THE- ERAN KLINXIMES1 A' - - PUBLISHED i E EKY FttllXA' CUTtA ! : ' . TEditorjand -Propretorj. i t-"it! ftvuir.U l AdTertgarshobrf Ctfe aTfaotj BATES. , One Tear a U 50 i"oo 1 J 1 i tor and p?rdprietorJ '-witii MALI SixMouths i ft cortcygopjenta. i j. L'OILJ fill ''' ' ' . , " SssSAl .,r-jl-in.:i:;-A ' ..v-..,,,-:,.-".rt.:--. -ri n n -. " - " i . ... . . v' . . -. v --. - - --- .1,'TUircDAwi-i ! 1 1 " 1 - i i i i r ' - I . 1 l- f ', .... i ... - " i -yij'in. -.t-iik QWIlDaXE-AYITILCIIAllTTY PtR A r.T V ! Tnti evrA ti-t.t- . ttt -r . To Clubs of 5 Thr. Times will be f ariuslied at S 1.40. - . . . 7 r wv " I Absolutely Pure - This powder nerer varies. A marvel of puritTy,. strength aad - wholesoinenes: Mr ecoaoiuical tbamthe ordinary kinds, mid eauaot be 6old ia eoix petition with ta siaUitd of Uw 'tnt, skort weight J rkoipfctte powders. Sol oklt G8neraP Directory-: LOUHOBQ, N. C, CHURCHES. K bthodist Jlev. A. HcCullen, pastor' r riea erry Sanday "moruiutr and night. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Sunday school 9 o'cloct'A.'M. Baptist Rev. BayUs Cade, pas tr. Services 1st and 3rd Sundays in each uoath, fnoruinx and night. Prayer meet ing every Thrsdv Right.. Sunday School 9 'clock. A, UA.YQR O. L. Ellis. WtsoysR.s Thos. white, F. Egertoa, .1. J. Btrrow, J. A. Thomas. CoxsTA.Bi.a-Ti: D. Pinneit ' " Board laeets Friday before first Monday in saeh month. FR AN. KLIN COUNTY. " CoHMfSloXBas Gt A. Nash, h'mni, S. J. Crtidup, Pw.S. Fostsr, F. P. Pierce, W. li. Utzeli- Superior Court Clerk A. v Pkrce., Register of Deeds B.;T, Bollocly. .- Sheriff l, C,- Kearney. s , -..:v- Treasurer li. P.Clifton. Siipri8teiideuc of Public Instruction ' J. K. llcirr'u. Jeeper Poor House J. W. Pinnell. SufT of His ltii Dr. E. S. Foster. -BOARD OF EDUCATION G. S. Bke,r,' Chairman, v. -;.-::;o,7: E,U. Cocverff, -.- - -N'. J. Gjilley. ,.v .... . ? J. N. Harris, Secretary. n '.; j1 Tilift Superintendent le in Loiits Sur&on the .second Tbu rsday o f -Fel- aary.; ApiH Jnly1. September' Qeto brr an l December, and remain for n tlie public schools of Franklin coua- ty .1'RO FKSSIONA L CARDS' R.' M ASiiENBURG, , ATTORNKY'A-T LAW- EOUlSBUItG-, lC Ci: ; i-f T MW "Office litf the Ccfurt HoaBe. ; .. AUhusinesa 'putinmyhahdsi11! reeOiye prompt Aiteniipn..v;.vi'i ;! r. . '? AT r r and OgNLLORiit LAW.1 vv-jt attend tha" ! .'Cpurta ol; Nasi v FraiTkrri,'1 Grmvlrle, Warren; and wane uounues ai,so . t;je Mipieme Pnnrt of " ffitrnHn."nTiil t.lift T7- S. Circuit and DisTKiCT.0onvt. Tt.Ar.EAMALUN2. ' Of nee 2 doors below Forman & Cooke's Diugtor?s atljoining Dri.O. E. w a W r V a v W m W IlMlliillLiAKE. , pt-.n ,t- ;;;". iLTTORSEY dT.:LAW. Practtce inihe courts otFranklin V ance, Gran Y)ltev Halifax, and.North-; n ampton--and the Supreme and Fed aral courts Qf the State ' . ;i"-.-v - no 1U:.' H. VJTi( f - ATTORNEX-ATrLAMr. y ', Tiegotia,tioa.9f Loans and corfeotiBg A -MERCENA?'ijMAEKXAGE. - tLgafMestsA4veall goaeawayf And Neddie; old boy, I'ta U eloyer f - Fr wealth did ya, say?-w er 'tis But it k fellow hatlebtTTjfirifet7f;JV fcW,hai faxttertifiratpftaplemsyfeay?:;.. WereyoClpig Alijbara Iis theAbut ioliy young torer 3 ; Suth thing' now are jquite ut ot laah - She ialkins tbc same as'wittf nvel - Btitdon'Udil W bevwitk -us neiiseasoii I will then cdiow yptt something of -life ; AnlpHiaps yoiUl then vkhowvtLe:rca- true, w a.5n tne evenings were mej ww, ' nd doabt aow.vith some other fel- . v ..... v VH - - ... : ; "J r jV;hy Imadcsacha choicepf arife,Frfl T--Jr With friends in our mansion eo ,,t'ney?? You aeo mine's an innocent game. . . yfe eafli teaveher and 'fan down to .Coney, weeawteaveher andfim down to,' , Andflirtf ithtbepri.uttiMs same. - Hern. TOBEY'S SILVKR' MINE.; H Josiah Stoker,' holding a conver sation over the fence with Jus next door neighbor suddenly looked up the road and exclaimed, "Who on earth!"" " A A little a huge va- lise was coming' down it. ( " "IIe5' rk)intmg"sfrargnl here," said Rut'us Bissel. 1 The old man came on slowly; paused before tlie : peighbprsv! set down his valise and searched their faces with sharp, good-humored l)ont yoa I know me, boys?" he asked. The "boys" looked puzzled. . "iIak me think of joel Tobey, I declare for i!" sijd Mr. Stoker. , "Just whatf I "? was ;t hi nking, " rsaid Mr; Bil -LliiiWa. "A man that used to keep store here," . Mr? Stoker - explained. " Bissel ami I clerked for him one winter. Twenty-:ivo vears ago irr. I it was. He went NVest.'f '"Don't sav So?"- -said the" old nian, with a chuckle. " Well, he's come back?" xiiere was a unurus oi, ina ctions and a hearty hand shaking.- j ; "Of c6urge3yipti'itipui : up with Bhe'U be glad to give yoda bedv "YouTll ;b6 more :tha"n- Wtconie . -house," said Mr.1 Bissel, beamingly,-.. , it. s- : .. ,. ... : i- . 4I!m calculating to stay a week,' saidthet6ld nan. 'I'vdiyide:, it Up between'; you; I - can't spare business a memeut longer.'.' U !,',' .saidJ Mr. Stoker, cordially, dragging, iiiui lowarus uiunuusu. . :; i A;prettyJ.dark-eyed girl i.opened the floors H I My daughter Jenny,'? said Mr. n3t6ker, proudiyJls : - dicating tho - motherly woman ' rrnerewas - two cuair oy ine fire and a pitclierof cider iln the cupboard.-jf. .Vi . j-f :p j f "Tmgs hi gone along ?reitty slow yitli Bissel4apd4me.", said sr.. atOKer wiping?-nis muin ua leaning forwartio punch tbe'eoais. ii We've nyed'aiongsidof each! bClier for twenty vfive years with t out any thing happaing slcofv Just 'noW, td be siire we're rather! Idoking for something. tBisseL'd son xyallrfceJids con? lgeateryl and.iieV dnL, my girl' there baveakenv a;:regular 'sldn ; to eachothe jXiO'-teUipg what'n . come of it. j And hoVs tiie West?" ; iThe'mah's face'5 greW1aril'mated.! "WelI4iio;sald, , cpmptacehtlyi" aVsil ver. inining's rather more , pay ing 'thaUitorekeepinr- );.. .-r- Ker, tn an awe strueeitonei i"Exactlyrpon4efiJis guest. J Vye made my pilg.f.X could chuy, up this town and fifty like ill" 'Mr, I fGood 0-acious, Tobey!! gasped his heaery t And ie. sat Jn open- w Uh'hia wrinkled face t :ag!6 w j ; gctibed his mind and '.the; manner V?mc xent, nf vhi. J money' to" iclijiett,!,, Jji ; ; J ;; ;:J''7 ' ; V J -.o.Z-.ft ( "lJnJxvUiy. ' - , . - : , inwhicli 1 "There's one thin? that troables ded, v rhaia't a relative inr the world, Stoker my ;bner i-Aud' tfie question is, what is going to ' be- pryfie pio my,,: money? jilt cxf ortwa me. t You don't say Bo?'r saidi Mr, toker, in a most sympathetica! manner. , . Theresas A paiisK ."See here, Stok'erf said, the old ipaD, btlngtHf hi fist- down on the able suddenly, "you're as eood a Xciejid; as'ygoti I knew Vcm wnen you were a ooy, atoKer. Bee here; why" should at you have iny mpneyr; i lr. Stoker, haying no satisfac tory reason at hand, was silent. I "It's :a i bargain,' said : Tobey," with 'energy' -You are! the man, Stoker. ,1 feel it. You're tieserv-: ing Of it, ' Stoker, and 'you shall have It.4 '' Noi you need, not say a word. Fve made" up my. mind." Tobey drained his mug with a' be nevolent smile. '"- : 1 S ' ; ' When; Aff.'Bi&sel ckmo over that feveninghis son Wallace" had ar rived a full hour- beforeJ and was talkfng to Jenny Stoker in a corner he noted a change in hte friend and neighbor. ' Mr.' Stoker was ex cited. He paced the room restless ly while,; Tobey. and Mr. . Bissel talked over old times by the fire; nd the few remarks he addressed to the latter were vaguely ' patron- Mr. Bisel was puzzelcd; but he went home without discovering a clew to the mystery, leaving Wal lace still absorbed in pretty Jenny Stoker. : : . ; c uyn uuis lis big valise humping after him. " 'Thought I'd give Bissel a turn to-day," he explained. "And see here Stoker,'? be added, confiden tially, "I wouldn't s;iy anything to x,si i was i your piace, aooui i . J r- . . ----- r UUlt illllli Ot minor it flltirht I make hard feelings. " J"ust so,1 just so," said Mr. Slo- ker. approviugiy. t ; When he settled himself against the fence, that afternoon, therefore, ' forn friendly. chat'with Mr. Bisdel. liii a like attitude oh his side of it. r lie had been in tho'indod for- obr J serving ho -might have seen that 1 Mr, Bissel. s demeaur had also under gone a subtne change. But the j fact escaped his notice. 1' Curious., wu&n't it, Tobey lighting :down so sudden J'' Mr. Bissel re marked, C . -. '.. . '' X .','.'. t Mr Stoker .assented. ."Seen wooing wonderful well ' put Vest, Mr. Bissell pursued- - "Got a silver mine out there. Maybe he nieri tioned it " .7. T- ! "Vell, yes," said Mr.; Stoker guard eillyMr. Blssell't'ecrojised his tlegs ' ahd cough"e(rreflecfively ' " ' eH, hendrd say-something a!Jdut inofc-$5ekmg of it,l'flie 'said slowly ; jbut-I don't see as ii will do any hurt t tell vou. Vl declare it knocked me ail'ofC-heatf StolciSr, :.'nd; .1f'J''4oVt kjiow hovo tell It; but the old man has TaiTtderup his mind to leave" me his uoney M"Ypii see hain't a relative in the word: and he'Bays I'ra as old ' a fnenjlas Ue$got, iAealway9''lid ; tljiink evcrytliing - of - megood gra- ' IFW Stokor'i face was "lengthening. Jyi. i ivv . a..: i.-',!,... 5 r.Auata wiiaj.yuu are ,ypt VrAiC f-he saidT raising himself freni -the fence wlilf aji bmitiouVjcrE ztttlZM :' 1 4:Wiiat : m -retorted his hearer. r.-.: ? r 1 ou re qeepern 1 tnougnt, said Mr, Stoker, in a . voice grOwni angrily: hoarse''J ) Wrye.meanXiaHr3ii '.ell;: with resentful sharpnessi T )J i"lf .heltold you 'hat.'yMni Stoker responded deliberately ';,4It was; be-; Lcaos you proposed; the, thing"; jour- seifvnd wouian-r ietup r; if he saia tr'm wordsjtq yc,Rifus;j3isseii .he wisinade tOi' - ; $ tMrrBisseU1eew"red,and, the nana wmcn ciuccnea cue : ience uam- .bled ? Indignahtfy ' iand Tie V truggled $ f'There'8 been1 fVjul ; play' ! 'Stoker went on,- excitedly. 1 5 "lie!toId me, did Uojel Tobeyi ; riglrt theri iri my kitchen, iuit yesterdyi that he wa. : going1 to J i . .-. - v , i a vua - . , i. I eta .uuoiuaiuu vuur j j Dim irrnnn k ... -..v.. . T J i " iloi uiur. anu' - i!esif,r -u :fi0;ifiTOsie , -lou;t,Vou ey aeVot;Kpir fret; Mr allhy not t AnJer. VJiiSST ' tf fTf- f0 tle-ci fco6 aKi :Mf.,?J5toker ? tofcetml&cU-ihmUh 'tha'- fiowi ."T ....J V cut cou? coif y& feteadily; yorf nor your son either. 4'. Lera tot save, fcini frDm be'a j tied to !cin y urs I 'aid Mr. .Bissel .fl friendship, lived pide: thrust who liad stood saKl to himself that lie had neter "seen a livelier tussle.' Vf; ; ',' , " Tlie red-haired man .looked weary and travel-stained, and' was himself out of temper." - . s .. . .r "WelI,Vhe preniarkOd impatiently, 'seeing you are "stopping to lake breath, maybe you will tell ate if you know ' anything - about . an old man Tin afterf' Escaped from a private asylum ..Must have gone through here yesterday. I've tracked him every -stepc.but he kept a little ahead. Short and thin, with sharp I esA . ; 1 P.- ':,' I.- . ' A ! ev His listeners started. 'Ue can't mean Tobey ?" said Sto ker.: ? - . ,- ' :- . : l'T6bey's his name !" said the red haired man, joyfully. "Have you got him?" . .". "He ain't the one," paid Mr. Ris- ... .. sell, with dignity. "He's on a visit to friends. He owns a silver mine out West' .. .: . .. -7V ; The red haired man laughed.. Thinks he does. 1 That's his mania. He did have one and suuk all his nion- ey m it, and it turned his "brain, lie's been in our asylum, ever since; his friends keep him there. Perfect harm- less, but cracked. If vou'd just men- tiou werehe is, by tbe-WJryf-Iifiii t'l Mrn nlwif mi&6inrr 'Mni lluo tfttA Mr. Bissell jerked his-thumb -rjack t ere cameju iouSht f their long 1 "t shouU smile. Ttlays over any- mai .t VfcTfc.i J 7 , 1 M! 'f nr I .bl.-t..Kita ' of the raony years they had thing of thesor . in .this ,tovro, and W u w .v Lr-V -J ASrOKl8IIINa BtJCfrE5?iI,irm by sideifr5 peace: it Tv'as don't voufonretltl Get' In 'and lie 1 vk . . . r' 1 '!'!,:;irfr. nm-ri f.a rait-Ttl . aside,. he,,rcd-hairedmau! down and let me bob the iprings to s .r14 ' .It Ji.ih.4aty .of mty: ptrm - wUvt come . up unobserved and J .how hoVeasv it rldea. " "I Z-l T7T" . ... . 1 I nfaea icrie'f uermao tjjruo kli ; waiting for chance-. toneaK. r "No. thank tou." 7- on wr ato'l ook. ward in agitated silencfe, and the red rfiould be applied to the parts. aQect lwued inancisappeared with alacrity, ed, and thoroughly rubbed in, so as to Mr. Stoker rubbed his dim for a mo- reach the seat of the disease'. It kill. mcnt in sober reflection "It's just what.we Reserve, Bissel," he said at last, solemy. 4Just what I was thinking," Ms. Bissell replied. : , "I declare; J , don't' know but fin' glad of it," said Mr. Stoker, "When it comes to quarreling with your best friend, Bissel' . : 'A silver mine; more or less wouil'nt hardly make i$ square; v just . what I was blinking".! j- i 1 ' A tall young man and -a dark-eyed girl Was coming up the street ' togetbA er.; - ' They'rc a handsome. couple, ain't they, Bissel ..aid Mr. Stoker, z . it i . "They can't be beat said Mr Bis-' sell, heartily. And the two old friendi shook hands. -.r ; ; A GIFT FOR ALL. Ia order to give all a chance to tes it. and thus be convinced of its wim- 1 i..l ........ li .-..c. 1 w t T"T New Discovery for ' Consumption, coughs aud colds, will be, for a limit ed time, given away.. This offer is not only - liberal, hut 4tv shows.- uil- (bounded in -the merits-xf this great remeily. All who suffer from coughs, cold, consumption, at!nua, bronchitis, or any affection ot throat, chest, er ; rungs, ure especially re quested to'cal I at Eurmiin & Cooke's i BUKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE: .Tlie Best Salve- hT the .world fof ColBruises,1 Sores, TJl;ers,". SaH s, . oores, ""f ir Sores, Tetter. .Chart - Rheum, Fever ped bands, Chilblains. Com., all Skin irnpUons, tna poiwveJyeare-i Filer or, no, pay r equired: It . guaranteed to give perfect hatfefaetfera1, Or 'hloney ref ntlrlArl. ' "PriftA -rru f n hn ( refunded Price 25j?euta box. k 4 . . A pREAT YEAR IS. THIS. : . i.iil 1-Ui.fio v- '---i' Jtlr ' ( The man who can't .make milk:, and honey to lire onont Of the,: prosperity ,which is going to prevail throughout thi Vimmtt frJ oU -W! 'kt tear ' J J lanr. botllntt -"-I ' Fj),i a I Hit. of .iffiir, wool . zoo-1 filBUI la. uTTKv I V In I II II I . A C 9 : . . -ji-Vtaiii... I as S. .1 S . a m A a a B .1 a I. I iHaliiWMaaaaaMUaaaHa Umfl cootloLVprwrenraslTown oluTHre noi-to W I??0 i!ow'can:aM6gbile,an(Il)ark.' a l (tUa;iTeToid.ff rv.;:r .v . t run.hy, the negioia-of; the ; Sute 1 KaVmfmaV;'. . ' j-.' ;.. I .,i,.., .fnLl:ferw"M I throoffh aor Mereti omnixitloa Yori:.Va .gM to die Tox tho hht of juS fen, on fr0nt of wrapper. J. IL Zeil fljr v .rAl .L .I- . V - i an Co- Philadelphia , " . r- r?l:l J..0,s.Mv,.r " rltr3..i U . -s, .. - . . asUe p'flloJ' V.' 7.;,':. I., . : Ls " 1 1 -Cbme pna r Therebow does that tt Unt the Bpic-pan and !hinjr 1- "You eo on! There' noints about hearse the public onght , to know. Get up ou the drivers .eat." v Vxcuee hie, but I prefer a family Carriage. 14flv , -At, .M Mr.- I VSLlt Puan u V ttl U . I ftkmnetL- jut. nonce tuese springs I tell you it will be a positive pleas-, 1 ure to ride above 'em. -. The "dish of those wheels Is absolutely perfect, and such a i finish X , V :, "Ye. very nice hear. e ' . "Yon betl Say, it wilt be a proud hour in mv life when I hitch a spon of hite horses to that vehicle, and prance around to the house of the late deceased. Lands ! but won't the other undertakers look blue! Say, feel of these curtains pure silk." "I'll Uke your word for it' . : "Go on, now I Hang it, but when an undertaker puts up his cash 'for . at regular daisy like this you newspaper fellows ought to eocoueage him. Just remember that the old-fasluoned way of carrying a body around in a lumber wagori and then gaze ou this ? Just notice that these rear doors open to admit the coffin." , "Very handy." , -Handy r Why man its Ruperb." in. the treatment' -of Thenmatlsrar goat, tiearalgia tic douloureux, serril- crania, sciatca, &c, Salvation O'd pain. Frica 25 cents a bottle. Tho dairymen generally have the creaming of things. " UNTOLD SUFFERINGS A TE?( Yfi ArjS EX t'ERlENC E. Near Bronwool, Ga," Dec. 6,1887. ' Gentlemehi For ten rears I have had atumur. Daring that time I havt been under tb treatment of the best nhysi cians ifc Atlanta Go-, and Utica, N. Y., none of whom were able to give relief or assurance of cure. .Thepl tnrned to" the use of' patent raedicmes, several of which I aaed. without avail. - . y : doctor ia Dawson,., who, . had attended we for twenty, jears assured ipe that I could Joot .live a year.'' About two yercrs agotbegan using & SS"!and at once my tumor yielded to its influcno. It gfew softer and smaller, and. my general health,, which .was badly run down,, was built up with i line accrcase oi irre,, tumor, tinmjy. i felt so well and my genera! health Wns so good, that L stopped the Swift "Spveifie ,' and went ou performing inr household duties . But. ot course,. I bud sot , per sisted In the use of tU .medicine until too tumor had entirely disappeared, I could only lok for a return of the ail-nieat-v Again I resorted to the aso of the I Zrltt'm ftndPifi ar,tk thm mAwnm. va. i .n' to reunee tne tuntor ana nuua up aiv general system. . When I ,rt began to take the Specific, I waibso .lu-rroua that I could not sleep for" honrs on retiring. I felt that if-. jast hld 'my 'fet still for a few minutes by force or wtil.ihat It would, have throw-, in .into -convulsiona. Thai nervousness the 8. S. S. entirely cured. Ky pain was so great that usr ur: i . i j i i . . . . i urriEnL titiUta HMtmii .i.u. a T i uvi imnnn ir . i . Treatise ovBo.od and, Skin, piseases 1 Uie beuetit of republic I offlce 0ek sna iled free. r - t. J c : ' ' . - i.TheSwUt Speeifia Co.,'J)rsW J, At- lnnts fia 4 i.wi. IT: chirpodlst ia proud to -stand 1 1. .. - - ' J 100101 P13 proiession.j , r .r 1 j-i : : Often.necd some safe v cathartic.; and tonic to avert spprotvehin i knest or tp'relievueollQ, hiadache.. sick head ache, indigestion dy.entery and' the eoraplaiuta'i luetdeut to 1 childhood. Let-thecbildrad take Simmon. ;Uvef Regulator and kep well. It 1. pure . I ly vegetable, not, 4inpla! 4he I nT afeo take alone Of 1" con ; 1 neetiou with ther'. rnedieiue.' 1 The 1 U.IVtH. flrr..- In l"jr"f,,irl; aro-Dearer and "our tfo02t.t map. ' tr im..iiii aiuv4 j m v0Da lorr. Mcrn.n.i k-t., I in every township aad belter re vena, officials will aid ia acbievln- another Democratic Succeaa fu.n, -U . . . . r 1 We notice that the Signal a"nd tbJ Republican 'papers iiWbeo''rnucl exercised over. Uie. appointment of Cooimlsaioner Jones because ho U a lawyer They do not acem to dwell much upon the fact he ia aW a m. chanio. They seek to array the '. p:ej. udice of the working peoplool th State against the; Democrnlio party. They have run the negro io long tlirough hi. prejadiee that tbey 'uow hope to run the wbito working people of the State in the sarue wjiy.. . What dof the leaders ortheltrxiblicao! par- ty care for the workm people of the State i They -oio.t-of them, 'never willingly dm an honest daya work id Ibeir live., Qd yet tbey ate aeekmg to advise working people of the 8tate a. to wbo ahoajd be honored among tbem, and wjio. should no be. - The leaders of the Republican c party 5 Can beiouna in. tho : lodxtea of : the Knights of Labor in all part or the State.. Of course they re not there for political purposes, not theyTney w uiuui vr mat. lury" are only there for the good ' of U.6 ox der.T They Ii.t. goo e Into the or der as disinterested adviiers; and they are making the most of their op portunities. I We remember that hi the last cam paign that in tte eounty ot Wake' two lawyers were put upon the' Demo cratic Legislative ticket, I and quite ' a hue and cry wa. raised because the lawjer. got everything aud the wort: iugmeu were not recognized. Oneof the lawyer, had been puc upon : the ticket very much a.alnst his will, and he aiked the executive comm'.ttro to sliike his name offthe-ticket and pat :.ome mechanic on. ' This waa done," aud a ladiug Kui'ght of Labor waa .ubuiitoted. A few ; weuk. ; afUT the -i Republicans held ' llieir convoiitioo in the '-'Kime! couxty, and' a' leading whit. ' mechan ic M3 Knight of Labor wUireaed for a place on the Legislative ticket, lie wa. defraud in a square 'Vote with a negro bar-keeper. Xolhlng wu. heard of thi. afterward! "though Knight, oi Labor refuse to admit bar keeper, ia their order- ' When the I '"'" ."ioun(j uiat ted aolidly frbeir titkot, while the white democrats' were found to be the only Bcr.,ttheri. f The white. Knight, of, Labor liad been jioodwiuked by the colored Kulght. of labor. It U the ame old tala the white.' may be dl- I videdJ but this hcVrM rtt aYifTrl CmV I 1 JT"" VJ'VU UT. ecuiuK up- Stnlthfiold Herald. Mr.. Fboebe chealev. . . Peterson. Clay c.V'Lw. telle the Xotlowing remarkable tory, Ibfi truth. xf .which 1 is vouched for by .the resideuts of Um town ; . .-Iam 73 years old, and huvo been, troubled with kUuet cooaplaint and lameness for moy yeai.,.; frouid not dre.s myself without beJp t 'W I am free from all pain aud sorenesa, and am able to do all my 9 wa ". houae worker, I owe my ,tii40ka to Elecirio Bitter for having rne wed. my yuth. and .removed eompleiely all discaso 7- ose thp rieivUncr 1 me ciuiOn.- wH-'eiinnt I r-0"3 e man seated lost. bhrn to rwrain It rwn . i '.-pA.i'- 1 her to CwIsthL"ni!r .fr ..4.i" . .:,Try a bottle, only M ceoU , at Ftu- &vCoo.kc'e rn-rstvrt..i?, t M , . i-V . . . ; "v."' IWl SruT4 tto1 Utter U faoflL-I Ij-.o'I It . bonnet Uut,' r - v. - r - ' - . - . - v wnwitaa whhottt rmmem.te rtlfeL1 ThrTi . - ej will relieve any cae, and we cin$d aider iihn i duly t4 1C drtaUUd Koomrnend it to.lhe poor. dying abi .utopiirerit least to try pne boulo $ 80,000 domen bohWr were .cff Un1 year. jnd no ddo ras4Wai imported I . S? SuebiBifdklne-D pj Germanyrup canuot Uloowl ly klionrn. Ask yoor drujrsfcu aKot:', it. -..Soople bottle iA try, to!d at I V i69: .vReSu,ar et- ' Sold ! by all druggisla aod do 1 era. L- Ik. . TJnite4 State, and Can. al' ' ' " i nun A note of warnings Pexjple'. wtiott steal watches are apt to wind up la V m.: u a. V. mcV lia t To nlWMk S?ntB a -im . (WW iMm . G, Jtrjw A to. Swt tmj i ima , b. a. & DH.'. Elllt'S; .CODGH-SYEOP, ; Whoop&g Xoaca, jadpitct Cci- , comptton; and tir ie relief ef con ; usptire persons la advanced ctaccax. It .of the Disease. Fcr Solely tUDras pt. Pries, aj cents.1 ( 1 If minorities ciiujd elect, a, goo4, narry men woaldDe'ln offlce most of the time.5 . " ; ' I . i n,. '...- ;u rl V ,-f?'.-I -I;jT- .'t-O r S 1 4 ' .10 A, .asaw-sss. A rt - 'ttftfn"'r. ''"" i i. ii Xa4svrta l .t Dawwt CmpUOitU, M . fvpU, . . , Bls; IIcAaacfckSw , I CMtUttUn. - HUln. " XManAOMim, t.aa4tas VlMk I Ik : IDC aept ready for tminwilai om. t . mtar so aour oT vafltorrnr aa4 1 ' allar Ia Una aa4 doctora biila, .,'4 dollar ; THUt ItkuTONr BEHIOKS LIVES REGULATOR bVm tatyM U wte W"2'Vj " SB ft-wrt WnpMr. " rr-per-4" saly hf J.H.2E1LIN aCO-tUiPMM, rn OUaineuY and. alt VATLST M t-MA . -. , . tended W for M0PSBMT rZEL" Onr oE 7' orvt lb U. a Paieat (CVe. aad v tain lBlD(t In less Um than tKoae rrmrH frovs , H"l5.VGTTAf. ' Send HODZL. DttA KIXS m 1 -rilOTO at tnTentiofv. We adrt W Mini. . abilttr frrt rHrTQ o4 tniii9 tifsr t.VtSS fATHMT IS rctiP. .... Fur circular. aJlc tewaa and wMimh s aetnaJcHeHU In ronrowa MaU.Omintr.Mi Tv ' Uwn,-wsiw to . .TT.w.-T yj'niw k jTitai fvkx. 11 auwaia. aa. aa. . . . . "V , in "A - t .. t 1 ,

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