exchange on London 111 Premiumr 'Freights to the State, bad sbghtly deebned. c z . . , . XT : r - . ' '' -w -uBLEANg, Mar 28lh 1 1 ' - rm W .tves ?aybr. fvota Havana .rived. yT- t ;- on, Eq . formerly of Fayetteville, and second dangb- ter of tbe late Western K Gales, of Raleigh. At Elizabethtewn, on Tuesday morning, 2"?d inst of coret'irn of tbe lonen, CHARLES SPOTTE.S- WOOD JAIT, a native of Haddington, Scotland, aged 23 rears. L i SPECIAL NOTICES The ChaJmaa of the Executive Committees of the Democratic party for the different eonnties in the State, who have already been appointed, or who may bereailer be designated, will please forward their names and place of residence to the undersigned, at Raleigh, X. C. j .!...- ED. GRAHAM HAYWOOD, - Chm'n Ex. Com. of Dem. party of N. C. CO HI H1ERCIAL. j. FAYETTEVILLE MARKET.! Carefully corrected by Pcnbc r ton at Sloan, saLtsati Gsocsas avn commission mbrcbasts 12 12 42 25 18 55 on The 'steamer the 24th hasP Japanese Embassy. , ' Washington. Mav 0l, i y t S" AriniltTiral Society has presented the Japane Embassy with a hundred kinds of American cereals, with' instructions 'about their culture. -They haye also-presented a silver dal to each ef the three Princes with their rel speveames engrad in Japanese pharacteV. lne Dnncinal ahni:r.' . . 7 ox ine Embassadors . nd endeavorinff to i - . r '4 ii , - -7 u insientuito rmr iueinoaa of manufactured 1 The r- y?W?mhj. 29th. tne benate was on; n a 'fflonof thetHoumas bilt - - : JZ rrr w racmc Iroad bill was fooA tended and re-committed. . ' ' ' ----- Nnl,o:. 77. r WAT 31st. C3' :as t traisacteJ on 1ACO.V 5ANDLES . Sperm, Adamaatine, fallow, JOFFEE Rio, Lagaira, Java. C0TT0.V Fair, Middling Ordinary COTN BAGGING Canny, 16 18 Dtindte, 1720. Burlaps, Otili ' COT'N VARNS - " Nos. 4 to 10, $1.00rSL05 DOMESTIC GOODS "t Br. Sheetings, 8S) 8 Osnabarrs, lOjrll- KEATUERS 4.5fe30i FISH Mackerel "bl, $9.00 12 14 15 15J16 19 (2)20 10J10 8lf (5 9 Shad lb, FLOUR Family, " ' Super. . Fine, ' ! l Cross, GRRALV Cora, , Wheat, Oats, Peas, Bye, II IDES Iry, 1 1 Green, ' IRON-': Swedes, . American, English, ; LARD LEAD - $7.O0rSi0.00 . 6.750.00 6.50(6.50 0.006.35 ,$1.151.20 M01.15 500 00 '1.25 ,121 1.15 1.35 14 8 1 4 FaycrrrTU.a, June, 1, MOLASSES Cuba, 29 31 N. Orleans, 50 55 NAlLii ' $4.500.00 0ILS- Sperm, 0.002.00 Linseed, 0.001.0O Tanner's, 70S0 POTATOES Irijby ; 1:001.25 Sweet, ' 0060 POULTRV Chickens, 15 25 Ducks, ' 00 '00 Turkeys, 00 fa 00 S.U.T (per sack) Liverpool, 1.250.00 Aldmperb, ' 00 30 SEED . ' , Flax Seed,' ,1.051.15 Clover, per lb, 12 15 SHOT . Common bag,2.000005 Buck, i 2.2ir2.2 SPIRITS-- 4 . , I"h Brandy, 1.251.50 NC Apple, : 0 35 Northern, ' f75 00' NC Whisky, ,55 65 : Northern do, 35 35 , SUGAR-.. ; Loaf, 4 . .. 13 13 Crushed,, r 12 (r.S Porto Rico, ,.10ftlb N Orleans, 81 Si TALLOW t 1000. - TURPENTINE... YellowDip, 0.00210 Virgin, , , ; 0.002.25 Scrape, 0.00 11.0 Spts per'eall, -3700 WHITE Lead I per pittnd 9 10 - WINDOW G LASS 0X0, : 2.002.20 00X 00 j 2.232.500 - WOOL - 20' 21 . 6 ft 0 . 12113 BifA 9 BEEF (dressed) 5 10 On foot, "00 fOO ! . REVIEW OT THE FAYETTEVILLE MARKET., ' Cotton Sales small lots'hare "been made at, 10 cents for best grade for monaf.cturing here. ' '! -. Flour There has beea a moderate supply arri ving, and our market has not ruled so firm, note a de cline of 25c; V bTe1 4. grades.?"!-' I'l 3 5 I 'J ' -. jSpta Ttirpt-We note still farther .decline, with sa!2s oa Tburaday at 3Sic ' Bacon-Oat market Is well supjaed, and deal era Ho seem disposed to by at present prices Errant Wilson & Bro., Icnportors, of & Deaters IN Wines, Liquors & Jlarana Segar?, 1 JTo. 12, Ilau St. RESPECTFTJLLT invite the attention of Retailers, and Bar Keepers in renersi. to their extensive Stock of. . WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, FANCY BOTTLED LIQUORS, fc SEGARS which, for excellency of quality and cheapness of price, cannot oe surpassed by any other House in the bpecial attention is Invited to their Pure GERMAN IVINE VINEGAR. an article not known in tbe South, mid when once tried, no Dealer, nor private family will du without. ! ALSO, Bet RHINE WINES for Table ue. First ouhHit ERRANT, WILSON, k Rao a. SARDINES. At m;iy7-dwiti-lin No. 12, llav St. gOAP, Starch and Candles. For sale by W II CARVER. QOTTO.V Tarns and Sheetings. For Sale by W JI CARVER. WELL Buckets, Well and Raft Rone. For Sale by . ., W II CARVER. FRESH Cove. Side by .Orsters, Hermetically Sealed. For W II CARVER. rjOWDER, Shot, and Cap. For Snlc br W II CARVER. QUOAR Buckets; Bal Boxes, and For Sale by Market B.iket. W U CARVER. Lare Sleeves ; PANTS, LARGE LEGS ; ents Donblo and Single Breasted. My Stock is now complete and ready ror inspection by all those- who may vish well made and neat fitting gar .ncnts. Call and make roar selections before the Stock is picked over. tuch a crowd id front of Woodicard'sV -lis Has Just Received his SPRING STOCK, ana i svppesethry are tnHAtng tAexr setcctxonsl" VVTWr ANT)1 f rOTTO!" 'T'fllS season the style of Coat is Doa- v v "17 A . b!e and Sinple RUEASTED, with j 1 O. O GreCtt SI, , . Mh-6wlj,dlw FAYETTEVILLE, K. C. SHIP, BREAD - AND CRA CKER : BAKER Y. POLLOCK STREET NtwiKBjr, a. c. SODA CRACKERS. WIXE BLSBCIT- Butter do Milk . do Sogar . do Abernethj do Boston do Arrowroot do Water do . , PILOT BREAD. Lemon do Fine Navy do Navy do EQr AH o -den with the money promptly execut t eU. 21 diwtr J. S. RANKS, AgcuL W. II. CARVER, DEALER IN DRV GOODS, Grrocdrios,' a nd I?ro visions, ITTILL always keep a good Stock ' of Seasonable f f Goods or hand, top. 11 cheap for casll, or ex- ft fja.- a-?.i ' Vt" J m CATALOGUE OF DIFFERENT TA-. R1ETIES. ClaCX Cloth Coatl, Single and Double Breasted. Silk Mixture 8ulti. Caaslmere Salts. French Dr. d'Zte, Imiution Dr. d'Ete. Black Alpacca Frocks and Sacks. i Tweedi ia SuiU. . Cottonade ia Suits. Linen Frock and Sacks. Linen Dusters, five different varieties. ' Black Doeskin Pants. Extra supply of Fancy Cassimeres. ,. Drap d'E'te, French Ribbed. White Drillincr. j Navy Duck and Marseilles. A supply of Youth's Ca.simere Suiu. Also, pant fur Boys, from 7 to 14 years 1 J, VESTS of every style and va rieties for the Season. Special attention is called to a NEW NEAREST AND Q V1CKEST R 0 UTU . ' TO THE THROUGH TIGKETS TO VELtO.'.': Holmes ARonnsovs FoiT.-nor.?:: STAGE LLNE TO KXX AN S V ILLK, Tia WAR SAW is the shortest and rsost cxpeiiliius route for travelers going North or South. Leaving Fs-r-etterille every day at 2 o clock, P. IT. THR O UGH IX rry HO urs: The traveling public Tho wouli stcdv tbe;r comfort Stage -and convenience will tale the War tn'hT-: change for Produce at Cash prices H iy .St., Fayetteville, N C. Apr20-dawtf Ii. xP'V luMl7tthlM Orj -Goods, Groceries, Boots Shoes, Market before thl season. Extra sop- - ' .. ' ply of Gauie, Flannel aad Merjno finUh WATS. Ar &t Person-street, Fayetteville, A. C A CHOICE LOT OF FAMILY O COCK HIES, seen as BEEF, BITTEE, CHEESE, Ilf COXSTASTLV OS UAXO. - prl3-dtf Under Shirts. A large supply of Fancy Neck Ties. Collars, Suspenders, Hosiery, Trunks, j aiises and Carpet Bags. All tbe above roods will be sold low for Cash, or on time to all those who pay their Bills when pre sented. I P. 8. Don't forget that my FRENCH TAILOR is ready, to make up at any time Clothing for any Gen tlemen who wish to have them made to order. Call at any time at the OXE TRICE CLOTHING STORE and leave your measure and your orders will be fil lea and satisfaction guarantied. tkiTJTla rket Sqtutre, Two Doors below Hins dale's Druir Store. I DCIED HAVING removed to Florida, I have left r.j p-r ?ri With Messrs. Wm. McL. McKay and IlecVr llul- lina, Attorneys at Law, who will attend to all "n:r ca se ia the Courts of North Carolina, v here I Lava been employed. My clients will please call cn then. March 2-dtf JAMES BANKS. mm mm vwHE subscribers are receiriD a larc St otk cfGoo Is ia their line, consisting of Gizocrnms, Hardware and Cutlerv, Faming Utensils, Tnrpcctise Tcclie SADDLERY, WHirS, kc, Embracing almost every article kept in a Stock cf tbig kind, and will make it to the interest of merctar.ts. and all others purchasing to give .them a call. The above Goods will be offered low for cash, exchanged for Country produce, or soli en short ti:e to prcu:: paying customers. . j PEMBERTON k SLOAN. apr5-dawtf - ' A. J. WOODWAUD. Aprl0-diw2u i860 SRRINQ 18e0. JAr.lES PIRGGON, Piano Forte and Tltisic Store, No. C NORTH FRONT STREET, ILMIXGTOS, K. CABOLtXA. general assortment of all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Sheet Music, and every article in the Mumc hue. Piano. Fortes tuned and repaired and old Pianos takeu in exchange. fe23-Iif LA AttjS A X S TJViX ESt M H IKE S 171 I T is now receiving at tbe , Fayetteville Hat Store t'o. S Green Street, ms SPRING STOCK! consisting of AU THE LATEST AND MOST AP PROVED STYLES 0F Silk, QOFFEE Mills and Cotton Cards. For Sale bv W II CARVER. DICE. Sugar, Coffee and Molasses. I W For Sale by W II CARVER. ORN, Peas, Meal, and Flour. For Sale by W H CAUVER, LEA ly PERRINS Worcestershire Sauce. For sale So. 14 Hay Street: in it. 1 VERY CHOICE STOCK OF BLACK AND FANCY XX Silk Drtss Goods, Black and Fancy Brocaded Silks, Black and Fancy Bayadere Silks: beautiful Plaid Silks : Summer Silks : Ch allies. Bareges, Pop- lias; DeUagea, Ducals, Poil DeChever, Grenadeens, Mous de Cbene, Organdies, Lawns, Britlants, Cham- brays, Ginghams, Lawns; French, English, and Amer ican Prints, Dimiti.s, Bird's Eve. Diaper; Table Lin ens and Napkins, Marseilles and Woolen Toilet ; Ta ble, Bed, and Piano Coven : Irikh Linen, Sheeting ana Pillow Casing. Bleached Muslins, Jkc. Lace Points: Mantels, Dusters, of every description. White Crape SIiawU, Ac JJrcfcs Trim mi rip:, Every variety ad style. - Jsconcts, Tarlatans, Nainsook, India Mull, Book and Swiss Muslins, Bishop and Victoria Lawns, Ac. Collars and Cndenleeve. Edging, Lace, Flouncing. Embroidered Bands, Infant Waists, Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Mourning Collars and Setts; Em broidered and Embossed Curtains ; Tidies, Lace Vails, Inserting RevteriBg, Ac . Paraioln: Showerettes, San Shades, Fans, Umbrellas, Ac. Zephyr and Shetland Wools ; Embroidered Slippers; Ottomans and Cushions; Em broidered Chenilles ; Gold, Silver, Steel aud Glass Beads; Canvass, Cross Stitch Needles; Patterns; Work partly commenced ; Marking Cotton, Ac LadiaV Muses' and Children's Hosiery, Mitts, Lisle Thread, Silk and Alexandres Kid Gloves. Certha, ILace Capes ; Bid and White Mantel Lace Bonnets, Rashes, French Artificials. Florence -and Book Linings, Ribbons, Flats, Ac. ' HOOP SKIETS- Bell of the South Ac . 4 Tjravelin Satchels ; Work Bdxes, Boanet Boxes. Ladle' Engine French Trarcllngr With Ecaatlful Compartments, Secret Drawer AND BAND DOX. AU the above GOODS are of the latest style aod cheap, and pronounced by competent judges to be one or the most complete stock of ; DRY GOODS in the State. " - . Ladles are very respectfully Invited to tall soon and secure good bargains. uizoiiuLi i;nArAA, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C April 37 Fur, BRAID HATS . CLOTH, CASSIMERE, AND Seamless Caps, &c. i Alo a very fine selection of Youths and CH1LDRENS FANCY HATS? CAPS. The attention of the Trade and the public generally is invited to this stock, B3k. A large sup ply of Wool and Braid II ATS, for Servants, always o hand.. - . I mhl5-aawtf IV E W SPRINGGOODS. 4 LEX. JOIIXSO.V, Jr., has received in part. XV and in t'.Milr receiving a larcreand desirable stork of SPRING GOODS embracing all the Newest stvlesof j LAD t ELS, D RES S GQQD S. SHAWLS, LACE POINTS, .A. IN" TI LLAS, TWO HUNDRED SEAMLESS CATS, TOOKTBEa WITH AN FNDLESS VARIETY OF CASSIMERE & FRENCH FUR HATS T O HA N D T HIS MOR NIN G, AT . I . Mike Smith's FaytUerllle Hat Store, lYo. 3 Green Street. April 3-dtf J ORRELL & DAILEY'S LINE OF. i I'.lSSE.VGJVIl ami FJIJEIGIMT B O ATS, j all in good order 'and runniuir recularlv. Patrons of thi Line mny relr upon pmuipt at tention. (fe2J-diwtf) ORRELL A PAII.EY. ! Jas. T Petteway & Co., FACTORS, COMMISSION . MERCHANTS Wholesale Grocers, j Ac. 8, AorfA Water St., Wilmington, N. C. GIVE PARTICULAR attention to tbe Sale and Sbipmeat, of Naval Store, Cotton. Ac, Aci -Keep a large Stock of Groceries, May, Corn, Spirit Caks, Glue. Bagging, Rope, Ac, Ac . j Will Fupply oar friend at lowest Market prices. Goods not in Store will be bought for a Commission. aprll-d2tn ; j Presb y, Cnrolinuui, Spt of the Ape. and KCC Ad vecate, copy 2 months, aud send bill to m.. Anp. 25 Molasses ! I IIIIDS. prime New Crop MOLASSES, for sale bv aprSdaw-tt PEMBERTO.V A SXOAN, " EMBROIDERIES, Ac", Ac:, B&.Together with a fine assortment of Gentlemen m Summer goods an made Clothing. kinds. Bonnets and Millinery-goods of all mblS .PEIYIBERTOIM & SLOAN. COMMISSION JIKUCIIAATS, Wholesale and Befall Dealers' In d Ready GROCERIES, HARDWIRE, AC., AC. Turpentine and Coopers' Toots. HACKERS and HACKER WIGHTS ; Dippers and Pullers ;j Adze, Crose and Truss Uoopa Drivers, Punches and Rivets. f2r Every article usually needed for Turpentine or Coopers, maylo-diwzwj L r. uhr.Tr.. I Save Your Money! F YOU WANT CHEAP GOODS, goto R. I). DAVIS'S Dry Goods and Grocery Store, Where you will get SUGAR, COFFEE, BACON, LARD, and BL'TTEU. 40 Bbls No. 1 Herring, and Xo. I, 2, and 3 Mackerel, by the Kj,t.i Also, Irish Potatoes, for Family use, or Planting. ALSO Green, Blk, and Imperial Teas,, or any thing that Is kept in a Grocery Store. j Money or Produce taken In exchange ror uoodi. I R. D. DAVIS, Tereoa St,, Nearly Opposite Bank of Cape Fear, mhtldaw-tf - I , 860. SPRING i860. A: J. A. PEMBERTOIV, IS NOW RECE OF VING HIS STO D K : Pan0y Silk Goods,&c, " to which be Invites the attention of the public. Marc h e. ' 1 o4X. . rrorhlons! Prorlslons!! ProrlonsII! .10 BBLS. MACKEREL 50 Bbls. UEKKINU 25 " roBK, ; . v r . Z : 1 - -' ZU " Ilti.r 200 u i tags CORN." ; coffxz, sraAR; aALMoit ; 1 SPICE," PSPrtR and GINGHJU taaylS-dawSw .,- ::y.:. C.E. LEETK. FAYBTTEYtLtB ttCTEt T; WADDILL, PROFBrETon.i TUTS. ih aot eomiDodinos mi 11 ia orta Qarniina. nmntfns; aoo fret on HJ ml Doollnj Streets, lucxtod In th. centr. of the business portion of the town, and surronnded by all tbe Banking Flonses, Wholesale Merchants and principal Produce Dealers.. ... ; gQ5r Basiness men wm ard the HOTEL a conven eut and comfortable bouve. ; '. All Stages surrive M j depart rrcm tkls Hotel. ! Fayetteville, Maj Ui, '60daw-lj , ; , t j WnnNGTON ; J I ARKET, May, 31. i Turpentine No change In prices. ' Sales this morn ing of 180 bbls at 2 t5 for virgin 1 60 yellow dip, and 1 55 for hard, 1 ?90 TtS. In our table of tales on yes terday the quotation of yellow dip was incorrectly given at J 70 ; it should have oeen 2 60. . y ) SpU Turpt Farther s:iles yesterday ol 100. bbls at 49 cts for ordinary, .and 200 do at 41 ets for extra bbls No sales thia morning. , ,,. . , . .. . ' , Z Rosin -Sales yesterday of 500 bbls No 2 at 1 20 per bbl.; and 800 do Common at 1 15 "pi llo lbs. Tar 23 bbls .sold yesterday aJternooa at 1 83 per cbl. 2,600 lbs at 12 cu for sides, and 14 cts per lb for bar::.' : " :". ' : . : - . - I- TimW Two rahs sold yasterday aft 4 50 1? M- I . GOOD Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ae.. Ae. For 5"la hr ' . W H CARVER. nay2X.dlw-w3w Ob's aad Presb'y, 3w. BBLS. No. 3 MACiLERSL. mK 15 do. .Xo-,1 MCLLETSln oak hbls. f 25 do.' " HERRING. . For sale by ' "1 apre-dswtf PEMRERTON & SLOAN. S tNCFF, Touacco, aud Ciffais., For Sale by ,,W II CARVER. TURPENTIXE Hacks, and Pullers." For Pale by I ; W II CARVER. ADAMANTINE Candles, Soap, Ac, at f24-dtr J. H. ROBERTS A CO'S. Hank af aarendait at FayettcTllle, t 4 9AS4Sa0 vv TUB A XX UAL MErnSQcrftheStocJlderaoflhi.tUjs wttl . h hold M their BaaWns; Home oft nrSx ' June next, at 11 o'clock A M.i : . ;mayl7-dtm - J W SAXFORD, Cashier. , NVanorsdell's Gallery. - THE PLACE where yo can pet a PIIOTOGIUFXI of any desired site, from small Pictures, Colored plain, and all other style of Pictures made at thisGal lery. Also, Gilt moulding, and Large G la to "make frainea to order; always on hand oord and tassels, for hanginr Fietara frames. ''. Permaaently Located 'and satisfaction guarantied. mapU-dly .rhographlst and Proprietor. LIUUL iwiCa Til I S'UIOITNIKG. AN ADDITIONAL SUPPLY . OF THE BEEBE STYLE XQ- AT MIKE SMITH'S ... JTafjctUtlUe Hat If Cap Store, No. S. Gsasm? Sr., I apTS-dtf SOUTH-SIDE nAY STREET, (xsaa ths MAaxrr,) Fayetterille, V. C. ; Country ProJuce taken in exchange for goods Feb. 23, 1800. dwlf ' i - " EDWARD PACE i CO., - 1 O O JMtlk St., lloston ;.V D fumpiL-e islrert, Ijaierence, Massachusetts, Manufacturers of and Dealers in! OAK TIXXED EITHER BELTIXG, P WER-LOOM HARNESSES, Patent Picker and JLace Leather, ROUGH SKIRTING REMNANTS and Supplies foi CotUon and Woolen Mills. Also Cover Cotton and Worsted Top Rolls. fe20-tf . WASHINGTON HOTEL, JOIIN F. JONES, PRorRirroii. X OMNIBUS will be at the Depot and Landing on the arrival of the Cars aud Steamboat, to convey Passengers to THE HOTEL, free of c barge. pcr Ample time for passengers to obtain meats. Feb. 23. dawtf. 1 grin I turn t Toote GRAIN CRADLES ; BRIAR. HOOKS : . PLOWS and II ARROWS ; HOES, SPADES and SHOVELS. A full asorUnent of GOODS usuallv wanted by Farmer. uyayl0-diw2wj C E. LEETE. A. C. EVANS & CoM . WHOLESALE : DRUGGISTS, 218 JPcdrl st.9 1 OFFER FOR SALE IN QUATITIES ta suit tke trade, a Comprehensive Stock of Ueaelae Drugs and Medicines, Cbesaicala, PaiBta. Yarnishes,or"was raated quality," for R R. Coaches, Carriages, c, PalnU aad Colors, Oils, Lamps, Machinery, Burning Kerosens beat make at Factory Price, (cash) Taint and Tanner's, Window Glass,-French and American Perfumery, oXfine qualities, "best Imported Farina Col ogne, and variety f Fancy Goods. N. C.Tobacco, Ha- vana Cigars ac, c; c. - . - : - Particulsr attention given to Mercantile Dr nrs, Med icines and supplies, vis : Castilejamily.andbar Soaps, Indigo, "best opanisn rxoai," ana gooa commercial (50c) Camphor, Pearl Starch, Salaratus, and Cooking Soda 1 1 and R) papers, Rock aad Powdered Potash ia Cans, Concentrated Ljo, Cream Tartar, Cooking Ex traU, Leaaon, Vanilla, Orange, Pine Apple, Ac., for lea Creams, Cakes, Blank mange, Ices Ac- All popular Patent Medicines, and Domestic Remedies, "in cheap ' form" of good qualities, Opodildoev Esseaees Pepper I mint. Cinnamon, Ae Castor, and Olive Oil,, variois sites, Pepper t-auce, c.f ana .uiaijini-a ajm CABINET GLUES , , . ' . - : VJ ! ' ALSO. ; -: " - - ' ' ' Wines and Brand y, for Medical aad Cooking purpo ses, from $160 to 8 00 per ral, Lemon Syrap, Cox's and Coopers Gelatins, Ac - , r . . . l 2T We buy exclusively lor tjuua, ana rnu w. very lowest PRICES, choice Goods on the usual cred it of 6 mos. for approTed paper. - ' " " I , : " : , ; Now York, mh 5 w3m . - T0L'S STAirETTE OF .arepiien Ji lion: (Psteat tovnl) THIS beautiful and accurate speeirac n of Art i3 ne w on exhibition at CULVER'S DIU'G STORE, No 2CS rennsjivania avanne and 12th street, wLcre ccpses both in composition and bronze mar be procured. All orders for the Statuette? fhonld be addressed to C. P. Culver, Washington city, D. C, accompauied Iv 4 remittance. Copies in composition $1 j Copies in bronre 4. Box and carta? 1 giST Editors giving the above an insertiou ia their weekly edition for a pejiod of three months, Mrith ap propriate editorial noticei, and forwarding ;1 e aent copies of their issues containing saKl advertLcmcnt, shall receive a composition copy of the Statu tte fres of charge. mh30dAir3s rnbe SOITTIIKILS Literary lessen rer, JL is one of the cheapest publications in the coun try. Two volumes a rear are published, each vol umes containing at least 433 pages, in neat stTle, wi;h fine cover and advertisinfr sheet. The two volumes will be furnished for only ?3 for the year 1S09. Vint remitting us $15 in one letter, will be entitled to iix copies. The Messenger will as heretofore, present its reade rs with reviews, historical and Liogrra j hical sketches, novels, tales, travels, esssys, poem?, critiques, and papers on the army, navy, and ether national sub jects. The editorial and critical department will con-, tinue under the charge of John IL Thompson, Esq. The business department is conducted by the under signed, to whom all communications of a Lusiness na ture must be addressed. MACFARLANE, FERGUS50N A CO--- or Bank and 12th Sts., Richmond, Vs. msy28-dtf 1SGO, lSCO Note is the Time to subscribe ! "milE Country Gentleman," writes the -. X Hon. John Wentworth in the Chicago Demo crat, "is tbe name of, without question, the best Ag ricultural paper ia the United States." The Country Gentleman is published WeeiJr 16 pages quarto, and entered npon its Fifteenth volume with 1SC0 inaugurating at that time several iui--provtnients among them an enLirged pflfe, Larger -type and an increased amount of contents. Tbe Ccantry Gentleman forms the most complete -ajj practical Journal for the farmer and Country ites--' ident. published in this country. " TE1T31S: Twe dollars a vear. AdJressrwith ro mittauce, or for sample numier, ' LCTIIER TUCHER A SON; . Albany, X. Y. Arrangements have just been completed by which the publishers ef the Country Gentleman are enabled to offer Two Hundred and Fiftv of the best Strawberry Plant, as a Premium for Five subscribers - accompanied by the cash ($10.) Write for firthes. particulars with prospectuses and Posters. fe23-dtf L.T. A Sox. Notice I hereby f ore WARN all persons from crediting my wife.i.AURA HAYES 'on my account- as I am determined not t pay any debts contracted br her. apr24-dlm " DAVID nAYTLS. r A Ko. 6 PLO VTS. OU 50 No. 10 Plows. 50 " 11 " 50 " 50 and. 60 TIow?. Points, Bars and -Mould-boards to suit. ; ALSO A large . assortment of Turpentine and Ceser's. Tools. For sale by (fe23-dtf) C. E. LEETZ. NORTH AMERICAN Type, Stereotype AXD Printers' Furnishing: Warehouse 70$ JAyE STREET, 'Back of Netc Ha sonic Temple, PHILADELFIIIA. TYPE WARRANTED to be equal to any ia the world. Old type taken In exchange for new at ten cents per pound, if delivered to us free ef charge. QWe have just completed our Specimen Eock, which we think will compare with anj issned by the trade. As oux styles of type, both plain and facer, are much the same as can be found in most of the Specimen Books, we are prepared to furnish anything that may be selected. ! tSEfery article necessary to a Printing C7.cs constantly on band. Agents for Hoe's, Adams, R aisles', Taylor's, Prince : ton, Gordon's, Foster', Day's Medal Jobber, aad Davis' Oscillating Presses. Printers of Newspapers, who will do cs the favor to publish, before July 1, 1860, the above advert Li emeu. (Iifm CmM Including til's tLntiee. and spnj' a to 1 the paper containg the advertisement, will be paid for it, should they purchase type from us equal to ve times tbe- cost of said advertisement. All orders promptly attended to when addre?sed to COLLINS A McLETSTER, Situation TZMntcd ; - A,Y0UXQ MARRIED MAX," who can give the best references to obtain a Situation as Salesman, or book-keeper, in a Dry Goods, Grocery or Commission House. He would have no objections to living in the Country. For farther particulars Apply to the Editor of the COURIER. mayl5-dtf Print ins: Typcc. A ND all other Pristiej materials, are kept ca t:i" ---- ia large quantitiesr and sold at the lowest prices for six months, notes . easa, at Bruce's New York Type Foundry. Roman stjVes are always on the shelves, ready for immediate dcliterY, Lif;aU cf frcn 58 to 10,000 lbs. ' Nins -tents will prepay iht post: ea a of'fPriced Specimens of Fonts," ai other sL which will be mailed to aU priati cflces sczl.. -me their address, j , ' 'Any publisher of a news paper who ctscseto r ub. tsh this advertisement, indudir.g oie, tbrse tiros before the first day of July, IS '3, aad forward r:e c:s ef their papers containing it, will be allowed his '..'. at the time of taaiing a purchase from tie of ray ov a manufactures of fire times the amount af rs'i I'll Address. " GIOr.Gi: True Type Foinder, 31 CLa: er-hirti! r-r r w -i H HYING PROCCRED the Eerv: ' ef a Yo, 1 BAKER, Direct frcn NeT Ycr I sn ft.ll ft pared to S apply my Customers, and the Pi.'.::- r r ally, with Bread, Pies, and Cakes cf every 1. 1. i. Party Cakes made to order, on the Shc-rt-st N ' mhi4-dtf ii. ta: '. LOTS of thintrs, tedious to mention all cf v. wUl be sold low for CAH. at ts:-dtf . j. h. ucmirrs 4 cot.

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