> Br DOI/I AJiS, ’Thvrsda'j July. 10,1879. THE CEFTENNIAI \ ^vA . *vi tlie Ibllowing ad- • flj-titfsi; Indies and Gmtleine.i: I am haj:py to ujcet yon al! hera to night, aoti .0 ehare with you the open ing of cur CeutcDtiial ceiebiation. It is.ail event that has been antioipatid with both pleasure and curiosify. It bos been a austoin, my friends, from '^* ijme imrnfcC32riai, for all civilized na tions to have ther seasons of rijoicing A GRAND AND GLORI OUS SIXCESS « TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE, The Procession Nearly One Mile Long-. sucu A Time NE VER re poke ; SEEN IN FRANKLIN. ‘ A- to coiaiJiSuiorate some leading event connected with their biHory as a peo ple, and it i? to celebrate and coun memora' ethe one hundredth auniyersa) ^ i ry of our town and county, that we j have met here lo-uight, and we feel • glad ‘ha! oar lots hare been oast on earth during tiie aineteenih century, a [ eriod whieb future generations will refer to as tbe-csisty niorning in times" calendar, when Rie sua of progress rose in at! bis effulgence, and be ore whevo rays the dim twilight of the past receded from view. There is iu ^te plrreiudogical struc ture of man a’^^ysiup of comparison, T» Mitche!!. ifr^ .Mitchell came forward the efiLire.nigbt of, the 3fd, Yjjj. /brigiit scions that wait not niOitiing of the 4th, dawij;(f I {../a hundred vears to burst upon ns, at leu.st 2.000 visitors. At sir ' the exercises we.re usliered n bv the firing of cannon ami the ring ing of bells, whiic living streftros of of huinaiiitv poured in ' to the al ready seemingly crowded town, from all sections of the nouQtv. in every conceivaide vebide, tnen, women and children, white and black, continued to pour in until iheir number fell but little short of I0,0p0, all seeming anxious to par ticipate in the grand jubilee. homes. I years old by J. F, Pierce—"snother, aged Thus oriilod the first Centennial | 140. licwi-- Jores, Ei ormciis scord of which, my friends, I have the. | of Franklin county, na occasion [ Imldiiighalf bo.st td 150 years old, Henr -, 'iE-3urri of iutrcdiiein^ to, you as the j whicii every citi'/en nm'. justly loel i dersoii Feny. Seveiul baud trunks IV j " ' * 1 * ® ' D-ic/d orator ot this ooc-asioii—Mr. proud o!', wliutcvrr advaaec 200 yr-urs o';.'., bs iger kept b; the G- fiv It V *. 1 n » - _ 1. .1 \ • 1 . .. - may Iw mude in tiia uext hundred •and ill j years . Tiicigh m a n y o f usual oratorical and grac Tui man- j the nowjwasie phicc-sitibL disligure the face of ibis (air land of ours. D‘ delivered a nio,sl pleasing and ir>.~ tPeSting historical ad4'’-=s of 'be ivjT'he next,yp .ii'ser was I’ac lion. C. ?E?i Cooke. It is useless for us to uiv UPrtake i.n give a synopsis of this dis’ hotel keeper r,; i :!- Hate Court House, belonging to W, J. N'urv.'.,.M of W«r- renton—rut gbis.s salt cellar ouco owned by Alice Keli great grand lu.'tiier thougii scientific agents and the of Mbs Rosa *V. Hr-,'ncL 200 years old. hand (if skih shoul-.l bs nuule to j A pen'erdi-b (>Wi>ed by Kenj. biossom likt the uildulutiiig velieys i w-ard a lUeiinterof the State Congress of Italy; tloigii e’ccr-.'ity siiould i wiiich uiet at ilalifas. iu 1170, property supercede steam ts a motive pow- ’ ofDr. N. il. Maiphy—A laiies work ■ii^piisbed geuilciijun’g spee,oh, as we ! er, and even the iclegrapli give | basket 200 years oid, Mrs E. C. Joae.-', At 9 A. -il., the procession vyas ociilT not do him justice, ^Dle.^s we formed in front of the court house square in the foUwing order* Raleigh Cornet Band. Raleigh Light .Artillery. Ninety-four men ou horseback, representing the counties of the State by name. (This was rndly a very pretty feature in the piocced- ings.) Bavisi, Oooke. t ^ ou aM Bilker, Orators. ‘ ' THBMUSEU3I OF MINERALS AND RLXICS-i-THE ART * GALLERY. Tciatir: Grr4AiM> , X^TVOinit'OAlN'VAS., and this D.l, ETC., ETC., ETC. Never in the iiistory ot Fcgnkiin County has there been such a deni" onstration made, and in all proba' bility, will not be again for the next hundred years to ccr-ie, as ♦hat of last Thursday and Friday the «Ird and 4th of Juiv. Not only the visitors, but even the managers ihemseives were sur- prised at its inaguitude. T’he e.xec- ntiye commiuee for weeks had been i]ntirir>g in their eiTorus to jM&ke the occasion a grand success, and for that succes.', the associa tion is largely iadebt *d to dieir Rpesident, Mr. Geo. S Baker, who will he a eao j)c ii^iefoplmeu*; for in oar Museum may bl.found -a varied and unique coilcctiouof article a iiundrcd or Ui..ir} years oi>.. 'Ebesa v/ill prove a tangible evidence of things as they were, while pyer. the little boy? u'ad girls of our di-y can readily eoiupare them wifli thingias toey are. Looking back to the point from ffjiiolf our fore-bthers stariod, we see that rapid, and Void have haeii the stritRs ei'sEienee, ir.d during the past hundred year.s, no only have we had the benefits of Frouklinks rise and prcgra.ss, but we lave been aided by the dhaoverie.s o! ibc whole world. SciontiC. iuvtsdg-dons have prpven that in .the course of nature, material, neitlier a.'iiuia'e or inaniuiaie, cap re main a fi.xlure a, any degree of coiup'etencss. Tiere must either be a .steady advance towirds strength anu life or rc‘riigrade 3tep.s to weabnoss and decay. Now il is a self.cvidept fact, that needs uo argument ci mine to prove, that v*g ar a people, liay-a riot deteriorated, bat with tnereusao pjoyer and iiultiplied futilities fur itup/ove- incnt, ara steadily .noving onward and upward. And w.biie wc .hioi proud that wc qre til-? proginy of the .sturdy i uteiJ, wko f'died.^tiG tr'*-r.s t«n yonder UrAc ta ''ueduh his entire address. Then came that di-itinguished son of way to some oilici'conirivaujo lar i A tible once the property ci’Rev. Juo. King one of th? first Metliodist proacii- its siipo’. ior, aiid itiuiiso lar inistei' the science ol Uiirid ami througi: 1 ers sunt to’.Ids State by .ino. Wesley. Franklin, who is always licld in the i that kai wiedgo an i its jiroper ap- I A laige nuiiiber of hi.s leosMedlat ■ de- vory highest esteem by hU follow citii ' piiicalkm plac-c our s|iecics on a i s-cendunts still reside r.nior;. us. Five yens, the Fop d. J. Davis. All were ■ rnucii iiigher intellcciuo! ami mor» ■ silver i Then followed speakers.and offi cers in enniages. Ccptoninai i ly y'l'vifl. y (jfioif, ‘ r rj i fa.,..; arTt^ous tc arowd as ne.ir as po;:>;b{e to t! 0 stand, to gel in f earing of his pieas- a! .it'Toico. Ho spoke a hiiif hour, and h.4s speech w^s very good. He c)o.eJ IcV jiotroduciog North Caioliiia’.‘> pot, Cv Zeu B. Vance. When i'.at l >'v lacire in cus’temp representing ilie thirteen original Stales; j, aald not get. near enough. North t.-ktrolina, Miss Mauue j o.ild be seen elimbing trees, n “1 plan than we tuiw iuivf* any con- coptioii of, even then wiiii all i)ie I mcrcaso i advaritag-ta cf a hundred j years to cnao as our posteriiy as- ' scmbifcs tc celebrate i,(ie ne.vt j An ancient gm’, belonging to J’ teiiUia!, we can bulitone as Ml)3v f Cooke wbicii onct 1 11-. ’ i i‘j dove-, -V laige iuj 1 iiiu.ies’.iQg c ea spool..s brought from EngLac 12.5 yetus ago, beiongin ; .o .5lrs. A. S*'. Stiother. .1 siiiilT box i-mn iu Scot laud by the giriii'i fat in r of Thos Wnite, E>q.,of ]..oui.sbiJvg, ntju;-,. W0iH.en Furgurson. South Carolina, Miss Mollio Wib dor. Now Hampshire, Miss Loui.se Perry. Massacluiseils, Miss Nellie Eger-- ton. Delaware, Miss Alice llarriss. Penn.sylvauin, Miss Drixe Macon, Now A'ork, Miss Lizzie Siq^ne. New Jersey Miss Helen Fingle- lon. A'irgiida, Miss Mary Davi.s, Georgia, IMiss .Bettie .McNair. Rhode Island. .Mis.s Fettie Haw kins. Oonnocticnt, Miss Lizzie Jones, Maryland, Mif.s Elolso Wilhains. Then came ten Lively lilUo girls it: co.s'.utne, reoreseating the teti to-wnshipi.-^ -if the couiity;— Loais'up’g. .\!i«3 Jennie Vvilliams. Cedar Ibork, Miss Sailio White, (lypre.-s Creek, Miss Janie Slone iluUi.i'. Miss Mary Grey Clifton, Dnr.a's, Miss Annie Belie (.’liiton. Gold Mine, Miss Annie Wdoep. lid even the chiidren 'I'oey 11 tup j c.stumps, boxes and every cjnceivable that their filial arlvtctio;.. rape! the blush tlmt lui-ght :lity I will I of unci‘lit cciuM, by Thus. R. Wild, lingc j A great niHuy uiher iotc. estlDa arti-.-h .. if t; 8 the cheek of otlier.s while they |ay • which our ^paos wni not perndt us their oblations on the altar of meiii- vty that eonid be thoug'it of to hear i ..^ry consecrated to their au{;e.stor.s hui, was re-iorteej to. For aoout uu l^^ememoeririg donulles.''.nst!;e',' will hiar the crowd was iu the very be.st o-Jer, and the interesi. nianife-ted in tie gieat stiilosieau’s reu^arks, was iu- ’flise. [Our space will .uol a.iiidt, of Ll.iie rfentieiiujifs speeche.«, but we in- tend, at a i early day, to publisn them, tecether with a fuii accou it of ibeCen- teudal proceedings io parnphiet iorui. —GpiTOR.J , Vb Ll’t; conclusion of Senator Vjuoc's orati in, Mr. Biair Burweil Cl ,ir:nun cfihc Execiu-t- Commii- tee anriovneed tiiat dinner for ten thcAsand people tva.s ready. Be- tween two r.a.l lliree tho istiiai leef ot tables iitui been erected iti i he pas;-: .iiid ea.di tabic washnlcn with an ubiKidance of good Uiiii,gs io eat; barberned pi.ar3, lamb.s aip.l chk.kons in ei'diev-i variety, lu’cad, pickles, in fact rdinost everything j to iiisfy the appetite of liic gi'cat ! en. .'iI luid been orovid’;.!. The iin ni tho i,anguagc ot our iTesideut, th.at !‘ir there is naught to mar fve beauty of lids grand oid ce-iciuy i plant it is to be born in m..i‘i it is ! the tiivt that hii-S bloomed lor us.” j Jjcaviinr to them to fill Uu* varan- I cies we hu'/c led, an l ti-e full com- i pie!ion (.f : ^.■o!nmeliC^!l the cure 0; auvaj luges work that \ye hu' - re unit’ coiwigM it tc. those who-.” superior no doubt wiii throw ^ around it a halo of ea,rth1y giory j tiiat the iin!l!.s of the present couid I not Lirnish- ' ScK.Ny;.s. I.\:c;dext3, Etc. Aunt Abny Hi.iwe, om; of ifie ni nofd.le women of tlie State, in lu-r oe i Dieiiiioii, 1/U-, wiuji. wiii be fiiliy x. . crimed ill t'l C'JD'ertiiul record to b'C filed who the records of tlie county, Be.-ido.i it oi.mlaiiivd uuuerala f'rqir, every eoiiay uu i nearly every section. They wore ike cjutributLns luaiuly of Mr. Blair Bu-well uni ilr. Jl, S. Davi.s li.'j !p=-;ived y ponulur priiicip.d of the Male .i'.udnny wiio beeuit-fi never t tire- -n giving the full In.sio y w IS fur consoin'.- • ift their very active and energcuc cuairman, 2>Ir. Blair Bar well, who spared neither, h’S time,* his talent or his money in perfortaing the ar duous duties incident to the respon sible position which he heiti. He did his work well, and like one ol the noble band of Gideon of old, if ^e became weary at ail, "ydt he was found st”! pursain.g.” Mr. B. C. Jones the Ireasurcr of tho a.sso' cialion, iciidered invaluat'e seivs icc, in advancing? the interest of the celebration, by his good judge ment anef untiring zeul. Others of the committee did good work, but wo feel it due to those we have named, that their efforts shotdd re- oeive special mention. Neither time, labor or money, was soareif to make it an. occasion of enjoyment, and truly may wc say that even the brightest antici pations of the most sanguine were more than realized. SrERCiSES CN THE SRE. At 5 o’clock, P. M., the Raleigh Light Artillery under corniiiaad of Oapt, j. WL Lee, fired a salute, of .thirteen guns on the grouad- Dr. J. B. Cliftofif Chief Marshall assisty..-rmed the piacossion from the court ^ square, Ji-say 2,009, and i’.eaded * by the .lUleigh and Louisburg Cornet Bands, marched to the beautitnl park, ■ of tv.'elve acres original grciyvth, situated in the northern part of the town nrul known as tlig maleacadem.v g*'Ovo, which was brilliantly illumiuatcd for the occa sion. Thf*. iittoniion at t!{« dcor'suf vaior and h i- rjLm wh'cli they^^j permniied. iVe hx.ri'jr thoai, wc tivasuie their memory | io “ur iisart of htarts : but w§ are n..!t of those who believe ia retracing with measured tread the old beaten track which they trod. Our tnod.’s of con veyance both physical and mental, are supericr to what they enjoyed, uud it is natural that we should got along faster, and those who pull back may expect to he run over or left behind. We give all lioiioi* due their uiomory; they were fitted both by birth and educ-atioc fur their Jay. So ar-* wc. This is no period when ae old fogy cau lod in tho-bhaJe of a Centeti" niul laudinaik and without being laugh ed at, cry, }i.i.yesviiic. -Miss Leona Brown PniD'iihitOfii M;s.s Aiiiijc Upp ’na:). - FK-cmttPV, f^vaiPle&i'anhf,. ■ ■ I ■ • ■*' * • " ■*'V G Sandy f rock, Miss Juliet Ha.." i kills. Louisburg Coriiot Band. .XT TUK OUO’oXns. Song by the Ociiteunia! chbii'. .AddresbyG. S. Baker, Fresi- dent. M;. Baker said; Ladies and Geuilemen : to us all j iXiC.rts congregation was tVii iid i 'aii.'] in porlecx order,-and yet, when - aiiyv.d '".'li.sl'Cd. Uierc 1 ; '•aii-.ir spliero; a. wouiaii : }ea:i -.'t.'i ‘ chf> war eng, I ly in iiuv .-xujts. and wbe.o oivil ai.iiuii j viiM .« ii;(l by he revolution, ami her I V(;Crttii‘!i Ip.iu-b.iuishe-1 for waist oi j e •ioUh.i'g to di congeiila! to her lasie, ! .ib-j t'.iiuei iio'' attei-tiou ;o wur. am.l j ma:iy a poor oLk foUi.T hr* yn.j cos-. was li i.uge ■ ■‘'I:'4* joi-r. r.ii. 1 li.- aiii Of en*A=>, . V' - ... , ,-tiO';! '.^iieii iicir IjuKinr: men' aiitBpirtrii5ti:;a evlnceu ii.iJtlJe ; , , , , peo.ilc; wus .grat’iB and a!! v/.eTA j hoiii ^ it'oling that fileV liU'l vvii.:u,‘So- | " ■ I ' ed o.-.Q o‘'i!i'C .greatest ev-woi.- s.; the j history of our enonty and tow:; and j rojoicing .it t'lC rironulit that :io ac- , cident had occurred io mar th I cued Iroiii th.; J.oaded ho.'-.'iui!, i :o’' j I I ' ' ' d. ! M'JvHiter ^ j r.sug'K 1,0 iijc COiip j!-: of h .me ! ong hoilit.- j iVbeu ! of every .-p.winiei; th.:U eli-iteU an •,u. quiry . his fi-.iiidia! i; / wiiii the almost enuLt.'. vaijely .r, -r.r.e-;-.:ii.t’ii.s on exhibi- tioa and the ill I l.c-ir, aitli uhieti ne CS’lainM I! li; ov.iicod t.-. uiai.y a miiid on li ill day tiiut lie va- liio •'ligM inan j in ih. s i igin phmi; vuz , a.i iiwrattur I o? youili, and if lie fails to teacii the i “yiiuog idea how to Siiojl' il had about as Well t-o ”ive up Ho vun . oVltr GaLLj-IK V , 1 The Art Gaihery on i he second ft»or of the Male Academ; was a veiy iutein es'.ing feature. I ' Aiii.'it'g tlie e.rf.' le.s ori rxhili. ion wc I noiice.l the loiiowii g t!i;,t were ex- I otuleti by li' j.roi le o! Louisburg »n.l i wnjcu evi.'-'.-.i a d‘cg>'Co ct talent uuj I ^ i di:\i Y],vy ^■ mV -'G bv 'V.ct ) ‘’ik'i'.'cs td-.--- -same Si.'., eiiin.r N 'r.li ,/f uin ireii ami friein rttM.'iod .-\ont Abbj was forced u ph^'n-ure of tit * da.y. I urn .sur-e it is gratifying to us all j -prineip'i I ovent of the even- to SCO till? vast asseiiihiy, auJ hi the . jng was tho gyand old time bail, name of Fraukljn county I extend s cordial aod‘%i iv;ere -.velcome to all who have honored this Cmitennial oekhra- ticn (vilh their nrcsonce to-day. it is an occasion, my friends, that will .re sent itsoif never again to one of us, for who svill be hero a hundred y nivs to CO UK-? “W bo’ll ptess for gold yon crowJul, street A huiiorod years to come? .ihiiiig,' her base again. Trie to her ! uj.isculin,' iii.s'inets, siic- iaiJ hold on I the lira aud erily thing th.t ‘.v.vs iiice'.y j 10 hC'-'p lie* beh.ve ll-e pribliv, nanie.v, I j.u.iitics, .Stn ha? taken ; ra’!) fur ti.e i last thirteen years in acting ihe sba-f ••i’ ! of ub pr.i'ii'.iiciit B'eiiiocratic p'.'iitici.-iJm. and hrs t’lii ig Jcnn iciati -ns and vtn-; gcance on their adver-a'i .s, ()i li.is her “My rest let time be fearful to offend, j V\ ho d tie.ai.i tliis t^rov’e with willttg And creep by me us by a slumbering i A h and red friend. ' Now there are .some lawsbotli mor al and sta:ute; observfcd by cur an cestors, tile obs-ervanco of whicii is just as necosaiy for our peace and prosper!^ ty as tiio laws of nature are to the perpetuation of the -qpiveisc. Sup-, j pose tills itar-sprii.kleJ’arGii above lu. should melt away, au'^I’h^ moon flasii cut of sight like .yt m .i’alo, *:hs'wiiid? .hrlrMapr v.-r.hyr, or the soft SI jngy v ..a-iH be petriUc.^. j What would bee., ill-3 of m.an ? A-L ; | what would hecoma of him if tip evil within bi.m was under no restraint ? So are obliged to see, that-a.i nature cannot intermit hi.i laws without deK riment, so should w; be law-loving and law-abiding citizc’is. Yac we are to some extent a free and indepenclo t. veolr.? to coineV treinhiing ago and fiery yoiitl, .Yrid chiidliood, with iih; brow of trat, The rich and poor, on lain! and -soa— Wh.-.'i* will t!;e mighty tiiiiiions le ji A hundred ye:i>*s to conifc? hG^Yi e ai! within out graves shall chop A hundred yc-trs to come; iSo living soul f-'i* us shad w.^en, .V bundruil ycarie lo conic, “Bot o'.her men our land viil! i':ll. And oiiiers iheii our streois shaii fill. ,\nd n't '”’ .singers, bright and gay The ball wa.s auinrunccJ t.u take place at 9i P. M. This was fu Jecd a ..i.iiliant t'tfuir. Tlitt.parj': was haniisoraely iliuiKinaA-fi, Clliuose miitoras -.vih-o piuccii on ilic diiler- occasi .p sre mad ent stand.?, and the beautirul ireos whii.h liad iivutected the iiiiii'i.jiisc l.etwjen two soldier.* crowd froni the rays of the son. ; (luring the day., wtre {iilcd with i lights. In tiiO centi ol liio park a i huge canvas h.a 1 been erected, cov- | Cling a pi.;tibrin w'dch had been i ccusLra.cted for the dancer.-s, suffi- j civr.t to ccconnsvadate cat tliousuiid j Fiv.v.n^ a vury ta.'-ii!y i.t lout, el ilo’-'ers, .\i re i'el’.ipic iTiSuU M 'Ii'.,;.-i0eiy iolll v; oil pr.LU!'.J. a'l.' ijoo ri. Baker iinee crayon irai.,- lamJ.-'t.a^.c> in oil atid ;ii';imi;.ii piec*, eu.iiiiiomuraiivo ol ll.e '1 •:yi Gau^e'' (;uii‘ tine e-'O- r.’.r.;I!!.vni t* > in alOji'jnd.d Luain..u.s piece Le copliop. 31.!..- 31 ciayoii piece.?, OO Ihnand draw,,'ig, ami a eiie a litde gii uiifiuis.,e‘-; ISpeetre RoUjC. V.h Ji. I-nrgiiis..i; il piautio,': lidi ka.gui p.irtiail of !'.\n eiayot; j or'|•rtit^ umi an iaWiii,i i;t Whike l‘Ti'.-.-t f.pjieil He e ill j yioji .Marti-^i i'el.sol). 1 w :i our tawa s.tting -in the artillery lar- j g.;,;,,,,,,, hu.d-cM.e draa- anrl wliih, S-i'iu'oi Vance w.-iS vpeahiug ...hy stood erect in the coug’egati'On, and fra- uluted a hearty .amen !o td! I tug?, tud c'. crai ulllri bca-iIi■ ul-.I Hjon piece,?. As we d‘. tin-. I pH*aple. Lon; jr bcfioi'o :c iiour oi 9;d0 the canvas filled h.v love- .liani young men, iy W'onien and g; many of llieai drei-.aed in the age of one o ■ among hundred year.s ago, vvhcli we observed llic following persons: .Mrs. .Ed. .b'.-nos. white brcaule silk: iMi.s.-i; Nannie Speed, pc-'crepe and suGn: Mi.;; Noipr. ; queiuiy fj . I 1 e .Sid 1. PTnph.asizii'g iior w-uds Ly a ! I tut of ti'O fvo and t.’.ss of du3 head, ! j peculiar alone to Aunt Abbj. | I ..4moD2 tbs meuihers of die Pie?s ‘ ! on the eland were John E VVoodai-J, i MTison .4dva'ice; J. W. D.ijwd, Far- n.er ani Mechanic; W. 3(. llday, R-aleigh Kvenmg V'^'sitor; J, R. Gou- j ^letnu, Biblical Recorder; J.hi. iiaw- kins, ?x. C. Far.iier; J. A. Thomas, Louisburg Times. ! The muric on tho occasion was fur j fes? to b? un uit critic -ood lor tear tbaL w-s luigbi. do .-loru.- itijustice aii‘1 i.H.-ur the e.iosurc of' Olliers we deem it but nglit to simply present this !'■ atme oi t.ic Car.itiiuial wituoul coiiune'it. ijii.-.di.‘.-> ’’.ic ai.-ov-s j uaiuyd I icces thuc v,’-,:rc iiuiiiy fine ! chrumus acii .siieciiiieus ol Fiiotograpiiy I (.li exn bi :ou. .Luioua 'be iatici wi saw,soiiic ot i,‘.in.'.ioerai>if iiicrit ‘executed, i by oariii-V'rr v;iia_e i''.;ol(igraplKi 3i'\ j Y. B. Ghiioa. CKSi'ENViAl. GltOL'NOa, shed ton I--! I cxci’CiiiOS were than j people, fo'* it is of cur own free vfiH ooeeed with prayer by Rev. Thos. and plo; sure, tha* we hav. met here ML Smith of the M. E. Caurch, this to.nioht to ceRbraic the one himdreih was followed by an anthem, sung | annivev-ary (jf ocr town -and county, polling r-ar centennial celebra- .'diiiing towns- was followed by an aiituem, j annivfai‘-aiy v.. ........ by ihQ Contennial choir, cotAl>.o?ed. | in opening r.«r centenrjal celebi pf F e following ladies aud gentle- 1 tion 1 have the pic,--m-o of intr'.'dnri Aviri- \Trs Marv Fliiler—Leader, 1 Mr. Kltsha Garr.'R Bro-vn, onr towi men: Mrs. Ma)*y .Malone, ^Irs. E- G. liar row, Misses Mrs. J. K. Jeacs, Mrs. J Loa Browu, Maggie Furgm2.on, Alma Smith, Giydc fi^mith, Mjiggio I'lea-sants, Anuie Green, Beiue Green, Florence Dans, Matilda r^UMessersJ.E. Malone,'A.n. Furman Jr., IL M. Bairow, R. B. Furman, W- F- . Mr. Geo. S. Batber- the President bflhe Associalion came forward man ■T.id te!iovv.r‘-z3n, who will read Djiuail charni tlie gi./riouLii-JiTrs A'dsy | Lg .,jGr./JvvIi brocodvi silk; Miss j A. hundred years to ooim;.” Yv'e liavo enJoavored, niy friond.s, to make this celobrati'ir. tne of ialc!-«-;t 'und pleasure, while jrasikliiis fuU' daughters and their gu,.‘.st3 have. maJo it oocuf beauty- Good oH 1‘Vaaklin slo'Y but sure in her progiC.iS, reoiiuds me of the grand old Ceatury pbaiit which has been liaiid?.] down from one .generation to auothtr, g.atlicting all its force- aud conoonlratiug thorn at on® point, t'.i burst ido bloo.m a- the isxpiratioa ot a Lungrol years. If yoVi think this one lads matuiity, or there is aught to mar us beauty, retnenibcr it is the iitci. tbs, b.--’' • iiti tjiioi.-Oiirg I ■( -' •Jen . I McNair, greitii si'.ii'ed silk; i Mi:,. .Rj^uiie ihtl'.-or, Gi-imsoit velvet, "'■‘ ,0 .silk and pnii'l Iihio; Miss white pati;i. j - iilOS, i’(M)”(-‘.SCn tC(; ,, Ho wore .-hp’pc-r;, silk knee punrs, ■v.iilh.iw tail coat, jj iai'iro Vii’ass bucUMi.s, io. g vest. Mf. S. W. Jo’ieS, pants, .'lipjiefs, swallow t.uil .Mc;-sei*.s ID L HiM, J. 'iV. aud C. P. Brown, wore -i/is- tumt •. sn\j ^ 1 ft i* 1 ‘ \ V •'A»i! itJt* l?ZLittF*GO C'*'; Corihei Ho0^5. ilsOvit ba/.^d itu iHLlt ■ “ . . -la-' I Frf. f\hlj CDUlitV HLid j. U" full tlutv. and played wen. , T'tE Museeji. ! cdebr-ited. is situated lu U.-j most eic The Ma?cJm on Re fr-t floo- of , vatA portion of ibc'oa-u of Louisburg the Mu'e Academy, cootmniog many !. N- C. biom tae ii.cgcovor iar rivi'i'. tb'j grovci i! y-'ached by a.s.;euur.;' i four liiili or uatarii! ."t-.-ps wl.r-'li cou- ‘ siiCit,; tlie i.ifuiiipi-i oari oi ta-j ..laiii ! l!eHj.V!.. .Viidi. V-rei’l d.vi.ffs mailer i.'L’.-;* ' th-3 same as Mr. JfUKVs. . . . , I , a , 1- bloomed for U“. ami be a-1 diseouraged, .1.. acc..,„.!.'. ic» ... .(.p,- I ,, 0.1 by thi U = pi....a.l.m'.--.s 0. u 5t lamrbnt ted States of .\iaeriea n: Cengross as •sembled, July 4’h 177G.' y- .Mr. E. G. Brown then eani^ for ward and rear the Declaration oi IiuiitpeRdenee ?v'.:ich chtsed the ex orcises of Uie J■' FRlD-tT T'.iS JtII. People coii'.iuacd to arrive during v; but. renew your cu('rg!Hi5, ^,v. daiight;^r«^ unJ ukiaO u sc that trhen it pa?S‘’.5 from ourh-aocs td our posterity .'as n,6Xt grani ..peniog will bo a greater soccg.-s. Wc are r-iupiug th-a benefi's truay N f.ji (T'atlicrs befljcved or. the ca.e our ihic plant, fur we roe around us ev.- deuees cf llieir Cute scicultur* iu lus. '-'^Tierc were pernaps several who wore ooslume.?, but D* ail i-DaV v'O v\( lO able to get. ~ .j'C v.‘I'VO maDy ‘Other.; wao on- the mi'rry ti uice, and net t’t t.'.vo hUiidre'-l e’d jo'.l.n. who d’da't dance, ‘Jiurrieci .vA.gie, vvere- lo.ker.J on. Tr.o ■' as kept up unitl 4 o’c!'i Civ ly uiOiTiing, whoa t:u,i.e ea- c/n ... . ® in U}e ieativu.e?, r^nv at an cad. • respective i Voiu'able r.-aes or ihi; olden times, was | ! 'jue of ' li'3 at!rac:iv(* feature.'; of luc j Gc‘nC«-'f;;iia!. I Must intcreitinu ' f vt’lech avo tlip f' l j l(,''.sl:!g; 11 old coat Wi'l'll L ■’ ..hime.-. ! C.il! dio Graiid Fafiii?t oi Wm. T. I Oo!.'if, our pre.-^eut Cou! ty Ti'oa,- .rer, 1 i 80 years ojd. Four old chimi flats? 1 the nreptirty ;.f 3L'> Geo. B. Boh';. I wiiidi Vv-'i'v Li-wied :.i t'.o wans o' WDi. I IS',2 and 18d-i- Out of .tie o' wh.i-'. ' Hon. Z. B. V .iies cut i.L fkntcuidd f.lihnir. Allot her Old'V’tna jJ:.''• cent I ff .ii. 'Li|..(;gl' by 'V. H. J mo.s toi Cap!. ' J. J. Dav.sto cat l.is C-.inU'iitii li D.iiii'ii- I li -iu. r: iiiiLcr of .artiGe.- (>t i H.i. '.V'.re. L-.,n' !.t from Eugh.ml by liie auce-'O'is yVi [^0 Cronsli.!'( .riir.dy, ariti'i'';' u u'.h : «-asah.roe out gLss mug of pimuhsr shape, u-e-1 h\ Hoi), Z if 3 a use at die Diiucf tablir. A poAd-w iiorn 2.j2 HI f 0 il ot :ri‘kD iiito C‘Vo o llic one al- Ii.. I-a-, ■ coiiiainio^ 12 aji us m s; ' .■ 0 ■iinierpait of t •■= '.'imr. ia- Rjmsbu-i Lomaio E'aiUg-* h. siiu it T I ii iliowest I'l'Jc (d ihi-.-ti( et, '.villi I' G'ilc';.'! Lull'll.i;. t.uildi.'/g i? 'l’° ,,i; ; iij.r Liiii On . in d'C ‘joori-y. ■'rive != siiuaH.'i! or il.c 111 oeoH-r liil'gs.-; •! mi III! f.l ■r fio- i.it acadi.-.)!j( S i-.'Ilf tiio .-'.-.‘et. in t! ■ C'-Otro oi til..- grove looking Lorn the ftr-eet, c‘, a goritk- riso :iSs‘s tLi'acgli I ' i: .s ui.d a' the terii.iiJU I-J ; {he StroV P i;. "lic Male .\i'uu!.-iii.i a. Lt Ol tWe .y’lli:-.? 'vl.'.-fc- t 'U It :ii It Lo if J go boy > !.II *> *vIll's lii'i .-U-..! a i-c- ('■ iNTl-M ■ O ) ! . S gtOl.'d •al ■].' wiih ' 1 school . firit!* of -i.Uc ‘.‘aiit L. .hi •?A.'