THE'iERAHKUN:n:i5IS. 'One Tear Six Months Too:; -To Club's ,ol "5 The-1 Times wiTTbe f urmshed at 61.10, "1 V -- i '.t j Abs6liitelyPurei puritr. atrfcagthi aadr mhole8omeaew.H kor. .eaaaaMuaUhttii the orfimarykinds, J tli MUitd ot lw i tv iort 1 aXtm roipkiU sawders. Bol weight j aw' Fownxa Co x - 2W 'aUt.N. Y. General -Directorfr. I wJ iU u CHURCHES; 'v'-1' c r Vieos e vr j - Sunday) merning and tgbt? Prayer .jn'eetiag. every Wednesday Baptist Rer. Baylus Cade, pas tor. Service 1st and 3rd Sundays in each month, morains and night. Prayer meet in cTeryThrrsdaynight. SundaySchool, 9 'clock, A' ; -!"" .v'i uayoe o. L:iaii. - ' , il: v Jo vi Mtssiojt Bfts-Tlvoa. ' white, F.N. Egerton, J. J. B-vrrow; J. it. Thomas:' 1" CosstA.nT.B-U. D. Pfnneil. v Boar4 meets Friday before first Monday ia aeh month. v .- -, frakku county; :v; ' CoMitUWloTREBS G4! A.'"Naah, h'ma., S. J. 'rudnii av3.j Foster, P. Piereei W". B UwU- . -.Superior. Court Clerk A... Pierce. ' Iteister tf Deeds Bv F Bullock, , Vf-nHT Tft Cearngy. .. . Treasurer-rB. P.Ctifton. " SiierLtertdent of Public Instruction; J. N. HarrU. - - ; '. "; Keeper Poor rjonse J. W. PTnnelT. " Sup't oFrEi:ALTpkrPr E. S. Foster. . -S 4) rr 7;'' ''. : . J ' BOA.ED OF EDUCATION. Geo. S;:Bfeer, Chairman, -E. (. Convers, , N. Y. Gulley. i ;: - .. ; J. N. Harm, Secretary, j ) :4 T'r Sap.riutQ(ient wiU he in Lonis Vur oa the sccund,Thur?day of Fob ua y. April, July, eptsmbt'r, Octo-b-r ant. December,' and remain, for three davs, il neces-aryJor the pur- Pose OI t'X.itm:iiuz au Jiicauis aj n tha pabilc "tictioots if Frai LiHtjm viuii-, " PiWFF.SSiON At. .CARDS ATfORY AT LAW- , ' J.0UISBUUG, X. C. , t Office in the Court House. AH business put in my hands wnl receive prompt attention. i I M.COUKISiO .! AIT a f p r and 30 U NSEM.OR at LAW. L0UI5BURG, J KANKLIS COj,K.O. v V 11 attend the Courts of "N"ash, Frank in' GryilleVnWarreBi and Wake Uoitnties "alRO tne ?upi erne Court of "North Carolina; and tUeTJ' Vs. Circui.and; District portv TR.-j:.B Office 2 doorsibeldw. FuTmahi 4r Oooke'a Drug Stord, adjoining ThS Oj !;"C1 W TlifBERLAKE, ATTOROT XT; Ofiee W hrWar4;Haae. 1 ; A I V i i-Ai i ti amptonand, the Sypremel eral courts or the StatA '.. andTed JJEDBAM Y, GULLEY, - ATT(5(tNEYAT-lAW, f . : r ' .' ; - r - - . ,;.. . .. e-v. Nejtotiation of Loam and oollectine fe8 i Priptiijffulf toe courts , qf?;Frittkriu, ' Vanci.rahV lfealitakad M)rth- 5WPEMiWorjaad Proprietor, . with malice AMX'S v v ; BY HEUBIu ; . ji'hk'empt, and ' weeping " children, Jraddjc together inthe cornar of a' ntiiy-furnished,v;e BntTrrightened,1 and as yest i Unable toi realize- that V deiatH ' had' ' made dSLLtew JKOiuen;; jjollecting at i4he place, vrere holding a '" whispered consultation. :. ; v ' ' " '' 1 will take one or, tne poor i thrngsraIthoughI"Hver dren of tnyown," said a jwomanT; regarding ojje of ths IjttligrQupj iw)tK;coiripas.sion.Jf " ffy. -, i4And I will talte another," said a , neighijor batching spirit t of ben v olerice; " VI, also, ,yilV, take . one!' ex- claimed a.thifd stepping forward. AtidW wllil!" responded ;a u Bdt there still reraaihr!d)i aby Vii itfk Wrt years old, wbose(.blue syer wore hiud h4s sisters. '-j ;:- "I could takeioneViS. said ,6ne of the wp meii. i?l'B u t I am ; quick tenipere(i,nd the Lord will t never forgive j a woman ;Svhaj5trikQs a .cAl could take himr btit! am5 old,' said another; t And whejj he . htE learned to love me, and r X -lovo him as. a son, . deathvould1 come andjseparate us,''. , ; ; , " - There iiad been Another witness ' w&om riof one' i ldyVotict d thus far. A girl of twelve, on Irer wiiy home t rora school, as the satchel of books on, her afmff esti fied, had f ol? lowed one of the' womeu into the housed pinmptcd by childish furi osity 3he wsrcofortablyl dressed hhdTier inaiiner "and "ap pearaaoe iadkiated tlia her parent were well-to-do people iofmiddle class. 1 Sho had been lingering in the doorway, gazing with, much,, iu terestitpori the touching tableau; and now, as the woraenstood look ing into each rotler1a faces in si lence, she reached out tor the babe, and drawing him lip to her, patted his little head and kissed him fond ly. Then looking up, said:- i w in A . -m - laKeims one. ,1 nave no i uiuuitr, uiiu ut nuu iua vviit iv wiv 1 tton Jiitn. -T Ynn Imsf hom .ni.. til I run home and bring my moth er. I live only afew blocks- aWay; She' will let'me take him, I know; thedearltttle , xvissiujj iiie uiiuu aguiu, 6iiv; sprang up and darted out of, the room 1 be fore they could ' have checked her. even if disposed t6 d6' stii1 -ln:about twenty minutes they , heard . her feet again upon the stairs as she returned r accompanied c by her mother: : ArnyJiadiatXai gi ven her mother a r; general , Idea, of the situation and ho wi raised her little portege ia her arms, , tantl "See, mariihia, what - a dear lit tie creaturel puotoe care of him! Can't I have biro? I would loveCnimso!"! And Mrs. Went worth had hot the" heart to- refuse her. A few minutes7 , con versation with the neighbors en- were respectable people of some ; education; faudthenAbxs; bagging tiw baoy stui Closer ietno room JKori-four iiappy yearsAmy's IittTepiege- wjTpp otf ad;Hlayrnaeli ! .tjUte) ;4nq jof " thattlhie ridgtdoatedrrmff 6choor'wlier$ she'hjad been. leldd to phen iyr yars( at a:' boarding . ta hundred 'mnesawa.Tho .lug to Amy, but the. tnougnc ;ot parting'from her, adopted broter, was almost too ; much tor , her; to bear; and ori the night- bet ore rher depart urW'slie crie liersel f td slee, with theiittlei fellow- jn- her" arms , Tbthici jivas sOrmefJobVs " bie of Amy's proposed departure s I until tha next da vi and then.- for thecitv hefrs Wishing give their onlydauglitfr every ;ad-! f-antlge withi4 te "eici& Jh t .. . - ! i ; i -LOTJJSBURG-. N.O.- APRIBrlSTS?! v OiU ,'iO 01 J? 3 he second time lA-his short j life, 'J j - K.aao vw a Wterand distress ir m nina uvdh i itui w i ii 1 4V;i f a ii her embrace eave mm. Please take dear mot twr away her own unclasped hi) pressed a lareweii kiss upon left , the ome, that waa t to bo . hers noi mbreai- ' , ' 1 I Jl1?!1! jfeh.f.Pl!d'8yr!.?,' nd5plea&iiitiy, occupied with Vits 1 round of duties; and at the end of the fiist year Amy had progressed 1 f Isd radidly- ia'bef studies .that she, I ji was olTi?retl; a position., as assistant j teacheri the salary f rota 1 whiclv J j would erytMl' ayeV' School i exoenses wiiliout itftefferin-r seri- ' Zi i f I " 1 I J..s-. ..t I ously with hef . duties and privi- f lews us aTupU-.V,-V.-:; Ii vacauoiwasappTuacning, wnen tter was1- handed -Amy one iing;fering; a letter morning, uearicg ner lainer s weii-r; : bnntvn eiinarc.iiirtfiln 'lolMnrr - rio-r" i i 'J'- -i 'ill- i ' . ' ' ' . mat sne muse remaiu at senooi lor ; ithe present,vand until - thdl'malig-r: nant pestilence -tnatunaaDrpKen out In' thp city jras 5 'f'abatd7. that she .could roturn with . satety Iler p'arentsrid little tpbDie were; well, but were intending to . leave: the?city lnfafewiays, and remain away; until the danger wae-overs That week drasrirea wearily by. followed 'the end !ofwfcichrf another letter .readied ; her, addressed -iu a Istratige hand. 1 Hastily openingit,; she, read the. lew Hnes itf contauiea, aua tnen fell fainting to the floor .'- -,r -v. That letter, brought tier 'the te't rije anoancemeo that her parent were anionic ,tlQ. victims! of v the: raging epidemic; arid a?; further glance at the dat, of . thQ letter showed by some mischance It 4iad been delayed on its way fully, ten jdflys. ; 'Amy Btarted : Immediately for her horae 'Arriving 'there, siie ieariied that ier.fatherbail .beu' 8ud'4enlyl seized with'-, th deadly plague while preparing to leave the city, and 4iis "wife ! had survived hiin onlya few hours. . ... T; ;v7.. : .With regard to little-Robbie she could learn T notning beyond the fact that a 'geutlerhaa ' had ' taken cnarge. ot ,n i x i;,wnen nec. j parents were first stricken down, and prom ised;tq"adoptb!rn in the event', of, their death; Jbut wlm lie was no one could tell, not even thedoetor, in the coufusTod ?aiid "solUSitude that' had been pressed upon. him' on all I. 'll"J "I 1 . ; Her fSther's estate.when settled up, left "wjl a- sinailj-amount Tor AmybriSftjbf homerand. parents', and at ,J)er. dear LUttie. adopted 6rother,v. with o wrhoirr she had ; Te--solved "tci'share every btesstng' that ,;''rt im v iii IUU.UI -Mill.' Civ r.-rw tt-l. ,hii" ( Twenty years l bad paiscd,i bring llrigno tidings toher in regard' tb the Jvjiose yodnglifedjiHpgitti four iappyyeart were so closely ..inter- kroveu with-Jrer "owaTT Atny iTEffg ' T 1 w ' a. t a a nauoiessea meir un- ea to ...warrant i venvare,' rv jfUahgdon 1 Had ; burchased 1 U ' n ouejfeavin aowevef. a n , - ; .... X a mortgage oif8eyerav 3 anct taxes jie naa ceooie to, pay . p romptl, and he had hlicf rncVeased' thfuV Weprerty1 b.yT some, very; desirable improvements. 4 , j Tlieiwme thelittle Tfamily had tii us secured, .as ithe ; soppdsedt" was . verv. dear to . them;, but the slidden deatli of tBe iiusband" and. tather compeiieajsne .suryiypra iw H realize1 that i while that "Tiome Was5 rio w dquVly dear, they were hold-, ling it by a? feeble "andf uncertain tfenure.v.4Ths.overduaiwteresti(jOp )iA trrfoM AUK"hinrf1 tarpa ! was threatening soon to piace it oe- yond their reach. t M hei clongVo k abroach herily & i two! WM lmprinilpjf kj upoa.tto Velt- Utech of Mr. ijwr u 'm ' The PhiUdelphU lUooVd.' a meat and begged her net to yeanou WU.i Vj-j i f tromUed to do for the mi of , ; leave-mm. ! - "vjJ i j wuimu, V" i onaucij vu acumy oean be win uii Sa lmu tj " M . i ; . , , .... . . r ,rfsaldV'Amyr wiping 1 pcepiea. wore cioseiy at . bar: trnper .but the J 'Tfr.?7xr.'i 5 f. i..-, A jewt-K tad other arti- Ic raaln- .. tears, as she at hist ly.soj -X-e fmty. gave, the 0rea exoiteme.t baa1 Wn.iLr !r V! I Ycnndngiarms and gnapmw f -,We W' T J ot Pari. Taxu. 'S;' 77 totSZ . : rubv ilrw Ti'- ftlmtUt 'as t,J1 : PnlOTameet.oiftioriie mic tn& read enough, however : in ;aee vvj. wi n bcipieaa be eonld torn last year the dull on Uesa lax' V Hal the dreaded document to a lT htt r!edd n-t atnooni fc $30, 000,000. "C ' ivoula never see uuagaini" Ana j r , r- - , a.v- V 'i, ----"t ryuodj aaldhe wi dnftsr of 'ton- TUm Jsti colic td fmrm. wl, nA. ithasadnesster-heaHHhat ll1S . nrti'XJ&iV SiijJirttX n6 8aved" .iA ;U -But, atrangcf and and more" "ataxt- 'i IllBghL I2a. bottle. autteS on fl.iX hen 'wid- jnte- anoT , pfvtbe trttlU of ber.., prediction, she i Th two vp Iwa .ATnimd. unfl. it, i -tlv-- :r:T r;-.: -aed A box of--Dr.' Ebff Naw' ;....m.f,.t. wr- i adtfuaiftted IthrierwhUe. thechl,; f'pd;. totArd NQNBnwiTix ciURitt FbR'AtL: ' - . I A year afterer, hbanr death, a, I icuu ui iiii h. aiii'-iiuuk wr uir r na af lt- liih his I r r vUuv luuipuutk uueanwiw p --,. . 01 Mr. v K. J tevesna CI JL.X.00O Iimti en-. - do ners ILUiXfnsdjm wasjiljtingln a ' - a her room.- ckwiuf the vhand jotihec beauUflut lyeung daughter, who ; had returned, ani a recounting c -her taany taany lit i ,;' " What did you think" of the picture 8entyou.kk jay Uat letter, Maaia?" Amy aked, after a short' siieuce. while her oheeJa i deepened iU,'.,,el- while or'.-'i "A'iadble face'.'1 replied Mr.Xaits'-'l - - , .1 - 1r WU von tka UntUmtiit I I. don. TT-TT TY . 6 w I naW. flearr, ( 5Mr. Arrhihald Rhyiiarr aakUAmy. 1 i witl anotheAnsb AdslA i kWe met fhim. first about six months ago, and afterwards saw him Irequently. Be '; lives in New Ypfk, and .will return in about three months, lie was veT kind to me, mama; and when we part- ed, ha toldme that if he cquld ever of service to me 1n MxSy Way it would 'af- . . . 4. fc L . ford him the f greatest t pleasure Of ..1.1 - .f mi . .lit jT, . l course I know that is merely a conven tional way of apeaktng; and is not sup- pose(( to m.eaji very much; HiJjYf6; sttre he meant all he atd, for be 1 Wl ded, You wfllr I liope Misa Amy, permit me to call andaee you on my return, for V shall wish to Tenew : and editinue our acquaintance.' . : -'j . ':That was. very kind,'' said Mrs. Langdonr amiling, but' notjeuoush, my Ueart 16 form tle baeis .for- any coufident expectation., , ' : . "You will see ' when he comes, said Amy w jtb, another. . bright , and. hopeful look,. whether my expeeta tious are stronger tb an they should be, Indeed, mama, I like hiiu ever- so much, aiid shall count the days until he comes: But now tell me how you' have been getting along. You said in'your last letter that you had been able to pay up all " the back interest and tales. 1:-r;';' . , -' . '5; , "Yes" dear,'? answered her: mother, with a sigh. . "Rutl1 haare not been able to pay any of the ""priucipat1 and theagent has just informed '. me that he has been ordered by the holder; : o the mortgage, now in Europe, to :de- mandan immediate 1 payment' of : a thoosabd dollars on account, ' ' or else foreclosed , I really do not kuo wfwlach way to turn or what to dou?. . --t j "2 ever miud, .dear m9th.6r, "Amy answered, hopefully The darkest ploud always has a silver ITninir, If ire pan only, sea it I can, I am. . sure, make some .moneynow. bj tear.nmg, iand can help you to reduce themort 'gage: and perhaps "we can 'find 'some one. who will advance the money, ana, iold the mortgage for us.- I will. vaee the -agent and have a talk -with him; and IfdonU Jelteve we sfidfl1oelthla pleasant home, on which my dear father expended so much xaoney-. r JL way to save it will be fnl ' :rhati8 all rht,-MisstLairgdeu, feaid Mr. Green, the agent, when Amy kMXipbaiufflTttie tfext raay1! will wait for the return'of iihe gentle- JniuTviia idrtheoraseiAdwiir i then febey1 bis oWeesiiwhW may,pe'r-:.i UpsU il$retl 1 ! 4h giving tWxeply the geutlemana I name bad been- incidentally aenttoned Iamynaae no lurww iJiUAtwivvu. iemained hilent for '-ifew ? ;mtoutesy mornins;, and left: , rather, auddenly J .i.v, -.ii' i:y her loots Detraymga; ,?euii w. Qim, a Hor ut iinauK) bvuuaivu f j Three days re-had passed.thi .day t a young man caUod; jjwhom Mrs- Langdon' va- jUiessengef 1 fi-om Mr- Graen' WficeJand J handed toeaava iezu jw&ie: uwabubbw a siigj of whhsh ,vpus snudaer.j vU J a ,r..ifn ht i ' I "The, owner of the;, mortgage - has xetarnedvl1 suppose,5' "Mrs.'. Langdon "skid, casting atroubjed look - M Tarda. lnv.E'Herla what t take to be a nboicthat fbrecleure proceedings 1 'Let us see It, please, - .. .... .4 mama; ;MJLd -:'rr:3WElIOEiL50 'v J 1 5 i . siiJ Amy" holding ouhlhahd for 1 fiiap wtiu' nn r ! m m of n en tiro vvnvenis OI InO iCltCr I .4 -. . . . Wit i-fv-...-.r:-. - h 1 , hat-does .. yourlettei;.v copteim iear mamma?": said Amy: as sh?' saw ! pec mother, after baring glanced tap Ml overjt, press it nrst to her lrps LI "JX . PLTUre. JLaom .UrtiltV ',c, i-L,an ong enough to adorn thebrow ,anla heJ he?rt Mec.ta.yof .f of those who Dlnek thetrl. ,rwf tJX jTtndat the-next moment' over-1 come Dy fi?r emotion, smk, "half iaral-l"1" tner,swoeiness after they I ingrtrpon Voft,n " p V 5 f !trfi aa&L aUV tsk.X, I W W MVfl .U1 T,- VUOVl -' J a -: " T I nOW. ClOftel V-HftT UlftthP.r 4mn1 th I 'precious missive '1 shall .know alj I i Amy, up in her room, heard the' dooi i bell Ting again, and 1 descending,' enYl Itdthe WlorW'ustiatlme toaeebeJ motheYVraYpin'- MrCRayaorby -boti WsjidJookhigtotobU eje.; -lik ; U i'ntraaed - - ' i ' " - - OTe.Antrancen. . . . : iklw ?Can it : be possibW.. .exclaimed i Mr vLangdtm, gazing into ?the hand some,' manly face,lpiat yo ' are my longdast protege my Robbifi?An yet I know you are, for I see hi face "I certainly, am, or rather. Was , the very clnld YOU so tenderly loved "and I care l for. I learned tlie whole trut in rt.A,, r- rtrr,:- I in regard toyou. this, very, morning, j "While conversing with my business agent, r.OB whom I , bad called soon after my return, he mentioned that a young lady had called ' on 1 him 'scme time ago in regard to an overdue ,......-...!: ....... ... ...... Tiiortgag owneo,, . reauag- on nrooertv belonsin? to her . mother. am sure ho will rery .oou, V l 'raPiroM na. posiureiy . 7 , rr . T . ..i w kit pence. saltalaeUon. I I - - v 1 a. . - B mother? I asked; and ray question h VrTd 1 . Vi nIo kIk . J. iv . 4 - , , i i- I does, pride, laziness, hardhearted brought from an old gentleman m hia neee cruelty, aud t il other sinful otnee wuo citanced to. near me your l full history. Wita amazementr and del'glft 1 learned that I had found my long-lost friend, tlie guardian and protector of my "childhood. ."And now let me tell my story from the time we parted," continued her visitor. "Immediately after your father's death, I was adopted by a Mr. Raynor, who had been one of his.busi bess frimds, and who, j within a few 'days, left the city, and." went South, From him I learned my early history as I grew older, but be understood that you had also perished in that ter rible epidemic baviag heard tliat you bad come to the city soon after your parents death; so thai your likeness. ancTthe brief sketch of my. early his jtory, which your father had written, were my only mementoes of, those 'earljf bat never .forgotten -days. Mr. Raynor changed my name to Archibald R. Raynor, and at his death left me his entire property, among which there" chanced to be, strangely enough, a mortgage on this very sous'. Some how I could not believe that jyou were dead, but . con tinned to cherish be hope that I might find y ou tome ay, as I have done. . '., ;-.r" 1 remained in . Mr. Green's ofSca after T knew who you were just 'long fcneugh for that. rnortgase Irelease "to made, oat and - executed, ' in 'the , ... ; -f . eauttme Wntmg, letter to let jrou dw that your long-lost protege bad peen iouno, ana woma sooape wun f j, 3 : i a : i 4- f ' . i vnn " ;J5nd Wlth'me,', Amy .Was tempted to aay J?Rut.,,her;eye carried? ithe thVogtti:tfia themaadeoXr ."And how I know, dear, .madam,. why my ecarttoldTne" to'h1ovea IhJs a' rt.Kf wU-lli ywrci Auijt wwawi."""; r ni On her,,WHi j.yp,rfua.- uumgaon, em.t tho wpirnr nf-thl diE irlrlt-fo 1..CI Va 4) lrrrn?nv A liar mother.""' 1 - . 4 1 . I The'answ'ef sSoxi ramV m' tears' as weuas waraal!c?2 e-sfjitcjroinO v . - 4 Whether Amy herfeiraccepted the. in words'juSt then ts peter known: . . .. :iJt c.'f ' li-Aii a nrtla:!r2 .rrsb:o'rwii40 '! " . "hre beeritwd wUhin-the'" nexC HIT 'V does afxhe Antidote brings mnkedir4owi-o. iu-onJ i redpTffeTfe ate relief; chill, are stopped, all ;nV JaSSSJST? f 4at herlfnlim in.rcWl that, d sap and. iT . ' -r !-?ia ter. few more dose, perfect heJth 1 The world deal, good nafarrflr : vt r a t.-n ri abawi i)fviiA mnA nwAi vmn nnrs. 1 laviaii-a, vBssr-smw iuv-m assavsa wmrm mar Lormj hoar she ventured to say: - i PEKJlNNtJllIn Advance in.,., JtaUrigbtJ 1 WHERE TUB REVEXUB tCQMf ii TU1 K, tvi t . . . " t" - ' w2 -V." P MO-cawn Xwo DcoTery, ba we welf 'aivd btd'nain TO 7."c,m wij-Bix pounaa. are the only, roees; which ?: do not I aI6 their beauty.,, . .w . -""Wa 1 M - ". ' ' . I ATI 8 JVPSf. Hn.Iy In 4K .rU it . . " - .v u Rheum, Favor Sores. Tettar. rteI hm rnM.:;"n. ",rrn cures Piles guar ao teed OT m Ana r ref uuded. Prico 25 cnU a box. "lib ve,' whether 1 newly born Xr arouseU firom death-like slamber, SJS,? filU ISfl?6! i' lnc, that It overflows upon the outward worlds THE TRIIDIT U ANlilOUo. a ! ,'TOuli,luggitBir4as,'Iodi testifies: l can, nrcummend Eleo trie Bitters e tha very best' remedy. .Try uiaoia naa given re lier ne every cap. , One man took, aix biV- VX aud WM tdo( Rheoiuat am ea y Jear swnaing. 'Abraham liare- Drmrtriar. liel'nlirnhi .ffir. a - m -mr mrr a . maj al Tbr beat aeillng' medlcina 1 have r: er "handled bi -my ajyeara experience, ' Is EJeetric-Bitiera.-, Thousaudai of other bare added their Uaimony, eo tiiat the verdict l unaulmoua thaa' Elaouiu Bttura doeure all diaeaOu' ox tneXiver, Kidoeya of Blood. I GTutforiy is one of the most reD qualities. : n.: :tt.4 i "-: CHILDREN Often needaomeaafe . eat bar tie and toniQ to avert approaohiog ai kneaa or to relieto colic, headache.' aick hiul Jicbe, intlijreaUon, dyaentery and the compiuuiis -inoiaeui ,w entldhono. th children take tiramona Lirer Regulator and ke-p welL Ii i pure lj vcgT table, not unpleasant to the taste and aafe to take alone or in con nevtion .with other, medicine. ; - The geaaii.a has our Trade Mark . io j red on front of wrapper. J, I a Co Philadelphia" Pc IL Zil No fountain Is so small but what heaven may Imagined be In , its, bosom. ; ! cajp cero.u3 KitoDEa.' ''i'A' Near Oglethorpe, Da, Dee! 2, 1836. ' Gentlemen: Thia ia to certify that tor" veara l a.a anirered wltn raneeroaa koonea on my faoe," and I feafed they wpnld tarn intamalijroant eancera. Ahont a year afro I began to a Swift'a Specific At that tim I waa ia general bad health. After naing aboatona doze a "and a. half bottleaof 8 S 8 tht. eaneerona knodea passed away, were dtaaolred, avnd my gen eral health rapidly Improved. I am aera- 7 7" t age tor aaeaiciae naa a aptdid repaUtioB among-nynetrhbora, and thrre are plenty enrea berabouU to Vouch lit tlie effieACT BfSSH in all air. nieaia .amiar irom blood diaordera I whatever kinc nh TriatiAa'tWaWra: A ' r:y.i- az.v..-: (5fB AND SEE: 1 til . 1 Gentlemen: HaTinz ned roar remedr l bob cor meamauam. aad hariagloaro iitTed, I frel it bat a duty to the afflicted to Toac mia nnaoueitftd 'statement, and recommend all . who- aro au Caring wtth i ,heUm,tiam to try a a a. And if ny In i tnaettr want to aaow mora' aboat Swiff a 1 SDceifiaaa a rhoantattaeiii-Iet ftkaai Mlh ion roe ai my honao, 19 1st Arenua, New .YorkT-. - ;.- DeiJT.1 .T--'.' j atiaV.oa 'Bood'aad iin'Shaaea' ''o ' jTheSwift Sjjfia Co Drawer: I, At-. janta, ua. t M - xt yoa wouia no. nave aciicwoa " - - a awi il'. - I : . . ' 'Ll,J IJ.Vt u I 1 Tike, pioof f that Shanenbergers 1 U true' Antidote for.' aoalaria I i fouad in the fact that a core is 'hi- isfouadi mediate.' . . . . ..J some. Ian ....... ...I ) Quinine and other rema bring contapporary. raliaf : after time Toftao nvay. dayal-; On a and strength are secured. j. :u:jc ..... .... )..! W-BS f ' TV.. T. .. 1 - . .,.. Al& AtJaU VU OKieil AITS L pr - paUlabed Sa Fraoklit raotf, iU : fctreuuLou extend alt oter every aec tionoflhit and. adjolnioj oouatie. - AdrertlWt thix:! J make a pota 1ca, I ,Tb Editor will not, b t wmaaltlV , fox the vitas of eorreipecdenta, ; ,',n 1 Brief commaa'cationa .from all tee. t liont moat earnetly eolicita I ' .Newa! w?? ; . r a w amount than rhe dutiea eolleci.t , ;, t.t . . ' ea lasiypar.iroui wioea, aua r.quor. pie dait-a collected lronj' irflu tnd J- Wl-Rfeally icefckUlhedu'iea ieolia I Ixtcd from tobtoco.iBl :sieading ' 1 . . .a a f protectionist; ek! ti.declye..tfceO PttOI,Bia :..,t;.i: Mr.'i tern., V t j .il 113 i i 1,1 ' m ' Za an affection of tbe'Urw, acUX eatt 'J x bo thorous&iy oared by tpaf. Oro4 "!o Begnlator of the liver and , , . , '.U t Biliary-Orsana,;' ''n ilMtinNt inrn nrrtti arr-U Pa,'1 T w aflTrid tat arrral Tart i r ; abaotkterwl Unr, which iwkw. tm ,h ! i arrvra attack of Jaaodlc. I bad a 1 of frwl andkl attcnlauc as oar "h . lloo aiTorda, who. failed ouetly to r. , , ,; Mr m to'tb wiJoymcBt of mj 1 J . , exDr food health. X tfceu trtM U ' , t . ; "l -favorta -pmrnzptioa of on of thm 1 ' ! . .matt RMmMl pbrlein.or Loi-, -, i 1 Tllie. Ky but to -no parpoa; wbr-; 1 ; vpon I wMU)diiedtotrTaiaHami . LUr&rruUIr. Iftjand lam. , , dial benefit from tw OM and P.i-ri aoately rtatored bm to th full Cfijoy- 1 : i aaeat ot baaUa. . ) t ; . . u ,J . . a. n. tHTELrr. i headache;',' . ' XTiAm from at Torpid lirer nd !. t yarHlM of Vtm ttomnk, It W .. . !r.. o taTmrUbly amrod by taJOac" ?' . X ; EIHHONS UYlAHREGlIIiTOS?1 Tallwho ffermantr thAt tt'" . so:"' asd mto'cs nixmrm v Cma be mveeavtad if w.klV am m 'm ae'tfcaa . . .. UmM the aoeUac ao attack. M j j, ' We oogh t not to ' lookr" bacVi utU less it Is to derive useful ; leswOnrf from fast errors and for the pur-U pose of profiting v by; dear-bought . experience.-,. r. ,t ;-.-..,t- --J.f'vHi. . P5" iftXioeAit HbKn Ceuc - mmrw-wm t'Mmx, mjml t. nciiaBCoaauiRa kt MiwH autT, mt L-Cje. Frkm Ben. cV (Hra. ! GaOM I'm Bu frW mri rm r; mi uiara. i4 bar Jl-nt Urn iimmC lrr. f.r. nommma namerur Strip OMHIxM, Vr W I r n if a rai API mm T I OALV A I lCJkJ O I L. -1 l vi; ' r fc ; - : w'.J I w - Will Tellers' raore quickly tiaa asy1 ether auicwn.rcriedy. ' RbeamatbctI, lienralgiaSwtlUac, Broi s a, Boraa, a Scalds, Cnta.Lnmbao.Sores, Frost- ' bUaa. Bavcka.cho,Woada,Heaaachf,x'l Tootaaxka, SpraJaa, &c Sold by alii progSiata. .lrtcei tentaaUottU, j.o !A snob Is that 1 man ' or 1 who In always preteadlni: to homi,v woman leruuns gon;iu;r.2 lot, , fniracur of the imports n which Tareou" aitf eolletteJ, John Bherman -and- elha?" thmgbetter-eBprcully 'richer i or" more fashionable thaq they lare. ) . Ji..- i i trt-x.T x"-. K 'v- - P A I III C ft ' Q Ha' In boat Coogb. Cwro ywfl ooa aJl raaaaat Caaaatelata. Taa laaU aa4 r9a acaaart ! ai. Od aatrviy ArMUac a.Mai UapaHUtairt i raaaiar aaatrkaoKa kr tko Oaaw'r rami Tovickaa d.hiT bta - Jao tt u u-MM.agkf 17. aa kwr koiaa at LM. HIUDERCOUU with good-natur.d people. . i . - - 3 4 Laai a I I aawai - - ' . I Ue Lair. II Ira-lay aotor L I . mf, aM4 rtmu tm4r4L,T I it eMM tk aeajp, aaaae ia . mmU tlU-. mm mt mrm o ; 1 laiaa? lllftltillpi art I tri irm ruaiaaiprlna, e akoaurylna. rfaJl toniml kaaaawsk. tVwa, Lnr. tJ-ar. KfcfMT, Cnaar Ornt an4 jpci&Uy - . : ' ' " "" - 1' , . ' if.