, . - - r . , v ". . . . . .. i'Vi.li-v.-.-VV-'- -'':.' .r. '":-.'-- ' f ;. ." i " "'.7 :-...:.;..- -: .; .. i' ,..- .: . . :.' .; . -.. . : : :,- ' , , . ! ...... . , . . - ; . . ; - . ; a-. , s ,. L"'; : . . - . - "v' , ' . ' .-.. -.. . . . : y , - , v ' - ; : V- . r ... .. , .... .. : ,,, . -, :, ... . : ': .- , ; " - - ' " ;- V - '. ,7 - . v - - - . -. , J J" - ' ' ' ' ' - - , - . " - i ' " " ' - " . - " .: . : ci'" '-v ' I 7; ". .- t i. ' ' . 1 1 m .. ..... . . : . 1 ' , , . c ! i . , ------ I I . I .1 , II 1 THE( FR KLIN TIMES , i,,,.-f ii ii ... n rrrrrT ' f ' St;' .JPCB LISHED El EKE'lilp AY ; BY " : T7 1, w"11 " , j; nffrt. vvv-'Vir-'L - i ' II .-. . II ''""'W Jl l i . ' i i .-4 nr.i rut! l i "i ' 'gi'jstA '-'.?: lp 'e '' 1 ! .1 T1 7 JAMES A.TUOMAS; ' -ok qr. . j 'r."EJi I , I I ...1 I I .Jr., i;-L"' J:k-)i-. tioa'of th SLnd v adjoiaic ccontic. ii t' : v: . e-eHVAieAli ' ' . A T es : 'mot e'jori;o.i.itl :tnT t i'.t: i Jtsimgvcm oe.n'M Si.' J W J 11 v 3 vl'i To CIb8 of 5 The Tjmes will be jtil Si IKJ 1 rectvej. 1 ' ' I - - 1 - -J I . I ' I lie I . I I - ' 'If 1 . 1 I . . ' - ' 1 c ft .4. tl f.ii , i .- .- . . . ' ' ,3 w m "' ! ' . sr..,, JT" Abcolutelv Pure. uriiv, Birengin auu wnoiesomenesB. (ore eoojromieal thauths ordinary kinds. nnJ eannnt be sold in competition with the inuItitndeo( lovy test, sbnrt YTCjglft Lan or Daosunute nowdera. .Sold only JiOYAL BAKING POWDER UO.t r - .KMJ Wall St.iN. Y. Oeueral Lirectorv. f- . v:, . c- ACCORDING TO LAW OF TIIE AMOUNT OP EACttiACCOUNT !3IAIlbl3D, Afavt XtA IiOWED BY .THE BOABD dP-'boWNTY di 2.: 01 W 'M u ' 1 1" ! ... c! fcOlliaSSIONEt'OP FBNK-Ut-i' i COUNTY, AND WWlioarAI.lIOTrEO,' BEOtNNiNO F1KST MONDAY TN SfeS 'cembeb, 1885Aici ENDiNcf prBarrkoNDA"iE-EB;18oG; . v 661 Ang 5S, '85 TimueTiaKej oe - ior uni. i iwct w ulr 4 1 of do I lo . f. , ao, K ao, 608 669.. Edwards, Matilda Davis, Isaac do; '!- do,.f. do?. do,, 4 o 3'ox; 1 56. YOUNQ ME3T .TOCXtC X "HON T r ' iff i V '!!. Vi a. . (,';I. -," Just atthfeJUn&U-ej la a great dei'" being paid Rbout it. 3 .'absence of Venn?' ran in tbe'TrantVanks of politics. tjVe . agree; ,-wlth.Tur ex cnlleliTcotmporary, tla liichnionU State; tbabusinaiyrown far more attrtlve tjb'an poifes,. and X i OMEU i AND MOTOI-;- VEvprt. fftil who W I txt entirety de pendent on her male relations' - etion wbicb, ccasldenag 11 Itlny -opi and downot lifi'th bo 011x7 ihagtr ont of tb9 better onsbl by the' tlm; Biie 13 04a enpugu to po&oss any qod- ej tp(kiioirj exactly ohpir nucb hor wkw It is laVEsted and ' wbaV!rt oobi yearly j lo.ibringi in.t m JJy. 4hl ! rfrV?tv l jyv br itu vile'Adrocate tells "trho t hrj -znaa : ! 1 1 ' vras ;thai litrsclr-aiiny .Patterson, fib after all, it tartsi but that the fo-i h?ads lliis: anlclo was - a Icltixm t the. Old Dooq1nIda;-'tt-c'.!4i:jiiVi ,ThaleClaraey; and Pattersons thel mzaj nelahborhrod'. 674 67fo oluSwifeK ill, do j. fM dop .do . io 3, .heiNvoWd'hatVfehfc to tfmC ilt. hi'ahttld barf 4oqirre4 I'v"?13' no( seei o reap; a darYest-1 iirieiai iefNinfftoi6b'ecdlvidto4dB McClAfey1Mke; ltncrI -Pattit intbuyinrfAnd spllihjrthenitrt'oducts I and'so naand.aa mneb of ardlnarv A I ofon.ftSld. Ti(ci Tbe'( age is 1 bjsmpsaaatbe can;- Tob;erinfornla; ! larselv in a teri:tlr-niateriai to a de- 1 tfwi of -a Drattfcftl.Hnd. 1 p.'.J " ; v .1 ., . j ." iii , i , - . ' gree neYeX Known; oeiQWrrnua u m arow?; especially the jhree goldrt les . productive IHbetefoie, . of rol,j wrj5ctiTntrtf'verjT rare xcep-' staYesnieri:rioteof .ti tfyM No invetroeut Wvfrar fire tlonjw- PJltcnin b?f4fi teUiaaan,.-a...g . r u.xcviarney with iilt cyc4. Mi-fukcuwia ieurio,fc4 fide. b Tft3 f v:-'. ( "itaeiobn. Mrs Euffitt--' do A77 ' i , 1 jc aiKixerr - . 5t J : ; odrftoAAM ' do: 679 ;'i-.rfopfiE a-r ?7TTT't ' do 681 1 , . MayiNapoieaa - r - UMT rjjarisirawnie-r 00 Aopa Wert ,italisrt s and 0 brae? JJIsTom Pattersda-andi Big Joh'r :31ociirney uere the bolllta rf tb ifslop, .giants In "stattorcf aad r&m iiylilcQfn ;8Trenght.i Ii-i :n tnoo ted tjuestjonlrythe parianceT tbetlme aaio wbldtof the .twalif U-rrrQrTJT ftnw ; & . f 1wrjin i,iit'nr I 689 fisrrioei ererr Suodav. mornintp and I 690 night. .Sunday jgtolifccl?k AiAt. 4 - 502 Baptist ttev.. Bylugv Cade- pas t er, i Services 1st and 3rd Sundays m each .(;r::;;:'V;iBatt.niizabi I x vTVodd, Betue lLonth, moraing. aijdpigKtPrayfx.yMset-i icjt every'Tuursdatliigbt' Sumtay ;$etwol . OoAM:tsaiosKBa-Thro: rwhitei FlJT i 699 : EgtrtoOyJ. J. BarroW, J.'A. Thomas.. j "00 ? ; 1 a yorE: -Ct Jffnes;r feace, loiiy do do do ' 'Ancot'lS . J '-do HaiSdiggie! I HlJdo 0V& ' ".fe O- ' L u2 So do ' v i do - i CbVl Wpb TT c'oIti PVflTing atpoliUcs. UTbUarlris that OH oi- or ln-jy?ryi.ptidlJdlfaustidih and tthoed byth loftlesr aerations .arheld " t l.WMy . those S'O' J WtVl- BVnrn cl(Wlinii;na ' ifnj at..v oo- evs of soeiial kiterest.forlbavinir beftfeed up'iiches" Wi4h;&'s'pend a pan of their decnoiogcnyars In twten fttraDtrer?. nnd. la8tlv.keen all I tpni v tout n airs rrom dar to day niaa ao- i mmrin(i.nkM hri Mimih.i. . I 1..- 1-1 . A ' i- . I t . . . . . S?r ' i"?1 yfWiW?' had Yentoredttf.flgbt tbdsto' had' pwMiiiM mwi.n ugyB grtlinbdihg-.poptilarleurios- rfrjs.-" jum wuuiifw ni yirii Hrit j.rT .1 Lcii UreconcentTAtion of 'Wfl'flhIn fh' wlUnbt die a day sooner , yoa can al-. I th teyWteefeV ffi hT?Cwb(leTtbol .:iy'miv. v 1 thai erj oIt vaa hre.wdly : 'tta pecteU -jftUiffiAUeTrtMarf cvn - . .Leonara, Mrs umji. .;.o VkT-P" Proiwon ao nsWe and utju evert girtbo 'has J or, ixpecU tit,.,; .tohnaal: that 1 100, . en- come after you ' are 1eyODd Celling;'1 lvtflnnotbe too strongly, impressed I,Pr,.D--;i vivo blt'llillY.raf f hV.J? the trooc'ror'laor . ,5ntoess-3pf the ecene. ' . "a i t,:r: t- - ' Iv.v.t ot ht;l j-T 25st .MIto fa tba, world fc.r., - Oats. to!ieiB.iTrftr2.lti:LV-ftJ' - . . i - ---- m . r a n i lianihx. Fever 8f.iMJ7:'TBtti-i. roima'i drbandNpiaiatjCvclfr. .i,l- adaptions, QdpoajUe!Ti:ure, , to gire perfect la tUfatdooy Jr" ii:barr fi 1 1 1 fmit rrioe-5cvi a,bo3c-p,fj4w ll w nofii 7i:i fr.inT"7rjivMif mi -jWrb;ja w . tlea , form;- featae'ao ' hVr5otr,r'5;J J Uc teiy dWeut'fomolfcap ':ntm.;u'M, .WiMlMB Vo can inafceliTlng In do :do- t..15orl,j.i. , . - . 5 .'. ,.,l .r , ' 5 ' - i1- Board mecta Ftiday before first Monday l!in J j f Tinr tMtv la eachnontlwf ; 2,i;t; - iraMarv iv in av uiiv vw u A-,; r-h w . Com ii I3.SI E CSr-G A. Nash, .fi'mn b, ; ttna-r-il.v... -Kearney -:,. . v , i Treasurer-BVKClilton BnperUteridt;kV6ftPublilri8trttetioii-t. Kper Poor House .T. W. PinnelK" Sot'T of llEALTU-Dr. Ci foster. thefr chances inlh tbtiy Iptteryi dcsirablo. thing. . ax: Jitila. income of ber o.'A . what Ajyrt.- ! binn's Old 1 uuai; BuarmaynxoaKe' u uo ouiers- i r Itiper than the lot jof J toaoy mari H16?? .r.-' 4 Vin w ri a ''..UJH.JL' ' -1 rvirrttr pnawngjemg.-aj.i, liave.iieAi'a an roxjnter: . Prowess;.' and l-p'rudeooo aim; MmeOBiesfotindii together? mm ' : j a 9 f. . . p . . . Anopa were ineoayB-wnerj Wfflli f' trih,a'alrbVrUa',i ViTir .t.1Kd, tU-ttwter.trot.-4a?l ItEl! lily iXL.K J T lZ unAi r Of WTl ich AlH in til n tVi m'ir. Xt Linn's Old Field, a fevr miles from I Ttarcd. Wastho lilllstSr-irrnnnfl I.. rrvL-4v, j. - J n.' J, a r-rtrrti the Btuwrr ofibrs aired wViih.'WA'i-if i,-. ,! loqaence, where botrle-made I long enough tb eatabllih'tbs typ. nr.'lj the citriroria'rsoldreriy rerecutod ev-I ofVthorwhbrtd ttniUs ori famale'n E. . Con -, l f V A JAV, . A VA J J Go. SBAkefw ChairinaniT'v ? louvers, - ";,.-I; t I V':. i':'? r i 1 a j - : 1.- . I t rt0 Medlirw Mrs Critton , do 1 " , llo ,ff.do 0,(Jo .. .fio ju f, jna jg prsepoe .. iT y rrwr?7Tvl' ' monry 7":ur k" f "i" " ,w- . "ff'WrtJ 'm&ptX'S yWS men isjwimtttll Id' politics 'Wf 1iiir "owliau! ;nd Hardeefuwhere bid'; wOrbeu sold nbgradaaaxt ucbjhYBfcAa -jou N'.4iibay Vi?-- brildhgate aoiyss sandy.creek Jo M oerer before The liieedi of the can. ue -Ii she" pbdose;. geoerWry glxrak'es3 Wf the hungW and .Pt of pure blood, as for-, iur rrlxob OS hoWls foroopg WCfo lead- yte7A .sWthed -yetrVanryud Orof -tbowlll . ll&Pat JSocrl; ,, f$ ersporptrlW'in" d;beb,acCoun tabJa cf or lit ,where piadWand exte b.Mtla asjerier topurt 12up wheu talents wofthinore' than -''tbep -she must' bafs rieod dlfferenecs Vere"iettled- in fourth t purfc. ..-, r. money toll at -the-gittfof '.r'winl bow Uiirlltgbirein : t-di; VHViJ tert o p:AW PUJC honors eniiiiuton! S? ' miiih'. 3? moVed inlarnber.up- ! 3&J bit. andgSged.ad Ubertmfw & 'fe,c a " : . onthe field-of olitiCT:arid the I-TToTl "ir"- f hiAt pne.of Ibese annnal LattalloqJ WTO ,ria J. N. Ilartia, ccreraxy V : Tne Sttpriatandent wjiitmaXottis- bare on tbo"se.:iiiid Thursday tqf .iFeijr, uary, Avii I July; Septemb'r.jQtj.f b-tr aal D. cemlier, r atw) teih for th&M div,if iie.ury for the " pnr posj of ;xa"uiiniii i appltrants to'r teach i a the putrid sehfjoJa i Frankrin toun5 jpROFESSIO At?OAftl)p " A'T'rnRNlYA1'; Wii n:. ta'O ffi.ee a;rhe'C6uH Hb;use, . VAU basiefsvputjra receive prplnP.tAt5nQJ 1314r-i r Gupton Joe ' fprwitoesaiieea in uibordlonard yase 715 - V Branch, Frank - : ) ': - . ' OTti'rA rInart!,Tom;; : . 4rwr .h- i6 718?'.-. Alstoo-llilliard V.. - 4 f Ll eh 4 J19!'teHTwbowJtrti3nr-4' "T ? M U - r.fr:--'.; f ... I g.j ( mediocre, tne -prutorcrarraooTthe a . i fit i '.. :r I yuiticai pensioner, win .7iV4 wav before their trinmphant '.ciarch. fdrt Crreensboro Patriot.; , ,t:rilv ; . ocen Wed to be t teVardf fe' W1 t"15 the Iddtev nT SIJlMONS: tLtR- haa tlve, (Sreat Master. "- 8nch an old roald often doeso much jjoodia hex gener alto.i as twenty married women.' I rKr?'1 10X3ULA' 1 .. 1 l f mil I I. t.-4 . fcwti;A.uw.4MiiJujf wnica. Auiy l wmm j-u owiq ioGieaof j a, . riiego i Tf' v. X- . .: . .-rT7 7 c - - - - - - - ? aOI M.VUplil2. -11 aUeniheaUo.5P Jfrm Frankiin. (rr-irivflTe. warrftn. -and' - v . j a;' ' . VVUtV VA jLI VI VI VltlVlliint CIV V.IV W ; I 8. Circuit iin4 fiinGtQqf&W UJ. E MALOE PiftAKfin.- whninriitit,r4ln.ir-. iu : mosi lmtXirtAtit rfr.l f i.A-Ai.t a. , the later. ' '! yoor liter but cl er- ' 720 4?T4JSoiaa -i.b .v--- ? r"." , . p - - - vt?TMiixiJ.w rmufTmmtwn ucr? Ujoot ho lectern1 do-' A 71:U y !D-r3dlt;'i)rajrrit 'Bib Adoctor in N.ab-illeav the fbl- knocked down by Boma onknq wn mged,,. tr.!brU - offenil-. 1 yo :F3C? t-lifi"! : "I ,iifiS!g lonprVscfiptnlbrtcky- person. , Btung by Insult, and half-; .bea liilC 0fhfV UidB.Uersast.rerybestl- .er5c,w)th ncofilglk;: 'Ai'new. bered by the blow. Billy Patter . ? wdjcrYans-ppaUte; steep. I,' f IWH- ,.iudS gait.r1bsjnd fc,bottle ef;alrai Tom jPattersbd and' Spoiled rto' healthy acion of tLe Wrer! WW'X Uncancelled rT J? 'dV Abraham Hare; tiio OiU?M The tody r6rer iirf hi! io'diseover and IcltUe" His- JIJVlbI Pparid by;! il4fd?bS : ' "M'fc BriV' assa lantli -The hot Patterson Vlood I?e?fo ki fr 'VV -iTL FWlfi? erd nrSt&JT f WW-W J! stirred; aeeking an cipen-sp feBk file-Bifters yiWsd ' dra store. lot 23, .cent.. .lUUeirViidth'crowd: leYerjibW !?rlmtttJ.b: . " 7l-i y.-..At.rtttmeriRnvw-ior suppur uw uuwmrpuu , -ai-a, .i.t-t ...f-.A-...Al bottleJ lov n. t frf ir: L-...; . . . ... . - . i-witbdtleneBL until -f aA Ti w--'v,4 - i at i k . - fill a- . r s - At t -t r y -Mm . t . i a mlib j- m m iiriiuiwii . -I I .1 I . . . J 1 1 i ' T I Tl I .A ! . . . 7.T- . (UU I lone arts1 and ,brtrirfrAi:''!iis '- - OO- i .JJickersot, jenny t.-tnoc-nj ,ao -aar a :ofiha rJer'"Ki.lnpVAri?i n uray, Miss.i.l?- 1 W-;do e ao kflS. Drff-' Ktort?1 .-i-Atv. I. , , -7414; ; Office 2 doo Cooke's Drug L. Ellis. Store, adjoining Dr. O. f 749 1 1 t tm 750 JUI - strfsa-s".. l&8if it A TTADVPV T:T. A w. .i t. .IJT .1 A : ii V i J A1L.J AjA,JL A ATUl13nA If IA S ! r.7351- -TST'I if i thPattdrsonJWraVtt) 1 tuidOi 738 ' ,-nr;iXtaptoir, JnE' 731 CooTfci J H 4 wifJ rlOlATOQ'j.'fii-.TAlrs -FalknerrH " . r Gupton Mrs Hamlet, S7 A C Tr,fiMar, Haps Wan mii f t.I Larris, jMjss :.Betts Si no luiDavi8AfanOfi -j.fi af . Jioltont Eli-ftbeth: , &;jaa&iAifay$4b doa; t;,db'; :-r-.V" erry,- WJiy:." "?"i .aotlafl.a jp K ot . Lifeacc, Collyrricofp idoA. : t fdp j s. y itayooru.JU.ary jaiiij-iut k i jvj , . Harris, 'Aonyx'll iiam oo i .?Tllfiubtdi, Martha - ? d; a . . ,U nn . witriBTesaacu iue tesumony; so in 7 'V r tib the verdict ii 'bnanh-6us; that 4blaek ityme icf Mecok" eojorcd I ton e fcoblai atory f the temple T'-obj wdcatTtrttthnillr-tW u ;i,.v f-';i .' : I Jif i.lr.Ai . H . i . a tned rnVmall or: ) pann together,0 IA' sea torlan tones I V1 raJri?aeraI,beAlib, WH., iJ - rr., -vr"4"'-rrtrsi -r;k;u Mr rd:A:.?,K.i:.,s ..mtn-ii .ukx. coi k fHj .-o-i. . 746; 747 : . I " ' . .- 1 ' t w . . l 1 " : - - - M v - ' T , , ' . : T . a aMh ' 1 " a niuiJ.uoinao.ri ao cf aoflA bbbdy lT.tablAAhers ofthe EichoondTA.,....'.., . : . Ruffin. , do : .; f aa- i .aa, ; ao.ti -ao,.. iA.oo 4rtniur rf-.BLiLwei. otTTtij.'irwrti i r - - r MfTrrnv 1 - muuu cmuicuire hu. . ngr -.t. -rr.r.o iw-f-rT"- "-ji , a- arieldeLV.KK' wonddr. Aboutjeveoet h'liH'; lfK ' J4i;:isL-U(s t -H0 -:f,flAftHS viiMWaiVrt 'fTOvf"-xur,yei, IntYHteiir. . bllrfiit tVlt'Stf ilVi:4:Pfs room aflanai cared "ou eltr - " s ? , do AUvdo; dai-oz Olo rr----v.-s.vV, v wnatartatuacnve- wce sue,, has v ". "r,T L. IT 7 etor bf a VerUA UMhL'- n ia-r-i aaAiAapr,,,,,.;....: -tip -la.y. r 20t.-tte feeding vidua fLt! . TT m 1 uelrlbokinfelloa fofa -orbit ntiJ 1 . "V.'?'. . . 7 ""VX4 ... ,WlJ?fc. .'man wLo feeseL1 w b WU hl y Ae- IIa T-. f" rir:: 7 ' - . 1 h .aA W ." . AO Av . do " ;do i ao d'p ' 16 .ao.. 0 P&CJJ, A J C4WCS.il. it iaA tsHnddKii .rjiiTraniTTia.: u jit - 'i-V ; ; 1 . . - '- -'1 A f. - It I . .1 .iA IMWUI. AlllHUll cent,'len ao dot f.-Cdbs -,;' . -dps.. I i do; . do 762w 7,ii D ay 7ar aZwioofxes Jt& KL!-: oraJui.ti na .til Practiceiiaihjpurtirf jdjTakino4 6J i7Ie.u 1 rrt,a s 769 : 770 jRn I . .. Mitchell. .Wilis 4 ? ; 76?? i V ance. Granyille. Halita'n dearth ;nampton--i jntepjgeoaed, eral courts of thejStatft i. ,,;- T J.a)AVIS.v 1 ATTQj&lSafl TtTiWi LOUISBUa FRANKLIN CO.J.N. 0 ; 1 . Will practice in the courts u f Kasb i -' Franklin. Granville. Warren and Wake s oounties alse ib' 8uttmfeCrMf'af C Uorth Gafoliila; Wtttefalafti: District S'iU FRAHK P. WILLIAMNS I aLOUISBURGN; c.; x SJ ! Where i'QU willrfind, aw.'fallffrirnan fi Pure Drugs, Ifledicinesu ,tcPsipia arons icaremiiy compounded dav or 'ght A .fvWpplyfi patent it 774 775 ? 776., .777 ' 781 782 3 4, '786 88H-r .7891 790 1 Prr TiAiT-iMfivA "1 ai r1 do 4$ l9r. v40 ' rrdo1 1 5Q , loii to-fey- . dos . . j (dpx tAq- : .. dp .... 300 torsey, Mrs E I f do v l dp (ti p I ft Kearney, HC , v -; Tor sheruT.fees Angnt term 1&86 V11.65 - ' -Mil . w a"- . - "i-t " ' -. ll . I . . "Z ' c i . i ' - i . -3 Higbt.Tr,1 :f: . ,; udo enstaileo;ff:rfdo(.tA:"do 3o fit - do, : ? do0i,' do 3 60 : oq dq, do ou do 4 f 0 ,;do; . dl ' 'o,r': do 2d f 64 dpyx edofe do I HQ idPi-rs-. doc, do a, do 1 70 -do; i tlon. (dpiiit'do 1 15 f'dQ, 9 dp da 30f, icr-jW: do - do.. , , do - : .do 2 75 t dorX? do .4 :- 'J do do 2 75 , do do do ' do 1 10 do.." do' -do'""ncf( I Z0 , do ;dii BfJ'-dovl'OO care', and tli. - pnfpoW 'of pbalUvely knowing tbejacs inyolyed v.l' Ariaiber writarl ba 9. proved t very clcatJy that a toirot tbbaVe'i boifi ed, fidd fed to bwTefc4. mad. to aJ to the aniBMV5jfai flesh aniUelTing va!uix L Mvxt-tlii Yfh bav. ireJiildUtliAifbaHrtn-f' goodTiotton seat! on'the4; lanra?M the Tiyumi may give .enaer in in vaue, and ye( farinars are,. felling muupps oi cuspeis; j tiia ; v!unbl a:t cle at le'os (ban'teb e-eutstbush-e'Z bushels toiha r,U)tv( ' '$6:a ta. Aui much of this" C(imefrrtri poor l:.ndhat need ff tjlipngjaiid from farini where cattla 'jtfi'jwfebave neitgr LeAor he4ter0. ; v eh 1 ii.: ii t'x"rt:t.: r "Mav.0. .Joe-. . . . A.r . do. 1 1 'do ; WeCTaVidf foFy do 4Wjlspn,SfhjiTH do ; Grd, J6m1 :t ? do v Alford, Madv s ;dbf JAw doJ Jl Y -' do n dq - - . . Hayes, Whit do do ZiU-". do.; J S . f " . do ;do fcrF.iKltfle,IendeT8bnifit t &va i Bo itPiiefee,ilI33 i fiof4w:,bbdor : tirdd dtnv Davis-,"! Jessie ti& doczu4oi nItunt, Eliiah's wedo coostible do d.) Keardey, SlI-Ma 5Tf-ua"iwitaess do do ,rTis'oHi JSsie -do 'do . do do ' , . ' TO SJI COKTINUl?D ON 2 TAQE. . da do ." tdo , do .1 30 do 2 10 do. 2 05 in 1ZS letter, were, epwifrly, cot! fct Ut JiPMW"!- 4a7i rawbofl-.GLiss windows were-nseo- wiiaWr 6hpw;lcaseli; andTU . from tithttv un montii at iravanJj, j tnry... h-OHj' "2 lid i HsHt JHGKWhWJIM .! S .rpau.and ticM aiPTer,. .At thn .lire?.,, 05.4 ,.,.,1, knocking down Avaxialb an, when triedi7-laitAnnedylKtor; I kota-' IS' ' - ' V ? r hf Jadraok ::.Thabit BUly Pa.t- rsboKli.o doiea. bottler, t hare navtr , Jit L1, ju r ,eiuiu.er?M; bo . tawr: ...Bis asfcii?-: j!i&v.t IB EXCITEqSNTTlIK.TEXAa V- Gret excae.aient pas Deen caused, in tbe.vicinify pf, pans Texas by the renuxrkabl recoverr. of . Mr( j. " K. Corjey, who wM spbeip noi fiirn u he -could not tm iu bed. or drawe, bis Jbead " JOlJuBala ihqi wa ayinj? or con- sumptiou. A trial be tfletlf Dr. Kings ran reli4T. hi5 bougnt a brae bottle aud a box or Dr. Jungs iiew L.ifj Pills ; by the time be bad taken two borefiPiirsiaod tw6! Uuttlef eMrre' DtacuVery, be was well a&dbad gain ed in fle!i thirty six pounds. - r-Trial-BTtl9 of this creat iDiscov-. Iery for ' Consumption fee at Pur maa l& i Code's Drug .Store j Yi ! I U !VoBcli.t. t 13 aImfkam. i ri.-. b r'A. f cm. 'aj4 GcouiAM iw ( Vt. A . m o ia arAd en: tm . flrtp. Cm(iv La Ju4 tKJ v etmtjB lunw olJ: W. i U 4 A(.A 'Vr I "X, fcs jj 1 ip Iaaut. HO, A.AL.A. Ttnni Patterson 'became mcre furi- ip moa my feiovt (brun h- i i ,:-r oritvlIvfaIr!r1 raved ,caDDlvlnr' aurmfihe Ur. but, iro tbroogh without r, - ' every apprubrious epltheti In Ms ommn tj.iLiL.vo thoj. rfi nar iU- n ., w'MalaWtAihlihliownal beeiatUnV , ' Go. T. UcDoali. . . TCcanaiary to tnp- niownnaasaii . .01 isi-ismJ 'dl unrof j bis' bro'tneri . cliargrng insd-, . TreatU. .Mtl-Ada Cliae jmO ly awU'dVrjn'gjng, hfsy efjfi&ed. TjtJZai wpiiltolCo Vtswtrk - ' rtgnt hand down ; with loud reports Unu,.oy., ji 0tux , n?H t,. . .v, rntOf triaopea , m f 1 h'ls Jefti , i-i.TTT:! i"-l ill f?"iV " getting madderd;. r1" WWV. a; deraodipgattje eadofacii pbjo- f j U;,,.-.::-: A,h!;le v.u Jtf.ir ttatorvi burst. - Who. , bit 4 Billy i"Ah, I ese there fJj. a usw. ttarr i f PatWrson?;;, .4 r oc.it inOrjop "j Observed .Jit Saaj-t,, aLVAT I OH OA L, r ,MTh OrcaUat Cars oa Earth for Palo,". i Will relieve" more: "iqolckly than ajjy other known remedy. Kbenmausm. Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Darns, Scalds Cuts, Lumbago, Sores', Frost bites. Backache, Vdunds, Ileatfache: Toothache,.Cpralai &c." Sold by all Druggists. Price 23 Cents a Bottle. ThennsArerameatlatlr;JastMl WL.wWv -S"5S'1 nc.fl bd finished. st:i)artlcia!ariy; In i hYj never aoea titit;. p:jtj .iv.rlr altlnd defiance of Xha tsiknowi i W1 . We how trr.V tirfjpaptr some niiT Terseseadad tberSeven Agwi. bf ! 1 -2 Women.", , After a woman Is SO ; ' she abolishes the ether six. c' . There U a Presbyterian in Jer sey City so openly oppceod to bab- f If! WtV irbhp Ic(i3arnejri The I 'tiim'by Itatnerslon that he' refuses'. '; womcnJtoc"l'cklngJnt6'Wb" to 'carry a WatsTburyWAiJch.- ' " 11 ' party jvcbP' had dared to .strike a: Patterson a tail man emerged from' the listening1 crowd and' march ing deliberately op to Vhere the chainpion-slood, said quietly:' - I hit Billy Patterson:' " ;; i v y