r - i M.- -'; K M '4 a :r bo.! . publisher fKBif-rpipJwXpPY;,.;: i 21 v v-, Editor and Proprietor t '74AWlflOirAX'ElitdJM3!'TJofrielor.- - - Q0 SixJIonths, -' '- ' 100 Ti.IlT fci-ju UyiLuud ar.O f L . To elubs of 5 the times wrti.ua tur XOTTISBURG, NrGiJl'L" .V-VT -. ::;..-.. :'; 1 t, 1 s 1 vi 11 ; i IP in 11 1 1 1 , ' 1 V I) fiHURCmBlREDTORY- ZlsraDDisrc-Rein? "WIfC;1 Norm mi, pastor. Services every imd:.y immh Ing and niahV rrayerineeting every AVednjps lay xuslit. Sijwtlay, S,cUvoi .ft ;..BAWist Kef.A' VQMauawa pas; ' t ervices lstJ&ndtSrd-. Sundays in each meeting every Thursday .tngtit. Sun-: .jjdightlyj5xpre8sed, ' - ' 4 " lliss Drew was Engaged just moW tift some 'hoars1' late r. " ' ; AnafscarceTy jittered, , r : - . tbn, the girl believed, but if: he ' Aatt' 'pkrcKml't 'LAi i.t ;&?v?nt-0J test, 1,4 - . wotald wait, she would carry in his thi roasic andtlauinJ arid r .u' U-i"Hff 'Hr-rtl: name - . -waa.passedto the ueits- t ..u if tWith young life .Tjejcun. "f 11 . .V fl fP.rft l.r,-f I MJt tl. J Ji4i I-nJTWj? .vV I . t-Viin thtk;iS,-r ! lJ:i KposewtS tbnRtttSe4K W 4hJAllontilariorlJiere.vvaJii- Jitua A , 1 :- . . - i. - t" " r carior. : v . - . - -.l iin store ioruiem. - - ' ! i .' tie iJictLeu uii a uuuK. uui uau 1 .niicu un iiau luirju maces, u ! 1 V.i" hit .A - TJ W , F -V. f I 1 This qld-iUhicmed ayto;f; Could he see MissT)rew? he in i .1 1 w ... . . . quired of the servant who answered J on jDiaotha, who was swert ir.to niarms:. - mqcrowa, anu. n att , saw t.r M'lat'er.' he irigid stare wasthrpwn awav 1 . a ; a 1 1 I . .. I 1 day School, 9 o'clock, a at. , t night" Sunday school, 3 6'ciocIsr-3r-f ' That was sdwnin the'garcterf Voices through the door that led to drkwn ud, . revealiDg a tnlhlature M. - i n T ; "If UV: mwtil 1 fW.JiMl f the librarv arrested hia attention, r t stiffe. wt&V aD6riatefc,iiin,ti And reniemberri no rQsesiwsV ?j i lu an instant the fire of his jeal- I mcnts aW "a IbSv iSdentfeinan1 iVilt 8tiirlri2-frbm the Weed.i a t;iA-iWntr mA in whitA liftftL i One -nt I enVprinrr fWm tVift w!nr. " r '"'' ft ' 5T - I LilB VU1K TV Ub,' U .U & B. BaroUlUV TVom yiworthv seed." tu ;Q I Jrit s71 1 j,...' sl-if-JLh . . ' I TTlf 111 IH.1.RI1 SLH H. UUVB B - LiUt I ClIlllIlK HO 1 1 ?Ll 1 TIIll-11. LnnHIWTl. IP:LT1V a 4 " I : i - v v , . T . , a , . r- - r- -o" ' I OTIVerS DUil UD Mi fViKL?ly'U-:.fAixl nt.her it maddened him to hear it I pA to hia month as the 'two np.rfnr. I v L L 'J' Al-iJ.i-:. rjrt-ll iei- n... . . - '1 ' i I - I ""-oca iiuuj u a.ui unuij uu utr, bJio How waiiy.ii PRlmg-ii,!,, .lwa8 IchaDod TJiigh'g, deep-toned, mrrs tnrifea (oMe) 1 udieTce. riiAYacl-'tlleM-i - . - i . i - i i . - , . . ;UJ:it:-f LI Lui.. .in ! vi ben'tucrtl iteiprohaDTy wore eoftiln- burg "Eflglrigs! luW-tf gr.C mumf' W ulqngundpossibljr reack ihv middle! lul articks taonjinveroua torrUm of jt&e -ttriql. about tie limevlbcr ar- f setetal.x.eblcJtf wUiuvtir4 tzfrpt ufj .e J i i . L tbit I wotd be pleased to show, the I TTr-rfcrr,;x R Tril" ! r..77 il ILIA all Jin troublel to-day j h .; tttjj By riotous 'living; I t fe ;;KVl s Impassioned, earnest like With comrade so gay ?1 4,1?IeadinS lovr on s With character shipwrecked ;i Yiri 'bill Watt bad long sqsf like that of j and he recognized Diantha Prew j and s'wiftly -dodges ' back' among ithv linees. ? ; i I aijd Ichabod Bligh.L;But judgq of I veLicfei lik lu rfgttciled hedlhdfl! pwrefcked And duties uudone, : : o I Will be sorrowV harvesting : 'Snlho langn.0'! suspected Ichabod j his surprise when he heard' them J "f100'! ,oA' garden! Jbed-jAfMr-j 'TM TI!S GREAT -1 ' 111 r -m I And 44In the long run," Tho toiler fares best I Who pel-mirhene !&bor 1 And takes Dfest test,- Jr Who, contented and happy, good to seek, to refaeati Jbe ver j dlalogtfe' that JiadJ "eyera n.auoreadUj fecapesf' pyx fak AWW Jea 8acJi a .wormwood. to; ,f.e Dflc SP.W uring.,ic au dUiUdlfii iOittUlfii ' liib the dav before! He h'atT- saw WW ,?? ?. ox one. andeafd .buifte'; "itayKfla WPrc5V1 look around Voniposedlfpr a' po-' J t of being none too be hs r hadf Jain presumed . iButharkt i'Perhaps there is. another? for he had. i hung :hls .head; orer-1 wneimea wan coniusion. andJ felt I ui a. i ul i . : r t-.i, I 1 ' !:- j t '1 . t' i t 1 ft don before: ikM .if i rUFTC-MalJLETltadro liiiU U lfiiit I lUltla " A that hide on thej earth, 8 iCli c?.? W W ;i.t ;? no other ' answered hers with ear- td riskVineetinc, Dlantha An ' th , Alck.Hhander4Hn7le lib Ol. That wUlpasJaway Ptese f -pecUtorv and toofc t-K f;W:I..S3!it iJIir LrBecanslabcfdrioaisrtbfan adfaiUgeotthe'rush; ir'JA 'LiiV?? Ji? s-irt -.'.-. w-t'. r , ,. a-a t kn,ik !,-. c I 1 1 . - 1 xruntwieia uD3V-urvv. TO0(I ana tne "CVH , t ti-."ucicut h a .uvjuui buu. aucuiug 1 wretch whose nanie t vile rumor; f f Her made, ancrly tall nctoor. !?W,niW4?ft nlnVlhon 'nritt,.' rfr e4a WgutiJ JWftteUP rLeod6rV ire so a-i tt rnnTiri HIT CONFECTIONERIES 4 . t .. j .11 I wxa tauJuii.'j'i 4t , ;t riire .tnirrVr III 111 fw oic'f Jn o1' I oM-ou I 1,1. n ... F l .P..J . 7 ! k A t af ..1.1 in J 1 . IMU G( I JT4 1 W I..ITM1 -l . .1 1 1 m m 4 m v - h rm "uj,jhl" m " v "hb .... t ,rniki..Jioe of' irt raai a2 'jlu-V Jiouil J1 ck : rd :1 .ttrfcrs on ,haad and at iri fa thai pfm Mmm .vva ..ai (SSSfC; . . - esf and tars; and aUether 5wTlYEMYS&S,BlVAl -in Ichabod's voice when 'next he .bad "cried ber r eyea, Jbeca'use ,Tenalrami'Tel -iJi ; t u , ; . ' -uins vnd:Aches.y; -spokeVn .7;, Watt hadn't comb ttfe takither Ho ttyrn.tolTirolUe tw d.icvea.14MHWM ; I lie partv,. Tben they botli lucfe I "' "fl', r'Xv h'nw"ri '' " ! r- ,:7. .,.7 .! . " ,.. ng with pain can hTo cheap und posUire pruof t Ita claims. : : : Direction! in I3am language jlyoar fidgetrvetormenting sort of tl-eat you answer it lightlyl' 'Xdor' each oilier jira.inBWignage. Lldvers,: ana"? so-i jealousy-why, had ble creature; do "von W me?' terwardstl . mnEDicmE. . ' .. rt J Miranda been JaisN sweetheart, ten ;f The answer came in ft Voice' 'so I DiairtbaiakiJ Jl VU COt , pnepu5;wonic narc sceniea a . , ; jwfa;Mi?.,s: ) rtValln 'the freckjw harborn, Cal-" ' t my i .. i1- 'iiau:--Bnt his 'sweetheart was ' Di- ii r rriH r rt i nrr - different froiiUheVentlMiranda's. JLa i if a i lltl u t n I-i i Iv & 1 t iler moods were) as papricious as - Si.-: Attornov at Law .:r"v ;r. o,jr.:: iOUlSDUrg, , was hapless Watt allowed to bask OSCO IQ thO Court UfUSC, : :.; t v- -t . - ' : '- - - -- - . " ' ' over an hour at once m the sun- Ifi Gf BKSSN J8lnne)ofruin0Sirdler theory of : : , Minimi i &m ' tOUlSBUUGN-.C ) .1! 'di,t quite ti.lrivel.uk to despair, vw in rracHca 1 1 umnv ku.,, but the nearer to.tUe yerge of it the ET Also give ;. i-ryiupt;. attention, :tu; i-r j i ? U , ; . iiorc, luan:- once att Jiatir .serii ouslv debated the nros and cons of 15 " Ji. MSiN JiUillx ! turoihg WStjac on'HheJeakish ileHrherein Office in the .Oonrt' llouie,- -,?'' Uwy wws W tviytf still and small that Watt Wemyss'a I Aunt Elinor had been to the late. ears, strained, as they wexeifti.catch f Abdiel Meigs. the slightest sound, failed to bear iU.rBu.tJie pequej made , jeasy o divine the purport. ; t f Your , words have,, thrilled my-j puut ntiiu juj i bitcu iv;uauuu ill cc- stasy. Com.e, darling, let me clasp yori to" this bosom henceforth to be Vour restins-olace I- V ; i 1 "1f aWd beartd hearSohibrc His first impulse was to rush in i i Out la v-. SplaHWAZ 2scver betray a confidence. . Never wautouly frigiiten others. XeverUct -j om, ds. NeverJltave R5my4i3illwAiind words. " -. "- - " - - r ' Never laugh at the misfortunes of anil thmtt.l Ilia enTtnloTifir-'Wit)"-! t L ...... . .. . . . Lothersi-t 'if1 nril " , -f. " l "V ' Y . n m8 &rmS ' 'Ter give a pdmise Uhit Tba d ibntT'pb : reflecting that 16habocT wals IWofc fulfill" 4:1 3i aj, it fa'ctl-nnAinrp' Kramnn K-i II ' il' i"" U!"'5 receive, prompt auention j the cnticaTraomeiiit Dianllia WOBId 11- i" '4Vt ;'" . X tW1 vouchsafe a gfacwus lcpS-loric so : D AyiSGOOE, :falI of tendir'mhirresisti- ATTTati COQLLOES.1 LAY ; bly enchanting, that before he knew hedfoinid tiDilelfT.lLin at'Ber feeh a strapping, brawny fellow, whose .ever wnimcf boping foj: oj J prowress bad more- than once , -been, in return. J .V. .. proved, he gave way to his discre- ! Neyer speak much of your own per- uwu(Juyu juaue a , rapianavance i "i'"""vo homewards. . . vNol-Vn not.let her drive me' to' despair and strichninel! Watt wise ly concluded, ah hour's cool reflect nun m tuc tuici ui ins cuaiuuer. ke a man. and let her lH tl nr . I m tOiU':"; Will attend ttlie Courts of" JSastr, ajiamore in? n eyer nersrDmisave (Iniinripa "jilsa the V i?Ulietue 11 ' . ' "'-' - ' . .V ;" . - . a i longer . '.. -nt. -.iui,- iA ?ujf V hAJiiQ day watt." after .Circuit and JWTKiCTvouxtstt clrn between - Nn.YARBOE0UG,; tna and nimr, reso vel to . - - ''Viri akejanendof the worries -that , ATTQRH?XfiMW? were fegg M'rt(nlna : 4 LouisBUittry N. ?iM ' f l ff : : bodtfyianH toa gtaea-sM i sllaw fcVecial atteution-Hven td ' the tol- ' Jection of claims in all : portions of; th t'tate, t irtn.f sr vv......j Ilefers- to (heChief Justfeeand as-j -sccl-ite Justices of the Supreme, court ,cf ir. Ci IIonvGcYigtrongexudge! tvi tht criminal, .ourV4laleigh, Hon.? .J-s. J. ; Davis, ex-meuibei-of the 45-G-7t!i Congresses, Jxuisburg; rion.t (?.' C ooke Speaker of the v Hcusa . cf r.cpresentatives of N , C 181-21 Js l iug, ; X ar borough, Davis & Co.. ii.vl3 5ale Grocers, lialeigli,N.;C.i T ITilw & S;rn: Kevv York cifv. f, 4 tJiroa-ni the thicknes: TcjL c. til'M nil woe u Anus irminatea ui . temple nnle tbat thmtpnil tho twmn uev vurniriumpuanuy to town., leretotell tho tale. To-morrow. 'itl f . I I TliJcepoxfcb.whwwk4 rmesi;d Jkri kvrUre.opihft.daUt.X)! twan lucdtftr- kt" cif e 4 " ii e r a rfc iV riKVerpick tbet teeth or clean the naUSjlu omnan y- ?7rrr eb vniaka yodrlell uni ueml JcX? Tllfbear it li see I do. : cr r 1 , Room No.' Y . Having procured the) 'agency from uianutacturer, for this ' reliably IV ' . t, we cau suppl it in all ooloii j:ixti ready for us, at ioweso rates W1JI1K & 811AW melancholy mentally, or know the reason why, : He would- pluck up courage and ask t)ia'nthatd"name Siheay.'Vii xii,Uvm hao; heard; it said, to be shrews be fore marriage and ?" angels Rafter wards. ; He could - himself avouch what a lingi'-ieQttt 'ifjrife I.Diai- tha- s, Aun Elinor; lia ibieeA&onal the nay Abdiel MeigsiedJier.tDtlie' i trail. . .' : . ." K-rr -, ..( . '.1 : in any, could. recalVlhewoes of Al diet's wooih and bow he.;oonfess- l;eoi'ah4,b4d')n at last with"3a dose of ratabaae jh; bis. pocket, 1 de terininedif -thef forward fair i"Oiie didu't put.an end foj' biSj suspense, to end it for himself, r nju ' ' t)iaatba'prew; lived at ;ber- Aunt Elinor!si:andrAtr Vwajr , thither 'that VY att Wemyss hied IrisE 'steps l.ig with the resolve already mentioned. The next evening, was, that of Mrs; Blount's party. It was to be a grand affair, Everybody was in vited,' Watt Wemyss among the rest. . He was to have ' been Dian. tha Drew's escort on the occasion; but that was out of the question nowj 1Df 3urf?, Icbliwjtild Supply! Lis p'acs. till, L3 Wist going to stay away. ,H. would put on a stiff upper lip and go, if it was only to show Diantha how lit tle he cared former defection. - Watt .Wemyss s . get up was something stunning; and there was a noticeable swasher in his air as LVStroje jfip.jau Jo ml.. rs. Urlnt's icrbrrJu v etj mm see uiantna Drew, that was all ! Wouldn't he freeze her with a stare?' He had been keeping one ice alu aay ior ner 1 . -. It was already late when Dian tha pade her appearance. She daJ'kWci ll&l IcliM) l2igb, after all, but in company with hei aaut, and looking anything - bu cheerfuL Possibly she had beei crying at least "her eyeS looked red enough.' --'v :' ' ( i lUu' . 1 AVeibys's.f.r.f lias A. 'any . con srtiemre I' . - ' your story. " Nvcr fait togiro..mUtanrc to a civil question. s ... - Never question a servant or child about family" matters. 11 ' " Never present a'gift saying,. U" is of no use to yourself. , Iiever read letters whica you may find addressed to 'o'thers." " 1 2ever associate witu bad companyj Have good.compapy or1 none, j i . t - Never call attention to the features or form of.oneresemv , Novor - look. -over-tLa- sbouldar.of anbCblrywKo iapeayg VJlns. feNever refer' fo a gift yonhave liiade or a favor you have rendered. Never appear to" notice a scar, dc-j! fortnity, or defect of any one present. j2eyer arrestjthe. attation of an ac- quamtanco by a touch. Speak to him. The' Japanese stagrV-i- raids -to' re-j public another is la process of arrange ment. ' ." , ' , - - 'Did,you ca.l youribfoi'iti a liar ?' asked the stern parent,' and tho cul-! prit replied: . 'WelL I said lie was a sewing maculae. agW t'." b Z'.tn 1 ! cJ whistling. more lovely than 4'dip ;well blown?! 1 ! -'J Jf.i J -u.L- reoplo speak carelessly of 'bloated aristocracy,' as if an aristocrat is al ways cbc c.'.';Tbis' Is" wrorig.' So'iao' of the aristocracy'of toliy is mihtvi thin. ' i X M OB An 'Irish editor" says ? 1 "Our -wo men are " jjqeused .of being loud , 0 Well, so beic. What id til wJid -vTiiUO -iiXEci Uieir.lt r. It ma-, tM ;rjcrcnE,v ' 1 r b JuiUtsffE VJTLE LJ2iT StreetP V-i vt:. I nave also in connection itir mr watch? repairm. and jevelry. estaJalnatsicat. a lull iiaenfcannedgods, outu us, jvsiers, oaruuieS, Sabnon,' lobsters, Hstiir. XufJtey, Caam,JiTciinatoes. c3jQASiyO t-'w.'-.-.biu ia A. r t".f Ismecrrl0? A ': 'TOBACCO 3; fc3 7 f )f cnmTinuiTivrt Inly- il?i w Iaeirh;C..., i ! .i- ..i VJL UkKVU$,v r ed? lo a j. ,h (iuuT l b-i J .-.i diniriiagton:, lse;f .trrr1! AVIUJAMS.& HAYVOODi frr-.S.nr.i r;: VJr-Mi o- ir Li:J j V el : arrjimi. J dry. jnj 'CocrFaVcttevllta'd1 lfarotM "ui tOQrCcipecial iuiuccweBtt. Cwb li ''EJkist and: ltoiV AicwTmiCitEa saddlps arvJ drauqV t horf oa cti , at all tauJ.Aio li 'tkiii . T--ia-j I . .Thfc iMMt raEm.r.r.1 . lSUte, and beft jicci)rnmo- . " ' dition fdrtbtf firnii;i ,ni' .! v.l l-j-.ii uij::.:ji.iI '!Mn ttey -ctBiA tbia.tu4 : Taints; 'Oils, 5 Dye Stxxfl'rrfamcry , Brandies,-Pax, JClielngTobacc 1 b nl w: -llLLUii . ...... .1 ii.ii'.i n r: j.rt. . MiinAtAi) vj . if 11 'Oi OT XV J V 111 XV 1 Jl KjSoseneOa, Unseed Oil, LarctQLl, ui ,.; ;, t.r-r i.r, :i Tanner's iTA, VlndowfilaC n.- TrCOii JO XHb- . "w .Varnishes, &cw fi,J mj T7 T Knri i . uT te'jn xiui rdi iu n .a i) A.3 suoai:. -4 ,)I SJ-TnE!-" C9-J f oi l i ?L c-'l t!if t-W rf?iw : li .T-.ir.T ol J.? :ro 1 f'V'Hjfi f i -t 1-' 5 -i f-i j . ( ,.:3fTf.r. -rrm'Ty.! - l"'"' - .'.' . t 4l... 4 u f 16 rr;rif;yt:,hu iA'i-i i waat-i-ini-nn. fultibie of drus, cigars, PinJ; and chewing tuliaccos, &c, &c." 1 Alq White Cloth?, Calu-ocAcIi vUch-ar'cl.cp for CASH.' .i m it. 71 ri. W I.J . -JT .rur 1'- U v.l! 1j ,? j.J .-?!..,.'..'. .... i -.r.M '.j'ANP. wju;.. rl cvofj.'J.ic in'th lar-; . :-. fj -I TTOrlTs by M.Cl.wul rv'lv(j luuinpt atU uti.a.' ' ' ' ... '-v' ' J It t a f ...... . .' . . - f-tKAI J-.S Ut al; xl I IIATSi-CAiy, SillAT. GCV". FUE'S". :) c;: w.-iiaithr.. T , t - .t '" '-' .1