THE FRAtf KLIN aiMES n rr r- ? i ? 8BED EVERY tit&Alr BT sa.. v -T -: james a:tho;mas: 'j - V, RATESt One Year Six Mouth $1 50 I 00 ' :To Clubs of 5 The Times will he famished .Sf i 5rJ J This powder aerer varies A marvel o- purity, stregth and, j whdle&oniettess I : i i.i i. CTunuiuicM luaui tue oraiaary Kinus, ui eannot be. sold in competition with 'taa staltifradt of lew tst, short weight leas erfhosphate powders. SoL ONLV WL' Jio ax aUixo Powder Co, SeneraV Director?. touts tiirN c: CHURCHES. MbtHodis? Iter. A. MeCn'len. "pastor1 Mrery Sunday, moving and aright. Prayer metin every V tdneiday augai. ounaay schioi V o'clock: A 'Jt'.J PAPTIST-KeT; ''Bavins k Cadv'' toas ter. Services' 1st an13rd Sundays in each month, morning and night. Prayer meet injC every Thursday night. Sunday School 0 'clock; A." .r-.-, ; ' !... v. UayobO. L. Ellis - . OOXXISUOXKRS Thos. white, F, N. Ererton, J. J. Barrow, J. A. Thomas. CosSTARLE R. D. Pinncil. Board 'iiecU Friday before first Monday m aaeii m tntn. : FBAKKLIN county. CoMMisiloXEES C. A. -Nash, h'mn., S. J. Crndup, R. S. Foster, F. P. Pierce, W. B. rjzell- Superior Court Clerk All -Pierce. Register of Deeds B. F. Bullock. Sheriff llt Ci Kearney. ; .c v " Treasurer B. P. CHftou. Superiittendeat of Public Instruction . J. .Harris. . 4 Keeper Poor Ilouse JT. W. Pinnell., Scpt of IIjsalth Dr., E. S. Foster. BOARD OF EDUCATION. Qa. S. Baker, Chairman, E. . Couyers . . K;Tr. Gulley. " " J. N. Harris, Secretary. TiMsSupfiriuteridenrwiU le in Loais burg: on the second Thursday of. Feb- liany. iVpU; JnlySepjtembvr, Oct lwr December, ' amj- remain for' threi. day; if ece'snry, for IheC pur po of t iaiwiuiu appli Ants to teach utb puldic fechoolat.fFrunk.Hn coira tjp,r .;., u ,.s. c.--s-,: i-f ;lf' . tfrty' ' . . ; tl'SFStOAL CARDS ; AT-tORNKY. AT LAW- r, . m- :louisburg,ji.' c. x :;: f "5 OMce in!the Court Hotttejj',: 'All business put in my hands will Miira nvnmnf olfotifinfl "i "''i'-. - aTTV and Z&5 N&ELlibR atlAW. XOUISBUUG, FI1ANKLLN CO W 11 at;tnl tK ( Jonrts ' Af "Nashl Frnkn;t jttrnyUlefw"arreniand I--' ' tWS ' ' ' . . ' 111 f) 1 . : WakeGouniesi ajs itheui-verofe lf-aBy accident '1 came here'pos Court of North Carolina, and the V-h r'-kr tlj,V-A !1V.! S. Circuit and District Oowrt. tR. J. E MALONJL, v ' " " " c v' - ; i t' Office 2 doors below Furrnan & Cooke s Drug Store," adjommg Dr. O. ... . 1 1 i ... "... ATTORNEY; AT LAW X.OUISBURO, W. C. ceeWctTf;Uf.;:; Ar:v , : a.'3. rotxiroTraF -ATTOiBNEYa AT DAWtii - Practice in the courts )vTrahkrrnV V aTMse;GranvmelHalnaxCand soTthr ftaTaptodr-and the' Supreme and Fed ' araleourto of the Stale - l WlA -v i fXA FTOXTS DRUG BTO.BK jFBAHKsPi III AIilHS ptoinUfe?tO? Relying .ivw . .to 4lart 1 .vnnwr awAsir If tl V. ','.1 l Xt'?-fekv?4llij W 'tl turned over to the friend j who had wO-OUISBURG NG'lfe j ttenderly nursed WiilVhO LtZI. .Tm.?na 'hue wicjxwgB raeaemesv. etc; Frescrip- 7 t-t 'T iTHOIIABEditi 4 The mukj of the Wghtn tfair 'r i Thatw4rble sweet a jd elear.j Hm wooing to the dewy flower -j-: f i That blooms nd blushes fleaft - is sweet to nearai eveuuae . 'J Whiie rfiadowi softly creep,' ; ;: , "iSutaweete is-th lullaby j. ;T9ii : ' That my youug wile singa ten ary s Ta SQUlhe ojr babe to-.sleeB. A taihard tbe'kreateuslo-1 T : . U?'Gf eyery landnd elime, . TKiW ;f r ; jKve heard the Prima DonnaV : 1' nfc wouder of their time.! t xo wieir musi, ETunu nu iiijju, , fus Wicj never gave, oucut jyjr. wc, ' V So mesie balf so" sweet can be" w H?As;nTOtbra,luUaby.Sfe tft'fi'fi '1 loTe the music of. the ro6k j That arh; through woods and meads, " The cataract's wild harmoncous, Ti And the wind among, the rceds.'i , And the carols' 6f the morning birds, i ; And when at even, hand in- haudiH , . Knr inpr-rfi noi RirnwRfi to me I've -heard the. grandest ehprujes Of old catfeejlral hoirs; v-l t v?i-i..I I've beard great ora15orios; i - I've beard the smgiug lyres; i,,, ' But more I love the simple strains That haunt me while I rearar- The mother's crooning lullaby, . Xbe children's merry rottndelay. Themuaie ofjoy jiome. 34 Abbe Kinae. EOR-LOVE-S SAKE. BT COtOSKiU PKEST1S8 IJfGBAHAX. A maii lay dying in ahumble, rootrifwlthl no . comforts around htm, and but one person " standing by his bedside to soothe his last hours on earth, and to whom he said: :, '! '.."u WiW i 'To you I look for justice to one who is deprived of his rights by thesin of another." Q j ; j... . "You have been kind to me, and when you saw me struck down by those runaway horses, you brought ne here to your room, and all that I have is yours when 1 am gone. 'I wasa lawyer's clerk in Lon don, and it cVine to'my knowledge that a man, dying suddenly yars IbeibrJeitaLissoaA-ej ru m in money, and left it in the keeping of a friend who was to search for" the boy, "whom the faV t hnr had not seen ai nee- fie ' was an infant, for, in a drunken ilt one. night, he had driven his poor wife and her baby out into the Streets." "Strange to say the man proved successful after ltis vile act, and be ; cameery"rich But4ath "over- took him at last, and repentingt he I left his; son vhls wealth,Vfor . the mother had died ; years i before. The boy was in America,- and thai; factWitb? his nameanda few other circumstances by which? to tracd hitn, was all the friend bad to com aaence his search with. ; . . -. ', " '-cbmingto'America'.'the friend proved false to his trustkept '.the i - f- i'.TL Lf-t-a iL. t - i money as nisown, pui'i me lawyer, whose clerk I was, to- keep quiet,- and ls now Jiving In;- luxury-iwith, his family, whOof M sent for to Ijcome here.? J I ieessed 6V theS Jretaridmy e. ployer being kiileiiiinjaTaiiwayi accident I topk the' papers- from! Uthe safe and came heredetermined irctrpml Rodney illsteningio.tne stpty. i " I know him as a 'mail' rot Vast ,rX;1ie: iuyesled ;hia tooheyf .fn, , vfiumufacturlng, and .has been.Vry, . ft . . w ' - - Al ;8iccesj ui,: iana fnew,Lwun j ine f papers which X hold,' tttetlcquld make him py me i laxse' sasni fo keep silent, and I was ot my., -way. to see hlm .wben I met with the ac- j ; j'IUj isatQheljjtheret are ? t be ! papers, and-I -wish you to-pledge tmrseitffnlpl IU" !was aeiraqqea 01 iii? c weaim,-ana give tkem to him; so that'Ihe jean get that,which" Is his;5 ,He Will pay; A few morWhnnnt and the man iwas dead and his fe w effects -were o 1 the burial expenses. &X -and f- , "W r m W" 1 I I 1 S , . ' 1 '.. ' ' t- . . .a m li- ivciuimus iu ins luueiv. ruuui if - the dead man, and found a small sum of moneyfcth8 papers thai heli the secret of crime committed, and a few 'clothes. rtrC4 Uinwias-i 5 For a lone; time ; he spaced the room, his i iipset JWs. brow cloud- CtA, m Hon hfl aaA "I j will not" . struggle against the 'teftiptatlon. ;I - will use my, power, and then, my.haugh- riojdtllyo'awUi'notJ dart'Hflnive - ott'dld one yeaTjagOi ior;x noia ncre nw woic i wSlf .ntel''vAnrifhnraniifi''Wri , v.. ,7--. --r': - i with.shame;?!? -A Lc -r j ; 1 5 1 Having made up his mind to htrf course, liuy. vertner, ; me next: I day, atUred himself neatly, ad set; out for the country home or Mr Rtgn61d,r which Vas in the' vicinity of his large manufactory fJV v, As he rode ..along: the Jilghway he suddenly saw coming towards himat brpaknect speed , '.'a pairp horses, dragging after them a sty lish coupe. the coachman's box emptjF, Suiideniy ' a man . 'dashed, out from the roadside and! boldly, sieved the' frightened agimala. - Cheeked momentarily they again dashed on, but;, there was an iron hand upon their bits; and, though broosed and bleeding, the courageous fellow .hung ' tg them . until' they;, were , subdued." ' Then , he tottered back and sank down in the road, just as Guy Vertner ap-, proached, and a . maiden, with white face, sprang from the Ve-J Y hide; - ' 4 Miss Kignold, I am glad to see that you are safe." said Guy Vert ner, springing from his horde, and approaching the V maiden, who bowed somewhat coldly as she rec ognized him, and replied? , 1 --; And I owe my safety to this poor ntau, who, I fear, is badly hurt. Oh, , Mr. Vertner, please place him in the carriage ttiid drive at once to tne mansion, auu 1 win follQW ; ,' with . "your .horse;" and she bent over the unconsious man, who seemed badly injured. -: His face was dark and haudsotne, his form elegant,, though , poorly clad, and his age could ' not have been over twenty-fivei r 7It" was foolish iu" tne to let Gray leave the Horses for an instant; but 1 4 Id so wish a buneh of wild, ho:i eysuckles thai I asked him to get them for the, and his slipping down the hillside caused the . animals to take fright and , dash . away.. . Do you thiuk the gentleman is erious-, ly Inj ured , Mr yen tner?; ' ' -. Gentlemaiil ; , Why, he is some ' poor f laboring man, Miss Righ-i noldi,: Ahl here comes y our coach -: man nowf 1 -1 .' ' Z. L , , l ' UZ At that moment a man in livery r ahd with white,'scared face came up at a run, crying:,, V V "Oh, Miss .Irene,1 I'm. so giaa you are Owthurt!" . "But this brave gentleman.who stopped the "horses," is.- Drive "at onOe'M the inahsloiiiJ'i Q , if c Turning to Guy Vertner, sho continued, coldly: ; , ,1; than k you 1 or what yoq nave done, Mr Vertnei.'Good evening,' She sprang into the carriage, the coach man .mounted", his box, : and. thvehlCIerolled';rapidIyiaway lvii Guy?feYrtner,r alone, t, and . i L.iil-i-iLk.i-i.4i' :'.V iucirKW new youiT, uki, on, ytsry iieasaufc i dT his enargm, he round, upoa ..- JJ i-.i.s'-'-i. vt.,1 : k.' . -." -' -i . .t I .,..' taken into the best room , In y the hoiise aiidevery 1 attention ;elng' bestowed upon hljn by both .Irene and'hef father;;4'"'-;; f:M "M MAnothet time I wiil strike but not , no w. he muttered, as he noticed this sold reception; and he returned - . .' ' . . .. , ......I.', . ;to town, his thoughts m no. , way IwlArtnAnV.MniMtVMiitr iresr I v ' t a tV. like the.flaejpoks.of who saved the life of Irene ai the Trl3lc' iof his own; and so quickly dpes,4ne go upwp ueepB:..mi.o ,uirii. nver 1' the money due tou. - ." " jour own,. as it ins your nme ppon the first step h token. ttuyTVertner, ; rrA : Ii ' w! 1 "4 j aoubtles.- dropped it , on jwm.wi.neu.inas in?A f- n.atmnt fhoi rrvrt uofw nf th handsome stranger in-Z-u Alter wailing &iew.; more aaya great impatience he, again rode tbe Righnoldr mansion. " -it .-t . s J .J v. " i ;r; i;:n ;n- ill 1 . LOinSBURQ-,1:N.; : O.-v MARCH 25, 1887. - I i ; T . find tha-Irene's .brave r rescuer had horeied for a , while bet weea life and deatht bavins '.beca Y.ery seriously InJ ared by the hooft of the maddened Vorses; bat a strong constitution had cause him to rally quicVly, aud.hewas ,now doing wellso Mr. Bighnold told hlr$. ' AlidAwho Is ' he ' sir?'' asked Guy Vertner of the manuTacturer." ..,VBome ppor fellow, that e-'?ms aa though LahaiTssea .r wi nwn wch.cuuuim buu icuuw, He WflS Oil hi waVtif 'Jthfi CltV to' -. - - - seek employment, he tells mej bat he need hot go ; any n"aithef, as I wm masa nun mpuooit-Keeper. : "And who now? has the 'super-" intendant'S' -position, Mr. nrRIg- noid?":--1 v ; i C'c;. .' VA man by Jho name,of Gordon; but he is untrustworthy, I think, and r Intend discharging ; him oru-m 'I would like that position,- Mr. Bignold1-;; - ;- ,.";;-;r ', " "I regret that unde theclrcum stances I eannc giye H to you Vertner; I have not forgotten how disipated you were when la my , employ one year ago." "Still, I seek the .position, hav ; log reformed; and 1 " shall . expect you to give it to me." "Sir, I. am ) the v best i iadgei of what I shall and shall not do," said Mr. Rignold with some anger, r chair, almost overcome ; and Guy 1 'Permit me to differ-with rvouj:yertn.aPProed toki from as 1 happened ta know,,Mr. .Big- nold, that all this wealth came in to your .posess ion by foui means" "In the uame of heaven what do you meaii?" cried Rodney Rignold, turning deadly pale. ' - "Simply, that the lawyer you paid hush-mbhey.'to InV Loudon la dead, and that 1 hold the papers that were in' his posession. and know who is the rightful owner of the DroDertv now lii'vour name."! a : - - f . . ., ; s . .,. . I lU4nedloifl,xgrtxrlie4he old man. A nd he bnrrled his face in his hands. " :if 42io,no, for I know - bow to keep a secret, and have $ no . desire to push to extremes. Only I am out of work, and need a few hun dred, dollars, aud the position of supeiinteudent, which, of course, you will giv roe." ' ,. Rodney Biirnold saw 'that he was Iii the power of a dangerous: man, and Guy Vertner returned to town that day with a check for one thousand dollars in his -pocket, and an order to report-In a week an suporlutendent of the manufacto-4 Promptly he was on hand, atd devoted himaelf to his duties,' ,Mrf Rigntiid hoped that ,all would be, well; bat when Ralph Merton, the, stranger j was able to go '.to work Guy.Vertner .'commenced . towards, him a petty, tyranny lhat was cer tainly disagreeable to: the -oew book:keper,f;;,r"J:: v'; J; . Still, as the position-was an -easy; one, with good pay, Ralph Merton quietly submitted to being . found fault with, so long as Mr. Rignold bad nothing td.eay against him 1 15 One! rda'y, ,V howeyer, 'j several month after the coming or . uuy :v(nor. liA-nrimwl thm ftfflw n anger, and accused Ralph": Merton rof jnifiplaciiig i somei papers; upon i . . - - .7 - : " r n a..d-i. ? ucumcuucuu . m T 'Vivo ; wion - i I ! timed avo avs J ' tiivrirwl AtfAta Atr. In. f K. jk. f a rvl T a K ; -i 1 r.' ; t". t. j. ,i meni upon nun. ---- r v rjBut hardl had thewordi left; his lips when he felt-to the floor la a heap, sent there bya.weil directed blow full 'in theiace froni the t RalphMer- ton.-;4..srj ..t:; ;r:,:-; i VuiCtij tvup.uu uu a iji Ralph turned to leave the orilce when u. i V --..m i?ifi ,f "That nds votir Slav here. for.Tf.ia- you. ; : Go" 'l cashlej and' A " I - ' . . ' ".1. . ' ! tenderly nursing his , swelling face, I uj ,.oon aftp,. entered: the. manaton. Inhere he asked fjr an interview ' with ta Mr. RtgndluV'1'- '2 -T'f W i, " , if - - I" 'r:KM, . . r - I's.V'v' t'vllhav -- 1 1 ."'. - ; f.,- i - . v f 'r lie was sbovn the library, and soot his employer entered.,: 7 :: u . , -'.Mr. Rignold, I have just olachanr ed Mertoa from your' Vervice,' ' as he ; t'Audl what proTOcatioa did you give him Vertner r -i: ';-;;? ' : " Hehad been, meddUnj with raj. papers, I am couTinced ; and denying iTgavi.lum'(helie; ;vrM :ili f "I am gladv he 1 bad. the pluck ; to pre mptly. ' punUh the, oaewwhe, ap polled such an epithet to him,". ' ,. v -t , .MMvhat 1 , Do you intend to - side agalBst rae, Rodney Rignold f' -: : , ', . do not wish Mr. Merton to leave my. employ, Bir. . He is devoted to his dutieaVjHe lias rendered me aerrice I can never repay him for and . both myself and daughter admire . him ex ceedingly., v..: ,a,. .,VIIa !. .Then U is as. I supposed. " You have an. idea of promoting him to a more honored position ; but it shall I ' not be for . he . leaves .this place at I j once ; and I now make a formal pro-1 i jau ui 1 uw . wicu MSI S JUT. I i HJreal heaven's Can you mean It?" 1 "certainly do. And you will give 'your consent ... ; ; . . , -Xever r" .' . : . 'Hold on, old man, for I shall put j the screws upon you If you do not. Give your cpbsent ; tell Irenq that it is your : wlsa and leav. " "st to meT , liodney lilgnold sank down in a hh Voctet two folded legal-looking documents. . v , ., ; It . 44I ere, Rodney. RignsldI hold the proof of your guilt, and I. shall . seek J Reginald and tell 1dm Uiat you are in possesion of his property, and his fath-J er. Harvey Reginald, : left him vast weaiui which you appropriated for yourself; and then you will go to pris on as a thief.. ' . . ,.7Mercy ! .Oh, sparo me, Vertner 1" groaned the Aid roan. . . , . You promise, then, that Irene shall be my rife f : , W ben she becomes such, I will give to you these papers." . rl promise I I promise V "And I object!" . . The speaker was Ralph Merton. and the two men started as he appeared before them, and continued, n ids calm,,, deep tones: . Pardon me, Mr. Rignold, for be ing a listener ; but I came over to - bid you farewell: and hearing my name mentioned by that man. naturally paused to what he had to accuse me of. Now, sir, you also mentioned the name of Harvey Reginald ." ; And what is thai to you T asked Guy Vertner, with anger. r. "Harvey Reginald was my father, sir, and" ' . 1 r. "Your father ? But your name 'is Merton 'f 'ga.-iped Rodney . Rignold, ; while GdV Vertner turned deadly pale. rva juj mouer, sir, Uiat " i p t V ' with me an infant In herarm, I scorn- ed to take bis name, and took that of mv mother beforo bpr marHArr' Wi' waS Merton; and I have proof of who and what I am, and know- that my father' died worth a vast sura,1 yet . I never marfe an efiort to get it, and now find Uit he left that sum to me." VYesheleft, all. in,my bands for' ! you, and a letterbegging you ! to " for give b.u cruelty la. your mother and I ! yourself j but' I C0iUi;tteJ a crime 1 ! S" joaad . kept; the money as my. own ; yet," I yield up now." Hold on, gentleman. "r I happen to have the papers here' which are the on- . . . .. ? . - - ,. .. . ...... 1 yo! 'Rodneys RignolJ, to -Jail 'and yju are what.yottrspreient yourself li - I to be.?, v . :i.4 u''' t:. .- li mik -:l -i" jjywWve. stoIealthetTW and I know . tout' vile nm ft!?alnst tliia old . man. I wjl0se act toward mef. freely ' forgiTe. J Nowsiriglve to Mr. Rignold 'those papers you holdor t swer to you that s, i i Man vrw narv um (WW U11C li iA he spoke, Ralph Reginald drew. 7lLi ft.K.K.tkr:. pistol and lev- Guy Vertner, I 'who shrank back in de&dlv fear.- - '- ! lUtJe weapon, : Mr. : Vertner, 'f Via ISarn Asa w aknaA1 wVhwa . sY- vaa. T picxea it un. ' . , ; . t a W ,iu owner, du. Derenoeiess.! ao sonu aemanq tnat-jou giye up thoe pa perst " i J I v7 . 1 mils No-ii: ; Fobl 1 h I give Xhem to him ' you will hare no proof." . ' . ;' "Do as 1 say, : I will trust hira. ' Gy Vertner saw-lhkt Ralph' Ret nald was in deadly earnest, and with a muttered curse be threw the papers on the table beside Rodney R!ctoW.-. ' ; ' Examine those papers, Mr. Rig nold, and see. If they are ccmcV i " f They are; sir , and 1 plate them in your hands.," " sil I. return th compluncntnd discharge you.; and if I bear one word of this af-1 fair from your lip I w ill prosecute you for r stealing .those, papers , and Uaclunailing this oldman, , Go 1 , The thwarted , villain r turned and left the mansion, while Ralph, ; Rfg nald turned to the .man. Uiat - had so wronged him, ' ; -Air. xiignoid. were it not for .your, uaugnter. 1 wouia iaxe irora you that. wiich Is my own. t Rut for her sake.' I leave you In full possession tofl love ner fondly, and do not bold he guilty "u J vv eu. i He turned W ro. while Radnv IMff- f a nold in vam tried lo : s peak - to ' hhn. crashed as he was with emotion ; ; but sUddenlv thire swerjt Into tb irKrar - .... . ,. 77 irom uie auiommg sitbng-reom, none other than' ' Irene, , looking grandly beautiful.' '--A .;! , ; ! . "Mr. Rermald!! "toa. havehen. .a i listener. I was reading in the adjoin-, j ring room, and heard all.1 You say . that you love me, and I, frankly . coni fess that you are 't' dearer . to. me jthan all else in the world, and yet I would not have you become the . bus- band of a woman whose faUier has so defrauded you of 'your , rightx. For S0 me lather, but I musi speak the itrutlv.; , . n an lustaat Ralph , sprang to . her 8iae Rna tsaa earnesuj; . K. ; "Irene, bless you for those words and from this moment we will ' Let the dead past , .MJuryita dead.-'..:' .-- and be happy . together. ? Come Mr. Rignoldnot an atompf feeling rvisiaf.t you remains" In my heart.: Come, and give us your blessing." . . '; From that hour, kind reader, joy reigned supreme , in the mansion of Rodney RlgnolJ,' and no shadow again crossed its' threshold. RENEWS HER YOUTH. Mrs. Phoebe Cheslcr, Peterson,' Clay co., lows tells tne following remarkable tery, the troth of which U vouehed for by the resideuts of the town: "I am 73 years old, and have been troubled with klJnej coreplalnt and lameness for ms.ny jeais . could n gt dress myeeu without help. I aai free from all p4ln aud soreness and am aide to do all my own work. I owe my thanks to Electric' Bittera for having renewed my youth, aud removed completely . all ducase and pain. . Try a bottle, onlf 50 ceottlTur man &. Cooke'a dni store. .' A liLtlcn tv lift win, TiaJ . ioat taruea from his nrjt vimi ov a iarm. I gave Una description ot battoinak- fn,,j .You ong.if to ldt sei how aantie makes butter with a barftl and I broomstcik I" ' .1 ; A GUT FOR ALL. . In Tirder toivu all a chance to let it, aod thus be poiivuiced of its - wou kerhil, curative powertv Dr. Kin'gs New Discovery .for Consnmption, cougbs and colds, will be, for a- limit ed timet givt-n away. This offer ia ; hot only liberal, but it ahos uit ' bounded faih ,ia the mtr'ta of ilua greHt remedy All "who suffer from. oough cohls, coitsnuiptkm, aWirai, bronchitis, er any affection ot throat, .cheat, or-luns, are ospecially ro ouesied to call at Eurruon & Cooke's iDrug Store and get a trial bottle free, llarge bottles 91 .. , . . . i 'The mcst striking vieir of a mule Is ne rear Tiew. ,-. .... r WIIS'S sPEcino OMAN'S aJmAat rafiaaa ipprM4 aaaity aad ' 1 1! -. . ilKBJaSBS rraa-mlaw or - aaWwa-i. xuij oiwxMibu - -tr uae arte t chasqx or t.ttx book atBBa to Woaaa," mailed free. t - kjaAimsiJ Emvx4 Oo AUaota,Cs. LTUZ TIM2S U lh t.TJV V'7vt"i ; pttUihedin Fraakhuciuctvsud 'it circulation extends al over erery see lion of this aod 3 adjoining countjw. , AdTertiaers should taake a note here4 The Editor wilt not be jerms3b? for,the views of correspccdeaU.' -x:i : Brief eommnaxaUona frota all sdv uons most errnetly aotkitod. Keaei items, f any nature will bethaakfally:. " received. , , . t. - : 4 -IRE iloilZ THAT W nAPPIE5T.t I .Ouebflrdeas are ligSUatd aaynaa Dear. , . . -Ad pleaaeres ar tritaeX Taatnaay hearts aiimre, 1 l A4 the home tfcet la happiest . , , . -1 Brightest aad but, . . 1 s w acre uey ail laoor. - ? - And where they all rest. ; , Where no eare-wera lather, . riH " '' "The brunt of work bar, la And u riir-)iM mhr f . 1 Is burdcaed with earet -;n ' 'Vr'aere n ured Ur t .. , : UilpeamlB, , J '" K t . Till all work is done. Th . II MillhAP Tin. Imtmmrm t i To lanN witb her firia,' ' .! . She ahao ail Vbir aecrtts,' .They sraotbe her soft cirla. . And deek her with btossoms, ' ' l : 7 ' Aad foadly.deelaxf - f u 1 Thero never was a tuothsr lt. . , ,1 1. -to- intone ac Uir. ' n . ' i , : . srll:. " " And father is Jolly; , 4 , ; : -.-.l Ills tlories aad faa I 11 Are the life of the heeshel44 1 !jutf " He has not a son .v ... Who does not tbiak father ' Know beat aad ie beat; - - '. AiKl weuld not work double r;;iT ;.' Thai he ut take rest. i t.'f So. herplaj'oaeh ether ' J t'-'rt if In labor or iUt, , V- t ' ,';V ; A , la happiaosa evat U" I.vl-. , ' Tr Measures are bnrhteat . : n, I Ttiat any heart share, , : -r And burduas are Ilf htast - ' ; Tht soaay Vaads bear, i ' :r i - t . .'i: -.i?.ll ; C BUCKLBX'S ARNICA PALTE.J ; LTbeRest alTer ia 'the worM tot ; Cu U, Braise. . Sore. Ul'rs. tal t Rluum, Fe ver Snres, TetUr, C1iap Eti Dand uniiblams. Corns, all bkin upUons, md positively curei . lilea 'or oo pa j-required: Bis guAranteedV : to ghre perfect iatUfactiim, or monSy reiuuaea. . 1'rico 'zz cents .Qoxs.,irH .'The wins; rfa h-ust'oaghflto1 celarate a fi ght of itaiia. : -'"h so- nnnri fr rr-r t ni r- - N tte rli astraardiMry sflaaey the ' s v a(tf ClDNCYS, aho Bowels; ! All EFFECTUAL SfECJFIC FCt ! n XsUrla, .-J; Bawal Coaaatalnta. ' K'1' X7ipIa. , aUck Headaetta, - ' Cndptlon. ' '-. XUUoiim. ' . , ? KJdMT AJBvcUotm. . , JaaoaaUM. tl lo'Honselbli Slouli It Klti'c:t It,'. and.17 bclnskept ready for Ira mod laieuaa, wl)l aavo many an bour of tuTr1rr aad many a dollar In time and doctor' bUla, t ' tuint rs buTonc SIHHONS II7ER REGULATOR:" ; ' yM f H Am 9; mm 4 "Z". 4 Va af t VeVappar.' Praaarsd ealy. ey J.H.ZEILIN 4. CO..SoiPrarW. raiUe-olfkia, Pa. ' rUCE, SZO. , r 4 - . 1 ') A pen m-Ay be tin veil, but a pencil i dees best when it Is lead.. 1 f v - ; catiM t " ei7 tjZi!?irL2" gooo. im r to Mb a tar p. rU to U Vrlil ailtl &fco. brmofUB.Uit wbVr kMlln Okr wm IWartonty try "H'HI toll4 aroo IM mxitUo of tM ontaftl. (IM4 Loaaiao aaloa arlai OlU Biaam a m Mns -k rll- PlOf a a TVir aUbra4 tartorf prxhjn a Erf Unm. o taia rraO iaa ar oJ Urr craaaalTf fWT ta it mIa. Ttnunili Tria l-ttrt" i ' ll r-f aUUa aaaBoyto aaatsjpya tuil altita4a QV . .i , . --j. - r ..... !.,.: II T JawHtfssl I t , ' I aTado ta DWtamt -CVwcrtaat aad .' '-, I a-,l Laea. Cnif Kk- Cwi. ; ; I A ' . 1 V i 7. ril in lw, c-.-Wi a I 1 af ATP- i roaiaiaara r 1 - ! T ' i i rrtan a'lO fena iwa -I V v . kviMUBkiTa I 14 UM 4 Vc - .. aaie or I V. V -"eaaT r"- Kawoa,aae SEEDS!' SEEDS' rrrti Gnst and Clover tul, ; . Seed CraLi and PctatctJ,. iCirdea and Flower Setit, Ve;et&b! & Flowerba Flistl v -.rticcs quoted ofl kppHction.f' TJcsOTrve Calogue 'mailed tixxf - : i j v. , f -urrc3poaucncc oouaiCGU T.T7.1700D&S0nS5 - j SEEDSIIEIT, ' f No:iOS. FOURTEENTH ST. HsUl ttlSpop j RiniXOTlA, TA rreat ' " V