V' . ' " ''-,' , . -;; v- ' lV':."v . -. . , '. -. ' -. . - . -..- I ntir CD ANCT 1M TalCCil ,1 . - . . .. . ..." -.. . ... . - ' I .THE FRANKLIN TIMES ! TiIKTntUUwIJasltiCwipip.; paUlib ia FrastUfc eooutf f aikl Us, " circulation cxtJ H orer rcr7 tto tioo of Ihij tl ! j-xiHnj eccatim. AdrrliMn Rhocld rlv ft r-.a her , One Tear Th Editor -will net ta ic??oum?U - HIC2 $1.50 PEU AIINirii'ln Advanco . i .......... I . . . r . . .. . i 1 - for U vi irt of orrcTj 3ttJU - . Xlona most e&roellj tOiicUA v J cm- Items of uj bu vJU b tLtrl-'jr. ' To CIbf of 5 The TntB&WUINi -,NO. 18. 1i S.) -J rcItred-- i- V.. . : -jH'y . -1 i ,.i -f!4'. 5 W nnr AbsolutelyPure, ; Tli powderever .yaries.'. Amiftrvel of puritr, streaj tk v iwd bleomene8. More'economieail tkthe4iryki 4i nd cannot be sold jjm" competition - with. '4he.mttltHnd ! lgwi test, flhrt. eyjht ailutn or phdspiuite poffdeTS-bOuy ol.x; is cans. -vKer.BAyo Powdke Cjl - i . ' " -lOff Wall SUN. Yi Methodist Be. A., MeCallewaftec services . everv- Saadav aoruiBw and nigW.-frayer meetiag ewrj Wedneaday. .UItfadayaebrtVkAt tor. i gervwes lt and 3rd Sandafauieaehi month, nioraitg and nigh. Prayer eefrr a nge verj,Tkiraday aigkt; sSaay Seaool 4 9 o'clock. A, 3f j v'.iv:- .-tSlf i UAtoa-OMEllis ? :'j;?f . -" .EgertonJ.-J. Barrow, JL A. Thviaasi ! Jo5STABLeIU D. Pinneil. - t f: t 1 Brd meeta Friday befare-fiwt lt4ay 4 a each montiti ' ..- ' . v.'.- J . FB ANKLIN ; CJOIIKTY ,T C Co'k3CisusES (i A Nash'i h'mn., S. J. rudtto, B. S. Fa.ter, F. 1 Pkre, W. it iiu- - r Superior 3ert Clerk A: V-j Pieec; Regiatr of Deeds B. KJJullopk. Slieriff-r-ll. C. Kearaey. ' , -s - v Tr.- i rer It- P. CUUuu - - ll .' S.iijir'uitenlefls af Faklic Iattetii-- -J. JfrilarriA . Keeper For House W. PiaaelL Scp't of HBALTn DrE. S. Fwrtec jjc) A.B O F ED UCATI03L x Geo. S. Bitkec, Chairutaa, K. (i. Cony-e . : N.YXJalley- t- -- ' N. llama, fteereUiy. .'. .:. The SapriBteudeuf wlH lie im Jjsm's 'burgon the second Thnfsday f FIv uary. April, July, September. Oeto-i r aul December, and remain for thro ! da va, if neees"y. far the . p'!-: jiae of vxatuinia airatato . teaeh ii the puUieekolsj4FranklUi Cotm- PROFESSIONAL CARDS Jg B. MASSES UBG. ATTORNEY AT LAWf c ft 1"td'triStfBtftf c.t " Office in the Cowrt Hease. AllLbiisinesa put in my hande wut areceiyeiarenat aitetioaw's- y?f O. M.0OUKU. a fT' r and JQU J5SEL LOB at IAW, LOUISBUK6, FRA.KKLIN CO., NC. 11 attend the ; tieurts) tit ZNaSh, Crank in, r. Crrniivitte, CWarrea, and Viike G ounties : alee 'Vke 'pieme Court of North CaroHfra, and the U S. Circuit and District 5ourti2Ji U. JvE MALONK 'Jit, " . V f Office 2 doors . below Tormao ft iCiHjke's Drug 3tere adJoinutgDc-tSu ? .y A ,i .! E W TlMBERLAKE, -ATTORNEY AT 'LAW : . "z 'ijQmsBTOQiwrcrff : Office i he Ceeii House ..CI? ; .- .,-.-r--. v rATrj CP-zotti omp DayZ61Iicotier:T : 'ATT0UNEY5 AT LAW. .; . HDEiasoji HZ T'raCfiee iMhe courts o,;Frahkiinv V anccGtanville,: Halitax, and Ifforth-narapton-and the Supreme aad Fed ieral coarts'of the State' & hfK-v TVTEEDHAM Y. GULLEY, ? ; -;v:'il"t,-ifef 'rl-hlapocketi yOu must be i & ' person : I J S4511 j? 8 s pf very low In t;ll ience , f : r A MINT AS TO .WOMENSI WA- nil ;-pr.y..n. j rTwO' pr$nt,. .recently; coniinz nome irora worK in.tne nse-car. Were overheard to hold the follow-' irJrst Printer: How'sJ yomr; pf- ficci? v.AU: union area? is1 6econd Priaters Ko-i-all orta We like our pay nd hours and joiL. our ofSeel 4Tirsis!-'asay all sbrls. Do you meaiv umv luurts .uru auy . wiw jecondV:'':Ye8; there aro several I ; lret: Any -the union? ' of them belong to -j ; Second: I don't know: -about '.that, but: I think. they ought to. , j vFirsl: ir How's that? ! J Second: ' GoocL gracious! jlron't !youv thidk they ought to get as iuuch for a. thousand ems as we do? . .... t. . . .- . 1 First Oh! I don't know.I suik. they oughtitdi If they Ido-as-! : Socood:! ?hey doi Well asineo you' bet. - But not only thatcaa! ti you seolhat if womcu a4i golog. to get les wages. tiaa men We must' alt unite' and see thai they getjust as inuch everv timerr Tv !- lit i lFiretWhy?trt iisecona: well, i simuia say tna H wereleep JJo you" want -6men 'dIvingSjus meTtprhUers kll out of- wprk?lAttd ifthey work- cheapert;;won't everybody, be for iinDtoylng thrn? Di -'ypu suppose kny rnian is gein tohiw araaci' for $2.00 when he.caa getl a womarx Who wiildo tfaework just aV-well .First; Sure enough. Second: - I should say- that it wassure enough 'i X-tell Hrbu we su4iatJfiin-logether ,aud , see that woineu-' are paid just as much as. men, or else they'll drive us out of rtie Dusmess. ".VI TIie. mills of - the gods1 grind slowly; but thy Igrlnd- exeedlug small." ' - - - ?- Xt i becoming- more : ana more patent everyjday that the very ne cessities of the ease are going to make women Hie care of men in the Watt er of wrages. Men have been driven very largely out of the Reaching in .the: common sehools, at least In the northern states, by the' cheaber suddIv lot, women. : ' " 7 . m i Hen hive not : minded this tery 1' much." ; Schoolteaching is drugery, and, though it is in many respects thenoblebt avocation . to"; which a human being can devote , himself, men have not seriously 'grumbled of beiog turned put of the field. : But when women; fairlyU: en tew th irarfps and. hlerhpr nrofpssiofts.' . 8 well-efluippedearnesti high-mind ' I . i htn vt mv . lnrtk our. -. for s gofid eal of interesting history.- . .She has only begun as yet, but men are already .coming i to see inteii.g nt tnose are wuogive ex-i.-iVi- j i---''.? ' H.A'm.ni.lM'-1 pressitin tosuch sympathy, the greater that, in order to save themselves,,. e5r te .,l),uJ JH4-Jtt-toe -more they must see that womon 1 fare as 14iey 4o themselves. " , . In shbrtmen are coming slowly tcf percieve that the two great' di visions of the human race -are one in ,4. there : interests, 4. their rights, their aims; that what hurts women hurts Hlw$6lef;to np women ;utir jiplJ-; IJ" It will be a great thirig" when ihe ;equal . pay ; questions iare set : tied; but how mneh ? greater when ever mother in 'the land ' is an ed ;2teai$i wonien! .' It'ls-; eyemore ineeessary -that equal -endowments should belong ;to thevfather ahd mother in a home, thari.that ;'equal pay should belong to meiv-printers, and women-printers. ' " HE COULD NOT HAVE BEEN KILLED EITHER. til if ' Kentucky Coronor (sarcastically) to witness) You say ' that a quart bottle full,bf whiskey: was found in the pockets, and yet you think the1 unfortunate man. .committed Wctaet9 TJ Witness--Yesf sir., -V-?ii-' S: f ; Kentucky Ckroner-WelI if you think that anybody would commit suicide with a quart :of . whiskey in f,Domocracr6traightout; w '. good i f Madame1 Mbnt-c:. , " who' jj,sw .Y11 eiokVfoWse,'itti4;wiUli)rbTe d'iediQ Iaria'!tt thefctl :Ufthe! jcept afrUgeble da;' She W to he good enough la, town ym tbsi Xf jKtn 'XodLj'. 1 .lippe,' ' ,e1,?t",, ... . iv' ment. liave trlid it lif fatouad passeii her one hundred ca J: elev-J : . wA,-,-. ... , i Ve agtee tritb rthe Raleigh Chronv cUltatahe Slate Pemteiwyii'a: nu:8Uoce to good peopte aad ',luirIen- i.?rae toiaxrpfije rSeivThe jhippin2 r px8 tls far .betUr. than a penitentiary, where thief cs and ecoundrels are fed and jEattau&l-T-C har!ptU.i0emo1aU" -.The public toad of the Stale .will be worked by.taxatloa- it! ilesa than j ten years; we believe. i xuat is tne only .way ta work'lhe roada,; " Let a wheel i&x? be Icried for the pur- po e of wbrkins? the roads, we say.' We sliall elaborate this subject iu the future .Wilson Advance. " ' .'f. f -Men w ho ' haw -beea nneompro- mising la their hatred of Deinocracyj I ho believed 7: Bepublicanism: I 'i rr m I Godj begin new; U see thatYtherej ie 1 gooa uie pancxpieaauyocawa oy. I S.?rtTWrH r.W; I i.n aas bcen wen v .wtetrbeart coutent and now;after tw6 years i of Democratio rule, they can ' compare the two :aud give In theh verdict. It in the Democratic party, a' parly that desircti honesty , in its adminialra jlion of its affairs ; that is' opposed to rascality and its nog that - demands Vqiud jasUceVtO all ; that makes the South of to-day what she is. : a Southern man fu-1 to the breeze of anyother banner ? 'Can . a laboring man who Uunki..who sees the olesa- ings are conferred upon him,,. iu. the development of on t industries, Md-b-eate any-dthgr ? ' Ve tliink not , for it is sureTy the laboring man's part." Fa velte viae Observer. Way doesn't the President convene c ngr s. to repai tne Inter- t .te Coium t e bi.l, the most tlaugercius act ever iis-d by airy, legislative body in tfiia : country? Scotland Keck D-snioerat. - . . ' One of . the l iws A'.itlDrizes thj State to pay house rent . for. the s Gov ernor, and f'irnisli Ileitis an 1 fael, Thai's a,n iight, 'as ' the,- Governor's aaUry cau't be raised daring his term of otB . tThe Go v-iruor's salary ",s fixed by law; Ui S3,0Od: "' The Legisia. are took a short way - to raise it to about (3 700, The Tact is, th Gov ernor O'jght to receive a salary of $0,000, buti.o Palace to live in- and be aunoyod with- company,'. Char-, lotte DcmjeraL- t Men are put in tl peniteiitlaty to be punished f r theit .crimes. , Tlie thlev 'and in urdarcrs and oiher criiniaals of the hiu i arc .coo fined to hard Labor,' not to. be prayed t over , or teated with. For the protection of society thia isdone7 tWo have no"bl-" jeetion to any ret'orinaiory measures that may be undertaken : for theur re ' cJamation in a religious way, ' but we should, as i it'zena of North Garoliria, seriously -J object to ' anything that tenda to promote' Hot orj interfere With penalties." sympatay. with not- j ouS convicts is nothing more or . lea than highly c:iminal. And the more : their respo; iignry resuiw to the -vmore ignomnt outride our prison Nor is thi s any the less deplorable and despicable be cause of the use of thei matter thai may bo made by corrupt politicians. S far as the late outbieak at the pen- itentury is concerned,,- wo may say thai the authorities acted mildly too mildiv. ,Wa. faar. :bad disnosilion. iwas encpuragoa Cunvveti-areti oe pfeuisoeu nos xeu. uuui uiey aroaices and fat, and thus encouraged to'.diatm bey those. in anthorit ji-UaleighBer. cordei ; tj'ft-i.ir.'vlvi ifl-l L:i. Ifi. BURNED TOf DEATH-SUSPI- CIONOFFOUXPLAY. J , News of i horrible' affair reached Wadesboro Wednesday, i It is to the efleet that; Aron Pratt v and his wi fe, two very oid colored people, jiving. Jen; thepremises-,of Sam Pratt, near Carlo, were burned ; to death last Monday, night. Their house ; wad; ; burned last 'Monday night; Vand ;ln the morning ;j the' jcharred and " s4Isftgured remains krere found Id th rlns, vjW bould learn no further particulars up ! to the time of our going to press. .In- Udeed there seem to be no further : particulars. All that seems to - be knewn ' Is that; . the house was burned and; the tenants' perished in the flames,, t. . i .'C'-J. - . - 1 " -f There Is a suspicion .that the, poor old people were foully dealt "With, but we can learn : nothing definate - 1 butwe n Cn the subject. -'nrZ': v' ... i : L'..1 , . . .. ; 4?JHOW IIE KNEW t-? v-'u ij lak! iyalt'overywcrr.Tv-'3 in !the( Garden of the Laxemtuv V i;.0ne morning while t! tt!rj on ..ft oencn, there, she becan-1 .'. c c-t;och and a lijsa ofUe. Liiortfto go" Jttome,' but a he had XbrgoUen '.not only i where ;Ehe: lived,' r but "her: name-as welUl.ffi.ff-iU v-je She caUed gentleman who was. -paS8ing;"ii:ii'i. ? -vj t HVill; yoa tpleaser conduct ' tne. homesir?',,; ' : y:- The gentleman offered : htr arm.' Where do yoa Uve madame?' he -skedi ,yv -''iU ; -V'( ': "I cannot remember the - street or the nu!nben said aher"an(r. what'is worse: I cannot remember what my nameVfei' -But perhatw yidli mVulideraUna better v why1 1' Bh0ttld beta this ' plight tf .1 teU yoa that Inmone hondrecria devenears bld f ;Jt u fr M "une nunarea ana eleven' years bldir he exclaimed. cThen :;"yoa must be Madamef de Kontgolfier, who Uvea at Number heenteen, llued,l(BrLvli...',-;: :-l:.i. ,:, ExactIy sirj - am she V- the old woman, exclaimed, lu deligh't. She, had found. out who she was. She was conducted, to her home and j died peacefuUy, within, two I days i r MEAT AND DBINKi '' Taking excessive jcare about 'Ulet ia believed to be a cause of dyspefS" sia:- .. .:V'v.i A white saecharioe powdet de-f ri ved from coal tar serves to sweet, en'the tea'and coffee of dibetlc' pa tients. - ... . Cotton seed oil is among the as toalshlng variety of things ' In the clieese we eat which have no busi ness there. . ,- ... . .. The recent Increase in the supply of eggs haa been; ehiefiy:, from the Southwest. ".A Heavy , Northwest : surplus Ls expected In this market. It Is declared Impossible to de tect tht cotton seed oi adulteration of lard, the case being much h more difficult than that of olive oil in-; spectioru tl n - . One of the feminine butce ra who has had & place for v twenty five years in Washington Market,' boasts Of being able to- cut ' up a calf quicker than any man '"' "!t4 i Good buttermilk made Lfrdm -sweat cream and taken Tresh, ia 'ft form of food found serviceable In' cases of diabetes. " A lietof pure' bukwheat flour cakBa ' has also proved advantageous' glycoiurla.' 1 No, more bleoraargarlQe ; under the name of butter . in fair France. And the plain characters . of mar garine,'? or 6lemargariae,V. must be burned into every fbrmt. of arti ticle . containing , .these ' manufac tures. ' ' . Jrs. "-,- i "i ..... MATCH-MAKING i:. 'For the a first two or three dajr after mgmBuSsU'lhuig.''go on the wedding Ivery welVtliat Is, While the famUis . .LiliAL Among the , wealthier Bussuuis the r. marriagebU daughters very . hand- somely and take them to a . city gar den,T admething . like Boston Com- rmnn ! ,:'..v'-'.l J-V ff ' ;wvi ; 5 ' j. The sukdreases of the girls are tm- ftkei anything uyon ; ever saw here.' Thev are ninki yellow " or sky 'I. blue; witn tuige cowers or contrasung- coi- orss The girlffare arrtflT'as susar loaves In them. , The mothers ;, and daughters' seat themselves on benches In the garden, and all the young men who want wives parade before them. The'glrl never look at the men.; They sit until 5 o'clock without 'saying " i jword.' -Theri they go hopae and" wait. Jn two or three days, or perhaps a Aat the husband beatahla wife; : and ppem." V4; V r?1 t y S If he does, not beat her she thinks it Is bh which was -wrlteii: -.-We de- j. 1 nriTrnW nl 1 ferr asi iBfllPMll-S i - ' . ' - - I . .. . MAvroTtnf1 DTTvvP3u . I I II aw.-BtaftMaa.v i aikt fofthe' mother fcnd"besUx' to There areiudd to W 600.000 opium' , con&mers in the United rt&ter. "The fchlgan-LegUla tare haapct a prioe oil t lie heaJa' of,:Englia,! epar; - 'The'Feconi United State Infantry- 18 the oldest organization. In the regu lar army." ' J !jl ' f i'i "' -' KriippV latest gun 'sends a ball two tons in ' weight throagh thirty-eight Inches' of aolld Iron. . ; -x - . MrBcecher'a books. "enCTaTlnca, etchmgs eW, aire to be 'sold by auc tion, probably in November. ' , One1, of the features' of 'the Queen s jubilee will be a grand review of all the English troops'at Aldershot. " A bit of Chicago land that coit Ben- jamU Shurtleff fS00 la 1357 wa told by hUn theother day fcr'..lM,O0O ui Acwrding.fOjthe Baptist., year, Book. for 1837. there are 2,732,570 members of .tlt In the United Slates, . . SAVED IIIS LIFE, - Mr. D I Wileoxson of Horse Cave, Ky.. aays he was, for many year bad ly afflicted with Phythude, also DIs-' betea: Ute pains were, almost unendn. rabie ana woiua sometimes almost j throw' him" into tontulslous. He I, tried Electric Bittars and got relief from ftrjt bottle and after taking six bottle, w eii iirely4 cured,, and . tad gained In flesh' eighteen' poundu. Says' he positively believes he would have: dit d, had it not beetr f or the relief .af forded bv Electiic bittferi.1 Sold at fifty ctnls a bottle.- -vtVlV. ...TT A MEAN MAN. w OM Billy vr. was one of the rich eat men. who. lived, some . fifteen years ago, in that Part of, West Philadelphia called" Man ma; and one of the meani est men who everdrew breath. One day he took & Lancaster Avenue car for the city, carrying in his - hand a basket of superb white grapes, raised in. his own greenhouse. . Old Billy sat in one corner of the car, and a . poor mother with a sickly child in her lap sat in the corner opposite. The child looked at the grape wistfully as the car rolled on, square after square. At last the old man In a- tone of j rasping curiosity asked the -child where the was going: -.;-.;.:!' To the park sir,toee the grass andthelirds."- w i - . Do yon like grapes f .'1V !rrf and th -nalfl faea brln4it ened up as the child half rose from' Its T .i. iMt- . "... mcthm lap.- ' " ''."- ' The eld man lifted up his basket of ' luscious fmltrand plucking" one , grape from a gigantic bunch gave It to the child. '.""'-' - - The rest iof the ''passengers ' said nothing, but the way they ' looked at : tlie old man would have split a stone .poet, t ' - ! BUCK LENS' ABSlk S VLVfl -. ' ; The Best Halve' in 'the world or fSif- HthIim. Roras TTlrers.- Halt Rheum,"FeYer Sores, -Tetter; I Chan- Etd hands; Chilblains, Corns, all Skin ruptlona, md poaitively cure Piles or no pay required: It4ia guaranteed to give perfect aatlsfaetioo, or money ref uuded. Price 25 ceuts a boxV ' ' c- . "t vT I V A : QeTgytnaa . relatea that ; on - - ,,i tninilnai '.m 1 ,"7 J ptev toveltf I ? PZZrZl iTT mAtalned the' arrlake' fee.''rOn r,It U the doty orevery person who uied uhee's German Sjrop to jet iu wonderful qurUtiea be known to their friends in curing conuznp- tion, severe cougha,-eroup, asthma. pheumonia and m fact ell throat erul diseases. No. person can use it without Immediate relief. Three do-; set will relieve ahy case, and we con- sider it the duty of all druggists to rveotnrnood It to the poor, dying eon, tumptire, at least to try. one bottlet as 80,000 dozetf bottle were sold Lis year, and no one cast was reported where it failed; Suea a mediciae as the German Syrup cannot be too wide ly known. Ask your druggists about it. Simple bottle to try, old at 10 cent. Eegnlar size, 75 cent. 8old ht all druesiita and doslers,'-i the United States and Canada,- . air . a. aTutK si aTraa m v was n w s a i 1 1 . AHLUiltOUUIW OUbViMtli - "11 II - I -- -BE : K2ND! TO THE OLD. ; . ' Be kind to those' who are In the au tumn of life, for thou knowest not what suiTering they may ' hare eu dared, or how ' much, may tUU ; be their portion.. Are they querulous and mireasoniile t Allow tiot hki anger to kindle against them ; rebuke them not. for. doubtless . many. Lara beea tha croaaes and trials of earlier years, and perliapq their deposition, while hi the ppring-time of life,, were 'more ncxft!4ha. thlae TJwTiTT Do they require aid of thee r Then ren der it cheerfullr. and forget not . that the time may come when thou may est desire the J same, a&sistaoce from others that tho readerest unto them Do all that U needful f..r the old." and do It wiih aUcrity,ADd think' it not hard if much is required at thy hands ' . lest when age has set . Its seal upon jthy.brow, and enfeebled ,tby limbs ; with trembling, others way wait pa .thee un.willuigiy, and feel jeUeved when. the. cbffinlld hai. covered thy . j j .. i - ... face forever. , . ' . . , ..vx0j,t EXPEBIUEKT. m ii;i. ; . - . i f i --Ten eannetafioid to waste time . iq expexlmning when imr lungs are in danger. Consumption always, seem at first; only a eold. Do' not permit any dealer to impose upon ; yon : with some cheap imitation of Dr. .King's Ne Discovery for. .Consumplivn. I coughs aud colds but be sure tou get the genuine. Beeaosehe can make UUIC lICUk no uiij-Kii juii'g tun so me turns? just as poo a, or jast mo same. Dou't be deceived, but hni-t ; upon getting Dr. King's New Dis cevery. which. .is guaranUed to alve" relief hi all throat, lung and chest af fections. , , .... . -A Handsome young ; bride waa t observed to be in - deep reflection on her wedding day. . One of her bridesmaids asked her the subject' of her meditation. Iwas think-: Ing which of my old beaux I should .marry If I should become a wid ow," she smilingly answered. OYSPEPSIl Up to a few weeks so I considered ; : tnyseir tb champion DyspepUe ol ; American Dnrlna the years that X nor neon affllctad I hare triad almost everything claimed to tw a 8p9clflo for Dyspepala la the hope of ' iwwiipg something that woold aiZord . : permanent relict I had about mada up my xnlnd to ahajidon all madl . elnea when I noticed an endorsement - I .' Taromtxtent Osorsian. a jnnst wnom '1 knew, and concluded to try It i enecxa in my case. I hare used but ' ' two bottleav and .am saUsfled that X : : hare atrnca: the right thing at last. . X felt lta benendal effecu almost im mediately. .Unlike all other prepara tiona of a tn.- kind, no speciaX Instructions are mrolred as to what one shall or shall not eat. This fact I alone ought to commend it to all ' troubled with. Dyspepsia, . . . j.ir. noLMxa, 1 .- . ' ' . " Ylneland, 3T. , COriSTIPATIOtl if ' To Seeare at Begalar liui i uy : ,i wld t alngtctae DUitDU- ' .( eryaaislag the Sjntat. take . i EEIIIOltSlIVES REGULATOR i . -'-' nf ecMume aAwMtvas sv -' i J. ff. ZEIUM & COAsMladitphh. i I . aaaaaaaaBsamas t I Lel me sec, said the minister, jwhQ.wai filling up ' a marriage cer tlflcate . and had - forgotten the date, this Is the firth, Is It not?" Np, sir, replied the bride,- with some Indignation, , Vthls Is. only ray second!"; i.-JiO -i . mm si.siiir a iprono rou. OIIAII'S PISEASES r?ii MENSTIlUAtriOrr or. priTIILT.:BIQIUTE3a. If tskea dorisc tse CHIXCTS OT T TTX, peat offering a ad danaer vO b imiM. nTSaai fee i aoos - hmmi to worn, lira. XiaAirau XUerviT9S Co, Auaata, Us. m- - " . i 1 . . . I a SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSaBS TT7. 1 1 MuUhn i An Ohio lover, writing to i hXt Bweetheartt"BXpatlalng . trpoo h,!a effecUon for ,hcr, describes , his heart as bclnz rolled out Cat llke4a I Dan cake and folded around hcrsl ' .' . . t .. fi.it i In,1 1 ll' w w to rfSi.y"to SALYATIOHOit,: .T1 Or txt Ctm wuj rcuer oorw wncstry-iaas aay oua nowa rtaNj. KMnuuua, : N e nralgia, S wa Ilia g, B mi a, B atss i ' S caHa , Cu ta, .um biuga, Cora a, Fro 1 1 '-bites.- Backache, WemU, HsaacbeTi Ttthacht, S prab , ft e. &al 1 by aUn DmzzUti. Price U3 Csts a Dettla, , , BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTaATSO. Tklt Marazlaa portrays Asmrl1. ' cam tkoti;ht aad Ufa IVwsa cru u! I oaaa, is fiUe4 witk fare kltWUif , ; literatare, amd caa m mxu y jrvW oaaea ia may faaally circM s i - flirt ago, h t3 a tlu rr euju - ' r - "I 190 St 1X3 Pcri ru, W.T. OtjUlned. sad ail PATLfiT MLiMA. Undot M for KOnnATT. TtTX. Osr mGwt oprmite th D. a FftiwU oeves, asd w m V tU lMpn la teai brat than tSoa Nam ttmm WAitixaro.v. .ad model, dma a r mom of InrrnUoo. W sdrtoa m to alMlMr rne(rtMnraaM wMks0 UlAUmt v.fLhss PA TLXV IS nEvvmzt. - - - - For rtrcuUr. adt lea. ermm a4 Mmi ts artal siienu fa Jmt trmm Mat. Oonty. Ctif C Xova, will to i . - i . I1..,.. ...,.t.'.qJ xxs k- 1 ..." r...M.v THE VATJE Y:ST0ft&; - AT- DFPfBHiHS OLD ST1HB, Comr Hail aiLMStoti;; I .. . - t and get every thing you want In the way. of . - r wJ -v .1 - :Groceri(i3; . 'i.Y fine mm. a t q rrNi FINE FIN L; Tobacco; & ci, &c 01X17 -Po n rsjtH OK VAJiX 1. 1 1 t . . v. Very Besyectlully W.T. Currox. i i J I it. , I ; j t ' I.J ;JMM!M!J': mk,r 1$ CO. Hi mtmm awaw RDFF1H:F0GG- ;; FASHIONABLE BABBEB, ' " " ' ' - ; - - LocztBtmo, NO.. t My shop b still ra urt Street. .wlere I will be pleased to have my. mewis ana patrons cait to see me. I 1 ll t" 4 1 '-.;--:-' ;..- 4. -?'..'"?ri .V