. , t TfclE FRANKLIN Tin- V V J f "". t .-'.it , 1 J -ii.s A.-;i oaii s, - i! l ) -)i Mitotan.! rpre r WifiUAKaS-'i:. 9:1) vJ I S r:-.H.J -AH Haa-ft tin- .ljjj.i.v j . . v, It I J i J 1 1 r: i 1 - i 4JZ JI mL SixMoWs- -, ii uy , , 1 . I ,imn1 I. i i ,i jIju. 1 00 'fart' f s f ( J 1 ' 1 ' m' l . ' . , r- u .in mi I M i l - . ' - ' 1 ... I I . Mil !-! S, Editor WopriQtor :;.! T . r a-- E2 To Club famished at $1.40 . i-ua wan ie -ion ' V ut l f r. ft f ft i 'i i i ! i nn v j u w 'ii . - ... mm 'II IHM'I I'lKlOlm Jll 1 tkt I " I II nil II llll "I I H n 1 AoomtuiNs to ljlw of thrmont op ich AdddT?,f trfATMED. attd ii' I 'aV- iu'A - --1.,1 ' r? i '1 'S"ond &ta thast Btana an J, see our i i . T ' i iua u b - - i " , , i t ' j ' - v , T COUNTT, 1ND TaWBOM ALli6rED. r EjjGtNtf ISO tlt1-3rAM)AYnlN-.... (1, . . ' ' tho nri bnt HtU 1AiLr WnT'nan- .- - - -. 5 v9tijm u jsu. j. , --i-.- --.i- .-r--"- -i '"--Tf- uen out' imaa wanaer -nowa - uio- . v - .u " 523 June 8. 8ft 3?unstoti"jlbjf1suj?Bprt l: opth-as ouUMtf vMtet-trn 50,1 .AxiJriVfM. Af'tfiW11.'!1).' ..r. a-. ... iTvrir 531 Denton, Jffv 5 J pton, ; Cook. J II & wife 183 !.Ii7 Bin Absolutely Pur xni powacr KierTanti. A marv purity, strength and . -wrholesomejebs. j,4 and cannot be soliLirreoin petition .kith th muUItltbf louULttst,.' short weight Odav. Dock iaon. bamuel 5391 .'J I &upt&n, Mi 540 - , r Hamlet, S'i 541 . , - r..-1-" ,;. May, N;p 'loon 0 Ov. n do . 1 ':9fS& jrow' W 'TM 50 " do 3o do lunatic V" - 542; olin7rHam irs B " ' 543 Davis, Fannie :-' ' .T- 0 i fIT'i SO Ii latf wiwth ' ; :EyanS. 548 " Perry, Guy ? alum or phosphate powders: SOLB fJLY 1 54U , I RKenc8wlIy Adausht aoJi vai pauper dqmipdc i." Til, giro -uaMLbuMjis tW brdatho an3; wuij knuv uurn; i qui our wouxen i t- . . ( I - . i I I - ffV IL Ml 1 f . - 1 -1W Hstilioat'Mecklcnbufi;; WheWi' WffwerjiBeu a iproai- rtrt ' V i n-i. an . llrk ar 9xs. Royaj, Baki.vo Powdbr Co. fAld HlRippmiltam V ' ml 1 iltiT 7f i 1 f 1 f y 552 . Dunston, Martha General Directors LOUIS TJRG, C. iiy,mk-p3M-i9'& pas oervioes. every ouaaaT. morninsr ian n ight. Prayer meeting every .Wednesday tor.- Seryices'tit anSUrd Sahdavs ih feaek f&R th,mo-raln'g" audBTtf Prayer'iofrs4J f Smfy Elizabeth 'j 0 -554- '2 Andrews, Lee -556 June 25 ,'86 Kearney, HT! fa do fv i uo . i do - ....rflaii raaatic;rSI oo 5b1 er.,. do... -i. do .... do4 do' , ,3' fo'ZV tio ,' do 1 v2o j tio- ! fdo do ' 1 .Oto'doI 'f do - do do - -t:1 do - ' ; "Tj J "tlb .naii Thi dcr- - do . do ; "ltSo ion t i;-r wfin wfih Grecne:i?ejilNtiorn- in 5ii1 b8ta4l3aseci'attiJiy trte todt'dllan I inonstcr , Consnmption 5lcf U-Sry tlrr W the -'JMcMait' f koi a f'ol. torcltteenalot LouU- 4UteieivlM'dbee'flotlonrld'tellof'I bur. V. n hr rrH.nfivMnm oipunw ra mviici, a iu'vi i vl I KreatlV CXCUa OTef tUfi 88101100102 Mumutiuiw- wBSMuuw.T l laeis tnat seyerai criLeir trleud? ?yi 4rt-a4ea' haTJ,bjen cats 'in- '.ma it-a LTiTunns; "tit r,.j" 'D. ;.; c i .. : , "bn's lafiit earu - . 'iti-tai ran r'-iToopie'a c.r c: of Icx'jvenil w-r!; ; -'I - :i to scribing a few geometrical' flfri i res a rem estaia a-ent wt im r. lows "JApniBoa.of 'tho', ,1 L!rl,rt:"hf--- ' '-'cC tho.lnCaer of high, altitudes Ui:younSC1canTh:,r-r3 -rt :-'r' animals, -,Jt.rnajr be staled 'UhaV l-Wuw , , . ccaw rain fci .-;: la 7 let ,C3cr? f--M- : r . tHatt; they ;aQ. 1 au.a M - v ; t casev 10icPf cent-liMsre Uun they ,Woil Lejrpt(di4ri saving ttood ttr jcarryurs ts pi a.i a ttl r. 0 D '4oal . They; should beaiimnhliUiiUtirls k are too .valcabId ::tdibdOSetIl for' MpTelopinsfXharmusiefv iiyoa -:rx tbcro are nonichocs -tAih 'nrk" ,! ur.arui;:;! In Montana "aaflti ,'3r SSK ftc re ppm et?rrf yarning, jV.pud aUie? arooncl ah'd' fall) like an ldar.ndef rihIn4uq ence-ot the hydrated Vjilde '"of hVpotbeticnr radical "ethyfftndT hf-! ,fbg'dormant,,Iora;tlrne' It' VoJia lt,ap..apparentlTalittU won to f ike jyear. "andLtear and ften 4e trtroaId a gyrncmsh2mtu VJiibntr rhaetoaijiaertia.girl4iIIiitBitver IsfoCcd4 fronatltaflnaTDaltfrsltlon, rtd47taoka tip tad cxtcaesHxer 1 A . A ft f . .... ... dftXiyoa would find ht Jp, te wrrOT toer- ' fcLjffoVall2lUla KatqSiaiattnahandha ; . ; ."trn iTeftoiry ft trl b ni e3 ' t 7h iliwhCTnP ta!ql k?okir-t adcWth heJbntTHhey3,triaaVV'rjeen bfe!Ui all -t - l!5oii k.f tiuJa U-riMLAiJrMiaw JA rKL-ir.'r JI' r ',rLlV! " . wLzwiuSJkan rVt '!isl: 'i.J w l- Ton-fa wlinther Morning -fcaa t imfcoTacailiaj 1386 lo f MtttilnM Hsa'l throat and, W , d !tt cotgatM - 'l' ' ' ;"T ' ' Xro lo.gao.Dr u , . to?aj-.-vVlrri6YTj:A Trtil Tttttfi Wt Fnf, n i: : iu JM o.ij 1 I .ijff M WOlild ttfit! df.t Clfc. a t - . S6o-? - r' ecniiarcriatojavon '"-; -"V". . r kai Jrnpn AVotntT -" itt j ArjysA v-I, - Va k IT - aIT 1 1 e?g ;i xld-NortR 'fititttjf wa deVenrAn Ag r floii I . l " , ' 1 1 :i tflaTndiarA the Arrnual iii raoU:mlkbel. hJ tifrclar- - V SaSS IS fefe ip1KoUna.dtP UoK' ,n : . EferioiStB 56lJHAM Sth, JB , . dWidoiad, .J u .idooil 9o tUtbeJbta.Toupktof .orduily pvUrood rpadA ami' WeaipIrlhiSgol3rii I" IIowaIfi&, wrrd xfieSnriar'niut " - . '-Hm 'sMMUmMW. mVZhV -JS: S lhatth. patient will alancrtof. 5741 Wilder? lIe do . o 45' 'f? -: t 1 ' j iW.5TPS bU4iieauThaWwttm1 , queerure. Sorpedrnw we Ahicic I5s r,.trt-V gtS KHfr S: Hp.-Mdfdwagj.Ut 4daR they now ate. ll th UW and WJ I - .''jTonr yar ago lat prin little rilLr rh;rf,tftl'rytl1r"o4Vr,l,r, 576: ,' 'iireVefet'':!5o -? do1 ' do 577 . Jiilis,'UX w-V ", do do J. iTrjLdupi JViFpar- P Pterss W. -:-ferloY;'CottACjefAV-WTlereei f Treasurer B". P. Cttt,-i-j3i3'M. .Superintend! of PuDlic iBstraction-. ''--Kdp'eirPoor Ilonse J.rW; rinnell; Lli-' 1 '..t- T5 . V. s ABOARD OF EDUCATION. i nn 5 Ra tor CUftirniiin . ' , f irj ? , ; ;-E. G. onyers J-1Jf.1Y.' Guilty: i ' JN.wilarns, ScMtary : The SdptfrintendentWni Btf m Eolnis- I fisa . "Postftr aDrJR S VMK v .- . . , : v i .. -a rv tr.H llltz V . .-A i a. - airyApnt; July September, Oeto-1 59a f - . nrnasA: lOVapijda . do 1 l5:i:iWUore ipe:ueaer CO sUnCUi ?-What 518 M VlRi :do v.. do cotfAiWrd ' do 1 G,7. 1 rao4,tftdlHiHieBperrap;jTtKiih'tff r83 584 58-r 586T:- 587 Wiggs, E 0 re Idva . May 2T D D for anit .Atbi5ir 'DPQjnbe" eatvd"" repljtin for itbrectilftya.; if, necftaTTto&ttteA pur-. "p.xf ocatulnta applUranta tov teach fa fche .publio schools vi.FjynkHP dun 55FSsI65aL? CARDp 591- 592 i594!: B' iTBiSBUBG'afii- -:! y 4ATT0BiSTAT.i;AWf w VjOEoe in.th&urt;Hntt8e., ! All :'3ites3;;jtft;ia'y;and8 (ru) 0' . -IQKiyvlY " ; JCT. .E api COUNSELLOR at LAWi , LOUiSBUe, franklin co:Vn. , jrj , ' 'Sffii attend the : Courts f of JS Frank:ln,'' Qrany tllef J-Warfen'. sindJ W ake U ountiea also ; trie : apifema .OJ sPcircuitia'iKr DBxRYdrOonrU. jyi. J. E JMALONB. . c L-EUIa. - 1 ormatl omiugDrttO. 9Uf V TIMBERLAKE. ' 1 f . .-. . ... . f 2 rwa m i ii a rTiJl Irr Lubwf - Bt Bcice,fai the cwitt- iff a JPrarilslin, ..:KanfiA.GEaalie, HtflilakFaadiXoUh afppnaiifcapreme;;a4Micu(ea in mm ,; , 1 . j, r.nrTT ' CTfTT ATTORNEY AT LAW. WuTpractice in the courts Lf Nasi Franklin, Granville, Vyarren and Wkke ' CQ?pJies'i aUq tlie, Suprame Gojartf of i m9ti!tstet oourtjia!niv aa w h-W- j 652 .vAdillati3 i.fiBi'j" dmfii h- li.tK9 t ' 1 653 Aujr. 2,8G Moor frank: p. wieuahhs' x : : . -iwrrn- : louisburg; N. C. m a , ' ' Where yoa will find a full line I bf JMftiAsteiuWeojupcacnMday or 'Hazlewoou If TO1". I. ?.0 y o 1 ?t. prinr little Willie ' .i 'Ji -t- t f" i a a taiuijii mv uiRi tin m ' wt f .-,?''- - t 1 1 - -r v- y'gv?,9 ywtt?iK2tf h .uk.,-w'trHh0pac prorrlT aW bt ipflaatleT, to e ! Th truck, ia ow . r J 1;.. v1 v,uf '5t?.ifi irvriV:;: I kL".".?.?' ' .riKmllio f "l nfcorde4l which W. mu-i pass.. ii iwaMJtjg hr-tffi3Krtf pfff'plafie'',; ;Ri'wuii-jI toyajiftev.&iwua ojailooXrSttte-' go 3 fortU' 'ruT pbrish' briMi 5Port JArramt of atyp'SirtHR nton lor ajnttvafftfluidingpix doors 4oo I ww'H"w.muy oraeHwes'TaqyeJ of acct boardfpf rmsppersim jail 3i 85r tbe world witk ' lh or tantitirss do -supewentQC health - 25o oo ihibiay Me'ibe 'lieY or.iha 'convevtosWBCatletttaaYm V1 "ail Uwdf-lCahip atat.e iffta their f: owBi t work oayht fJ firt Tp.A r" C 2i 5d4 hRdf wi. W id: Uf o ito'ihia va of, jreiry, fcruej - i - r - -r: r.--,; ' ,1i i'i., jT - flW'.pv. ap-a u;w oemoiora 'Deaa. jNash, U A y;ip'onjhiitteie2'dars; 4 " 'l' . 6loe1;ffiiulowhL,-W.j!. . "U.TT.r- .ii 'It i c 3 I llie Drolessmn of. Jaw - nmlx 1.1 lr 0V.4V--.-.v, 'I 05 I no 8ate of the noioor ihori tufgpat'y 25 1 call f r young men of : enerV and. enn 7 - : f-.L:: :,' I GUI iritwii -.: '-fix i ?J.iii$J 1 . . :i.J 1J 'fi! lil Jfl .iMl.l , M vtunui, ilia wcii wn BOW ff -iuu 1 ft! j.tfri3 fill her oflk-ei'ofXrtiat'flrjfl Imnnr 4rA 455ptfly- boraetil a down" by tfjo ixs- v0t ie: wia if yetiri aithir 'V.laies I inner ain xa I! UJ.L. I ,w,io?ri"'iJfir,,,i v"""' .tuuiiK Mica I oi, . - . 597 Ferry, Buck 1 598 : ; ' Harris, W II A ' JWtC jftP93f4?yi tn Aflv 602 4 . 'lnarnngton, jlUho ; 603? t v A?i?4JBWgeaoWxJBfc'l-- ou . ; ' r unci, flji tamigxax nst m, naysvuie towns mo ia riffaciifistatilfrfeViV1 fl wfeieX fees Jl ' " n ': 1 iT n 1 nuuesa , r taking tai' list in-Harris; townshlpVr M , 6f X. -.Speedy u A jt.. i' Sa1idy Ureek.;ir TJ5 o VJTi niBrj r-ooJ eia '6-,.9 AlfVd, ;Lurange , , LCyprpsH fTi-ppk V , , , 15d3' 'eidans-.to saperocde tho immense If&fr -iTediMi?? :hoWdnAhll'4d WV7'T';Vland;Geo ,rdo Rfd'V5 filft niiw-nrns. iviaTima an trw --n 'tier. rncf' " .-tlrwi I a ! a. a.- . . r mrg, mm )Hn ii i i m 1 , i ' T . . 4 T S. - .-'a'-"-' I LUU I HPC. If lUM n T1 T TO F W1 TVTl whokJiOW nothing or the sclejace ert of IrV Diva. Taitm I j rtrt ..? til rasiji in9K.a:riirrfiuiS vrw,. . oir-n.rdii innih; r: vwhoiuiow nothing of tuv 618 Wrlpbkarson, Jenny t : do do, ..dp . , ;do ,,J1 5o riflediane'df Hie treatment ofdiseasfcsf I . . - 1 el Llil I r lll. . V a Lll . s i - 1 Vila llll TV. I L . . , . ' - . A . wnoiesome-aecettv.wttcli nature V I ' ' It 3 ire . . '. "1". oo .Po" at.T juotv educated larmors m 2oAt a". A,.,Palkfier, H .rt j v,., t -,f,.n da; do ,t iaS-atTjQflftan d?v, f4a W4e fcal MT leari fpr ivjffit. month: aq outside y anpec, ;1 dosdo lf dQ ,,-,,-1 Jwatiaitj l 628 i - i '633 . - rxFalkoerG M E 634 635 636 van?, s A a daugh . Wood,Bcttie , rf Perry. Guy .. vtA. 637: . Peace, Dolly 638 -?,-,MyVoAi,iary : - . 639. ' Ilams, Tony 64o -bSriston, Martha 643 - Hams, Wm 60 - . nayes, mrs 01 aggie 646 1 aMitehell, Willis v 647- Perry, Rebecca - 649 Lieonaid, M rs Liucy 65wi KrjF-Axxv$ aa?sti3 y yas w--.., A II for 655' ' " Davis, P.A ' "'i3 656T 1 A 'IT Tirrn?vfA-: for 5o 5 5o 5o re V6rk-boa6e 5f.f awotlier1 of fcui grea.t necessjUes,. Wer jt.Li: iuve-iueu oa me i arm woo aerSTa nd" IfTp) where raetfnAtlw&fr their lives aujar So A kle farw -pi jtei aftitbejrfw b4 rurfej rrJ 1 wao care nutkai arming pay; ud' radk WuioW-rfi, ?o : r -, oar 5ffl J!fo.iwi- ttaiiflf ocWiderad at dd do , ' ? do - "lteh Pent aay:i droer w; the do. llso I comer slbne of the, Univeffie "aud jaa' do i ridl t rr Ajr j vft do" do do 'do1 ; do' - 1 i do 4oftdQj jdQ-ti ih do nrt i40! dyJ. Am 'd9 A aiilvtJldoedi 1o d m -do,tj8o :.ndOi: tdPia, qu,t,4 I Via-v ;do iidevt Xj dftiJ dQ ial i doj .xii-5dpr$ . , 5. ji d.oi . ) .Ido , 1 do u!lo-ia do . do ;t&' " .dp-il i do , i- do ii- . do . do ,. i , do , . -. do . i Spr no r tr tn 1 1 rjc ,.uiy,i!diun( 5o W,nWnme'?SW I LITTLE FKLLDr WAS LEFT BLID ' - - - ' " " - - f a aiiaar nrpsim w t m pro- seas ikes -IvC t- . , '. ll In c uT 5 '. Tl .m J lessorsnip, ana cms wpro a tjc ;icket' m J :il :i. v v ... o . ituk.uw inpiii. il ill l ir u L uvr ire cvJaroTundatiop.;. whether or, not1 v,!" tar? tigMyrVfanii bjellef. PorVleywaerfc ;gaaraateJ ;t COf? tJbU,'Jf ,;tut Jb,. flUCKLBN-SABNtCJL '8ALVE. A- or V?AWtr:Pfc ldUqjjdi I time he kadtatea k bttla aad air U .(,CuU.d J5rl5es' Somi; Ul-ira, alt crteP99'caUyy)e....rcpaw-i r.,each "i"-'".T7r, Tciter Cfcap. will leadLmongiOlher tbings .aiider stuotjig whether, or nc be ,pippefi,4o &h9rtep. a a . . t t . BLaVlLlrlCUia? lb C W lie LlaCaT f ii. JUiI iaUb.li kbU. ,M'?MTr--w; r.-'i. ,r; - "-ww.pfjyinjri q lilt' frtf ' Th 14 n ranks bowh rie4'overitbyVaiing,dQWU a.etlV'KiTV'wikt6,ttvf,i Cirryirirpjtnd p Ul, U be comi t ?Pfa U Eaat -f W W aieryfda; k d a cj r et . hy art v Ids' If a7 h cVd and Mlffl:riySaM M ftl tr bol) Mi keepwfrorW .IrlnHoJ o! I-!- . keep weeds iroiT, grpwngui t.r CrmBe -4v ffx - '"vT, wht fhe.anat imiUkcf r a .''1Ip?u- ways,te seed the a-ljacant land, and- rriW as '-.Bl amt BxV'Mea; ;int'of"of lbtoost "iwnp.triani. or-'an iettlc'i'ok ato'the- f'':1 'Mi T?A 'dwin.uyohod,,, wr'oi ; 'Vu V l'J1,n"11 Jl'nr uxo i I - rOTgedtnMsbftaTb-tfffrenvou ffijl'vSfert' 4!s!?!?...t4, iSMk:rf4USj?ti.u Mtu. aoncuuvuun, iw -ourj.igoio w loi-wiuwn i.fiyaXkJiii" i. - i eti, aia rrervu. no ap: elite, sleet la T,!.!jry s ill ai b,l ... J . I 1 ft, I M 1 A . W . .... (ft J . r.inia ARvwud.ornaoii owijratrup virnfiJUVBejnerrniaaj nsioret the i you pet in,iren'.ne. Prepared i j J. attire Tt4Tii ir4W,i4T'HJ'Z;lhnS!Vd.'"H- ' . tjUacUTnr,fnc4oahdW!lH fJ se'f Mii-tt be W- Hovt A Co;. Wholeaala . ah?ll on;; lulj:....Mm!i ri JI Ten a Artlca. f fialve. for two TarcJ Ve. pi1 ? d lr-) j 4M 1a VelWr fla. Wr-a?M9moa 1! ( raelioo.-- There bave bpeo aoma.wdo-J, - t-.slj. r. n,'tl..'t ,betiNVrroQnbWa-r1 CApsg j wjfCTku'ftoXrie.l . n ;l. IT? ? T'.'iy 'rv.i.wa i.ul- - JilnkjJlMJdcanfillkraJlT yMthTa- - tr I I L I l , I " 1 . io 5o I" 11 I 1, i U 1 ti. .1 . J.. 4 xjenedootln8: ".Ag thAiay 'ekn J BoasVtfMa1 JratrVfest; l!e pxt$t.H Qie t uSbTesrAnd the.'laire of 1 w'omin l' 55o do !do vUlo- fiMaundo do ;v'tdoi ,,:v do - do. ,--", : do " amt of acct keeping raits Sims bndge 2 i5a puoiisning notices . i . .5 :v -.s-. m part ".. ..-,- 1462 A. i. V J, - - . m. ami oi acci puousning 'nonces T 4J5oM'' ' !r ' i v ".- - ..v..v.v. -x i lg i Unm Hihingnt.il mnra. UraAJA Kr PrtJTcJ4JTv 4:t oi toi.J xuen trrTettamure: educated: rnofhir' wvuixu v uiioiiitis JU 1 .11 1 i I u-y l . . - V night. - A " full supply of -patent"f nI i J.- - . . I rtv t sttupary' 'jjokra of making coffiu'f r' George Southerland pf fcht't4 uriClxj9enses cf CaPeW. a btf ' ii i. re'?alaot ha9-tJie 3 ind, & aico v&xcasuat I5o I mosc rc fined. For ryiJIj tibtlirng lia-r o mrtre trnSthah'l&aVtha hand iliatf rocAaJna r.nuiic moTeajne-woritii . i Bo let aMiiwtMa Ibleiligent motlii. Iera and -we will hare mora . jntelligrtit i . .1 . i 7118 1 Arid the next eneralion rif men will . , - ' ' " .'mVd yho-ie'pd we f v? ill ubt '. pojn nzwclheir.o.'f p; Ute buj .wijl reafcU 4 ,tlr& t.'i.ole' country "aud wJi be able t perUnent, recently Ued pedpnyer j tw her. chin, and discovered she talkaa irariy-mceo mies ociweea .oreaa.iat uud luiich-.-Lue, . 1 , J: 5 e i'MkC J pieasctcsJ and j. jolicea throuzh whicn we mayn.roauj.. be U ever a ombl1ei' there's no ape-T cific fef pain .'like BaWatlon Oil'. f 'irice-iJ cenis-a ooiiiev1"!' ! C'TM biWut:whaJ takes. Vhoadera,r? .tao.toll ja til about tha turns! ia tpei ja.d;,'ri.t. "in ,.,;i; 4 J f A doctor pf lUchuiond renya that if ripple will take.a bath in hot whiskey, and roo lttwica, a 'year , they will never caqh cold. fcUntll Wjineboby' tried -this, remedy., wej jwofll4;3a;Btic.k; tQ iM-i wd; Wm. OiAiCgli'i Coj;2U Syrpp; j i'i '4 M'hi i i,u -y ,o:, r i u it ii ri ti i i fix l - . - n. ' 1 1 - -si". tir t a' fir' t, f wr tl.;.' (i I , t ru lorTM :. Ifv U: 4k- V , h- mtam lm amj, 1 nm, m-mt. f ZZS be txU '., -i" .,. Caution. TL r- n -. ia n .. i- . --t Tidil rna liol rt:i in wfc,-iMi . r. - ; t o . ,. -i- Trfty -l 0Mpfa, tjr ftitar P- IftTuv- m ,riTf,Q ptt ovttti ,w"w'',"'y. For the crrerpfCcrlj.CoIi 5, 1! czr?- I ?ini!r,tWwrT- r '.a . t!r o.iMr-n. mm iPmm lrl,n. r- v n:. iia4iJW 6 wou.uiiiinl Tuba. gist?. ?.3 Ctp-v- f 1 4iJ pAtTI-OSS, r-0ft,U.8.A.