77 0 v - 7 ."'"- ,--': ' " " --'U'yyy -. - ::y-Ji , .'-.-;'' ' ' v 7-.. l :' '.''. ?Vv ' - " 7 . .-j : ' . .' ." 7 "7 ' ;,a . ' ?;-. ?7: , A ' ; ' v - " --f , "'. "... v " : ' " --- .1,! - :v' A i rij'tV) fTH EtFR AN KnK!fllMES pi' '.4'. -THE FRANKLIN-T4MES 5.'P" .a,v , Published eh rniDATr bt: ;M'ff:iyitorjMd' Beopt&hrl paUlsLrf la jEVaDinceutfnil lis" eircalattoii extends all oTei errr J cc- . Uon Of ibi nd' a3jolnin2- eodntie.5 Advert iierV should tnle a noto Itcre ef' , Kates: r.i One Tear Six Months' $1 50 - - -1 f . The EJitof will .not be, roo&lo " Xor the Viens or or respondent. . ,. Unci commnn'cationi from all tee ", tiotit rao'it 'iMfOf U j.'aV.ictta I,' Kir : " -I To Clubs of; 5 The "Times will- be farniAhp.d At Al if) : - T xvl. LOTJISBUBG-;; jT-iC3' MAROHT 18; 1 887'. ...It. I . ' J ' .- . 'v . s . ? ;;" y-r . .I NO. 10. receWed.- r V 1 ' I! 7m .Vrrrl lf?TS :'jfTi mm r NH : r . ' '-. 1 ' I-. V I Absolutely PureM - This powder neter arlesiT A marTelr'of I purity, strengthrnattd "holespmeness. I If v iSROYAU P65TI J f X1T jwcre economical tnantue ordiMarYnda-.lMtLWiuaaTeTout weemiiit cauu. cannot oe.aqiitt-coiBpetitWH -with wi nuuicnac oi low test, snort weigac r phosphate fowrfers". Sol oklw "ajra,i Atorix i5G Fowdbb Coj MBTH0D13T Eevv AICnllen, pastor ervicw .eyery, Sundayj-njdrning tfandi iisni. -i-rayer, meeting eirery --iwcanesaay iitfftt. ouodaT schools o'clock AiL.. ( i BAWIST--Rer. i BavUs Cade. juaa- lr,;j Services 1st and 3rd Sundays in each month, mornlns ftBi niffht.' 4 Prayer meet-; .iag(every Thi-rsday nighW Sunday School J -S O'clock. A - , wj.-i.-Ji'aiwliirt'J uxYoa o. L. Ellis. : r,;.'- i ; CMlssIOXKiU-Thoa;r, White, :F N. Egettn, J; J, Barrow A Thomas . CoiS8TABLE K. D. PinaeiLU , ; Board meets Friday before first Monday n aen montn. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Commissiokeks C A. Nash, h'mn J S. J. Crudup, U. S. Foster,, F.LP. Pierce, WI B. Uezell- :v : r - i " t. Superior. Court ClerkA: "W.? Pieree."5 rSheriff H, Kearneys n a - ' "Superiutendent of Pubjic Tnstructaoh- J. N; Karri: ',y;.: ' y - ITppikt Poor ITonse-J. W."P1irrinl-f? ' SOPl op IlEA I.TH Dr. E. S. Foster. ' ,'BOA.RD QV EDnCATION. Go.,S. Baker, Chairman, - - - El O; Convers, . . r . ' . . - N. V. Gulley. , J. N;-Ilarns,"lSecretary. ; !" ' - The Sunerintendeat will he in Lonis- rarg on- the setoud Thuirsdaj Of Fel uaryi April, July i Sptexabfir, Octo ber and4 Di-cember . aii'd "reni)iii "fat tbre. daVa, if tiecepary; for-the pnr pose of i-iafiiiuiiihyapplJrantg to teaelii ii the puhlio selwola of Fhiiikliucoun v . y ' ; ). -;- - ' ; VrGK&SION AT, ; (JARDS t. B. ' ; ATTOliNEY ATLAW- ' LOUISE UltG.X. C. , , , ; I O&oe in the Court .House. All business put in my bands wi i) aTT r and 30UN$ELfJQB at LAW. ' LOUISBUROnra.0aINt3O'fN't3 T r MTjU attend the Courts of Nash, . 7 Frank.1 in, Grnville, Warren, and - Wake . ount tes-r alsoT thel'Fupi m C6urt;of N0rth Carolina, and the U - S. Circuit And Ixsf i?icT;uvJ4 V 8 i i i JSLi D iR?Jl: -:-l:''fi"fS ; Office 2 doora below Forman..& Cooke's Drugtoreraajdining Dr. O. :Lilfiliivj--.a.1i..r',i E. W TIMBEIiLAlCE, ' OS Va ..rl Jle,. Day & Zollicoffer . z y'0- & tM--v ' "P;Ea;tipeia the courts r of Franklhi, J Vance,Granvillei '-Halifax arid North ,) hamptonand the Supreme .and Fed ral courts Of the Stale j I ssa at Ipf t'-.-j IMi , !- r.r ''!' i r'tV, iii i ii -.-'to -FRANK" Pi" WlttrAIilHS' "WITH-- r'iis'i s i". i-1 -.tii Urns j. L'i; -i $- tf..l j e LOUISBURGi KiC,9 io i M i vfc H hsU Clviii-' .feil '45 -i i-.t; Where you will find 4 fun?tUne Tire Drugs, Medicines etci Frescnp- xmsiijareiuuy compounded r uay -or "a11? rolxWand baklajJtand frying and MPI mj, 75:1 en&i&fr&wH aJawi-i hrtfilDat'-teits :is ceiuiapoitia. t . 7; 7 mx . ;AVA r 1 4 . .s:i- A4i:c . ;. 7;-; , ' , -' y ,5 ' ' i - - . 1 - '; --: '.'M I '; r -. '.j . - -- r::r'yy-.;::yy:,yyy t . .. . -.- . . - ; ' " - - " ' .i ' ' " " '' - . :'- J. .- - .. . . 7" ':"' : v?7 y. " y''yyyys-'c' - y'yy ; :7::-i.;'':'. .!. V- v ' " , -". ' - - :.";7- ' ; 7 7.' ' r " ' ' . . ' - ' ' - . - -':'77'':7 . h . '-,.x-r. -; j - y -.. . ; .' ' ..r 7 .:77'7'r'-i?.?-:;7'T 7 -.. 7.7 , ' - , 7 -7 ,r : ; -I;. - - 7- - :- '"'-'. ' '-:'7-' :):'yty:U?'' ' '. ' ' -' " ", -' J . : 7 , " :,'. -'.' . - -' C ...' - - . - . : . - ', .. . . 7 . : . .-. .- , - .-- - - ' .... . , ' i:.i';V;'.--vW; ' - ' . ' -- . ' '. . . -' ' ' ' '. ' - . ' . r - ' - ". if f' ' 1 1 ..... -" - -'.-'.' -' ; -' . ' . '.':.''. ' - . ' - '- - .-''X ' ' " ' '- - , 7v..7-.':;.-',7.: - --'7 - .y y-''-'-. . -J7 " - ' '" . - - .. - - ' . Yon ask me why sojrftenjpapa. "vrfie tears roTt down toy tnee)C .And think it ctra.nan tb.t J slwmlil hWn. But, oh! jaj heart ia very: X it ortaKS my aean to tinns tnat 1 'Aa alled a -drunkard's child. ( And life-seemed very wet''-: .You y Mpoki aokindly then, - - rior aeait taeajurry wwi Oh! father dear, his sad to sea. J. iaac annc nas cnanerea you so. ilvlarraates '"ithuWine now, v tc iasma bvwith aeorn, . Ji-ecausermyckihes ar.mirjredJ aad My shoes are old and worn. I 1 M 1 . lu I . - i- &n ii neea taeio nm, Miere.jjoja , I" The'drnnkiifd fiildj ifiev" crv! fThi oh tririmi(!h I ttish th&ttSod Dowt be angty now. pupajf fTf rn n jrfSL. fUa rum shau W defiledJf 1 Tuatfrom a me of Want and Troe, FREE'WIIIi BAP -TISTS. 1 d. t . 5 . 'MIS'- I towwd-publish' the rf Articles pfyFaijthof 4he FreetU Bap-j request ' of .an j Elder ? and several meaioersK? cfiy that2i church - Editor 5- v '-" AitfHfta of FflLithi i We believe that mere., is - put HvlBg.? tnie nd-? eternal X God, . ,,;ti., i me j? aiaer; oi wnora tq aii winga, from 1 everlasting i to. everlasting, glorious and immutable in ,all His attributes.- J Cor. . viii,. 6. Jsa. xl, 28. 3fe;v,' ; . v ' ' ' '' 'lJ ' ' 2. . We bebeye that there is one ; Xord Jesus Christby ..whom are ,ap things the only; begotten'Su of God born of -the Virgin Mar v, -whom God' freely; .sent jinto thi s world because- of 'the great love wherewith ; he loved" the World; "and QVrist as freely gave himself a raiisora for allt tasting death , for every man; who was ''y buried and rose again the; third day, andascen ded into Hciivea, from whence we look for Him,''; tlie second-'., time, in the clouds of Heaven, at , the last day to judge both quick and dead . Ti m; ii, 5, . 6: Hub. ii, 9; I John ii, 2; Rev. , I, 7$ Acts xx iv, 15. 3. We believe that .thqre is one Holy Ghost, the precious gift of the Father, through'(His .'dear Soa, unto Uie . world,T who squickeneth and raVeth "" sinners hb"m o to God. John pcvi,L? and 8;!Act?. ii 4;Eph.:ii,lV Eph 'ivy 4. "5, 6. c 4. We believthatln the begin ning God. mad man upright, and pfeced him'in a state of glory wVth out the least'' mixture of -misery. ifrom which "he' voluntarily, by HriorriAO- TaII.5 andjuhv that erable nd mortal Btate," subjectto deathSenVIi; K;'ahdjiil7, 18, tbelfeve that, Gcs' " not ,-. " "' ... .Ti One wa reJ-$ so hapy, papa X And wehad.bxepdto-. it; ( Uaraa and I Were warm It clad' laajaiysnomitJiue i.u; i;uibu jteodiy unto life. AOd the ungodly, aod thVknbwledgeiof Hhe i truthl who die ia sin, nt'o deathHeb i!fa$ 1 whichend Christ has commanded theGpspelit be preached,iapQng fall nations, ahd Wwye'ry-vcteatare. ; Mlarkxvi,15r Luk xxivi47.- n eflnlielK? .1UU U1CU W 1 UUJf M.Ui 1U7UIVT hat 4 tor, cn r. h t,TTrtKoHar r.. vp hva hvu vr a. wrvs . w tswiivii Herfbre.'telnth cause whv the l.f ni i.rt,a 3rtTiiaAfr kre foand in suchia capacity as that through th6 grace 3 jbfOodth may,pe llygavft Peter Mark yi, eHeblL 101 1 IV fphrtV, 10::1 :V TmoJ ",V tares are Infallibly: tmeJ and V that they are only7. rules p f faith and ;tractlce'u( ?. wf'i' PB' l'r ) 8J7WerbeTley!ilii; toctrimrr. General Provision, made,of,qod In Christ for thevbeneflt or , all I man- Kina , wno repen v aua. jaeneye ne, 9. We believe that ; sinners are drawn to God the Father, by the Holv Ghost: thronzh Christ His Son, and that the Holy Ghost o( feTsJisrdiyint5ald to a,ll the human family; so as they might be happy, J wonM they eive 4 place to His di vine teaehlngfwhereafy so cli :C ?h do-Betreeeive jhelvtilflrnffiprta- sions of Hi&Holy Spirit, Bhall, at a future day, own their condemna- tion Jtet, 4 and; charge; thomsely es H wilfultylTejectiog I the; joffere . of considered simply' as 'me'nj but ttni .. ." ....-.'''', '... -'' goaiy ,men,r,W!ere of,, oiu joruameu to jqondemnationr considered ' sucq who torn tne grace or uoa into lascivious ness; denying: the oniyj l?oid' God) nd? puij Lord Jesus; UGhrist-that -bought them, "'and therefore; Uhall bring nnem up themselves swift t dJstructton; rbut we observe that they and such the Apostie saieth because they re ceive hot the love of the truth,! fXffiX they might be saved; thereforer the indignation and' wrath of God; is upon efery soul of man that do-1 etn evil, living ana aymg trreroin; Tor there is no Tespct. ox persons with God. Jude i, 4; ai Pwter; ii,, , lr i ILKThes,: ilU, 10, , 41, ,,12; .'Romans ii,? 9. !. "y'-T j- v- ,a ! ; 11. We believe that Ml "children' dying in infancy,' having not act-! "wiily" transgressed against the, . law of God in their own "-persons, are only subject to the first death, which was broueht on them by the fall of the-firsAdam and not that &nv oneiot.tnem aymg - m-tna state, shall1 suffer punishment In Hell by the'guilt; Of Adam's sins. for of such is the kingdom ot lioa. -1 Cor. xvi 22; Matt, xviii, 2, , 4, 5; Mark ix; 36, 37; Matt, xlx, 14. a ? ; f 'llS '-.7' AlJ l. A - -i " . I are the iruita of a saving faith, and tha in the use ! of the means of grace, anu not' out of the ii3e of those means, .eternal life, is prom- ised to men, Rev, xxii, 14, 15; Isa. i, 19,20; MatU vii,7, 8j Jer. yi,JLG; AiUKO Xlll, Ot, OJ. - 13. We believe that no. man has any warrant in therHoly Scrptures for justification before God through his own workv power, tor ability Which he has Inland of himself. on)y aie Tjy: Grace i " made . abl e tq come to .,God, .through - Jes us Christ; believing the righteousness of Jesus CJri&ljor be imputed" to" all believers' for their eternal ... ae4 ceptance wltli God. Rom. lv r 24; Jer.xxilil6i;i'-?'V J-"My!' ; tl4: ;We )bUeve that all .things are fbreseeii in tbe wisdom of God, so that God'knoweth . whatsoeyer can or cannot come to . pass upon all supposed , conditions; . .yet not as having 'decreed any person to everlasting death- or everlasting ; irfer0ut oTTesnect or mere choice? iarinet.i.naaAcije.jiaiu appwaKuuie $ 3; PrDV;i vlii. 22, 23,:, 24, , 25t J m tn tt n oi, Marfi 3i; 33, .34; 35,i3C3738,; 39T i 40 1 4ij 443,145. L';i5. ;WeV3elieTe,! as touching Gos-s :ut Mic muwucua u . wsii uu mc. 1 itoGrod. ana thepubuo niuiiatrT or the m ....-.- - hrord, with; every, institution of rth I liord TwWed anau suna iU:,tne Tew aptismls by imraersron, and that the 1pliyftrft' 'fti'ft tha onlt ; subiiBcta for I Raptwto-Matt An, 8, Wark, I, 5, ffi .gfgSlSii? Ltcioaofthedead and. final judgment ;;J thi,last:daWohn v,-:23,,2)i IT 18r We believe the haTwiness 6f !the righteous is eternal and the torments Df the wicked arq eoaiess.-JAatw xxv; vl-li .!. wbf:4'Ui r .lit For enre of rheumatism, nmralgia n its varioua i phases -. of sciatica, .tic douloureux, sewi-cranlav a :c, and JolrrfHrl, 44; PdCl l:U.:Tit.lli j'ntlOnWev believe- that - men,1 noi Farmers! wiy ea ,1a ,Amerlca are the most , moral jpeopJa c int the I worlo, vThev are renguw, too. They have affair, education, riow- a-day. and theyf ,ll.Y-( here the air is iresn ano: water is pure, . 5 Tliflw Arnti(; f A ha aa IVnaVi M i! i - sies, and live .long; ana i liappnyj but, alasji their,, kndgcKd rltice fie'early. Theyjoee. their. ia flexions, and. ; theirs Agates - whll e their, city relatives who-alt it half the.nighlybreathe ffasaiid Turitavs- heatetl air, and take no special cra of themselves, ''kesep masirtgly young and bright and livelyU Qty LvanW, who would lighten : wives live loader, too; Tor obe farT mer contrives to be a widower two l or three limes in the course of "hia f isfAnM-. j.- : 't -'. ' i - " ' I I f J There'must be a rreason'fo? all I thisjr in loci mere are many reasons! I Too much wotk and too litthr pay i I msameieni neip; rammea ao larga I uju iu uuvumeiyca nry areeuuugu: to occupy one woman'e energies and her whole time.' Alasl a bewbaby - '. A ' K 1 ' every year or two; a aozen cniwren. ail told, come Into the , life -of ' a farmer'a x wife' , without'- lessening her-otherj work -at - all.; -While; .taking care of the new Tsaby "and doing the house work she saves; lit tie Jimmy from being' tossed by the mad bull, fishes little Billy out of the "werl shows little ICatty how. i to lace ner snoes, oinoa up ine cue on Fanny's hand, takes her slipper to ttttie -biinnaient. neins samuei out) of the green apple tree and gi ves mm someining ior tue. arcauiui pain under bis. apron, puts up luuch for three who; goes to school and bears Hiram sayjils examina tion lessons. ' 1 ..t -.i ; ir bhe doeeuH mind, such Utile things as these, nor getting water out of the patent well "that, has a spring which generally upsets , the water over her feet; but she does 'feel it whenthe"Woodis-in - whole logs and he has forgotten to split "up the 'kindlings--uutil she gets used to It. , ; r ,i rV8he ; .whitewashes , .her.,, whole house spring and - fall, and ; that Is the time his reuUous , choose to come and spend - a - week. Young cousins come,' with 'lots tf finery, to help" and spenvl their .tme flirting with any young men ' who aie handy, and, come in . to at up the pie and sweetmeats. Arid there come Iri "another Care of the farmer's wife. Sheucannot . , 'ji J - t i .i . m . . - go, to a i grocery . and . buy I sweet things, and sweet things are eaten In vast quantities pa , ' country vtA- bfes.' "ao fhe, ; must Ida preserves throughout, the i warm weatliera until she aImo8ts melts away, - and as a .asualthing, she , sews carpet I rag in-thetwillght.-; J; . y No musings for iiier not evea , a long rest, wiUi the , uew baby . on ' nersnouiaer, aa tne rocKingcnair on tbe 7 porch, rBhQmu6t b6 up and at it. ; Jta Ume,l (tha girls help her, due sne Knows ine woman's lot x-, fore tberrf,' and 'saves them all .,he' ean;while tbeare,young? Half tbs time they never appreciate ber sweeT arejnshnessuntil Ihe'y -are mothers therjaseles aadtshe jj at rest. ""Still they do jielp. Farmers' daughters are jiot an ldN3 IQi: t-TBUt tha bxrya?1 They help W tha Tarm, of go away at.'d 'leaVs r;the I home- lempty of ihcfr ; Tolces, . antl, k)the country aoes not onc temp tnem back.aiter they once get a taste t)f clty iife.f sc1, Uszdt - ,' Bo many sonify Jind , only. ttieir H'otciphsjbh the parlor walls? and jLheir.old.books pn tjje 8heli;in. mothers roomjaialettertDOw kjiii then to pay ) 'they ha.vn't -time; tq-came home (irlstmaa orThaakW glvlngll rthliikthat tieakadofri tha"m"ot5iera e inore, than ; anytbbg else wh teh "bappetia f? tteo ?r iai even If this. Is 'Aotso, . did jrbu'jever!reecl that-the Jpleasurea of a fCTlyif' vet rest ' hgrt They call for jiardwork Teyall add ta)ieir labor, " picnics excur sions, fryest-homes, k donation parties, - fairs, . all call for- more4 ind .ndtesthemboa. and fdr, fM va n mtlaa 'an4 n,tt f vi,u. . nuu tunes uvci i dasty roads" In the morning, ,nnd l mues ana muet bacic in tho even l 1 in?, in ttrae tb jflitl: the I cows , and gei me sapper anc 8et.ine, moiana for breakfast. Viler play, is really hard Work, and except when she ;is fairly asleep, she never rests.. .1 .,'-1 ':Of course, some of thls ! l Inev I itable,bi many, a .;ftnn,r.l.wltl.- money., la the bank, 4wonld.i keep his wife the wire he rcaPji loves 'k ul u: it . " -w.-.' tpoirhe would give tlacont wag; I 4 fr. strong inhu wrt.,n 1 ges to strong, capable young eer-1 , Kn.. I ' bor, ana give Her time to bring i nT; "e rinose-r lnieuecxaai pleasures fori which she1 often pines in nriiio.'-1 jsven rrom i mprfpnftr point of view It Is - fube fcconbmy w LUttAD k wu who a -aero ueasj burdenrYet ; many ..'farmers' I u unawares. x. ueucr. CATABRII CCHED. Daoa OaDee, 7..18SS. J Far fUy alna yaart I had catarrh. For ive yeara I had it la the vary vorat : form,- hov onnotlong that is l need aot reeouac I was ander treatment of erve of the raoat aeiehrated eye, ear and throat, phyiieiani 10 tn United autea, bat be waa , aaable to do me an j good.' .a despair, t resorted to mamercua paUattaediciaei that I saw advertised bat of no araiL Finally, ahoat six months ago I be (ran to take 8. S. 8. in ahser desperatloa, bt with little hope and no faith in it. But te-daj lt am coai-: ! Earatlyely well; indeed, I have been so enefitU-d by tha 8. 8. 8. that, although skeptical of, iti. .n j i'... I- 4 a; .'eon. peUed by the beacnt 1 have derived, from il to testify to Its" unquestioned curative po era in catarrh eases. The besi com pliment I can pav it la that I have recent ly recommended it to a number of my warmest peNimal irieoda. . t Aia.1. cenanct. BLOOD POISOX. To the SwlOSpeciao Co., Atlanta, Oa. Gentlemeu:, , 1 am aa employee of, Messrs. Cirnqroa Castle A Story, the great -drue arm isf Vae Texas. - I used two me Ui bottles of your S. S. $ for a . bad ease of blood poison and the medicine cured m completely.' T. L. Deckar J, (colored. I ' T!itid a BjftJ - aa 1 Mkia Di jenses mai ed free. - 7 7 . . w. . . 4 The Swutt Specific Co, Drawer 3, At lauta, C. ! ' ' GOOD READIJCG. -4 j: ' A good life does not silence calum ny, but it certainly disarms it. Ao honest employment is the best inheritance thatcau fall to any one. , Good manners may exist without good breeding ; but good breeding cannot exist without good manoer. . , ievet wait for a thing to tarn op. Go aud turn it Up yourself It takes leis time and is f ur to be done' "True bravery it showa by iertorm Ing'withootVltaesses f What" 6n rolgiit b capable of doing before all tle'wer.ld. ' ' ' ''' " The moment we feel angry in coo troversy; we have already 0craad sir vi.ig for the truth and begun T strlv ingf?urTOwlvesl!,: -; ' j' u I It is easier to gire good coaneil than lo1 receive it anJ fools will not take it. . i ... . . 'I There k. more real happiaess, In , genuine simplicity than In all the, snow ana at vie you can pat oa, xor the Latter dny mask' our real be-m j." v To be. perietualy longing and im- patieatlydcairr us yf any tiling ao that. m man lnnnt unci -im f,"r,ni ft. ia tj 1 ' ' ' Za v Y-r fj,J :vv:.. lose a toaaTslIberlv, and ta become a L7 .'-.r...V..w-A.i'-v WtTIBl Ul UiUb uiuik U( liuuts, Vs t!r are som plants that flour- sa nest iu jne enaue, ao sacra are L..-uS-f. -:.! V -ru: L. I . . . .1 ::.' ' 11 ' ' nthe quiet of wUne;. ,forae suV. Jeets with!respeot to which' words are" ll imptiuencs6VetboaghUla L-uL -k, in Bnr t, Mfir.' WBw!,S4l..r??t.oWr Bnce'i "- ' v ' ' . r Nooe are truly hsppy but wbo are basyrfor real hpplaesav Ifes owYw oseiafwork' or aom. ituio.'- either of tbe hand or, the head; so long 'at "over-fieftiott bf' either lIs aybidedtflt should be 'the "aim'bf ev ery one to be employed. If '' all men and womea were' kept ' at some use ful mploymenV there would be1 less sorrow and wickedness in the world.- i i a .CI ' We have heard both Democrats and Republicans say that there Ls nothing r better for a cough than Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup; thisold, reliable remedy s never fai is to cure a cough or cold at once Ant . jnay.be obtained at any ,dru& store i Sqx .- . "' r'ti7" ... Va;U! ' ' 1 - '' 1 . I t i . . r i aoBT - XAXKa,WiTH.: FAiuxna 1 c vaJrBataopics. .- : c a i TopDBtssxxo Geaut" "ajtd'Giuss. , t-Topdresaing conunenda ItielT as r method of manuring, becsuae it is ap- plied in spring after daager of winter'f tniinz"bpaat. ; In the case of grain. U SS? re.hitended for the crop, la tbe (fall wunta fid are aown.and) reserre the remainder' for a tobdreaain An rutJ1 w uiavwm panrr yuor bua. arm tltcmip reaht cojd-tmt If .perchance healthy ncU-m of Utrr. aad Jtidaep, . . u Unniu,. .it. - H,. 1-! V V. . UUWl Hig Cl OV( Wit I - - ' " I i v - , j other purpose, in the cae of gnus' th sprin? dressing! also to be ce'nf mended, because tha TtTorun' Wnwtfc I A whicb .larAlor mt th.t n . r, , r , o- i T. r . i r I loss, from 1U being leached put of thi soil brheary rains.'" TopdrWain' in earl f winter works yery 1 well , at . the north, bocause everything aoon freezes up, and there can be ne caching the manure is not carried dawn into the soil until the spring thaw,"and the ' fi nal result Is the tame is if applied ' la ear Jy spring: In the latitude j. where; between 33 and 34 degrees,' March is a good month for top dressing, because most of eur small graiiis aad; winter grasses take'ou a vigorous growth dur ing that month;,.' Blue grasa "starts rather earlier than anything else aad atay be manured somewhat - earlieri In anycasej a good rule Is . to apply man ore as soon as spring 'growth fair ly begins ; ;. ; :. ' ; What materiaU are1 best for -top dressing t Stable manure, if well rot- tod, is good. The rotting makes lt more eoluble In winter; and abhibiTity U one of the best requisites In a .top-, dressing. Rotting also makes a more even distribution possible, and this is quite an important matter-' i Bat there b one serious objection to stable ma nure, especially when applied to grass it U usually filled .with seed of i weede' and fouls the" lancl with these.. ..What pf cotton seed meal ? We have no ex-i perience with it, and the, few reports! that have come to our knowledge are conflicting. ; , " ' We propose lo try it on oats this spring on the University Experiment farm.. Insolubility and possible' loss of gases when decomposed on the but-' face, are the unsolved points concern ing iL (So for as its constituents are concerned. it is 'admirably adapted to grains and grasses, for both' of these call for large ;' qoantities of nitrogen, hnd ths cotton seed meal can furnish. If stable manure and cotlon seed meal rt discarded what can one use' f Cer tainly mixtures of chemical fertilisers remain,' and have been use-1 with most excelleot results. T .Thesel may ,. be made of acid phosphate, sulphate" of amraoniaand kainiL Say 100 pounds oitulphate ot ammonia and fifty ibs. each of the other two subetancev and these quantities applied U an i aa acre; or nitrate of soda might take the ' place of sulphate of ammonia.' The effect of the latter on grass Is nipst wonderful, imparting. In a few days after the rain has washed it into the soil, a deep green color to the grass; and starting atjance a vigorous grewth. All af the subs lan ces named are suited, for . top dressing, because they are quite a-Juble In, wa : ter, and because there la no1 danger at ,alloflossfromanyorthcni Ty evapo- Ji .,.. ..: - i -i .ration. ".. . , -..' 11 f ij t :i rr V r ' - '!' I . DTTn.T EVI S II VIH a T.VIF - i y uwau - Il-TheBest tialve iu the world' for om. Fever Soree,' Tetter Chat r b-d bands. Chilblains, Cores, all fckiri Eruptions. ud i pmiUvely cure Piles or no pay rtquiredr It U guaranteed tdve-Staaltion.ox uionav or no pay required: It Is- guaranteed ta give perfect uthdaetloa, ur money I rfin.rWi Prfe 2A r-nla a box. retuudud. 7 rrlce cents a box. : those i - f J 1 .ill. ' a a . a a aa I i oniy a question ottunc--aatcingiue r . .r: v;.:;', T'iul ii ''- TItEIR BUrJNESS BOOMING i - - - : r- .... .7"';: iM.-l! I- Probably ne ana thing has caused such a general revival ef tra tie t Far man & Cooke's Drag Ktore as their giving away to their customert ' so : many free trial bottles of Dr... Kings New .Discovery;, tor ;.eucamptlpn. Their trade is simply . eoormous In this very valuable article from tha fact It always cures and never disap points.. Coughs, v ooldv Asthma, Bronchitis, croup, and all throat and ung diseases qa'eklf cored. Yoa eao test it before buying , by "geitlaj . a tral bottle free; large sixa $1, Kro -jrybottle trarrar.ted, . p i , U . . uicmub oi dihuuili . aMnrrM . gle. WI suppose thai U tbo reaaon o many iluU jet worsted, rrpr.ed Bpouner,""-! J -: i.:a L-ij-ot " 1 TJP. i "iiT Ton r feellss deDreAatid. Tcrnr trv Tet1te'fktro voa ar a hthir hradaehe, -you axa fidgety. rjtrrcmt aal generally out of a-rte, and :wamltto nVu;. tr; which hatw t.r their' baiiT-'verr hctp and bad -wbikf , i and 'which UmaJt Ton far an boor, and Uta " " . . . . - . , . ...- L.-1il. , , -.L. medicine ym will ! -flad 'la Eleotrlo UiUerarad only 50 ceaU a bollix at Kurman & Cooke'a Dreg Store.1 ! . - ' ' ' ' m. - t i08 wa easy..ii ic iun- Ply meet and drink with tbem. J t, .Vi, x '..PAincuu'o MAIU UAUiAM ttm nnWtmrtiwtlTli( rrT. aad fu ni if (mtdrS i . tear Uidam. ft -v ta Tb b-Mt Cot Oaro yvm miiwl mfl i lrn if r I BoK Lur, Ur. EImt. Crto-y Orfom u4 rUMT null ' -Mtr Otftaac owit U UjMty mm ef riUMt Tow, ha hr Ii tea- Taka H m tjaaa. ata af aa asvsa. HiriDERCOtSrJS ila.Wara.Koa.Cai)ia .am ladM-A-l-- UMraravtlk. CaaaaaU a. BMSBUW awfafi-. Saaiaf aw . The woraio-tiir raaketh a -7ol padding In sSeocaJs better than she - who maketa a tart reply, -.: ci . EBYSPEIPSin; C"to cv tfw Greeks aco T eonideTee '. .tnyaeir the ch MiipJoa DysprpUo OV ' America.' During: tbe years that X hmvo been t aCllatad I kav trteat( almost everytMna claimed to ts a , 1 apeclflo roo Dr-rpepYta, in tbe hope of. finding samethins that wwilil s2orOr ' permanent rellet. I had about make up my mind tor abandon all medl- . ' etnea when InotUjed an enAoreemen, ' f Elmimxu Liver Refulaior by av prcoalneot accft-glan. a Jurist wXom. I knew, and concluded to try Iter affecta in my ease. I have used but .two bottles, and am aattaAed that Xl have struoJc the rljrht thlsff at laaW I felt ttaDeneftclAl elTbcU ataaoet tra-1 mediately. . Unlike all other prepara-t ttona oT a alniil&r kind, no special Uistracttona are wxtttrea aa to whAt on ah&U a shall not cvt . ThU face -alona cmht to commend It to' all . troubled With JypepaUu q , .il corasTSPATiori ; Tm Soewra a Kexmlar Habit f Mr - vttkMt cKASLtrln Uaa XH ar DU T ' ariaatslar ba njsfsaa Intlt ESmOESLMBBEEDU70R: I nTfilNUINIsiroumu rr "j:tf. ZUM A CO.i PhUadtlphiou 3 EMM "PTnnnT.i? A-U-nrfi ll "r C 3 (4? a ipccmo roit I - ... . . . I , i a i . i TlTia m'mim VI mm rr 'fnT7AlT3Ct li-JTfJi7 OTJC . If I -. ;-aLc if - . t . tT?1 - J : "P! - SrL73T!i Tvu-t- lWcacyaa4 -i. . TITrEnBTIlTJATIOIT or' ' - ' I vf I . ; ' '. . t Ii takra dartof tke CHAirnr OF 1JTK, pra fdSerlBf sad aaacw wi3 b sroa4. rtVecad U booaXaaaa8 vo Woatm," sastlod free, , , . , I " 2S3usrtXL KaatLaToa Ov, ALaata. Ca. Hli: OUalaod. aa4 all tAl T MUtAtS ia for UODT.lt A XT. TtZS. Oar oOe M opfnai tH C. & Iaiat OCe. BJtd aaa a Um tMnts la less Ujm tVtao. theac rrmtr Maw , VrAMilKQTOX. Send MOVIU DMA U IX9 V PHOTO T InTmtkxx. -W adTia aa aa faarit- aWllty tnt rharra and we auk XO ajJCUZ' UXLO.- PA T.S f ret XX A. r . - - i : , For eirruUr. aJvica. tctn and tt Vrrw a aeuiaj eHraiu ha yuur wa Mmia. Canurr Cisy ca low a, wat oj Ojfcsaa'cal Qc trmOu&cm, A at - ' . 1 " - i

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