a - r - '- . - ' . - - - . . . - . ' - THE FRANKLIN TIMES - 4- .1 TH E:TRA W K LLx liMLb. L t.t J' .ll ,4i JAMES A.THOMAS. f f-w.. wmsm vrv 1 f T ' " tioo of IbU and .idJoninjCopTiliiy. . A3?ertiart ahould mtVe jj,poto ?Vrtt " lor th Tien of toreipoiiJiwlJL tl i Brief eacaaimavaUoAs ' CrOa H et lion most earotUy wkptAJy 39vcr fB a. res-: V- IT Une Year' U 50 tj i f qT-' 1 00 ...,1 it -.1.- lvEdjltor .WITU'-MAdEtd wXRDCONB f WITH cnpiXY J-OR ALLj-v- VRIOE $iio PER ANNUM In Advance To Cabs" 3 Te ; Tkatiea Wili be1 : no. '25 fsute: " ' :-- ... .. . -, a,' n .4 ..V " ' : Abcolutely pure-' This'powderevtir varies.? !A marvel of , fiurity, , strength and wholesoraeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, And ca'unot be sold iu competition with the maltitode of low: tst, short weight alum rpliowphute norder. 8ou.0!l. oajis. 'KoirAL Baxixo Powde: Co.; ;,;v 1, ! :v , 1 Wall St. N. Y. General Directorv. Louis uua, N.I. CHUBCIIES. v Methodist Jw. A. McCuIlen, pastor services every iSuuday, morning and ight. Prayer meeting erery Wednesday n iglit. Sunday school 9 'lk A. M. IJaptist Rev. Uaylus Cade, pas tor, Services 1st and 3rd Sunday .in each .month, morning and night. Prayer meet ug e very Thursday night. Sa4ay School o'clock, A. M . UAXOR O.I I Ellis. :oxt.Ml.sstosBR.$ Thos. vhite, F. N. lEgerton, J. J. Barrow, -L A- Thomas. . OoxsTABr.E 11. D. PineiL Board meets Friday before first Monday iu each month. FRANKLIN OUNTY. Cowmissioxers Q. A. Nash, h'mi., S. J.i'rndnn, U.S. Foster, F. Pierce, W. B. Unell .Superior Court Glerk A. V. iPierce. Jtegistcr of Deeds B. E, Bullock Sheriff .11 C. Kearney, Treasurer B. P.Clifton. S iperiatcndent of Public Instruction J.S. ITnrriO 1 " Keeper Poof House J. W. Pinnell. Sup't of Hbaltii Dr. E. S. Foster. BO.VltD OF EDUCATION. . Geo. S. Baker, Chairman, K (J. Convers, ' N. Y. Gullcy. J. N. llarns, Seeretary. The Superinteadeut will be in Louis- bnrg on the second Tbtivsday of Feb- uay. Apnl.-July, Soptembejr, Octo t)er aud December, and remaiu tye three days, if necessary ,'for the, pnr jjjose of fxamiuiB applicants to ieach n the public schools of Franklin coun tty. r" " v O F KSS IO N A L CARDS B b. massenbuug; ATTORNEY AT LA W- . LOTTISRrjU&.X.C Office in the Court House. All business putin-my Uanda riI rcccive proinpt attention. - ,:. s aT Y and COUNSELLOR alAW. LO0ISBUBG, Fit AN KLIN C6.N. Cr vV 11 attend the Courts TasK, Frank'in, Grnvilie, Warren, nnd W;ike Gotm ties' also the . npieme , C on rt of North C arolin a; antljtlie U S. Circuit arid DlsTttier Oou'rt. 1- ': ..- '$-".?Z. ill. J. MALONK Office 2 doors below; Farmon & C.xjke's Drug Store, adjoining D&O. EWTfMBERLAK'E, ATTORNET AT 011?. LOUISBURS, 'W4 q. i ; Office i he Cddjt BCoe V ' " ., V -. '.i'ii" ' '. . i -. r ?-.:..' .".. 1 "W H, IAY-. "' : A-.J,-SJOiXC ?OFFKP Da.y & Zollicoffer ; ATTORNETiTLT LAW; Practice in the courts of f Franklin, V ance, Granville, Kalifai, and NOrth harapton and the Supreme -and Fed : eral courts of tke Staled t-'t hW-VW jq"EEDHAM Y. GULLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LA. J 2'fJj"': :-v. FKAJVKLIJfTOJV, JV.a7, Negotiation of 1 Loans and olIectins ,a .ecialtyi " -- ; PlUJCItf Cr -AND -TOIPING Maj. . JUHf Jiagland,; Jlycq, i j Under this head there is Kvide dif ference of i)iiyi6h.f ' 5 Breaking off Itlie ' mall afd nfri6 leyjes 'p the t plant jiear the. ground i 8 called ;JpriruingJ' which operation is dene s -along ' Jm th t the'tnppltig,? if done at alU There adya&gij ftijf i4pd gain? t poi- j lu out-tbeiBeedi bedi 'and adjacent Vm tli ? leatesf iti trie'kuTiib and i 'Jgetj r gomeconte Jihjil .'jthe .jull- inif off '.h'. lo'wVr. Jeavi;! jBaps Ui ! plants, an-1 retards the growth if f the weath'of is dry; that : permitting, the lower eaves to Remain oa v. the . stick t protects the upper onrs frota sand at.d grit, makes ' them cleaner and therefore more' saieatie ; s'ahS and grit re the terror of tkejftffgcco buy er. Oa the ther m td UeontRnd ed by ofTmtbyl off the lower leavesferge&rally use less, the remaioTOg ;?eaye s receive mere outrimeot -aaIoootajn mora vsz. oil and guin, aadtiuit lo w er leaves harbor 'worms and make 4he wofiniogprocNs mbiTlle'diolsr fjT it Is best to "wait 'un til a 'corisidera -ble number Cplant begin to button for seed before commencing id . top! Topping Should be ihn work of cxpe rieneed and trusfy hands men ": who can top, leaving any required number of leaves on a plant without count? 4ng. The secret of this-no longer' a secret to the HnitiateJ is , that the topper soon leirus to kn w th.nt counting the bottom leaver that hang over it in ''the third twr going upward makes nice leaves. Fixiuif . this in mlnil; the topper has only to add of deduct from this index leaf, marking niue; to leav any desired number on eao plant with c -rtaiutjv and' "wltli out counting. You'll; men, if you ' ilou't know how, get sota la noro . to shor voii. '.Toppi'ig yotf wUl-"-fiifd is a slo buines-, if you . havd id count th j Kutve-'on all thV'-'Jrta iti loppe-1. If the p1aat- are not prjpived. at thH bot'n th-' lea:" mast beli fixed 4y the eye, looking upward for the leaf in the. third tier vhich hangs .over; it to catch the cue as before If pri ming is done, don't err ia pulling oil too many leave. No regular rule can be given so the plant r must judge for hlnsclf. Tlie roasou given for waiting untilr mauy" plants are ready to be topped is mi inly thlit, moie plinti may ripen together aad -ba ready for the ktiifo at the same time. This is an advantage that ' ap plies with strong force t& all tobacco intended -for flae curing.. . The number ot leaver to be left; o i each varies accordiug to the time the work ia done, early or late, the., ap-i peuirunoe and .pcospective . ueve.op- ruent f. the plant the season, i wheth er propitious or unfavorable, strength, of the soiLaud the fiiuount of fe:tili-. r'ng material appliod. : Oti jnediira soils, in ordinary :as.i:i!s . t!ia fjr.it t i p og should be from ten tv t-'nr-tee a loavv8 rarely more for brlgltts. aiid f ir d irk, : rich bhipping, from eight to nine leaves are enough. As Ida ftfl lAon nvani-i rfidiife the ntnn ber of leaves :accordingly, remeiivber? ing that quality mora than- qnautlty. reguliles retcrn". iBILXtAEPAND THE BAM. rTQChf mherrhfri.i yrfjr down to feea ;tiie iiogs, ;nj -lUMr48 throvfinc the corn1 over.In thelen jth old cgtwold Jfam IurripedvinJito divide the breakfast, and as be was butdnglthe hogsl aroond liyely . I picked up a little stick and climbed overjllie low Tence t iastise him and make hfrn. depart those coasts. I had some little ' hesitation about tnis buslnessf 'arid proceeded slowly and shoot the.,8ticKat.; ium. lie just stepped back a little and Jtow- wi iiis nect and doubled op hla 1'ore feet and rnade a lunge ,at me, and, voull have, knocked me,. clear over the fence but was, over be fore he got to me. nl: was as mad as Julius Ceesar, nd I grabbed - up a fence rail and stood outside and punched him until he jumped out where he jumped in.. . m The good ! booksays that- man shall have dotcihioh over the beast of the field, but it looks, like ' mine are In a state ol rebellion; and : ard trying to nave dominion over - me Atlanta ConfcUtutionv'' STATE FXlROF887- t .... J. "J : a. 17! 1 fifi'U vTlie premium list of the iweatjeer-j erifli annual State Faic' to be held , in Raleigh cdmmeticing tlie l?th pf ,Oc tdber nextT and ctntinuiug for Tt, th,e -li'i ';-.iL uLi. i "- - wees, nas.ueen issueu. ,,.. - , .. ;i As usuaVthe fair au thori ties, have i onerea some) very j nanasprae , premt-i amalwlcb'wfliVnA doubt secure .. JaetenunwP'oif -farnierato' raisers, etc. pome o lue, pus mipor- t lant premiums.are as iouqwss , , . ,f : ( ottodlFdr largest jield from five acres of lan4 . for. best bale 30. Thd aggregate of the premiums, for j cotton is about 6350. , .. . , .... . .. Aooacco cor Dest ten pouna lemon wrappers, $20 ; for best ten pound qn a hoany wrappers, , $2v, ; ,witli) stuallqr premiums Xor .other " grades ,,( in. .all amounBng (oabut $3w , For corn, wheat, anta. rve. rice, tjaas. very liberal some of ( them being Jt high as' jiOV .Iu these . departiaeats the premiums .aggregate $250., . i.f: ?; .Hay---i'or the largest yield frora one acre, the handsome premium of 30;is offered. ,(. -; : f(- j -:r ,j,-.. Ho ses, TJxis is an . attractive porr, tiou of the premium list, eipecially, to the owners of fine horses.; About. $350 are offered in this department. C attle.-i-The cattle raisers will be especially pleased with the handsome premiums offered in this department, the amount aggregating about six hun dred dollars divided between Jerseys, Guernsej-s, Devons, Ayrshircs, Short Horns, Holsteins, Ilerefords, and grades or natives. In this department, cattle competing for premiums must be owned in the state. ' Sheen and swine.- In'these depart ments, handsome premiums are of fered, also in the poultry t'epartment, in which several new s; rains have been included. sIu other ''epartmcnts- orchard pro ducts a.id fl ricul;nre, pantry sup ples, manuCicturea, . icercaotila dis plays, ladies' work, fiue mrts, jMiitit ias&c, off- rs special Inducement to home artists, and indications are that this department will be wtll at ronle-.d. The rarea. There is at least one excellent chance in this department. The running r;ice which Lave be-n ol jei tionable to bOine vt our people, have been entirely omitted, and the trials of speed will be confined -to trotting and to horses owned in the Btate. Satistaclory rales have been se cured frm the railroad--, and if our people are blessed with good crops, of which there is "a ow every ind en tion, tliore will be a. Lrgnr attend ance at the next 'air, than has ever been present on any similar occa sion. - .: y Tersons wishing copies of th pre mium list can obtain them, po it-)Kiid by addressing iJohh Nichols, E-q., secretary of the society, at Raleigh. News-Observel , ' A" HE STOOD THE EXPENSE. A ' gawky young man and. a shy, ! w. w arnj, attracted much j attention m ' they walked along theBtreet. The young ; Tallow bad told ft botet cijerk that he lived,: near. Clamey .Fcrk and that be. was on his- bridal to or, 'Iiou,' saiaHh'Ssjball4,,fcfepii, p mgnear a0,frnllj stand, f'order hat yerappertlte.Is e CTavIn, in blamed ef I don't pay for Jt.' , i C The w ifeeelected an orsnge, and t id husband, as he .handed .over, a nickle in' payment said; r-y -liy ' Ohi when'.- I go On' af spree uy this sort I never let expenses skeeir r4e off. Podner,'? nodding at the iruit1 dealer.. :tf this; is my-' Wife ahv, you -bet; I'll . standi by her. 1 Whupped. tn erfneaa .uv er- teller that hadcou'ted hcrsix years an'jes nichuMly "her away:' from him. Lbdidrdei what yer appertlte Is er, cravin an' blamed et I don't pay flriL" ii.n,: -'ti'-tU' v: --vJ r. . ,She took a Dickie's worth of can dy, and, as . her husband handed over the amount, sald; J,Oh, it ain't Often in er man's life that he gets on sich er slechln round 'spell ei thisi, Lod,' I'm with you an' 1 1 want yer order. ?,.Ef ',yer'dj mar ried Andy Buckner yer mout stood round here vith your mouth.' wa teriti for things'. 1 Lou,' I'm ; yore husband, ain't IT.1 i . .fiYes.-Dan.",!; w-'-v'';u-;: ';!:-:; I MThen order what yer appertlte iscravin. an' blaned ef I don't' V ' II rv vl'jtv-'il In a year from now. uellgates; IV.6 DemoetaUcI will be hoseh to national convention. In July 1838j the presidential .ticket will be. oom- inatea. T.jyir, vieveuina j is hic, strongest plan nowvandfJiewUl' be; the strongest .man j tihej. fiijlhis head er the- UcketT T-toor three democratic papers, so-called, and a few public men are trying to' cro-. ate dlsaffcetioti In the TemocratIe Tanks'.1 They have never liked Mr. Cleveland's frank and honest poli ty, and they'aro'worklnj.wlth nil their might to defeat the; President in the convention.1'' But "against a feiy kickers we: find arrajed a great majority of Democratic congreas i,.Ur0,:gTeatiroajor;.ty.T,pf,the JruocraU9 .fc jnewsparjera s and , the poassqs of .the Democratic, party. , , , What has jdeyeland administra tion T.dbne, ask ihe Republicans and tlie handful of anti-Cleveland Dem ocrats. The answer is easy and the masses can understand it, - Mr. Cleveland has broken up sectional ism by being the President cf the whole country. lie ha turned out of office the Republicans who rep resented sectional hate and offen sive method. Id Virginia nearly every postoffice and every internal revenue office was in 1 charge or a Mahonelte. One of Mr. Clove land's first acts was to replace Re publicans by worthy "Domoerats. Throughout the South good South ern men succeed corrupt Republi can henchmen.' " The day that Cleveland took the oath of office stealing la the gov ernment bad to stop. Thieves had to flee from the public crib. Star route frauds were no longer possi ble; oavy- ard frauds were exposed and stopped. The Treasury IX.- pai tmcut could'no longcf be us a syndicate for making million aires of government officials. Mil lions have been stolen nnnually through the Pension Bureau aud other divisions of the Interior De partment. Ali this corruption had to come to anend A new system of bood-keeping began in 1885, and the millionaires who had been rob bing the government every year through the channel of land grants fouud it no loncer possible to wine und dine commissioners of railroad accounts, and they have been equalling ever.lnce. "Public of fice la a public tnwt" is written over Cleveland's desk, and this motto has been faithfully lived up to. The Secretary f the Interior has presented a scheme which has been approved by . the President providing Cor the opening up of 100,000,000 acres 'of' lancL Rich Western laitds. hel by the railroad syndicates And long unoccupied will be sold at reasonable . rates to Industrious settlers, the rights of the millionaire corporatione hav- !nv ovnirpH h 1iir!tttrkfi . t Wir I this scheme is carried out thou- MnVlo tunt:Mn nr men will be able to acquire'' small farms on easy terms 'and develop tine countrywhlle thegwernment at the same tlme'srjll ' be" able -' to reap W Tfch ' 'benefit by the sale Of th vast stretches' of ilriused :!terri- Ury? )lvX 'v7 I But 's'noethlng more is expected of a Presldentor.couase, than m-re 'attention1 Of . , detail'a. .' The Presi, dent' m n s t have tatesman-like qualities. He Cmoet have prd nounced Views t upon flnance ; aud political economy., ..Vell Mr. Cleve-, land has shown his statesmaulike qualities in many, ways, aud he has put himself squarely on record in favor of a . sound financial policy and as a good revenue reformer. Every good Democrat appreciates what the administration has done; and we repeat it, Mr. Cleveland is the Strongest man to-day and . he will be the strongest man In, 183. .Richmond State; J , ; ' ; ii.l Tlie qaafity of the "blood depends niuch upon good or bad digestion nd assimilation; to make the blood : rich lo life and strengtlv-giviog constitu ents, ,U3e Dr. J U McLean! Strength ening Cordial and Blood Purifier, - it will nourish " the properties of the blood from which the cJemtrxtsxi ri- J tally are drawnj POSL In' Judging Senator Vance it Is not' -orily Jost! that Ills attribute towards' the President should .be understood as stated by himself and not as sta- tel by newspapeif cbtTespdndents.' y.nhUshit elsewhere ; : Senator! Vance's position as ' explaIdel', by; rjimseir in letter to the President of the Jackson Democratic - Assoc! ation of Washington City. The' letter was written in answer to en quiries made at the instance of the Association. Senator Vanoo expressly says In that letter that there is no personal feeling bet een him and the Presi dent and (he only difference 1)6 tween : them ts udod the none v r which the . Democratic "" party Ought to pursue and upon the 1 const ruction, which' should be put upon' the' party's declara tions.' They differ upon these as they have the right, to do. There is no reason why any Democrat, be he the highest or the lowest, can. notdiffer with the President and If he do differ there is no reason why he should not express his opin ion. This is all Senator Vance has done. There is no treason to the party in it; there is no ground in it for attacks upon the Senator. He has as much right to hbj opiuion as the President has to his. He has not tried to injure the President or to hamper him In any way, and has shown no undue feeling iu the matter. The open expression of his sentiments dot's not Indicate in tho least that Senator Vance Is an enemy to the President but rather that he desires to let the President hear the other side of the question. If Mr. Cleveland is re-nomlnated he will have no rtronger supporter t SENATOR V VANCK'3 iwett-HUutnSeriator Kance; and There will be no inconsistency In it. He slm ply says he thinks the President is mistaken In some things, and, as a true man he gives his reasons to the world for so thinking. He Is no demagogue. Roanoke News. Aim larmer s menu uas Tor many .V-ars b,en Dr. J II McLean'. mi. r . . Volcanic Oil Liniment,- for horses. cattle, nog and sheep. It has proved us worm in thousands of ras s. Ludmgofa boy's lettei from boarding-school: "I can't write any more, for my feet are so cold that I can't hold a pen. Your af 8ectionate son Tommy." Thousands of fainiliei kare had occa sion to try tb never failing qualities of Tf. Bull' Cough 8yrup: and they all unite lo the praise of this wonderful prescrip tion; A professional plamist says a person can never tell a lie with his hand shut. We know people who can tell a lie with both hands shut and tied behind , their backs. When the stomach lacks vigor and regularity there2 will bo flatulence, heartburn, ntuiea; s!ek headache, De voosnres, vse Dr. J 11 McLean's treug'Jiin Cordial and Blood Puri fier, to give tone; and regularity to th stomach. : ''' v Dr. Johnson ouce, speaking of - a quarrelsome fellow aaid: , "If be had two Ideas In his head they would ll ot wuith each other. .eaUrkenmatlsnrls in inflammstlo of th joints, marked by. pain, beat,: red- ceit, and Ctadeaey to sadisaly shift from one joint to another, . , With - taes symptoma apply Sal ration" Oil, ' the great pain eore, to the affected parU without delay. Prive V, eenU a bottle. A noticeable nose, j f. , , feature A crooked ' It you suffer prickiog pains on mov ing the' evesi or caoooi. bear bright lijhW ana find your signt weak and failing, you sboula promptly use Dr. J.- H..; McLean's tftrengthlog Eye Salve. 2? cents a box. - ' i;-;J :! Eclectic .41., Oct. 23,14331 Dr. AT 6haUenberSef'.t ! ; B'ehester; ia,'- Dear Sir test Feb nutry I received from yoq a bottle of youf JLntidote fer malaria, and gar It to a yoanglady aUendinr school here, oui who had not been well enough to g 0 ' for seoeral weekr, and . was quite broken down In health. In a few dare after tak ing the medicine she was back' ia school egain, aad has not lost a day the : entire summer. I think it is the best medicine lever knew. H .. v. : w - Yoars very truly,. - ' n B.C. WillUma, IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE.' "I suppose you don't, believe In urtshlp," ald tho paragTaphUt courtship,' ald tho paragraDhbt laughingly to the president cf the gas company, In its Work nil IhA kama " - . . .v I Then the paragraphlst retired I - . . 1 wuna Tery gioomy counttriaaceL. 1 ,11 ' . . ...',-- V 1 wwiuu wurjier. i" BHCKLEN.-3 ARNICA SALVE. J Tlie Best Saive ia" , the world , r Cul, , Bruiser, ' Sores, Ulia. , Kali Rhenm, Fver &res, Tetter Cbap- Ed hands; '.Chilblains,' Curpt, all rupUona,- nd positively euros Jiief or no pay required: It w guaranteed to glv perfect satlfation, or', moner Queen Victoria has ordered fYom a Lyons firm 2,800,0u0! pocket handkerchiefs wUU her plcJLura on them, for the occasion of her com ing jubilee,' thus preparing the way for the hardest,and most extensive blow hor dynasty has jot received J INDISPENSABLE TO TIIE TOILET. Darbys PropyLctio Fluid eores cliafinir, eruptions and iudammatioo ofa'lkindf, curej InfUmeJ or sore eyes: relieve -.ins from bits j stings or insects and sore Iter,, de strays all taint of pcrspirat.on or of fensive smell fixxn the feet or any part or lb body; cleanses and . whi tens the tklu. Used as a dentifrice it lujiflcs the' breath; preserves th Ueth and cure toothache; sore jrura andcauker. A little of the fluid in the water used iu bathing is very re ficshinj and especially beneficial to thu sick. At an Anarchist p'.cuio in New Jer sey a riot occurred. Atepoiter who wore an Auer';can flag was bcateo and thrown over a fence. Some hk-dij-nsnt youn men stormed the An archists when a fight ensued. Six were injured, none fatally. CI a Da and pLtols were used. Star. WONDERFUL CUUES. W. D. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and Retal Druggist, of Rome, G.i., aayt: We have be. n scllicg Dr. Kins' New Discovery. Electric Bitters and Buck len'b ArnL-a Salve for two years. Have never bandied remcdUs t!iatall as well, or give such uuiveral satis faction. There have been tome won dciful cures effected by these medi cines lu this city, beveral cases of pronounced Connmptitn have been eulirt-ly cured by the use of a few bot tl?s of Dr. Kiug's New Discovery l keu in connection with t lee ric Bit ters. We guarantee them always Sold by Furman & Cooke. Natural gas has been found at a depth of 500 feet, a short distance from Nashville. GBEATLY r.XClTED. Not a few of the citirens of Locis burg N. C. have recentlv become- greatly excited over the astounding lacU that several cf thnlr fridn -hZ hid been urnooanced bv thair sinnsas incurable aod beromi .Til' hupe-suffcrtug with that, dnadrd monster ousumuUou - hva - been corapletelyxared by Dr. King's Now u:svOtry ror consumption I'm k 1 remedy mat does positively cares all throat aud Iutig eiaousca An Englishman ha sent Moody s checx for 125,000 urgbg him to use It in an evangelizing tour iu India. A sort of letharcr sometimes takes possession or the kidneys aa, bladder; uiey anouia oe promptly stlrnula ted to liealhtul action by the use of Dr. J. IL McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm. A South Carolina wren built a nest under the eaves of an express car on the Abbeville . branch railroad, and built it so well that the car makes four trips a day .without Injuring it, -- . - . In the dechue f life, infirmities be set us to which oar youth and maturi ty were si rangers, our kidoe). and liver are subject to derangement, bat no thin 2 eq tals Dr. J. IL , McLean liver and Kidney Balm a a regula tor of thoe organ?. ' The mainspring of a waterbury watch is 24 feet long. The main spring of an ordinary watch U twentj- slx inches. . . s Malarial poison may Le thoroajjLly eradicated from the system by using Dr. JII McLortu's tLill and tever cure. It i mild in action and s car- a n core. 30 cents a bottle. - -Whynbt r'aked ,pe-presP WmTC 7 'Becanse lovers always 'turnthe Sau wmviS ffiK 1 gas down,oa Irmnr; ha, ha,' ha l borM ttWt&if&jd- Vrph! that .makesno dlCerence,!' hare thing. fafft ' said the piealdent, .Hhe metre gets Wailoot hurt IfTk?iti : , ft . il Lt.L - m. 1 TO CURE A tlOIi; inripii TTtcr!ption "Lere 'g?vVtf bm we ercrv coaorincn :n i t. t ,t UO ,Um end the horae wdl j.baolaieJiir. win ua uciunum w wm tt vti m an.i m . V Ock the atkcnv thin AfeSOLTJTE 'CCOT! fRuLattt& r. r.rLMy tit ntyjj MW UckofrhumUni. i attacked me n. jt drawn an. tad vhea!jUd mk J. lUast Hot Springs, Ark., where I reafttfretf f . eral weekInn bsslU4ondUovght I wwHU ae, OH frTr -rival home it errloptd agto .tKea look eonrse of it Wloff'thWelHfo' to bottles- TMy.rpatkwMPlw and from that diy to tb I ha tya p-r-laetiy ftee from kcaitUss.ltLi 1 .! t I regard 8.83, MahlataM ;thf arn, ef raeaalalhna. aad a perfeef-blood part ter. t X thlnJk It Uo bct ni lietoesKfiJltei best msdinis la the worUViSJvi il J f help it I neveV eqret W pre any othei. Ituapja4i4 gtaetal tadiUiaUaaM iag oat th system. ad tbas r?Uiurr at, the root of most dUeaesi ' ".- 3.D. Carter. UK HU JIMf . IM Treatise on' Bood aud'skla'DueaJea roaiJ4 free. TbeSwlf 1 8pific Co Drawer . S. ..At- aata Oa.- . ... - ; The propoocd uuveraal.,-stnk::iqi Belgium ha-s been rtpoueJLbufciH,, .aeemj to be the general, beief that ji, hundred" uplieye is only, j waiUpi Py0-100. ' CI ni ' Persons wljo lead a life '.rJ Irpoo-i" ure arj auhjact la rlirorattianv aeaw'. rslgU and lumbago and will fipd.. valuable remedy In Df. J. II." Mc Kaan's Vokmnio Oil LinimeutiM wrf!'1 uaniau pain apd tabdao ix&lLiUaatt tion. 'A boiler explosion occurro 1 at., tie Eta wan PLophate' works, "nctr C barles tni rl C., rece n tly I ' Fl y e men j were scalded, two seriously, one fxtaV ly perhaps. '. " . When you axe cntipied withlnsi i of appetite, headache, Uke Lr. J. ; McLnui's Uttlo Livrr and . Kidney IMIets, they are pteasaqt to take and 1 will cure you, 25 oeuta a vial. 11 Prince Blsmoirk wlll,lt I aonouricd, l be prevented by the muscular rheuma-T tisra, from wh-ch he U triffcrlrg.''' from going to Fredrlcbsnihe as o-nal.1 I Faalts of digestion cause) Ck'oivKssV of the liver, sod the whole jatem . becomes deVauged. Dr. J. H. Alo-, Lean's StrengVhin? Cot dial and Blood Purifier peifocts lf proceso of digc-' 1 lii and assimilation, aad thus aaafceoM J pure blood. t . .: - t i The bodies of six. hundred Cbinja will be 'disinterred next' '.w'cekanr shipped to 1 China from Sn Truiclar ' U -i ... 'l T ... .. ,..i The first sheet of la. plate-;Rfiri raade In this country w as. succejt fully ni manufactured at Youngs too OriTtil cently. , mUkt Pomona Hill NtirflW -tUiiiUlid, X3.il J, pi Ur5Or- PfiTitflN A N.P.. . Two and UlC mUc.TwoU'tf . Greensboro, NJ CV 'Ttie'mam luiec! " th U.&D. llHtiiui throu -h W I grounds sod within 100 feet of the if. r! nee. Sa'era trains make rrgutsr a ton. . twice dallv eaon war: Tboaa UtZZ cited in Fruit Proit growing are tor-'1 dklly iavite t to inspect this the UrgU " est nursery la the Swto nAvlOHmob nm-og the largest In )h. Bovilh. , . 1 Tue proprietor has lor tnany' y'eari thriled the leading Nuioewk Jortau' aod Wes aad CorrtspuoJod wll those of foreign eon n trios, catherisg every fruit that was eUulatet tosint. . t Soath both uaUve and 'foreign. The reputation x t Pomona Hill Nor-' . series is such t ut tnany agent 'go-' 1 lug o-tt uviu viwuvwtw vprcseni Inr other nurseries, try to leave tw Impreadoa that thoy are n-preenK,"r Int three nurseries. Why do t bey do ' Ut Lei the publlo answer. . . i I have In toek growing (and . can show Tutors the same) U iargeat ana Dest iock. v., it si. ever mown or eeen ia aay . ... two nurseries'ln North Carolina, 4J -eooslitios of apple, peach, f-,,, . cherry, plum, grape, Japoneoe . pez.'" aoamoii, J a pane so phira, apriooVt raol berry, quioce. Small fmi- ; . StrawMorry, raapborry, currants, 3 , can, Engl it h walouts, tbabar1 a -I, partgua, evergreens, !iado. treX roses &c. . , r Oive your ord-sr to- my oaDrizruv 1 agmt or orJr direct from h b, r. aery. Cormpondence soJaiJr (f. ' D " ' ' ecriptire eaUlogue- fre to aj nlicitts. - Addxees, .rr- . : u " j -". J. Vaivi Ltnaixt, t , ...,;.. '. OvM rd Conn vv N (X r 1 i ! . j yyi'-'Y;- y.y:-::y. . ' ? K '. V - ' -i O . v ". ti v e' ' ' ' 'J' ; ''- ' v 1 ' ' ;