K-.;-v--p;y. ,-' ;-:.f.r 'Tr'-" 'V "':-7V v77 ' '.' t7 ,i;HE?.ERA.Nia.lN .TIMES' , Tun IUf noiiivffi i Jt.rrs;?k ... . ... I .X".T,np, Tif'.h iH-voMv ;Tj--;;r. .If .11 II r; J .! 1 fr t : tfrcuJi TJCajlLVrrj tec- '.04inro 1 ''ti.T.'i;'i nil H 1 BrFINm I Editbr and Pr6pre7 jjp f (rn Oa Yar 1 4. V.i'i :(-. Six Months ---V;.' - ' 1 00 k;To Clabs of 5 The Times will- be furnished &tir.40;7: Thif powder -aerer aries;'Anfarveljot M tfre economical than the ordinary kinds. ant cannot be cold in, ooititioiv withri !rr,-soijrdCf1 Powder Co.. 1 rlOS. Wall SCN. Y, ! MwtaaDlST Rt r. : A. HcOallca, paator BarTiaeatTMf Snadaornhi M I, , ROYAL Wai.T NJ" I' alttiB.rphosphlut)ivdK :rr7cr bkchbj tftcej. ii u n rsavi W aigat?' Sanday acbool 9"orei6cf A'. M. PTlSTlijT. i JKayAHB Uaae, ; pa ,v, ar, Servicea lt and'3rd.Sanday8 in each 1 ' aioatb, tnornws'andiigbt5ryTBt ; ' log eTtJqradaJight. g&la ifchol IRS Tho V whiU,f F, J. , tftoaJ, J. CoX'iTXBLS .t m&ovfJM Thomas!, J ," ' - 9ocJ iueU .Friday before first Monday Jlegiiter of Deed B. r.' Bullook. Treaaurer B. F. UlutoiK. . I 'iMii 'SaperinteBdeatof 'PubUc iMtrHction ' J. K.rllarrii'tr-s iA;.'-i'';A;,3Vsi' 6V.Y or U 8 A LT H"-TrJEi.S. ' Poate f,'? "t Geo. S, Baker, Obatrmanr j ' E. 0. Conrera, , u N.- Y.' Galley. - - . ' n. .. 4 : Js NUarr,S-eretary.: - Tii Sab"jriiiten3ent wiU.le In trtnis- yxitv on the semd Thursday of-I'elir' j ber a: D.-iseraboraAd reniiiin"; for lhrie'dav, if tieo9iry. for thit ' pnr-J poae otvxaaiiain-4 appiiJAuiatotach1 hi the pnblic schooUf FrakHu5onni t y. i..- f.: 'Lj j .v! '.-" :' :i VifROFKSsioN Al4 qAKDJirr, f.iAfv ; -'i.if-.'in AORNfer AT VAW-. LouisBuuo.Nji c-:; , ; : .Office in tbe Conrtvlf oue. r AU bttSluess put in my hands arid receive prom aTT! r and COUNSELLOR at LAW tOPMBPaOrBAKLINCOiTSC - yVjll attend the -'Courts bf "N"ash, Frank in; Of lville," .Vrarrehi;f ; aiid Wake Gonntiea i also - tlieupt erne1 Court of North CaroUharand thefy a Drugstore, adjoining Dr.jO. l;eiiu. 5. B.' ceiiv;;v:v.. ;: "i- Superior Jourt Clert A. Pieree.,.". -1 : ?'wwnjtow'':-n.jsi!L'2 - Practice in the courta ,o. .iFiankliait iti kLit . t Mi JiS erai courts ti iqb ataie . -;-,s.lnj4VtrvXrf,,t: I.... ... .-.:: W"T: .-:: ..V--::V '' .J.Wtii.-lJ -Will practice in the courtaf LNashn -, -f 0 iwiTH-u Jj t, o51 aH11 WKK- 'rl:".uwuufvuT,.:iv,, y ' ' Wfioro vnn tr!11 -fin1 i:.-. i " iiv v.i:iz" 4" tvi ftc i1" . alght ::'At-Ull appljrof patent aaidiehita. A. THOIIas, MSItbr and pfVr instance boli a. BuTjnay 14$ ; Both. ikieed atitate to' be eompWei," ? -TAnd'btnre'inad"t3:ron5ejB : ThttrtttirTibd Kealh5ft are -sold.-. ? 1 1 And. Bom m-n mL wj;v tar nni tnoa. . .. - -Th5rst f baj blaqt ; and hen ; 'Tlie shoes wear en i tJher're mend4atr; pWhea fiSttt wear 4aH ieyYme dead 0 WilPtrei on WieW-iiothilotlU1 .tJotlviwveabeii Ke, and Jbatlu. incline oat. Nov would .TOU 1 chooi inn Withers riu)rJ4nyU lls Miss 'Anselona vrW spare-built, tmisrUt have been, shr was" persiet- iublect ; of birthdays, waa men- L i ;The crowning success of ray life, ;o fur,,, she rtd04aaIMi:i5 the brisk- 1 I" a a a 1 " a ' r - " " fit- b.wdblwvcitt and 4ntW mhett lborttihaseke(?per?? Xnd wfial 'eyem fHptt?Mril kicflolas'.iafe'rial w :firandto tftlrtikf nTfcf ! MKkT&xT& jneglect in' the r un u t BSi nfGiQ 8 iuiestic Bi5cii5hery Wis not ? oae of Tlct1vtriet' to a. turn the-eins.Mrere"rust cooaea sour por streaked) with soda; esthc. t cookies arid doughnuts wer6 tedder, I ' . jt ' 'ii'iiT "T: j. '' tti--5u-.?jiS ana looinsome. ana ino iriuqraana griudle cakes as. ' light , aa a puff; thecpffeorwas-f clear us ; araoer, and; jithouti a. Vgrpuudfluating QiaJts translucent TM4sM fekeperis4 1 AiiKelonatM'as i'o,rthThet Ave!ght irfi goWiaud thbhghhfe frad liVed' ontertrm of 'unclouded - fjfiendsh ip : wi f h Ar' r$ftpiaa2f1 filial ' S ha 5 fV.J mer; re; lenaew, sne naa nowrr-i to he;reseue pf hei protheiVkl'ifS Inl hi& 'bereavemetttA iwte 1 l .brebyerv'jShe"? Charge, ti If is etabluhrBent iram flte care bl-hlSiUnehK-VblUHfe imaVif- agement of his two little girl?, fen' .mi ttl&i&i&ii&iiW-f '! la li.. aowppynlngf biUerr hnweve'ry Jiiss? AllseIoda,J?Iaa'lfbnfla;, her thorn In neffle Su8ap .Blackyi theimusic-teacher ' of tbe riwojy on ngMerrde watTXas and m aciilna tioiisj i ve t he ob- nttiWYXff this. partieular.ii o 'i4: j it "Popr tp learn m pf store by Susan. V: c waaiiall ryoukf lapn t"hB matter; Hut Miss ai 1 . . . . - ?' .. -' 1 Jeri8tently to her self.: If she ain't j,tirht her eve obirrt irrtuAfl lha ' will lh . t;-in -t.' f killing a cat besides chokirigit to - plaria 7, t uoyi t o.x a "f-' j,; Her brother-in-law having gone inp aiuu .wnue sue . receiveu ,- inei 111- . . 4 " I -I 1 . I , Poor SpsaWwWwas Mi4'" as a whroshi' .1 jnarrbwpf her boneasff) shehibund i . 1 . : r ' ,. . f k. I ' f . neiseir.'Eonironxta'D v ine "nouses l sp9ndeft,fletlcyf greeting. ;Vbat can be . the matter?" she 1 thirty-ftve aia.!?i: XHtlthat enougn nnu not too muqn; ; nie tj.is ttuts audf )oPi powe'were, rjver ivxp oa persca. dismissed pt iNicb(P 1 usic. and she set Jaeao I j !T... tl :3 ....... . ..Liil tt'. at .' Proprietor. Jf! MfLiGEi wouaereci, irecnDung mwaraiy; 1 Anl hetgfatiodWasby no means 1 decendedloepeHk. , -. 1 ttlcugh he may pity - youiPP.veft" I ty an hire y6u iryou don't eUi I r PP1: ?er-eXvJlJlMnriHP . . 1 1 t . j:. -tjj ' - tier small apaat ponmy-.'s fumble go aw nd live With teryiewiv SaldL fiji,tl T.t I'u'il 'U ol .VKHleUiM'ift two! J A-trlm piacK dress 4 -. , .-. " atcp, s retentious rick house wung.tbe familiar notice fRooms Thedoor was flutig open with ;a, f4ha idAWndc-q,,. grimly Jipw; ."And 'what are -c "... I" to -lo 1 :iiufeh;longei: thl3tSort thlt3' jtijdi'duL you?' ..al, ' 1'T'':; TigojnriS coMlhue roii?)l"'iJ -'V )a,igapipg persistontl.-ia heasiyV il' wbai-n?vlC Aq.i P:ri?S?.'i lT averted face. .; a w v A fWteSalnfeddenirigwUh ap; tX P8Si..fChlp'MT iflxrng pWne"nit66!a ap thb alalisi liaH4 anf hoHattiri dilifieYr5;'K wl'ift it sho -narrowly escaped the?asWlsn enciyv f lecileWlyllt:Vh, a!d bestowi ng a very love-llka trsaon anyrnS'fabte.'feT Her little flrttry xiduSln-a bUg to give rrnusie lfssona so you cm Aslt w; her bright eyedlftCjjtV" haW AT&ajiie) !&Gti) 'Ultcr;' my erelhat'ioffifhiog ad'b'cdured, bf otbr-iii-lawM .OkboWiVU apdslie" uol ' !ong;in ;'leryfdg fteveddyleV atyouvH-',I the truth. ''V rjr.v-1 , ' &ltiaWfr l.IAliaw-irVe !pol Tt6- lotiseou telK IlkSKW'kTCdown. i'Nich-. dletWMcrfnOTk bias Merid'ervb'uldn!t4ai'y0ttV spalr I,ndwever,-BrldgetvhTai much, eattefactiorrvButrtie don't chamber maid's; "place, - ao atialrs r "'el'.'thitwOrHrm fb be,(ia.y. adanaiiBadiarflortUj fcrof qpvJa hive InyiSpqy WrikrT itldl'ih;r!i' f.cVweiVe abouCa Veari aN-rrDttrtrifc Frpey Prma 1 r!.ir . "Aw ttei rolto4iiM riiegioafng,. yBut you must hay;he Wedding ; oaia! W.ttvf aIT'-1 tfeal.AaV litlYn Wu1 hife?y deaf ir1youseWce j aa4WplaUtUalWw-to cl $&TJ$rh?.W3faa IMHratnt.iCi,iV Toim ! a Cousla Ghlb suggestion, . was . k&fW2ec Jg tyovr a4j WljaJ ptflnFeWtin VeCcSp- Uedor4Susatf afood us ifttrmeo? t ' ireah11-.baekt!ir 'by lcKolaji, . orae .IWoa jw&b J?ixt. Pdftls,lhiibUmsl Cordtttlhskaa stbriel wfiife'teafdiLhliicatloxC ' ews baafifut scruples 'wej.e easUyi 'caa& fxoia,hwtcandjiatUiK(m Erapilojuy wdptjaUalyraavla, LiJlt 4- l&&W&ZJ : iUiia'rt. fiw,si-?r U'At : tVn.:alaiI'r it, him h.adwra a-i-'i or P.OMJ required: . It U ffuaranteVt tf :ldott give tpatisfUctdntf : rUieeon;5 avVpat' inoralng-.H fWc!?!! W SZSiaV! $tintfuk iTOdo CSceflCa W" box7i v jsumecpntrol ofer:iVoice..ABut hV:pVcByetA-nbied Mh 4i1aer: ' eYWbVa Sort .f&IS&W W t iDo vxiU4rive ud vour-it4iatlon- L i..-w,if!r..rw1. - . . 'J . - . .rr't ! .' i,i ; i r'nf-'xt. h'4 i-osentlessly.' : - v ; . n'-tkUhVVAairi'fl Vn,i I' . - Jf ..l!u'7.t9A V.VUa i;!0. NrnTi &rt?i;.Df?S iUe Aniiweesl berj . soggy to;baUa- r:i , .!V,!T- CTVtIS? t' HSULilX?-w-J Joaa' followed it h- ar-AvelcoTJiia teruoon fUJo,epM ap nuwu WflUJan;iij,wWif cEPBxe j.diMt eottagec a b S LmllL It waabtianceii to a frown. MPWM6oyeaUine Jor Ji ayvthls very M, Uwever heV ev fell ' on thai ceaUW vSuch.4 cumand. pf 'clu StSniS iB' Cousin -ChPW- :shfc Wifi 5p'iniUtachjrr:,V klflrpdrin guago.Vf u nover.aa.j ...j, fc.. .,7,01 terjt6Tng.fpurifjrin2- tha ibrbod. he-wants ,me laud 1 , ;Wakt7 oa ,earth,,ha . p,uU 1 rTL7 VirT u' ' V ;L. Seuredrne. I.tUln.e if larlu tulaod-1 IJ. t'-h. 'rfrxzr.:7i TM erea, put nerwprda were cut shorv .s-. Jin .1 . ,rj.- I.eJr7..r.7nTA."T?o 5 -"--rV r r ' . jnirouacea niS W1I. ' ViriJI-l f In iyiT m tanndewalA-ifltbat f xrnan't epca-iwiguiumance'iTt gloating overftthe-fsuccess of ; her f And the ainbitiaU9 hilinl, KT'W u r ptf tbrf altfWt'andadmn'eTt rw&Vh? Mttjejasu ireatrBnv.FaUentccaom, f' "It w plucky hewasput of the jicr succst-ul fcVemeaYhad on- ihto linjirp, npW uoari ?rflDS4,5 M", .1 jyprecipiUtedUeuU-sr wyy - wprkapdglteyery.thipgraady.fur.l F ; ... -v.tfin uri i-TTlZ liL . ;V"w... T .CN .1 i rl rtA Whitf an .aURictivPrraoa aiia nas I" l -wni-r-!- .WT , n r - . . - . . - . . . UttI1irutoMith ft rusty irrougni uie iransiormaion4 ' sl.AAunoJ,..ui.iU. T 1171 HW 1 r.w-.' .---1 mn,h Im MnThbdr ' - 1 T viriwinH-t.i'...-.-. 'I IVV fitll I ' 1 1 fl I I Ml iith nthii I nnrl hot. trt I T y - 4 . . I j: -- 1. - t Ji.tt. H . 1 I I I I II ll (II II . - J r -M i i .1 ,' ii li i 1,. f l i . i.m a. j i i -'r'-t". " . - ... i : j i i i r -i Wbd m the Depps' of. a 1 .Tf dealer, InrtyMtpw.m U.iaAi.W,4 it ' 4 fUX.ini VU 'f Is -lboklnff " thrne-storr 1 U rJti no.-finnF u-Anld h.l I "WU- dont niia iT,ro-vl iL I aJ.I f . r I I nl . ... - - 1 IV "a"Y.'Ift'"'r' ." . t .1-, " - t . J " 1 - r t -A 111 '1 I 4 i .1' !nM??l? V-(9: licn sure to refer to .Ua;4lKuter asNa b: TOh, Ji jro'i)Tlula the, lallr vbet V V J . V h,Ti f . ! fed jn with Ted chk ami fTaribnJ' riot f if "ironAy bafe bpKelaWdeiV-Tir I f,tif a ; famf If pVlil-thS- J 7 Why, uean black oome, aftlltOTtfa Lure,,jl cried thp .plum aigf upon Bosan'a irecs ihg Effusive kisses on House is chock full, . aud I didK'n'f Kpo wvhatJ -j wr.gixlngodo, withdjdjutealt4((yo tandy for -the egguog, - and the niug-robm-girl V taking French ltav h'JuV.aljSOarg room on the second floor, and take I pg your duahili-l h urn f 'to the And fiuair wade .her. way tatha, Csiodnd fcflow' wlthne? behd rn'Ta' ' ' ' .w"7 .'! 1 .K I 'CorisiiJ Chbledi4nt lay . wHlch 1 "ai itovrcpitJ aifd,1Jxnltie' ;1 ii HhaC ' t) ieij?o liiia.must.pe U;' and i pusht. idg'yjperttief dooV-'sbp wulkbd rprei4 cipfttejy inw.tnB arm,:oi,ai gen- and a fatmuiar,,voice criedcheerilyj i'WhV.MlssSlIas ,uSanr' -you. .rer' . hQ.ttsxeaaorgetung to-urop har, hand I ujiie Jstirp'risf , bid " Vx- kjtcnen rpre, .anoerry tirts get sWrched to mnqers!V : r I rT 4 Tax 1" b-ijf 5" -f Kunlx c -' Ana easau a aejre : usual, drevrawarr&a f . r itthaa na'to iive WttrtJouaiaCfhloe4 knd , l.clp; wall (tirtsoeateiy gpte 6vefher (tpYeev atia .trttft'eV"l,ramw'.tt:,-iafcertlu Ust-iried thtf woirdaslirnr j.,. - - T . - . . marbla.7 titu 1A e f i I th'erspaif HCrnfltfetr uieum T;4ir;iigf Ttla nTaaMa U thaOaatarj ) THE PROPERTIES f OX dARB V9 ; tt "IN CASE' OF ACCI-, ) vest, Fop Br-itxa . :rr WOUNDS, ETC. 7 t !ltrmpttiBellMiWimbTyre- L Iff re and prate ot : Eryalpelaa, Gan ' ' - f -a. m m 4m " -wS. 't.a greaecr I'rona x .ivu- u wing to me 'p leans! hgaud purify lag1 qaalltiea of IkL VIn XA 1 A MAbf rVv3l tfiaf a wB lildfa . ;.la, carbnndandP.anniag sum, are rendered pure and haalthy aud epeedHyurer -xjther ai.tlication belng'neceaiary. . l ; toward iiom thin Kraiiau anxjiiauuig.,! A,itrw. oo. i wopaartiia MWMPOWi uwt ij.wans. I n M 1 i I f a 1 I I III i... . m a. i r - a - . a -ab a r t a i a.aimiBiBi ma i A lea .,;t,4PKrkerA7. Hair , ..Balaam I ber tonow iati .waaj.ieaaagedntoll (7 WW WWW I U 13 I' f np -the staouard eough remedy pf J tham anl hekli ak:ulnhaud;:t( 1 tha t . death a few Jaj- 20, i.d now "i'0"''- . ' rj 3-" VvttemcSC.C'.t,llTt.t. -:SI i-r- iu.K is- uiu:utuy. n 'fioUejybid wbusiri aloF-ff sce1fh rM3aa V- t "Years hava not aeenaua tune snail i -xeai'.wiLB-jerBj ie?i;. , oftupisaia, wWsaPflx! fatibrf.Wt tint4 t mZT- - ubt see,7' the oeopie aowo quifwy wetr; Mary,-oe aiu, a.ao wmw j -..-- . i tx 9Cri4jiitaiyl xl,l.tl,' - I -'' ' - ' ' - " -- ' I , .-j,m i I k. :i".'Jiilm ."I'MiJi UtoWicju ur i avTv fc ptt-, ''."I T V- . ' H-'.-'naw ci 5 rj nianwho' sells mtdicmea. -nia : Mat i .'.k,J"-...i:1.L! i-i.VL4; i1.1 t.?ri I ' - - -' - - ! I .1 .."-t' t .4.1 vf.t a tideUpreittysureto bejao. 0V 3 , ; 1 1 1 - .. - ::-: i - i aapt? J r T .Emiojpi nn ;ra iiAau n iwAeiit'i.aar Vtu . - WONDERFUL ' liAUNU bltfi mots fit I-TWimiainioit'! Grati and Clftvr.f '.. : - " 1 tawH adl V J'- " 'ji'l 'a 'iAl .... U L- """ ' . I 1 " - nr ' u i i hi i i i . ' , 1S " . - - -. , V . l' "ioll-iltnU v.'ilvll a ei 9uolI - , ' , - .... f JltilJ-,.- , a!f'l7o ab-UI? t.K!qi.1 l iutv 1,r . d f -Wilt 1 xi cam a to roe In . the car aa w r rgmg nL.n oyer tlia Erie .and 1 wii.iyur. any rreiiaiuiary pxuy rOTteri T0ii5knav1il.n,f 1 'WaliJJfllieftf&'Wib 1 a xa.ul-WAdeicelw;!,t - vjariau Bitnition he asked:. , " . V J' .'! 'l oV'"s'c. ff oottTp.-TpaV f Got on wme uln ,io j - , ; K , Pf f Anlctpd her, ni -i ftUhrhaibf to ben raenuUe tot! YU ia'kloier; emSaMi'gl 6rV raaUr6tfa'My iraL-flt J bt 'a 3K m fJon'r w an t Lurk h rp town-ana iaU atPortrarobdm, haJftfr narJ ataVVtfcbre? JfovI,.pqaailnp4a5Qt,.,U ia.Cpnldrliraiired;" tTteybii&4th offauaiaBci t(l Marjuiad7a.,Ai.hax s(nia oli tho. Uge4 ep,ttm& .and J.wii-g widch , folj onrnortHirv Sayab.; opedpa n at pdockta !4lmjitr, I . . . . I 8lns IV bluaUc aifundaV to y rcouler, aMiaangad my aeti Ho .the pdia4' ot" a 01 &toj ,ft yjut apdhaa a big fatpxau $3,009 ' UVUJ . i ' . ... ..... J I itm r LI Xf:ir t RAnnda Trfvll nitnral tp hear you call ma a dog- o . Naf yoS'guoday night, sadmebbee, C - 4 A. ' t. ' t - V . will itop at Uie aama hotflysiuedp J 'N6, you won't i" ; , . - .. .hanVeWridlurr uVr i w Vv Ar .V.fcaf.n.i She's four luaea gMd Joolung ar ; Tnttt fruoled ca tpicsibQ. ,; 1-3 t'. )r- r Til "p."!Unji Imv 1 - trrwoid trhortraA -rk .itivVf ' t!tOoUr4;bQon.upleS5eliHfXiTlal rw?UWl?4ftiad0acIlfdref ;lfe. or mat her married -dSailheV U14ab!fiajaUl kwoVU.ftw lo.tika It. iJlMdsicWiaSl tJO ihmbtadacLe; fel lagoklviapiH SJKK ieMf 1hea)hy1aeUn-,tf tlxtMrar- tS-Cmt U.. . it.- ji -r THa Orient Cm M-ljLn drHK" WE, fnjlngx. but rn, I lefciitf . fo, rxvjiu, S J WfWI II, V - tlill il ri, ) lC-aS aT t- T , Peacriptire Catalogut raa2ed rtzz. . j - (H TT TTH fT H AT7fT J WVvJIjIj u7-U ... Is , I -n 'WJ t. , Mj.oi. . KrtM alpaca l"OUnTCtNTrl DTI Tha Editor wiLrtiol'L-- itonW'b. fsp nact earneltij.'oa'U ii -?1VieJt til ri.,h & j L!c ;! Ji v.4 ii .1 f i t i ,.. -.-st -t.llt.Ii ftftH ETVA.rrV T: a 1 ; '?!?,afli,JlJV'Tt:r.aid -fbll - tiTi.tt,: ; airman iX)ookaa Dn-j vlc;a a! ir CV cf 't ! vl !a ,It t T3 x5 J rnodir S, X1 Ia ' tbT " VJ a''f' . J N ' ( i r s , PI! rOIBOnnK i1 -vvi HaBrraittaiJ ir ,:,-t- al H raa at' rtalfcc arvaral 9'aaAwVa ' 12 arm at.ek af vr.t. 1 a4 m f"1 a esr. a.i Od -lief tiw 1 . r-..t of a r W li.Uert, aoJ oaf j. ceti a tlaaA JwBrUwr. ILiat. flita btufcj froa faaata. aa4 t ii, ' .1 v - '-WcIubobS, Jf ' , . f" wa avTarri JJtt 4 JaWu cz;:";ii7nLiuiiici"''. ; CaiM i vMti aa W oa L c- 1 f 4?atUa fcVbttWtbldi'!. 6i"Ka,T iluamlros cnrxrti fhbr:tkfcafcarh:u . vir.uo- ...i rr rrai i.ioi r-rr. t 1 ' - JTha OarJCmjrB B r bta.LaMr. r. Lrr. tiaa7, trtwj Oini a4 fAsUoMbr m ftMan Tom. M te aa I atai-M. Vatfnvtt. aopJ iff rtiiuti a Y ft rl . r wi -wwi u i - ixi - ' .-J ... . . ...... a . Wil fx yon? people oarht to be " ririvfx i.tleNtMeol tsta .coTnaaii'iT i . U'rAl 111 iUio, 1 a. a n,vv . , Xtli woa-irfaUn im waalth of r'v j I VI 41 1 tKl " ' - ' T4-1 r ' : ITal.'YIII. eaiaeiioe Nareciber Xl&n. .-. - Kuala numb, Elrt cnU each. " Remittan cu ahoaM be taaJa by " Puat-oca Money Order cr TVn.1 Krf arold chance of fo. - ; !2?ewtpa;cra trt -net ccy ti! "1, .. Addreat IIAIUR UUOTKEl . - - Nt Turk t : - r -r , r I V .'iV.5..vif ..-' VZ T-7 t7." v .

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