t ? i. 4 TjlE Tjjii? U Iko o3Jl nvvtnaxxr patlab cd in Frankthi eocot nl : It circulation exUudilfi ott ery sec- toa ox IfcU- and. aJIoInicT, aositiet- AdTcrtiscra shoold ruba aeto' Jir, I . - - - - ....... THOMASEditor aiid Proprietor. WITH MALICE TOWARP NONE; WITH CII ABITY . FOR ALL. , IlICE n.50 PER AHNUU InAdvanc& LOTIISBnRGviJSrO.: ; APRIL 1887. V.1 NO. 12. :. 4 f& I V I 1 Vfi ! ' : ftl j)6 -': f-i i-.-i 'i . t & ..; : ! - i C . i . i t i ' , .. !,..,. .-. ' , ,. j . . . ' : " ' ' " " ' . "'",. " ... " ' " i . , , V.jSi To Clubs of 5TheTimes will be ' 7v f arinshefl at i 1.40. ' . j -; r -1 ; j;; '1 i ' '. ; i T . m m DEMOCRACY REJUVENATE!). - i UNPLEASANT PEOPLE. Absol utely Pm re. Thi powder never, varies. A marvel of Burhr. stre?th and wholesomeness. iloTe" economical thaa the ordiry kinds, and eauao( be sold" 'competition with vtl mtltitmd 6f lw iest, -short weight wdum rpfeophte ponder: "So L OKLT iw ti.L iUcixe f owdir- C(X, KM Wail Bt.H.L , General Directorr.. : XOUtSUUO, N. C. CHURCHES. Mbthdist Revi A: MoCuIlen, pastor rricfts every Sunday, mormaz and nljht. Prayer meeting every Wednesday niziyt-' uuday school 9. o'clock. A JA. Battist Rev. Baylas , Cade, pas ter. Services lat and 3-d Sundays in each trtoath, innrains and night. Prayer meet i ir ererjr Thnrsday night. Sunday School 9 'clock, A. UAYOR-.Q. L. Ellis. -1 n r ' ; . 'KMiasiQKa-rXHot-..white,. F- IT 'Egerton, J. J. Barrow, J. A. Thomas. CosSTABLtt R. D. Pinneil. Board meets Friday before first Monday 1 n aeh month. The movement started in New York for a young Men! Democrat ic League Jri the United States Is excn Ilent.. Itis proposed to extend it to every State in the.ljnion. As we read its platform of ; principles, we appro ve of the whole, although .there are one ortwo things - that Vould depend on the construction vglrtWf heteKereportr of the New u York coinmittee suggests that young men's Democratic clubs liall be formed all over the- coun tTV. fliV each Stale there shall be a parent club- and " each . of these clubs shall correspond; with . each other, tne whole to oe Known as the Younffl Men's Democratic League of the United ; States. All the clubs will be'formed upon - one platform, some of the , points of which are: ' "To relieve our national indus try wq propose . to fleee from tax4 ktion all raw -materials nd. other materials tq such art extent as will enable Manufacturers to export their products ' freely and profit ablyV nd to compete -successfully withforeighorsat home and abroad; To reduce customs duties oji nec-( essarlesSTo'eraancipate our civil - . . . . . i service l rom partisan cootroi, pla cing it on a strictly business . prin- ciple, making the claim of the of-fice-seeker merit merit alone. To advocate such laws as will guard the ballot-box h from fraud j and the satisfaction not r.t, to WORKINO IN ITUE QARDEN. I - A Kcliahl Ilan Wanted. I - It is a great know etery 5ody,and there is so much deliciousness iff avoiding the acquaint ance of disagreeable people when . we can do it. When we consider the un cvenness of this , life, ; the ' ups - and downs and troubles that- cab uofc be shunned,' is It wonderful "the number of people we meet in society or in the depend upon the eklll, cum and hi- There is not only profit in making a garden, but pleasured' Many per sons attach no value to : the - labor of garden work; especi ally when it allbrds'thein a - mode of ; healthy outdoor : exercise; put 'yhother : a warden be a very small plot or- a "A tellable man wabted to take large area; the: advantages,; derived jtfa bank""" " ' - I FRANKLIN .COUNTY. Cokmissioxrrs C. A. Nash, h'mn., S. J. Cnulup, R: 8. Foster, F, P. Pierce, W. . Ikzell- -r . ' - K ' Superior, Court Clerk A.': Pierce. Register of Deeds B. F. Bullock. Sheriff II, C. Kearner, Treasurer B. P.C.liftoa: ' ' Sntritendettt of PaUlie Instruction J. S. Harris. Ceeper P.wr llonse J. W. Pinneil. SJ1''T of IIuALTii Dr. E. S. Foster. BOARD OF EDUCATION. Go. S. Baker, Chairman, E. (J. Con vers, N. Y. Gullev. ... - f J. N. Harris," Secretary. . 4 . The Superintendent will be in Louis bnrt oci the se:id Thurdy of Fel ua y.Apiil, July, .Sep teinber ,-; pcto-, -r au I 'December, and reintun for 'three dvs, if necessary, for ibe , pur p.a of A'X&'iihiinir applicants to teach n the public schools i.f Franklin count- PROFESSIONAL CARDS ' ) B. 1. MASSENBUUG, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW- louisbukg.'n: c. ! Office id the Court'House.v AH business put in my hands will receive prompt attention. i -i ;; . ' : ' y. :: 'j . i aTTY and COUNSELLOR at LAW ;LpijI3BtJBa,-rK..IvLI2I co.,n. c ' ''V 11 attend the Courts of Nashj '.Frank' in," Granville, Warrens . and "tWake Oounties"' also the- Hupiemer Court of North Carolina, and the U S. Circuit and District 0ourt. I J. E MA LONE, , . . -,i I ' ; . : . iT -. . ' T Office 2' doors below ' Forman & . Cooke's Drug Storci adjoining Dr. O.i Li. Ellia. 5 W. TIMBEULAKE; "3 irroRNErr irri la wp .Ar Practice in the courts of FrankHn, Vauce, G rauYiHe Halifax; and North-Aantptonv-and the Supreme and Fed ; sral courts of the State rri-i&ss. Voters from being-deceived, so as to put an end to bribery either di rect or indirect, and to limit the expenditure of money Ui. electiou by both individuals and parties; to ad vocato sueh laws., as wil I pre -ent unjust dlscjriralnation in the .price of freight and to compel rail, road com panics, to charge a raiui .mum rat e of fare to minimize tax allon and expenses; to abolish all taxes -on materials and instruments of industry, taxes which, in effect, violate the Constitution, - and are practically unjust and oppresasve' to the laboring man. - "We also propose that; the affi liated clubs shall discuss! the fol lowing questions: To enact ' such laws as will" place the poor on an; equality with the rich in appeals to the courts i which 'administer the law-; the policy of granting to the President the right: to-1 veto sep arate items in any appropriation bill; the election of Unite.! -States Senators by popular suffrage: "the election of Congressmen and , mem bers of the Legislature t by larger, constituencies,1 under a system that will ecxiremiuority representa tion; the election of; President and Vice President by popular suffrage, insteaaot py electoral' college, on; a day that no otherlection is held; the enactment of laws and, if i nec essary, amendments 'to .both the Rational and State constitutions to preyent mohopolies?? i- . Nearly all the above things have been, urged as a part of Democratic, creed in the Messenger . for years If the party is to be the 'mainstay " of oar inslitutions, if ,itis W oe ; aa in the past the-jDemocratic party, then these'prihcip TieldvSonie of thetiriseem to ' be comparauveiy i.8wi xney re.4 tii; v nearly as old as the- paxtyrit'self - : Aeain. we t say.,r we . wish j the movement; success.. vLtJft retumi to first principles -and an extension; of these great principles" ai orieMa'nd ? tii&same time;). It has vim; virtue and -wisdom i a it," and it xa ast sac-1 clmracter impresi ins unfavorably? Appreciating this fact,, should not we be glad that we escape the acquaint auce of so many people who are un congenial and unpleasant in their man ners ? 1 1t is a lamentable, Ctct that now and then we find a nih so hate ful that even his wife don't love him. Strive ever - so hard to retain that warm and ardent affection he first in spired in her confiding breast, she can not do it ; he wont let her. f . His soul and nature is a negative pole : in the magnetic economy of life, repcllaut to every tiling.- 'But, kind, .patient con scientious soul .that she .is,rjshe strug gles tnrthrotrgh life witKhtinruTrder a grievous burden5.- toiling I ever in the shadow, when she should be . sporting in the sunshine.' Such a man never lives at peace with his neighbors ; he never has business transaction that do not end in law suits. Now if you do not happen to , know that man, you are fortunate indeed ; and youhave miss ed some of the rough and stony points in your pathway to the other 'side of the river, where all aro , made, happi est in making others happy. ' f And sad to state, there are some womcu women -ma-ie, when natural, a little less than the angels, and who. when lovable and gentlc and radiant with smiles, give to man a foretaste on earth of heaventhere arc some womcu whom not to know makes no man poorer There is no evil without its remedy, and tliat ; unpleasantness in manner - and disazrccablcueas of habit, if it caunot be radically curd, can at ,le;ist be greatly orercouici Then let us look to the bright side of life, let us adopt the golden rula oftli-. inu unto others as we would be done by, and tlm3 make the thief busluess of our life to iuake thers happy. Why walk over sharp and -cutting ' stones when there arc' smooth and flowery patli3 that we can ollow ? Why oriug the tears of sorrow to the eyes -'of those w1m love us . or journey along with us through time,1 when we can with an eff )rt an effort too that .will be such a pleasure", ta us All their hearts with gladness and win smiles from them. It is. true when we look" at our past lives and sse the opportu-nltie-vpf aspects of sothers, which it has not. been our lot to share, we are .apt to think that we have had an unus ual and uneven share of the hlsDf life to pur portioo, and tliejetrospectloa may produce m us a sad and disagreeable It. . It Is .true that, while those who cultivate hundreds of acres of "truck" can " produce vegetables -much more cheaply than can those whose plots are too small to ; per mit of the nse of improved Ijaple menta, the gardener who glows his vegetables for home use secures a freshness and quality that' can not bo obtained' with vegetables that are purchased. There Is quite a difference between the pulling of a ripe tomato from the vino and placing it on the table, and the se lection of one from a basket that has bjn shiped over a' distance of. rail, and which might have been taken from the yine two or three days .before. ' - But there is also another advan tage in family gardening other than the " freshness -and quality of the small frulta and vegetables grown, which is the choice of varitles. Two or three kinds of squash,-sev eral kind of peas, as wU ; as dif ferent varletVes of beets, beans, ber riesi and; even melons,, iff apace will allow of their growth, will permit of catering to tho prefer ences ot every member of the fam ily. With the selection, of ..vari eties come proper 'care and judi cious working with the hoe, and it is in this manner that the young ger members are taught their first lessons In pi act leal agriculture It is said that the boy i who works on a farm where his d ulgajall for milkiug the cows plowing the flelds and culti vatirtg the crops, does not have that fondness for farm life that is peculiar to tho one who is given a small garden and early taught to take an interest In It. It is often the case that ladies are benefited by light work in the garden, especially it they are In terested iu observing the different stages of the growth of plants, atid when the' farmer's wife, and the children also,"" become interested, the cost of the labor may be really considered as nothing, while the saving of doctor! bills and tho en joyment of garden luxuries more than compensate for the care be stowed.: If every farmer would have a garden and take an Interest la it, it would greatly ad J ! to the'. Do you know that people, like to; be liii.V...l')..i..I - . ' Philadelphia Call reporter, ,MIt. a act, and a.,lfu-get percentage of the practice or the moet sucoessful doc .:- . . - ' T wrsis pure numbuggery. A great many people are filled with iaiagioary aches and pains. f They've had them for years' m ' their Imaglnatio'n, " and have growi io regard them with A ten-, acloua affection. When they coumiU- fcJO " the Advertisements read. 1 physiciatl about 'theru they do not What a demahd: there U'-.fbr reiK 1 iike.to have the matter - pooh-pohed. tble men 1 Young women want I They do not wished to be . told there charge of a farm" ."."' a renaDie man , wanted , in a counting house' ' , . '.' i- . "AreimuiaraaQ wanieu io su perintend a mill." ' ' '".! !'A reliable man wanted as teller them for husbands; fathers and mothers want them for v sons In law. "People' In tiouble Inquire anxiously for a reliable lawyer whom they can consult; vthe. sick want a reliable physician;, the churches want a reliable man for a mlulster, although they do not ad vertise their wants in a newspapor. There seems to be no end to the de mand for reliable men. , Are reli able' men so scarce that so much point Is made of getting them? U nothing the" matter with them.' Tliey want to be told they are ' sick; to't be sympathized with, and to be prescrib ed for. , They then pay the fee' will ingly. Some of the best and most per sistent patients I hare are as" sound as a dollar. I listen to thelr-rtcIUl ym toras right along, prescribe "some harmless as well as useless ' dose and charge it In my little 'bill. f It is to this little diplomacy of mine that I at tnbute much ofniTfincfM. i . . j - i What a grand, great country this is Wa apprehend they are , not so rwitii Its rast territory," Its big . rircrs, plentiful as they should be. .Ar chitects, and contractors, and . en gineers '.are not to be found In every place,' or there would not be so many railway bridge accidents; cashiers and other bank officers are "not reliable, or there .would be no defalcations. Tho same may be said of trustees and Insurance offi cers. In truth, ; reliable men ' do not crowd one another in any class or occupation. . Young men, it is forypu to determine whether or not you will be a reliable man. It all depends upon yourself. - Noth ing la easier. Only react ve that you whl be a reliable man, and stick to It through every tempta tion. There has been some crit icism on the word reliable as not being good English. But the word wilf answer very well, " If we can only have the quality which it describes.. . ... Its pretty women and. its . Veni .Vidl Vfci cure. It's Sidvation OX . . OUR STATE UONTEMPOBAOIEa as well as prove very profitable. Philadelphia Record. SEEKING A FORTUNE IN TI1E WEST. . JTVTEEDHAM Y, GULLEY AlVV-J1 'fc ?iT "r'f- V--. 6i i. ATTOBNEY-AT-L AW, , ;"L i.' ..;:;:.?,'":..; " A epoiiatiaa! toaas and colloctiog a melancholy. But -let us i rekiember Ift and enjoyment of farming. there is no cloud,- however dark, that has not behind it a wann and brill-; iant sun, that there is no -night with out its "stars of " tender 'rad!ance7""no stream howeverlrestless iits - waves, that doe3 not lead , to a calm and peaceful oceauu God created man and gave him this beautiful earth with its woods, its streams,- its lakes, '. its sea ? its blue'skles and fleecy clouds ; iUJoyous birdSi its blooming flours its grandeurs; alffor. his ."happiness ; .and why mar that happiness by un kindness, .Wuhplelsantness;' by 1 un- PQugeaiauiy, oy . sourness oi temper, 'contend pyfcoujurmg up clouds when sunshine is so laucli be1tteii-SeTectedr ' irL i VtTHE VVRONa'SORT. a Boy!'klIed ;a(raaa!wit clothes wringer under hisarm, :'as he looked - oyer the,, gate, a will I that QgbteViWJriip. lAi; ;Yes ieB gV.for so I guess he woa't . bite me,'; for I'm a collector." ; ' f v Sayr doh t.yo'i dare comej' in I Here. IF voii wm a ff airpn t - vrtttM ! be alright, but he's been taught to down'' a 1 collector oa ;. sig'h t.V .Detroit Free Prosa;' :--.'- ;; V JnOVTO;TELL. i tWbat is to cohie next ? r Mrs. Gen.i Fitz. Lee some time snice waltzed in-, to pinner on the arm ot; Cen.;. Philj Sheridan-, Jmd Senator Shermatf - Sen-' ator Jphn Sherman, of Ohio,7-offered an amendment , to' the"; Sundry, Civil bill to appropriate $3X00, to , put newi fences around, the cemeteries of Con-4 federate, dead at Oolunibus, Oi and on! . J ohnson's - Island.; -If- this doesn't muffle the '; locian of the f'bloody shirt," is has , gofc ; more . irrepressible clamor id t than the. proyerblaJct on "My dear," said a father to his daughter, uh6w long ago wa it vthat George Jackson weut. West "to seek hisTortune?" V' r "". . j "Just a year," the girl replied with a blush. ;- - ; : 1 :r"Wu&' there1 anything J.between; youand Qeorge?; I sojtoetlmes' thought he-was fond of you." . v i .He was,' ptpa,f; . and ;the ". girl hid her: face in her bands on the old man's shoulder, 'Jl promised; Qeorge when he vent away, that 1 .would wait for him for years If nec essary." ' r:'! r l--?'' ' ) have a letter from ;him.,' 'l ;2 Oh papa! . . she j e xclal med . 'Doea he-r-er has he ch,tell me, I what does say?,.;-t; ' V t ."He., wants twenty dollars to-ge t . i HOW TO BE HAPPY. Many young persons' are ever thinking over some new ways of adding to their pleasures. They always look for chances for more ."fun," more joy. - Ouce there was a wealthy and powerful king, full of care and very unhappy.. He heard of a man famed for his wisdom and piety, and found him In a cave ou the bordecs of a wilderness. . "Holy man," said the king, ul come to learn how to be happy.' Without making a reply tho wiseraan lead the king over a rough path till he brought him in front of a high rock, ou the top of which an eagle had built her nest. "Why has the eagle built her nest yonder?" ' "Doubtless," answered the king, "that it may be out of danger."" - "Then Imitate tho bird," eaid the wise man; "build thy home in heaven, by trsusting In, Jesu, and thou shalt ha va peace . had happiness." .the hark- fftncfi.Ei.. f '.i A tu - A -:, i. You are picturing rather a .gloomy future for me, , ruadame," ;he. said "to' ;the fortune tellerl Yes .sir, she re- "pllcdjbut it's tide best can Vda for half a"doilar"v 5 " f X't hpme.with.INew: York San. i V r ? . children. , ; :r Often need some safe catharlio and tonic to avert Approaching si kness or to reheTeolw, neadacbr, sick head acbe. indigestion, dysentery and 'the complaints . luciaent to . childhood.' Let th children take Simmons Liver iRegulator and keep well.n It in pure j veg-table, not unpleasant to the Uste and safe to take alone or in con nection'with other- medieme. Ttie genuir.e has oar, Trade Mark 'Z" - in red on front or wrapper, u, zell I in & Co, Philadelphia ra,- s GOOD It ESULTS IN EVERY CASE D. A Bradford, -wholesale. rDer dealerot Qiat tano4)tra Ten n. writes that he was seriourdf iJHicted wi'h a severe cold which settled on his lungs: had tried many remedies without benefit. Bjinj induced to try rr. KJog New Discovery for oonsamptlon. did so, nod was entirely cured by use of t few bo tie. . Sine whiou time he has ueed it in his family for . all coughs thd colds with best renulli.' " Thi is life experience t'of .thousands - whose does hare boenTed , by .this . won- norful Discovery. ' v - ' i - To be looked up too The fashiona? blehatT' "r --'" " -": Acitvity in the building trade Run ning op houses.' . V ; ' .Gray hah being fashionable, elderly ladies never say dye. ; '' ." . ' rAN END TO, BONE S'JRAPINd Edward Shepherd, of Harriaburg III., ssys: naviug reoeived much benetlt from Electric Bitters, I feel it my duty to Met suffering humanity kndw it. 1 Hive had a running sore on ray leg for eight years ; my - doctors told me I would have to have . the boue scraped ,or Jog amputated.. used. Instead., three bottles of. Elec trie Bitters and seven boxes Bucklens Arnica Salve,", and my leg ii now at nod and wclu , ' " The Editor will tot U : retpouxble fo lbs vlevs of corretpoodents. o J Briei oommua'oalioos . fom - sH ie tions most earaetly vofcate 1 1 Nwo ileflif of any oatorw will be thsairully' received.' 'i-r,;!.. t. - 1 1 m j i . ' After all the, arguments about cheap- tieas and quality U appear, that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is the Utt -remedy for the aire of coifghsnd" co.dj ev- " erofferej ta ths publi 'The prlcel U only25cents abotUe and'evcry fdnig. . gist In the land sells and rccomxnds ' :i v-: s m. -m :-m. , . .:Hlgh haU muat gt but "aot: to places of amusement. hiz :AyOICE.FROM fan PARSpSAGE. -' T Urownwioa: GaXI f.'ltid" Ts8vift Bpctlfie Ga AUxrU, fj t " i Gvntlrmeii;. .TUls pat umjcr my f waaawar on a .two mohth'i viiit.' Oa Jier retnm home the h4 ' vrrkhe4 mM, vhieb Mriiix worse, caoaed : m t. all . ia phytician. lie ttUaded her. cvtral week without . ben fitting, htr. Eht, ka.irlnthe ileudi J eftccU 8. S, bat. . on ma, determined ta tet it fn lier etc. AtthatUm b had eolaai iuv4 dia- E;abl dUrharsea from th le?Vt boatriU for Uj Srst bottle ot S. S. & m pod for oUt and xre throat. ,' A" lew mcotba go, I waa troubled with my' throat fr'ora yreachiafr. f I Tt-iod a bottla of. 8 . S 3 withntoa the eirmit. Whionrrav throat beeane irritated aad aobowd m X wooia utt a aMe oi n a jni Deiore, -e UrinjandoB waVenlng' I woald ie Wrll, Rev. JoaapS O. Lngtoa. M wiliayx 1 Tr-?ati-on Bood and $kl Lit mailed free. ; ;-.'s V, ' : TU Swift 8piao JCo. Drwr Jt, JLU laota, Ga. ..' ; v" - . .. jj j Faith la sometimes repres ented by jhe cguresota urencriea. iemaie itLnj'ag to a sea washed rock.', but, a . bcUer 'Thus sabveraire of Republican J personification would bo a. bald-head- bo pea ot popular county government I ed man buying a bottle of patent! hair and of Democratic ideas of resnonvi- I rcslon r. ble government stood Mr. Pearson's bill as originally lotruduced. Amend ed so as to .require . the . election of magistrates by popular . vote, it de serves andean secure Ouly . tho con demnation of every North Carolmiai who appreciates the condition i of eastern countis. Shel6y Era. ' . .. Don't put any confiJence in the the ory that you can make mcney by rais ing cotton and tobacco and buying yoar supplier. Do raise enough oro and potatoes and cabbae and beabs and turnips to give your household an abundant supply of these comforts. Don't m irtgae your crop. Do lift that mortgage joa jsvs' .ast year, and never glvs" anotherr" Touft let your - Dame go on the merchant's books. Do roar own thiokinir aod as far as you C4n, your own pln:ghlng. Don't be ash t med to wear homespun clothes and live oa eoarse fare. Do be afraid of debt. Don mope aart growl and grumble. Do be cheerful and bright and pleatant. Don't be s clam. 'Do be a man, Pittsboro Home. . - - The Univerally ia to-day a trbnjer institution bcoaoa f the repejl, (of Tree scholarship), and . whatever of growth It now secures will be healthy and vigorous, provided tb law In ref erence to- lain n be carried out. - So far as the Recorder is concerned, we shall alwira feel that we have work ed for the best interest of the peo ple ia the position wo have taken on this question. The University baa a heritage in its past and In its tradi tions. Tet ihat alone will not bear It forward. . As man cannot live by bread alone, neither may an Institu tion exist on fame alone. .What it ha done Is ot an earnest of what it nav do, any farther thnn It is a stim ulus to thoe who contrtd It to fill IU elassic halls with students and con tinually expand IU curriculum. It once ranked with the greatest Unlver-' sities in toe country. A great school it was for those days.' The present curriculum is far- more extensive. But other universities. While ours lav blrsllng. intt the mod.ro educstiooal ware and rode auoreesfullr.: The re covery of oars has latsly been notice able, and it is now doinz better work than at any period of it hialory. lis eigh Recorder. " . ' ' BTjCKTdTS ARSICA PALYe: . Ths-Best Salve hi .the world for Cut, .Bruise, Sore, TJltcrs,. t4alt Bhcnin. Fever SoTea, , Tetter. 'Chap Ed hands Chiiblaius. Coins, all bain upUon, md positively cure , lllea or no pay required: It Is guaranteed to give inrfect ealUfaetion, or icoaty refuuded. Price 25cenltabox. ! Weather report A clap of thunder." Mil 4 r. turn. lb Obui Xrv 9mu wAjh w i ' y. aM bmrt m iiWilJMd imm CtrxAt.mM fin, ftlM f &a4 M JfmJ A.C. XTr C6oa yiK Biumor. K4, HTlL a. 1 SALVATIOWOIL, ,Tbm OratU Ccro nEarth (or Pala," Will relieve mere qaickiy thaa any other known remedy. RheamatUs, N e nralgia, S we Ilia gs, B rniae a, B arcs. Scalds, Cats, Lumbago, Sore $, Frost bites. Backache, YSoonida, Headache. Toothache, Sprtia, &c. Sold by-all Druggists. Price 23 Cents a Bottle. It Is never too late to mend- but man cabnot expect to have a button sewed on much after midnight. . j " i""" " " " ' "lt," '" Cwaapro iMa wtt yor r"i"i I never change my mind said Mra Brown7 with a snap of tho jaw herd all oveir the room. ?I wish yodwouM my dear," said Brown mildly. "It must be an Improvement. , C ASTONISniNO SUCCESS, . 1 It Is the duty of every pert on ; who has used Boachee's German Syrup to let iu wonderful qualities be. known to their friends . in caring " consump tion, severe conchs. croup, asthma. Idieumonia and in fac all throat sr.d una diseases. . No person rannss it without immediate relitf. : Thres do sea will relieve soy cae, and we con sider It the duty of all dnUU to rtoomractid It o the poor, dying eon snmptire. at least to try one bottle, aa 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no ooSt-aso was reported where it failed. jSuch a tnedicioe as the German Syrup cannot be too wide ly known. Ask your druggists about It Sample botlla to try, sold at 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. .Sold bv all-drnirsuU and dealers, In - the United States and CaosHa. . IPS a avwicwr rtorv. aavTLSM rawnj Mtci&wC .PWtt-A DELPHI A.' fPrrs. OHEDcllir Aa va vmloa baahh . s w W 4 " NX 44. ' arWya IA, tmamtmtarh pmtAMf IM ! mot y (rl IM Vrwla MO ia tW X Tr!.ara tW tuS r-t-m t a f Wnyr, aoa mm Um mkAm U aa Lc-B4ur of J. U. Zmm LJL tsr o ztu h L J w t s O l X ii. It may bs remarked, in patsing.that gloves art handy things to - have aboht. . -.',..- SEEQSiPlAlTrS' ScnatMto Illn.trtd Jaaloa- 0 a4 ricM4Kr44 bU. Mil-4 , T. V. VOOD & COTIS, . UTrlwila tj4 BfHII Jwiwa. TTU1thtwi?i Tit - i ' - 4 ' V -1- : 4 is. '.'.f .. 4- j i t ; J"'' V,-