. . -v ; . .. ' . . f ' - , -:. ''it.,, ; . . V-'-V, v ..' , ' - "v - ' , - M jMjgwy-. , , m2 msg&Ksmmm!T??mmmm9 1 1 ' '- u ; : : , -.m . ; 1 1 ' t , . I" i - r- 3 .. - Xirv'. 1 ..v. - V- ' i .t V A'- . -I V -'' ';S Ti, v i m-mp m j ?V: -I::p(':OF:f -" Bai'whosG seetf poetry breathes preyented leutis ami " factions" ariti ' ; I PH PSI WOl JOSEM DVIS the Spirit of freedom and ha8lna)l6 Jias be tte BoafcVofcbt.happi llUryp AF-a-W him a favorite with English 'speak. ;peSslO our people MylaUj. friend ; ; . lioDisT-BeT.Ti Sififf atiofibertvin !Judge' Gnh&bf uo Was much at- i; i 'WednesdBj ; sight, ..Bundaj Bclioor ' 4ebratw of;thejQne Hlin-' i"BQt'Ioyalty triicei ?We'reoa Uaij'- 'and-who; wa -greutljVhtloveiubjr t r7a ,'ajJK2 T-;9.?tfWt LiWto.lw;ihejhmaj. ;,rW;i.Vp1?ltJ.-WBttterl- grayer toeeUngeTcThwBday night, - w Lbliisburb!f rf4 ; -Bwund tt''.i -peopled Frank!Ia a conTer- i ' SuDday School. oclockf ,t .ibw;ask1i JZLLi k- - hauV 5w.4.i: rcryl natjral I the people t)Cth coutrtyofrFrao f &Ste" in VhexhaYicter5?)f Ihe , tco4 ' i Rv f.: jerris Edward rector- herv ices. 2nd and 4th Soaday I ZiAPI3 AXJ4 at il and sfc, andirdiSandjuwiljQ 4 traits Jn; the character5xf ahe , pco xat!suixday4fe -. j;:''..-'.'-v-'- -r FraolLhaun eulogy of tue cparacter beena . real, .imng; bratjiWjarp-per! hei; iUaniyovejn, '"' .' 7"T-,".. ' .w-... a;wbrtifb'i thei'rlDcior8bat'F' ma:peat'4erbinnd 'Respect (or-UM9,yriwr!iM rof6SSiOndl CdrdS 1 propose to detaihjbu only laVfew pr.fashiou.- or jiainc;f buK to the sense of boxjor and' pf justice, ha- JJA V i-M 'OZ.SjiV VW'l j I g.A ii-Andv: informed, br;. tHft nrn- I Iaut and ovderl to tJt&t Rovereii?n I ont Atacot AnJ rose. xnontb t ty of their Woniehi t in; Granville, Warren,and WiafceCoun counsel were a guide to tha. people pie andwhich speaks? through j the ' It vduld WiapleasurQt61;a5 to ifipaiso the Supreme Cdur?, of Iprth Jorth Oaroltna ia times ol severe taajesty :of ; the! Constitution and tilargf)n r;this: 8ubject,l)ttt 1 Carolina and the TJ,S. Circuit ,and; pisp ; . , nnA mtiriQa,- ntwirr.i.iQ uo hU noAnUthnmeoWoa ' tih l.-'JjL1 j ' 'tiii A-"--w Carolina and the U, tict Courts . ' " ' "' I J " i a ,1 1 :,-!. ,1 .1 I kn I knii, - mill knitAI mrrk tnj J ti ' " t' '"" r J J ' J r '.-.!.'. -.41 nil UWUVI1II, I 54 - r I W vi I M IIII IIW III 1 ! 1 W III m W. . I r-! I if- IUI 1 X. AVMAinV.AM f- V - a. M M ' 1 . ; : i nuu vtnMvv vhchvv,..i"' I ' ....... m w t v. w. .-.T 1 ju vWUUlUclUUf lMV - UlvtiUSi : Cb r'lJ J3 $S MAbbJCjrBuij, instructed, and thrilled I the . people :thQ,'re;Da:gnjd4QQet4of;.i!;;pwn.: "appeaf Xb fo 'the inimUiesof ; ' -&WM&iMWS " ' -of 'theiState;frota;theiiBOp: : conduoto To this soveiign: power rtyjiasie;sacHfi T AW theseL When Hi is anuuu virtueV6? thnceftbrwht) ' have 4 Qffice.m tbejUourtiUpaBev on vanco, a am sure- mat mis; ?Qurpeppui?uave .ic.verwgea a. ; freedom and orcharaCter.-f bj; that ighbors,; ATTURNiS Y AT LAW, ralreay concluded. J balUterV- Against this they have ncycr fo S ? .w... -jii-; : I J:',.' ..l. ' 1 aiiPe.; BpinbCMtyUa low ofc r fought lall fidWioffne ." never; tr f&uhtoJWKixTA'Kci ?4i4 tT -of th4 committee, is tb speak ofllm the XTnion was preated upderif the ein BdeaHleCtoappeja t6Tur cnaracter pi tue people s or ma I yonsuiuiion j&uu 9r rTOi .p5" f w couilot Franklin ami Qf'tfeir loy l who fell in the late .unhappy -.war lrb'etotO''anil: th'e8o7-triiU:rL Attorney at t'a5- nypca m jtjie ijpTJtrJJlouee. a ; '? ' ' . . '. ? ; aliy to the Constitution and to the fboiwenj:the.secHon-ieyer;ad laricferVoflantoneH liiticestry , B U LLOCK jr tfr, ' Federal Union. ' Language la often any cause r for,: quarrel with (U)6: icndtfangipHth ' -j i-j nervRrtfid "and I vrnrda' n.riV ofbri Union or. the Constitution, for thev. u'a.. acL. i.i- 3. -fvutlinton IN, C made to convey meanings very diff W ' escefttf Id cbadreip and lV2ood V : rxxrt -' '.eijirrom;iheir-.i sith; those, who bey. coMclentio cblMfeVf ctiidHnVdibe i m, a-'-vv' g;Vr- "wu? . S .r"s generation; and may-. peace. .pro&4 ' I . ; ttornyilTv- W BaaicjiinW. iierverted ; rwendangerjug, the,- very -riilfeiS- rjcVity and' lianni'ticss ixi theira 'otH f -mmmmmmm 0m-mpmm- mmmmmmmi iKSo J Wake PrauyfS'h- aaVVaru,;- as weir aayqjn'Uo: and to j(ta..yptf- .-.both itorth-; .and; poutb. professed' V;ji WUJLTjtQ BE AD wv-t' ) - 1 ( fe prompt ittentioblb are not as well known, a you, arc , -7 irT fWSii rT4rie4 jOl& UTon j v j.usiut ; -' - ;v" to me, it: might seem a deUbate, thestitutioa I -nu V cj - ; outl assert,, and if Ume permitted A great del of .puivo' arhi is daofc I fjiyypiJj.bflrPfllljtC.1 - could demonstrate, that, in the" j BT;... Office on ilain St det goytb of 'highest,-tmcsand purest seosejof, these priricirjles are ib be 'maSntato. iuperfi'cLlvraio2if, Ooi; ieioa j the Vst Qffi Louvburg: a ; . the wpfd.W t " ,,,t:' .j" I," 1 1 ofFranln&vc4iwabeen idyal, non;" No j atrbngedeyotion fe1 tiVoiiVavelf iikei-j " fn- PI MPT NI ?5 ATT- " " an-"rP "? JHithelr'obligationsj d trueroura.wereVc IJit Vy PI A 1-4 . vbether to thestateor.to then 7M if 'tf 'tU t'HH? : ion.; From the day oi Uicllevolu-, principeathan r'atguetbat thly7anbtt!4''knowKa:nW ' I . - fii&SBB AX ?8 ES3P.. lion, one hundred years ago,-when; the.men of the ;fhbrtrUvcd Cbnfedv :bUVtfailDg!lreli; ,W I ' S. i it was said "tnaiaherc areno. 1 I .'.-.:-. c. . ' in'Bute," down to , this,, day, the 'trorthMdiogbhTheylVV j I TlleiiMeraryM have always beehUml trne to section ot UnioT .mJilr . CiviLLibert. " .Ciyd Liberty, whose be more surely , relied: uponVfor ' i oor ' - ae?g.abor ds-Sttiire " 1 . k .:m TAnMVf "-1 ?h-i Pricsft . ministers aro the &e !( WjWMi, Constitution and.the laws, has been 1 This is the ?! pledge v of those who ifienitrVfbV Vf .:. -::r;--.:. the Goddes- otheir political wor snrvived-as lor .thQfietVhb: fell; tfdkeifVae iori&otKanle W -i' OFDHEEST .slyandcthrship tbui4ivittrn-ilt raiiifiiWr li . ... -vn i-- .vtv- the true spirit and 6t of the name wHtfeHraitorbbvfithe ' I 4 ; d - If 1J A larpe 8Da?e. weeklv coatainimy fortyeigbt coiumaa of original ahd se-; sometimes utter the charge oPMis Jected feadingi-natter iot 'vm - Joy afe 'Against r Aer . sous, had - the' spirit as weUato the letter of ACfeatinued. been air rWWncVtfnattBati'r IB the Cf rjZ witha Jarge aod'Tapid- 1 v - . ; - f " vt, f; -... q "THE 'FAT COSTklBUTOR' li i W 4in 3uiuj.einpie, tnan Ipr, tne wriOT&ttgivelyiforW v -ttiuoi.(.v1i year ,a auvaqc, v postage "frees MtdonthiSfJOOithie K .i6nib8v''5P'.jiten,i'TClB.b8 of fiV f 1.50 each: Cloba bt ten oV inore-Sr: eachi' r VlVee paper one year to' getter ; up !, of SDmarinlJucementsWeiiitfnrri ''0, nisht be Cincinnati Satjir:la. Aight andf ' atae Detroit WeWy; if ree'if568!One- Twdneipt f 350wAtldresp fiji mrje,may xbe madevv:a den iot iLHJj??- Saivntae spirit. auutjnsLo, ii. uqa; xicnoQliCe l fl"4 f vEditoi and Fro U H II II i H H V4 im . ft nl " r V IVewilI be gfiadno? fsee out many. i . Scnstomers1 at VYillramson'a old1 atand" , -orlretBtreetWe wi JVfJ tf ! W to ttRev! vers pnrJhperis tC i;-perspus.wnp ; worsbiry ihp: shadow and Ksnottbe ... v . f'f i. : ' --;. .', thoe x wlioVworshipthe spirit bt civiriibef-. tbe templwhidi ourMatbersbailt; MtX-ibutAjpUic i-with cvpr;jr changing phasef how- ptiind such iloy alty1 thislsTeady ttoilpwn ;the :tyraa,ts powerjipr, to set th0-mob'ab6vetbe hronb, as Lfest.suchwtnay :V weiyeihg, and conclude thu tbav'wiiY nit:ilkfet' - "T-- . "" j i j w Enow anything, itndel af br.tEey them;nsthey may,tton3:thememM WknWa'lJttiThtV V? It: has beenvwell said my iriends 'an'iDug.ht ifffcS! wry' MnhhighcAfi'd :wtan'Bl"f8oaougW ism hasits foundationHn iog-aoout I farj&f u6e cr-boo.' hbmie; andbftHhe'fireside 7rhe I than hi anVAd''itiArM1Pt;i i:J hbusehdld godmthocient tltal biuirSreld aaperfiblally; afidinnaUo farfconstitut t . - r " w ru wr. I uu -.a.rai ppicion.: Agaitr; nip iry in ipurest gaysztrnis love r andbtber pertodicala "caondt' bd Una bred of ftOm.ewife, children; family albao nti&iTxLt PfriWhas; ittf bdo hii'wVrk't tne'worldinf nhe .ttA.?, ?HUUS arfieu tnecfiar.! -Jrf ent tat of society ;arid the i ino acier Of the toebnle WLt.h nnnntv 1 ovi Vl l--,L.u-ill 'br : iT i. i bG!!:a ha8en rbne'jof icoanted iq rUhHt LSSrivoted .VJ tfiechif cabsei of that unity of feck lmnUViiovmK,, ingwhichbaa always prevailed 'iv-jCfa-v '"' 1 .: , ' .jfi within her borders. " Iff the days of 'tW & -1 t ; tlie pevolutiob; before Bute' wns fI fFettJ lknpn",th.arenie ;dividex! .ilmJhe'olnio ilost in tefs largely iato; tae (loriogiqf-wali the Ipnghter andi orp'lasting j pPr.: Jt,iala ueda twVet?pa.per names of SWbiTen ' anU this npity made for confectionery, and phe-. fa,', ancestcWe are tnlurraed i. by- ;fr;iArieijiip;-:a: ielj ioher po(, Wheder-thp;t or,is;ljkeirise ntw.uaed.iCtkeVcol dorian of orlh'OaroH onngJpfiladiei'Cdresse:! gentlemen :1a48T5'pm1ttee9-' nndercWthiag sock, bat linings) Un- rbcbtnrneuded logof boU,aQd'thoes,iind if faa$d;in Congress tb bipsenf ibreabh woojussil cottons, jmd leather, cb.unty rofe:uD. 'mMi,oJbf'Bcnjam of . sUnpevbairi.beeu found jia (each square eachJyx J wa3,seler toactaa pnd , foot Cerdfesv and "5a4. trioy. as ten pmhe i committee." ?t Thisj spirit of f gtRosjbave-'.beealdctected Ja a ; ttnU Wz Aw'laamiilurl UminlM'A batAWUMTMUl. V 1 T 111 ajl&Ci 1 A U 1 V tl VII m T no'! Killl Mnh ( ' ' T a -JL 1 ' . . -L . M w - - r , - ft f iSa'f : ''I