. . 7 -'; i, t , THE FRAN KLIN TIMES ! P;3 ft; r ti rjrsCf-'.-i- ,i PUBLISHED EVEKY frMD AY r V JAME6 a;thomas. BY Editor and Pro. ref.or A c!rc u!;ttio! txu.li a' over cvt-tfft- . 1- : .-3 One !.' Year fi.- ' A $1 50 yiy.f,a,:: .fl lfvr.p .,., '...,,.--". ' hirv'-' i-ur. y ... .....c-.., . ,. ,i i . .t ;;. .t,';i ; A:OT01X; Editor ato! FOR ALL. RICE $1.50 PER ANN tJII In Advance Six Months v '!;' f :'v A.OO. for (I vio ws orrcontU ufrJ 'Brit r rnnii 'mi1 'frwii t A IT?. lions moat ei'irjelljr YyhJu .,'tffc1,, itemVbf'aaj rtarftV.ll-U tliintfdl : r To dabs of 5 Thr Times will be ifLA'V iil-Wii'lf'TJ -Silt - fe no; 26 " ' " . : a - , ...... j iv-rf ...-.''- i i Hi w !J - "' x 1 I Now,' yfbQi o'e thy graV' i bending;' ; woirrer, utiir.iUY orpnaa oe,j- o.;ii ; .Froui.th disUHf;8kies lcetninj.:i t'i Tel Hie kittd ind gentle Mas ter i i : u Pha life's toruc0m ifskovaser ! j;jihjiitiat thyaort is. lonely,; i ;l';j . 1 . . Oh ! w looely-here to-day v. u-- t v" :'v.TelI Him, mother dear; ist.AuIr 2'or a.inouieut'vou ffiL etar. , - h i wererjndjcted tlji . raomin )by, ; tbe grand jury'for thej murder of ilie serv a f girl Jennie : Bo'wtaan . : Tbet' crime as the caiTite & -formation; of the reqent mob whose: jattack . ,'ypon il jail caused jbo mucu exteraent,-, and necessitated the calling out of the vmi4 litia by tbe Governor.1 J The men were indicted -at half past twelve,'; and ar raigned at "oue'-b'clock1.' ! Patlcrsoii pte'adeii not guilty aiijf claims 'lie' 'can prove a;i alHiifcIurpe.r.p.icaacavuHj ';-,;:)N -PROHIBITION. v i ,o -ZXyZ'-rTivil , ";l'"r: A! C Vr'-iJrr ' K 'm -Telegrams to' BradstrwVs as to ' J'Aci Theories; Jlsd' advice" l1 viHpni ?oiin JfRea-anViiitedi' the cotton crop' shows' that the crop ;'",,tt0ir'- .Kowt IAl States Betiaior from.Texa!?, recently I Of the cotintry, owing1 to n back- wrote Vletter in" relation to the Pro' j wJrd spring and" dry' .weather'gen"-.. niDiiion Atuenamentin mas otaie, in which he said: ' .TiViiile JJ ' have heretofore ftlt constrained to -oppose rjrchibition because its friends son,;!. ',- rv.r.kQ 'Anght of eart'tily carer inherit' Thla wotrdererer varies.." A marvel"f " ruritVi strcnstb aad holonieeita.. : Morerecouonical thaju.the ordiaary kinds; nd eatiaot We ttoldla eonpetmon ; wiw ;t tU multitude of low test short weight aJma ar uhosuhate vovderir' SoiD OKty r? cfcivt.v. o riL BiJusa-FowDia CO.; Wll t Tf itlother uu tlte angles sign? -, ' - Softly nour, TOethlnks, sue . answers , I that old fatniirar tone: ' ,V; --"WUliel iior tfU earthly aneefV f.O.'" General Directorr.; 4h i 1 i 1 - ' r-. I'll i i iu irf'w . : i Methodist- Jle?.- A:; ifcCullen. pastor, :rvicc3 every Suadavr.ioruiiiffi.aiid night. - Prayer Meeting every Wednesday uigkti ' Sunday selio'ol 9 a'cloek A. M. ' '; i -T lh4 anelsareanknKjw .-Ti'''!' Then, dear-moth'erelltiie'iiastei-;r4'. . vv. That I would -an aiigel bef rf; j , ; That to make the year move faster, ? - JForfwant to'Kvb'withtaee.x i : r t-pthvmdler'lfaeave me, j.' . - r . Jnst a moment longer stay i She has gone; but, oh! belie vemc. "55 We shalmeet aia.M45?'!'?- i - - Goldsboro Messenger. 1 " In dealing with, certain - questions tlie greatest delicavx must be observed by the resiJonsible press, : It will not ever meted but to a criniinal- in Ken- tpcky.'sf uruer having been - indicted, irraied, found guty in one: hour. : ' i MANY SIGNS OF RAIN, i j.TUe'Aracricao cvijiiiraoQl INv ill Uo ; sadej at Nir.Tor-ia. BcpUteicrlSl and A tlo.fcUuU -Ucr6..W.oO ' ITEttE.ST 'IN " tllxSCe10'' : . ,;, xjAh t.x,u tjlw ' ' . prcat vzc'.Ument U JKdl-utarti) : j tl.f TKinity of lVrHTaiv by. Lis. " .'UL!f recovVj cf (r. n? rttrcey,HbJM aatclrm ecV,1 -Ml Ujjn HWU.br Jul, 0::Mj 4lriri gumption, 'Atrial boitl-ci )r tnia.; br tha tirao L- h-vl tcnt4si(j . lioxcacf flUaa3 td l tdr j fesiOve!y. ? L wi "will "aftd ta'JE 'c? , Ala flesb'thiriy oc.faJjQ a ii mIv ? t . m " . catlng.Baaors, as powi practiced, ly, the.dry weatl-e'r-. assumed .the seotial to refrealiin2alecD.ao ih. r The CLin f ioxxtlr to give tlierahe moral. Bopport proportions of a drouth,. Which de- if.(?odUn st. befora, retiring . of public opinion of the protection lajed'blantlnj?. and where seod was and ire go to sleep 'irith a' stomach I eland firinJfoa tJvvVx of ilVer"In f , '-of tbe State government. : . I out 'in 1 It ' delarat ' tr'rmin Ainix': I irlbre orlesfulL't!iaslpVn uiii I iUm Ji ;j"'4Hkr-? j ."In everv toinmunitv wa find I Tint f ha roi Toor '.kn,.. 1 eatisfactorv and i);nVlw " AAi.i I 1 ii.woaim . ben Wcef houore4 ; And respec(cdt 1 a ipaxked chanca for -.the be! tet " in I le? nd, 'authorities of mheni coucge, in msirucuon to ...v.Uiij v.i uLALnu erallv throuhnnt thA hlt ,i Jaf,. r "wnuaiaaa.nstfttrihoroirin' fa- from five daya to two weeks. , Com- ! iftlft1"c11 dafm? yea C ' toe pured with recent seasons hoWev-' P;' 2tton. authorities ei. the disparity k,- to the planting1 J? a wnt eop:t-jV iVjbi... ba S W Tlie I terward to-act ia the ! maatlrLntion rf been j food they cannet respqndM fuJlT iM sentenbedto be hanged the 1st of or vote to countenance ; the "evils In those sectlohs usually showing I tbeyabpuld. Vsaia.weareittformed t;iw;tetue'qnickesV.uace flowing. ftom tho seliing or Intoxi early progress.: :Iu Texas, especial- I that periVfct rett Tt aU . ihe . ergant If 1 "11 Jf .mole3-CdSt.up -hills, -it wli reduced to. poverty, ' wretchednes,5 J cotton crop 'prospects. Jlaln ihas I college .m instructions to etuJeuU, I Rw.x-;r U.f..i.i5.i7-:iV Ui i.? ana uisuonor, oyr 6penang ineir been general in many ' Stated, and ?!u nauan uour oi aiecp. a 1 I If sTTiaiowsVfly-JqwtrlBanTisual,: time and 5 money inr drinking-sa- the Texas drbnth'has been efft.' wjuncr'aria trbpcf.''ana(tbe4 feA'Cng expect 'iuin.'n'.";:-: ' - lcpns( wiyes, weighed .'.down' with uafly bfoiep. ' The present spring j.111? c.kc i fcefor , '( ' ; If II14 crief. juid iorrowVand.wantl and shows aaharontrst with . that 'jsto' "a h t - 1 1 i 1 r 1 I i - 1 . ; 1 t 1 t . st . - s .1 -1 1 -t . n i ir. 1 - - 1- - . - - - -....; -.-- M.LLAui . J. J J i l . - fc ' i' Kstwi: TOlll Tflln- . I " :;: I KiH-KrnVon .trl fmlrdran r-MlnW I " lOQfl K. w' I wursr, w rair luc excess OI-MOoarroni state tha4ctewin-tim - daily before fUpg,aid4 tbjedigjUocj .oC foodTby incre,ruin2 !a f.ov of aiva nJ Umf WiVftt. .WjJit8s-'--raJin m.ore FWI orant--ggaT caltuu-Orop -conditions isre'- 'good,1 tii ot. WflJp j jrjii 'iiV-.:r-;7ii ' RifiVice,;' becaaseb asfcaucU'atid fa orrd'tlrbripfag '.buf'as"' begunfri rv'If- lhe icoiivdlvjulus-f andi-cliiclc thcriJMva beeu 1 daunkaSoJua tbve'ral gfates. :iJ The mosr cheerful ; It ab lick their bodies aud wOih daihking-saToOt.s, Millions of dol-1 Georgia ana Alabama dry, weatUec I digestive June's of Hie stohiach. ' Scl thir! faces; it will rala.yvnj "t'j f ! iars .are .JuYested to tlis, t t i I ! J 1 till' 1 j 1 r - v? - I ortT wm '1 ' " ilIf the cock crowis tuoro u.Une6S than u-1 of making raeo dradkard.4 and :in delayed planUngaud gtonyth whre the seed was already eat views, arrees that food ia useful in case;Of,sleejlesnt8s.', and believes that many a peraoh has been kept aakoTromla rnUtakea whim Uiat hi must not eat at night. It I of- opirf ion tliU a few graham (j ackers i can d evyr, do l)nn;;(but i$ r'oubtAil as, to the benenW bf clein2 frumi uixn the digesUori-aiid' would heaitattf to !refr. puieiend it mthodt a-saxrantte of the " moh ivsestp'fmrice Vlf cattle ieav off Vfeing0nd womenJaAd;chUdren, hich? :tf for rapid growtii, but .a diange". in : ing every ThTlayuigh;- S.undv School and here we speak plamly-t6 couri ciiase each otl'er in tlie pasruresi it teraploycd iifl agricultuae, imknuy : thl respect is noted. The generaj tl?h-G U Eilis. -V-i -r demsivionshenthey. are wWTuitif!r! facturing,' or coimrrerclal pursuits, ! crop prapects arc reportod equal to SrAkE! r -If thelrisflf'tow nddirccted by the Umend; lal-J lhoU of last y ear at i UiiS time, ;aS !)M?r lartd birds - fly.towardie entsl walstdi In '; the prinking. thougb ftls-toq eTFw kTdeclde de j uineacmoattivf I;'.' Tiitirfn!-i' ntlnufl1 ' kYittiJ to.'Jilio' ' affSrecaie fweidth- "bf Hie: i-t2'aiX' rA'l ei ..1 ' '5e :T5it!t'. Iee'n Vcioci iuV.the:. eyinJog State; ancVniAkoWany thousands, supplies at We smaller "ncWnted aXAME AhkXB Tffi CoM.WIoKEa;A,ash -h' MEssENOEii reUiUe nessifor expect rain. : - : ..:;;.! of happy famine as are now tnado towiis almost exhaustk! Many :JU4; '' XYVjU ' ; J.Cru-lap.EiS. Faster, F. P.. Pieree-W. this exercise of natural as opposed :-t ' -5V it-,-,'1 V..-.-Kt . -Jv" lur.- !,ur - t ; w -VYi V.lir,iitui,.u"sv r"1! .AHany ,jf -t. t. s ; t Ki , ; , ww v-lVri.S5; fficialittt,anuwell kuothai 3f ni'le t3 .mfy towns,. report no ,6tocks . at; all. Ta. ktS V'f I CiffiollSioS erywhoiassistedmi exe ? Vrldistance from horn limp are given tot he driukiugnd ; Nearly all show that, where cotton 4Tth4 wnZXWl ! :fiSSfM cuiiooftbe outlier VUart; h V n X Is held now, st am vasUy ' less 3 -i SW-f jrf. ri':'i ' J Kthe;aows make a great deal of regret thatlmoct iould : -ihanf at the like" dates 'last1 Vcar. cheerfully la detail .to any; sufferer W i lH;Wentirti. gffat.-na As exampfes of t.hjs Ih'e'fo : towns, are, Instanced; ! :- f Clnomereldisiilav of vengeance ; and rifwaterfOwls scream more than tunes ana ato-or wluyhopf, T Mfss!, hna st5Hrf 200 I -C ; 5' iXiir! drankards,aiia.crlmlnals.---- yeaithls!l,he 2,003 bale?.;;; ! iZJ - I '- 11 kkrrtiavM.fcWnf ftiiinvA expect rain' -vyin- 11 w.iL-. w , 1 j . Ml - have .dqring all - the;years da-'Miss.vhas nbrjotton .on x . tarunev. : if iPli n5 w " tkomld. WMd aar bia'Jba Ufttt tcsa,' aad f or kook To MoTrnxs,' rirf4 tm.M I : ITT. ; m T yi.ji V - , ' - A cati of 8,X0 sba kua maJr ua oue taul a ILu t'n B.y Kt.l - 1 ?. 1 , n ... 1 - Tii Saprintehdent will be in Louis urg ou the s co d Thursday of Feb ; uary" April, Jn y, Sopteinb.-r, Oct i ', ti-r aud Di'Ceiuoer, arid remain for ; thre- davs.if necesfssiry, for Hie - pnv puse tft-vxaniinin appl'u-aut8lo teach u the public schools i Franklin coun ty. - -! , B. l-ROFKSSr;ONAL;:AriSp :CT-; ";i .- ; '-;t-."' t ATTORKKY AT X,AW: llpwlng -r-Meridlan, bnle?;- last Grqiiir handt should excus the 'taking f human, i-flf the: leitves of the j trees; move of mv man hood been 'Democrat . one. year ago oOubales. were: held', life save uTself defeuse or by ihe' ver- without atty; WeceptlbWwhid ;of;4.he'straitest sect, and an earnest Port Sraith,i.Ark., lias 400' bales.; diet and sentence i of a court of justice, inay bo expected. " '''''ri nd eutliuslastlcdlclplineof Thb)iv-: Que; year, ago .5,000 !" bales. ''The With our Southern people, out-side :If t fisb Wt6 ymorefreadUy and as. Jeffersonf whom I regard astho. 8tock at Opclik'a, Ala., Is 50 bales; of ajew?hoKbeaderco'umunities, the gambol near tho surface of streams greatest poutician pmiosopicr mm lasVjpar.it .was 400 bales., . -.i ' ; Office in tbe Coart lioase, J AH business put in ray hap ds will receive prpmpt attentipn;:;;,-i- reHuements of a high civilraittion and tbe.blgatin8 of a rational and lifting religion have been always ficicnt to insure ; respect for human ;life:y Acd except imder peculiar con ditions, and iivhen7 the enlightened J class 'was, iaormg under unusal exn have b-eu. secure - m both life and limb.! OurThumanity would spurn a brilt?! trjeatoent of our; inferior, peo- aiid V'nids it will rain. statesman this country has 1 ever It mnv h nrinfprpxk in Vnmt f, Up- ; If sheep andoats spring about produced." -And I would Was far thai where the question of acreage il expect If peacock, and guinea M fowls tliat wouTJ lnterfero with the free-J mnled'by. a statement that the 11 peacocK.. auu guinea lowis 1 , - 1 - ' . , - . screamand turkeys gobble,-audi if I ?nio;-: legitimate . cqraraeroepr planted Is equalto if ; not ex M.OOKK. 'ill a fTr and COUNSELLOR atLAW;! -ny 11 attend Vhe Courts of Nash, liFrariklin, Gr invOle, j Warren.V and - Wake i 0 ounties also the 5niw eme 0 Court of North Carolina and tde.TJr ; H. Circuit and DisTmoT r3onrt. : ktt.E:,IOSK.-W:viV5; below Farm an .'& isfjlinke's Drug Store, adJoiuhigDr. 'O.- Olfice 2 doors TCI WmHBEBLAKE, 5- ATTORNEY ATcX A W : '-'"'v.- f-' ;:: xopiSBUBO, ;V. C..';.-'.;. A. p, ZOM 70F.FJEP; - -'Zbilicoffex : - -u;a.ttorney;5 :atv IAw., ; v. - PraCticeln tbe courts of aFratiklin, . Vance;, Graqyille! naluux, and North r namptou and the Supreme; and Ted 'eral courts qfithe-ts';f?it'i .t TWTEEDHAM IT GlTLLEy. r . ,.f vi jl a. iiJ a ' ; -j '-' 1 v. Negntiatlan! of Loani "anl -collecting a - - specialty , , , . - . - quails make, morebbise than usual, there will be.rin,:i l j 1 l u r If horses stretch out their necks and shitf the air and assemble in the- comer of ii field with their heads to -the' leeward;' it will rain; iiTf imntp frm-i'kJ ; phfrnrtfivs ; blow which Would undertake to. control the purchase, sale, 'and ase of nec essary food, drink, or apparel, as any one could be. 33 ut I believe It to Be the ' duty ot the - people, In ra lawful manner, to protect trii tKrillimt xiertence 'aod- 1rrful nr. ih iruthuwaHi'!e,-- $.aa tftk Tor deiicate women: f ' n " lSrfri ytrargo;-a.'rl derelJ-d .a ,xny nose from sDf-eMuil seratch. .1 tiled a few simple remedies, but 'the sort -iroalJ .ntyUId.i 1 grtw wotm -ererv rear toe scvrni vtara. iTaoy thoaht.X had a -cWncer; Over a yeAr a-b, I begn la-Li ugo.B. s aaa iwa uoceu bottles efl tirety cured me. ..When ,1 bersn wUh 8ltls gpeclfij I wis In very poor health, nd could hardly drag aboat. Alter I had finished the oore of tf. 8.S. I, as strong and bouytnt and had a rood a i- etite. Ixard i a' raasty in kivalaable niediclae .medicine tor ladtes in weak delicate, health. - It Is a household medl- cmcwuntnt.i. '' .:i , t .:: ,f. - . J. - Mrs.' II. Wilson. Treatise -oaBood and Skla "Disemiea nuien free. , .-.ij -., , ,v-' . The Swift Specifio Co I)rawer S, At- aate Cla. :.' f 1 ! t r ,." v : j-lnlssobifrtoa.tWOW'wo . raltroarts. : - - - : - Wioopiag , CnCh. XaiJpicr.t Coo- - l-: ;S?.t! whenever swift hand is down,-- Or if soot :,takes 'lire more themselves and society against the ff"y" , b".'"" 1 icauiijr. iimu uauai, ui I vils of Ihe improoer sale and use ciety, it is .asianaer on ourood to say .-tUttt tneJuoer was more than tofe;deedVtn-Tbe same justice wouTdsbe meted outv lo the jwhite- taqed demon uy.uis own race., it was not because Hart was a negro that he was punished; it was because he was a devil iu theguiscbf man, and-the law failed to provide for bis crune a pumsumeic at au muequte io euormitv.';:v:'v'-':;'' ";; '- ";i:: ;But we quit the basiriess of defcnSe, and make -assault on the atatute. We . - , , . . , , . . evils vt iid iuuii uun wra uuu ofso- f-int f?! :uKJAi-.-a -K;-:.J:iio. ;nwU;j have the opportunity 'tpVpromot e "fi 5 -:!-.; -ft -BREAK- :iAT6ta bUsemorning ,"riiea,l, whicli f was inaugurated by J President Grant, arid of which he ' was inordinately 8obrietyi - thrlfti ,and happiness without endangering thS' success and perpctuatloq of tlie; principles of the Democratic party, and t. am in favor of dolug so? and Ur shall, at the' coming election, so vote, not because X believe Prohibition . the most effective remedy which could ceeding that of laat year. . This is moMhianlfest in the 8juthwcst. 7 THE y FRDIT UNANjilOTiu" . .i. WD' Bui V DruggtsuV BTppus; I10-e LA.tifiea; r a in n-cnmmMi.i Tal trie Bitters'as tho Very beit rerooder I . :fA druggiatia Newi Richmond, t 0.t Every bottle sold has given; relief j ne I Mr. E, J. Donhaa writ94'us Jiie ;,fol every:ena. , Oue.man took aU. biVi j Wine: con&Llr. . Dr. Lull'a . years standing." Abraham Hare-I nruggisr, 13el!vil!e, Ohio. ' afTirms-tf alia best selling medicine I have ev: bhandled In my 2o years cxierieuce,ia Electric Bitters." r Thoosanda oftt hers have added their U-stiruony, a oil oat-.tba verdict ii - tiaanimoua thah totricltitters ' do cure all ; dbeaOnsr q Liver, KidneyaD or Blood. ; ; ' " 0 1H V It m i ' 1 V i , ' S M 1 ii V 1 X 1 ft A V,-; tij i wm i hurt n ' Ttiyar.W.nI,ifalTX.A . t ii p j i i wm i I iL'Bfliitelil'sS acrrptiro persoos la. Bdraatad ctaaa ofthoPlseose.. FcrSalb7IruT Qough Syrup - one :jf ,. the , very be things made. . f use it -altogether - In my own family and can therefore rec ommend itT- - .V . . 1' . f T V i Tt The Southwestern earthquakes ex ten clod over a aecfioa-' l,tXX) miles t :Twq qfi.tHe.: weahlet, tEt-irjopal churclMja ia Now York pty, Graf e aa Trinity, "have dcfernv.ned' to" pale their pewa free to the ftfttc'"-1 i ' ,J' .. ; i -ii i.i ji A-court martial has: sentenced to loiia, ana wnicn -isj reiisnea iDy be adopted for these1' evils, but be acaH wireft Mctomcccsjor treacu-. Presideqt . le. velancl, , -is breakfast ray j udgment 1 1 : favors ; a surrendered to the Turks .bacon Jit hd,-fried "apples. The . 'i, " ;ih .1 : iW I during frontier fighting.-. -.s . t . , 1 . LTUiiLV . -m iiawaa . n as a, vtvf uiuvu aw .iuq 1 . . . v . . 1 I' 4T:! A- L iivI m ;i'.rt -- . wrriT .. . . cliupnlour ,wisslai0ia to frame ; m6th r improvement of the f condition of w,?k r,sii,Af ri'v 1 apples i to cut thin etrips - from - a I ; vnia' ' rwrnnkrv ' rtVu f What a truly beautiful wor'd we - justice in Hiese casQsi? :Make it; death "JVermeiy ieu piecoi iveii careu ana morally, ana , towiira. piacmg lirtJ in t . Nf ataregiyea us gr.indeurf to attempt tljeetimetor hlcirHart bacon f the best quality and fry tliera on a higher and better plaue. moanUirgldjceas;- and Vhangedtaitxeeiy an .p uncrown-as crisp'. Take a qfUlatipn;:: v rv ,. ( 'i: Mty; :; 4etitktbe;6aid,that down or more; (tart hard apples . . . , - . V'r fed health but Ubw ottan do tne Sa- Vil:M ?--;u .tJy.'1' -if i I J I. If i!4V4ii: ( j c til it thelawNchCafblma, kState so I greenings prefere&V jeal and slice of the ; bacon until they are well tbeenof lmmdn;la.w;i .brow-ned. Place. the mass on a' fiat; Eens,ar0 forced, uoirtq (yinrca: but dish over i a straiuer, aud with to'suppiemeni it:, ;Give s swift -pun- fork Jay i,e strips 6jT Ibacon'i 50m. ishment for all viblators of Ihe- thastl paratively dry upright around Ihe Jty df our girl3aha;womm.;XNotmng J fried apples, '-The fat strains from less-ihan and baconr.The ap'ples i?cM i i neu ii pxiu ; p vuwa s 1 are 111 us reiieveu irom tne ' excen- saveihe self-respect of our people. i We liaye said niorS ihatt We intend ed J as to Spae:; QTut purpos as to direct attebtioai tdthe speedy .manner iniwmchtE;entucky courta deal .With these criminals. It will be' i recalled sive'yiebnessof th.e, baconiulce. tO w ji, aa t 1 vvvJ. .. Many tliousandaf persodT'live in regions eireldalan.a preyatlin such ?er corrung nntbngT them ' will tbit;a;Jfewstfajs.agi,tw hare an attack bfhiilsrTheXlold a r. rMwi rn t i i 11 r-- iiiiiiii luh nu lmmi . him i reictenis are full of tho ribisofl ; also: tbeoutrage and :rnurOer:pf j K' youDg foey bfteafeel! mls'eraiJe: "but . don'i white servant, xue 5 louowmg - teie-, jmowlbe cause.J AVdosA or two -of gLaiuuiu ueH-:i-;;;. .,:;. I Shallenberger's Antidote for. Malaria IXouisviixe, KYi.Mav l3.-i-Wil- I would lift them into perfect health at I -is . TV. u l - ii t. rr I . . . ' " . . . 4uia jruviuioou. vujuu -viucrt : xutuer jouce. Sold by dealers. bduigug:jesg- . Tlie Jtes4-.SaIva--th-world or. Cuts, ruif e? "Qre, - tUl iera, , alt Rbeuni, FeYer Sbrei, . Tetter. Chap- ped bands; Chilblains,' Coros, all Ssun' Eruptions, ind poaiUvely'.curea 'Piles! or no pay required: It is guarante.ecli to give per lee t satktaeuon, or nwney. refuuded. Price '25 cents a box.."",; V "7M aaiTebn'bttoliTek'asii eak 5 o Qhronfrbif m4 Lr that oraad ') peuAaathaxUveraoid r .7r .'..-t"' joitty ftf people feel .like giviu ' it hp qiU wIhdia:Pe.:wbaa .there dc, dc- UYEI1, nECULftTCi; .xvompta'fa.t firm t M mtt: oaaibitfor this fealicg,' as every -euf- Jl - "r' KAjrciAcri'axd af ' ;V ' ' 1- . t ., ferer'.taajasiiy V-btalhrsaXlsfaAdry1 . xVt, mfrf iCO 1TV'll!.v' -:llVt. y'r ) pI,,,0?,1 iiiJ proof. tlit. OwenV'AaxvstMriower, . r;1,.; ,! .. .. -i- . ; . ... 1 A ' ' u.l J-.!i ! j. wU DUke them free .from disaure. .as wheq born.v-.Dyspepaiaj aai Jdvef Gomidaiat.are the: direct causes of aevfuty-tlvc poc cent., of ( auch . mala- disordered llTtr. wklch mrelt. loa l' 7 Susanna Madora Salter.' josted elect- utes aa Biliouinesa," indigestiou. Sick; ed Mayor. of Arigonia, - a little town headaohe, cosiivenes. Dcrvona proa in Kansas of 500 inhabitants, is the- : Iratiou, Dizainess of the bead,. Pal pi first woman ever chosen for that' pf tation of tne, hearty .and ..other . oia g(ie. - - ; ' jitreaaing aymptnm. .Three doses-of i -' - m' ; -f -rn'-n it I AuiiUnt Flowerwill prove Its' woddor' TYPHOID 'BC Aft LET AND ' YELTJOwM fl tffoct. ' Simple bolUeslD -cents.: j.- JPEVEIIS. MEASLKS:' DIPTHEKIA ' -l TryjU-i ?.J - : J ,l".c; ecu . it SilALLPOXi CUOIKKA, ETC ' - Darby's Prophylactia Fluid wilt de- strov theiniectionoi.au levers and an .hi trre snack ot lraivlic. I bad as 1 frood inicsJ an JMice as oar no ' ' ' Una abrd, who iUl ottcrtj to r--. . (ore m w the erjoraent of zav"' .. j t former gocd health. ,1 tbtn tried ta - favorite pecrijton of one of lbs ii rnot rwoowoe.1 pyJc'.jn of Loois ; Vllle, Ky., bit to no pnnc; brr- " ' rpoo 1 w LudK4 tatij NlniMu -. ,LlTfrKftaliUr. I&jutxl lairn . ' dute benent frotm Us cue, anl t " . mtety rrtorM ma to Uie ril entoy... . ' 'aaentof heaiUx. 1- I r..;;:: ill,! A. U, SIHRI XT . v ., v Mexico is about to expend 04,000,- I contagious and infectious diseases. , Will 000 ux lmproying the harbor -of cra. Keep tne atmospnere oi any sick. . room i fjruz. ;uic uuu ni uic".uv w.-v. u.u ...... u stroyins unhealthy effluvia and canta- eion. vvut neutraiixe . any Daa sraeii WUOLESALlsOnOCEllS .?.vl;it. :l J .1.1 '-o'.i4lo.q ri loqesj Commission I'Illerchanls,, . WttEfV lloi ! .i;i.f, rr. . ;t, jnl .I,'""- 1C,'v, idi ' Tix tit tciVVirc Tott will flal atieW'Iot1 of "VTTill' ooodsi Calicos and Ihfeea- Gtodiq iwhich the ladic.j would A? eU, V?,?iTr ;am.n;.''"JIy pr;cea arw'veTy4 .feasooa e.'nnd By'i trtt-chirt;'J i lJUST RECEIVED;"'"' j a fifUljt of Canrie.ri'eich'ea "the? U - f1trmMThrrm i-arepcTiecwyueiK:oua.-'uwenia-a' bilit4EJiiLirM call audi willplea;TOtJ.:.,i;-r imll . whatever, not by disguisiug it but by de stroying it. Use uaroys tTopviacno -i Fluid iu every sick room. tv-Qve.' PrCAdt from a Torpid liver acad Tra pnrttle ef tU StomacK. lteaabw ftrrartably euril by taking 4 ' u jjitno ii un w-n-iun nun evuiuis I. till.il IU H 3 Lill Ii I V 1 1 1. T 1 1 1 ' ' t I L 1 i. with a bum Upon lxis arm'.v Tpi little I , , . Ut all who tvZet remember that A j Willie joy i sent by using Fal ration K A2TD KESVOUS 111)1013 . l;VfRUFFirilFor,Br,.4.t- ; ': ' FAbll IUNA1JLE II ARlini,' ' " lris-rjritn-'N.'Y. 1 ri 4 , ; iy Rhnp W fctllh'tTt itrcVi V where I will bo plcactl to havonif fricnsli and patrons call to ace n. t V.