.:'s - - . - -l u ji,!.- v. t L- . 1 "Li " t " .THE' FRAN KL1 K JI1 : . I ES. THKTnrcslstb only nretpv; r publlahed to Franklie coootyi and it, U a fact which advertisers should aot PUBLISHED EVEBY FRIDAY. BYi V' ;Editor anoriopnetor forget. . . - ' - Kates; The Editor will not he irpooibl . for the views of corrts potion U. - v. V One. Vear 82.00 J. A. THOMAS," Editor and Proprietor. WITH MALICE TWARt) NOE ; WITH CHARITY FOR ALL. I 00 PRICE $2.00 PER AN1HJM Brief-comaianicatioBt from a'l ' To CWbs of 5 The Times will te I - rrT-r UoofDoaieansUjeolicited. Kewe Items of as j mature will be thankfully 3-t LOTJISBURG-, N..O., SEPTEMBER 7, 1883. NO. 33 u rt H; -!ro(Th in- ri -fl irty ; .! n -mrh a n -LA U II U - , f J, ii i ii ii -x ii ii it u. ,,,,11 U..H.,U U V I fJ O 1 m 7 IT 0TIE The enterlairim'ents given in tfce I Personal. Those who are indebted to the ar ffmer and Mechanic eati call at the Times office and settle as yc nave the amounts due bf nil of its subscrU hers at this place. . TAR DROPS. . The bandLTfas out serenadibg eue nght this;wee-::-ia-!:' There are'seve'baSe ball tlnbs tn thecountff.";5.; C.. ; , Bead the valuable land sales', ad- crUsed hi this paper. WW"airen court this weeK. Our prof eWional mea are in attendance. f Over a column of reading mat ter Sbt up for this issue is crowded ou. "V ' -rThe stealth of Louishurg liaa . been rajQarkablveood.for tlie past. 12 .1 ;; iavntnsv ;frgellsV:higi show will exhibit at Henderson on ihe j25th. See adver- ; . xhe new double column ad verjfie i xaent of Barrow & Soni will be. found Jelsewhere,. Head it.; ; The ith aiiJ 1-st qoarterly rheefc 2 fng, for Jthis jear'of 4 tJbj,Iethodist church in : Xouisburg will "take place- " r hextfeba'i..- Our: neighbor Franklinton,1 re-. , ceived its firstbale of new cotton last Ptlday "the '31st rKajsd by Mr.TIen- Court house last week, by our colored. friends of - the Presbyterian church, were very interesting. ' The caso oT James Perdue vs. P. B. Hawkins, AViley Person .and oth ers, which was up before Justice J. A. H6y on last Saturday, was dismissed aV cost ot the prosecutor. The charge was for giving away whiskey thelectioniu HayesVU letdwitsbipi; Thiajs the Reason to dp. your, ad vertising for the fall ' trade. A man vho thinks he cau sit hack in his store these days, and get trade without ad vertising his goods,is behind the times. It has become almost universal for the people to look through the news papers, in ordor to find out what mer chant sells any needed article, and it i3 not treating customers right, when n merchant fails to advertise his goods. "When a man sees au article advertised he does'nt have to walk all over town to find it Tmt goes directly to the man whose advertisement he saw in the paper the day before! Further com ment is unnecessary. . ; .:V. : Mr. J. A. xanlkner, a young man of energy and perseverance, has loca ted among us. and opened a jewelry and watch-making establishment, at the stand formerly occupied by Hay wood gliomas. Kead his advertise meiit in this issue, and give him your ryPearce and soidtMr WLMcGhee I workr He guarantees satisfaction. iotn center W iielow we giveTaTfew words of good : Henderson is to ha vet a; cotton aeed.' oil mill. Louisburg is' no doubt one of the .bet-tv locations in this seo tioa of country, for one of these mills. There's millions in it. .-- V- , : i - The fruit crop vas not very abun- 4: dant in ' this section y it 'teems. ; A ? wagon fullpf reaches stands but little ahowingou our streets, -e very body t.Cv' f ;being so atrxi0U4o get tbem, jldice clipped from an Exchange) ift'frfir rnail -overseera. i 'l&le:ifb$te awa $r'd d ?sed tAyf rjbe Btfue niad3jf soft jrobber f instead of silver. It makes less wear and tt ar on the gums, and helps the teeth to come through just as well. V . ' We have been requested to state that the next Skewauky Union Meet Jog.of the Primitive Baptist chorch, r, will be held at Hickory Bock, this county, commencing on Friday before t e' fifth Suaday in September l-:. ; , The case of BuiSn . against Jones a ;aii for damngs, and known as the mill sai.whicb: waa sdovjd from tlna ; -f pla e to ash eontv, wa4 tried at the Vt ' rec?ni ittiL$i& decided in flavor of j ihe ; defendant ' Ji :. -IdeapteiTi- Botrelon- yuuiJ an gneDoy.sis-coiccuiuea JbOy vhowls mother BcarpsTather iawSr-doctor comes tiolic goes -boy well wants more-- (notice of l'unerai hereafter).'. r 1- ri,?5fTer the proceedings foi '".tiie 4ast annual meeting of the f J,State Association pi County Superin . 7 . tendents, which was held at Cbkpel Q'k ItUl July? 4th and 5th, we notice that ' , Mf. E. ijr. Conyers, of this county, ;' Vwas erected as one 'of the Vice-Presi- '"dints!.':-,?-. - - ; ' What would society do if a man w ivuiu c unii r x vvrn niui uio $j .-, arms' .bfire to the -shoulder and bis ' shirt open from; where bis suspenders ' cr iSs on his back to the third button ( f ' woman's rights, society lady please answer and oblige? , , ,.v - r Oar sabscribers will please bear i'!rf;,in mind that they can help the editor 1 .purclcing goods from thore mcr ' J J tajct j who advertise in the Times. T'lcae sny to such that you saw their '- ': advertisements (provided, you do see V ftbetn) in this pper. ; it will cost you Tf ; nothing' and, will do us much good . vt t -The Musiairand .Literary Club .inet at the Eage Hotel last Monday . 4; bight, v. A large crowd, as usual, was TJresent. The club was entertained tO'":by-reading by; Er. J"E3alone and Mrs. E O Jones; xnusia by Miss Uzzie , . Mangum and othexs-,QKexfr meeting C will be-held t :the residence of Mr. j 'GeO.Bater We hav-j fafled to note tthe -death -;oi jut. josepn x owier, .one or toe r jnost honorable and highlyH respected if "citizens" of this county. which "occurred 3 ;-V at. his home hear Ponlar 'Snrinr8- Vf.V"T ." ' " - ... . t -, . . 'August 24th; ?, ai about 80 years "Of ef seers . work - your roads and put them In good copdition before win ter. Work them iu suoh a way as will be a . pmnanenjfc improvement, it 'is cheaper ia fee long runi fluid will save you being indicted, and run to the cost of paying a lawyer to defend you and i rf t rf-V proiaoiy pay a une ana cose, uur popi.,4ltnMigho'( , the country are determined to nave better roads, and oi judicious wora wut puce eacn roaa out ot tne reach oi 4ue Uraud Juries, Ins the interest of every citizen- to have good roads. It is financially sneaking beneficial to- everv - one. Work yourroada at once and put them in good condition: A r. County Cbxiimissioners. The board met on the 3rd and 4lh. L- Jeffreys was allowed $103,00 for building - bridge, across canal at head of Dr. Green's pond. The peti tion for a new .road in Dunns from or near Jack Griffins to or near Bur well Bakers was granted. Ben Jones was allowed to go to the poor house. J L Bryant was allowed $26 for building a bridge. License to retail liquor was granted0 to J C Aycocke and J C Da vis. It was ordered that W T Dean, Executor, appear before the board at its meeting on the, 10th. and show cause why the solvent credits returned to C. S. C. as property of Thos. Dean, dec d shall not be listed. It was or dered that the Register of Deeds list the B & tx R B franchise in this county tor losz and lead, and charge double tax asainst same. It was ordered that lands of W B Uzzle be reduced from $10 to $8 per acre. The jury box wa3 revised. Several accounts were allowed. Board adjourned to meet next Monday. Mr. Wm G. Thomas, of Raleigh, spent a few days in Louishurg . this week. ; He is still wilbOe. reliable drag firm of Williams & Hay wood. Our young friend, H M Barrow, Esq., has returned from his trip in the mountains, and reports a pleasant time, .. Glad to meet Mr. Henry. Perry, Mayor of JH.ender$onia own this week. '-He will plant large -portion of bis plan tation t near Louisburg in tobacco next year. , C -i . Col. B. B. Lewis 'has returned from his trip to the springs. Mr. W. A. Thomas is on a visit to friends and relatives at Wilson. Mr. Frank Ballard of Scotland Neck, is on a visit to his father, Mr. B. J. Ballard, near Louishurg, ac companied by his excellent lady. Misses Maria and Pattie Lewis have returned from a .visit to Ral eigh. They were accompanied by Mrs. A. M. Lewi, Jr who will spend several weeks . here, Mrs. G. E. Crenshaw, of Oxford, is among the recent visitors to Louisburg. j Mrs. C. M. Cooke has returned from a visit to Raleigh. Misses Sallie Pritchard, of Warren, Gracie Mafon, of Xorthamton, and Maggie Harris, of Franklin ton, are among the visitors to Louisburs. guests of Mrs. A. W. Person. Mf , E. G. Brown returned home yesterday, from Atlanta. Ga. Received Payjneut The following have paid for ther Timk to the time named : Rich mond Upchnrch paid to Dec 8. 84 T. W. Win&ton paid to Fby 2, 84 J T Clifton pakl to Feby 9. 84; Vrsv Harper, paid to Dec 7 S3 ; 3H HogWood. naid to Dec 7. 83. yALUABLE LAND .FOR SALE. The Lancaster tract odjdining the lands of John Brewer, Baldy Burnett and others, 237 acres. -A good set tlement made on the land, about 30 acres cleared, 40 acres ,Ja; original growth, the balance in pines. A good neighborhood, and only" Jive miles from Louisburg ItailAoad."1 "This land will be sold cheap. : Apply, to Joshua Perry, Esq., or to V t B. B. MAssENvrrj, Att'y. 'i'irM vl.f..v--.- :L0irj J"VC. " 'L- LAND FUR SALE. The Wallen tract adjoinlBg the lands of Mrs. CT. T.' Eaton,' William Allen and otners, - containing 263 acres, three horse - farn. Cleared the balance in original growth and pines, three miles from Louisburr, and only two mles from the surveyed line of the Henderson and Louisbuag Rail road. Apply to W. H. Ballaad Franklmton N. U. ortq B.' B. Mas- senbubq, Att'y. Louisbyrjf N. C The Foster tract adjoioing the lands of B. T. Ballard and others. three miles from Louisburg, containing 2uo acres. There la on the land a framed dwelling, and out houses. About one half the land is cleared, the balance in original growth and pines. Apply to W. 1U Ballard Franklmton, N. C. or B, B. Mas- senburq Atfy Louisburg N. C. S-AILKoiB!lSAILROA ! ' .JPXT1C1 mi' ' r not read il-L means mon6y in the pock- 'larmeris the one that is dl- the 'Franklin Times"1 and find - We are going to have the"Ra, ets of every fannerjn Franklin rectlv benefited by It. PeoDle will buv ffooda. wnv : out where to spend! your money: Read tie following snd it will tell you. -m-RDWARii; Everybody wants nails at hi easoa to buui plantatioa honses and for various rt her porposes-Wa hav a fall stock of nails on Jiaad all sizes which which we bought as low as sny have been sold this season, and we sell them accordingly. . ' -y jl large btock or scale iseams au sizes irom zuuns to owu with poise to malclu We have for tele a genuine wrought Iron Stock Lock something that every body needs come and get one before they are all sold, also Hinges, screws, Butts Plate Locks, Stock Locks. Pocket Knives. Table Cutlery Currv Combs. Scissos, Shears, Coffee Mills, Stove Pans, Frying Pans Bed Castors. Wire Clothes Lines, Shoe Nails, Oil Stones, Sad Irons, Tea Kettles, and many other things too numerous to mention . . Tinware oi every description. Stoneware, Jugs, Jars. Churns Willow ware, Tubs, Buckets, Brooms. Bitkets. White wash Brushes Pspe Twine &c. II A U N E S S. Wagon and Buggy Harness a whole set or part of a Buggy Collars also a large lot of Bark Collars Halters Ac. We have just received a large lot or Furniture, Bedstiads, Chairs &c. We have also just received a largd lot of Warners Corsets, all sixes in three or four different Rinds. Just arrived a new Lot of the celebrated fitting shirts and collars, tho 1MB B1HUT set, Wagon and gPEClAL REQU1&T. That every one indebted to me make settlement either by cash or note, by, or before 1st of December next. J pay for this notice to project th? good feelings of my mlxk&ous f REGISTERED- TRIPS MARK. "" ' . ; V We have just rec ived a larcre lot of New Goods. White coods. Houes. Hamburg Etigings, ltuchiugs, Hand- kercuieLi, Corsets a beautiful hue Hosiery, Neck-Ribbons - Bracelets. Latest Style of gents Cravats Collars and cuffs also a creat many ether things too numerous to mention. Call early and examine our stock before it is picked over. Prices to suit the times. Very Respectfully. A. D. GRE2TN & CO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. A.. FAULKNER. JPATCH MAKER & JEWELER, LOUISBURG, N. C. DEALER, IX fatcties, Clocts, Jewelrj aid OPTICAL GOODS. BEAIKISra- A BPECIAL1T. . J. Mr ROSENBAUM. mends. I mean business) Y v EGrnwBtly and ResifcetAfcly, " The. best shirt on the market for fit, durabilitv. and comfort 1th collars, and cufTs to match. Just received a full stock of Coats Spool Cotton. Grett Bargains oSbred in. ' G-KOOERIES. 1 Wedefycomitition as.toeuality and rrice. If will ! nh drink some of our I2r cent coffee. The old fabJoned genoine l'eabun 5eed Tick" coffee with (to Bet standard and Pare sngars to sweeten with, no sla--cose hi sugars we sell yoa. Nice Syrupe as cheap as the cheapest CR. Sides , . Wo haveiust had gronnd.s, nice lot of wheat the rk-TroC which- wa offer 1 : very loWJ also a nh?4 lot ef second Vurt'chelp. . . " . : . , 1 . 0 Seiit lstl8S3. J. B. CUTTON. TOBACCO O. M. ALLEN WJC, CKAM f i AHBr'4 CRAM RALEIGH, N. C, v e oner a nice une oi xobacco bv the DacVa?? or bv rtn. W rlrt u you a Tobacco by the package as.low as yon would have it offered by trateline TXT A IVTHlT'l We want to buy all your Wool, Sheep Skins. Butter, Eggs, chickens' Beeswax, couatry Bacon, lArd and everything t-lse you have to sell. We have also to offer 16,000 feet of well seasoned lumber which we offer u5ucreu or at me yara. uy applying to us you can sec what size pieces length &c. as wo have it all inventoried. J.-S. BARROW & SONS. r" " POUNDERS & MACHINIST MAN UF ACTTJB EES 07 i 110 GLOTHM The "Postal Notes." Last Monday the new postal notes were issuetl from every money order of- fiee in the United States. The notes are senf to the various postmasters in packages of one or more , books. Tne fiewnotes are not meant tor lake .the place of money orders. - It is optional with a person to use the postal notes or the money orders. The Uniform fee for the postal notes is three cents. It. may be drawn on any office speci fied or on the office where it is recei ved, but after the expiration of three months the note , is not paid and a certain form has to be made out and the note? are redeemed at tle post office department. ', Sums from one ceiitto $4,99 may be a eut, -but no fractional part of a cent. The note may also be received and .passed as currency for thr, e months. ; The note is printed on brown paper and is about two thirds. the size of a greenback. The design is intricate. .In' a; few weeks ; it twill become common as currency.''. U"..,'1; ' Successful. - , v. 1 j . From a private letter we learn that Mr, W. T, Wilder the; cadet appointed from this place by Judge Rennet nassed his pYaminfmyi at AND SEALER IX O&NTXXiaSNS rUZtNXSHZNQ GOODS A FULL STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. Cor. Fayetteville and Hargett Sta. HALEIGHH. C. : A DM1N1STKATOU-S NoriV- Having qualified "as Administrator on .the estate of L. C. Wester deceLS ed on the 14th day of 'Aomst 1883. notice is hereby given to all persons maeuiea 10 xne estate, of said L. Boilers, Saw ui QiistHiHS. SHAFTINGS, PULLEYS AC. r; . - Estimates on all kinds ox work fur- nished on appheation. MINT AIM HENDERSON, H. C. Keeps always on band a select stock of the choicest Liquors, . Wines, Cigars, Tobacco &c, including Gen uine Imported Holland Gin. Jamaica, and tt, Croix Rums, French Brandy,' Fine Champagnes, Scotch and Irish Whiskies, &c &c Everything kep neat, nice, and clean. AU goods warranted as represented, and satisiactiou guaranteed. - v 5-Frar.klin county trade respectful ly solicited. JCThe best values for the uspo V cash is guaranteed at the "Mint Sa-loon.''-l J. A. STEWART, Manager- CHAS. J. FHIEL, 118, Hakoett Street, RALEIGH, N. C. DEALEa IN . Bides, Furs, CoUon, Wool, Tallow, Rags, Sheep, Deer & Goat Skins, Old Metal, Beeswax, Jtactory Waste, Dried Fruit, &c. CONSIGNMENTS ON COUNTRY : PRODUCE SOLICITED, HIGHEST MARKET PKICES &UAB 3m ANTEE0. ' W, :H. PLEASANTS, COTfOH BUYER IflD BROKER. KDDEAXniN FraDklin County ia superior Court. F P Pierce and wife 1 et als.. Plaintiffs. Again st Jacob Pierce, el als., uerendants Petition to tell land for a divis ion. MEAT, FLOUR & GUANO LOUISBURG, N-.C. TOSIDXY PlEBCE, GeOKQePiEKCB uobt 1'iebce, ann e. stone , Jane Pierce, Helen Piebce, Julia Piebce & Maby Pierce heirs of Bc&well Piebce: You are hereby required to appear at my office, in Louisourg, on the 29th day of September 1883, in an action brought by above named Plaintiffs and answer or demur to the coninlaint fil ed therein. The said action is brought to obtain au order to sell, for a divis ion, among the heira-at4aw of Nathan Pierce the dower ol Polly Ann Pierw, and to charge among others, Sidney Pierce, George Pierce, Rob't Pierce & Ann L Stone, Jane Pierce. JXelen Pierce, Julia Pierce & Marr Pierca Burweil Pierce with adrance- -.i And ioa are further notified that, If you fail to appear and answer or de mur to the said complaint that Jud . . T.. . . . iiaviogwiuiurawnrromtQemercanOnent wUl be jrranteil th Ti.m,;fr C alUUie relief therein dem.nrfjwf - est romt last week. u There - also of ageihdas Messrs 5, Pa 14 TTitia t nhniTib t TT ?w 'aiha lfa tHar v D avis ? f rb m S tates ville N. Cj and T?SL TC.tH'1 day. ,of i : . -. - -tr -p - - wmw.4.uwuv.! , . . . . " - I iAUHUOU IDOl.Ul LI 1 1 III IT IPO uTl 1 1 ra 'iofDr. J.C2owleftwho is a yerr ou"l'u v. xuere i pleaded in bar of their recovery. This Wt T, Cqlls, " Admr, tile business, I am prepared to buy ibe cotton brought to this market, and will guarantee to pay the highest prices for any quantity. My facilities for buying are-such, that I can Save the farmer from fifty cents to one dollar on every bale sold here. .1 Lave orders In hand now for several hundred bales, and in vbrder to fill them as soon as possible I will push up, the market all that I ' can. I am prepared to pay cash for one thous and bales. " Would bo glad to get that many wunm tne uext thirty days. . In connection with ry cotton husi ness I have opened a tordkeHs offioe, and wilt buy or sell Exchange, - dis count notes, lend money, or sell cotton on time. I shall conduct this branch of my business from a sxbictly bus iness . standpoint." Ample security wu. be required ifc every case: In a few weeks I will be prepared to furnish meat, flour and guajia. in any quantity, for cash, or on Utne.' have F. N. EgcrtonhM itr "for;ail the wool, sheep skins," raw hides, bees wax and wheat la the coantr and for everything eise'yot have to selL .all tor which he is determined to pay the very highest peesIWe , prices .Doti'l .let these thiaie'sreund yocr plan tation and come to waste, but carry them toF. N.-EsertOnVaud yoa w i get a good price for them. uivea under mv band and imI Af saiu court on tne 2y, Anr. 1883. V T r Plaintiff's Att'y. W. H. A. Harris, C. S. Court. OILSASSAFRAS PEiMNYROYAL ETC. Bought for Net Cash, on- receipt and approval, without charge for Com mission, Brokerage, etc. by DQDGE &OLCOTT, 8J & 8 William Si., New York. c. wester to mak. immpHiatA raman and all persons having claims agai..8t Classical &. T.,2iIitnr ?.!L?5!?,T-;.4,I0: jav- I. TJ"" T" J I uauuiuig iuea gooas, ana 9 ' In eoantir noted for taaaty and bwltb. Jtody. 10 trancbD. n itnu imU ld In uu thorougboeas by no academy In theBouth. iical and Law courses preparatory to tha L'nU veratty of Va. Board, tuition, medical attendance, kalf ae would advise all to see me before buy ing - elsewhere. " For the present 1 shaU use the cotton yard formerly oc cupied by Barrow & Pleasants Office ovei tne urug store. JIj'TQ a week made at home by the V industrious. Rest business now before the public Capital not not needed, we will start you. Men, women, boys and girls wanted every where to work for us. Now ia th time .You can work in anar timo M And If yo hav'at any of the abo for sale, briaj your money and he will sell you anything you want at. a low price. My stock completa - and prices loweria e very department, 1 1 give your whele time to the busiurss. I haTf! alsp (4,000) fxar thousand teet Jan. 19, 'SV W H, I'LjLaAT 1VX Co., Aujusta; Maiue, can rail n mv engaging t once. ' HC1 boavJls, delireivd 'any Money i where. ResDcafullr ' - . . enormona pay by wawjr ouuuanu icrras lrce. Money where, made fat. easily and honor hi v. a A. A. r r t- 1, X r - P. N. EQERTON. s

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