..... k-tim rrvnrt ow a u.uiDa w T, I i :,V IV Editor and Propretof : Sit kdtttMjf-vjfVfv vv.: l og To aba ot 5 The TiiE3 Willi je .1 4 3 piulaUoujcxtroda Mmtnpix an iHr- t a i'n''nr K A' A !l - T i li I I "j I I .. rl I t i I i 1 ! , ...,. I i, i . , Th Editor -will potb:tH)ambkct . lor tbe viva of conwyowlerAt. , .''- 0 The result Of wlmtU ralTfvl . , - I J i J -r J. A. THOIIAS, Editor aiid feoptietori WITH MALICE tWA Bb JJQWC ViTU Cil Alirri f OR ALl MUCB USQ PEH ANNUI1 In Advahcfl leeta. ft .'Tak.'' -i'f;J Mnl'Mctf tttll 'itth' inherited, scrofula, Tried Eftgerly. Grace rbrjsht : cj-e, ,if ere .timaaihebdulfliT" weii Mtf com wjtbinjr ffcr-purifjinx tb, blood Jtiabetheiea, a? tf.TxlaancU iThe happififrlgaTeblm.fAvbraMe ouredmc I U nt it & iZ, ,tL;V --0- 'J kter?.'-';- and the twala were mattied a t exal.aklUuT, IL. I ffias bpIU nplhe kUV ' came, alobssUef M .last,. year.Ute after .thay.aetla Lfflg a6dWwbt :idVof Indli!iJ ' ' rhwrA.w: H. first j dBenrPptf 'Trasi.preeent lilvtbei Vtofn, K terout ohEuror,!!-- A ... ' . . v. V ' " - -' - r'. - ',.J. I. I. . .1 , " ' ' ' . : .W6pewaur;f tbDwtitnttf ho Had J f Nltwon?t Ao tote vBop-nearte MISS jrprds, aa to .perceived te gxty'AvU: for be was now captain . Wal- .-..7Tr.rI ,:---f 'InX :i:iT. JIt'Ur pereaadlnJTactf ?e- " f She uttered a glad cry, ad nncsd to- tera oartcrmajiter.iaboard ther.fTTL' A P"! Paid Un dollar fora bone tlade inrmnn 1 'iv 'iM' -JJ !' mdathenelteatbottr- MjWvis .11:: fatf aoah- We-was oihet Pgricvltarai pruc ' ;8l - r- l ' " ; ' )f her little bands were iahis , But t JMr. Fan ton bad not reached Ameri: we; broiaed all oyer, bwl the aeralcb-' i ' .' v sre the two, could exehauge three aWdtho;GreenporU-ic w,, - jandW terribly 'piledL',-Jtbot- ' ; " -. Taed ca: to' tt r vords, the aiappofWSip came Rearing tikt'tjie'w'crthe. yeeeet f Salratiba'Oil, costing-25: ceoU ttfS? '.V? ?T ' ind'erplainedhy be1 badafetxalled tnbt4obn' baring ha 'oontrireiv ua- ' waa toe'and la" kwo weeSa you woul4 .7 f..fl???'.?f. V for to.-asiatafce.& t :.' obserV tolearetha'craftin'thedui- b?t 1t WoWiT ,th ' libaLrj It la f!1 J:o11 oTl P'V " I Ben-llottf 'IcfMalfera't'-dlJ key on a certato'daVVnlirht' whr.be' new ralued at tobradted dollars. :,n f1114 ;war. -. -'.1145,4-. . - - "fi FydllV ffirfeU keax,ttheftaadconfidedIitte'na fVr- . ; , ' 7.'" ... Agrosa ahswer-TwelTe doieo.lv . H Atici;,, IMUAU iSl imcrTEEXrjDT; TETJLs:: t wbocannottrpeodsth.! R?.! f1 ;- j Atft 54 iotog matojjWB nil hrA foo OtwiaTa and cold raSOFlorida ; fevHn-t lAbGOlUtejlii kiB I ntheseems to tell tbe froth," . ??Teralr. iQt&mi&&& boulikeepPr.Uuli'a Cpush Syrtrp fa- f! n, fS - " - 1 1 rTie yery; ; Sunday;: woming, ,nd 4 .'ccl to be made captain of the JeweTCt- Trial Ba.a of ihU great " DIaooV: tvZrB " ' Biaw-cmierc ' xrrampDri; r r "'"T "i1 Waiter, .'lie waa"' Urt-mort truatr I i C7"V vr - " I .- L v - vL ' ' VKKSffif :; enabraeeDUQediti.lhera bealxlf beltto about i)., vi i-;d -.-cr !UBroyKR Th wMte, T. If.; .wun:tnecrRA ( 'u ii i-iu' wl. M - ... , w rTv nl -.. i - ' - Iftbey brought berjfi$aae, why, I r UaapotWeangbt afcbtWr: ' T117WipICT-?JKApM0XTo.V n; , . , r.j.-v ft.SSaJ last Wwbowulnt, Kl - I x n rt f- w v . . U.V L-T t-Jr. C'k-lU"" -:!. - -,-W-c 1 -kiwu .:u,mm hwnA' -IIareTOtt- Matebed 3 tbla-' 'maa'a I vi . ." V V I 4 t Kt jiKtr oi ictoi-riia ".P""','''- u'liiAh uaaMVA'lDiibw ""i't I ine young girra iavor. lor pe aoon i , -r Jrs"wr I ,, cure xvaeunsbisni -ci I t-' Vki '"'' - v U n-"??" "ir ? .i. - -t j . !.:tCit if 0110, gasped FantonI wfllnot 4heritTe added their teatimony. ao i 16 mitwe to ; add ihatl. . love L you, ' , . .lt ... .4h.tiK.nHtt,tr:n .H.iHAA. Vk.i li 't If - V -." ,' " v . 1aSv' ;'-':''r-'' :"" npr lnsann. ' i . . r iirodrdhUj'idd'thit'Wy-r i iuhmihct pun ;,4 3MilrfjAtI0 have nrr room aearched. - Jrfone bai 'tnat-.tha -verdlcU unantmooa that I tell Voa 1'tlid. 'W ' u " &IX&:77 kJ4Am loa.wlU al! pe thrive. to - fSTvSt?? eeRioe: all toewe I n : I C ifeSilP lri Sibeurx -uAMESfWEArja Boaneraaine.frpii Ue rnVt -tt?l!;; .p-anow.-thtamaatoUraacal;'- Cboke Drabtore.)iXa-lUl aald aboaiIrsXmmdna w f G3 SHOE. O rffApl yi4Ja,ba;:wiui-.WtewWa fj5imga$igfleabrpUny-aa' tbeT til'1 ' ; J .. (tAVuJ1 ; ;bria;reerabef;r FerrtoirWjBSrngIiiruHt . aboatd tl6pnrtiK''att arm&racbtmi- thief remarked whea.be ran awar- with nmban'rtahi'' tha 11 table"' clohT ' ) ,-V?T VVMSLwJa 5Ut. f v tuerpawcuooiaajpwuxuoeoi - . . I r ;.,!v(J ! """""" iowi6- . f '.rts-.r-a:: ..-v I eoea crazy hlmijeir. . . 1 . if w tS iKsu N v'.3 fi ty;!tev k,.. W.?Lf H and after be waa gone, the captain J-i i,., .CpiLDIWS.f ?T c.l- .-fwi ,-1 :'.'. ".:J,V , tL'JT'.' t , v -.;.-u( aartben'tney ren5 feelowr .vWlH;iyW11 tabJae4maaayeisaadfwa4ca,--i)ei' Often need aome aafe caOjartio f and :--jSrSnii L''fr "? R0FI3IQNAICARpV bUC tbe.weatlier bow pendupouitheU thaaybiML'-9 ' Ionic to erert nrproacUiag ei-kneaa or ; t. JjjffiIlTj& : a 'tt ikV,-,-U'' r ? ttroAliidiacoveTe iHeT?onfrontedlhe gang ;a8;.he ; Oflbearmk-thia,theakipperno VJnflAh M Sff"01 "AOIFAT -ILWto loss tp the captain. V j-v;, iv; .fne;,M to J 'i ??l,.yabaahe fooad a lot of. fewel- Ut the cbildreo .take Wmrnoui-Urer 1 - : -Tt- '' HjtoiaiMJitiHJ;' Hbhe ot ywreiihe one-yoa 'aM "one -who- acUd V as ry whu be brought to Grace, and in -Begulator and"keep, welL tlk pure- ' W V.-r v xuTCj i & 1 T ' !,C MceSn CortTToaia srcnMIl believe llJ!D&SUvn ii!? I nl iAaSSUll'TI 1 ; . 1,1 ; .- .l naaMa said -P8-hwldt To MmW flnteh-, bat crtedi I awatftpwtnat satchel ta old -Jten'a'l reaon front or wrapper.. J, 4a. Zeu-; J j jefectton 1 U;iu 1 fai ' tiiv r' lPlreaamg a oowc, ,--,-... ; 4 rAvi-t'iii'"-? . I jjjf-.:l lutr h2tr Imi irmw klow on food. : f I w ot Uxr Xt,' na oan1 thorvaMr eared 7jUxS Oraayt. ruacor or tn itw xu - , uven nc&uLATcn fjRadf2i,Fa, ' OfiTce0 2'e;' betoworroan Cooke'a Drugstore,-adoanhi od the Vf f ! tk t tam'frf:AnaMni4oii - natantlyrhe eaptain called to the : j6?-" -1 iV. ? TbeBest !5alre Jofiie.Wfddllort . 5 .ciwrtemi iiret kirf.-re;ida.v &tt ia8!C?.m? steWards to 'IiolK eUxajudarltlie?-,! Cuts.i Bral'aea. Sores Ulcera, Bait, ; ! fJJJ a? bad had my eye on for some time. I ntton mdBMiuKiiS u 'TVt. & r- ;rr":- l upfnanaapitea '.anu yrowbars ,TbeT "jvui wyan v Awoi i or no pay required: , it is . guaranteed- w mo miowni PhyicUoof Loui gDr.'O. " f - 71 I Qkea,despejteiraga4aeM w iiip uwiwtJge w giTp.rieci aaiwiaewan, or money I j,. , fwi taitii'iiiiiSi -v t i .1 Uei.1eaUief?Vnrjl22itt obaeryeaV and from there, tlffotLA thai Jrafutded;iPrtee CenUabot. , ..;t-:-4vauvitor.' i fouiw lam.-4- 1 f - .W1ietvi-w1U-flaattf Jrtxre Wtiga, JMedicinev tc.4 Preacrip- - , J. .... 7 ' 4enBrarteq,DacKiWimOT-pt i lfrvp-h.kkeiir'. tm'J.tha" IR:iJade my way to tba foccaatla -I i, .'i 7"' "I eitAWwvfl f.'iW .14 'ihi atehetlO.SiOW f IJt m 7xJiXJZ Si bulkbead. 1 tlinWa,Wera all badecki f OTULMATOBY BHEDMATISJ J" 1? .Vrt c -II r &ovuBusa.. c- . , J, '4Ay.ay. nowi -ltJa'kmiOT.iaJr3 Wwrat iikWttAlfflr t .tb Jmi: tai 'Ben'i P iwi its wioiin'irU J .11 I -c V -. 1 .J rJtV1-,0' "i! i-.:."V Itl . . .7 ' rr-', 1 a.J.C-iIli'Ia-VV.ir-'-.i. I ;ir7 MoatwajerTxalajD 0tftif9ft.M I it,rWl!i,75i,5"w ayug.-iawnH w-i-wyioiaixca paa-ro e 1 ZZlTtT" i? ' ' .TZ 1 Bwint6pelfi Company. AUvttiaOli fyeWi. - ,vT"ri t3'S r,i?u -,crtav " ' ... - , ... : . , - siv I aoan to'tieratxada tout eactaln la liter I vaw w i,m -uiJi i I eenMcmm: i aT Te .HBttnv l i iu 1 1 . " 1 i4 4r uMlTSra .1 .J"n W ; J:" : I knew ftVaudl t "t!a-ki' I eafifcrar. tfa4t.fy-;ikmaietl tot I iift cat IIAHJF ;0f'ittl1iistaJ-.thd KiaJDoaewaaUppareni ;;'ea.iiejroaU trS&ff.iThnse tUvuW' t. G22 mtofYd m bt th fun uky C84LU. I.,--r V t-.. C-JEADAC.aE.;:;" 0H&UfEaQEGDl&Iu3'. 0n prwXl tr Wit dM mi m m UmM iu4ici im tnnin of n inwt. . . fir Oorelfcrm4 factor ft unrrir(Kr - J ot rrr SEEBSPSSSB5!;i Gras and tTover Sccda,'' 0od v j(hrticavjuid Flawtr .Seeds, f udS ii j Vegetable foVerbPIiclii1 ;.'t j' Pricca "quoted ck ipc6alzV ccnpnTc aijucigue mauea rm;..T t 1 .:V7?,?PP?nJsfi41:iI 'q 0 IO10S. TOUnTCCMTM OT; , 1 letaUypkk '''ictiow0l yV" are sometimes lead, but the v ' I V--.- m f ,pr; r AUXvLAlUJU-i; Trtatitt ea Blood.and Skia JMmajmi !c-J'-.Pwnded day or 4 wblph Iwwascciiaed lu$vril7FT Tl ne cpnimed to put to-.viHce that alKl itM'' "' n i-.'- talghttit aaf The boatwaaiull bfniem Afine important quesUoafor wbtei);aWT bad"t Tkt Swift gp.oifia .Ca, At i'S?9jS looking, broadonldere'd. young na--wai i . -' ; .-. i f, ,.'.!.'.,.., - ..iji. ., . ,'..f . v:' .J'f :. - -, v .: y-T : " .: i ' ' : n ' f - . .' ' - . i , - -xraMfrA n Inntr. find far wtiir.1i a1a V- ' ... 1 tuvenva uivnl id)' aJ'.d- "!- peril-lliSSSIiebowBdi t)l fflstot teasel W'iee4.pvchliig3 ICi Wtatton, wbo T,ai,:nd , tim W A """ ""t1"' ' Jmttd -iiSSJlSS ' trZZ'r?"TJZ??- " ' ' to sailed thei seas - for nigh of 1 JafaxT ; i ,(1.v,--Yaii ll:Anqiwluvt waa I 7 1Jtr,'0 i i w - f r rrubirXr i trr W wKfhr thVi kave atUndd regulaI7 or bu-ioew. 1 1 7.! I L onor. sir- 'which I nrize more'n . . . !T,.t - .nf. i - J1? , , .B.io.,..nwjT u.i,Bu i jrgM iij a i. .. ,.L ur "T-r-. r. II .11 luJL. AUMM,te. VAM S4 WiV0 1 '..'-- i