WEEKLY. COURIER , V. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. '"SATURDAY MORNING, AUG. 4th, 1800. l?or DPrcsideii-t, . Hon. L C. Bre-ckraridge, OF KENTUCKY ; Ior "."V-ico-ircf5iderit, general loseph Lane, OF OREGON. ELECTORS JTOR THK STATE AT LARGE : ALFRED M. SCALES, of Rockingham. ED. J AI2 A 11 HA V WOOD, of W.ke. - "WSTBICT3 : ' I'Distfict, JOHN V.". MOORE, of Hertford. 3d " WM. B. RODMAN, of Beaufort. AVM. A. ALLEN, of Dnplio. A. r. VENA RLE, of Otnvillc. J. R. Me-LEAN', of Guilfor l. T. W. KEEN, of Rockingham. J. A. FOX, of .Ice-klcuburg. JOHN A.DICKSON, of Burke. al 6th 1t 8th The alerting Last Xislit Of the friends of Breckinridge and Lane, Gov. EllLs, "the Constitution, the Union, ami the i n forcemeat of Umj laws," vtm one of the large.-1 certainly the largest' within our recollection ev er held ia the town of Faycttcville. We have not time thi3 morning to give even'a hrief account of the meeting. Hon. J. G. Shepherd made one of his1 happiest efforts ; C. G. Wright, acquitted himself handsomely ; Henry MullinV fpeech vas vrell-tiuicd and appropriate ; Jas. C. Dobbin, jjr's address was one of the most patriotic and eloquent ones we have heard in many a day. James. C. McRae did justice to himself and to the cat which ho advocates. Speeches were made by five or six other gentlemen which, we caunot now allude to. j Everything passed off pleasautly, and the utmost enthusiasm and good feeling: prevail ed. Dai!, I.-;?. , THE 31 ASS AC 15 E IN SYRIA. AWFUL SCENES. ' By the Canada, at Boston, we have many shock ing details of the urisraere in Syria. We cany the following 1Y( tin? Bo-ton liavcler: f THE CIVIL WAR IN SVltlA BBIBUT . i IN DANGER, i Gubernatorial mn Legislative Vole cf Cnmrerland and Harnett, : (OFFICIAII,.) Harnett. . Cumberland. Bonrr, .Line '22. Pcir el Kamer fa tewmof several thousand inhabitants) was, but is no ling er. The accounts from them" arc neart rending i beyond description ; were t ;ir minds not im I, santly occupied with oilier and more trying n;;it- or burnL A woman, met by one of these Rava ges, with her three children, was made -to sit down while ho slaughtered her infants on her lap A Maronifc core, with five 3-oun children, was cut to pieces himself, aud children torn limb from limb !:!; The whole country is ravaged with fire and sword, and hundreds are perishing of want in the wools and mountains "Wc have collected more than five hundred children," t-ays' the same letter," all of them now orphans. TITEjGKAlN CHOPS AT THE SOUTH, j , This is rather a sad subject to enter upon, as we can iiy nothing to cast a cheering ray upou the gloom, that reigns almost universally though cut the outhem States. Iu Geargil nothing like the pre.-eut drought has l-ceii known lbr many years, and disastrous accounts j each us fiotn nearly ajl the cotton-growing State. It is im possible ;to s.iy what proportion of our State is involved, in the calamity in some districts the crops wejre nvcr better, while in middle, south western, and the greater portion of the. Cherokee regions, jcorii is literally j -arched to a cinder, and that idler u failure cf the small grain crops in the sprilg. In some of these localities there has been i;o ji..i;i of consequence since the first of April, ad the pros 'met is utterly desperate, come what may hereafter. : Souihue.-tcru Georgia is already drawing on the ma:ket for grain, and has no crop joining on. Mant; xjrtioin of South Carolina ;re also suf fering, f; it not the same extent as in Georgia ; the corn 'crop, though, v. ill be vcrv far bc;ov au average.! Inx.is: i'nne.-ce, tne great gi'a'.si-grow.ng.rc- c - r ' r- , 's, t. r cs cr n.'s: r- t. ra - -5 -n 3 5 2 i- ? s 5 t 3 s- 3 -i r: r-. r s Z rr -s ei i j' z B ,- v -1 . jl b g 2. - to - IO -T T - T I, U '"' w -I C 'X . - Cfc o 1 J c. J ' t- I- 1 ' !. 1- ti' j.-, j s - c: c; cc - r. i- 4- i J ZC -X, c. c: u tc s; r-. V - ' ,o - -t. i; -t -i r. 'cfi i: 4 i 2. f U s U -1 " : 14 V ei 4- u - . i; - w -i a; t.i 2 x . V " t k - t r. t -i :j i . c. vc c1 ' r. t - - - . r-. ! -'i: u - t: -.i ii ii . 4- is i; 1 -' - ii o - u v - ji -J - - - - - ,- 2 i - -l J. i; i; - i - c i; r. 4- -i - 1 i u i. n " t. T- i c 3 2 ; - u X Z i ShrriWs Election of Ctnubtrli'iztZ xouniu, .. C. ORkiul. - C5 S3 o -t 2 f1- ! - l- t . H .1 i 1 i l . . . . !. ir'i.ll i.I II .-t!lTM I Hi U !nir l!'i.lk ?l. I .I'll tcrs, we should s;nk uinh-r tt:o burden. Uilic ; . . . .t.wl .l.'..,n J.m,.' -,,.1 tlinmvwb.ivB -'.. I I tl.HKoini.-IIlg l. UIU iirOtlgl 111 a4 II 1111 I J II SItLLi.Vft'Bfa i W 1 1 I M V 1 1 C liil I t - left in the erpiaus, who can tel! their iuicrcst ' S6me twenty cr thiity i tr.ii:; were 1 hoaie of the American i..iss:onary, Mr. I'll d, :iiid a note from one cf them this morning would in dicate that they alone arc left. Ti e wei-ien children as yet have -not Icon touched. A iivv houses remain, among tl.eni is that i-f 3Ir Uird, whicli was protcclod by thj Diu. e Chief. Af to-day Heir cl IC-n:cr v.i!! probably bo u:;i:.h:; table lor some tunc tr in slencli ol :;o mau.v nil drcds cf ui. buried dead b: dice. All the people of the town'riJUved to weroi hberately sLiughten-i in vob b..Hd ;.liir they 1. given up thc.r arms to the iir.ki.-h tutli-iiti Alab.iina 1:::S also SllfTerCtl gr:t?V, Mid ill many pi. sees, the destruction by drought and heat is compUte. 'J h middle 'and eastern portion are mo. tlv r-lujcted, tnd in these all hope of bread is :'d "it . . .. .. ' u:it jv.v lnvo said ut Alabama is appheable t MiSstsS il l. i, while Louisiana has suileicd to i cvui a gieatcr devi ce. 1 n m.:i v of tlui parishes to.' Mre:t::s r.rc UiieU im, a;.d coin M!rkctly white i iii tne L'.tiiLs. . . fn Tei:i.s, thj,ugh, the failure i j cib.Mps.mCre i!iiivei:.tS th;:n in any other Stale t lAiryor tion cf ill it State sums to have b.m b!i-;l:ed, i and i:cr difiii -mties m comn.niiicatii.g with other The Tuiks, alter dLi.iii-ing thm, turned thini I:4lt;o!,s Ci l,hi tUI't,-V will greatly :.gu:ct:k ihe over to ihe Druses, who jut tbtm to the swoAl, lh- lJ.c- J. J!1 l!,t l'Tuhil:ii the .m:i.g year, aided by the Ti:iki?h o!-!:trv. ' I ' bir v.-.-. we have 1 c;i :.!.!-. to learn, Our blood is congealed with henxr at tlufe i 1 ; 'i.V.S", u:-" l" , l ,;cr niougii !ie . . ' .... . . . Ill 1... I , .,..!. i .1 :.. i atrocites. i'iliev i ccuriTd about bait a ib.y sr.ile 1 ' , V . ?' an aci;.gi- iu i.erciop. from Beirut, or to speak ;:lUr tl:j maumr of the ! , a f ::I st,,r.v h"' i'juel uill be Mid west, about twenU miles. To-day these l;ruU 1 lcr t.till. t Oar coniuvt:-.., by railn.uls with the nrn t mir .!.-.rs. Th K.-M-ii-r Cun tn.-.v t, !l' . ! to: tiling ....llhwi.-t V.ul lUaole l.:lliV to prcvsde bl.-xlinr f;ib tl.':in v.-t 1 r..b.t...!." 'i b.. t I'vraiiut at-oiute w.-.sit, but the pAr will be with ships will bomVinl the town a;ter the town is in j ljIlt J:,;'::" to ll!.vt vu l ' t!il iir i: posscssion of thv; fends, but tl-en it can do m i.o j 'L'V;' tk. T!ic next steamer ml u nib t will cany via 1 , - V U :iCe, !n,!s rcuu t'A-''ani ihccoti-iutelli- ewce that Eviruthaj aLo been blott,-d ,itt. j lr: V .Ul ,t. :,l,.v ,u-,tcn:'1 da has !-ecii . . 1S.1S. 1SC0. 18C0. i K i t ' v McXtlLL. lloIIKRtS. ilC'Nl.lLL. KOTILKT3. Faytttcvill". :uvj ."l r 171 Ari ' farvir'n Creek, . 'Jf 1. 1 a 4 QHrwliil!!. -II , , f,.l 4J 6:5 " St-Ycntvtir.-t, - ' 63 61' .V S5 11- kii.-h. . lil . "I 17'i 60 . tntvs Creek, Ik . 4 'J CiilltrCmk. 2S tl fin M k' Cn--k, 65 65 ' 45 SC JI.t llilll 41 ;.l 65 . 71 lllak llnrr, 13 15 11 SO Si - 7: SIH vos 4 7uS . :s lfcXni majority, 6- V-xT" By the above it will be seen that Hector McNeill is ; re-elected Sheriff by a small majority, and that Randal MePaniel, Opposition and A ll Hewar and S. W. Douglas, I ltd;., Democrats, arc badly beaten. Duncan Shaw, Esp, has received very largo vote iu Cumberland. Nothing heard from Harnett. . Jas. R. Grady, Esq'., the able and clever Sheriff jf of Harnett,; was re-elected- without Opposition. lie received ibo vics. A: compliment well .earned. A few scattering votes were given at the different precincts iu both1 counties for the jl Senate ajid House of Commons and that u.ucli Chri.-tian blKid has btcn spilled ; or you i.iav hear of a cessation of Inutilities.-! Were it not that the Moslem clement has le$:i so largely stirred up,' we .might hope that the Druses were ready to cease theixwink of slaugh ter, bat now the Moarrus are inviting, the i 'ru ses to come to their '-. j I have seen fnin my .window the military Da sh a going about the town trying to calm the tu mult and disperse the crowd. 1 his morning the missionaries rj.ichcdthe Beirut from Sidon, which has so lour been threatened wilh . a ma.-sacre.-4 The same Jlriti: h man-of-war jvhich brought aw;(y the Amerie;!n-, brought al o Gio refugees to Bim rut. DamaMUs u.is onJv been preserved from de- strucuai l v the famous- Algerme cha-l, Ab-del . i i -. i . . i i i -. i.-'.'.Mv -i ny .U! tfiLon cre. i :i a lew ioc.jIi.ks Villa ii are most aflectcd witli dru-ht, it h ;s ur.K.- e I uiid cast niach of its iVuitbut generally it isbi!;ing v.tli and promise? an abundant yield J SELF SACRIFICING CONDUCT OF A N. YORK SERVANT GIRL. TI12 Ballymena Ireland Observer oT the 2d cf June records the story of the doings cf an Irish girl, wwose parents formerly resided in the ncigh borfiood of the town iu which that journal is pub lished, substantially as follows : Her father, Wm. McCord, a shoemaker and tenant of a small ifurm near Ballymoua, died in circumstances of a pecu niary embarrassment sonic years ago. At the time of his death his liabilities amounted to near ly XIU, and his family were left without a, shil ling for themselves or any means for the liquida tion iff these debts. Soon sfter Ms death, about the year 1 Soil his daughter, Ann Jane M.-Cord, then sea reel v 20 'years of ue, emigrated to Amer ica, where she obtained employment as a domes tic servant. Haviug from the cutset determined to puv every fa'hing of her dead lather's liabili ties she hoarded the small earnings of her indus try with the utmo-t care, and alter six vears of incessant toil her noble aspirations were crowned j faCts. with suu-'css her ardent desire was accomplish- J - A cd and the grand ana ot all her saenue.ng exer tions was fully achieved. THE ,SiGllT OF A BLIN GIRL RE- STORED BY MARRIAGE. ' The Cincinati Pre-?-?, of Thursday last, says : A physsolobical wo.der ijecuifd a short time since, in this city, which will doubtless prove as -interesting to our readers, as it already has to physi ologists and oculists. A young and exceedingly interesting girl residing on! Evrhth street, wlnise i name we suppress from motives of delicacy, aud fwhse amiable disiosition. !e!e-irt imers 'nn.1 placid beauty of sul, had endeared her to all, who knew her, was, -a year or two ago, compelled to divcontiuue her studies and'leave school, in con sequence of a partail loss of eye-sight th-t threa tened to be come total. j She wa utiicrly unable to rend, and although she cuuld see well enough toi enableHier to walk about, visit her friends and entertain them when they called upon her, the threatened loss of sight rave her much annovanceJand aroused the sm-- .. .... . . - ' . . ..v. pathus ot all wbo became jaiquainted wuh the Otors i" Tenxess-kk A.vn G:rar.i.. ' respondent frcin Knoxville, IVr.n., s - : The wheat crop, the grcAt st -pie t' V. . -) ncs.-ce, is a failure ; at least oi?j ha if ih.. crs will mt g-ither ts tHU'th as v.;3 n. have a full cro;. In Georgia at this time the cott. n tr . much less premising than they were a i aro, even on th-se laruis that Jo .k n. h In most of the other counties, n A e:o y i , -west and tnidule (ieijrgij, but in l.i : gt- j . ., ; the adjoining States, they have su:7.-ic menselj frm drouth, and everythiis L.. in" and parched for want of rain. number cf cur skillful idivsicians were em ployed by the f.iUiilv, aud she was even taken to some of cur most noted ocuk&ts : but ail their On the Dth ot l ebrnary last she sent a letter j learning, dexterity, and manage uient proved un- uiAo. ;Jcst I wenty-iourtu street, ' .u'W vailin". Her eves from York, remitting to Mr. Ja. 3IcCord if Caslie gre a bank orler lor the sum of 40, to be dis tributed by that gentleman in payment of her father's debts. The aggregate sum due was illii i.'s. Od. In a oteript she directed one Mellen ry should be -paid fs. over the amount of his debt and that the balance of the remittance, "" lis Dd., should be presented to her sister, Mrs. Mar garet Wibi.n. When the aco itmt was written, Mr. McCord complied with the diicctious ofvlhc letter in eviry paiticular. 1 he same account s iy the payment was entirely unexpected on the part of the creditors, and the acj exhibits .n ex ample of high ami generous principle, for which tho name and memory of Ann .lane McCord de serves to be honored iu the place of he" nativity, and it might have been Med, iu cvoiy other land. Thk Boy liu:.ciu.ii ok f oi i.-ian.v Mavk lToatncr Cha; man is-mv in his f.mitecnth year. He was bom in Clinton, J.eui.-iaiia, where his pa rents still leside. About two ye-ns ago he was received in the Church ; very soon alter this he ceai.mcnceel imtiucting his lath l's scivaiits en the alte-mobii of every S-ibbaih. His cu.-tom was to i-eiid a chapter and comment upe:i if, having fust can-cly .'tudied the ch. ptcr, eemsultiug Ben son, Claik and Wesley cn every j-as'-i'ge. He at length began, swys a writer to the Mem phis AU.'e;.te, to spe;:k in tho I.vefe.ists and class-nicctin-js ; then to prav in the ublic c.n- irciratioii. a)j:-ear;, is. that' cf a u:cre ItHikcd health v, were beauti fully pvnsivc in their expression, and sevincd deep as her soul was pure, but theywcre, nevcr ihcless, to her almost wholh useless. Notwithstanding this rather melancholy phys ical defect, a young mau, who had h ug been de voted to her, o2crcd: her his hand in marrirge. The demurred, and throuuh an c-xcess of -alTec-tion, rcfaseil to lostow it iij-cn the man who had long sinx-c wvii her heart, stating that she never would, consent o bocoine a burthen upon the man she hived. For a lr.g time h' persisted in -his suit, and at hr.gth, through his praises and sighs, made her believe that lilo with her even if she were wholly blind, were better than a. Paradise where sdio was uot. . i A month or two a her rosolu:i.n was rescin ded, ar.d she became his wife; and strange" as it ,,,-;r; l mav seem, l'roni that day her ove siuht boiraii to j The Great Eastern to Rettun with Cvnoo er ttox. The New Yoik U -states that arrangements are on the t ips wltl. directors of the Great Eastern to take h r : ) X fork, Va., previous to her return to lii.-L.-. , there load her with thirty thousand b-k- . : , ton for the British, markef. It is r.:t : where the cottcti is to cor.e from. Thi .': ou cotton being a farthing (British n. : - ; pound, or alout half a cent, this cirg-j amount to more than ?0D,0U0 frci.it v. :: :-. :StIrF.. Dilvth. A very ami..! !, y -.' ma.n, a l.utman, wh-K-e name ve lVrvt. t k party of persons cut on an f xeiirsk n i'.i -boat at Beaufort on Saturday evening, i ' ! on U-0 opsi-e -i-le ot the lay from the t . : was seized with rhcumatis'ia of the hv.-.rt. . plexy, or something of the kind, an 1 .iu I tly. He was a citizen e f B::uf.-rt, is as having been very ami.b'.e and t hc i-; - ' the eommunitv felt much iate;vr-t. li. ; v 5-the beut and the partv insctmii'. Hr.e h... . ! spirits, to re turn in i.u Iu ur er two a c : ; - - line 01 the Iaties who ace-ompani U ti jarty i a helpless invalid who h. r. to walk lor some sixteen years 1 at -ethers had to return to town ia the i lifeless body ed'thc r boat man. Tmly t .-. e improve, and she is now able to red the. finest print by gas-light, without pain and without any The New Yoik Tribune, aith -.!'h a r.;' " litiou sheet, has at times stumbled uj - n ti.- aj-parent optical injuiy. 'ihe c-"C h:.s caused yQ following is an in-ta::ve: cousidci able sensation aiming! those u ht) a:e e-ou- x JJ volnnd I h.mliu re i : e( ?;!s a ' : !l versant wilh the ciicumstaiov a well establish- tjiat c'p Xatumal I;!lu e t. the diiiu'si. n ed ocular fiet, it is a practical illustration 4.f v hat . voVv JJekiiu i J-e and Lane uj re-ei.t : has been cleverly, said, that Live is blind, but llvmeu is the eculist who eves." cIuiK' bail open nis More or M:t P.Kii.'i Ili.e4,u: .January, .Mr Uurih mov a on rev. I estate fn in twenty t V'OOL lluiUgh il"Ce.it, ilm'jx t But immediately afcewaius . -i :i i lie- i i i i . .1 ... . - 11;. U I i tauon:tie l iineiple, to the oilai-ioji of sbixevy. N: P t:.a::l ! .uj.s ;,i -n ilnclv N.-.ti :. son rvpitsent a rV..W- tr.ee to shivery. Pel! ami EviUti i : to lellueo the tax I inlet n ten's. Mr i ..:.,'?" y,! t o.' . ... lOOVvtj to ' j .-... Natioua: I lii.vic.es-s to the rv. A PolVAL Kiss' .v tb H.y ami be seems y, m,:y nneoa.eious ci any su- rv.,hl0e tU tlx;m 1;Ci:R W iV, 5il H-Ltv to sixty ain- V " ' T " i.enor g:lU ur ;.t':iumcnts lie now preaclus ccl5 t, ro0h Yo:ctl AY:!;! Vl,;,eL he un hTi U-t iuuiy tu-,, .,u.o.u a.H..v ... v ....vc.ea. bv. ,, think the tax 0:1 Dud tvKi hiuh audi , . - - town. H;.s i.;-rtiits hae ltluscd to aih.w him .i . tll i .... v q jd.., ..L r.,,..'. s... ' 1 l:i::iy r,'-,:trs 1 ii ,,. . -. , i i in.:, t-.i liiun'-i too ioa . j iiese aie i.'.e'is. iee , . .... ,- . , toe.te r the ; upit::i.d supply li e place ol the Si.,i:,tc JcmrnaP Durmir the r,:Vage ef h "4? 1 V : V V :- ' ' " regular mmt-ter on the Sabbath. He elo-os noth- r, v.ll!. , ,;; , 115IL .;.,, 1 lodow-ng ei.ev, : t i V.A..C f ft abchbisiiop iii;t;iii:s on the kitch- ! . EN. Archbishop II uhe-, atteti ling recently the exhibition of the. .k:t. Vine-cut Academy of Voting Lube-, he! ma !e there an adelress, in the euit:e of wbich h't is i. p'Ofe- I to h ive said : . 'Alih'y-.igh it is of the utiuost importance. Young Ladies, that yoit sh-ati l have a 'o.d cd uc.:t:ou, should b.' aceoinpiished, caltivate I, Kadi r, v.ho has orgauizrel an efficient corps, which l';,tv"11 h-;ea. yet i!uio re oilier tlung.i i .-.t iv.l the eWv .1 :v : is?. -lit. I Tut t li :i!.-irni Is ! tliat Ca belnt hi"ht of. !ii".re l.i.o.lur , . - r ' verv great ji - d . . i 4- I I ......... 4.. I. I I. . even now, am! kttcis appealing br . i i "-- " .-n.io-i- u..n me help' come lv every mail. I "- 'vl. sc-.v !k;.u!i ol tndy in loe Aeada- JlMt :.;. i he .-tate of this poor country bo- "0; 1 b:-J !.-am-!i d lv.Ay is w,:t the ' irrr rjrsr-rirttcn. 'I be lar ;e towns e-UZahleh and I r ,!I n: nn-.ei.i ,',.4ur. It :s the ci.l.ee of . - - - - 1 - . . ! . I . t 1.'. lit l?p"r H Iv.-ir 1 av.. 1,.cn out to t bo nwon - .-it id i KCC .lUg li-.Ue, ami lll.ll we ail.KJiov, c::tl.iuctic thottands o dead bodies lie' exposed to the jack- it :;ls at. 1 in c:iaS mountains. I which infest that part of the with the Litcbcu lively voung loiy. I ii o t care ' sh.- be a ouoi n's dan -i liter, ouaht t im- dctst:n'l that department ol hie. Kvi o llu.al;h The kcv.s is hvai trending. Men that we knciv iu' 1 lbv Il lVt! u I'actice it, tliotig'.i she may. h ive lerNhed in this awful butchery. Widovs to hire her c:h.'i:, ycf ho should undei--an.l erpban; are creeping slowly towards Beirut ?;:n'1 11 Iitclf, f.r it may h.q.ppeii s-im- day for safety ; but alas I tbey will find no safety j 'nit l.ie cae.K will e.:.-r.ii-;s l:e-r. iire.it l..ar Ii;er.J here. lems are iti aims, and Christians trtnl- h it a j re d:c:i nt she would l.ein t!;ci. Well. bling in .iiv'r h:-n;.s fcar:t:jr a rtuvral laassacnb ' v,,:;i 1 v r ':,i.- l" H - v,a'5 liu:l "-'.cis I h.i:l; ;.ri;:it-u it so t!.af the gals e ver VA j years i age should i.-e e nabled to spe;: ! a ,i'tt'ti ! of the tinie in the kitchen, r.i.d bceou.e :.( ii:::.it- df ; , SA'M1S0N COUNTY ... ..... We learn that Thomas I. .Faison, Independent Democrat, is elected to the Senate over Dr. Tate JIurphy- regular nominee. The regular Demo cratic noaiinccs for the House of Commons arc elected. Geo Crumpler, -former Sheriff, is defeat ed by John Oats ' ' MbOUE COUNTY. We learn that Pool has about 100 majority, that K. II Worthy is re-elected Sheriff, and that AlexaneJer KtdJy, Opp, for the Commons is elect ed -over JfediH Mrrisan, Democrat. ; , ROBESON COUNTY. Four precincts heard from, viz : LumbertonJ Lumberbridge, St. Paul's and Thompson's with' I the following' result, " which is believed to be ofEeiaJ Ellis, Dem., 435; Pool, Op. 20$. For theJ Seriate Dockery, 0p- 200; 3IcXciII, I)em 419. For ihe Cemimeins McMillan, Denu, 4CG; Wish art, Dem., 394 ; MRac, Op,, 214; Cobb, Op., 1-217. For Sheriff Rcaibeai King, present in cumbent, Spl ; Connoly, 24S. THUEE CHEERS' FOR BLADEN. BbADE.v CTou;tTr, Aug. 2, 18G0. Mr. Editor : :1 was at Beaver Dam precinct to-day, and I assure you that the Democracy of Bladen is awake, aud has tbis day killed Ad Valorem. The following is the result at the Beaver Dam precinct. Ellis, 71; Pool, 13. Senate Taylor, Dem., G2 ; Jones, Op.2, Com ruous Davis, Dem., Gl; Russ, Op., 19. &hcrj f R. P. Melviu, G4; B. Fitz Randolph, 18. . , R. D. M. White Oak precititt gh es EHis 110, Pool 3G, anel for tlve Senate, JLn D. Taylor, Dem., 105, A. J. Jonts, Op., 37 ; for the Commons, Davis Dem., 110 ; Bliss, Op., 25 ; for Sheriff, B Fitz Randolph, present iecumbeut, &S ; Melvba, 41. XiS" The- Kinston Advocate formally exeom- Vnucicates the Hon. Kenneth Rayner from the Opposition party. ; " JST Tile elccUdn jfasyed off efuretry in this place. Even while jl am surrctiu.'cd by multitude's men, v.cn.cu and 'children, crying for 'protect the house ol a crank is consiocred as an asvium and' the house of every American is filled witji ! c I t,,iii,,:.- !ilSl1 h-'U.-clu-eping. Hen- wdl the despario- unf artunate s. Jieirut is now liiYcl ' :l bm-eati of edueaiu.n. ( laiugbte r.) e with Turkish tieM.ps just lauded fn m a Turkrsli j "r11 thc!1 h-lv e theory and s;on.e practice man-of-war, 1 tit w hat confidence can ",c pi iced in - . tbvin wheu their conduct indicate.; hostility to :Xl :Amthei point, I .v.'IH le. At the end Chri-iian'. 1 ' f another year, if living, a ml my purse is long Such rn intense excitement rife vail at this j m u---l 1 ilcl ""''' lo G .a in'''r' OI . . . . ....... " . .1. i.t. ..1 ie.-s iii.;:'. .7.1 j jo a:ue, 10 wie young Ja-.y v no will w iite the best e ssay, 11 ? e xeeeiling fi-e page g uitb.ttit permi simiol hs parent.-;. He attends svb-.a 1 and joins i.i .til th. ama-cnu nts of the boys ed Ins ivn age ; be is a mac child every - he Voted liailiSt tl;ohivh X.iT. ! where save whe n preachnrir sat under h:s miio.-trv, nioie edified and elcliirated with a ejmoii. On last S.ibbalh I icen His ml have seieb ni been style is chaste', his words fitly and happily c!io.-o:i. 'i be nicest critic Won! I not' eleteet a gVaeamatieal error; his manners is eiaiue:-t, and his pathetic appears reach all heuits. Occasionally h:s feel ing ovcrv.hvlp him, and he gives way to lloojs ef te'.irs. . 'ihe most g!iel .lawyers, an 1 eloetors. and di vines have heard him with astonishment and ele dight. 1 confess tlj.it it is most wondeiful, and to me i.ne e.nij-rih :.sib!eTT W hen i Ilea rd him. be I irons the text, " How I bait e 1-eV pivaeii" twe 'ii two 05 t;i:o:is t .-ometiims reeming to f irget ! v lie bun. p:-.e!ie I in. tu n.itcs I.. that il.s l:o!es me 1 ix ou saiarie: - 1 1 esti Mroigti laitmrs ami he mi-vious'v atrainst the t ix 0:1 ste unb ats o ivi-'jii waiers, whilst at the .-aiae til.i V.'hile in Ne w Yik the Pr't. pa-sengers and freight till ll iC !v voted baiberV shop to be ; haved. When t!u his ov.i wasi-omj 1 1 lele.l he vii-ppe.l !.,.-.,..! 1. t-. v- li tl - w.te, W no eii.Oiee-U l . . I . iii 1 j- - L - - tf'.io !-..il lai'loaos cl the s l"c stf o . ;iv....t,. iU-:,,.r A-, 1 , ' . f . . . -, . -o.l j can s.tV '.i.u have i u ;i .. " . . . . s. . .... ! ...:!.. M i . i .1 ..!..-: are iiicts. See his legislative record. SafUcrj ! ::" l'lr' cid'tny Priiue, and y'l ;.- Vf..u. j ot the shop with, his 1 cxela.na i. ' i e j : e - 1 beie. 1. ki--e i 1 V !.; i . I 2 to l i u ". . e 0; r iMtt B::: e rciMiii !.: A. Mcintosh, a prominent an v' the Opposition party in Md ill favor o. B rev ki:l ridge and L: tetter to ihe (iiiliio Pemc!iil : " Let t!ie iiriuclide :f the . j n-;w. 'ni call say tnr yen ii.a e 1M Lank. Ht n. kittc frmn a IVv-cm.-.n. leading luember reee ! t ilo ( ler. i i. is o;i j Piifr.-;::AMi of iIkx. Lank. Ve tie. 1 i.--.v b- - 1 o-irofihe a pho;.!-;r; :i id'Uiu. .b.-c; lie sa. iu ,i : i t ever fh w !io!-.-o;oe, fas 1 bei are.) we ate too Mo di in iinmihe-r .v.arion-ol tt:e . le :e-:n W :r. t; from (): Mate h l.:." ,...-r.. , -ivt,. 1 lire-once a ue.eue 1 IV. V l.ievri l'l llll ill . i' ., t ...!. ihe r,:ce!!t N.ilioi.;! Pein-H-ratie e ioj . t v ituie it I lo. i. 1 . . . t : . i IN in length, upe.n this great new scienee I have spoken of.'" ( Laughter ami applause!) i e'Mi -oo, 1 j-m go-ii.g I I -V - . inoiv.ent :is to'r.revei.t us from CniJhin this Ltr-i l,-'.:! 1" v.t.'ue, to t ... r- j ter. C hri.-tiaus have closed their shop.s and liav' retired t their houses, where they tiembliiigljl -i - ' r a i.r . ... ll. i aw;ii me is. lie. jo.;e.a.:-- are iiL-n:ng aoou. inc , town crvimr ! This is the time to kill the Chrisr tiaus," and their women and their children are rushing about the streets sdiou'iiig "MayOn-J cut off the'Christians." It is impossible tor us to buy useless and rouie ed them raot.t severely Yesterday! at the conference of tlie cousulat' corps,' th city authorities were summoned to ap pear and rivo assurance of safety. , When uues- A PICTl'RE OF; THE WOODS. Ihe following elt M-riptioii passage from the theThristians." It is impossible tor us . rr. f ssi-r V Story in the. Inly number f the At- Ul VVt"'f V?" f0 ytx, tno turn Key, ami provisions, and our scr.r.nts are icmlcied l.!Uie Monihly, is one of the finest pictures Dr. U i ' Tcmg their way out to the outside from Tear. Christians have been beaten Holnir CVi.r pain'ed . ' gate, w Inch has to remain open during the con- I - 'J bo wikkIs are all alive to otic who walks through theMujvith" his, mind in an excite 1 s-tate, and his e-yes an'ejars wide open. Tho ticc are always talking not merely whisverinir with tlieir tioued by the I rencb Aelnr.ral as to tne miuiocr j loaves, (lr cvii-y tree talks to itsclt in that way, of triK'jw at his command, the governor replied, j 0Vcil Vhen i''ou!s alone in the middle of a pas " I ebm't kno7.." The military commander wa.f ture,) but gratfiig their h-.nighs against e.ich oth then summoned, and gave the same reply. j ei, as old hom-h:iunel farmers puss their dry, Tho want (d harmony and c-.aicord among tH rustling J .alius together dropping a nut, cr a naval eonnuaiitlers and the consul.- may refult ill j lt.:.f, or a tivlg, clicking to the tap of the wcoo 1 a mo?; serious evil. There is a Want of uii.muiij ! j,ccker, or :i rustling as a s.pairrel flashes al dig a ty as io the propriety of landing troops for the j brancn. It is now the se:iso,i of .singing bird--. protection of British and other toieign subjects! i ... the weirds arc haunted with mysterious, tcn The IV.sha was rcpieslcd to invite the co opera I .hr mtlsi?. . The voice of th.j birds which love tion of the European Admirals now in -Beirut j the deeper shades e.f the foiest, are sadder th in which herefu.-.cd to d , sayiiig he Saw no hcec-sity . th;-! f the open fields; tUse are the nuns thd fur foreign interfere nee. The con-ills do hot bet have taken the Veil, the hermb'.s that have hid den tliem-elves :.way from the world, and tell licve that the! Tuiks are acting in 'trood faith Thef Britirh and American consuls elccbired, that they' would invite their countrymen tej takej refuge on bonrel tin? mval vessels cow u the harbor. It is greatly to be Linen ted that tbere is uogriod Frank organization o:i laud to co-rpper-l ate with the force's at sea. - Yesterday the .niori-j can consul called a meeting of Americans, warned t f tUeinof their I anger, offereel his house jas an asylum to all, and proposcel that upon the; first alarm all Americans should go at ouce to the! Auicrkan printing . cstablishuictit as tlie!bcst! place for mntual protection; as it is a catlc in! itself anel affords ample facilities for resisting anj attack er standing a siege. Provisions have been placed there, and there is now at least au Anicr-j ican orgau'zatie u. This ktep lias already inspired! confidence. ! I A Jnrkish lir.c-of-battle-ship arrived last night. -Beirut may , be saved but the country is lost. The Paris" ''Journal eles Debnts" t-nblishes a1; THE MiSSOUill PiiNIlTiZN- T! AH Y. .1: n i raiiN Crrv, July 20. EniToti Bi:i vi;l;i a.n : Having rei.el the special doj atehes in your paj er of yesterday i!nd the day beiore, cotie'e ruing the revolt in our in stituti. is, and tbey being in cemfliet with tb.e facts I send ymi a trite statement, w hi h you will please insert iu your paper if you. think it prope r. At one o'eloek Monday, July 2-ird, as ihe convict- were being pa ".se-.l out of the prison, to theMr w.uk, ei.i the emtsido of the wall-, (some thirty being employee! on the female prison now Jialf way erected tin- wagon gate way pas.-"! tig right through the ecutre ef the building. ) a revolt took p.Lce imoiig the men belonging to the liifferent shops, twenty or thirty ed" the most desperate men Lads it. w ho made a imh at the inner gate", in the r.ct of belli-' o; ened by Mr. Cox. the turnkey, and and yet, shot:-vn.'.-h to do a ireat deal of hai m ? r;.i. uc w. . should wo iri.'ijrrSvlih the r'i- ;. :.r -i a. ,y ef JT f.v I.T Mir liien.s to ure.p in auo t..Ke a . tile South. lf.tho people of iii? Suudivio States i,;0 !)-! He vo . ro,V IWs.. i.i . . . S''V ! .r.d l.iiot.eiin thtvi.ivscr.t Presidential eleetion : ! v HU ivsiocmy Ct l!k .;:. .'i: Jt llts siibieet. was a rran -reel v.i:: rer- .... 1 ..... . ... .-. i. . . i . J ,i...i . J !-re"?it nia tav,t4.a eeiivr;.l. v e w m . ' . llll It ; . .1 1 Ul.:: 1 I .! ' II I ..'.f U J 1.1 M ...111.! .-v-t.jui, Mici i....- i.ru-aiiy troe?. I i:cn through with his sermon, he cl.-scd I be. to..k and gave a bin 1' and toueliing cxhortatiou under vvhi" h 1 e:ou!d, with mhers, but weep. His p.ub bc a-Idieses published h tve attnete 1 miu !i at tention, and sh.oild he liv, he mat, iu his ou wai d'ciOirse, leave a lro;.-d wake on the tide e l morals. Sm-h is the c!i..r::ct.r of iliv;1' Pivae her," vhose vr.-nderful pre c-.eit v is willsmit a pir..!!el. A". O. CM'.,. Mue: i; ii- bve a u.ost :;s t.l airv 1 re.illie ih::!l omit in piv.-cnt a foil front iu the ceiitiiijr eieetioii. and to i.iaint uu t heir ;i ivileues, their iti'itutins and their.tiovc! iimeiit, ti.eu ndeed it be gcr to sja; k ef the rights of the South. eiream of liberty, I fear, mu.-d lade peiisii to: ever,' thought of." srm.As Tin: ( i!!i.!t:i. f Jfiuf. I the eleatli b sl w; k oi the mother of -I i: Ls lii-t wife, who'we.s a Mis Marlio. ! I .,. j Ca-elift:-, h's two boys, his i-n'y ebil.:' iv.tu use pi svs.-;o:i v,l u laice !"ttii::e. ami no more to bo remembered or.i ?"r-'y "l'i-n tWo U!u r hids than the lb hlted:et nt, i,..U t. in an'v. sti ucti.i of the building. About thirty ol them sue-e-eeded in passing the gate.but were met jrouipt ly by the six girds on duty with a well dire.cUd volley from their mu-kets, four e f the convicts falling wuunded, the balance rushed down to the river. ' " The gaurds then drew tkeir pistols, and suc ceeded in breaking the li ic of convicts ru-hing through the out.-i.le gate At this moment Mr. J..B Ituthven, the architect and superintendent erf the building, who happened to bo em the top most scaffold,, jumped dow u into ihe midst of them and seizing au eni'itv musket, succeeding, br a blow from the breach in arre.-timr the pr.-irie'ss ! ol the notorious David ll.-iruioii, an I the tue lol lowing and iliiving them back and closing the in ner gate. During the melee, at the first rush, the Deputy Warden, (the Warden' being absent R.;i.!ioA! CeMMiii'ATio to T.vit '::::: i. Tii- public, inle-'rcstcd in tlie L'j.iiieh Bo.il fr.a. Kvcky Mount to Tarleao, as vjell as the public tutc'.igc, tbey bid fair to do b i.v r to aiic. T.ATi 1 P.uM M:.!(t. A", i- (;'.. generally, will, be pleased to learn that pi.sst tl- j 2.").'.'.. The b-aik Akxina, fn m Card. ;.i : ger aud freight e-ars will be pieced on that branch here 'm'av with letters from Ye-ra ('-.;. i . tf the W. & W. RaUioad n tlie fir.-t day of Au- j Mexican Oo.nul at this p-:t. AVc learn tb... gust next. We le.irn, t.., that it is proposed to; i nights of the (nddeii Clic.-e m.ade a pi- :. run a dally stage from Tarboifo' to (Irecnvilie, ! ibvir se; iecs to the 'o:.-titi;ti; ral ; ai ty : ' twctttv-livo miles, in e-onueetieii from that place to Wa.-hii:g!i ni make the si.iging to ( i reenvtiie less than by the w;V'if Wil.-e.n teen miles less via Rocky Moui with the steamer! icu, but Juarez r j:-ted their off. r i N. C. 'ibis will Nr.w Post Ofkt. A i. P.- he-en established in I Siow county. ibtmt twelve i!:ilev and ab-out nit.e- i t, than at i;vsent. I P;:letii:e !' ;t tb.e resio'i m-e 1 Quite an object in the wav of cj'ii.fort in hot wea- j Esq., on Sterne's Bay John Sh ei ther! 1V. .hiu.uHiL ! Ma.-ltr. -t ( N. r.. B. S . i:,. A LiYi:i;"s (JknuiosITV. " Sal !v" said a ven erable youth in a white hat end'mcv pant--,, thro' vvh.ch his mg projeeiel hall a fo.it, ohy beiore we go into this eie n.usd chantetl horse, I Want to ak yob somethiu." Well, Ichubod, what is it .' inn to see fi:e e u- j Arrival nj thr (;t'if'.,r: '.i'. jj.rt rs ! 5K1-1!, July '2(1. The l iny -xpre--s, v ill: j Franeiseo o;tes to the I lib, ha.- ;jrriv d. 1 slcaii.er Sonera sai'id en tlie lltli w i 3; U-L'O in spe-ie, mostly br N. Yt-ik. No were taken. J he ielters and new.-' by, yen see tb:s eoe Lns.is .s gvvme io Ull pv c f.s &CtAuuyUiStivs.tv cost a hull quarter ol a dodar a-p:ece, and 1 can t . ' i v .cr. a J; in I to spend so mueh lor nbihiir Now, cl mi r i - you 11 sav veu b have me, el.suiel d cl I uon t ne.v - , , - , . , t, , ,, - ... . ... , 1 penmcntmg UJ.OU tet.-iels, w hic'i arc to be e the hull on t niyseli 1 will, ! . , . - - i , J ' i , , , in '!.: tc r t I 1 ai is Jt-r a se ries e' vear-. ;fi Sabv made a r.! (cnMoittal icp.v, which i , S i i i . i - t i , , . ... . , . T . 1 r, ' i : b demonstrate beyond a d u.t tb. .r t lch.ib-v.i-l interpreted to suit b:in;e II, :.nd he strioe ' . -. 1-.- x" . - i i XT' lll tU'osfeiK .-if .- trsn ;ool T.;iil! t !o ivh.,,. on ! . . . . I 1 ' ' I "t the to;iI. as interesting to the Fatal A ffa i it. At Davis' Bo ids, about Lo mile's northeast of this place:, an -affray fcleok place on Saturday evening last, lietvve e u Jonathan (.lifferd aud Bryan 31 inshew. li a dispute ubout a buuch of ll-h, 3!r. (.IriiTud ki'.-ked "3!r. 3lin shew down, w ho rose aud cut !.m w ith a knife across the knock, which caused bis death instant ly. It. is rumored that the person deceased was chiefly to blame, but the nutter will undergo a ! U Nlw Faiiv-fk's Pailh. The tb.e Tarboro Mriut jiropose- to i ublL r. ! Iv, a farmer's pao- r t.j bo calbd the -Ed-, e. rami .Journal. 1 rieo o J cents a year. h shi oil J be addressed to Wu. B. Smith. T..i N. C. IM ju-t like to se you," as the blin.I r.t-ei. In i he W'. li 1 I. l.. ' tf f f Iu J : r lfr r tv h Vi i t..LI I . ' tlinil To IIIO II.TMilT.1 lo-tiiiiw ..il.iiw.i ..I l..i - X T . . . III 11 . 1 I I . - M wa' hum j,.ivi.7.v ...i. ...uimiu iraunii ; .-wh; ui w un- ai me river,; eir. i:icnie, in a uaiKi-io-iiauii ictrai i-.ivcstiu: itiou, w .ocli we suf.q-o.-c will reach ' , ,t. t- , , , , , 1 -,. , xrtl,h.tnr..c 'br lU ,',.-;,.,.,,. l,..f . 1- .i. . . ' i .1. !. !....! . Li' . . .. ' . li . - . 1 C tltUl tO ill C fc ta tion IlOUsC li ll e L ""--"v-" X...V. vi f.iv.iv. iiui anisic won one 01 ine comics iceen co. u me tru.n. Jioin v etc le:: ee ii.Me n;c:i anl mil- ; . ntture breaks with Lev fitful superficial iuimds, wound in the left wrist by the accidental discharge J et citizens, and both had famibe.i -Alto-cther it i becomew multipiiea as the image ot a star 1:1 1 u- of the pistol 1:1 h.s hamb-. Ass;io:i as the guards U a distressing alt iir. iiuhlibo, 'JYXvuc- i fli-il w Litem. Stt-:inf'e ! Tb. evmul- :it f 1 1- jil-.-v ....1.1 ; I... ...'!. .....! ....1 ...!.... .1 l..t. !..... ig - I I ....... - - --..."..T i VO L. I' ! V.lllVV.VTVI.lll.t IVl'IIVt IIIVII lil III.- tilt I I lKtUtiToltlltS the impression of predbuud repose, and yet, if you watch their ways with open ear, you find the life hich is in them is restless and nervous as that of a woman ; the little twigs are croi-sijg, nBll twining, and separating like slender fingers that cannot be still; the stray leaf is to be llittciied j We fi id in the St.-.u lard of Saturday bait,- the into its pjocc bkc a trurant curl; the limbs way : fullowmg letter from Hon. Thorns L. t . hngmau : stirtel in pursuit of the fugitives, ami captured all but nine, and two of t!rie ren n tel sh.t a:i 1 sunk in the river, one of th.m supposed to be Cuhinir. and twbt, impatient of their constrained attitude: and the rounded masses of foliage swell - Howard and subside from time to time with bng f.uft sighs,, and it may I e, the falling of a few rain drops which had lain hidden nniong the deeper shadows. I pr;y you notice', in the rwect sum mer days whieh will see you among tbe moun tains, tlii- inward trano'iiliry th it belonirs to the Jc-it'r from Fathcr-Bousseau, of ths Jesuit Mis-jl heart e f the wehxllaiid ; with this nervousness, for idon ic Syria-! The details which he furiihesj! I know not what else to call it. cf outer mnvc- ,ar.d mitten on the pot, arc b car tivn ding and! xiu-ht. One would k-.v that' natnrc, like untraiu frijrhtful. The Catholic Yiear (General of the; ed persons, could not "-it still without ncstlin or doing something with her limbs or features, and I that bigli iH-ceeJjng was only te be KKikcd lor in trim gardens, whert the uul of tlie trcci is still at case perhaps, but their manners are unacccp tionable, and a rustling branch or leaf falling out of se-isou is an innecorum. 1 The real forest is h irdly still except in the In dian summer ; then there is death in the house, anel they are waiting for the sharp shrunken months to conic with white raiment for the sum in cr'? bnr bib' i - - - - Arnr.VlLLK, July 2, ls'5J. Di'Att Sin : I atn'much gratiiied to "see the po sition vou have taken in the Stan lard of the lSth I have myself uniformly advised our politi- ::o7i:;no.N i. tiik For public information we insert the IblJowiug j extract from Brightly 's l)y:-ttj' Jna i!u mLti4trti ,V'o-W, at page 11, note (b) in margin. ic usual periexl of time which jer-::s ( ;-. ! riii-iin in fli. lOi-iiK !...!! m-i?. I . r. .. . i i - i ir ; immersion, we iciicve, isaue nt -lo uj.autc-. Did the man who plowed the sea, and v. o ti. . T i - i - ii xrarJ bbwitcd his iceten h.s native sod. nr ihe lerritorv thus acquired, is acquired by ! . : ,, v i ,,, .,,., ,a , 1 - v list the croj.-s . e people ol the L inte-d .tates lor their common f ills Bevrout district had been cut into four pieces with his brother and sister, and their Teniains thrown to the cleg?- Tbe Turks, hc says, rejoice in such sight?, and say "See here, these Chris tians and their priests, is it, ziot Datural that1 the logs, their equab, should imrkc a good meal of them." ! " ! Tlie stench. f the dead bodies under the ex cessive heat, is described as insupportable. Twelve hundred Christians of Gaeinc' were sur rounded in a wr3od hy the Drur.-, and murlcrc! cal frien b, without regard to their individual preferences, to sustain the Democratic electoral ticket already iu the field. Any other course by dividing cur strength, might defeat the object which every democrat has at heart. No one ac fjuainted with our electors can doubt but that if elected they w ill do whatever intelligence and pa triotism may indicate as best culcubiteel to advance the intercsttof the Democratic party, and promote the welfare of the cpuntry. From all I have seen since I come into the Sute, we shall have a decisive victory in August, and unity of action will'cusure the same result in November. You arc at liberty to publish this note should there be any doubt as to niy opiuious iu your sec tion of the State. Very truly yours, &c, t. L. CLING MAN. TY. W. IIoLDK.V, Esq., th ami fju-if benefit ; and every citizen has a right to take wilh bun into the territory auy articles c l property, t'nr'mfi.tj '. shier, which the Consti tution recognizes as property, and pledges the Federal Government for its proiiictiou Dred Scott v Sandford, IU Huw. .". We commend this authoritative statement of the fair and the. Con (iff '.'on to tlie the attention of those Opposition orators who, I by denouncing the Democratic platlbrm, make open war upon both J u. Journal.' " Pa, can a person Catch anything if ho don't run alter it . Certainly not Well, then, how did yon catch the cold you have got " ' By running after y oar mother, to bring her home from the Woman's Bights Meeting." i A resideut of Cayuga, N. Y., carried a cat six miles from home, aud threw it into the Iakei with a stone about its neck. The cat! arrived ml Li home befeorc him. - - - j An Irish Judge mid, when addre-. ing a -.:- ncr, Yoa are to be hanged, and 1 h p ic v. i.i prove a warning to vu " After a long period of act weather, ul.cn tb-. Lave prayed vainly f.r relief, the Cbii.c.-e v. i.i put their gods out ia the ra'n. to see Law t!. y like it. Bery Demeeratie paj-er iu Maryland su; ; r: the National Democratic nominations BreeL;;.-. ridire and Line. Pcst Office Affaihs. The IY.-t M-.-Gencral has established Mat Branches, Forvt co., N. (b, Murphy's Milbs Wcl, co., Ve... 1 Oaks, Tazewell Va- Dicontinwl. Darekn's Store, Nauscra Vii-, Cedar Fork, Caroline, Va., Lv r.s St Bedell. N. C; ladeville, Hyde, N.-C ; Cbim:. llock. Kuthcrford, N. C. Alcoholic 1 lek A tt-1 k

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