f iv'j fi ,-.-; nil Ba SBSSa -. 1. i 1 1 "Pi V,' I s Editor and Pro reVir -Mae iear - - SI 50 . : . ' -: - - -. .... ' swx Months ; - . 1 Oft II . . WW V r I .Mr. MA& Hill U r A Absol Jl his pi(M jert:e-Ynri puritv. stretiui and uliikk-snincncss More eouoiifil thau tbe ordinary kinds, eajuiot be sold in competition with Mm multitude of low. test, short weight or pho.si)li:te powders. Sold OXLY t CAiis. KotaL ilAKIXO Powder Co., rr 10G yall St. N. Y. General Directorv. DUISUllG, N.J. CHURCHES. M ET no D I st lie v. A. JIvCulU'nu "astoS services every Sunilitv, mominjr and ni-ht. Prayer" meeting every Wednesday uiht. Sunday school 9 o'clock. A. M. li.viTlST Uev. liaylUs Cade, pas tor. Services 1st and 3rd Sundays in each month, ; morning and night. Prayer nieet ug evtfry Thvrsday night. Sunday School o'clock, A. M Uayob ',)L. KHis. . , ;o.ItssioxKii.s Thos. white, F. N. Egertoit, .1. J. Barrow, .1. A, Thomas. OoxiTABLB Piuneil. Uoard inwcte Friday before first Monday l n each month. , FRANKLIN OUNTY. 'CoMMtftsioSBKs O. A. Nas!t, ; li'um., S. f rudup, lt.S- Frtstcri h'. P. Vicrcer V. li. Uwlb -i f.v..;.8 !.'.-. . Siiperior, Court . Clerk A. W4 Pierce. . Ilegistt'r of Deeds B. F. Bullock. Sheriff w.UiG. Kearney.; t ;-Treasurer-B. P.Olifttm. 'y' S ipertutemlcntof Public InstrttcUon 4J. N. llarrU. :.li'',AyY ;i .S ' Keeper' Pnor ttoac J. W. PinnelV. Sui-'r of He vi-tn Ur. E. Foster. ! 4W4hIiICAT14 to. S. Ba'ier, Chairman, N. Y. GuUcv.- If? J. N. Harris, Secretary Ttie SiipWteaileot witfbkio touW "bars ou thscJ!ul Tbrersdiw of! Feb- 1 nary. April, July, boptemor, ucto ber au 1 Dvcamber, Vf j reuiji f Ihre ; days, if necessaJ Sr th'j ,pn. pose of vxainininj; aj)picnt8 ttf' Jeacli n the nablio 83hojl4fFfankl1icontt ty. - , PUOF45SS1JUNA TJ.OA.RDS. - B B.IASSEN13UllGr ATTORNEY AT LAW- V " , LOyiSBUUp.N. p, . Office ; la thje Court ..lipase".!',-, AU Ini.Viness pat in my bPS wiif receive, prompt attention., ; ; Q Ai..CO(JK.l3. a'C r Y and COUNSELLOR at LAW. li accenii tne ooitri1s 'i7i:.iasn Frank itxi OinVillerJJVftrreir 'and Wake Omufttes Is'ollerrfnaT Cou rt of , N,()Yi.C ipV?--W A Jtie; M r . S. CircuJtnd'ttiWiWTowiiii' ;jW jdfinl Cvt-i.Tai itl tU. Yjll 1JI D OW'YMfWfflWl Coke's Drug Store, aujqiimig DrjO. l n jf a ATQXNET, AT LAtF LOBISBUrKS, V. C. W II. DA V. A. C, ZOJAA. OFFEP Practice in the courts of Franklin, Vancfe0rAn7iU, Jllitax to 4 li aiirqitohin a tfre' Suprentei -eral courts of the Statft,. -" TCTEEDlIAM Y. QULLEY, .- : - . - ; V .; r; . -j v 5-,- Negotiation of . Loans .and. collecting a "17. Tv:;.u ;;mi JS: "ii...':. - ." J .,.'-..' - J.v A. THOMAS, E(j .' M1i flavtbt has of ute ' been cast upou the 11 aaotion th it "shakes ' and' oiiie insecCsTwn ielil)erat?Iy"'cdmmit idde vlvea hajrd jresed. ' Areceat leiter from Isdia tell- of a large black man, And whU'li la its aoay,' wa aiu by iiaKVes pfeieot to be biting itself O death.. Clase watching by the lii- glishuian showed, korerer, Uiat the sa; ikevas iT4plyntlovhjg Us rheatl rarouiul. lattil hitting itself - accklently: i AccnieuiadeatindQt sutcide, Is t:ie prouaoie veraxi, m soau cases. At the jrecen . municipal; eloc tron in Raciue, WiawjasU.sevvyjU; wo wen. viUitheJltev. jOlympia Brown-Willis arul tried 'toryote for -.'schooV. oCBoers, 'ciini?n5 thejujrgh lojdo so Under the sLf lav. yterof refused, howev streirtrtl5of4tn onlJp- rcceiv- efif on the cd by tel-'praph from tlie attorney general of the state. Xow Mrs. Wil lis proposes to bring suit against the inspectors, for several thousand do!- 4ari-Jauage8 forleprivlng her of the fight of 4 citteeii of th-Uuited States. This will be doe to make a test case as to the validity of the woman su: frage Liw. Several similar suits are o be instituted- m Tarious Wisconsin cities- aud their progress and re.u t will be watched wi-h iuteixt. , An interesting comparison between the. army expenses of this country and Europe is made by Loudon Truth, which says: The amount annually spent by the European countries to keep up their armies and navies is , 181,120,000, ; The amount siciit by 'America is about :C8,00 ,00t. Ad- dlngl' therefore.' the co.jt for war debts and for -'armaments together, it will 1ms .seen that Europe pays 790,000, and Ainerkii 4il?,0U0.00Q iier ahuum. How possibly t enn ' Europe hope to lMU14it 'if., owuagulns t -bTer irau - AttiUr . tic rival, wheu she handicaps herself, in the struggle for c-nume.cisil suprem acy, with the stiipendtms 'change of ;37G,000,000 per annum? As if this 1 Avere'ff'if "enbugh'Eurbpc is each'Tear , iier.easing her burden, wln'sfcr Aineri M;av. is each year reducin? Ueva C HOW JUDGE t AST OX DIED. r?r Secretary Dobbin, ofNorth Car-li-Qif, lisdd to relate with 1 great feeling jfeie "tlea th. bed scene of judge Gasto.i. Surrounded b' a few of his chosen friendsT who were at his bedside at "Jhe lirsVmtinia'ipn of a danger . to which he was insensible, he was rela ting with great playfulness the partic ulars of-a convivial party -at Washing ton Citya.few j-ears before, and spoke o at .that occasion avowed himself a i 'fred thinker" in religion. , 'From tha .day,? said Judge Gas tonJL always looked on that man with distrusts :I do not think that a free thinker may ; not bean honorable man; that lie may not form high motives, or scorn to do a mean act; but I dare not fa-ust him,( A belief in p.verrulii g TBvipty whi) shapes our ends, , whose eye isTipon U3, and-who ; will 1 re ward vacconling to our deeds,is necessary. .Vie tuust beliere.aiid feel ' there is a ana seeming to swell with the though buihjj-lxJlL, There wata sudden,. roslrot blood to.the brain and his spir it was gone ! ' Not a groau pained the; "Say; Tomr that . fellow SJuppin seems to appreciate a story." - 44 Yes, seems to." . "iwn'i you kuow wny T" jiiKo.lC - rf"v ; 4 "IVhyTIlel nim have' five OBI dol- rr-v..- Mr the otlier day," t , i - .DON'T EXPE 'ilMENT r . .Yon an no t a& r d to waste tiro el ia eipiituenipg-wheh inr lungs are in danger". Consumption always, seems, -at-fii-t,;OJily a cold. ;Do -u ot permit any deaicr id fmppse bpon ypn. with, some cheap imitation f . i)r. Kins's NewDiseoyery Jot ?,Gonsujuptiou, niu3k-au cuius, uiu BHJsnre -you -get thesenhine. Because he can make pput getting Dr. ipg New Dis. Ijojferyt. which is.-guaranteed to gl'va !!. It At I.- 1 I - rt'iiei in au mroac, lung ana cnel aw fmore profit lie taay teiryott he- has something jnst ks -good,or jjost'the same " Don't be deceived, but fnLt oiv ; HTHEf ACE OF AN ANGEL. ;Ther6 ttremany. different : types of. 'beanty- Theie is beauiy of yputhi which all enjoy for u season; there is the ' $eaaty of , form and ixlorVhic)il3X!?!,!a:V attractive Of ihteliectV which sharpens and re r HSueiUelmQitJuss&i features apd redeems the ra Irom the cnarge ot plainness; ai.ci lastly , there is the hlghejstvbeaaty of; jll,, .the beauty, of holiness, which comes from close and, frequent intercourse with God, and Is the reflect iqu of his glory. This is the beaatyspoken of In the Acts of the ' Apostles, when it is saidrtHaFll that sat in the counsel iVrliy.-t Stephen, a - man full lot! faith and of powei and of tfteSHoiy Ghost, "saw his face as it had been the face 6t" an angel." i The beauty,of youth is fleeting. Beautiful features are rare, and the mosVbl-itliant "exii?jple!ibns fax!e. ; The, beautyjOJnteiect is rarer still, ; but the beauty ot holiness is with ! rhrefcfrbf all;!, all may acquire t1iat if they'Cijpose, and t..Is is a beauty that never fades, but daily ; increases, though the outer uiau ! may wither aiid decay. We see" it sometimes illuminating the faces ; of the -poorest and tho oldest, even J of the deTormed and ttlUicted, as well as of the youag, whose natu ; ral Ooauty it frightens and adorus; and whenever we see it we may bo sure that lie or she who possesses it is iu the habit of holding inter course H'ith God a child of prayer, for it is prayer and meditation on holy tilings which makes the lace, as it were "the lace of an angel." . ALAS! One of the easiest habits to form Is the habit of using some one word or ihrase so often that it becomes E'.uersou's iittetitioti to his frequent use of the ward "'riiir' and Bo yreatwas Iv.iier-ou's aversion to jiannerisms thai he at once struck the word entirely-from his vocabu lary. -One of tho most distinguished "bishops iu the Methodist Episcopal church was, in his youth, smitten with a low mess lor the word "alas," which he used with great effect. On one occasion ho was de scribing tne death of the Christian man, and thus expressed himself: :'See him as he lies upon a dying bed. His friends surround hiir; his Wife and children are there to receive his blessing.- At last the farewells are spoken, he breathes no more. Now could we part the veil, we should see a convoy of an gels sent direct from the heavenly courts to bear his ransomed soul home, lie rises higher and still higher, until at last the music of heaven resounds in tp iiia. ears. He receive au, aDundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom, and (lvereg4ilas! let us leave him." At the close of the sermon - a brother iiid tir hini: 'Brotfiet- , I qif$r sipefprfi that it was a inburjjf ulvtitiug fur ir . Cliristian to be safe in heaven; but as you giaidy Alas Met usjleave him there,' ;jou wusl think it is." I8li VOI m!.l i-J '-- -a ' ."t' -a CoriatR,. ilw, Jan 13 1887. Ever since 1 cam out of the war.uu to iwp jfCarB mo. a, iiiu :t varru, 4v limes tjie dirieie,-ai vert ''bftenaive.'.", I ( tried idlthe 3otdra that I could see, and 'near ly every catarrh medicine that I aavr ad vertised; -but I found no perminent relief until two years -agof ; wheu-. 1 began taking S. S. S. X telt , immediate benefit from tic nicdicinei and after taking six bottles-Ffelt like a new man. When I began using the medicine. I felt like a new man. - Whau I began using the medi fn; I cm in a. very bad i condition; my digestion was wa a oorTI hod rheumat ie pains in my kneea and my feet -were always cold.. There aupleasant -conditions were remedied at once by Swift's Specific- f " ( ! v t 1 1 ceased usiag the medipine after the six bottles! because I "felt so veil that I ..thought I was entirely cured.' This past lallhoweverI'fiad a relapse-evidently I had stopped tAkiug S. ; S. a.: too soon. Stv I at once, began with- the medicine, and aufhappv to tell you that I am -very much improved, my general health being excellent, and the catarrh; -.rapidly .disap- pearingA: . . ' - , . ... . . . IT his. rmnt.'faTfh' !n S! St . A fnr pfttnrrK and blood impurities, aud , I recomeua. it -xo au my nejgnuorr, wno are sick. i Yours truly, J Treatise ,ori?"Bo6drf and kia . Diseases" UUIIWIlCCt . - ti . A. . . ... , - .TheSwift Specific Co- "Drawer 3, At . ICE $L5p tOTTISBURG; -C-J.UISrE - WHISKEY-DRINKING D$- CREASING , -,..,". -.t .1 '!.".".: The distillers of Kentucky . Kn vo entered into comiact. ; to dina ..; : .... . . - r their cstablisli'ments , after July . 1 jfar oite yeart under. a. forf.i of twenty cents for Vach gallaof fwh iskfcy am fiiciaxedi ati ri j the period of agreoaieht.- .The ot3ct of the movement Is to reduce Hhe Immense overstock and stifBn the price. . The dealers say that -the markets all over the country 5 have. for montVs been excessively dull, causing an increase of about a mil Ion gallohs ' in bond during the past inmith,' and' efghS : iriillib'n'fl since SiinfiAryi' ' " ' ' ' , ' ' The reasons for tho dull market and over production shows that Inte nperance caiinot be cn the( in cre.ise. The consumption of stlov ulatinar beverages is. tend in? toward taste 13 lauiing tQWflifriUeraLwii ters, fancy .4,bittersr", native . wines and lager beer. These, say the dis tillers, arc drivun: whiskey to the wall. Tho more beer and wine jure drunk tho less, druokencss and crime there wiil be. TIIE SL'EvIAI. TAX BONDS. At the session of the Circuit Court in Itideigh last week the suit of Tem ple against the fcstate of North Caro lina was argued. This case involved tho validity of the special tax bonds which were issued . by a Republican Lsislatnre under the manipulation of littleliel I, Swepsou and others. The coustitutiou.il convention repudiated th-ise bonds and since then the hold" era have been seeking redress. The federal coussitution expressly says that the judicial Dower of tho - United States shall n-t extend to suits in law or equiHy against auy state "by citi xeus Lana;ber tfUtei'jsothe ':bii d holders could uotgetmti tW 'fwforaT courts. Morgan, li iss& CrtJ of New York .who owued a number of thece bonds transferred them to' A,' II. Temple, a citizen of North Curolina, who brought the suit. Judge Sey rnore held that the federal court had no jurisdiction in a suit brought against a state by oue of is own citizens, but .ludge Bond held that the suit could be brought, and there being a differ ence of opinion between tho two judg es, Judge Bond's decision becomes the judgmeut of the court but must be certified to the United States Supreme court for approyaL This is the first time that such a construction has beeu put upon the poijt by a federal court as to the right of au individual to brins suit ia the fe Jeral court against the State of which he is a citizen, tmt Ju-'?ge Bond decides a. !a. i ta . w io sun nnnseii. in a case heard by him previously iu Virginia he decided ou a contrary principle. We do not believe the Supreme Court will 'sus tain Judge Bond ; but if he does we do not see how the judgment of the court is to be execute. The report of , an extra session of the Legislature- will bo called to consider the" -'matter ''is', premature, nor is there, '.'necessity 'jop such a session,, at.east befr preme court has passed upon' th case'.' Ex. . v..'. . ,n " -l ; .. ., ENJOYu LIFiL -.u-.j. , What a' trnW) Wntlfiiwbrfd" we liveln !-Nature gftea'us thousands of ' m tans' "of "aiby.iiiAt.. We can desire no better when '.la iwr tect health ; but how of tea do toe rat- j-nitytif people feel like .'giving. It'txp. disheartened,; discouraged' and 'worn' a uL J; i At -i - 4 uiifc wilu mse.iBf, wueu mere uhq go. c uiou for this' feeling,' as 'e Very suf ferer 'can easily ; t btain .satiswclory proof, that Green's , Aagusl ' Flower wll make them free from' disease," as when born. Dyspepsia and iver complaint are the direct causes 'of seventy-five per cent, of : such, mala dies as Biliousness, Indigestion. , Sick headache, cosiivenesv peryo'ia prupi-.; tration, Dizzmessot the head,. Palpi tation ol the heart, and . other, dis tressing aym'ptnma. ;'-Three doses ' ot August Flower will prove its woudor ful effect. - Sample bottles. 10, cents. Try it. - , 1- , . . ,- . .4. . f -; ' 1 ' " r "Now, Jonny,-,, said the patient teacher, put away that pocket- knife and pay attention to what . am saying. If you had an apple .which you wished to dlvhle 'with . - -. . -,, ,,.'.. . .-.. . (tin. r a. 1 i j your nine sister, now uiuta, womu you give her ?" ,;"i'q gve; her the I core," said Johny. 24 1 887 : - - ! FAUil .AND GAPDN NOTEi "' i - " - this yearon ground where . thUt!e stoou tnifliy lan year, anu wer al lowed to go to seed,' '.... Cora tliat is in the least degree . af fected by rust should never be used.' i. i i. ..v r. . . . i. ,ui Ji cjwedb, -a Jack gravel, elc, among finttflag- Jt is better io iprpad manure is it la hauled put tbau to dump it in heaps pa the. field. , , . , Quiet a kicking cow simply by put t'uig a strap in. her. mouth and : buct ling it tight behind her horns s : Onions g iu Ui grouml eery earlr afrd tue best crops are secoied only on i i it. b. : ., . , Avoid strong food with your breed- ing sows, as it inflames the bloou and FYU8 YTO.411110-.: ia Trco plaf tiug-for profit or for adora- VB6?"'"1"0 aa tpuchi a reusing crops or n.-cks and herds. 8ul;bur and old tobacco leaves bumel iu the poultry house, the house being closed perfacrly tight, will clean out the red lice. In making gardens, remove all the weeds and other rubbish and burn them, to destroy various kinds of nox ious insects and larvre. Save the .wood ashes carefully, and, after the orcliards are plowed, s. alter. the ashes over the plowed grouud lil erilly and harrow the ground well. A teaspoontul of spirits of turpen tine in a pint and a half of com meal is considered oue of the best remedies for gapes when fed to young chick ens. A WAY TO AVOID TION. PRO HI- The Maine Liquor law has re ceived aet Lack which the State jCDUWRSjxpt able to .1 remedy, and. .tne sooerpeopieofthat sober Sta are dff cussing tho matter. ' Mich ael l&rnsi a liquor" "dealer . of ' Au 'gusta, is selling liquor openly to all who wish to purchase, und he is not interfered with.' lie did It In this way. The. United Slates pro tects a) 1 persons importing liquors from foreign countries from prose cution under any State prohibitory law forselling such goods in the orlgionai unbroken packages', and Bums has imported to Augusta a good supply of Irish whiskey and Jamaca ram. His store is now stocked with goods and they are displayed publicly. Tho retail pri ces are so low that they are in reach of all and the sales are large. The officers are aupprised at the affair and every lawyer In the place has been engaged in looking op the law bearing upon the sale of Im ported : liquors in their orlgionai packakea. The State of Maine will leave the Union at once if the Uni ted States 'government does not come to her relief 1 BUCKL-KNa ARXICA SALVE.1 ! The Best 'Jitrralla' t!ie world or Cuts,, J3rujses-v Sore i Ul-r, Bait Bbeuin.Fevor Sores, Tetter. Chap ped h'anus, Chilblains Corns, nil bkiu Erapticms; ttid positively cures llles or' no pay required: It is guaranteed to give. perfect satisfaction, or. money ref uu djid-, , grj.Cp ,gj jjfn a hQXc j 4-Abull-flghl?' Young bleod Yaaal inaw. I'vo. been down In f Wall atreet.V SAVED HIS LIFE. Mr. 'D I Wilcorson of Horse Cave, Ky.. says he was, for many years bad ly afflicted with PhytMsio, also Dia betes; 'the pain were almost unendu rable and would sometimes almost throw him into convulsions. II tried Elelric Bitters and got. relief from first bottle and after taking ' six. bottle was entirely cured, and tad gaiued in flesh eUhteea ppunda.'Says b positively believe he would have died, had it not been for tha relief af forded bv Electric Bittlers.' Sold at fifty cfchti bottle. V: j . . i-.'.'f- --' "'. -. - x'j - 1 That tellow ia carrying thlngr) with a hlgh hand here, to-night," remarked Phascesi us," , wheu . I he 'waiter passed balancing a loaded tray at :irrra'8 length - above his j Ke-V 1 Yormammk-hefe4 ave you beeh my son ? , Yoongf blood lo V bull-flght. Mamma i head.' PER ANUMln Adca 7ITT y TlIE.ZICSTACnE MUST StAV. Some:bluMng (heonoclastr says that; In the Interest of manly bean. ty, tho mustache must "go.' Dat it wilt notdepait. Thhand that rocka the crAdlo U tho " Viand : that roles the world; and that hand has a firm grip on man on this subject'. WoinnnLMyVvVioiL n thSoU Spaniyrn A kiss" without rriastaclio la tike an legs without "salt:" J As the adorable sex -enjoy their circles like their food, well seasoned', and, as a man lWe to please them, 'the ranstaehe- ri If J rerrraTn ' ti rfbrm that wwii fof which GrJdfdCTrgnei it, and wli'Ifctl woman htm so- eaft estly and xealoly approved.- ': in "Doctor," laid doprlnng , px. t!cr( to h'UphyUh, -I sm W cbndiUonf I &a riiiU.'rr Iat nortef wrjft "r7o Vt :- rfdnyou iad'tekier rooVt,''' t' thp rer"T-" N'ow.lf WcVonser U Uo'r fclldw'wi all contorted Witti' rhes matism. the d jclr would hv d i mnch better by prescribing a bottle of Salvallsa Oil, which would havs rei:er.d his putter t at once. ' Prlcj Saceutsabottte'."' " : '- Some men are so geucrctu that they ate always willing to give aw'ay what they don't want them selves. . INDIS PEXSABIE STrrTl :he JlUlLitii, Darbys lr.p)lactc Fluid core chafing, eruptions and iuMaaimatioa of aH kind, cure iutbuued or sora ryes; relieves rains from biUs vr ating of insects and sore f.-et. de- stray all taint of prpirjtion or of- tensive sntrll Itom luo Toet or aay part of th body; clcaasea and whi tens the fckin. Usd ai a drutifKce it i.unfica l)u breatli; preserved the tet-t'i and ourei loolboehe; aore-gums and canker. A hi tie of the fluid iu tlw wator uaed Iu h.ithiog is Ttfry"re- f reMftin; aud cspec'.ally ' benttlciAl to t bit auk.. , .'.... . j',, fenryTJerub hasrlntfaoC thirteen Yules od fJIow 'to'ArPl proacli a Klcklne Horse " lo which proacii acaiog orse, . we append a fourthsenth, Let the hired man tackle hkn." If yoo suffer pricking pains on mov ing the eyea. or ciunoi bear bright liUt, nod fiud your rignt we.ik - and failing, you shoidci promptly use Dr.: J. H. MeLem'i etreuglhiog Eye baive. Zjceuits tos. Woman's sphere is the home; man's sphere is the baseball. A sortot lethargy sometime takes poa-i'fts'.on of the kidney and biadd -r: - A, tuey snouia Do promptly s.l cou- ted to heath ul acibtn by the e of Dr. J. U. McLean 'a Liver and Kidney Balm. Family jars often grow out of fam- liyjugs. Malarial poison may be thoroughly erad:catod from the system by. smug Dr. J II McLfCao chill and irr oure. it 1 mild In action and a cer tain cure. 50 cents a bottle. A ftne place- A' Juitkx offlce. r: .lit. 'n')fUU! TH ivTl i 1 :.r trti. tpwa iott -vcoks auto i anaiatec t myself the champion Dyspeptic ot mertea. - Darinr the year that X ' have been -afflicted I - hare , trlea almost exerythlruf claimed to bo a p-clftd ror Dyapepisia In thin hor ot nndlcur aomethlng that would aJThrd permanent relief. I had about mad up my mind to abandon all medl- : clnea when I noticed an endorsement of Stmmons Liver Iteg-olator try w prominent Oeorg-tan. a Jurist whom I knew, and ooncladed to try Its effect in my easel ' I have used bat two bottle, and son eattafled that I have struck: the riant thins at last. I felt lta benaflclal efrccta almosS Im mediate! y. Units all other prepara tions of a' similar kind, no special Instructions are required mm to whas one shall or shall not eat. Thia fac alone ought to commend It to all troubled, with Dyapepal. J. JT. HOLMXS. 4 Vmeland, V. 1. const iPAtiori : T 8tsr ' a 'Bsratar' -TIaMI rf TUdy ' wltlMMt caanftea: (W Dtat Dte-,. 1 SMUONSLIVEB REGULATOR .' . ' fiacNUlNCBAMrArras . r'u 4 . m ft ::. . Ia, V-TuaTiiiiw U ih OJoi uc;-r , paUkbad ia FranLlit eouutf , aod its eirealalUu extetxk al orer tmrj sc-' Itpn of ihij anaTidjcMBiD;"eounlii . Adrvrtueia shoold Baka a noto ereh ; ..TaaXdltor wiUttolW jetporAb. . for the TMa pf corrtpoudania. . . .. IiiUrf eommoa'ealiuiia from allaro lions most ears ally ao'.tciUd. 'ive items of aay nalera w'JJ Ui'ihaakfully' -receiredr -..,- .-...;.!. .J, ' When did 1 0eo. Wasldnc- . ton havu hU first ride In a public currlara Wheu he took a hack at the chertyree. By tonlract'ag a tt rwi and ' axht, 1 was coraiUed to tptm p aif daily w a k and tecp lu tht bous. A wf ighbor rtcotnmtt uad iu to . try a bottI orir. HU a Voath ryrop; H waa frtard and bmJ; to my aaioa lkimTit rrtlef wrtnttixNu. . r Waeilr. Ud. Never abase a mole behind back. - :-- ..- ... his . . . k.r ' mm j mi mf kiva tmm,l IT 9yt .mmTK i i., TfcA. Z.tm Am I - i- - - ' - - - -I T - . ii i " T ii i Dl DULL'S COUGll SYBUP; Per tl care of Cog, Coli i, Hoarse-Be,- Creep, Atthma, EroartUls,1 aamptioa, ajid fJr t!ta relief ef ceo- rapuT persona la adrascca turi eftha Disease. For C rj aU DrBj gista. . Pxica, as cctiu. f The most wonderful flight on record was wheu the chimney flue. Tb farmer's friend baa for . many , year ten ur. J U AieLn Volcanic Od Lniment,1. for boraa. cattl, ho and sheep. It has proved. its worth to Iboasanu of; Uao waau but little . here below. and he general! gets It. . ' . 1 1 m AA AmAAAAmAWA . . t-imm l in 1 1 m mm kkna F 1 t Tne qaal.ty ol U bro-xi oepem'j , - 1 rl ja lifaud strebctrHrlflog eonstiu- I rnl, us tl Mcieio wenu:- . Uaing Cordta! W Pdo IVifler, it will nourish tb properties vt the blvod from which the tlsaituti of ri- Ulity are drawn. 'Girls thick men are all souU" says a woman who has bad three husbands; fbnt women know they are all stora- arfu" WIku tb stomach lacks vior and regabuity there wilt be flatulence. hartt-uTU, niuse.t, siex iiea.isxhe, oe.-Toaanrta, use Dr. J Ii McLean Streuj-Uiiu Cordial and Bknl luri- . Cer, to give too and rrguUnty to the stomaea. A falsetto voice does not oeccaaari- ly imply a faUetto teeth. It seems a paradox that th hod, la' its very birth, should dilate. Mild as summer zephers are, thef invariably come to blow. Ignorance may be bli, but the hot handle of a shove) ia blister. fc FOR THE HOUSEWIFE. Pomona Hill Nurser- . rii in mi a it. i.- t Two ah d a half ruiio . wcsi ' or Greriboro;NrL,. '! The main tin of '' tbe IL Sc D. IU IL passes thrdah tha : ' frrottttds sod. wiUda 100 feet of the pf file. Sa'ein trails maks rrgular stops tkriie da'Jreaca mm?'.- Tlio 1uLkt.!' ct ted lit Fzuit:Kraitrowlig ara cot-'' uy aip,so jnapacv ul the larg t. Ht tinner in th KlsIa m.l . ... . ev-ber largest lo Soutb. - I xue prepne I or Da (or tn s oy yrarv vUiied the leading Nurseries North -and WeV nd corn funded .with . -those ot foreign eountries, gatbertaz " every fruit that was eakolated to suit :: tr uouto. bnn Dative ana foreign. ' Tb rejiuuUoaf Pomona IL11 Nor- , aerir is such Oat mapy agents go- . ' log o-.it from OrreOkboro. "represent ing athcr nsrserle, try to learo the Irapresuoa Ut they art represent n thtr nurei ie-, Wbjdotheydo it? Let the paldk? answer. V . , I bava in stock growing '(and can ' show visitors Ui , asm) Qm lirgit -jii Dt. stock, trees, ccc ever shown or ten la any ' two- nurseries In North Carohna,1 consisting f ' appla, peach, pear, ' cherry, plana. grp, Japana per romuu, 'Japanese plum, aprioot. mulbry, qnincas. -8mall fraita; " '' Strswuerry, raspbarry, currants, p-; cans. English waJaats,-rhubarb, as parsgus, arergrecor, ahada , trees. ro, &c " Qiveyoar order to my anthorlred agiot pr order direct from the nur sery. CotTespoodenoe solicited. De scriptive catalogue fes to spolkanu. Addre, - ' . a. J... Vaw. LjMiiJnr, - ; " . PoXOJfl, r .. V-, -yo PnrfJoan y, N.-C, t" ! - .A A A - - -t . I I . . i A lanta ua. 3-.- t.v 1'' J t' 1. i - i .r-'j-::.:-': . -. - ... - . -. . .. v- ,