THE : FR:N K Llbj TIME5I. 7 JAllES A. THOMAS, TncTixsa b the oldest uevipr ipaLLsbedia FraalUinetmtr, asd Ha Editor and Prorxetor ' v. r .' 1 " !roaUt!on exlehdt alt over Yexjaec Uon ct IhU and - ad j !nin eooaiiM. Advertijats&buld taake a boU arch The JCditor ill &ot be rcapoMible for th Tiers of correpoodenU, . . Brief coma a n ciioii . from aH i ; '--r-- . . " . . I, , , ., , , r ; . . . .. l. lion most aarneUy aolicitd, ' Kwd items of any natora will be thankfiillj recel vedr."" To Clubs of 5 Thr. Times will be. LOUISBURG-, N; JtJLY'8 1887.'; J di-Aisbed at 41.40; I V OL XVI. ; NO; 26 : i : r Uli! If ilS ..IJHFRAWKUN.TIMES.-:,,.; 111 - ' ' - " 1 - , ' - I i ' 1 ' This powerever varies. :A ainrvfcl Of parity, strength and wheiotneaeM. More econBrateal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he Bold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. SOLT) OSLY IS cans. HoyaL Bakiss Powdbb Co., 10t Wall St. N. Y. General Directors. LOUISTJItG, N. CHURCHES. Mbt: ithodist Eev. A. IcCulfenpastor; ccs every Sunday, "morning and services night. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Sunday school 9 o'clock A. M. Baptist Uev. Baylus Cade, pas tor. Services 1st and 3rd Sundays in each montlf, morning and night. Prayer meet ng every Thursday night. Sunday School o'clock, A. ;M Mayor-OJ L. Ellis." JottMfcMKSXEas Thos. white, F. N. Egertoa, J. J. Barrow, J. A. Thomas. ' OosST.VBLB R. D. Pinr.eil. Board meet! Friday before first Monday in each month.-; FRANKIJN OTJNTY. CoM.IlS3loNESS C. A. Nash, h'inn., S. J. Crmlnp, K.S. FostorJ F. P. Pierce, W. B. Uzzell- S;ioer r Coiifi Clerk A. W. Pierce. Register of Deeds B. F. Bullock. Sheriff ,Il!C. Kearney, Treasurer B. P. Clifton. Superintendent of Public Instruction Keeper Poor House J. W. Pinnell. Sup't of Health Dr. E. S. Foster. BO ABD O F E D TlCATlON. Geo. S. Baker, Chairman, - E. O. Con vers, , " N. Y. Gnlley.- .' J. N. Harris, Secretary. The Superintendent will be in Louis- burg on the second Thursday of Feb . ua: y. 4JiJl, 'iiiy. Septemher, Octo ber and 'Deeember," aiu remain ior three dajil necessary, for the pur posp ofrexanil.nini applicants to . teach it the public schools of Franklin county.- " S':.f' -fRO'KRS ION ATj CARD! B. M ASSEjjBUHG, ' ' ' ": ATTORNEY AT IAW- LOUISBCUG.N. c. Office in the Court House. AU business put in my haDds tvii) receive prompt attention. 1 M-.COOKI:.- 4 t ' , 1 a L"T' Y and :OUNSELLOR at LAW. L.OUISBURG, FK.VNKXIN CO..N. C- "V 11 ationd the Courts of Tsh, Frank inV Gr inville, W.-vrren,' knd Wake Counties also ; the. Hmneme Court ot North Carolina, and theTJ D U, 3 B MALON , Office 2 doors below Fufmairs' Cooke's Drug Store, adj QmuiDr. rO,r L I'll a Jf.i f. "- m m f 9 r T7I W TlMERIrAKE LCISBUEQ, N. C. ; 01509 i he ConrfcHouue (I t 1 n 1 W E.DAY. zpiinroTnrp heDEbsIe Practice in the courts 6f " Franklin, Vance, Granville, Halifax, and North haraptonftnd the Supreme' and Fed ' eral courts of the State- EEDIIAM Y. GULLEY, 5. "t 1 fVV" At Rnfn ation of .',ia and eonectin . V Vi. 3t. NEWS;1TEMS. FltOM E V Eli Y SECTION OP i COUNTHYi' 1 iTho Duiiiani Tkiorn5ngT;Apws has suspended., ;.v . . . " ' -The-people Washinspa; expe zt a, i-The new GfradedschooV bs'ldins of i Gfreeitisboro, will cost tea thousand i dollars. ; ;r:viiixt,it-- : -r .y Due hundred morelooms have ' just Jeen purchased fur the 'ttarrdlemau cotton miUs: ' ' , ; ' ' .' 1 -;t ' ' '" , , : A. Teacher'a , Institute ' is now m (EtwaioB at UWllkv ft Jo'ld'fe teachers. It will be held rieitiaveli muxum i A. steam 5TOX3rm)e rnur up. tne fieach Broad Rvr fo Bievi.rd from SUheville. . That sleniboatwill have lo wear stilts" ta get dVer throcks. The Greensboro Southern Tobacco Journal, after tnorough investigation, puts the .estimate of the North Caroli na tobacco crop at an average of 60 per cent. : i"j " j The'Reidsville Webster's Weekly telis of a colored p 'et. His name is W. Poa ap4 c as a it of po eips'Tn prep4riilion, for the printer. His volume will make 150 pages. Dr. Eugene Grissorn has been elect ed President of the Association of Superintendents of Insane Asylums in the United States. The meeting at which he was elected Was held at De troit. ' ; The Weldoii News speaks of the WelJon Fair in glowing terms. It says sufficient stock has been sub scribe 1 to put the association on a sol id foundation and that the tan- will, be held Nov. 1-t, 24, 3d and 4 h; and that it will heuausally good one. , The Greenville Reflector thus speaks encouragingly of the crops in that sjeetioi : Crops coutinue to flourish While riding through the country, the t fier day, we saw plenty of cotton thai was knee high, and whole fields "of coin'as talLas the average tence. The Clinton Caucasian truly says: Thd grumbling farmer grumbleth still, while his 'sanguine neighbbr-continu-eth to brag. , As usuaL "he "trath'-Des in the golden mean. The crop pros- -pect, ou the whole, is encom-aging,hut it is not so trancendently and jinprec- edentedly exceljeht as ;some; would. have us believe.. X ' 'J .1 i-..y-.'-.' . . - . -- - . ." 'Revr DrH. T. HnTson, -a -"metho-dist preacher of some reputation in N C. Conference, has been' placed in the Morganton InsanevA'sylum. We are glad to see trom the Shelby Auro ra that he has much improved since h's advent to" the Morganton Asylum and there is a prospect of his com plete restoration to physical and meu- tal - r- . - , r " T . a aoctor m maiana iove.1 a g'n She would not marry him. He loaded an old gun and shot her, but wounded a tailor. The Charlotte Chronicle think the way fo win a girl is to shoot lieri 'llf the snils would :ouly get in their shots s first and kul off. soinc pf 1 relation pi the soil to therop. Con Would aiivelivery - tihued hafd .daily '.lahorr without an these eraz wholesome eflect BILLv AR,TAL,IvS ABOUT THE ' HATRED OF THE NORTH t . TOWARD THE SOUTH LJ50 throusrjtallfigainAiioniar Sd thetfe4Shifti5 tWyeCn- nejArpady, Siiermsn has raised it od a; pole aad we see It. We thought for a while tha the tariff would be the Issue, but no they cant unite, the 'party tin that. Fight JenUvr jsidast resort Jt- is- J-uritiylodl ifc isl sadrTKdy5 fahr Wrsth e&atetirfdWTtar ugly and don't know it' "We'tfiinkllfiaV " we are 'beliav ing very decently. .We doithinkithat any) Judge in Christendom would bind' us over to keep the TCace.-1 When tiy of our menmake febig jspee6hqabig occasion and 'say j anything' about the North; he speaks as gently as a suckling dove. .Our folks keep on inciting them fo come.jdowq- . ajnd see us, and C ;hring. tirkpiteing. jWas there ever such a kind hearted long suffering people as our people?; The enemy smited us on one cheek other. V took away our coat and we huntedj up the old cloak and give it tq tliem. , we are helping to support their invalid soldiers ami. their ows and orphans and to " keep np( 4helr cemeteries but still they are' inot happy. They don't like us and; Hey'dont;WanlUo;hey;-'drU! fwarif to gi VQ ground at Bettys--bu'rg f 6 build a moniihieat tof our. There as KeY.-John Key Thomp son, .-who made a decoration sreoch , the other uay that a -nortnern paper, the . 'Kansas CityT Times," : says Aras grotssqie, ;;extravagaht arid blasphenos, ana js jcentra laea waaterna4 batOr-TWs--he -never forgot nor casi3a3Vf a moment. JIp,id tlua SQutJjv alone, wmKxn-. sioiisible JTor thO'Mn Wi-ctlfSB of stnd then made' rar,swnd- 'Odd t had tft rais, up, tjrant aad Shwmaa juad sheridan to put down the infamous. rebellion. . Well, now, It won't do for the good conservative men of 1 the North to apologize and say: "Oh, this fellpw TompSon is but one man. He does not reflect the i sentiments . of . our people' He does reflect , them, or they . would not choose him for the big gun of the occasion .i .They, knew h set ti ments befbro they selected ' him, fatid they: admire him for his bold ;ness in daring to utter the senti 'ments they try tp conct-al on ac icount of policy or business. Our folks are tiading with thousands at .the North who are juntas mean and levilish, but smother it to jrer. our bdstom. They will go up and con gratulate Thompson as soon a3 ho comes off the platform. Now we put our demands to minutes. That sort of. talk has got to stop, and stop for a sudden, or wo of the South will eo to talking and hating too. ..We hava been holding out the olive branch long enough. The North owned slaves, traded and trafficked in them, waa up to liereyeiin the slave trade, but when slave trade no longer paid she sold out to the South and then went into the emancipation busi ness, folded her hands meekly and cried aloud. Pin Wing, the fisherman's son, Was the very worst boy in all ' Conton. He ate his mother's pickled mice, He threw the cat in boiling rice, He ate hei up, and then said he, . ''Me wonder where that mew cat be." MAKING THE FARM PAY. : How to make a Farm pay is the great conundrum which every land holder often asks himself, and not unfre ' qently, indespa'-, he gives up. La .d, says the practical wr.ter. Joseph- Al- leu, often fails to produce good crops,' not because the laborers have beeu awkward in their work of plowing and f "vstw"S uu6 necause tney d d not know And fully understand, the .educated judgment du'ecting an eauca- J j: . jt t 1 k u jwSHmu uouukiug tuum applying crrect-aprinctfsvI:'taat?e fair' ci ops,butiL willjnoMuiheii r'ef sx Its; it liiVMU4iVdW 'a i limtm-' fault with the farmera, la,, when. I any op oitsrEkindstock ,is pay ing a-larger per cent, of profit than uinteiy wru ,.tue4iVteuion Almost exclusively to thai special product or stock, until the sopplyekdeeds the de mand, and, as a consequence, prices decline, below cost of rjroduction- vipfirmej.fiP'j1! thieve changes and revolutiona in,; pri- cek :pf t the ; , dif) ;ejcen t , commoditjes4 Tley thencould,tBome. xteqtiayoid all eqmgs.n, Whei any kindi of- graipj ortock payf an extvemely high pe: centl of profit, , they ., should , not sive all their attention to that: special omecand, on thepther hand,; when, anj article is selling at or below costof; proQUCfciou, xuey snuuic uufc- tuswu tirjuej ts'cultivation or production . al together, but they should avoid all the extremes and they will find that, in: tho final outcome; they will , be more siicces sful i There is no one special system of farming, either in . grain , or stock, that will give. a. large per. cent of profit eash year on the . capital ; lu- vested and labor performed. The 6n- ly safety for the f aimers of this coun try is in mixed huihandry and rota tion of.crops..; ; , . .w"."-..- v :'; --" It 8UOU1U DO tne aim to uavo f onw I thing in return for every tUU , is maae ana lor every qoiiac mriea. even when only a few-house.; plants- THE CURE FOR DOUBTS.' Many Christians axe greatly troubled with doubts as to the gen- uiness of their repentance and faith in Christ. ' I have had most dis tressing cases of thH kind, nl ,'9 hs: every paaMr 49 na woctu ur arclbald Alexarer,W imaaiiDf I great common sense and great pes' I trcaiskU! meau'g wltrisach cases; A: 4 theological "student once called on hlhi In J:great;,dis'treMr,'n doubting whether he had ever been coay ertefl. '.T5e 6M!doctor enCourv aged him to open his mind to him After he was done, the aged dis ciple, laying his hand on his head said: "My yoaug brother yon know what repentance Is what You think yon once re-' jpented and once believed. Now id aa't fight your doubts go over It alt again repent, a o w, r believe in Cnriat now; that's the way to have' a conclou3nessxf acceptance with u(a. .1 nave to ao Doth very or- ten. Go to your rKm and give viinr coff fr f.KriQf in a mmarf . . .N .... ? apa let your-uouot3 go. 11 you have not been Ilia disciple be ' bue now. JJjn'l n.lit the devil on his own ground. Choose the ground of Christ's righteousness and atone ment, and then fiht hlm."i I rincs had a lady in my church who was greatly troubled as to her accep - tance with God. , I, tried brluzinz . up all the promisea and urging" -bet to tal.e hold cf them, bat it was "all in vain. She said that they were all very good and true, but that they were not for her. Finally I tried this plan and saidd "You think too much about yourself. You are all the while looking into your heart to dud something there to hanj a hope on. But you don't find it, and you won't. Look away from yourself. You are all the -while looking into your heart to find something there to hang a hope on. Bat you don't find it and you won't. Look away from yourself to the Savior. Hang your hope upon Hi3 cross; and to prove that yau do this and really love and trust Him, go to work to bless and save some one else." She took my advice, and soon found a poor woman . who had a ., triflin, d.-unken, infidel 'husband. She asked her tq c6rae to' church with her; but the women had no shoes, nor bonnet, nor dress fit to wear, sj she fitted her, out with the nacassa- ry clothing frorri 'her vd wardrobe-, and iheo biought'hef- churcli. Soon the wprfl.eyortedt and rejoicing 19 hopo Ih$ VPd al3 thine for Chrlat.- Let thwrri lrt"alIlheffCkQmv f&allngahd hMT culmlnate..Dnta . pleasant, veuiJOZ I sdeotaSdTlfc&SaaiiX V'rwentfe'reflectlcpf lUietinkg.i.. b'.r-t -i, ; Chrt9Ttn. iiiw4rinori tne bellow. .11 DDedb mazrvf 1 Deefle reRftJfarR Md Utefa laDtsJfc vLrle"LiiVrv tbhertre 5DoorQ5long the shady Jane; when with a sintui souu&aafla taoaxto, tJArwu ttnd - 1 aijd-jory. : v '1 "A - vrjrh .! i a 9-. EXITFMEN ? IS TEXA&j"- r. 1 txi : -' r -. -' 1 , Great exo:temnt has" been caused In the vicinity of Paris Texas; by the remarkable recovery of Mr. X ; E. Corley; who was $0 helpless ha conid notttuxnda bed, or . raise - his 1 head ; Everybody said he was dyinjf of. eon sumption. n A trial bottle of lr Kmgs New Discovery jeas sent '. him. iFiud-" m4 relief, he bought a large .bottle and a box of : Dr. , King's NewLife' Pills ; by the time he had taken two boxes of pills aud two bottles rf "the Discovery, he wss welt and had gain ed in flesh thui;y slx pounds. -;"'.; An e eellent Balve for brcises isthe follow 'nj: Take the leaves ofcatrjip and bruise wVth salt pork In a mortar, or with a rolling-pm ';:41f applied to flesh wounds and bruises of any kind, it will at Once allay the soreness , and Inflammation. - ; - ;OUR EXCHANGES. What thkt sat 'or mm ard mattksJ The fmnreKSlon rlnlncr crmnn tnat eherman; has deslroyod his chanCGa fdi. th(: prp.t,1pnftal -1, i -m r- . h--a -ihWt: The white people of North 'Caro lina are almost a unite for the re- establishment of the ld whipping post. They believe this Is undoubt edly the best. wayujpnnish a lrge number of criminal. Wilson Ad- There lbt kofele lUMtr W SM&tof Mriplzintrr wbleH lll fat csaM4 ttt& '1SferiafdrJ krflW I4av64 theWabcraUt.' Indehel has'norinll fnated any" luch' thought. The Citizen heartily cbncu'rt with the rsenator's views on the course of the President In the ' appoint ment of negroes to office in the Die trlct of Columbia. Ashville Citi zen. 1 - Senator yance(ls a bold straight forward man, and he is not afraid to say. what he thinks, .Claiming tq have the. right to do this he is ever ready to admit the same right as . belonging to another, and to none surely more readily than to Mr. Cleveland and the Senator has never hesitated to bear testimony to the high charicter and unswen ing integrity of the President. Washington Gozett. Let the suggestion that a worthy monument that the forty thousand North Carolina Confederate dead bo erected in the capital square here at Raleigh be not allowed to fail of full fruition. Let the press of the State keen the matter alive? find press it until the monument shall rise, in stately and beautiful proportions to speak to tho world of the patriotism of those who died for their country clad in the gray of the confederate soldiers. Raleigh News-Observer. BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve In the world or Cuts, Bruises, Bore, Uhera, Salt Rheatn, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped hand?. Chilblains. Corns, all Skiu Eruptions, ind positively curd Piles or no pay required: It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money reruuaea. nice Z5 cents a box. Not a great many year. ago, there lived not far from us a tall, raw- boned, wisophlstlcated youth named Peter. Peter fell In love with Paul me, a dashing brunette, as full of fun and coquetry as '. iny girl in the insolated section. Peter hun? around Pauline the entire summer, his bashfulnes prevent ing a sufficient avowal to Justify. the fair maid's giving him the ,."mltten October had come, still Peter was ever' "at her side , with that faraway dreamy look, la .her . ' .LI f - rm m a ' m J r T 7" ...... . .. ws"...". I'JVUs jsuilne; x iayo. ..yoa ; -ad riane : tot a. dead? pause. . Pauline iponded;.IttQ, ;PeteK';; Peter.! said ho more, .for jbeliig v in ' doubl about the propper. definition of "ditto " he wisely kept silent till theVralk ' ended, ;. The, nex'day; PtetrJ aq4 his fitner, who , was not. gien to loqoidtyy were in the gar- den pntting away the" wJnter . cab age. Distracted with doubt and f vexed with hncertaInl7Teter"""wIth. a cabbage la each hand,' asked , the Old maxi, what,', ditto njeat.r ;The old! man Cleared his throat,' point ed at the cabbage m the right hand and asked, What 1 Is ' that T, A cabbage, said "Peter. "Well the one in your left Is a ditto." Wth . f a yell that would do credit to the wild man of Borneo, ne dashed thet cabbage to the ground and in maj'-' estyof passlod exclai . ed, . "Con found her: deceitful '.hide I The mean thing to call rao colhvxls." Ex. ...------vt :- " ' " V"-'- : Cold waier'abd plenty or iti proper- ij applied, wun a iair amoant or oap w inuic, is we oesi uimg to ciean a fcntcnen ooor. The regulation bod- et wdsU apt ,loJmaka 'a' kiUhen floor greaay.' ' -." ' , ... : THE VFKDIT.UNANlMOUa v L W. T SaltTDmgitt, Bfppns. laJ isunet: - "i oa- rccoinmaa .Elee trio B.tters as the very boat remedy. Every bottle aoId haaaiTen relief in every caa. One man took six bo- lleaoi was cured of Rheutuat shf 61 10 years stndinfr.' Abraham : drugglsr, Bellnlle, Ohio., sflrm; "The best lelllng medicmrf I have ev er hnndd in Iny W yeara teiperieuce; isJEJlecric Eitiers." . Tooosands otnera tjave acyetheirtiViliniDqj,a that the verdicT"s' 'nd aiumous that EleoauDitttfd4Dare : allftneasU AfAhfpJUTtruKid& i Btqi r .tt yiufiokii lis J& rcj'cSR-W B Wrdilrrr. good quarteicQt boards-' aire worth $50 per thousand. :v:.. The quality of tho blood depend much upon good or bad digestion and assimilation; to make tha blood rich lo hie and strength-cirtoj coostttn ents, .030 Vt. J U McLean s Strength ening Cordial and Blood PunAer, ii will nourish the prpperUej of' tha btoodfiom which the! eleetnenb of vi tality are drawn. For poisoning frorrr phosphorus, as when children suck . matches, - give . tablespoonful ot magnesia, and then, lreely, gum arabic water ; less- mag nesia, if only a little phosphorus , is taken. 4 - - TnE INDISPENSABLE TO TOILET. Darbrs PropyUctic Fluid cures chafing, eruptions and inflammalioo of ail kinds, cures iu flamed or sore eyes; relieves . -.ins from biWs ox stingi of insects and . sore fret, de- strays all taint ot perspiration or of fenslve s uell f.-om the foet 'or any iart of the body; cleanses . and wbit tens the skin. . Used as a dentifrice it purifies tho breath;" prt serves the teeth andtmres toothache; sore gams and canker. A' little of the flmd in the water used m bathing Is very re- xresbing and especially benenciai to me sicx. "Papa, said a little five-year-oW, pointing to a turkey gobbler strutting around in a neighbor's yard, 'ain't that red-nosed chickeu got an awful big bustle. Chicago Rambler. WOMAN'S VERACITY, It U th opinion of theologian and lawyer and jadra that a a rale womea are truthful. lleaca, the public right fully attache! greet valnt to the teUmo ny of a lady as to the t fleet ot medicine Mrs. Mask, ic the wife of oae of the moat proeptroos and iatelllceat farmers ot Alcora coanty, Uiti Edward Uask. After nfferlaf two years with an vloer that covered, her left lef trom- the kaee to thi foot, recently she haa been curtl. Read what cared her: Gift P.O., Ui. Ffb 1M7. Oeatlemen A year a 50 last fall a aore broke oat 00 my left leg, below the knee. It began to spread, and run no til toy WJoUlecwaa covered. Thu eoatiaaed until last fall, when I began to take Swift' Bjerlflc Tbe phyfeieian told tne it would take about oae dosea bottle; bat vhe I had finUhed two bottles pit 1?x wtU. , While I offered, I alto had chill recn larly,' These, toe, disappeared when the vleer wa healed ap. lam truly eratefal for tha betiafit I reeelved from 8. 3. S. aud both, myself aad haiband talk p your ;medieV t4 att oSe. frletui. 1 ; , i : .1 1 Mrs. UordeHa a. uut rTlIE FTED '" pTSppSlA't EXfet- Jasaftl VlaL'lfatea'ii isiW aejtraV7aa.i MjL JbosU sSc imbed, aad rav beaith wu aa peox. I ,.r. Af 8. k. R wM-hbronrfctm aVSwaVt yur biod pari&er. S. H. S. . v r Torra traty; ' - .1 ,:i M..W.Sttrravy. i 4 4 - Treatiae om) Bood aad Sria Disc, USiled free. - The Swift Speeile Co, Drawer St At- aata Ua. . - j Lookers-on see more than Dlayerr ..fa) i' ' m 1 .. v.- . .. . No preparation could j Lays- raade neb a reputation , a ,bJ ratio a .on hak (io:SQ short a time) wjUsont.-Ja' trinsio mcri otha highest. ord: It kUls"paln. lrice tweuty-five'oent. a boUla.,,,;. j, .-i? .j;.?t ,! lestlng Iiesbrhig serious sorrows. . : If a dealer offers yon a bottl' of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup- without la bels, or, wrsppecs. or in .a' mntllated or defaced package, don't touch it don't buy it at any prk a, y 00 -can rest assured there is something wrong It may b j 11 dangerous and ' worth less! eoanterfmt.; '.Insist spon getting a perfect, unbroken, genuine paak lie.' '- - ' locaewS fieafcHrt iyaaJVa-fTi ' A Kn writ itag wuw utMU, w.u wk.i ri liable To( diperM black' ' nts. JL Scw leaves 6t green wormwood, scattered in the haunts of these trouble bmi In- sects, is said to W effectual In dli . lodging them. - " ' " " . . rarsous wuo lea a JUe ot . expos ore are sobject to . rheumatira, , nsp raigia aaa lomtMgn.ftna wui god a. valuable remedy to Dr: JrTIT Mif k Lean's Ynk-ama OU Lialaient; it wilt biUsIipainarf.spbdue. ixm Uoa. -V'l don't edoit, myv'son, iwhy Z the'f dm ploy facnltiea'at eollegu at ' rates, uoten it is 4 Uiat . tte- s Codec ti hare none of their wn.'.?-. :?.? 2 Geueral fJeaxi. while CoVsnrorof WiI regard joat TAUd3a'V si 'i well as in others known to me,lt 1L. dlUTboi 'tffir pro? )& kaZ&Z stoehpisaiiiil rAkSZZP rial in Us genera) SVfs wpoo tixs y teoau: l .'" - ' ' " , . ' ' ' ' ' Always be ready hi tlnvj for churc& If you do not reApect' yourself sufl clenlly to be punctual, respect . lite I feel bigs of other people. " ' , When joaart cunstrpaio4 wUh lOss of appotlte, headache, take Dr. J" B, . MoLtan's little Liver and Kidney' ltf lets, "they are pleasant to take ' ad id cure 7004 lAMita 4 vtai. ' - Drift U as bad m thrift. . V. ' Faults 1 digasUon cause 4irorJar -cf the liver, and . the whole srstsa becomes deranged. Dr. J. H. Me Iran's btrengthiog Cordial andBloec Purifier perfects tbe process of dlas ' turn and a&sirailatloa, and thus makes ' pure bloud. , Ecooomy is 01 ittelf a nue. Cicero. great.. reve ' Malarial poison may bo Iboroog hi : eradicated from the system by 'nXis Dr. J II MJjoau'a, chill, and , leve -cure. It i mild In action and a car' aincare. SO cents a bniUe. " r , , 1 . To be good and love, to . 4 o ood u. hard work sometimes. X knev7reri . well, but we all help one another, am1 o get on. , aaaaBwa w mbbi BBBBana awaea m aaaw mmmmmmmmmmmm When the stomach lacks vior and" regularity there will be flatulence, heartburn, nusea, sick headache, ne vousoess, nseDril H McLean's Streo2b:nz Cordial sod Blood Port Her, to give tone and regularity to the stosoaeh. I New tins should be set over the fir with boiling water m them for sever." hours before food is pot Into them. ' ' The farmer's friend ba for mat years b-.en Dr. H McLean Volcanic OQ Liniment; for horn ' cattlef hog5 and sheep . It has provi v its worth in thoosands 01 ; i The manner of saying or do teg 'at -thing goes a great way: towards t ' value 0 the thing ItselfL 6ceea.- I In the decline cf life, m rallies t et b to which our yealh and ma tat ty were sxrangeie, our-kSdojS e liver arc subject to drangemenU b notniQg enuaia jjt j. iu , ziclaxq Iver and Kidney Betm as a tTetILi, ,"w tor'df theatf organs. 1?- t? -r C 1 ? TomonaHill Nurse i 18S .'- rl-.!b ! - POllOMalM- i.r;J. J Two . and ahsi miusv wt nreensboro'.N. C. . The mala Laa e K. et V: B. r throttih V ' rtoascM aadt Ca lrxrzettrsi xJt.-J Ct4 fiavlnuaieakt tt-sizzsSmZM VltaflfMltVitail teVtsrrt ss4 T ' , -T 1 ine proppkv u v msoy yer Wleyi tbe leediag'Narserles W " ' d . Weetaod cotrcspcaaded w those ot lora'tu oontrisv gaihert .fcfery fruit that wss calculated tos. , , the South both'. BStlvs and forel .. ' .Tna'rersitjatvctPotatfnaHtoJ Br''- series U such that many areata . 's -hag oat from Oreen.bcro, represe. lug other Qdrseries, try to, jears- l-. ' - irapresaion thai iLey ere tvpnbir- nb there ourieriev yda they t r Let the public a&s wer. "' I hara 1st stock grs tr iargi (ami " t - ' ' ' sbfcw vitors the. suae) ; the lxn : ? and b8sf stock A,- i,.. ever' shown "or stsn !b '? tw ,'. norseries : in: North f ArolL' ' eopsittinz, of spple, pes' .m. " cherry, vTum, grspe, Japxesej p . intmon," Japanese 'plua. apriot mulberry, qaiacee. fJmallTfnii ; -Strawberry, rsapberry. " cor.nis, n cans, English walnnts, rhobatb, - pamgua, evergreeoa, taAx tree.. . -1 roses, Ac ' t j. ,. Give your order, lo 'vJQytfbt agsitorocJerdb'ect . the. srs eery. CorrMpqrer. aelioted. JX' . ;. acrrpavecauloeayxre, tosppUosr .- , ... ; i. - ruLxjusT. j - ' t 'VT- PosvOKyi.. i - 4 airid "we turned; the; -)). A3 -i., V ,j3' 1 , y . !'') ' f -It. -5 . . ; v.

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