,' ' . ' ' '. !. f'' ! O ' ; ' 4 w j t f - V- o THE-T.I-IIES Tue Tikcj U t!e ftalynevtii.-j ' j?ublistied ia Xranklift eounty, and i) . is a fact svhich atlrerUsers s.'iould r.oi forget 'i- ... . . v' 8 PUBLISHED EVEKY-MONDAY BY w-mrr 7 JAMES A; THOMAS, -V 1 Editor and Proprietor . JJL VLvJJ-iLJi ,v. Bates : OitoJSTear, VV;, $2 00 . i oo : JAIEjiOIlA'SrEtlitor aMProprletor. ii."1;P.EICE:.$2.C!lPERASKlin': . The Editor will not be respousiLIe for the view of correspandeat. Brief comm tnications from all -. 'ions most earnestly solicited-., Xem s items of any nature Will tharikf al! y be-received.'- - " V,' v' ; - Six Months, j i ir . . ; - r To elubs of 5 the Times will be fur vol, ix: . i.. set. , LOUISBURG- N.-Om -NOVEMBER 201880J NO. 43 rushed t$1.50 per year. r r '",v -;j 'A? 1 7 JJJLL Ml y r .iXi V" I- I: y lf in' CHURCH ' DIRECTORY Mkihodibt Eev; W.. CINorman, paa- tor. , Services every Sunday, morning and "nigbW Prayer5 meeting every Wednesday tight.; Sunday School 3 oclock p ic. ' !BSmBi-kev7:'W.Tyrif; pas": II JSiS1, ScSSi : and S&l Grayer meeting every Thursday night, j Sunday School, 9 o'clock, a. m. ' J i vr - '- --z -- B"."f. 04 -J Professional ; Cards ' t O TVT cq T?TUli UP JL. X ' 1U iikJoili x ) ww i . LOUISDUnO XI. o . Offi ce in lie ourt House. - All business duI in my hands will j receive prompt attention. J E. W, J1MBERLAKE-; Attornav at Lav Office in the Court House. j ATTORNEY AT LAW, .Officc'over Leach's Store, Jon Wil ' 'TT'- mington Street It A LEIGH, N. G Strict' and promptatti nlion Jgiven to Collections, i i2By permission reference isgiven to S. C. .White. Cashier ot State ' National Bank. Raleigh, ! N. C-, and Black & Rcid, publishers of tho j Raleigh "Chri&lian Advocate. Z; , DR. O.L.ELLIS, Pnysician, Surpopc." . -: - 'J " . - Office bo Jvlain. Street, one dror .. cu- tie Post Office, Louibburg, N. 0. - f ' " Attorney at Law, LOUISBURG N. C. 7 -:' '' - AVill Practice in . Courts of jrrankUn; ; . ' Wae,t5ranViUe, Nash aad barren. "'' ' ':'".Alsd.ive' prompt "attentwu to DAVIS & COOK. "MTJT ULl C0UHSELL0B8 at LAW. LOUISliUBG, fuankvin 00. a 0 '"W"iH attend the Coartsof N"aa Fratk -i Im G'ftBvillp. WaTren.Hrtrl Wak fVnr Ve? also the Sopreme Conn of North 'K jCarolina and the U 8. Circuit and Dis- - TBICT CoUltf . No, t - utfit utfit sent tree to those, wliu wish igreiu the n.o8tp.!eafant ani : ubl r hushicM kw) n: XVf ry- M 1 iiinw nw U mita) not reaniren. v t will fnn.ih.'iu every .bio 10 a dy ?v nVa.ie i.hou. " and --rpwurd is rni Btsv'ntr awny f r 111 .ome over niyl Nn ik whaeer. Ma'nv new porker wanteti tttqnce. Many are makiDg for- tjinwatllK-Wnainepa- Ladieam-kea, . 1 . . ....An ' .iirl-vjinufr VtnvA And orirl ' jnake "ret pay. N, one who ia willioy 0 work tails . msRe moro money every cbj than an i riiade in a ' wej t any . onunary erop oynn nt. , 1 hose ; Jtvho en'82 at .nnw w.ll fin t a short ioid to fortune AddreBa 11. Hallkit .j & CO., p.Mt'and, faine. iS ,i, THE PEOPLE'S TRY IT Th$ Lightest Running Macbing i ever r.iaae. -.: THE HOST POPULAR AHD BEST OF ALL. v . Ike Bobbins aye Wound without ltanninge " " TJnthreilng tke Maclilne. , . . NO GETTI1IO OUT OF OEDEE. h r. The Best Machine for Agents. to Sell. ' ' Send for Illustrated Circular to - People's Sewing MacUie Co., t ; r , ':-r. Wadlej, Ga V. S. 4I 3Kt , . " 4 ' ' 'itVjtJ' S !H Hf! . lorn tint I . B L." -i.. .7" tiO &tl of iroriiHgpeople,of either ws. you: i.luk,uu m.vro money t vcrk trr ntia tbv r'-4 liHKKcntVa or all the time, than a kuj ujk nine. COLD BED-ROOM. - It is always a-matter of great momeni to ciiifUtaia ktr 'Cqu itable temperature in the bedroorru A bed-room the air of which is feubjcct to great. romJ.AenJt aniijrapid cbangesof temperature is always a 'trap for danger. " To persons who' piptta, the . warmest part-that, is are in t)io. prime oflife, and who are j robtist health the danger is less 4 ! pronounced, bat:tothe. young. ;aad. tiie feeble it is a most serious dan S61" l 8 jespecfoflj .dangerous to a-p, nfeonie to Mleen in a room that 1 . o - 1 is easily lowered imwarmih. When the great waves of cold come in the winter season, old people , begin to droppflT with a rapidity that is per I fectly startling. We tak up the list of deaths during these seasons,: and the most marked of facts is the It is like an epidemic of death by old age. Tho public mind accepts this record as indicative of ,a geh era icharfge of external conditions and'oi a mortality, therefore, that s nocjissary as a result of that . wr . . changcA I would not myself dis- puio.that there is a , line of truth and sound common sense andV com mon observation in ibis, view, - but when we descend fromrthe general to tho particular we fiodlhat much of tho mortality( seen jguch excess among the aged is induced by misv takes on the suhji'Ct of warmth in the bed -room. The fatal event comes about somc what in thi wajT; V The room in which the cn-foeblc.jj person has been fitting before going to bed has bten warmed protiab!y:up io a iammor heat; a light meal has been . . . ... ' .. - . . '.li 1 :i k. I I I II 'II III' 11-111 III r 111 I I'vr il llll. . ' I then the JiedrfwjN ii entered, ,;Thp rjcd room'retiWctTha'l noTiPeTTi it, or if a firojiboS lighted," provision is not made to keep it alight for mrro than an hour or two. The resuty ig that in fh.s caj)y 6 part of the morning, from three to four VjIojk when the tcmpera'uroof the auun anjwtsis iowVt, tho gioW from he tiro pr stove, which should warni the room hgs ceasod, and the room is cold to an extreme degree. 1 1 country houses tho water will en be found frozen in hx baod basins or sewers under these condii lions. - - , .... ! tj il ir t 1 i J ? . iuraiiwuii.uiuhiuuin;. ue i . . -i - .t.- .conscious of the grcatchange which ''Jj:i-riJji:iLj-'JL,. V"1" 4" " . "7" T him. Slowly and surely, there is a I decline of temperature to the cx .... ' tT " .V,,.. v , r)Pfv ., imJ. nn tl n TraWrnnfi ftloAil 0 r thoush i he may ; t bo fa irlv 1 covered wUh b?(J.clothe- he is recciving" in. I . v - f tu ma iuus una coiu air, ujr. rwiiiuii the circulation )h'rough"i)p; lungs is i materially modified. : : . The condition of the. body. Itself 13 at t!vis limS unfavorable 5 lor meet ing any emergency. " Iir.tho-pcijod be- ween midnight, "ami siad in7 hc morning the auiinui 'vjtal, processes' are at their, iowpst i ct:It'-.i in thej-e times tliat tfioso ho a fa, En feebled from ' any causa jn"ps$jj frc quently flip.- Physicians ofien on siler tht'se houi-a aslcrUicftl, -..tfnd of en lore warn pnxious driendsiu respect to them From Jimo imme morial those Vybo )ave b-"on nccos toiQed to wait arid teiid oh tfic'jck have notpd these hocrs: inost anx iously, so that tliey have been .called bv one of onr old writerifrthe hours of fate.", -; -In this paeo pf lima, -the inlluenccvf the-liiegving sun" has bjen longest-.with drawn from man; and te heurts tbat aro even the B" rongest bea J hcTrT. JlJ sqijp ed tone. Sleep 1 heaviest, and death i! neur-cst io,us all in'iUtQ,, hours of fate?: v.-i ' I ' The safest mclhrMj is-to have the air or the room, a short tunc before it is ocenpiod, .brousrht up.to a uni form temperature of sixty to sixty- five degrees Fahrenheit. It-shouTd ueycr fall Svc degrees below i sixty degrees, and never rise aborc sixty "five degrees under ordinary eircrim. stances. I In cases whvnf the occu1 . pant of tho room 13 Citromeiy on feeblcd it may be j&ecessary to raiso j thel' Asjpeamro to a-VWghcr I point . ' - 1 A raistakei3 sometimes . inaola , in observing Uheitempe'ratarij, The reading of the thermometer is taken Linon'o part of the room only, i per,,- to sayj oer tho we-placo or rrpm - h mantel-shelf." This! Is'noV a:lair. .observation, for a room at that part may bo very warm, while ii is very cold ia-other parts...; ,Tha Jtcmpera-, should : . b e - nronerlv .taken f. . i . - .; r at the bed's head, about"; two -feet abova the pi!lpwti and :, that i is the best position in which to keep the thermometer, ; wh 4 which " every bed - room ought to be furnished. An ordinary thermometer suBjces;as a generaljn4es, bat a registering In- tion. PKACTIUAL , LEGISLATION.! i ; We most sincerely hope'that the next Assembly will address itself aore fully to praciieaj legislation man luoso. wi.ica ;navof preceueu it. It bus not. been too, much tho babit' in our legislators ' to spend their time in tho discussing of maU ters of a purelyjpractical character. The que Ption as to how they can best make themselves popular and secure aV renewal of their terms. seems to tnter more fully into tha . actions or many members, than that other important conrtdeiaiion-rrtho best interests of fill thelrSconstitn- ents. , If the legislator will forget during hi's terra, that he is connected. in nn y manner, with 'part v. and feel, ttiiitin renresentintr ' his cOuntv . iL nV w : to a imtwr'.'li.n'.hHii tr l.wil.- n1i; I ? v much rnoro importance might .be initiated and carried into practice. Tbcro are hur.dreis of measures defeated uu every session ol tho legr islature on vurtti 1 considerations alonff. What wo . most need In need North Carolina Jaw-makers, fa a disposition to do.rifh regi)rdleas of any prospective cftVct upon . their future political prospects. Now if a good time for genuine reform in this matieF.1 There bid3-fair to be a long lull in politics and tho legis- lators of our State' cannot b6tter .-'- . ,, 1 I .1 ipii : 1 ' I. f lUO ill lUi VIII IIIUII 111 UU01Hllii riu adontinj? , ' i " ' cul'ural, mercantile and raecham- measures looking onjy to onr ogn- Leal interests." . . Wo think we are not beh.nd the , - -.'. . ' " i - " ' . " . r peopie.m urging, upon , Our, ; newly elected members, "iho importance of tho course wo suggest, and we are lull of hopethat there is patrU 01 ism and State pride enough among them to give it serious re- llection rand prompt; .action. Wo ope forHhe? best'. Evening VisUor. THE LATEST IN DANCES. ' . r Tljerif bs'becn mncjh. talk of the 4tet fashionable- dance? arid , some pec pie, who have never indulged nn pen the "racquet, Vt raajfdesiit fbt anyidea of itV Tbe'-iwtlktzinff or-the ptjriod ' is Sfartingly, Unlike thaticf Jja-if dozjji) ):ears past." The rapruei, evnqiiy spoaKiog, is ueiuier a yltiiort a ; Pla( thoiigh the Disparts oiTJoux aro. prescrveq. Squjo cynica person,! whohas Only pa at mo new uajicuf iiuis ue jtTFlio;mnsiC .strikes uplfuh a crjxSb, ai.4hough"a uewAolgano had broken our, ana lue gtri wiii hng tight ly,.astho.ugU Ingbtened, if she understands daiMJC, and - the young, man will reassure her w.th a geiitjo pressure., U Ue , underhand the dance or knows anything ttt aI. 'At the second crashthcy dodgi'as though some one 'batl' thrown.' 'blacksmith shop at them. and. ''they start in., .They. bgin imitating tbe Struggle .of life. 'ri-'prestiatiug jx;r. son who is drowning, but -at- each " crnWof ihe cymb'ak a:nd ".thai bas4 drum, they, dodge and jshoot to one side, thea dart back again, jaui . each other sideways,1 and' as ihc music beeoma more tep. dcateulng; ' thcr try to drive each other ihroub the " floor by main - strength get desperate . and claw and tear and pall, and all at once they go rav.ng' mad' with hydrophobia and ielirium ircmensy aoi gnash their teeth and rave a ml softer the most terrible agony and it .is.aH .over, j Itira short ' dance, as the design is amazement, pot mardcr. But short as it is, it. is said to be very sweet.: ; : JThe question to the importance of rest aaeririeals if said .to have received a help' towards its settle ment by reason of the experiment of Lwo . learned French profess orsi ' They went to the doga to find sub-' jeet. on wbichjto operate. Sclectbig two dogs, of similar breed i nd" size,' theygavo to.bolh a substantial d;n? neruch as any dog might.bor proud to cat. Tee. dogs devoured the square meal never suspecting Uiat 'they were eating in the interest of sclenW and to their own great disadvantage: After the fljnney- ono dogwaa madb to keep quiet, while the ptlicr was made to tako such "exercise as , the averago business man is wont .to take.aher hurriedly boiling his noda'. day meal. Alas for the luckless dogs 1 Tlwir good ; lortuno Vas soon changed to grief. An hour after eating the meal they were Blain a",J ih'eirjstomacha turned in 8ulc out: T!3 ; somewhat: cruel operation .revealed tho fatt that o dinner of tho dog who rested wa3 ln an advanced taio ofciiges. tion, w,1.i:c at.bf tho actiyar .dog was hardlyalf digested. t I'crhaps lfc was rouS pn t iO Uogs thus, to i a. .... - .A SaCTlnCO " them in .tho' can?a of - buiaanityand Uu::n:.;' . r.-.tcr tliau '3o2" Tho'.lcsson. U worth heeding by the myriadsof men who swallow. their dinner in ,fou'r . rain. "cs ana tnen ruso to business. r.UABJES. : . 'i I: We love lali c. and everybody who doe love theta. No'tnaq has mu.-b in hi eoul who dues not love btliies: Babies were made o be laved, especially girl babies when they e;row ujv A mad is not worth 0Jtb"S who hasn't a baby . ! . A i .. 11 T " .... 1 I 4U the samo rGle'mnnlli" tn'm w.mn I A b.bv is a SDriuir div ii winter, . I . . t , . rT 1 - U( ine Mm. 'aielapplles to a wotuao. fr .'P.US y i winter j a r'ay of . unshoe in ftW 1 -Sn-a" 4 ,.UQ8h 06 10 r"Si wio.e,; .nd u " he4l7 good stared, and J.nr TerT owo !t bushel of aun. I akiiiA n Mall.. .t 1 .t . .' . " ,,,, ww,,f r. be. Jiolc... ....... uu " UB iOTes oMonj;t a time. u. over,, no tuattfr . ove meai tjes mw ro biea. aud because tDir oivtlierg ore loveable and ; lovelv boaodpd lyUg number of Rabies'.! Ita the'world ve always look for laMcs, we do with paterhatafect ion and anx ity; we do indeed. We pity wivo-.who have;nu babies.; U Women alwaya look down-hex rted jrho hare no V?b!fi:"a'nd men who bare no babiea- 'alwiys gr. I ble'i ar.l d'itok"L at aihfr trying to gel n'visio in ;ihcir aoula; but they cannot conoti it,Ui ar babtj, afld nothing ca take ihoJr place. Pianoii p!y out, ar.J good I "vjingTpiajs oat uoless there U a biby j in tha house.:- Wo sat there' jnbthing 1 uko a Daoy M7 1t ? r Brown ari'i J.mea used to befriend real good friend bat fhere ia aLatm between thm no; Jou -f Uid'jt j kno- of it u it il . JJrowti bad . naiae i him Baveral time without talutinjr,' aud then be determined to know what was wrong. ljl ted htm. wu.i the at ret, he began :, '. , Sphere, Brown., wliat'a come pter you nil of a judder.?' '': !. oir, xepueu urovn,vua .irctziog dignity, aa he drew himself up so extra Inch. ; - ' " WLat havo I said or doe to break our friendship?' ecutinuod Jonca. .:. . . lyir Jones, you ara no;, the sjrt of crashes of : rifle And matt I Bojipos you .to be,' ata treu B.Wnrf ( ' - '. m V a. . 1 ia vrtoat r?p?ctr -, r.-y.si 1,1 ... oir, JUU HOtfl f OUC. county oTivehiijn?': 1 W'J J was.1 -"-..;-!'. pr ;feisel Jo bo mr fri -n lj plftl?a! an othericr' . ; t--.J, -".- r 'So r bave--o I hive. -' ' 'Do you remember, air, of oai-, having a. talk about weck'brore tho;conven tlo'u?J ,' '' 'i" ."J ".: J . . - ' - .-... ... :jj D yoa remembu that f sid tbt U I binUd--thU4Ma -'- "j '4Ob, fea, youiid that prbp yoa catdi be tndaeed to accept the-' notar natioaof UoantyJTmainrer.i! io t , Yei, siry 'I said that T wis the haoda tny rien.". I'.: c t rerftenifcer'U bo .Vr1 ti...!. 1 " -, . 'Andtl dtda'k get a t Jvtita; t sir po even edopliroenUry vorelT ' t ' ' A fNo, I ci yoa "dida't; aai-n'ow jou' blame me for iL Alas! Brewu; how little you know: about odr lacal politics ; Whi; air, eiery maa who attended a warA eaucas oyer,. three iuie'a knows tht wbeaa caodidite himlfio tbe haotii of frin ii tley- at once proceed to hold .a funeral; and biiry the rcmaioatei foct dtrtp V , 1 , .'. ; Jones uiad' a pool Ida as if to shake hanJs and forjire all,, but i auddenly ehngel his miud and wilkod on, ctre. .uiij prolog eicu ueei wtia. a. thai, and keepiug bis spioil-colainii as stlft at a poker. Ex.. , - It is awful hard to realiz-j, that ;a woman is an ane? when brie 8ee3"lp pick op a clothes prop fourteen test long to drive a two-ounc3 chicken out; of the yard. - .: - t k ; - inext door tou pool:' ! with the son , : t.io r.xt door it Or, asked ins com;.:imoi.f - ' ' " .. Isr not your father a fool V , 2s'o I W ho said that of my father f was the reply. ..' s Nobody, as I knows en,' respojxded the knowing urch n, 'but mother told mo the other day that I was next door to a fool, and I doot know whether sho" meant "your father' or . Nat Smith's." ." . ' ; - OUR VASfII2(aTO.LETTKBj WHUcrro. D. I Nov. 13, J880. t Sometime ince, tho Pun of ibis cli .; ty, and other Deniooratio paper. ir gued againit apy provision Icings made , . . . t 1 ! 1 1 at tpa coming sosajoo ol coareas, for the payment of Supcrri-org snd Dep uty luarshalls'' employed at il)- late elect ivi. Several Dotaocratio Rcpie- scntativca have been heard from, how ever, mho Bay they 'will yotefwr,, pay ment.-- Among thea is Ilaa. Alcxao dria U. Stepheu, ' na here The 1 1 var l.a .n).. In iK. r..ll 1 , . . .. . , publicao sirct-gtb, will be 'eufflcient. It ta liltolv that thoie Damoor.ta who ' "' agree to this payment, will a If? act oa I other deputed pm' iaucj ,t war as to make Uia '.'ShoiLSdS.ion jo ry qaiet oe, and reaiove a l 'pratext tor calling an extra scstaq jo. March, There is an evident disposition to meet President Garfield, half war ia bis ex pectad polioytof good wilL Mr. Ste phena thinks thesa eleotion offie i's are the last of the kiod that Congress will be called upon . to. pay; for, lie hai great confidence ia General Garfield, od believes hid adminutration will io the matn bo worthy of. support by concrvauve men, , . .Although it is statad that the Gen eral will attend on!y,,to Jht priva buincs during; hi short itqv litr tbii fall, he eoueit eirly next ' wpuk It is MicTed s&veril protfiicctitoa.b' ern 'poocrats, . inoaJ.n , Srnaiuf eleit Jlahone, of Ytrginia,; have levo invtiU to. meet- hlnij acd willdo'tt rt:Jo one whein' T'lave met 'durinrt ihc pat wcek,',I. may aJJf !. lelteres that the cuaiinj adm'nlU'rttiioo will a swhat cm bo cMed a Radical. Repvb Iio.il ; L'herq.'aTfe sod Vho tx p-ct tht pronouued Badicals will be even th who believe this are paratirely few. ,3iu iiei from Suticg.Hall re- csive e l a.t tiip war lrt crcnt', u.vt .ni?'N Jesves Jit tie di-ubt of th nr t fd-r of tio'iUcfLoe CLu-.c.s"'J Jrrn cf the' . alility. of ' t: nil'ti-t'p carv . cf Li (if hj cdo'-x to t- -h T'.?!!, i-it n wa lively, row Arc? tke-fsrtr.:trc,:i'; vf the . uuoffijul .'10-aegorr-.tiop ceremoniei LextMaroli. A dczn 0 so of Radical aro attempting jto.tnra the procefsibOt the .ball ,, etc.,' ioto csaoluoery for the glorifioatioo of thercAeJirea and of itadicaliso, iattead if permitting the cititena at Urge, as asuuli and irilhout regard to ftrty,"; to makp tho arongemanta. . ;Tie . bother. ' likely to go oajintil'i: d'lfguU eve r body.-. . " ' . . ueoerat &cuoaia is to DeveoioTdd Geld vroto thii report before the: Oc tober election with a' view of .helping Gen. Ilancock'i caovass, aod w'jen he Land it was not frinUd be dedrd U rial! it. ' . .-- --T' --w. -terf . -Wo would respectfully aanouure' to tho .cltizena of Warren. FranUin Ld-pcorabe and Ifalifax that we have tl;Alslve nsht of kile in- a 'uie ryr t;e lUiexc Ilni jind uneiuallI Curtice . Active shin- 4 iu.u 11 nn. baa iiun, nuua fiusinrr wearing ai parel. bl clothe-, and any other kind or a garment from a pocket handker li!ef to n bed quilt. Ourslaa V -.-Tashing Machine and rjot rhlmiler; it is of 8itesu!;M-rcnt tisut na.ordimiry jy.wh tulC have .lbumii.! JiutHjssioie.to rut or tear fe tlotUea or rub off the buttons. If :t : - t . . - -"ts ""l,,K r n orumary family Tor a wk can be ilone with theV ma chines in two hours. They wash and rinse perfectly clean. This is pne o! as the saving f of wenr and tear t Girthing -.ever intnxluced. and we advise every housekeeper to get one. W e will i'alt in person at the houses. : . - vii.v-nuui mem Rna see i Very resDectfullv. .iy... itsEXEY Can Louisburg, X.GOcL2sth 18-SQ. AFTET. 0 1 irt Ukilfit t aruuued tree, wait lull ructions for coartiictio? the niwab prnfitable busatfa that aoyoncan xiXago io. The bosineaa is sotasy to learn and our instructions araaoaiiaplemnd pliln, ?hu any one uuu maae great, probts I mm the very ia. oooecaa fad who ia willmir -' " jiu ucu pro an snccesiui as me.- Bits -and girls can earn Urge mm, siany tiavs na -t tha buiaeaa over one bundle I dollars in a itDtrU week.Nothing like It ever known be- J"c.' Ail wh'eagtsriar surprised at besanrl rpnii y with .Uich tbev e ablo to make moour 1. Von can en- gAg ia this buincM danu four pare rnf ai great profl;. Ton tlw not have I . t . , .... , .. , , kt jtuenk. Those who pi el ready mon- 5 ey aboukl write t u-at onre. All lur J ahed Jree.' .A.hirc Tttua . & I to i in tnara Vf .in . DE3T'-m:TIlE;U0ntD! '5! tN to Uiipto T31CrT Bod -1 r a Un;htlr 3lrt jr white olr. It T . .. . .. .... .. . . . ... . v ontmcif ro.'s "abb and oat a uuriFiiiiiun nitu tiuiorcmca, ' Bc taat oftr Xlalttwa Pod la vrtilto and rtfllC, thowitl t ALL. CIIXIIJUX, iUITAJC3. and for bod. : n."a!V'rr who rrefer tTead tsaite Wrltli east. -U) la; pro o iu quality, auk it rM bolter tmi prevent it from oanrff. by adding Cnaauiftcarpootxrulof CkaicaaCa.'a 6mU or 3Iorx:n. to turo tad cot ce too much. Th dcof iUa i;h aoti? nUk ia I'lrferroco Bildrj I ovrdrn c3.rrs tn er.fT tjoca i eoaC Boo astt rMut c&ruiuUT. SHOY TIJIJ TO C3CCE 'FRESCPJPTIOIT FHEE1 f tlniilMSHi an"i all a.Mtntrr. tMiMirtit an lr tu4i rrrtia ti fx A Inril la ll'f lnr I Vnim.- Itov V'. 5 A to.. Sdr H'nt ttJ tjmU CUactwll. O. from bii podttojy a copmindao ; at B.'an li a.tJtsirs, Chagrin TbAa-j, WeiPeiaj and trnfrred elhere "WHtta Lxad, rorrf. ''.' ' Hi report upon tho WhiUjrSlfl Is' Ken erto Oit, Ooteed Oil, Lmp Oi)t th.eau-cl'" A'w.Vid that GenT'ScW '1 W'i..wJt, T." I." . ... . , a fi. .v, it aiinrjgsitiua alluwin: trylre pranrnnl uin throush.and . oikt' todtiv ir -r.f - , r iiurnedl.y a t :. ycuVi-id g:.l or ' Uy. Uil.partsof tho machine btins nai- i . a- THE. OLD DIllG s t cm ID o iViUJAMS. . -HAYV.'pCD, Comer aydt.'illo aul Ilxr. S;.. Oler spsiiit AodaoeJijqU tq cdk tuy era ex. .1 ..- - .::' . DRUGS, HEDIC1IIE5, ! - 1. f ' Pai.iU, O.tjD0 SirifrV erfumcfy, FANCY -VTiXICr-l. Ofder prmnpt'y d..e- MERCilArtTS.' - r 11 IJfaiketund MArtiu StroeU,-' 'ltaleigh,X.p. ' Bulk C. it. sides. X.C. and western flour, kcsar, roiTeeji, tobacco, snuff, corn. iihmI. oat bay salt, ujolai v ara leatherf, a f ull liqeof case g-K.I. und everything rise to make up or.e nt me largest and best atssorted sUxk of juwries in the state. Tho f.'.lir.j of orders from country rr:rcha::M is We solicit c islT.im.-ri, of M liyhicU we gie. our personal ATTEXTIOX. . ' V We have in store . and la traaali 2-jOo bundles arrow ties new a ad pieced, 500 rolls and- rolls bugylnf all weights wlacli we are prepared offer at prices that defy compet1tia Tlis OaliOriaa Fasten at ite southV" THE LOWRY 0H8AH WXflffl ' MT. AIBY.X.O ... t: .t i v& . ; - M inufa?tar.jof . parlor, ohurb and music hall organs, Buperior tn, quality and - volume of turje. aoloa stoiw, designs, utterance. f,nW arid variety of style."4 Beat for the parlor. chjitcu. music ; nau, ana all pu 7? lt desirable to have a pei- lev. uiu ai Bfiui vuai, .iub Liunr; organs cost yery little more than in- ienor iiisininiPui-V jV4 'o3e!w double ther Mnalcjtl yalue. and will list a Ufa-time. Tins ia the only Q) gan company in the Soutli, and we appeal to southern I'atriQwm lor encouragement.-Before buying aq Orpin, please write us fqi crtwhf and Vrice list, " '." " ' - Agents f anted thMurfiout tb Soutli "and Westr to whom liberal ; discounts will be made. Oixrulart and prioe. lianvUled : Ine oa aplle. tion. Address, . , - - ' ' i ' ii i i ,i To close the peaaon, i will naw off Telr summer ' t ick of Lrvlitt! rem rovxls, ..id lumg lawiia, IVrca lattice, t t t &c lA tcji 11 Uents Hummer llabt, Gentlemeut -5 t nothirg, with variety of other gool that tlie ilo not wish o. carry over t'4 nextaea'on. -J