, - r PtJBLISIIED EV ELY FEID AY BT JAMES A.TIKXMAS, Editor and Proi ref.or I Rates; One Year ' UlJW 5M SixMonths J.--nm: i iu i 001 To Cubs of 5 Tiik Times will h f a rmshed tt 8 L.4Q. . - AbsoiutQiyiSf ure. . This ppwdcrcver varws. A mnrvl f purity, utrengiU Kud wholsomencss. More eou4iio than tke ordiuary kinds, b4 Mjuit be toli in competition with 1 Um multitude of lw tst, hort wi'ht tu rpiiu)iLli.ate UowdcfR.- Sold only General Directory. 5 CIIU11CHES. 'MH'PiloDisT--liev. A. MeCuIlfn. pastor icrvtcca every .SJnadav, morning and Bikt. 1'r.iyer meeting every Wednesday. nVtiliL Sund iv eli6(il '0 o'cloet A.nM..'. ; UAPTrst-lloV. ' -1?alhis Ciidir,"- pas tor, 'Sjrvlc'os 1st rJn'd 3rd Snn'dars? in onch ii;ith, :ii')riiij and a:g!it.' Prnyer hioet u eerV Thi'Kdsivuight;" Sauduv' School o'clock', A. M U.vVou (). r,. EIHv '. ' J .'!') t-!to.V!:ti5r-Thos. white', F. N. rertu,':r: J. Barro'.v, .L A. Thomas. 'CoS:5TSLtt ttL'P: Pimieil. ' . 'Boird iueets Friday before lirst "Monday in each mouth. FPvAXKUN QXJNTY. . . CoMMiSloXEiiS 0. A.asU, h'inn., S.. J. frml-ip, U.S." Faster, F. 1. Pierce, W. B. U"ell- S:ij)erior..G.nrt:eierkA. W. Pierce. Ilegistirof Deeds B- F. Kolloek. Slieriff ,11 C. Kearney. , . Treasurer H. P. (if ton. S.ueri:iteudeiJrt Public Iustraetion jN-'irafri,c " 1 ' Poor TIone J. W. Pinnell. auf'T-oK HE.vLTil Pr. 15. S. Foster. P. ) AUD Of JiDUCATION. Geo. ri. ILtkur, Chairman, K. i. Convers, N. l . riilley. J.N'. Harris, Secretary. ' TUo Snp'viiite:i-leutvill he in Ijonis-... burg on the s oo . I Thursday of Feb-id-y. April, Jul;,', Septemh.-r, Oct -ber au 1 D- comber, a n Remain for Hire daif necBjsary. fo:, the jjijr tpJi38 ovyinu)iii,iippli a,n8 to .Jeach n the public soIio jU of Franklin coun ty. lJROF KSS ION IV Ti -CAiUDSf ; B li. j.lASElviiuUG, . , i . ' : , ATTORNEY AT LAW-, LOUISUItO.N.'C. Oince ia the roart'HoMpe. A.il Im.Vuicss put in my hands will reeAiive prompt altgpMpu.' ' " Al .COOK.. a. L'T' V an 1 ;0UNSRT.rX)H at l.AW i,outS3Uiia, Mi.R05jpp.N. c-. V 11 atton .1 the Cotirts" :Ht Nash. Fi- ink in, (rc uvill.e, Warren, a,nd W.tkt? n i'iti's also thb ''nfVernp Oourt of North narolina, and ilte'U' S. Circuit and Distiuot Joints. Drl. J. E MAI-ONK. Al'trwe 2 doors belritv Funhati ,- f'.mki.'H DruafStort'. a3loiningT)r. O." ----- tr w w L : ' - '-j . v Tl ; ilk ;OSce t he oh Hauw - (O 9'' ;HKXKBSOIf N. C. rPracticean the courts of Franklin. VancGatjrAtW'ltaw4wliiv. ral cnturts Qfjthq ate.f ,y. f;. ; jj EEOttAM Y, GULLEY, ATTOTtNEY?-ATL.V!Y, w- ,mi'bp:iZ; rtiiiVM ,i ;;?;,'. Ne ?nl,iAiipa.oft)Lpaus. and collecting, a . S3rE I-1,MvvlH:v'jJ!i:,:' ? Jilftl 7i ' a' it Off: ' I - La, -4 -y- ;V ;! j , - J.':'A!;-' THOMAS; Editor and.Fxopriotor. f f,r WiTll ALICE tli'.i hi jel !iu ? BY.DIS-FERENT PATHS. ' . ... Dear triend, vrhai matter tbo' our paths And moujifcuns rear -tUeir .r purple? - ?iSiik'-.mfn.i. . '. .. TIToush ocuasnUvwith deep and sull-j - eu surge, gL Tsofoud and faUhful hearts, they ' r-vfr- nr rv t va M And thy dear eyes should turn their)!... sSHnt-'fr -i rBaruSiBiorrf tham lajid "orj Br diffcrerit'liatliS 6ar fct in Sst tread , . A iiu hands th at y arml j ciasp. no more 4 niayiiaeei,v ".v J-' But fro7!!! tliylicartJinT ovu Trill aevcr stray, 'J J ' 4 ii-'; .i And-tkoaghll scfe thee not, my joy is ......... x OBEH,S!;03TAI4GIA.,, Z. it E- . BY BS. M. R. EAYWE. Farmer Coniiover sfrode into the j bo use, took off his fur cap and thick tuitteas, and unwouii-i uu.n VtM'f Pr redopleMnfvftfr; ' frorribl3' ahpJetl1foat'r Then fib, eat down by the warm wood fire and said to his wife: Venaa nRerEfhad somethin' toi tell you, SairyAnn, but I can't for! the life of me just remember itj neow," ; h Was it sonwhody ert mai ricl?" ! In'fpjirejaMrA.' Cimiiyer, "who was bustiing about setting t ho : table for supper. ; , y;' ' "X, didn't seem as it t'was. Iinmme tbiiik," and ho pressed a mwlilatjve lore-flngor on that part of his forehead AVh'ero he seemed to locate t ho facui ty of icmory. "Is anybVidy dead that you are acquainted with?" "N., it , tai.i't oyi ther marryin' . or dyin' a& I ken see. Gurus how 1 do furget t liiugs . scmiet iino.V, r ;. ! "We ain't Iieud from lien f.r quite a'viiik'j" strggestedMrs Con-.jmvf-r. That's ix," cried tho farmer, juiiiping to'is feet as spnghtly'ns a logT Taiut from Ben, leastwise it ain't his hhnd-writen.' but it's a i letter. I've trot it ri":ht hero in !iiy pocicetC" "Do teli," said his wife, drop, ping the dishes she was holding in tCptiiiscj;jjs hcaji. If,'. It'-lua't frtMU Bentavho i H lrom?" vfLlt's writ to you' said IieT'hus band pioducing ft at last. Mrs. Ucnnover up to the lclo?k shelf iril'tdcik down htr Bible. . L . reacting spectacles. ; - "It's a strjiige hand to mc," she said, s&inningiit carefully, "must besmn0 of t-icely's folks." 'So she stepped to the door lead- lg abi ve stairs jnzd called at the top ot tier vdjcc: "CH-e-e C-l c-e-ly !" ,, ,jlierel am, mother," answered i ssvea Toij "What is it?" For "every. inflection of Iir gooil mother's A'oiee was familiar to her, and this'onb bristled with excabna- tion poiuts. . . .. "Here is a letter, in a strange hand-write. Do you: know who, it is frtni?V 'handing! it to her. i W litds -addrejsotl-'--to,- yod, mother. It seems to me the easiest "v"ay;to find ioVlttdb9fj ust "to open itr f riii)5 lsn'tny tlr&ig about Ben," said jblbly, daftly bpening the ei-. elp lifter iie Itutl admired the smart (College style superscription. .i.Lv&.icu m Some lawyer or Iruit- gest nuver gruffly Cicely: read it over to herself fireftuid at once changed oolor. ilt IsaboutiBenViiuotherv' she is from the dqcjtpt 3'ho 'is, taking rHtroffitdm.;1 Oh, mother, dyn't cry, Ben needs yon. Keep up your Xner in anmstoacijr touew ' - i.U vieeiyeau, tue qoctor s leite. J IA'ouKI thnk TUn hi VtAf ,Cjiee;re er. ltix banknrs"about 1 Ben'Qff tKbre 'iueTba 1 can't r7 7 mmwymmrm her yes and yoic, he is fifik, this : aWli wdy d'alrt' Alt lie'coiild 'fir hiiri; but' luk pareifts 'had better me'M'- it ''require i'iioVo' 'sfelll than be -the 'piiysfctati h:d,llc euro mm. nc, uueu....wjr tjrM, that the boy was suffering fjd oi ' a n i V . - y. ; . , .T iu r severe cast of postalgm. f ;,.: , ' tWK'iV tn'the, V0rld ' is that ? M nyer heard it betor?,'' -Qxclaime Y'tiat 8 it, Cicely,?'! asked iMrs. .oTthe ?4grtwal sohapJ,' ;bex p4r-j fiXpectcd her to knoweyary-J - SUo shook her head. ' "It means that we must go .to, Beu just as soon s we can., If t here had been any hope the doctor wouM have S:iid ao." She criekand. worked at the same time. Ben, her only brotner, was her idol. She had opposed his go itig awny from flrk to last, bvit the father was 'wiser. : ' .. "If life' boy ai'i ft contented here, let lil in go to the city, and clerk for a year or two. He'a khis ot two jutads any whcre,.'V saUI" the gruff old farincr, . ' And Bn had been ill, and too proud to IctJJiem know. .. ;They , tok , ho , evenins -train. At , the depot some of their ,-frwuds had' gathered to hear the'iibws.' Of each, and all, they asked. Uie same qpstiouu. tlfave you heard of Nostalgy ? Aod nono ot tnem naa- ever hoard of it, but all agreed that it must be a dreadful thing to have su.'h a dlHcult name. Vlie.i tney reachod the city they had cried and worried themselves sick. At least tho two womfen had. The lather, with the stoicism" of his kind, and beat a constant tatoo on the Ciir window and and whis tled an accompaniment ail tho time ho was crying in-his hqart. "Oil, ab&tlom, son I" my son ! my There was no ono to meet them, as no one was interested In their coming except Ben and the. doctor, and tliey neither of them had heard of tueir iutention.-?. ho they went at once to the place wlienj Ben boarded, a dreary house, with innumerable small, ill-ventilated rooms, wheie for the elifire sum that ho earned weekly Ben Connoyer was-permitted to lodge. t, The doctor -had made his hos pital round that night, and bis lost can was on ueu. no was a young physici'in, and very zealous over liis patients. II.3 took an iu terest in the handsome, whole a . soutea country uoy, who was un accustomed to close rooms and sew- 1 er gas ana lonely hours, ana. so wrot e ihat IfcUe'icb iris jnother.' .rAHd a they; 8toatoar tliao step ringing the' grumbling bell he Yvdlked up aiid "soon1 -disco yqred whothey wero, and madi himaelt known. V t i f " ;rOli, Doctor, ii tliere any hope ' Uov-tor. will juy boy ?et well :J ; ; 'IDoctois lfe tiHitlivc f; ' These were tho questions that were pourcvl into the iloiitor's ear. x y 'H6jr"verj'.Uiifeebg of biin to laugh! ri'Wby tiiere is noUiiug hi the world Ihe matter Vitli Jum . l. As" I wrote you itibul a bad tease of no-stal-gia ' .'Doctor.!" said (he father, sternly, 'put'that ere wo4 ii plain Eiiglmb.'' -l:f'yHiJdlal?;M1iP. doctor, j It is the medical tcruv for homesieknesft. And that wa all that httcd the 'bo, A'g6o.ttc.sl 6 friiiciitai longing . and wrry.aa brought on; Iey.fr. t,ufef Jieu was. fast becoming reallyiili. but the Soulier wno was not sictejrom auy la tal mitladyj He was homesick. JNow that wo dre fiere we'll stay .i . ..... . . - - - . and, seethe sights. Sarah Aun,'? .Mr.; 1'ouhoy saad to bis wife, . '"3 you caoVoJdlo Ben all y ou want to 4'' i' S -; ."And Bea aspUling to coddled.; Biit it-'was 'straqge lhat after explain--, igjliat bf medical ydrdi the ; doctor stn KC-pi coiu:n5.TT, as woiriea tne - oia eoubbj aUUVbecaiisethoyu'tl-ioo Bfr&be Jrt7"nge;-.- rafter; alL utit Waa.thedoclp ..wUt. was-ra danger trow Vll liact ran4fe;Ted 'his i intltest ltf the brother ,! to the I I " - ' " i "4 j v. "ie in t test In the, brother '5 to thel sister synipttthetiCyOutVg doctor had1 diag-' uosedbis caso correctly. He .was a ff fit H i- ll if - 3 Iin II :- T- I . ' . J '"'. ,t - n -'f . f-.. .... ! ' ' ! : " ' . . . . ." 1 joVARD;NONE ; y'im CU ARrryFOR ALL: 5 fRlCE LfeO Butlt ati iae&-oufr right ? Only t5e must have tonics and iflirectiotis arid at last tUor doctor Weat put -tlnera-'' hndl -sUUUhed aprack;lS.r;a;C)Ut,. the! Latin word8i -6-?y-4jf I And he TrasrfgM,V iThera'liOi more Incidioia 'disease tliat"'-tibm'fe-i sickness. ' When, the Swiss " Soldiers , th4 bravest fighters in the wd btar t&e familiar liana des' bac lies'1 they ;eai ou their carbines ' and ,v yeeu5;for .tfi'lcrved- 'glacier lUini mefeYitam? W'-uudef the' heartwhose classical) name Is nostalgia, and which frcelv : translated means blckneas for ' home. Detroit Fiee Tress. THE DECLINE OF HOME PO LITENESS. ,. There is, says tho Louisville Courier-Journal, a great coin plaint at homo and abroad-'-of tho decline of politeness. Although part', of the lament may bo dao to tho tltne bouored feeling that : "things are not now ns they used to be,"- - yet there is gmnl cause for the oft-heard moau. In America wo lay perhaps too little stress upon the outward and visible signs of Inward' grace. We think it enough that a person sh6uhl mean wc-Tl, no matter hpy far short he may come of express ing his good 1 intentions. "There appears 16 be so great a rush to ac complish the daily round of busi ness that but little time, it any at all, is given to thoso acts of grace ful courtesy so trifling in them selves, yet, which contribute great ly to reduce the friction of lumie and social life to a minimum. This living by th'e clock, this rui.- ning for train or boat, leaves no margin for quiet stateliness iu act or speech. ' THE rio. The pig Is a , familiar object in A. . . c" - sfiinw time boloraNoah nadfciiacK-l up anu go sailing. He got some pigs' to go up to the gang-plank and ci ter his ark, but tnat was the only instance ever known whore the uuimals aecomidaled anybody who was in" a hurry. Where there are several species and many breeds, no one traveling abroad into strange countries will never mistake a pig for anything etefl. It was not until the year 1G32 that lii? flesh was oaten. Up to that time his bristels were supposed to run clear through him and clinch on the other side, and his meat was supposed to be made up of burdock roots, old potatoes and to mato cans. There are still more people who declair against pork, hut when pork is a shilling a pound codfish - Is only seven cants. Tne pig alive is of no good to anybody, but when dead his meat can be made to answer for chicken, f mut tdn,. turtle, uall.qvenison aud pork; i . his bristles re made into camel's I hair brushes; Jiis hoofs into glue, ' his lekrs into Dickies, hi;- hide into f . 1 1 : . . . .1 i. : a. 4 ..... . luiiKaiur - tKiii, iuuj ins 1.1 nas used Tor lard'until cotUja eel oil ami vag:i grease took its place. Detroit Free Press. , ( . , AN END TO BOS 13 SOU APING Ei ward Shepherd, of narrisburg 111., aay: 'Ilavinsr recived much bcuellf from Electric Hitters. I fi-el it nly dirt! to lot- suffering'- tiamanlty kuowjtawdluve hod a miming sore ou my-lf-g foreJUM, yfj,;ra.,my ,aoct.rs told nleJL would have to btvo- tha boiie scrdped or-' le amputated. T ued, inRim.1,. thno bottles of Elec-irk-B. tier aud f &veu boxes Jhicktens Ainic-t Saly? aud ;my , leg,, is ' now souiid and welt ' ' 1 - . .1,1,1..,.! l' ' ."' 'A ' ' !l 'fc !'' " Jud-rmafr'froiri? ''floating1 oewspftpcr paragraphs it would appear tliat'D-au-iel Webster was chii fly distinguished fer making first-class fish chowder.1 t GOOD, RESULTS IN EVEUY CASE. 1 Dl'A' Bradford, wholesale - paper . , dealerbfChftdanOOzaTeiin.'write-Jthat he. was seriouslv aftt.ctod wih a severe cold, which .settled on bis luus: r bad. trie4 mnny remedies without i beuellu ilt-iiiiV biauced to' try Dr. Kingji New , Ms'STvery' fr riousaihplio'n, dfd sot and vraa eutirely cured- by usa 6f a .we bo ilea.. Sica which time he has used fl in his family lor, all coughs and nol.ls with bust rcVul.s. . TC'u i ,tfte einerieiicd of thousauda wiie I ... :-a.. 1 lives have ocen sat eu oy 'iiiis ven-ideTfal---overy4-y -s:i' 1. villi S. ' " I T T - T TO iFAlULERS. Tho Commissioner of Agriculture would take this early opportunity of 'trtfcrnrlng all who may be interested In the development of the matcrtal in- tctits of the State; that they rill flnd; him'at1 all Urneirrady to "c(Kperate' and lend atiy 41d at bis' crfrmaud" to tbis'cud.' Especially does he" request; that farmer the tillers ( of the ftoilj : tJiose vrhd are espcclaH r Interested ' la -Aifahuarg tIiernrfst0cnrKibliri2 of all rial fing,"ajr!cu7tj";re -tairnffpotf vuuhuauu JlllII, rClllUUlLTOriU Wlilb 11 lit his pleasure At all times to serve them in auy way possible. Ho vrui ever be found ready to co-operate iu auy good work lookiug to the advancement of agriculture, and to assist in fostering this great industry. John Uobin'so, Conamissiouer. ASTONISHING SUCCESS. It Js the duty of every person who has used BoM-hcc's Oeiman Syrup tj let ics woiiderful qurlitit-s be known! tj their frieodi in curiug coitKirmp tijn, ercre conglis, croup. athnii,. phcuinoniii and in fact all throat ar.d Iuor diseases. No eroa can o it without imuicdiato rt-livf. Three do-' kcs will relieve an y cnet nnd wo con sider it the duly f all dn-giats ta ree-Mrinietid it lo the ioor, dyiug o-n, auoapuve. ut leait to try ouu boillri as 8'4,0O0 dozen bottle were sold Urt yejtr, and no one t asb v-ft3 reported "tdicrc it failed. Sneh a medicine as th-. (Jriman .Syrtip eannotbo too wide ly kuqvn. Ask your tlragpUli alxmt it. S .tuple littles to Uy, oUl at 10 centn. lteruiar aize, 75 cent. 8 ld bv all druTgits and do.iler, iu the United Siab-8 and Canada. IN D LSPEN S A B L U TO TUB TOIL . EI Darbys Prophylactic Fluid cures dialing, eruptions aud inflammation of all Kinds ; cures iu flamed or sore eyes; relieves pains from bites or sliujjs of insects and sore feet dc-stroys-all talut of pcraperatioa or of fensive smell fr-mi the feet or any lurtof the body; cleanses and whitens the skiu. Used as a doatlfricelt pu riflcs tlic breatfi; preserves" the "teeth and cures tootliache; sore sums aud . .- V ... -u canker! AYittle'of the 'fluid in the water used ia'bathiug is very, refresh ing and especially beuefid.d to the sick. BUCK I ,:N.S ARNICA SALVE. Tlve lleit silvo in the world or CitV Bruiser, Sores Ul-era, Salt Rheuin, Fever Sres, Tetter. Cliap p. U bands, Cliilblaius, C-rns, nU kin Eruptions lud positively cures Piles r uu pay n q retl: It h g-iaranlecd to givo -rlect saltefaetimi, or money iuidcd. Trice 23 cents a box. rej The parlor is probably the mostfre qucnteU of all court rooms. The coming holidays will be more generally observed tiian any for many year, and we would remind our read ers that a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will prove a most acceptable holiday present. . Stocks and yesseU arj much alik. H'heh they get too much water iu they arc liablo to sink- , Stafford, Fort Bcud ( 'o., Texas, i Oct. 31, 18SG. Messrs. A.'T. Shalleabcrger & Co. .. Rochester Pa. Gents. I harfc used your Pills, and behove they are tlic very be-t remedy for chills and fever ever ucd in this country. . I have induced many of my friend to try them,, aud ..they all prououui-e them a positive and permanent cure for chills and fever. Very respectfully, . . T.J. Packer. Itds foolish1 W bandy worvU wlta a chemist ; ho always has a retort hau- dy. ;. -THBREMEtfhRACE OK' ElQnf "I iniill -.i-rl YEARjj; .' i-'.-iji ( Trtton, Todd Co., Kjr, Feb. M,18S7.. 1 (ienklciuto I bad -a sort m my ppr Hp tor eight yearm, Sreo diflereat do trs attenptcd in rain U ht-al it. One' gave nie a aoiall buttia for f- whlcU vu a -ccruia enre'" It is nevdlens to ay that tidid )ne 00 soad. -A boot twa years go 1 became quite nneysr, people thought 1 a. uiiu cancel . biiu a uina m. rnu raa ni 1 n. I bottler f t. j, 8.r The rennlt was a com- ' I' Pet.ci??-i .ultr of caacer baed ; Deaiuiiany-, leaving scarcely a pcrcvpti 'ble Mr 'Fritn that day t "hare been in exeeltcat health, tl Spv-cl jo haria'x thor ;oUjthJr cleansed my blood, Increased inv lappatita and prfectid mr digestlota; ' In a word, I feel lika , a new, wttraaa. 'aad., best of all, the eight yea cancer is gone entirely.' 1 ",s ' ' ' ... " .. - - - ;yoors iacrclr, -.. i ' ' , Mra. W. r Vannoo.'." Tteatistf ' on Dood and Skia 'Diseases mailed free. '. -'.:, ! . ( . TbeSwift Specific Co- Pnvex 3 At- JaaU'-Ua,'-'." PER ANNUEL In AdvAnca A GOOD EXAMPLE, 0 i For white and celored, was caHod ,to our attention yesterday: at; Mr.! NcDqnald'a store. iA colored far mer from Rutherford ton, nameil John Logan, had brought !ii J a lot of nne hams of his own curing to- j getiwr witb othei . farm i protlucts for which.be obtained cood -prices , in cash. Tbla wasa partof a? sur- plus loft after making andtretaln-' ing athono full pcovUloafor tho years support. Hew few farmers in the codntry, white or black, can: say so much I Yet if all would do it, there would be tnoaey "In the country, and tho cry nf haid times Salvatiou O-l tlie greatest pain cure on earth, i guaranteed to afTe-. t a cure Where U is possiblo for the seat of the dise&xe to te. readied by a linbueat. Price 2.S teuta a bottle. Oar Ccwc". OoH. Hoi n nm CVqwm L (nMk ITi. ttrlm, 0 Item. Tbm OntJt Dr. tmU'm ara.-ra rwrwni m vmr mm ta SALVAT.OHOIL, '' ,,r.rf b OrcitCit Cura ea IUith for Pta" Pata." Will relieve more quickly thaa aay other known remedy. RbeamatUa, Neuralgia, Swell in c, Braises, Barns, Toothache, Bpraiaa. :c Sold by all Druggist. Price25 Cent a BotUe. OSe of BoItonTdeihi; societies is at odds on tlic qutstiou whetler the expre&aiuu va-corucr m. pora" rticra t the" anlniulVcnrwhu fda. Sboold bo ul a few mem tha before conflnmwat Bead tat book" To MoTmxBa," aniJed tron. Bxadtxiu BxarLAToa Co, Aliati, Oa. It is a paradox that of all shoe s felt shoe is the let felt. Ia an affoctloa of tho Ltrer. ax eJi be thorouly cxatC by that Qraad Xtoeulator cf the XJtot and Biliary Oryrvns, SIUK0M3 LIVCn RCGULATOn ' ' "A!rCTAtTCfi BT J. H. ZnUS & C0 PtCaddpMa, Pa, , . . 1 . . 1 -,? I ffllHd for nrrrrt yMt wJJ ' -! lioTlerd Uvrr. which reMiOr. la s rvere tuM-k of Jsaixlicc I h4 u irood medical mUnAuem m nar ape Hon affords, who failed nU.rly to re store bm tbe n)oTaaent oT n former good health. I iba tried LS . UtorUe prescription of one of tho most rnoncl physicians of Louls viile. Kf trat b no parpose : vbers- QpaotsraatoduredtotrTaisnittsma , , l.lvr ResrvlaUr. I found lmme dtsie bencr.i frotaltsne, scd t nltt " m at el t restored mt to the fall eajor tacat oflwalth. ' A. IL SHIRLEY, R5rhmoo$. Xy. HEADACHE FrcIs from a Torpid LiTr and Is pttrttJca of th StAseach. Iteaabo -- turarfably cmred by takbsr . SIMH0N3 UVERREGUIiTOS let sH who suffer remember thai ' BICI'IKD KERT0U3 ELU5ACH3S iLij,;',,',i;,rv,'. f m jl ar " 'li'iFFillr Iplffil lei p 1 THE TRKlNlMtg; -1 Tut Tiii'js U lb.- cljcil twvf tfitt pnhliabed in Franklin coont r, "d U circulation extends aP overrrtry sec tion of thi and adjotniog oocsb'ea. AdTcrtiset &aould tanks a note' r erf h - -.The Editoc iU.nob ;itnwV. for tho vitas of corraj'poodantaj-., BrU-f eomiBBaa4ima from all sec lions most earnetly oHte-V rKimn items of aaj aatare vill balbaiitfutfy "received. '' ' " .J J,iui9tl CLEVEIl PARODY?'1 V ..;.n.; b - - j t;i 'iloUm : The Aichlaon "oiotwbubLTes ovTr ina parody of n rPsuliiVrili ' inthb ,wise;..rTelUitir jcnT In . mournful q umt rx thai the .ton li full Of gtomja, CiSit nth : DUntA crank voiurubenlnlheffcurs4' 4nedyB of, boom.'i Lift la teal, Ufe;is earnest, ar-i Iho grtvo' Is -zui Its goal, every r4uUara-lSkii. iheu tarn en hepa to tnsketh Old.to'lni Jo'LBaLexiJayciebtaixl jUbljadt- row, laoor. dffltlued end. or?iray; If you have no moneys bttom-s. buy a corner rot-ach xrar. Lives ofreat men all femirid'ds ;eltar' win Immortal Tamef 'lollus4 ?caye - get therejust thoteaiV'lnVh'lj -orU s Lroad field of mbiull"fo tho bivouac rllftciiia'maitli lot wife!' Let with a heart ;"for' auyTfalVl2l ..Lt...:.. . j lr ' . '.'I. w ' I Bumevjii, tun pursuiug; oooiuiiu; early, boomln- Lit t"M,,-T BOY AND BIRD. There was an olJ rofrJtcrlio tern an lev I iuiu kejn a ritui wHicn over .hlne young pvnple of bidcnar ji one occasion t Jovl ish youl h sat Tn ono ot the front pews aud creitecl a tlr by lunging. at soiiio'obJecC' that flew iu through U-e opesi wlndo The old mlnLstcr was purUn'd 'ut he peered over his glaws anj'aaV 1... !- I - - .' something flying about Jim ycai youth, who waaflijMiug 't'ooti oud uaJl.' , , ;J " ' "There !. there, sonuy,' b'' ka'l with authority, "ucver, ndnd'tle bhd." "'7 1 cn he resumed hLt.Jscounel 9ut ihP congregation ncemctl inoro Intercuttd in the youth and lifovb'r turl"oi l1 "n the f ei imon ar bo stopped and again peered- pver.I I rwHinclcs at tho flying object and I ikkA.' ' ' ' . e hear, sonny J" he said la a loud voice. "Never 'njlnd tbo bird." Ibis wca loo nmth for ' the joull, wl.u anvi red ia a I.riH lej : "Tainl a bid;h. a mlackh g tig tumble lif, au 111 le lUvi) jf It's g-iu to ccmo to meitin' wLen 1 de. The conironry w.-.a ilorpfd bf one ot the deacon, whoraoted tho bird." Del roil Prr Prr aa. . i .i Tliey nay out west llat.tke appear ance iu a Iowa or a stranger fu a pnlr of nmddr lxol is auSkiuit to start ' real estate bconi. ajid if ha niauage to have an odor of ftrol-iuw or iMtw rai ras about bun, u.4 eui.eRiai wm BrAurrrvLLr'iLLVttaATtD. This Hacaaiaw prtray' AaasvU eaa ikon at mm 4. lilm Crasa oeaa.i oceaa, la filled with par hichlas literatare, aad caa be safe If weU . la aay family lrcle. t u" t - Ultl ago. 81 S3 A TtAl IT HA It! far-ss Cpf swrMC mmmbf iM 'fiomil -Ipt 33 U. ;" Mtm, J Jf tU. ' ' rrmaUsa XJst'wIih etta'ar. 4 ISO m Pearl stui'jrlTi' m!kamm? Urn, mm DOU IIUTEBJS S4M4 IOO - iad -. Al I afrv 11 il HI 1 mm mUtm bor Sa fwef ; ait uaci s soai kaa scs aura as -li u u u IT m - - rv. nnoic nrm lfu. lwr r.lrri toi. I. ! 1 .vyN iiMMi irnitii.djkii,u .) mZktivmfm. V C. sa.. a .rit Jnihi I Lit IIM1 1 AtsociATCD rasiciraa. t ''r'-irr n. rsnstiissis,rs to preocn in a cnurtli in We- Nev York wf'o iievcf HAuM lly amonff liis coorcr-.dlon. Ml -11 If4r-i716fninafililr)l Uaa bmamtoTnMif Aaj (Mi at alaaa ! i -i i . . i '! : i leia tn f7in;r. Cm bs prtn te-1 tut lag a do i '. i - .A' ..-';iVmf'--v'.' 1 ; P:y

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