f(f( f If if Ws i 'p. Tie o:t the' immutable Principles of Justice: Nbcarthly Puicer shcdl.drixc tisfrom our iWro. Andrew Jackson. VOL. I. FAYETTEyiLLE, T. G,, SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1860. i no. 24. WEEKLY COURIER. ARCH'D. t; banks, EDITOR -VXD PROrillETOII. TRS OF SU3SCRSPTICN: Daily P-ir-Ea. one ysar, invariably, in advance $G 00 . WUEELY'" " " " 2 CO All letter com-icted with the oHIce, cinst be a d- dressed to the proprietor. ' Rates of Advert Ising. Sixty ccutjjcr s.yj ire, of Twelve Linos, for the i first iaortioa and thirty ce-uti for each subsequent s, insertion. IgQ- A, liberal discount made to Yearly Jclvrriiscr. iwE DXESDAY AUGUST l-t. We li'l't Fayettevilie on the 10th insc, nnel "Tcturjied to cur post on -Friday of last week. In the upper part of Cumberland nnd 'in those por tions of Harriet, ' Moore and Chatham, -through which we passed, "we found crops generally suf fering Very luch for." the want of rain. About planting time, there was entirely too ir.ueh raiii. In some places, since then, thvre has been none of any consequence. ..' ') We- heard the.candidates for the Legislature and Sheriffalty, address the people "'..From our ew ii observation, and what information we could gain, there would appear to be very . little doubt of the election of the entire. Democratic- ticket.. This u'Ul be the case, if Democrats are true to themselves a-,d to each other. There is no earth- i i y i- i i i .i lv excuse lor n Opposition triumph ,n 1 hath.au: P - !- U). x I At l'ittsboro', wc had the pleasure f hearing t'io Candidates fr Governor, on the 21sr. inst. The 'ope.-ning speech was made by Governor El- li; AVe took notes of the di. cussion and inten 1 ded to attempt an accurate report of Qiq diseiis s.iori, but the irregularity of tlu mail prevc-ited our getting tln'in in time for publication. It is 4oo late iu 'the day now to publish a voluminous report of a discussion, 'the principle features of which have we. presume, beeu "read or heard by a largo. m:ijori'y. of the voters in North Carolina. Governor Ellis' su-taiucd himself well end irave satisfaction u his nlitical friends. Mr. I'ool is an adiit, shrewd speaker, is an adept at d; Iging an I .aukos rather a plaiuible speech, taking everything iulo consideratioii There arc things, which operate against 31 r. Pool -very much. ;,Vc allude to the el.i.nglr.g of-frrt the got) d jpcople h v;c caught him making, and Ji.ir:o-sjineouistet:cy upon the MiJcct of Ail V.iUu'i-i taxation. Govkunoh Ellis', we state from our own k nov. ledge, f-r we do not wish to indulge in mere speculation ar.d he;trs?ay, made many converts to the doctrine so ably and-elofi:cn-tly argued by himself as sei forth in the platform of the Democratic party of North Carolina. About thirty laborers are employe! ,in mauu '; picturing oil ao l constructing j-.ennanent works .at the Fannir.-j-ilie mine upon tli2 'Wet side ot Deep Hiver. At Egypt an ! the Tj-son place, it is known, work is entirely suspended. The Superintendent of the former . mine expects to 'go to work t.-p soon, and fir the latter a. lot f new machinery is coming on from the North. When this arrives and is put up, they will c nimtr.ee th? iiunr:"..e'.ure'of iron. &c, there. The Vi'est-e-rn- railroad is- nyw c;n-p!etcl- to Upper Little river. .The train will cross-the bri.'go at tlu;t place to-day (Monday) and then eleven miles of track c m be laid wit.h.nit -detention. . Contractor Sanders has got a large force employed on laying iroii, and is wording vigorously. 1 he road set n.s to be in li:.e ordir 'Ihcre is a vas.t aniount of 1...1. . .o.i'.rf d .o n too Vm- ,1 n d ca I0M0I1 ft ever, as there will he in the course of a IV w wee Us. The fanners, at lease some of them upon the line ,.f' tt... r . -.d -m,l .,1.. .vo it. nrn huldin- hack th: ir produce lor higher prices:, which tlicy believe w ill readily tc-ohtaincf in the space of a month or so. Politics is am. tiif. Go. For one, wc will ! be "rat.Ged when the election is over. Wc icel j r- paite sure of the re-election of Govi:nxon LhLl' 1 bv 'a very handscane majority. We have thought i all along that politicians have been puUingthem- I selves to a deal of unnecessary trouble during this I . Campaign. f The sovereigns do the voting the ! . politicians, do all the talking ami raise all the hnl lr no, and they will be as sure to re-elect Govlu- Ebbis bv their votes, as next Thursday reach ed us. In our county elections, ail is well. ( The rcgu Lir Democratic ticket wjll be elected out and out, despite the strenuous efforts that are being made, 'and wholesale misrepresentations which are being dished up and nicely seasoned for the public ap petite by our opponents. We have herd char tres preferred against one of our nominees, which exhibit a vety unenviable disposition upon the I part of those vho utter them. Yv ere wc to speak a , of a political opponent as persons have spoken of the entlcmcu to whom we refer, we would ex pect our tongue to cleave to the roof of our mouth. Daily Courier, July 31- ' But three more daya remain before the Election which will decide tlie question of Equal Taxation in.NoTtu Carolina, and very possiLly the fate of the Union itself. Fay. Observer. Accordingto the logic of our neighbor if Gov. Ellis is re-clcetcd the Union will be dissolved, If Pool is elected, the Union is safe. What non sense and humbuggery ! a-Tbe Fnyettevillc Observer, Pool's "right hand man," is in favor of taking the tax off Law yer's and Doctor's fees. This ex-nectmitate is placed upon the poor man. A specimen of ffiend tJiip for tlis poor viking xoaj truly I IF. We haVc said our Ray upon the Staki add County elections, which arc to be hdd to morrow. We have endeavored to do our duty. Wc hate toiled we believe not without effect for the lpriri(,ipe:4 os set frth in the Democratic Stale Platform, and for our nominees for Governor, Legislature, -ice. We have nothing 'further o s-y. Govkcxoti Ellis lia-'s madeus-a pool Executive he advocate?' the concct principles and the sovereigns of North. Carolina, wc believe, will, 'by an overwhelming majority, substantiate our assertion. As to our candidates for the Leg islature wc h.ive nothing to fc.ir. . The sir light out ticket wfil be electej j-.u Isoicc in jmify if the Dciuocr its of Cumberland end Ikrncft prove true to then. sdvos nnd to oar h other. Wc have a noo l ticket, : rid v;e ouht to elect it.' Our Ci.uJjdate for shcriiT deserves our unv.aj ering support. lie h is been villiflel an 1 abuse! uy Ins opponent c no man has ever lecn in 1 pruVed tl condition of our held-, and theie y Cumberland county;. He. is a consi.-tc nt D uiO- .o-,d pros-let of an abu.iiuat crop of corn, gen era t, a eiever gentlenw ti end will m..ke ;ai c rally. j I - excellent Sheriff. -Jfi(y Ccur.'cr, Auqujl Ut. i j ., . . , , . ; -13l 0r J LT- fhc OuiCrc:r (ilz editors arc both Ita" A writer in the Wnmhiyto-i Jnunull, christian) denounce as "rALSEHOODS," sTATL HVer the signature of "A County Democrat j" MKNTS T.'.KCx IROM TH'J Ob.;':rv.r." The s:iv : , . ' editors .of. the Oor.rrtr ct-Unowitdce that it tells 1 do .not believe there n a Do-igbts Democrat ! " t'ALLi:o DS." Ji is cutiiled to iVs own o union in New Hanover. Dreckinride and Lane ! upon tliis :iit. ihe tieket toWeeji the counfy State and natb.S. I NEV..sPi.J: fiiAr W. 11. 1. Ausoa j iiuni uien iiiav iicsiiaie aniiu me ilCstrU -ti-.s I:,r trst:nK for of!icc may linger on tl.'o outsu Is it democracy, reiu.Mug as yi t l t:ike s!dwij5thllSC ,vr;. fllllU h r(Hj " DomuCratk . . ', . ., ' r ycJ iad to recognize the importance of the great and cardinal 'principles involved in the; tiroir-rlc for the Presidency, iftny have been scared (Jf ly the boldness and brag game i f the Douglas party; but so clear and strong is t:uthj to valuable is the principle ;:t stake to the preservation of the Constitution soid Union that as the light thicken!, and as the pLts r.nd countcrpdots of evil and aiil bitious men are exposed, tli3 democracy will gather : new, as of old, its forces from. the North as well as the Smith, from the East as well ; s live West, and together they, will inarch forth agaih to battle and to victory, in the triumphant electioh of Ereekinridge and Lane. Pk-splrate 1 ivi: Dollars roit a Voni. ' were shown on Monday last, a letter 1'roiii i'ayetteviile to a ccnt!ema!i of this place, Iroili I wiiich wc learn tbat a icsperate, g:tme is being I played bv the Democracy to elect their candidate ! ; ' Ui ':4T j i,., . ,v t r ' t.ir oner.lt. Ivniocrats arc oJicring five t'ol- i J (( u cote, un.'l accural-- v::n tit-vote t'vr ihci XUKltCi -'--.. t -. g i --. - t ' ' The above from the A" C. Ar-jn, is, as is well known in this community, an unj:ialifljd false hood. The friends of EitANK N. IloCLUTS are using all honorable means to elect him Sheriff of Cuinb'.'rlandXVunty. 'They have sworn nobo'ilv and the terras pan dejit of tbjc Arju; well knew it when he penned the crliclc. The Aryux had better utttn 1 to its own business and cease i ub . ( f i I lidiing su di; lying. assertion:' about, the giol pej- i - ! p!c of Cumlerl ami Ccunlv." , Ill JiICL'I.'iL .s. Merely fur the purple of ad vising the ublie to what an extent partisan disl likes 'are earriel, and luw co:;temptU 'U--ly the . . ! . . . : ! Chit f Magiilrate is sjivkcu of by h's opponents - mere political opponents we copy t!ie annoxel choice spccimdi fieni the columiis of the Ilalcigb !'ist'j'. The whole-affair h supremely rldicu- l.-us. ' 1 ' Presmxted. The llcndersonville Pic sjg s:.:ys the Grand Jury of Henderson hive foua'l i bid :tg;iu-t Gov. El. is for Ugh i rig. 'I be Pressage also h .s thn fohowi.ig paragr ijdjj; 11e:MN; ro;t Govekmki. -Wc have now two candidates i tinning ;or Governor in this States t .1. ..1 1-1 ii' ii- I " al ic1 Ule ,uUn " - iAi s lctiS ruxnuri 1 Iri.m this I'Um e, as it was rumored that the i-c.icr : ir. ! . i- 1 - , . I oliiL-ers worn ao n: to uct idler h.ul tor 11 -1 1 ; 1 1 1 - ' Th9 Gfivern-.r, ex-d 11 lge, cx-lg'sl itor. Law . . . ,. ... ie, t t,'at ni.or a resolution to ditcriiuinate in fa vor of the native pro litc-ts, there can be no ox cmptibo, " not even of the smallest article.--, such s " tin "i'f other small matters, " h.ivs iH G overn r. sb crcr. Very ignorant and ii responsible " indeed The Ob.-ciJv. rs w-ponxilility has been Ustc.l. !Hid T'iMtiiI iii thr voi-zitico Pen li !'.0"-li l?e atid .livisionM that have weakened the 'party of. his I'Uurclj.scd the 7Vc.v establishment an J eyu; latej. those who have boon Kiokinii for the rm.,il. rcriced' thf publication A' tho '.' ' r.l:irj'L'ii'j ter. s .When the Obx-rcr -proves itself tVbe-ii4J?vtrryth'aig is said to his pr.iise. Iu another copy responsible purer, it will be ample time for it'U of t!o xtijo paper dated Nov 1 ISoJ then , ty. 1 mi . I ' IcJ the AatiV.i S:n!.ncf, and cd:tc 1 by W . E. speak o. xrrcsponaiUc organs. $ l Mann,' one of tho Pool's t.eratubulating mill ora- A gentleman from the East writes us that the route airent on the Atlantic Road, was industri- , ously circulating it that there were no speakers ' at High Point on Thursday. 'Ihisonly shows tb ; what lies the Democracy will resort. ! I j Greensboro Patriot, How would the Patriot like to. be informed t I that the rout agent on the Atlantic and N (J Road is not a Democrat ? Now who tells the u The Breckinr'ulge men prefer and would vote for Lincoln before Foaghis." Slate and L'nioi rj jJUJJ jjJ-yurecth the central organ of the Fotj las party, j It is a slander upon the Democrats and old line Whigs (of this class, there arc many) who intend supporting Brf.ckinridge and Lane to make such an assertion. If the Stales and L'nion desires to procure votes for its candidate, wc would advise it to pursue a diffefent course. Certainly, it would pny better. The llalcijh llrtjistcr has at its mast head, in flamimr letters : : C." Lrt it be borne in mind that Mr. Frank I. 'ttsont'late an associate editor of the llaleiijh Standard, mid that he thought Jadje Ellis tcoufj be beaten. . . . What if Frank I. Wilson did say so. Is ho'a prophet, or a son of a prophet ? j . . -1 j JJitUa Ad baa. kicked tho UickcU " rs it not a constant practice of Democratic papers and Democratic orators iu the State to in sinuate, and sometimes CLEARLY charm k, thit the hips arc untrue to the South anl its insti tutions, aiding and bcttipr our assailants, and false to p.triotic im pulses?' 117. Herald. Certainly, we clearly charge," 1 but we did not, think you would acknowledge it. ; CSV, Robert S. 1 icnch, Eq , of. Lumbcrton, lias been appointed by the Governor an 1 Council, Judge cf the Superior Court, in place of lion. J. G. Shepherd, resigned. Abo. Rsfm L. Patterson. Eo , of Salem, was slTn t hc place cf J. A. Wacgh, who ! haJ r-lsior,-d is Vuncilor of State. f I , ' , , , . fj-e;z, 'rit'ji f.o:u Lou!iburc', IVanklin. County, Ill " ... . ' .1 L. ! I t 1 .t tiu.'lnin. It is a well cdi.ed sheet and i:s typo- rrranhic ii -nrirince is verv "-hj I It hoists th- -rj,,,4C.1 f WI'tc "J. It tt:.. names ol I'.KCKINRIDCK :nd Lane. f - 3 V'd would call atte.ition to the card of Messrs Jordan & IJarringcr, in anithcr column Mr. Jordan is an upright, honorable young mm, and Mr. Ujrringcr uudcr.-.taiiJs thoroughly the business in which he is engaged. Thn Joj ;:'.vc trt ufi. The treaty of amity an I commerce situ Japan, the ratifications of whivh v.ere exch i :g.i 1 wluui the Emb isy were in Wash ington, is i jlfic-ially onnonne !. One c t the arti cles provid s th.it th? President, nt th: ij'it of th : Japanese Government, will ajt as fiicnl lv ine liitor in such matters of liL-rence as miy ''twtn the Govcroaieat of Jap..a and my European power. s i ' i - Patents tverc issued last week to Jacob A. t j Ilart-field, of Kingston, N. C, lor improvement N. C, for an.' improvement in railroad switches. The Fir.-tSht-rtf. Jen -s Ciinc, Esrj., Sher iff of Catair!ia Wuntv, settf;d his Lixcs wilh the Comptroller en Friday last. X A project is on foot to erect a monument, iu Washington City, in honor cf the lute Joseph Gales. J. PAKEPw JOUDAN. The strongest evidence of the damning effarts of Mr. Jcrdau's exposure oi' Pool's enmity to tha West, is to be seen i" the malicious attacks ni.de upon hlmj by Pool's Know Nothing friends. K?:ov nothing certificates hive clcnotr.iecl h'm Know Nothing pres.- cs have given currency to those denunciations-, and yet the truth or' .Mr Joidan r Cjxpo.iurc ol J 00 1 is untouched. I ho gcritktii'en who certified to this truth rc admitted to I c -respectable and above reproach, an I all th-it h.:s been urged ngiin-t them is that they tiny h ivc teen 'niii.'nk' a IJntJ mi op -j tliese gfi.tle mcn to b3 nilstiken, what of Fool's IcrM itivo record ? Can that be mistaken too 'i We h .V3 shown what that record is, nnd we arc rp.iite will ing to Live tiu decisiju with the Wcl'.rn coplc. I '1 h it 31 . Jordan wjul.l L-3 assailel, every one 1 ... . . I- ., ... .t .n I. .-.... . . I" t !, . - ...'..-. .... ' , , 1 -. .1 . w 1 bum 1 o;i osiiion, must have expecio I. U e love , . ' 1 1 .. , ' . naaru soi.ic, o. iius iiuw 11 i;ipi.-uii v.u:.-u u: 1 ;i-bu-c tlie Know Nothing p-riy, and sliguiotizo its oaths and villainies,, while at the same time ihey ihetusolve vt-ro sworn tuem'jers of ih..t midnight order. ; j. ; ' . Wc arc1ed to these rctn.nki by tho cour?;o of the same crow towards Mr. 'JoV'i.in. '1 ho Lliz.i beth City IVo'-, lately denounced Mr. Jordan as a liar, an l! ::s overy;h.ug c.;-o diM putab!c. '1 his w.ui some two or three week.- ago. Yet the same Know Nothing sheet on the 2Hh ct 'March, of this ycar-psomc,-' three monthsvag), contains a ful.soiiJ 5vUu"l"tory articl. on Mr J'-rdan, in which tors there is :ui article s:gneJ " Ooscrver, ' and purporting to bo one from one opposed to Mr. -vdun iu; politic? which is more tulsomc than '" " - 'ni(,w' ' " Nothing editors and writers, and.-o lull o praise and admiration ol .Mr. Jordan, are a good ct olt against the impotanee of their present attack-, and tend-, o show how reliable tho men arc who write them. We waul 1 transfer th;n tj oa; column L uj have not space. Wc mav do s i here after. t'hle All-r. 31 n. V .v':icLY. Hen. Wm. Jj. Yancey h is written a Somewhat extended kt'er to the Demo cracy ot Tcnnesse, in reply to misrepresentations ol his antecedent position and aims, made in a published! card signed by Wm. II. Carroll and 11. .M. Wjattcrson, of that State. Mr. Yancey takes occasion to answer generally and particular ly the various chaige brought against him of be ing a dihiipionlst, cf desiring to precipitate the Cotton iL;tes in a revolution," &c; and in regard to the latter expression in tho Slaughter letter, he admits tint the language was loosely used, but, he adds,': When it was written, I lud in my head no scheme of disuniou 1 have had none since; I have 11011 now. 'J hen, I was using all proper means fof m lintainiugour rights within the Un ion." Mr. Yancey maintains that he has always 4. " ...II. .. supported the measures 01 me ucmocrauc pany ; and further adds : " If to sustain the integrity of the Democratic party ii to be true to its principles, then I claim to be abetter Deuoor.it th n Messrs. Can-oil and Wuttenon, or their chief, Mr. Doug- From th Democratic Press, JuJj 2Cth. GEN. LANE'S VISIT TO IH3 FATHER'.-? D RTII PLACE MSKiI.NU WITH HIS RELATIVES "AND JJLNINU WITH I1KNRV MORDLCAI, EcQ. (hi Tucsd-iT last Gen. Joseph Lne accompanied bj a few frlcnJi, visited the Lirih piece .f his f.Uhtr,' about six miles distant from this ciljr. Thl.ndoa" wl;h hii immediate onccitora lived is now owned bv Co', Willis Yriufker, Col. Thos. G Wh-Ltkcr, W. II. WhiUkcr, a:vl II. B. Whisker. The latter live near whero the fat-acr or Ge.i. Lane was born. This pro perty was onhiusrd j Jotin Whitakcr, Ths fer.;nd lather of the Senior editor of thi3 paper, nt ab ut the time, or just before the Bevolatioa, lrora Jesse Laue the grand f.thtr of Gen. Line. Tue Goaer.l expre.jcd himself highly gratiflcd at birhol-liaj t-u i toJ of hU f.vthcrj, aiid ple.autljr re in nked, ih'' ":r not to stroufrlr wcd 'cJ to.i$ Pacific ho:n i.: s'ao. ill fedlncbned to cn;c to the bountiful and tortile fichl of old U'jike County. . The Gcat-r.il and his party stopped a few moments at Col. WMlis WhUaLc-r's .roiikcce, .where u pleas ant iho'ih rather brief iatervictv was had. The party t!i?a retnracd to t'ns city and proceeded to the rei doucj of ll.-ary M jrvlecai, lls., v.-hero a faailly laevt i.iil was to t;thc pl.:c. j . Mr. jrdco o had invited to his house the rotations of Gen. L ine, for tiie purpose of pivia t!ic Ceaer:.l an opportunity of taeel:njtheui ull t-thcr, end spjit.lin u d iy with thein. Ther-'wcre present fomc twjuty-live i'?r.-oi.s, i ll of vl;ora were t!io Gcaeral's blii 1 1 rehtioiH. cic.;c;it hU troa: the same caceitry. ileii.les t!i."i?, siver d oth'.r p;r. oas participated in ths k.t:V;ts ot the nee ?:oa, i oaot.g w!u.m. acre Gjv. - Bi-r.gg. Mr. Can t well 1'rc. iurcr Ci ort". Mr. Brar.ch, ir. Ui i;i;,ei , r.::J others. We laid the plea sure of p o Hii.. ft'.ao. in the soeinl :lhcri:i nud sh .11 tivvor f ri-'rt I'e ple itinjr cvt uts ot ihed.'V. ThaGjarr.d seemed jcriVctly deli-htcd with t!si occti-i ia r.nl o'lia item'kcd daring the c'.iy. that. it was r.n oco i-ion lh:it he had 1 iv wished for. I at hid never cs.r-vttd to e:j y. Th.tt it w -s it privilege he had never kiu-.vu Lef.u,i:i the ct,?: o cf 1 ii cventtul life, to v'a palely down :m! coi-vuiie udt'a a toia p iny cf r,l :tias. . It i n.-edle:i tosiy t!il 15r. M n!; vu entertained h'i frnc.;ts in a nm.icr b.-.:'i;tir.jr the occasion ; t!:::t hi.s bo irds were covered wiih the choicest liquaTs or that Lis table gained bineath its heavy harden of rich dcliracie-;. Those who kiscw Mr. Mordec ii c;:; better iun.2:ne t!ui wo c;itk d scribe thA f.--iive scene. At :hi dlunncr table Mr. Morccai Jock hia p Na tion at the he, nl of th; ti b!c with Gvu. .Lane on his rijlit I'.aJ Gov. ISrn oa his let. Mr. II irringer did i t'ic ha.uri of tiu o,i,.oj'.t2 end, while" ih'e rclitivcs r.a l I'ricn 1? of Gca. L ms o.; ;u;jlcd ;ho iatcrvcaluc' scatsJ I: was r. j'yrioa o?cri!on. The e!;l'i lu.in b-o:i r unvl. Gen. IJ.irriner propo.J to d.i.ik to Gen. Lmc. Glares w;r.- CHed an l G?:i. V. irrln;:r proposed, C.ri'l Jjicph Line : t';e so! lir.r. thep iLriot. th-StAtesir.-ia. 'liie friend of ct'iul rights; the friend 'cf a constilationvil Un;i." Gc i. 1 uic ar.lic to r.pos t. I th ink y on. Sir, fur the co:ap!iia:-:tt you have seen til to bvtow e.i.ou nit. I ih.mk my friend p-n-l klnsai:'. n. Mr. Murd.-cni, for tliii intre-toig t:iect: :j; i;h so nir.y of my kins rava around lh; lestivcHjoard ; I th:i:ikyou i!! fvrthe co;np!ocut ea have done me in tho ,ei;th.u ;.t you have jtut dro k.' Th2 !cni r.'l "ii!ded h.utly ti iu:; troablej which now diiturb our ev.airy ; to the ,f.'ii..tk;; :a that.cn-gro-s;s the mia I of ihe ui:isc. of the N-jr:h; the (larknoss v. h c'l hovers over err political heri.on. and the coal ct wiiich U being w.ijel r-g-Jiinst the cuu-tit'iiiojjal I'ld-f, theiutit. 1L aatvomcid hinii-.it to b 'thc'i r;.i i.ie.i t nl a :s s t. -U ilsi diXtT EtJ" .';" a union Iht would 'iir.o.toe tf;n..l rij'Us Rnd cual pr.viletrcs to thv peop'c of every state, and territory.' IK Vi;j nut for n;'n e.ny oi'.ur term.. A a jicn th;.t divl not piot.ut ihe rijfSits Jind privileges of r II, was not wortii pre? (Irving. Ha inlled upoa I1I3 relations to calmly farvcy t'"c fivIJ befvo-e thcni ; to study the natun: of t'i. cridi wilii which the countiy was iifllic tcd, and to r.ft ii-;i.iou::tt!v and hor.o.-iiv fjr then: selvci and .! r inrtitatio-i in the cos'ihipf rtcikkn-ti-il t."Ui!. IL was we 1 re piainted with the n; -tare of liu country's peril. IIo knew it to b? a strug gle btlvv.c:: a cin;ita:Iof;."d union and fansticirm : ft atru:-'!e b.twccii cqu il ricii. ", eqaal prau-ction. on the one h.iad nnd :i;res?:ea on the oilier. IIo would ra ike thcra n j pchlicr.l FpivK, tor he was dining with hi.i ow.i ro'.iiionr ; but, he would not furcpo the opporniiilty of i-.dtnoni.-i.incj hii fiicutld and relations of til .tc-.u ii::port.ince of ita t!ioran':!y nnd firm ly unite I in thclr vi- v. j ;-.n ! ;-.ct.oa. Th.y h id fikr.ds hi the Nortii. They had :icnd.5 in t'ne tre-t Ncrth- C:-t ; tiny had friends on the Pa c I lie c.iSt who were v.itchi:i wi.h nx!ous concrn the ii:U re t of ull sec tion j ; tri'.-:. Ij who wLu!d l!y to their aid la the hour f of (lj,.jrc And.' nil hi. hi.; fi?e l!gnin? up wiih the er.- j thus i::a of : p;-tiiot : tt:t ti'u jeur nphl.i cvtr Lc inv.ii tv-l ; !u.n'u your property ever be e id :r ;pre red ; should your lives ir Li y ir:'.ra;2c tl. I wcuhl ily to y.i'tr relief, tVorii lay f.-.r oil' i'.tcllle hh;: end jrivc all the p jui-r of tay r.r.a :ia 1 ray he id in your le cL fence ; Li iLf.nce of ll.e r f;hlof ibe Sonih. Kut. I u-uuld c-.rae ti f'ght yeur h ttt!t r.osccner ih .n I woahl go to M tine to I':..;ht her l."t:lc?, ifher c!t zens were opprc.-scd, her rights mva-hd nud tbc lives of her c:t:2rndn in jeo;iardy. I wonhl ra lint.ou the constitution :' i :t ii. and ihe rights cf th'i citlzT.s of .til ciloa? as they ari" TUi Goner d ui .do .-or.;c ccmplr.ncr.tr.ry r.IIns'ons to the icvvlce of !lr Cintw.ell wlo served andor him dn-ri:-y thi Mc-: n w.:r. II2 was v.vni'Iy r.r rduded thr-.uh hi vho!o speech. n: was listened 10 as a father :.eIini:o;hir hii children. Mr. riiiillps, t'ae General's travclir.4-r companion thi iik to "Mr. LVutwtll, the friend of Cea. L.iac, r.nd his companion :a nrnii in Mexico." I Mr. Cintwell responded in a happy ra'.nncr re l.vtl: .t scvcr.il incldr-ats cDnr.cttve! with tlie General";. c;.i.i i?ira in .Mox:cd, aa-i csplAining how it was th.it- he oa oae occ ishm hid t..ken the Gcncrafs best horse. II; spoke of ih? kla.b12s.s-of the Gner d to his sol dieri ; tf h? ' kindness -to hiai w!icn, ufior ,thc crmy rhysihn had J;:vea hira the cKftl.'rj (?) inttilience t'a it he rnu ;t die, and it w is therefore ua !iecess.try to wi.-te pliyiic upon him, the General hr.d him brought to h s qn-ir:c.s nad kisielly enred for. The (J-n. rem line J with jir. Mnrdecni nil ntyht IIo return: t 1 1 this city 01 yestcrd iy in irnin. where Lc fotiui rnmy friends waiting to fte him. Th'.se who hive re id an account of the Irttle cf Caen 1 Visti will rccollcct-th it in tlie heat of the hat lie when ihe Indian rt-imeut wa ropu'icd by an over powering torce'of M:.xic.in, Gen. I sne wbs wounded in his ri!it arm ; the- wound vet tlisailci his area as will hi perceived ia shr.kin h inds with bis friend.. Tliis accounts for hii Usinj his left hnad. V.'e shj!l F.iy more of this during t'12 caxap.-.ign.. Varies. other toijt were tlrunk bat rs we mac!c no notes it is impassible to report theta correctly. One was drunk to TriNuarer Coarls ; one to Mr. ilor decai. Thus pised the dinacr. The occasion ws one lonjf to be remembered, especially, as it was u greeting between ft IjiJrr rdscnt bat distinguished null r.a J hii relations r.hcrn Lo had never seen. A Dixxtu to tiu: .Savannah Br.urs-L .st night says the New Yoik Day Book of July 4th tho t?avjniaah Blues were cntevtaiued at dinner at the Metropolitan Hotel by their hosts the City CJaurd. 'J he company u umbered some lIoO per sons, including soldiers and civilians. Among the prominent persons present were Mayor Wood, the lion. 'idiam II. Styles, of Georgia, and hon orary member of the Blues, and Bx-Conul of tho U. S. to Austria; Lieut. Webb, U. S. .A.; Hon. John McKeon, (ien, Hall, Col. D. S. Gcorgory, with his aids, of Jersey City; Lieut. Thomas, U. S.A-; Councilman Lent, Lieuts. Davics and Oli ver, JudgQ Dc Lyou and Caphiin Sholey, of the Blues. Captain Lovell preside J. After the din ner had been eaten, and the cloth was removed, toasts and speeches were given. Among the prin cipal speakers were Captain Anderson, of the Blues, Ma; or Wood, John McKeon, U'. II. Styles, of Ga.t Cotiueilnun Lent, Col. Grtory, and' oth ers. Dodsworth's band furnished the music. The entertainment wad continued to a Utc boor. From the New ork Herald. Tlin. FIRST ECHO FROM THE FOPU LAR HEART; TIIE TRUE OPENING OE Tim CAMPAIGN, j The great gathering of the mercantile and in dttstrial cda?ic3 of New York ut the Breckinridge and Lane ratification meeting cn Wednesday night was the first breaking ground the first spadcfull thrown with a will hy thi people in the fclurp, clear and defined jo'itieal contest wiiich is to elect the Fi evident nd decide the policy cf the federal government for the next lour years. j " 'ild people saw the hb!lowne5.s cf the Bell IJ;.VC::i?iit. i:.twitht.inrlin tr- b in ' il f.r-v r, his jAditlciil managers. 'J hoy perceived thf .stractions and failacica off the Donglas scheme, notwithsranding the confident tone .of his liihe rents. ; Houston's uauie filled to make r.n echo, tupl the Ucrrit Ifmith side movement was com prehended. Instinctively jthe people felt that iu none of these was there the! vitality and strength neccfsarv to cncui.tcr trid -defeat thc'LLcL- dangcriu wh'flh Lincoln; tnd his destructive ul.ie and followers thtcatened to involve the highest ;.nd deaust inteicsts tf all. And" there fuie not a hand w:s lifted,! not a' sign went forth, to show how iho joruLrj ITcait li-tcd. Yet it thrills Lelb'.c the cotr.uton darker cf a hlack re- ullicm triamj h, and is rcu.dv and wi.llcg for- the CMitcct. I T:i- lJrec:klnridge an! Lino ratification niect i..g has awakened the fiist echo fiom the popular heart, and given to the whole country tho Key r.cte for the natienul bugles, and the true plan for the; opening vampai-n. The cantcst is one of commercial, manuiaeturing and mining States hut the people can le rallied, and are ready to rally, pon the constitutional principles ir.vo.ved; New Yoik has given the Crbt sign Our com mercial and industrial classes have shown that in Breckinridge and Lane they' have found the true representative men of the cucstiiutrcnal principles, vt h t h form the 'ul f the j coming contest, and; tlutt'thcir names have avrakened the only real and l.viiig cnlhusiafia which has shown itself in tho popular ic.'o'.ution through which v.e are low p:.ss!ng. . . f I 'l itis feeling will find its: echo among the s-me claries and interests in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and there the bnoj lica. lhe bat'le cf lboLi is to he repeated, bat on a grander scale, :ii:rl in a n:cst distinct and 'ckarly defined form It is not in New York, lul in the central end commercial istatesjon tlie Southern border, that thethiekect of the fiht will raw. r.nd t'.c battle I e lost or won. I.J. 'J hc'e Facts will soon, bej parent to ihe whe!e cciiutrv, an I men everywhere will betrin to ranee Uu-iiyi-paL.faa.the only livi:;i;rrinrjp'ci' whic h 1 enter into th issues of .the day. On me s.iTct stands I ineo'n, proc!airai;g the social, moral, and political superiority of thb North over the South, ami calling upon men to enter into-an "irrepressible conflict" for the complete nnd entire destruction of the Southern Suites On the other. hand we have Frockinvidge proclaim ing tho equality and brotherhood of the States, the harmony of commerce " ami Industry, thc saercd and constitutional ViJ;ht of scf-government, and urging upon the people to uuite in their defence. To the e the people are .responding with ucumnitv from the South, an.l now with an echo ;:iid a will fic-ra New Ycrk. Tho buttle.. is new begun, and it will roon rago throughout oil this Fnu ti wiih a strength and Jntenily that will proclaim hew deeply rooted in the hearts cf the people MP the Umon and the wisi :C precepts of the const itutjc'ti HON. R. C.- PUR YE All (ON AD Y-ALOREM. . Wc I:a:u from the Yv'inston Se.itlnrl. that Hon. R. C. Iurvcar made a speech at Yadkinyille ou the I'rd iuit., in which he ft no I sou a rely on the ' platform t f his J-afiy (the lirst niau wc have yet j Iuu.nl to do so.) Ho saidOC iidorini u was not ; intenelod f.r the rich nor he poor, but that its j justice consisted iu taxinjl fv ry mm a -ccrdinj to tchat his property is xcorth. lie said that what was lost 0:1 carriage , eVo., would -Lc mane irp on heroes cn'-' Halts. ". lie referred to the argu ment that taxes cn ten pin alley?, billiard tables, stud horses and jack ascs would l.e''grcatly re duced, by the ad 1 alt. rtm prineirde, a:ul saitl it i:as all true, that . these things being a kind of nuisance the. tax was imposed lbrthe privilege:"' Hon R. 0. Puryear honestly laced the muic, Lut'whit will Mr. l'ocl say to hisquanaam fiiend? Jos. I'obson Kq , the senatorial candidate in the District replied to Cc'li Puryear. He made the CcL admit that he Votpd for (he restriction in the 'cotiatitutien relative to negroes, which he now, wt the dictation of Mr Badger, is endeavor ing to strike cut. Mr. Dobsontl.cn tcok un Col. Puryear's cwn tax list, tnd showed by fig ures" that he would svo, innlcr the ad valorem vyKlcmi en ugh to pay taxes on seventy-nine lit tle niggers, tho"ugh the Col," said he had only about twenty to pay cn, a saving of the tax ovjif-ty-noic- niggers-, lie was hot surprised lire Col. was for ad valorem. - j We are p'.e ired to have Col. Puryear's testimo ny to the evil effects of ail valoicru on the poor 'men of the State. Wc have shown thi result airain an I ag iin, and it cannot be successfully de nied. jThe"pcopIe, too, are aware of it. ; IIkavy Rain and Wind. : About six o'clock cn Monday evening la.it, a' clou j, most fearful in appearance, arose in tht) North cast. It was skirted, on its ndvancirg border, by a. streak of almost inky blackness, resembling somewhat the volumes of smoke which i.sue lrom a railroael engine, or from burning pitch, while its body was of pale tr dingy green, and terribly deme in character." Its movement was quick and rupid. In a few moments it enveloped the heavens from North to est, and m a few moments more, like a eurtaiu of daikness, it (ovcrfprcad the entire canopy. Quickly came a .delugedike. rain, prc cceded by some wind. If was the king rain cf the season as some would say, ar perfect "lightenl not floater." South of the town the wind is said to have been terrific. Oat-buildings were un roofed, chimneys thrown down, fencing scattered, .Sec. We fear the damage has been considerable,' to the crops. -Some hail fell with the rain at this place. Sumter (IS'. C. B tch man, 2Qth inst. Judge Hal.iburton, widely known as. 44 Sam Slick," died at his home in Nova Scotia a few days ago. Uc w-3 Chief Justice of the pro- Y1UCC. coai-cryattvc r:.f L:i.cc to ;the rtvolutionary end destructive Bchemcc cf -the hlack republican fanatics ar.d ucnncrogucs, bnd it i.j in the central. JOHN TOOL'S PLATFORM KEEP IT BEFORE TIIE PEOPLE. Resolution of the Opposition Coavcnti:n Li: Dominated John Pool : IZesolced, Th.t we recommended a Ccnv;-.:". of the people of the State to be called c n ti : ; . cral basis as early as practical, f:r the purr; ; so modifying tho'Constitution that .every c 'property may be tax I according to its v.i!u with power to discriminate ordy infavcr cf t! native products of our State 'and the ir.iuitri pursuits cf her citizens." That's John Pooi'3 Platform in a r.ut sLcii what docs it mean ? Bmember then tint Jcha Vcol ii in fairer. c-f t:.i;r ei-rr- -":'-" 5 property accerding to its Value. Bcmember that. By this opposition platform the pess-go cf howcttcad bus to protect a certain ::r.:. jr.t property from levy and sale is al -solute! v i: :?::-'- c : ble because every f,-lnd of p operty is to lc t x; according to its value, anu whenever ycu I-.vy tax upon property, that property issulj:; tj 1. . and fvde for the taxes so levied. ltemembcr that John Pool an 1 hlsknown-t!.:r allics tries to tickle tl:e fancy of the peer 1. n saying that "our legislature, in the ever. c: t: adoption cf ad valorem, moy a:id ro r. i. ! ' :.-.' exempt furniture and ether prepcrty. ." BUT remember that, the Raleigh Peyistcr 's.iys : ' We'll soon have a ju-t an J equal sy?:-:ra taxation on all prcirrfy." Bemembertn.it " every species cf rrc: rt. and "all property," includes the I- I cm i.i. you sleep, the table fiXm which you e .t,r.n l ti. : c lrom hich 30U drink, cs well as the cow v. Li gives you miik and the horse which jiev s y--. land. In proof of this REMEMBER that the Wilmington Ihrald says : ; Ad valorem taxation ''simply mcr.rs the- 1 v ing of tax upon all property, whe:L:-r r.c .r, laud or any thin j else." . REMEMBER that the Greensboro Patriot says every srrri cf property is to be taxed according to its v! ; not only Lnd and vcj:rccst but hen:-, c. shen 'd hoys. & REMEMBER that Ralph Gorrcll says: 44 Fern iture, plate, carriages, buggic , w 2 r. carts, farming tools and implements, mere!... .! iScc.t cc, would enter iui j the taxa'-!e r ; :r: of the State, under llu ad vL:c.a s vj'.ch c : t.::: tlon.'' RE.ME3IBER that Br. Soeed, another advocate cf Ad Yr.! r;r said a lew days ago, that he was in favor t i: : dollars vorth cf UXUs as ranch r,. ten e! .!'..-.: i e. ill oi-fceT;-jr": . -'Sit vU". w t-.r - 13 the h'arrenloTi A'ctr?.) REMEMBER that Mr. Pool said in GoMboro' r n 1 Mr. M:.r.: his friend said th.csame .hing in Kinr-t n land and negroes taken together wtu'J : .y r. more tax than they now pay. " REMEMBER land and negroes taken together, acec-r-.'ir. t John 1'col s cstimaate will n;l piy ;:s !:.: ;L : they now pay, an 1 that the dchviency m id e tip cut of the fur:dli.rc, mech .: woiking men's tcols, and o;hcr necessari: Dcm. J'rcss i:.u-: GOOD NEWS 1I10M ALL QU A RTER.; Our advices from the difTcrtr.t s : ti f t S'ate are of the most encouraging ehur..c:e r. Ti people arc aroa-ed they rtj tt and sj ';ra .: Ad.Yalorcm huuibugr and are moving . V. on vrr.rd for Democracy end Ellis 'J he Ad Y loreiuitts are in the last gasp they are tru gling to ia:ike a sh w i'.r Id, ar.d tL. v : puOiing and blowing Peel's grei'.tr.css ; but, ; :: the election, that gentleman will sul-ii: ir. plaiu John Pool again. He c:.a, we stir: ;c. I dispose 1 of by his party as Gen. Dookcrv Beaten for Governor, they mav cr.d Lira w.. j tL Senate of the. State from Pasquotank tr.l 1 r . mans.. Or it may be, that they will try rr. i for him what was done fur Gileo :re. WL.a was beaten for Governor, his party at h::.:o s. him to Congre3. In fLct, Mr. Ixd's Iri.r. is this District seem to be working fjr th e!; Governor, then they'll take a chance f':r t'. S. Senate ; if they can't get that, then they" to s:;ve this District, so as to give him Sraiufs r-'ace, and so on, and so on. But irately, the Democracy will have a bur. I these gair.es. Tbcv i'.re 5-trik'in fr 1 ri:: Ihe Opposition arc merely groping after p 'lhey arc n:erely taking ticket in ai battery and they will draw a blank ! Fliiabtth C;'y V:r:e r Srnccic by Lioiitning. The Br. " Flvin- l ith," loaded at Union Pistiikrr in this town, was struck by lightning venter ! about one end a half o'clock, P. M. 'ihe f.u: passed down her fcremr.st to the saddle cf tL toom, and thence off through the havrsc-L :'.-;. It ihivcred the mnst, top-gallant-mast ; cut t". rigging nnd stays; split foresail anl p:.:T, : shivered the chain stays scattering ti e iir.i: about the deck. Two cf the crew w ere kn: :k ; down, bat not scriouslv injured BY. Jc: Zlih July. A Warning. A few days since, the kc:r ; of a barroom in Baltimore accidentally .dr:r : : a burning match into the bunb Lo!e cf a l-rr: of brandy. An explosion ensued, tearing a portion cf the ceiling and injuring two m-:: one seriously. The staves fie' in all direct! :ui demolishing the fixtures, windows. e.' If that's so and we presume i: if we weu! advise some men, under certain circumitauce t lc careful and not get the wrengca J of a i"Lt cigar between their lips I 44Ac-ider.ts wi!l .pen," &.C. Yv'nisKY "STir.viGHT." We Ia r. own authority recommend thead r n n ;t en -: .: eflL!, r; .. ro.mlip Km tr,- beheve it is ver' eVcRSiveJ considered a takable lever. o r Take one pint of whbky, stir iu cue : ..:.u 1 e whisky ; add one pint of whiskey a r.a et with aspcon. Take one g:d!.n ef water ;.:.a a servant carry it away beyond year rc-atr. ; t: . . Put two poonsful cf water in a lumber, iu u.c ately throw it out. and fill with whiy. i -av. with whisky to suit your taste W nen it :? t; : kept long in warm climates au 1 s to prevent sour.

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