r 1 " ' ' ' published e eky fuid a y JAMES A.THOMAS, Editor and Pro;reto? TllX Trx is iac.oldoal btwtpaper paUkhJ U rrsnknueomtr, aXwi. Hi irootatioii ex lend al over tverj arc tioa of this and adJoloia;. eooAtss. AdrertiMrs shoaldouke a note here Hjltes: - - . - r - i - The EsT.tor wUl nolba Mvcalhlc One Vear Six Mouths 5 , for views of cotrelpooduU. ' ' 1 Britf crjcoiatinkatloMi 'from all peo Uons noat ecrnetly soUdte-V Nwe itezaa of aav oaiaxa will La thankMl v ion ATiuxiiU5,iaii02J ana iTopnetor. . To Clubs of 5 The Times will be LOTJISBTJEQ, N. 0- APRIL '.9 1 88 7.' ! : NO.' IQk 1 received, . . ; vl BT,:i,:.:, I I ..... 7 I t - S I 1 . - I '. I Jl 5 i. ' ' . - i , . - ' ' . . . . . v . :V .r . ' II , I .i !." 1 :t li-X-'I ' ' lit' -i" ""'"i. - ! Ax iff" vrXv i north Carolina: ne w& 1tTIkA Into nnfful atvln t-VtfincL. iriddpUariJftoadJ extension! An : unknown . assassin calle Alexander Pott to the door of hi house; in Iredell County . and the shot-him The entire load of .sho struck Pott's breast. Strawberries areripening ; In the Ne wberntam ; a iypeUsual dlitlesai to Ve given the eastern : nectiou'. tlfe f asdffor tracCMfJ;1 bjr&';ihl raeutai I Good reports are coming in abott the wheat, and it nowftppears ttiat in the portions of the state whf 0 the cropjs an important one itne yiildis re!Sonably sure to be quite abundaiit. ' ' I J! 11 : The seven-year old son of John ! Dixon, tit Rocky-HIount,was-seriv or iFEOltf EVERY SECTION COUNTRY. , The average of salaries paid teach, ers in common schools is $5S 7i per month. Pennsylvania is 21st in the lisfofil IstateSv with' aiv average of $3 47 , Maine is at the tail end. Mr8Ixsan'says that her lata, ima- banM-'s book Will con tain no letters 4 tteltlf)rapTOttli8e,, ld'. snernian. lias he. begged her so sue Oxford TTprchligl4:., IIonMat Raneem, Norths5 Carolina's-eloquent and n Wo" Unit M States; SenfttorT rlll- deliver the annual -address before the Franklin Society of the Horner SchooL . idos v aunan. woo. rwitn tsennie Itkhardson, was sent to the peniten MAINTAINING THE FEI1TILITY OE SOILS. PUR STATE CX)NTEMPORA -There are few rules - in- H - t - to . Tfier ArtT Afv ' nitwinancn In maintaining : fertility ' which should I be fanowed. One is that aU the uiK & :f T ":rr 1"! - jk iiumi iirii Absbliitely Pure; This powderever varies.- a marvei oi . . - . . . . . - . - , , . purity, v strength- aad ,wholesomcaM8. ously, injured hy the exploson r of h wary for swindling, has been pordouedN kore'ecpnftTOiyianthe ordrykm a dynamite xrtridgei His :handly the governor: 0 -, n$ and cannot be sold in competition with , " . , - - X I -td co i-J ' .? , J J.I jtlws muitituJ of low -testit shrt 'weight Hnvir. KiKTKi rnwDRS tuu i o 106 Wall St, N.Y. GeEexal.Directoxv.. 'liourURG.Ntti:- CHURCHES. Methodist Bev. A. UeCallen. pastor er vices every Sunday, morning ; and might Prayer meeting every Wednesday ttigh'L' Sunday school 9 o'clock A. 1L Baptist Rev. Bay 1 us Cade( pas tor, . Services 1st and 3rd Sundays in each utonth, ramming and night." ",' Pray tr'meeC-" iftg every Thnrsday night. Sunday School 9 o'clock, A. -Ha YOB O. L. EJlis. i . lo.iji-4roJfKR3 Thos; white, F.;2f. Eger t n, .1. J . Barrow, J. A. Thomas: li ' ; OosstabLb-K. D.i Pinneii: lMard meets Friday before first Monday ; in each month. ... &.4-y-u '-2 FRANKLIN COUNTY. CoiiMissioN'BRS G. A. Nash, li'jnn S. J. 'rndni, B,:S. Foster, x. P. Pierce, W B. Uaszell- : ' . Sprior Co'urt Clerk A. . Pierce. f Register f Deeds B, F. Bullocks ' SJuiriff--II. Ci Kearney. v Treasnrer B. P.Clifton... .. - B " 3'iperirtteadeRt tt Public Instrdcfioitt Jd N. UarriM.. ; r Keeer Poor House J, W. Pinnell. StiP'T of Hbajltu Dr. E. S. Foster. ,"'-; BAltD OF EDUCATION". Geo. S. Baker, Chairman, K. G. Conyers, N. Y. Galley. : - - J JN. Harris, Secretary. . Tlie Snp.rintendeiit will he in Iouis bnrg on the sev:HidiThurs?day'oT Feb aary, Apnl, JnIyvSeptemb;r, Octn bir aud December, i aiid fenisiia for tbretda;8, i necessary, for the pur-, p-se of oxatninin applicants to teach n tlie pttblie schools of Franklin coun- if. possible, be returned to the soil up on which they grew, or an equivalent should be returned. , .Thus, if wheal is' raised, the grain "sold and . thestnw composted with the dungrof .'anitaals,. wer. form m r niannre' ,wbi9h- returns' much that Was removed ofthe cropi if the Btraw be partly or wholly I ed to animals, still a large portion, natural ly fiodlu way back to ' thesoIL -,- 'A "pVrtioii of the plant food snpply of the "soil U irrecoverably list in. tlie milk sold, tn the bones of the 1 animals; u fheJnilk sold off the farm, etc.! But w'e can calculate very nearly what this loss Is and make it good at small -ex . pense'if we do not delay too long.' It tenweh better to. feed,, tbao. to sell bay -and straw, because' the tax upon. 'the soil is so much less, nnd whoever . does seD these' product should surely plan to buy fertilizers to make good' his drafts upoo the seiL.r Near", cities it ia always easy toT boy"; stable ma- juEud thjsfsorduiafily the nostecoi better ,. for . the iyiv tuaa.nuy oi ue; iOTvaero papers. No one who compares the twrtleyeft superficially, can- fall to decido .protaptljf 'In favor sbf the moral tone of the 8oBthemv,-.preasI About pine-tenths of the Northern city papers are composed of de- ecrlptions bf prize ;" fights;' ;'oplum dens, divorce suits, murders and ex- ' 3: , agiftfohall: . In order to ritt all a thanr tn t. It, and tho be eoQVincM of its woo keriul curliT Dowers. 1: iKin' New Discorrnr. for OoninnTjUn coughs and colds, will b. for a Uta ea ume, prra awty. "This offarU not liberal, but It ahoa uni bounded faith ia lh roariia mt thl great remedy. All who Suffer tmrtk coughs colds, consumption, a t lira. uiyucuuu, or any aocuoa 01 throat, chest, . er lunga, are. espciallr: re- ques.ed to call at Eurman A. (VV.. - - . j : - . Lrnrg mots ana get trUI bottle fr... large4boltlea $1 - . . . 7 The Emprtas Eugenie la aald to, be contem plating a t-w through the Uxxl- ted bulea travatog Incognito. .it.' ;t i .l I W - ' OTA -u Ex-Senator Daria, of Vest Vlrghila: now worth 120,000,000, was a brake- man on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- ecutionsi.and other distinguishing I road just before the war brcl'e out. Incidents, scandals and ' vulgarity i X an atotsoa of tb livr, aad ea4 r bthoroohlywxreilf thaOria . Sagulatoe of ta JJtt azvd BUlary Orsana, ' , -"; - , euraoua uvtn nccuuiTca. lujrcyAcrrmaa bt were nearly blowni o9 and his facte 1 " It is said that the vaults oftheTrea !T . . . " . Vv - w. T t storais nearlvxhansted, and tiU 1 "T ' J QFl ' - I Ltlie awujnulaypni RpidlyJacreas- uapust cnurcn at naieign. rne t i';-, Jim lafy Is.lianlH0me and the congre- der Reuhen Emot Were cleaninsr ffiuuarge.;i?j 1 Out anLOUHlOUSe itt the rearer IUv WU thia U thA rcsnlt tillaoi Airiorw i:3.. - . ! J 3" Burelars have resumed work at llatd4e warehouse oaiuesoay night, canrAjnrklturist.T r , t . . m . m t thn fcn r-tMA v xarn if irw Anff bva- nvwM w - mmmmmm Wilmington, ana uuraay one . u"c cuoul,v'11 " v" oluc v"'"D uasuiu uunu uuii iuciu,v ouvnou hearing the cracking jumped side but was hit in the baek and koocked-down.j Elliot's eacape is wondeful, the bricks jseem tohave passed over him. r He wasy however thrown against the wall in. a aeuseless; condijion but soon (re- entered a house occupied: byr three , white women. One of the women was choked . 'and robbbd.t After? yards the burgla,"whaf "was -a net gro, fired at tho . woman "with s re- ffMrr Tf WffS fudstraw are tons-returned, theHeM Is n'&t'-oolr- jnade good; but Ihe coodltioi vf the laud is.improvins all 'the" time,", for CURRENT COMMENT. - yolver. 1 sound as ever.- er. -Fayetteville Observ- Aleifeflle "whoJlIVes id I vived "anitoynlh men appear "as lirunwicK Uiuinty, is reported xq have dug up a bomb shell near the railway track. He. threw, it An .the fire; when it exploded with-'reat violence, and v nearly killed liee and his daughter. Thehell sTi;id been in the ground ever since - the "'.LOOSE' PARTY TIES; r war., 1'ROFESSIONAL CARDS JgR. MAS3SENBUKG; 4 -j 4 ATTORNEY ATXAWp.,,, "T-'-f vVvLblfISBlJttO,wi c. '.- - , 't. Office in the Court House. H fx AU business put in hiy hands-wiii receive prompt attention. ;' 0. M,COUK.K. a TP Y and COUNSELLOR at LAW. LOUISBURG,' TUANKLtN CO..N. C v IV attend the Courts of Nash, Frarik'in, Grmville,? Warren, . and Wake 0 onnties "also, the j Pupieme Court, e North Carolina; and the TJ CircaitndJJisTRiCTLkuirts.wi kRj;E lALONE, D OtBce- 2 doors - below C L FormahT Cooke's J)rug Store, adjoining Dr. Q. J71 fWTIMBERLAKE, .,- rATTORNE TLA W" jll Office w v . v ...... our i uouee Ke 17 5 '? W,K. PAY. A: O. ZOLtil 70FFEP , . Axxuitixjaje 4 a law. 'y , nEXDBSq2( JC. c ......... Practice in the oonrts of i Franklin J V ance, GraBviilet Jlaliiax and North-, hampton -and the .Supreme and Fed - riiti vyui ta.yi vuc oaur.f,j, j 4 JJEEDHAM ,T. GULLEY, There yet seems to be a good "deal, of talk ' about the Chatham County elopement. EHas ILtrris, a wel 1 - to-do farmer, and woman who is t he di vorced Wife of anoth er well ' known citizen, ? were the; parties. Harris is sfxty years old, and deserted a wif and seveial cniidren to fly to Texas : with the woman In qoestion.T: People of part of Buncombe and Henderson Ctuntiesare veiy angry at the arrival of a !party :of Mori men elders, and propose to use ,vi oten met nous 10 urive ineiu irom hafc ? section.;: The ;Mcrrnons ;are iweive in numoer, ana came irom Tennessee.; They Xare w working hard in making eonverta sto theii f aith,, particularly ainong'the wp nien - They have formally notii fied to leave at once or else expect tar and feathers, or even worse -A considerable number of offlj - - .1 cJaL reports by various factories and other enterprises employing labor have been received ' by "the bureau of labor atatistles. These, show a .continuous improvement hi wages in the past few. years, which; U rather a direct cbntradiction " or th qftrepeated Ntatement thai wagei are ooostaiUy being red need J The wages paid for farm labor have really become less. . This .: Is due to the fan that baa seagons la sue Jessica . fojrj sefel years have crauaped ythe jfarmerai badty and necessitated reduction of wages and ttnd'of alt other kinds of expense Green villa is Ahejcplofity seat 'tot Pitt County Md its Jail is j ustHaow! ieabusyWcOneA'Stthcnii a merchant in the county, is serving a; four mth'sJerai aAd, while h .is ia limho he carries on iiis' t bu si esslaffklre M ! thft All! jthef irortages glyea by peons' wlbo ob-f iuiu nei( euppues iruui uw iu re there drawn up. . Another curl ous fact in the same, line, is " tha -jt.iif.ittXI'A h'siii Vj Nejtwtiatton of Loans and ooJleotingA Is serving out 4 Tour mouth .sen Party ties " sit loosely - now - on very many ot ers, if the - frequent declarations, of the people are to be helieved. .Not ahdtheu ihe par ty press comes out and declares that the cracking of the party lash will not avail in this or that elec tion. The Southerner is constrained to admit that the party ties, do sit very loosely , so loosely that -1 he strict party vote is becoming an un known quality. ' . But while this is true no good purnose can be served by quietly admiting thn fact. We should be chiefly interested in finding a rem edy and concerned about the cause, which we believe is due solely to the lack of principle, among Democrats as well as republicans. We are aware that 'all , parties publish a list of principles but not one do they maintain. The Demo cratic party is concerned more about who get Office than the low ering of the tariff, more about ap propriations and centralizing Blair bills, than it is about a strick con struction df ithe i constitution? , yv ltnout aims wnere is tne in centive to work? The strength which would result from union is frittered away in petty cbntesoyer offices; ..and ti personal . ambitions. .Office no longer seeks the man who Is the embodiment or exponent of. a ;olitidal principle or policy, 5 but man seet8 the office for the money; and hohors that will fail to him and. fiiis .Urie..eCtibn$iiirQ .'carried luaihtalo or carry out :u "principle but tf'throiigHmeJoV;-0-' sit; looily when pecaliar fitness 'Is discarded a nd iuefcess : 13 given1,3 to iiiui unuu wu luii&s tua mvo, jvit" jeiful Vcqmbine'f of'leeveral- selfish 'interests? nni'Xifi This should hot be; but the otily remedy lies lncqmipg';back ;?.to priucipiea and maintaining the Our languid beliefs, ia decehtratlza- 1 tlon, and a strict construction . of ;the consiitu.uon must oecome: vi tal living principle with us. 4 .MA Tariff for Revenue only" must be Hgtt happens ; it, then, tliat othe spoils system, rightly .so called,. did notxist in this country during - tlie' first forty years ohe Republic N.rX:. World, 7 This recalls the old conundrum in philosophy." how does it happen tliat ice, wliich is heavier tlian water, floats upou it ? The answer, of course, is, that ice is not heavier than water,' but considerably lighter. So of the World's conundrum. Under. Washington ; and Adams i.the olfico ' hojders were almost entirely Federal ists. At least we ; hivo Jefferson's word for it, who, as seon as lie came in, alluded to. is bitterly and said one of his first duties would be to turn out Federalists and put in Republicans. And it was so. Washington Post, Dem. What could be fiuer Englihh than this?" asks tho Montgomery (Ala. Advertiser, quoting from a speech made by the Rev. Mr.McKoy: The mossgrown cenotaphs of ancient Ro. man valor held no dust more sacred than do the unmarked graves where sleep your honored dead to-day. We find much finer English in the Adver tiser's own columns, where plain tence, also, keeps his ax books I iail. and the business of the coll . tlon proceeds as usual,' being ; only: Juthiejail Kouse . ;r instead bf r the - coarb thoughts are expressed in plain lan guage. Sam Jones' English is gener ally fine, though not always polished or grammatically accurate. We are reasonably certain that Sam would never be buried hi "cenotaphs. If be does not know what a cenotaph is he knowaat least that the best English for every man is that which he can use best. fit. Louis Republican. ' ' . Another foreign s complication - Is likely, to 'follow quick! on the fishery dispute. The claim of England re garding the Haytian ports and the control of Xhe entrance. to ,tbe Pana ma canal assumes a :grave aspect In connection with the '"intiniatloni rt- 'gardiag theupatfohsorTortugM.' They are seusatlonal. unreliable and generally unfit to be 'read by the modest and refined. Their chief aim is to create a sensation, be It true or be It false Warrenton Qa. retted ' :"-",..'':,',;' it would be well to hearken to this voice of com plaint, for only by a hair's breadth did the State escape he clutches of the Republican par ty, . The oKl hulk", may be rotten, but rest assured' that there Is strength there yet, and If 'we don't 4 watch she j may, amid hex "dying throes, give us., such . a broadside that we may sink beneath the wayes of apathy '. and , defeat. Twelve odd years had .. enervated her, ' ; and victory after - victory had lessened her zeal and vfgl- lence but her . crushing defeat in the last Presidential election has aroused her dormant energies des peration has lashed disappointment into fury; and In the next election her mightiest efforts will be put forth to recover her lost ground, and may bear off the "palm of vie torypT Battlebbro Headlight. . The rapid growth of many of the industrial centres of the South, and the cofuequcnt Increase In the val ue of "real estate, have' led ' to the organlziition of many laud compa nies and to a real estate speculation that have some elements of harm In then, though not so dangerous as many have supposed. In the majority of cases these land com pa nles, while heavily capitalized, are based on something .solid,' having the development of the industrial in tersest as the main security ol their future prosperity. Hence they have devoted much attention to the establishment of manufactu ring enterprises aud thus, while enhancing the value of their own property, have been Instrumental In helping, their; whole neighbor hood. That the speculative mania has been encouraged too much In some cases and the price of real es tate forced up too rapidly here and there U ot course true, yet It must be remembered that speculation lsk to a certain extent, at the founda- tlon of all trade, and that where the developments have been so gi gantic as In the Scuth it Is imp BUCKLEN3 ARNICA. 'SALVE. The"Best Hal vs m tha" wo rid for Cuts, 'Bruises Sore. Uloen. -Kalt Rheum. Fever Sore, . Tetter,. Chap ped hands, Chilblains, Corns, all Skao irruptions, tnd poaiUvely cures PUea or no pay required It la guaranteed to give perfect satiafaetioo, or money refuuded. Price 25 cents a box., : XIL 1T7TJ1 4 QX, Ft r I 1 aCVtod aw arrvrml yrn wUX . immml hrrr. whtdi resvihMt l & food wvdtcti untMititam as our ao Uam aaord,ho AM ttctr to tor n to U Jcnmu fr atMfioDabMlu. ItkNtMluis SkvortM prMcrtcCMMi of cm at thm vMf. T-. bat to mo urmit wi t vm laaacwo 10 try -XfcxuMtti Jefferson Pavbi and ex-poslmasUr Gen. Campbell, of lhnadelphla,"are the only surviving members of the Pelrce Cabinet. ' l ' ". - ; ASTONISniNQ BTJcCi. It is the duly of every person wko haa used Bochees German Syrup t let its wonderful qariities be-kaewn to their frieods .ia uuiag consump tion, Mvre c-oaghs, orap, asthma. heumonia aad in fact aU throat aad unR diseases. N a person can use it without immediate relief. Three do ses will relieve any cae, aad we ooa- sider it tlie duly ol alt drugglsU to noommend it to the poor, dying eao. sumpure. at least to try one botuat as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold las year, and n one cas was reported where it failed. 8uea a medicine ! as the German Syrup cannot be too wide ly known. Ask your draggUl a boat IL Sample botu4 to try, sold at 10 cents. Iteznlar size, 75 cenU. ' Bold bv all draogits aad dealers, in the United States and Canada. , aat lwtt from la 03, 4 h aisW A.n.SHnttxT, ;: : - i .v. HEADACHE 1 lararialg n4 y teklay . JEEOITBUYmilESIIlil ' ' Eld 15D 51270C3 EULDiCZQ tl President Cleveland has Intimated that he will vbiU his slitcr, MrvBoy U at Beatrice, Kebl this iummcr ) Hi Epaulettes, abolished by law la the. French army In 1881' were" restored f., recently to the. shoulders of French HirSIAI'JjL1 soioiers. xne removal or them caused great dissatisfaction In the annyj and their restoration, which is credited ' to General Boulenger, has Increased his popularity in the i may. TYPIIOID 8CABXET AND YELLOW FEVERS, MEASLES; DIFTUEEJA, . SMALLPOX, CUOLE&A, ETC, ; Darby's Prophylactic Flaid will de- slroy the infection of all fevers aad all contagious and Infections diseases. WEI keep the atmosphere of any siek room pore and vrIesomt, absorbing as! de stroying unhealthy rSarla 'aad eoata.' gion. Wilt ' Deatralise. aay bad smell whatever, at by disgnlsinf it. hat by de trsyinglL . Use Darby's. Prapylaetie . ( tlnld ia every siek roea. - , . , m i . . f II arriet Beecher Stowe was' forty years of age when unc1e Tom's Cab-' in" was published. She hi now seven ty-fire. - ' ; . ' ' f j BENES IIER TOUTBv,., f J i (AaiM4. U4 aU rATKAT 4Uila M te44 t Sw KODSMATX XSS W ft s, piwif tbrn V. a laiM OAs, a4 we sw mm VM rmtrts ta Uas tlM tka bM mbm Im rjA.verox && momml pilawim- rrmm t iitmiin. w aa.ta m to . ts ta rr twi MMs.CowrT. Or e aiAUTirVLLV tLLU ITK ATID. This Barazlae pert rays AsserU taemxat aa4 life frwm te eeaa,lsfllle4 with pare klh-lau Ifteratare, aad eaa be'saiely Wei- la aay faaUly drU. r tlin 2Se. II S3 A TUI IT HAIL. 4mpU Cpf tf it tf IS 0Uj UeM t.rs, li (U. ' ' frmliM IJaC wUh ItaMW . J ... , ISO 4k 133 Pearl t.r?rY. It doea seem probable that - the : En- keep a good stock- of swine and practiced as well as preached, i " , ' . ""W' i; Ut.4 ' ? k We must hew to tne line ana make the chips' fall Wa fromu. Wei must remempexanat jnoso wno arel what name may be. Treatise on Blood not with the great mass of the par ty are against it, and act accord ingly, Tarbrough Southerner. gush government would rorce a prao tlcal application of the Monroe1 doc trine. It Is . certain r that President Cleveland and a Secretarj,rllayaid woald hotfiinch from any ; cOasequen- - tea that -'mlght fenow.fl(8!f:resouite mamtehance agafast atl' assailan i. i?tar, Ad. .firgan. r Mr. Phoebe Clietler, -Petersoa,' Clay ov, Iowa, tells the following remarkable tory, the truth of. which is vouched fr by the residents cf the town : "lam 73 rears old. aud hive' sible to prevent some over-trading, f been troubled with kidney complakt -Greensboro Patriot, v. J "'fPV I am free from all Pain and aoreneaa. and am able to do all my own noose- work. I owe my thanks1 to El ec trie Bitters for having rvnswed my too Lb, and.renaoved eompieteiy all disease ami pain," . . t . . - .. ' I . Try a botue, only W ceau t ur- I a wt iuuk ms o. HnfiiifiitB GO TO 80 t Can we raise pork on corn at cents per bushel - considering the the low price of i Western meat? We say that it can. be done . if we We who Tesuuiie Hants. 4- r- . r push them from - the start. know one man in this section has five pigs a little ovei, four months old, which have not eaten more than twenty . bushels of corn. Twenty bushels - atSO "ovnts .'per. bushel would be 416.00, It Is ea- timaled that the' pigs would averrge 0 pounds net each, or 300. for. the lot, which at 6" -cents ,Pef pound AN EDITOR RELIEVED. ite?f!v5 il8.W.t The pigs are in UMl (MUC( UVW aUVA LUUIU U3 .BV1U if killed and dressed at 10 cents per1 pound, say $30,00 fbr the lot; '-lor could be'nold on foot at $5.00 each or f25.00jbr hc(. lot, This would give pmfit even though they have up to this time been fed on nothing but corn, and slops from the kitch en through the cold winter months, Swift Saeeifie Co.. Atlanta. Ga. Gentlemen: - Up to two years ago, I had' naa a severe ease - or seisue rneamausm for, three years. , I tried the beat physi cians aud. medicines, Out without getting permanent relief. Finally,! tried Swift's Specific (S. 8. S.Vand before . I had . fin ished a doxen bottles, I was entirely weil,' I aad l aave Mtlelt a single pang vf ' then-, matism from, that day to this.r til ; , v Yoors respectfully, John T. Graves. .. ' . a . -" : .;. ; '. Dr. E. 7. Hale, the well-known" drar- gist and physician of - Nashville. - Howard -eauatvv. Arku, writes- "Having some knowledge as to whatS.S. S. is composed of. l-eaa safely recommend it as the rr eat remedy tor all skin diseases, it matters aot r-Danb ury Reporter. r i T. . .l and mailep free. "-- The 8wif t Specific Cov anta Ua. 8kin Diseases Drawer , 3. At- . . .,... ry. TLotk. Daniel Manning occupies one of the handsomest villas, in ; Bourne mouth, on the .South Coast of En gland.' "Merry Vale ILiU,' ' and is close to the beach. . .... I -TV. On 1 1 S the : . YAJUEY STORES' . , ... - u .- "" -ft i I f ;: -.! .:, " .... t . '""' :n .' i!'-r.'.rr:i:::j:':mr OPPfHHAKS DID' ET1HD, ' ': Cerisr Hiii kl M stmli ; . - "i vil '.". i ,tt : . rt: .., . ; "i -i' j id. i -r mi t and get ewrthing you wanl b the wa ft ft L ( Bart r. ros fntmitmr. Sana, k ; I ffl'MIUfm. WHM .HI ..11 . ! TM do. '.'cull's cc:::i cm:?. For the care of Cooeta,CcWi,nore cess, Crocp, itthnit, Bronchitis, WhoopLng , Cccgh, - Inopiest Coa aaasptloa, and . for the relief of casta samptive persona la adranced starve of the Disease. For Sale by d Drag gists. Price, sjccsU. . sssres gooosv . , Grocerifis:.1." OIGABS1BI5 Tobaccol:&'.c,,:c ., 1.- ."'. ' -i. j .r ; ' t IQrxx. ,T?oa pi ajui fT- , Oaix, A. oa w.aek Vjsv. Very Respectfully, .I'M W.TaCxJiTToer. 4 i I -'-4 - ' " l ':' ' ';... . . r.

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