T HEFK AN KLINfriMESf jil ; PPBX.ISHED t El EKY FttlD AY . JAMES A.TUOMAS;: J;y 'l -1 Editor and PrOj ref.or RATES One Year $150 00, To Cubs of 5 The Times will t'e fnrnishp.d at a 1.40. " AbutelyPure riTtt-vwarever vairiV : A marvel of purijy,, . strength , ana -whoiesonieness. . More economical man me oruiDary k.ibuh, and cannot be sold r in competition with the multitude of low test- nLort weight a,laut or bhoBDhate bowders. Bold OXX.T IK Cik'S. HOYALi iSAJLlNG IrOWDEB" VO., . - . 1 W Wall at. K. Y.; General Directorv.- - ; Ail S.'d I CHUBGHES. 'S-.i Kr:?. . Mbtuodist liev. A.. McCullen. pastor jr vices" every - Sunday, mornings and aight;.i rrayer .meeting every Weduesaay . utgut. Buaday school o'eioes: a, m. : month, mrning and night. ? Prayer meet? J g ewry Thursday nig!t. Sandav bckool 1 WAVOR O. L. EUR - . : ri " J .stmioxK tti Thos. white.VF.N. . Egertoir, ,7.'J. Barrow, J.'A.; Thomas.; "v; ' -'t CoSSTiBLB U. TV PinneiL ' - Board meets Friday before first Monday. In each inoatii, - . f.. r ; . - " . IIl A JKLIN : COUNTY: , ' ; ' Com;.MIS.SIoNEU3 O. A. Nash, -h'uin., 15. mdiiiK It. Si. If cater, F. P.Pieree, Wv S tpe ir Conrt Clerk AI W. Pierce. " , Register of-Deeds-B.! F4 Bafioek: W Sheriff K-Cl-Kearneyi Wikrib iTreasurerB: V, 'Clifton. ip-iriiitoudeut of :Publics lastructioa Keeper Poor TIonse V. Pinnell.' -. ' 1- Hve't V UsaLtu -Ur. E. S. Fuster. , ' - -; V-v a j UU:2. ' -; : :"' -v:: ' BOARD O F ED TTCATION. i- Geov S. Biker, Chairman, i-f-' K. tr. Converse -f, " i : '; ; .' . ' -v N. Y. Gulley-W'S-V'il-t- ; 'JNIlarns, Secretary. ; ii. ' J Tio Sup triuteudent will in Lon's- Varg an the eviid Thursday of Feli- uaiy. April, July. Septemb--r Oct-- l:r au l December, atu) "remain for thre-r dv8. if necessary, for thCL. pnrr ; pose of vxaminin applu aiits to teach the public echojU ..f Eranklin coun- rKOFKSSIONAli CAR DS BUMASSENBUliG; LOtJISBUUG.N. c. c ; " Office in' the Court House. ; ' AiLbusincss put inmy haDds will receive prompt attention f ! O. AlCV r and ;OTIN3ELLOR at LAW. r.omsBcrito, rnNKLtxco.,K. cCs vV.ll attend the Courts of Wash, Frank in; . G r m ville, Warren, and Wake (lounties also the" Hnineme Court of Korth Carolina; and the "Ur H. Circuit and District Oourts. - y U. J. E 'MALOXK ' . . . ' ' .Ofllcei 2 doors ; be.low ' Fnrnrian " & CJ xke'a Drug Store, adjoining Dr.O. : Ellis.. -V :ct irl.'lfth' ; ' ; W TIMDEBIj AKEi .-S-l. ; . - LOUISBURO', H. 'C. Office fhe Court House "w h.day. '. a . c, jsolmofpep. ; -ATTOrtErATyXAW,;' HENDERSON K. C. Practice it) the courts of Franklin, Vance, Granville, Halifax, -and liTorth-"nampton-and the Supreme and-.Eed-oral courts pf the StatA K i Z ' ' '" -r . V ; ' ' , :EEDRAllmXEY :ATT0B2JEY-ATtLATV; I :'jr cgoti atioa of Loans and collecting a . . s - - iCroyal pr.t a , J - V" -J- : -i J. . A THOIIAS,: Editor and Proprietor. OEi': V ---j-J '.it ' ',' iWISHES.1 iWhatever you want, i you wLshi !.of it With dastentyearning and ferrent de- If yoor wish- aoara npward v oaiiwings so; strong ' v-r-i'.-.t: i -; :- 1 That they never grow: languid and never ; tire. - .r : ' .. ... ..a v. -: Whyorer the - Btorm-cloads, and out of sit shaHeonie firing someday to yon. . vo uig w V au wu 4 the ark;;:;-! -7vt ? : " ''And' ;ttie dream you havc' cherishedi it ": shall come true.' ' if '.But. Jest much rapture should . maKe vim mid -'; . ' '" ''" ". ... l ? Cr too bright sunlight should strike you v Shall come like , a shadow that follows behind, tf.fCt Mi K. ;".'' f V r' 1 &mViliine nnwelcome andunforseert 11 s yt of your hope and your wish ; pari, 'ball stand like a sentinel in between ; The jer;ect Joy ana the nuinjn flearv -T wish for a cloudless and colden day; It came; but I looked, .frommy winaow 10 see A giant sliadow which seems.io say "if you ask for the .sunlight you - must "11 you ' lak ke in t . wondrrrnl thiiit? ia the humaja'will Witii f Mtrviutr one Durixwe and ek' But I Uiiuk it wiser i usf toldtsijll : And except whatever the : goua may V- : send. :". ;.; V .... VT-:: SAVE THE CALVES, f The fiy' England - Farmer 'gives 5i k some bod advice j (o ; Eastern ? dairy far nier a j an d if folio we J up t it .may prove equally profitable to dairy farnv ejr outside of, IN eW" JiUgland. i:., Ve quote only a part of the article, which is athoughtful one and ; meets pros pective ciitkisms inadvjinc;There are several reasons why Eastern dai ry farmers should raise mre calves this" coming year than has been' their custOnivrTlie 'first realon i'because- they never r used as many as they should. , ToO niiiiy calves arlkilled at two or three days' old, - and loo many more are sent to the butcher at fouef weeks! old which should, be kept t"supply the place of the old cows as . dej)euding.iupon ; purchased 4'uulkers from the stock markets- Other ihings. being equal, a cow Is ,always . worth more if raised on the '. farm i than ' if boulit from abroad. She knows ; her. kcep-'reiknows her place, and has no desire to Jump , fences and wander away. - A poor fence is respected by a cow that learned to respect it when a ilf too small or, tod weak t to jump or break it. There are -manyliuore valuable bulls' in 'the country to breed from now than jafjew. yeaago; and the quality pfthe calf stock Is cpnse- ' quently improvetl, and it is wrong to throw away the , increased prohab ili tics. iBut one of the strongest reasons for raising our own stock at the pres eh t time is that we may be more -inde -pet dent of . the : live stock markets. Contagious, pleuro-pneumonia ; is ? es tablished in some of the ! great stock centres g It is hoped not permanently; but possibly it has come to remain. It has already: greatly injured ,?tlie. trade in stock bulla for the western ."ranges, and threatens the entire cattle . indus try of the United Slates r -If ; the di- scascjets a firm foo thold,. it will not onlydestroy mariyj valuable animals and herd3. butitwili discourage breeds era and stock owners gcuerally in , the lnlected dlstnctss Consdquantly, less heef will be grown ;.auc fprices j must eventnalli riaeiAs' it takes two or threXyeareatJeasttQ grown cow or steer on the T market, we must plan well ahead. If the disease gets beyond w&vol and inva4e tue live-ejtock narkeU generally, :'. farm- ers vho desire Id continue stock hus ,.bandryLwill each hav .to r.-r quarantine their own farms in pcjer to keep llie disease out. v I? will not be safe Cto 'buy iin j th ing i not known v to - have come from a non-infected far m ir lo jcaiitylHbme-grown stack; f under such "drcum si premium. " We should therefore bo looking pat now fo't hejfrsv to'taka the place of -tho old cows which must be Eold two or three years hence, :-;?Bf :"s If the disease gets on the: f anges, . or l ihe; cattle" owners fear I to ! ' trust their live stock itt'cattle' ears or in ptock yards, for fear of infection, hen the beef must rnre; than heretofore be d ressed near where it is prod uced. ' s.:No man knows what a ministering angel his wife i3 until he "conies; home one' day suffering "I wi th' ;? a dreadful cold and she happens to bave a . bot tle of Dr. Bull's Cough Sjrupi in - the house. ' ' . .. . - ! f THE OtJSEHNLD.-.r; I RrtH-i? Jkt.t v. Ouabox ot.eela- I n3pai4' iu .tf;piat wia'aterj juice of fnur lemo?, two. cups, of I D,.,i ...Mu a,,Hmnr hnil- 1 Dugai auu aam wuw w ' 1 inar water.-cbeat-i to -a- irota- tue i wUites the oyer hal f of stmwberrj, put the. pink top serve-w-ith rich creaua sweetenea l and flavored wVlh -vahiria or boiled custard. Jellied ) CniCKE. B o i I chicken 'until the meat slips " easily from the boiies, thou reduce l the liquor ia which it has ;ljeen boiled to one piut.4 Pick off, the; meat in good size pieces, taking out all the fat and-bones. Ski in. the fat from I the tiquori add V'ittk butter;' :ahd I rjeper ana salt toj taster, aoa one- i half ounce of eelaline.i -Wiien tne gelatine t is dissolved j; bring'1' the liquor altnost to boUing. . .point, and then pour- it over the cliicken. Season the liquor, very ; highly as1 the chlckeo absorbs .much it of!1 ti ;-'ApEtt(?AT:-PrjtoDiNaTako half a pound of staid spungo cakd or'any other weet cake nnd soften it I In' milk ; ; puta " layer of tho rnoiatened cake in an earthen, bak ing dish ; tiieu, a layar of preserved fruit either strawberries' or ' rasp berries i then another layer pf cake and so on until - the dish is ; full. having tho. : t op layer : of . cake; Beat one . egg very light with two tnbli-spoonsful of sugar ; and mix vl,th one quart of niilk.f Pour this slewly over the . cake and nld ' two tablcspoonsfulU) of sherry. Bako in t a oderato oveuVuiid " serve cold.'.,:-i-''ir;j. .:- ? . j -.t'j :. i How : to Boil Onion3. To every quart of un Ions. you will need a quart of cold , water .and a tablesp jonfull of salt. r Boil slow- ly for two hours,' tlien ' dnthi t hi a colander and. let thtra get cold Make a Siiuco witn -a tablespoon- ful of butter the same of .flour and one-half pjait of milk, .rub butter and flour thoroughly together and add a liUIe black -jpen ;.bo;ii the milfcr jinrl nnur It nvpr thft tlnnr And I -uuv cvui v.... ...v ..v. ri", And stir at the,; same time p smooth; put the : onions in buttei", to keep the sauctr and : let - them remain there until the ' sauce boils : the sauce ought to be very thick -when served... r;-X -'.: fr;, rt- I THE POOR MAN'S HELP. . . . "No business that we 'know of "of fers to the poor man . better induce ment, such equal rights and . division of labor as the eulture ;of domestic fowls. : There is no moiiopoly and whatis bet'.er, ucver will be. It. is nicely balancecl, iiot given to 'fluctua tion, permancut and stapteVand of all heme industries jt'is cue for the "sons of toil.'' Tticre is pleasure ia it .aside from its pecuniary advantages, does t not post much to. start it. it com mands ready sale oh a cash basis, and it is Jigt and healty.? Onfe' has not to - wait years for something to come in, Fm-' wh"V .n'nfd' " fair! v." sfa rtid i lnrl Iproperlv attended to, , there will al- j ways be more or less revenue! coming iupMlif :'';f friVufft fn'o1 : Many a poor m.'in, . in : and around . the suburbs of our cities and towns is 'day after 4ay waiting fot( something jto turaup, and wasting the most j precioa9 part of his.lifo is r; visionary jideas.'who wonld, wo "are sure, ' be 'vastly benefitted in pocket, in brains, i and in him self respect, if he but ; turned, a part of bis attention-tQ the breeding and raising of; thbr9ughbred j poultry fb,hi$ iwn use, for the? niark jet pr fpr Bale to those wholike , him- ;self ogu template ikeeping f fowls ! for pleasure arid profit i SomeTgeafus prPposes to .intfoduce ; paper shirtis. .This migbt dp' for Jar tpa.n,;but would. proye a 4'big thing'?, for the doctors," because, 'rheumatism, etc.) -would' become frequent - If, .however, people". wbulJ keep Salvation-' Oil' 'convenient, ' paper i shirts Wght still be a success. It costs pn--ly 25 cents. r'' - '.' .. Y"-: : V Purity, ' sincerity, obedience and iself-surrender are the marble steps 'that lead 0 the spiritual temple ; r of 1. eggs 'then" strain the supposed corpse 'hes periect! " learn tnai in. -aays forgotlea bim. . I ua ool7 . friend boilln" waterftnd - gel&tlne I UiU..1ave 5", u-t J-iieu i:e i ;,u , i n nasin wo world." slf life has -- : ; -. ... ' J nr'n n.f T'i ,-! .'t',: .i, i' I f Hat-nh. VoP r-KiVn-' ihW I um and Lave. loved bim ttiTiiTh ,3,.fliypr,ithr I. - . . rn;,,,s , . . : .-Av ...j .,.;;. M'i'iv . , 1 11 thcao long, weary years... I ilo ia this inixture;w th extract rjf -: -tik'-J t?T' tl; VTV .T-..-.' i ' ..... . k you to thmk bun an Innocent - -'V "?;CBTbwiib . , ; . ; ... . . . r 1 , PJiOQF 0PDEATIL 1 As so many bcople are burled ..Vive and so many are afraid tiej may be we will give assure way ia' tell. -If oeath has takenTDlace' accordm? to au 1 - - . , 1 "sioj- aa; nave me room -wncre. etand has a lookof clay 'or of a ...v. . , v i gicciliou iuujw ItUU IUU . IHUUUb 6CC through It'death has taken place. "It ougnt to do printed in every paper. A new indication of death: 'J . the : pa- tient really dead or not is at times the anxious question. Cremona says a simple wayof being sure is t3 Inject a M of .ammonia; I place'it will have" no , effect, but if there Lr life a small reVpot'.wiir'ap il il- lit , L-tl , J : 1 pfsraiwe puvqeoimjpcuon.-riiouse- keeper.' vU6 " KEEP BEES V,t7 . main reason Cor-keeping bees is.'! the Vsweettooth;" ifihat bograti- I fiedalL'oUier bcueflts will follow, The way ,io. begin ubee-koeplng. is I to begin small. 1 If bcioi procuiea a I snwrie colony: in a modern, mnveiu I .. m 4 W bio, comb-hive, and by -the aid -)f I ono of the standard" ' works- (such 'as I Qulnby's) cares for that colony and I ks Increase durln thQ ' Wii" h will hnve akh5y'led2Q bt 'beolceeV rig that will' enable him to niau- age . many hives,, and which' euable, I1I111, If. he should so to keei bees for profit. . One of advice sliould be' heedAdhv li beginheRcDouot begin boo-keop Ing uuless "with the determination 10 give 11 mat. inougnt. ana care which will make it a success. Noth- f lug can bo more;? unprofitable." and uumoruuz4Hg 1.11 an . a nciecieai apiary. , Begli, then, with a . sin- glo hive, and experienced bee-keep.' ..i:s 41 ers are agreed that this is the proper mouth in which to begin -American Agriculturist, PUN IN PB0SPECT3. ; r T : A small boy, Just old enough to . - . iVt w. ' : , . . , ii . 7 - . be tough, was laughing in a , mn- ner that threatened heart disease wheu a campanlon met hiq, . r . What's do matter, JimmyrVi "Sh't;' way fiom me. ,: See that. man,t sittln tn the. fitepDS .witha newspaper in his hand?'.' j v; :ci : - .Y.eS.'Vj-s t.itivrj Mfj.'i -i t . J u I Well, that ther'a my: 1 pap?!', an he's readin about e volcano that's been discoverod Un ; the : United' States." . . -!'.." lv tThat.'s,;nothln';jmuch.?h t-l ' ;Say, sea that wpman roIa' in his direction?-! v:;..v;? ir( I 5?yes.i: ?v1. Ni'ra l ! Well,i that there's) ma'mr And ;ma'm.8ent ijU thjfttocery nftee. a peck of p6tatoes About, art - hoar- ZTa fTiwi' ai Wni t !4 ri:',-"ti7uJ . . .v.- : canoes now and how fr a vm Traveler.. it, 'WONDEBFUL-v CUaES- 5 -W. ,D. Eoyt &Ca .WbalesaU, ajid BeUi Druggist, of .Kome, G says; We have been selliug Dr; King's New Discovery Electric Bitters andUuck- leo e-rAricA Salvo for lwe yearg. Have never bandied remedies that all ns WelVof givesfich uiiiversal satis , faction. There have been some won deirutc'Jrca effected bylbese" medi-" cincsin this city. .' Several 'Cases' of. bronounced Consutnuliun ' have' been entirely cured by the -use of a few hot ties of Dr;-King's New Discovery U - ke. In" connection with Flectric. Bitp w - ters. We guarautee them always . l -Soldbyrunnan&tookcr- I Regard not dreams, for they are but: Jie imn2es of our hopes and fcarsf." fSkt" I iff? are frontline honA ronJ melnd.shdaldh Z', of his family. We . advise las.we "She" raustleafa to sew buttons TWO SISTER A"KD"TITEIR ' ta'theair'r -', ' V T V1 ao? thewitig o'f aabunace of and mend gloves JjIf then she has TVy! BEAUS,-- f . The. GcVat tuVni: an 'u? tntw b,IaWTe:'for'Vfaicyvwprk,'n;lsair citcnanS o?ritof li!X Of the Ueato AttAeh chilrlrti th rh 1 WeiienOUgn. V . -; - I Jobn farm. ' bv malrlnor ft fh' hoct ( nlara I eaKHalsoyfprliM SlH&f ipQuenqe upon the young, in teacb- talo.flowers. ,.r v.v., u : C -.1 tna them , lo-observe. KtilL. fh ' She", must lcara . that -.. tight Ji'""' "u: !' J. tl50 - v20 1887:- 4 , .. ' f WHAT SI IE MUST EAliN. " .'iAVomea must learn that thedaya -icreij oruaiueuu omeaaro Kimcu' -s " aiwrnmoaweasa vw.I 1! aignity, ana, grace Tp.dre83 for ; comfort and health, as her income. -The moro'fsho" will kve the further alifl.will b 'frnnx IttV? L'WIIllkrUOCa 1 "i i' I r . ..;,....!. I ten make a daa u-orlr.. . .. .' ... .. ' i i v -i.tpm leura. u ue preau. I She" must learaAo'.'Wko Ihe Ijlcin- 18 uncomely audi'njurlo'us. V - rone'musviearnj ., tho . habit ...of 0erTThe; ,old' rule, "A; place 05 everything, and, everything la: its place-. usvern wb wortniess.' a(TTl. ... A . . IL . ill oes3,or, iutemperat and . dissolqte youirz tnen;tQ regard . morals . And holt Biore than money in floc I ungasiciaces - - i'l?- I - J'&Uer liimteami'that good;1 I te&7 meclmhic,- farmer,'-clrtc !' or I DOok k worth one hundred FrencW I novels? that thorough, practical I Ittformatkwf Isfawfurtb'-woman I .... .vt' . I "haf . must learn that'few. are I tne women . who, not having I lAirnnd thnfiA Ipnnna In vnnfh. am .7 ... j not taught , them by bitter experi-. e'' "...V! .V' i ti CUE ATLY ' EXCITED. 4 w i, - ,, . 1 1 r . ti ri... o Xot a few of the, citizens of .Louis bur N., ,., have.ireci'nlly tbecoca frtatly cxoiled over the astounding acts that several Of their fiiedos who hd been prnbonnced by their physl sianAf incurable aad beyond ' all' nwpesuaeriog .wjthj that drfadep, nonater pnsumutiOii ..havp...2bauh mmnlftAlv enred hv Dr.' (CinTorPrtAn 1 . ' v J ' Q- medy ihAt does positively ehesg nllcr- oat and flung: diseases ?sc :. r,'; A WOMAN'S DEVOTION - X -"'AdLspacli from Nashville, Toan., says: ' Eighteen yearis ago the dock 'et of the State Prison closed . upon jFrahkf Riddle," of 'Idurycoanty .who had been sentenced to life Im-, jprisohmeiit for raurdeflrig V'Qjr- man peddkr.-Th ere' were doubts, as to the guilt of BinJle,' who''re-' futing ib' acknowledge Shecrime 1 Miifo. of hot iuilt "21 ' V?S r it Tit rwa.l? hU convIctWn,-, 'an1 orrVknf a ravm rt n rnan vasm 'Vl the defendant appealed to. , ,he, QnnfnmarW. xvK!.K ,n . . . lie was sent. . to . the . penetcntlarv. Year aftcr,year possedf 1 one;j Afte.r . : janother jt'ha life cpavlcts dled, aad . JBJddle almost abandoned, hope , of : obtaining Jbia freedomi; r- '.- i !- While Gevernop Taylor was seatJ ed ia bis elce today a- .woman Wlked into 1 the n apartment- nnd: presented the Governor, a petition . for executive clemency, signed, .by the lessees and overy ofllcer of the prison,' av ho , stated that Riddle's long incarceration had served the ends J of Justice' 'Accompanying the petition was a letter wntteu by I tr"a 1 the the woman wbo bore iu After Governor hod red the docu- - .--- - ments the lady rose, and- address- I ng him, saiar ,. UVTVS1IVI A Sy was ; .accused of 1 MiAwuPilA T-lflAf nen na; man tnutdor !' ; I wns engaged to be iairrloJ t hint; I ; did ma bfiUcvc hi a gailty and di I i , oc , uiuok ic-iviu bu uay "xo., I "iu, uui ior mo Baa9 oc 'uro lives and mean It. yes," and stick to uu r y$l .PX lapioro 70a I " "Is not fils . iaagu!f-?cnt mil Ui:r : ; ' 1 1 '- 4I'V : .;"".'iv:t A claimed the Gcn(aaxhu't' "She" must lcafn to wnar m rn 1 mor Apninr .k..mo I his deltfht. 1 i with dltrriitv and oTarrnllnp. I offlco and the capital. - i r i I It'm: i . ' " ' , -w - w-.Vfca ww tv BUU ILiS ftUCI I . . . U I ""'r1 ,- . f ooarov,-- Jo , elect I i-i" iuuiuomiwiii j t t.;j i I u,,oi'cv j .- 1 !, MKheV mnat lAarn 'fhkl am trw 1 "Father,' VoU Diecti 1 ' ' t- -- - ..I PEtt AiaiUIl In Advanco1 M . :;m I-? . : -. .r'; V'' V '-NO..-19 1 ,.', ( not break the engagement. , Durin' tho twj or three year that' t!ie" trial Mpsndiog-I tu believed ia 4 him: During the eighteen rears of bis con Bnementl have stock to bit. . Uis parents have d:J. Ills hrotLers an 1 aisters are all dea3, ex-ept a sister who Iirra oat Went. ' The peoula wlio vere lnureted.in the case Lheu havo . When his axcelleney f had cleared I nis eyes ot tears ho aild to,. Bialion I rii'UidJ,B "J"-deserved, v it I k 'ik;wf womaa -ought. V. I " . .1 AU? " tho rwtirld I or i;at , llruli. Ra, TTW.- e-l. lUitAUri: FaVer Soros! i lijtlA Tfliin nrl kan. rl.llkl.l.. . ... Qamcy Adams and John Jlan I cock, "the signer married- twa'sls I dttt.dltina ia; .0nnecticuti. T-Jdlv Quincy was afaypdto with Lh,eoldpoo pie, and Mary's cWice was approved, by" them. 4 So,' ' when the" banns Wcrer published Uui-varenU ald.-. i'. --Aiary,UTouwiMiunusft the: text I WUI preach you a weddine sermon." Sle waa'etlual to the task aud eave. the text: "K,Marr hath chostn ' thtf goou port,-WDicu snail ..not bo taken (m l. IF - V..JI... A. ,. t "Ti- - 1B"? v ay.m jiis- WAta i " , t-Not o with' Mafet,' who In "the meanwhile was.recemn3.tha- atteorr. tinni nrher Jnlm In varv Inanuin. .iYZ WrrV concerned, for it is said that 4he never crossed his. legs' Under; their.i festive wbT-tiuv. banns.-prciv: &!-TMne sermon far iaryt eannolyeu preach ,..ue at nrst, demurroc. ,but. at. last, consented and .called for .the "text, . . : . . 1 ..... I wnen Margaret,' who wae equal to lb-' occasion,- aid,--'' i:r .M i"Aua janq:CAoie, neitncr .eaung.i I nor drinking, and yet ye say he Ju-th drf.tm. m a . k i..K I uctu. 'I I- -J ASTOXISIirKG SUiCESa. ' l' J-jt- '-"1. it!. j;i ti T 'n.', r V: 1 ;.xi J , It is the duty of every perton who hna used Boschee'e German Syrup Ut its wonderfufqurlitifs- be' known to theh? friend in curing conform p lioo, severe ion glw croup, f asthma, pneumonia and in fact nil throat and InoR disease's.' No person ran use 'it without immediato relief.- Tltrio do-' ses will reHereanf caci and wo cdil. sider, It the duly f all .dmjrilstt . to rL'jmneuu u 10 ine poor, aying con, utnplire. at leat to try one ' bottlet M 8dJ00adoaen bottle were sold las 1 year, and no one asv was ; reported, where it failed, . Such a medicioe .as the German Syrup cannot be loo wide-' ly known. "Ask yonr drogfUtv aboat il, S.unpIo bottles to try. sold at : 10 cents, Hfcznlar size. 75 cent. t 8o!d by all drnjgisla aod dealers, la the United R rn.b ku.nA r , n ' . t t '; PURELV VEGETABLE. 1 ' ' ,, H t wiOi ixWorioary fflcaer tK I -fl- ' IlDfJCY3f- n 4 tru . ... . 'ITT i iv. ssenua Pfprti turn, . .. . WJ. I I n ' i'l V LSI L fO-'''- Id Ec:s!icll SiwlJ tsUlticit It, ad,l.ybDgkeptirft4y-foTlmrrifsIlUo will ut many an hour of ul.Vrlnr ad many a dollar ia Urns and doctors' till. ' . THCRC W BUT ONE - ' SEHI0H3 LITER EEGULATOIl f S tKtl yot Am with r4 "2 M- fnwt r Wfipp-. Prtpr4 by I.H.ZEILIN & Prvprtor. Tiaii,, p rrucu B1.00. . , TH E-F R A N K LI X JXIMJES The TiirU p-'J-bsd In Fnr.klVc coTstr. Bud it- rra!at:o-i extends al oyer erry' lionoftbu and. aajo.aiag eoyntiesj Advertisers should roake a zx&to Lere.1 The Edltotwill tl ba' tesaslblo for tl vlomof corre pond sfil IA, " ' Biitf comtana'cxllons frodi.'RU lion moit earne.tly aolUte f j.Kctt) items of any nataro wJU UtbaLT4Jx revived. , . .. tr,,. AX INDEFATIO AEtX flAR !,. .it -n . 1 An illustraUon of tbo- Tcolowal . li-' ar" of tho Wt,cccrai2Cook n:V Utes the fulliwlngt ; tfo ' was . trayTf Lag among the llocky ifounta.aVan' i iiraju out one mom mg , irorn vo. trail, sUod tor a 'moavrut,' en Iran Jc J . by the tea jmficenv llu.cApo, txtZi cut wiorc iuqi, wnea, no w- arx-',i ofoue of the guides whobXj foiljif cd hini,let be shou!J lOieLU wa,.,'f tMtl :htr Vurtr. 3eaeraL iaU tho guide,' -bat I khi'shoVr! U xi m- ' rrtwx.tU.i-1 fhree"days and n'ghu, hadVWalsiq to plahiand Hghiia CaUarklst oCIft . - aiir.i.T ,tnor.i m ittj. o.Then. "guide i ejercborate! .4tVM ehaaxinglCQuutf xuwee f4i fntlufL tWbr.'BUb'ihe.sod would harp" "tiTT? m Va ihA rrn'n,1 llv tA A3realrf"rifl .--r ' )''! I. . .T.!l c ii.l S - Without any bfesItaUott'TJiir'aa " ''v't,w ; i' " if.- i vliV.J?rrrs ; wered:'uWeir;bV thefwiy:-,,0!6f it the gravU wi petrlied tool1 't1 c :? ' ' - :!-.d iol M- t..."i .l..w. -W tu T:, 7?J r , P'Saantmbrer Puli In rbo-Afkaaiai L Methodist: wrotito Df.'-SlulIaiUmr- Hachnler. PiA for I bdttb? r r " - ' ... mr.. fw,,. -Vw 1 ..-.j - t r r ; Thanks t Dn -ftaallenVrg erfoA I the pUU: tJey re jus wnattha fcAya P . ... theynreuf My ilaughtxr lad ul I fcrinjj with ChiU and fever 4bT;j Vjclfift I raonths. In ipU of all tho tmhl4n;4t f cpoU protxre, but ehe has not-feAX; f toktoff the r-U, now. ncaft t uurAxnoawi. ,.'. . .1 i j l.-tn "'JolrnSoii By Jve, ' Juckson'lF.a'f baby f looks "the i'.vcry ' 'picture 'of? your father.' : jskn WctfJ wlch! that baby has a set of fiUe ' X&$ . - 1 ha I , " ; 1::'- .- -;' i I - ' " J 7 I- r. . . ' . "... Ti " 1 i nut nanv n n a arz rr ij u t r n I'll belie ve yoa." In' the" meantime . excnjta me. fxiwpll Citizen' excuse me TYPHOID SCAB LET AND YE-IXQ- JKVEaA HK.V51; DIPTUtttlA - SMALLPOX. CUOLKRA, K1V- . . Dixby'a.Prophyiactio Fluid UI !df!. stroy t be infection of all feTers'aad all, -cooUious and infections diseajrt. Will' keep tae atntMtphcreot aay sick,- mevt purs sad wolIac, abMrbinj an'J dc troyint unhealthy ef3atia' and Yatai. Kioa.t . Will . aeutraJU . ay ' ba4 . tmtlt whaterer, not br dnai.inj it. but Lt, d k- .stroyingit. Use Darby's KepyHetl- iia.aia trerysicfc tom,- lt ,j 1; T A am R .. v 'inn toTAlkoi A man has hard work his. wife believe. that.: hedon';i own the earth . whon she ge him. .Into", a bonnet fctore-FalL lUver. Advance. ' S. li j - Be who la tnfuAt'tO himself, can: br be lost to others 7 1 1 Ia only in , hira self that he can know wfc-jt gutjf e b. ,or what is good or bail for others.1 wTn never -bcncSt aor.dfutWhar own. Iresources. ) , . ' ..i.V ..it"-'' --- '',.,.' ,,t'T I vlh,;-AN EDITOR jEKLIEVUXji o ji" i . . Vfice UuLirutd WecklT iLeraT. i'""1 1 "3-onne Fbwi'Ja-; fVtttrr SwiCt 8pedflerro4 4UntajgiA .-? ! vd f . Orntmen: , I'p to, two yram si;o, I hs-l . h'ad a severe r -'of sebvtie rtitumttffw1 fsTittbrea yn,. I .tried.lk. ?txiJ. -cians and medidinec, bat witKoat ftturtr perraneat vricf.-'' vF1ay;-Itriel tr rfrl" fcpeci (jl. 8. U. i iaM .bf rti, I hfd 1 -jihed a dosen bottes, I a eattrey wtl. ,and I bave not fet a in)re pan of rtcw-l itvtikSi (xodb that day io tha. , ,f ...j Yours, rcpeclfuy,. Join TJGraTei, . ; ;- . , : .J-. t t.frd . Dr, E. l.TIse, the wVkawn 4nf . j jriit and pbyiiciancf Nss vie. Howard, raanuy. . Atkjy rius-- ':IIsTioj .- mwI kaowedge as to.kstS.S, 8. is cxsDjxve . of, I eaa safy recoroaetki it as the irrtkt renedv- tor sklo disease, it ustU4 nfft' I what the name may be." " j ,u ,m, 0(i . Treatise 00. Bood an 811a D";V4c ta4iepf rte.''' j.i 11 ;. ,ui. UTSjUSiaa pojDra-ef jfl, At- A tussle wlthv a board In r-ho aeai J 1 steak is now called a bull-' fight,1: I Huston Postal 1 !M-.;.:n i.fii j;ir . 'Utile Scholar Whyrls -Mman' called - a T noun? Elocrly ;6clrb!- mistress (vrlth 'acidity) BcnAa its the name of a thlng New York1 - , Why Is a .watch-Jog,. larger at night than he 1 Intho mbrulng f Bccauie Ie U let out 'at nlght'smV1 taken la Latiic mornrng.--Siriings , 1 v ; . ... ..J u.: t A' x