' - U - S- ' .' r t . - . .V . .. - . . . - . v. , - - j ' - !- - - --. -', ' - ii f. , mmm : : jr- , 'f S?'1 .,..A. 1 l .rsr ' - tr 741 l ' I ? 1 1 .-.daierfV : ' K i! h i; S'. . V -t J k r . JlfitS A. ff,.Tl -..'- ' . . 1 1 .'Vt v I J m it ii 11 1 . '1 1 1 w , 1 i i , . i I-1' " - - ' ' 1 1 i 1 ' i . mifl""".1 'V' . .. . - - - - ... - ;, . 11' then si6 iclf iiii6t3,e - j'i 5 4 . i". I;, h; :.':', a-: : v.;,f'a-.r$-.;v -:'J-- rf ' Ii-.-' MK3LBODIST Rev, T W. ptlb58 tor; -tserTtcea eyerj eaaaaymcHTMDg .torAer vices 1st and 3rd 8tndat3 ia ch month, mQtftlnjr-B4iikbti jSyioday 8chool, 9 o'clock, a. -m .pKKSBTTBRiiLH Rev,- j W, Prim . a.- - - ,. . ..... " , V m w i v uSo yoa are s'orrjf: for It-Jacfcfl! liKV,;:.'J. if...itf'ii :' " ', t - L?':; V " LOUT J, riLl.JLJ..IS. CU. M.tVvvTf IS Tbeif t&lii s&aaketl with !5 cbW ; AnirU ulbW Ud on the hiltv , 1 .; -The mghis are getting coijd! ! T 3" sqciirrcl chatters on the trqe,, 7. ' I lie eai-thid'elad in ;brovnJs ! And froni the bows .the J v? i ttered ! about the .sofa vjcnshjkips.1l( , yon plague my; life like this ;iiWyr.w.iai wiir it I)1 when v are marricdf .1 1 may expect' a -pleasant - existence, ,learc3 !,;..t,rS; . igsne .looKea inicnuy, a t mer x wun blanchedfcheeks, then coveriqs h er ftico ith her' hands,? rnshe4;om tnef room, I had half mind ? idcgb 'after her and beg" pardonrfaiit 6n- cfthani gqht majj , ; r ; poownntry 14. cam pat:oora heprfalrite , Batjhe mnst.do. .hil, I ni t? tha-dor pf.iW: heaiimaiterf. parutp5r4 making her-cerldVj j cIebrftt4cbpoV aod-'aka4 .frc tapylbr;ja?ma I b?a; iTht,rttnrot 'eyedhia, eaQ: IPPIstl PH be, ievecbtep; I .Mm: T$M tiMU&iKi Rh jcoming orpe.cros3s a .bcaranc ppafed,tta' back 4wr. mV&i? bcd withquv, JBpeaVfnsr - to .rtrI$boa!4 likef a"ji r,'T-jr7 crr7h5CY fhopghi rlbv id;bo 'hnfr iedi JonvDl?S,iWhcn;f,h0;;Tr cpmoalajljjpp hifto j aiJjthe ; WTit;M.;n,pyi; j.o ,ga noiau.vomoer wimoui wa.rp', I tbat.-witboBtJroubllDg him, v. i ! f. ,CTw -d te.y,'i8.vCiwaitaad;iiarJ l-..;tictComts., r;-. v :y With wine, and, oil, and' crowdcot - :ieRSIlSr '' And through it's. .gates enteJ r.oirxsaCTC ii.a-V tt I Tjcrminij-winter's-rest; All business put in my hands will . art of mme, take courage; rectlve;pfoiript attention. . . " V.?3 1" -- - j autumrf ume-thel; gladdest . ATTUUEYAT Liw LOUISBUKGr N . C, - S: 1 time W. TIfflBERLAKE. Attcrney atXaw 7 Louisburg, N.. Ov Office in the Conrt HtUr. : J. l BULLOCKy Jv.v Mtey at Laff. - 01' all the passing year,: Afidvinttu,,s clime a happy clime r "to hearts that know no fearfi f . . . , t aVtho eye of Jt tludus :wedding dayraml up3.c andaily Shch mah! ;Lun bo9k and Ugan to examina Member ,jir, t.U,rtU rbhelorm d paralyzed; then ;flungLinyscir Tbl Aximiwt lai.l &'iir- -r 'V Perhaps with a praiseworthy Ue- upon tne ground irtaiigany of ITto Vrind ilmlrlnenr of pe' r- v .vJVv "J;-. ; - . w 6e c CUeulcl, Ja nao d.spa r i so, .'pnrf; bit Uomc, to frighten 6ubbcam i.. iPrinci bo, i -i "pTTpv. Ucc-n XUUug w tho menu ol a uoic ou lUo graa. It wat d-' to a sUajow, aat Ue bonder -Hy ar b. iwi?l-; Ti?. tJtm IWS l cvcrul jroyuit lu-ilcs of oof ao- JfeSacO to mjseU. t fere' it bjfen,' what l. tho matter. Such l no cUiaed U.. IWiral ' -a clruioU U.kli' ?i-V,'.,I his hair: nnfHnsr hi- Mirar. he said. ' Ikiii .Iinfw OMrn t-A f wJ ...a i.n.KA...i ' looking . at . ib JWT,. from .iri Jl.a '-.Vi1 L AV' j , i 0 o j t , T . y 4ut i kucu wttuw a uuouuuvi S v ' loved herjso'inTich till I saw nilierjj in-her pretfy- .ta;&: jlJ f, VVell, din ner. came,, but i nol Po'r ra appeared.; Sue wasv not i to i bo .l A ?.riL'r:-? fbakV- .i?oLj .:, V.. . , tera in ao many differeat iancrt. . - - . . iDAtiD, uDew; Frmch,Dieu; . . - Oia"Grek;ZentV(tbti:'MDi . :: -V- '-)-::' GaraaDtdttfwedia-ao w '''I Scaltoaian, iJelg or Boogjpan . - - ;. . v i Diat- Hindoo, Pr or eni; TarkvsH; ' " 5 ? i .IfeWpVianAa ' i , - - . lao, 2nXtrtxriao , Qhurj Tyrr-a ,. . . . A . ' 4 v . ien, Eber;Irubf Dieb;0at -:r . -. : .t-'-: ;;; ! iiMa,vLezi. inert are scTeraicifiCT -. . T - i ita oaybe you waat ! ' " r rf-trw'V.' ' "-t W'tTFr tbtug :Jbui.;.banpines3-l In' : i&Vried! I Sona old ciotbta lite, ahd she had determined Mvo rematkad ba.aerrant aVTalas tba ' ,happndrittor patched lotbta. think , ha' Dotft '?'ptelp?U$1&xjj v : ?blncs,.to thoad-ibotti..teri. ii'ls I ba cone toctcar.-'? and itiiDni aiVil ' datalcit; ur v . : uu uu ; CVi uci , f ,y aiarmcdweieareiied tto 1, kuowtn, twesec as. X .terribletiread wuuiy i ran irutnpovjtq Ppot, f al coacfi UaBfeaWyaai last I came to tUe. bank 1 the am-1 aispia-B at tneoegmn ng , or; mar- i .omebodT.ai wha ia-Warr anxlonr to . V00 fTriM aBg--ajuarir,--jt, Uon, when awhile object, aitracUKl j ri . 'i-il 'wmett mv atteutioi : i ran ibrward it tue: itrauires but'as HtCn0 : q mca" odj, . i m this Connection l j .tr i i. i iun t ntttfiiftrtourartanif -fcliitttv. - t Was DoiVrffscarf.v?Iu horrorL" 1 I A 'word taV.iHrla itthfa'tonhcctTinl y 'Xll ir JL V: I U.Doa't ottWWioiirkAfitftV . i read the truth, without the: aid of Iamler; 'l Beware 'or thein'ah v.. t t.l .T ..,.,!: 'Th-;i6rd,fiTlukibnt .V the: Utile Kluwji h'at tankieU I whoi Vbiesn'knuw ot.ir'li rabontT..t.,f Ly'i 1 .;" - f atrai-bt. , Jxpa'VuSaj " G.BROWN, Attorney at Law, .QUISBUKG N. C Practice iu Courts of Franklin, Wak- Gran viJJe, iVatsd ad a rrcu i' V sententious!', o- ad tofliot,oTerbiapecUWhy, to UiYutee'.thc secret hefoMi ff -"TTTr-Trn-rp! Ji.tlArrV'f''r:i' r.vi- . aiiGbodv who will - triva viiu at I my Lor. wbero did Touiuck id aai a. f.jj'oi too fondly to muko your life uiiser.", I sofiieboii elso -somebody else "DK O L ELLIS" w xM &&t 'i&''&i6sw& Sn",'"-i .aooe . H.fe!TSSgpS : -CLHktt was ot.e iunc, CT tell ,ou;hoV Farewell Td- Doba.-: 'r' '. ' - ', ; be '.P9Wa4.bvd--ort ng;; h'elWtifn; b-S'Sr &loS PtoaBnrPil MaWeu orme. , jiL'U letter. ..J W ?0 DOTU , WH- -iU b f,. opporaitb,, toeWihS fy "IkIT ' 1 li.i atteutively. " aildre.sitit !' VoVuSi of af- : , -f "ft ai M .ipSnrdnoaiTS r:1-- . ; !iilL'a'tlMwardDdft:ireliototh.' ,. A-v.i t-ii, j. ...U. '..Teacii tbeioto make.bread,. .:4 T'l, ara.at;,,m ' iwjV U'X?;''C. -: - - - a- "" ' - . ? "' : ' ja.yer s 1 1 : - led atah veariylacShe loved mer- pa8Sioi4 i" lfm lQ maKe , -1 I I reciprocated the affection, devotedhv I V worshipped ! fcerl fl TeaiOi them.aotp.. wear jfWM Broughtjip. however, as we wee, 1,i...tln4:.'.' AthfromihiUihoodi it was I n. . r. 7t :ieach thcui notilOr rowder and I . uaA .aocount aa sou gift af Toni'1 iz'x. iuii-i 7 !, ' ,i I J liit?j I ' J it T 2 U I- . . t ' . .-... L i - ! -.4- A " ; . "1SPP1-- ineivcoiuiu.., -iowgoes lurougn-.iuose puusus w i tertohottld also bo mine.-:- j I I fcMESi ".'r.?-0''-M ex stence fas.no cmerires Irom tack-.f;. - asiW4 tk.Tk, Tlfiki.v I1 I ftMP Tenors, Tet; ets to tail coats. I am sure I was upon the calm, placid river, glitter- , T,., IT , ! M&iM ?8 abs,rl .almost .young leH inwlth moonbeam,, that ;rb6ed B ; .ttheumaa;Nenralgia,Pain in tho-.IWK sptitnnour over my.ioi el, deaCfi ofits ti6rfor;u 'Yli Iv j ' " 1.! tr: oiww.1 ':4- ii,-;: wc -u 1 - : . . . - i. I es and tio it like a aueen. r a, , conraea mmbt .answer ?f In m rUM fj . '?S8B3S&2SSSSJffi f' w, - , 'Ml y oafeSara icii vj , ; v -v. " I r : 4 ;ge pain, :. - , J . ..J ..5drfn0TOoretliaiitoastire-tlie iinbU' .KIf.Wg1v marrrjne-' '.'Do Jon. kno there is a passive I 'tiabtfalfsr tl.iaratUtf b : PpaIlJn.lhcoIog and cc'dtoTali ; .: 'li : -' .: li&x mriltii tu?iunSdomr.hyvf Aba;.ar.a.iaii, - To UAKE LCi EY. - - ; irvTrT? "not ffisKaytttiirthe-asuat fashion, outpouring of a broken hearts ! 1? :pal?u u - ' ; .:! , , pwow i8& , 8 boyr4 adored Dora with a 4 resolved noYtosnrvivb her. . Tobem to Md' ' ' .oarmomanta? ,Wh4t f" 5 Wlfi S9sPfe for them?. .jUook aad M'.TbU bb'ff Tv fflft?;iWni . . f . av 401 uoj it and the mouer will nmhjihi. r.P asSt.Ah. 1 .pccWof awefbutW young, con- f ewOaitcrJso nm res ClCf V, , ;' ! :tlimiv3!FireLiEiiintiona 1 -.. .1 t .ikA. t - - .. 1 , Teacllhem how to makav their I much oon bo laid orr b ni&lMmnrA. I : .-.--y . ..w.j yafca J:i;i t .wnuafwiui Mui vuiirKv, wM.ctte was imrauunJetlierarorA I He-I -. v . f.-rrT'-. tfrmineOjhat the death thad driv -7"""" r-, t v " f --'7 y. L'iiUJlLLA;cxM!iXNEi- r.. n . ; 1 . I ilia VxsnoA nf M.w!.. ' I ? - " v ." TortUnllt 4V"Hcai'toy Bignbox, UiBfciaira;31 'Cbi&aabali BUrfe.pci tb'4tDU.Ha or any lot tU rlla-ifl tltu:aaaid tr t i r , A 1 !. '. a. it

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