THE FRAN KLIrjuTlMS :AU iVft YAWX it T --'v rr ; JUSUS-BED 7E EJIY FRIDAY' JAMES A. THOMAS, " r ' Edito and Popyretor f JM i if J T rr'-il Vil )iIT I 5 iTfcTJHtv V Utf iJel Bewiajfer pubI'Mdan and JtI;! nlr:.h AllftitT asarjr tioad aod-radeAiQ6;reiM. Ad tc rt Uprtkoul4 e,iW a 9.0$,, rtiit Tlte Editor' wi it "U7 i&si fc 1 " ; if i - . liy iiiu f 1 Until .sr. Oiit 1 ' "" -, . ., . - .. , , .. ,. - . v r . ' fTTT- I 1 I ' U I ! i-siiJy. ';r- 11-? j l'f'; bj ;'Vivn i-.i-, ... iff;, '",'Tfi-r-r-;W::'f H - - I 4.11 C4 ..4. -. . - . I JifjfUtiTrij'i) One vSr'' $1 50 To Club W 5 TitR1 Txes Trill' be ' f u nusb.ed 'jiiUJo;, u f : ' ) ' . - .rr ,, , , , - ' . - i.. '.-"T i ; ; ir' i ; - m:i 4 s . 1 . '.ft - .. t i - , - t I for Ue vieaa of cwresponJgnUu " I Hrlef Absolutely Pure. IThis powderever varies. A marvel of .pucfc strength and wholeaomenens. fore economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in .competition with the multitude of low test, short weight ulnm orohosttliate powdetsy.' BOLD OS LY General Directorv.- L.OUISURG, N.0.-n t churches; MuniAntuT-llftv. A.. McCullcn. pastor services every Sunday, morning ad ight. Prayer meeting every Wednesday flight. Sunday school 9 o'clock A. t. Baptist Rev. . Baylns Cade, pa Itor, Services 1st and 3rd Sundays iri each inonth, morning and night. Prayer aieci ng every Thursday night. Sunday School o'clock, A. M t Ma YOB O. I Ellis. ' JOstJfCSStoxBRS-i-Thos. White, r. . E-'orton.'J. J. Barrowi J. A. Thomas. Co5WABI.B-R,D.'Pinne-; ' V;; i"" liard nieeW Friday before tirst Monday jin each month. ' ! ' . : V PRANKLTN OUNTY. GommissioXEBO. A. Nasli, Vmn., S. Crudup, R. S. Foster, F, V. Pierce, W. t$ ITjoeil i "' "" " "' kwperlor Court Clerk-A. W. Pierce. Sheriff ,11 C. Kearney.' ' Treasurer B. P.t'liftoii. . . Sitperintendeut of Public Instruction J. NT. Harris. '. .r- 4. r P.w.r TTouse-T. W. Pinnell. Sup't of Health Dr. E. S. Foster BOABD-OSUSDIJHON.w. ,H - (Jeo.S. BVkr, 0,hkrniaBj V, ' K. ConveiV . i N. y. Oulley.-l - - - J. f. Harris, occreiary. The Sifperintcndent vvill le in Louis biirt; on the second Thurayot ' Feli- ber and December, nnU reinaiu xor tjire dai.i necessary, for. the pnf- pose of rmiiPK.appi -! i tlMubscliooi vf FfWflkUft conn: ty. - o - . - h- v r RO F KS SION H Ii . ,C A DS I B. B. MASSENBUltG, ATTORNEY AT LAW- ' LOUISBUltOSUJCU Office in the Court Houpe. AU husino43 piit rk my JidJtuls wul r.iMMVf'-nrxiiirn'i.aiieiu.iwi.' jfc O. M. .COOKE. A t'T' Y and OOUNSlLtOR at LAW, LOUISBUKO, TUANkLtCO.N. d tl V 11 attend the Coiirtsf'TTasnv Fr;ink inpc-nyille- Wiirren,. and WiiKe uouniies vHst -!Piuimintf liourt of North Carolina, and the I); H. Circuit' aridTiisf KiCT OdiOtaV ; 4 D It. J. E MA LONE. ..... O tlhje, Sjloor s ..bjelw!ianan iC ioka'a Drug Stons adjoining DrrQ.: .1 IJT.111H., . w-'-ra&a f7 ATTORNEY AjLX W-ff..; Office i he Codjrt Hooae. wK B Ko: ATTORN K x '5 A r J.AW. n vt r cm o AV HT "1 v ance.lxranviue, xiauia, na orin Hampton Umd the Buprehie and"7ed era! courts of the Stala . ; . - i)ll ATTORNEY'ATrLAlV, J FRAJVKLiJVTOjV, JVsC Negotiatiaa of lloan' and ' eollecting' 9r Uil' 1 ' r' ! . , ,. ,i ...... , . , , ; lj l i 'I ii in 1 1 n ' i t- 4BAjp .qmustQtJB jut)., !4 iSaid Cbrisinr liord; $ Iwill go aod tee i How the men, my, bretherear -believe i He not again through, the gate of birth, - ., t . - : HYfaenjEaiu the vlucf Priest, and.rulersaad fji 'Behold now? the giver o all good 1 "o to, Ictus wtieoro? , jw)Ul topp ana t . StlttA. ' - - "Jlim .yho, ln5 1 nighty and itjreat." ith. carpets of gold, the ground they trWberever'theSobf Hen' should tread. And, in: palace ehambeis -. lofty rand rare f T.ey lodged him and' served'hiin with U'-! WnSlyareffi,.yjvi!.t,,s &r.4V Vrri .Great organs surged through arches dim jubilant flood: in praise of him; nJ in church and palace., and judgment -'.,: : , ; I H saw hla image high overall. " tBttV-stiUy-whcrcver hiaateps Hhey-ied; I he IX) rd in sorrow bent down ins head, And from undef i (lieT Mvy fondation i t stones, -.t i '..i v,JS.. I The son of Mary heard tti iter groans. ,;;,..s-,. , .-v - -. t.4 i. " Aad in church, and palace, and Judgment vhall, ' " " A He marked gieat fissures that rent the wall, And opeued wider and yet more wide As the Hvin foundation heaved and sighed. , Hafe ye foundyo$tfonea. audVy l U iters then; i. iti .L il LJ . -WB toe ooaies anu sou is 01 living men . "And think ye that building shall endure, "Which shelters the noble and crushes f the poor?" . j.. " "Vith rites V savajid bars of ?otd "Ye have fenced my tliccp . from their Father's fold; "I have heard the droping of their tears "In Heaven, these eighteen hundred years." .' "Oh, Lord and U aster t enra' the gniltj " We build bat as our fathers built; ' VBebold Thlae images hw they Stand,' ' tiSoverien aad sole, through all our ' tand ' ' - '; 1 Qartask U hard with swerd and flame To tpld thiaeicarth forcver th:iinrrk ,1 A ad twj&b sharp crooks of .-. steel to keep Th'cn ;t h.rlst sought out an artisan,' " ' A lowbrowed,- stunted, liaggared man, And a inotheTtcHS girl, whose fingers thi ' Pushed f rom her faintly. 'Want ; and t sin. These set lie ia tlic inidst of thunj, 1 , And as they drew back their garment .-.' lu-m. Forearof denlement ".So here": said e, . -. The images yeJ have made et MeP"! i '' BOVVSEIi. FFECTS QF A-UCHBE PAIiTY 6 TB ,iJjWE-TlMIK&EC i.3 IlE VD OF V AMI- '"-I would not have the world gct the impr,88ion yva. axr- iowser JS; not a -kiud-hearted-"Iand loving husband." 4 -True, -;ther' S rojtiui e3- w h eu Ixele blfnit- spokeii-and tncoiuitent-jJht lliere are oUier,time8WlienJ)e-4iInangel. For wstaeerheaine liome the other day with a very tender smile on hi face, kissed me in an uaexpectod and vigor ous mMm rVtikKcTEtie" baby in the nbsaud theu exclaimed: (tduess jylijft jt ifi4re3jow)er'L ( iiWhat?' What,a in this p.ircel ?' I couldn't guess, r a nd a fter teasing, me for jai fewlnylhutei jiei ipn4liiL aiini around me anL chuckled: 4lt4 - - F - . " itis ior my pujjsy-wupsy-wuev. it ! Give me a kiss right ou the chin?''' ?iltrwa& a lacecbliarV -and - the!?pricei inark of $22,hatVbecn carefully left on it. I tried hard to keep a smiling tface and not let him see my disappointment, und I ncceeded Tery - welh fiV had cone to some establUUment where tliey .had put.up a job on ninL IcoutdJiave bousht tlie same "collar for tiyd jddilars L'when It was iri sty! - an'd'n Style was two jeaw uiu. xuey -rctorided tOj, send: away nfor it,- and tniey enargetiuw vweuiy-swo . uouars Sindef lbidea tha lie wasome cour. trywldowerr likl trying, but .w-dear,ow-ood and IhougbU 'Of course I am, my pet.- Didtrt T marry you for iAre love? And isn't a Joying busband.QMpfthebest joi;hjis- ;hsdftrtiVe arttPy.TQkofs toiigbt to a progressive euchre party r and I1 got the ollarjdst' in' good tiineV Jlhlal Nlcest'llUle wi4 and prettiest I baby in the world!" 7 ' JTwanted to get out of wearing that collar withouif injuring hi I Teelmgg and sd i Mn t inl theVdown' to eichabg$ it. one couiannu uouihiji .p vKqii,, but brought home onet fr four'dollars' hat I ara'a phiU) womao and never at' I Ami maui iiiiuttcf l x kddwji me 4W he sTfopTv I tempt iny tyle; oilor;dar' BowWet-' I couldn't tell ilte diilerchce,'5 but Iwhea", ;he aavr. meVrth It 6a 'lie patted me'da1' (thtfljead and observed:- in -; :n AUI 1 I iittlweetncs"bur' may be f-Htten'fcgOt ititnnd "don't fctfow! wttrtt beootes;y6u NoW y6u lootllte! jabouiyouk 'Aiid'just emeulbeir Hhat i selected tlMtt pattern V b'-n M l prtiised litrai r.fid called htav 'tnf ear Bovrseri and Tie ;went abont- the house looking- so happy that the -cook finally came tome 'and Mrhisperingly Inquired: 1-1 u if v, n -m -: 'Have you telephoowl yet? ' ; ' i' ,'To whom-t-for whatf;; ; -j i -To tlie polke!? j 7 h-n .1 r -: ! ' .'To be i band in; case he becomes dang?rou?. : I'm expecting every min te when he'll give grand yell and sh for the - axe and - euorr w to Why, ; .SaralL, jjptuulg ails; fin pOW8er. 1ioy iu'v!Nf-4f.f bin ut i! Well, I hope not-il hope not; bflt I -haftWve th4 lact ddoil.'opeu'and be breparedrto rif J()pfen, .aprae' plk! are on tine pomto4. gouig crnzy. they mile and grfu 'and aet Up just as hb is Aa a rule wVen I, ap getting jady 'o go out vrithMr. Bowser he jumps,jn inq.aupDe.r.fauie.,'to ,iyef( tus go la . tlirco ruba with, . the brualv to gallop bin hair -with the coinVfo1 fiiP! tjeeu aecondi-rub his1 pluglhatr oV ius einow, anu uicu,o , uegin , ou me ! ,Come. now. bt we' shall-be 'too' take yew to- get feiwly. I., .auppoae I 'you 4 want jto .stop and , primp .a4 pamt and nx and look tost so nice ii yptf were going to be !'J'' ; ." , j aiiia cven'ng; ne.iooK ... twenty ,min ' u tes to get liiiuself ; ready, . nd : theu sat down to-his tigar andsaidt' ; ' 1 hut-ry.1 dejirt all the time yjw wau(t to, lai.y. 1 71. iteleplipue lor 7x uoupeatp - tako - us ibu -the ydVdrt-VSY'koift rtibt;'' Bowser, put hl armi jarpuua .,me, and lid kissed tlve lby, lef(m ;W ? sfrurt et and he said It the cook as he hrent Od. ..,.T-.X W. .-.i't .if, f,.-4 -41 iSara an, u your j 0:111 uei: rnnr .Iri'm llnfirv comes arjouud tliis evening you can open a bottle r ;oJL;? ha( wiue, , aiid.,, tell liim. I'll riiy the preacher .when., youL are ready to be married' i ii j I would' tliat' i ' could ; con tinue ' the ; record of ilrV Bowser's good deeds l'!a jl'ew hours longer, but I must - stick. ,to Ithe truth. .The evehing W4s not half over when I oliscrved a change on his" 4 ' ; , i . . . ...... face and realized tltaf Sbmethin ': was' wroug.,.We tia.4 scarcely Jei't fie house after tlie party broke, up when he gave arm a pinch nd irxtdairired: Kow, then,' I waht you" to' under stand that this is the last infernal eu chre party- you will ever drag me off 'toi f Why, dear, whafs the matter ?' Boh'v why ,dar ' vVei ' for X won't 8tind it! You looked like a basswood stik and I felt like a fool, and we had no, buskiess going !'' oingi r- -...I. V., 1 j anted to go. ' ; 1 ! 'But yoir w run i i uiu: jrenmp juu re nuuu iHder start i Y"du i know I consented to come just, to. accommodate you, but I don't ' da It VBut you were so good-natured all' thd afternoon. -rr -uf r-r,"w . f I was, ehJiWell that shows all you kn)w About it; aiid I' Won't "speak! to yoa again lo-mght j" And he didn't Detr roit Free Press. . Jfereoas who lead a lifo rf fxy61 ura arffwiijeciw - rueumatisra, nep- ralkia and lumbago tend Will fiud a valuable remedy in lr.'"5. H. M- Lean s YnKramo Oil Lsnimentit wHl . MaBjh girt . Who- r. tfc mortally r - I - - ! . - I. f . - ... . i .1 jirrfiiryera tnottfuycantacfe tt'mous- t V hen yolArecdp5tii)4ted Jt Vols of a pVtite, headache, take'pf.'J. BJ1 'Mc anV 'xttle,( Lhrtr ' arW , KjdnBY, Pill its, they arepleasanrtoituke Wid il cure yori,4i5oenu a TiaL.';-i rhy is a bay ihWlag Juls ears borJed U 1m TxiKepi n. f wiaflea f Beckua&ilib fe haadffed1. 1tj1 Tl J ..d:. ' T ti f i' 1 you suffer pricking pains bbirtoW inglllie eye8,;orcao'rtot -bekt'K'brighl liilil. and find; yn r h sigjnt i w easj mi d failing, you suouw premptry mo ' jj. K - McLean! . Bnreqflliliijr R 2 cent .V - f J. II Salvb 'iW FARMS AND -FARMERS.!' J j.I Jiuiw m:Tpt -Yf t;Ti. j- !: J 0L:l illliii.l i .L's'I j .T-C" Ty n.E2ST, SHOULD CROPS BP 1AJP. BX?. J ."", tt , ,.7?i jvJv.. . r Hmw.''-t .1-wwU;jvwr4 rABrw.;:ina wiuioai paytr.g- up- .rrcAr,"-ir ,The vo question nfronVs lUe ;iiuIrlUtUhVa teacSio, tefi toaWiijrHip: tprrcc .yearsf' '1 .00? , 'recentlyir.infltsxlbleale' has JP ."r?1 jyoa get on af ?,.t f-tl , ; - J ldialoWD'Hetoin-mo8t: iW; ' tort of fttv 1 I Ih'I.U - - V i t fuilni intttnast -wfee: '"fi".. 1.,111 ,!on .the iadpy.aadWdd,r. ( 1' ' ' ' - -U LJ..,itL;. stables promote the healtb of the; ?Unbj. thn of I ; kocdrm 1 the time the' bhmlisT ! " ; . ' 'H a 'frill -in n!d inl It i1 ilfnlnl tun3..rfEvery,p8tnte ahWW . frave i ... M one thinjf,' wvW - Adit 1 J td it3 fulK'Krow(h: Alf that W f - . : a !L i . - ... !- . ! ear. mis is aone cmeny wnn ma- i '-. IV 14 ..' .enai nirantiv mbuied', throu avWpaW; burin nailer:, do- gree. ; from new,t materia i..Itk... TT A 11.. ll. II,. I Uia begins U harden, jtlie. pla.UM L?hn'nt &L t . tMtlVSMA,lJIi'VAlUi IlftIDWlBa, I it? rwiitlons Johould J IVfW4l. ,1VI4, tliv WU U4W4B IWHIII I .i.wtitA wn. .t?., iUl. I ierfere with ita-work in this' respect.1 iloreoverilfleavH are then cTuite liable tobe broken clxV a;eU to whole ttalks; !It berotnea a choice, I awe wiu4 uccumes si uiuioe, i ii ......... I ting the plant above "grooMTand I -L.-t.i--i .r- tf -1- v , r 4mm44 tt. 444Mt.. . r and 'crasteS-and thererore i&vt i ii - oyosite CQituiiuna 1 in the bunch" it will mature its ear before there Is mucn need' of1 another working. You hear a far- 'isRr,' .--4 1.... t. ".. I uiuons nro entirely uin-jreni. , ine l corn 'does Ifs? work ' slowly. Its I iktfc!.iAfn.i .a i oUJ I A","?.V-17.i,1..uu ,,u iw' long; another is soon neadvid;, . it , I .innal'rift 1-d.l.hv Wirlv t, A.Wi'n. . . .1 ; . If the soil could be slowed onlv I an nch JeepstrlcUy.t spoaking- I and this could , be done without i baking' down Jeaves and" ataiks,- ,,,i u .n,nM r .h w. t I oiAvvin.corn iuo to the; time the h Btate. ; But the conditions t we' have laid d i wn almost .praetteally Impossible. Jt Is hftnltdgUAj?o plo?S to runjust tnataemn, ana it one sacceBOs' -in dofmrfirtasoori as bAek-ia T .iedjdeebe the 'TroQnd ikes;toseoatf ty of dlrwtiuu is nisaeau iaeai or We conclude, lherefoxe,,lt Is safer to lay by corn rather ealy-on ! rich danfi, when in1 v"banch" on. poor it. ' the,ri!oU,,are,,ui iK com. ffcM old, new root 'are hot fomd,! reauuy:,Krwwvii in cTerv..uirwcnoa 48 "4' W-v-ffl- JAP VVI SB SBSB WwS SMSWB7 - w V JS B S tn AtIUODnrfItot!otl.t'Jl J' j ' , j t Hl 'O'lH P Tio 4i'dfr Imueh upon good if of !thb U6dv0(ehen(,I3, mnen upon gooa or igsuaQ antf kssirtijaMoii; to.mak:o tne,.tiooq - rich Ah life and streDgth-gvying; , cqnstitun cjt use ''Dr.' J II McLe-in's Streogth eing Oordlal knd Blood" Purifier, it' tl5 tLemfcnts of nrl I S v J'.t ' ,11..; will a ourisu i duo ' propYjrries ' or " the t 7j ' j' ' v' " "" 1 KPD.erai revival or iraaaptrar- .M ineirDusoamw-e-retnrted. able to food forming, and root,ac-4 ,m iti Jfc OobtceVprujr. tsfew fikl ir ' iln.rl i. .1 . i .nM.y?iiiT Hon, orr the' ,'otticr. WUh.'; these, Jtwiiy M 4 theif ; cnstomeV's ' so-' . I Yd4on:3.-i1MJ aehera'r fact befiire usi let us look fI tli l1 bottles' of1 Dr.J. Kings' Ihe lirtr. and the . wjiola . syaum .. .r-' ,llNew DiacCvery 7 ftf cpusomptiorv becomes deTsnSir,'-Ir:J. H, Xlo- conditions, , , r,.Vw,:I tdoMs- rfmpl 'SSffiff X nean'atten Cotdial hrldBWl i Ir the sailed with humus, fJs soft, thU -ry.luab,.tt anivle f rem5 tiiv ljaxifier, jierfr-cis Uift procest otldsjes- &ndf riablej' Is clean ahd 'not dt- , J lt nays cures and :aever;-disp. A n and asfimilaUoo. and thus makes t-tfh ppfebiood'-5 . vT!.v 'tftt l-ilu t,l..MriiifV nnrl Kif . Vii4lt.n. I RityM.lMon-of PlAnt avoid :rae toget-ta pee ;aake a maaji! he Mvenwogk i of 'ieJi;Agalu,;.fa iaatL L: rich amd Youi 1 ,iyon;4whoJiaBiee,rt loem and got a? good profit 1 raoiaco-ru graws rapidly and dot theVe) ThVdepcncU ou the length - -: ,i; : ' " h'- V", , Its workiu shorter-time -than:' on : bf your .eatence, -rtn-- j ftfr rt tin poordry soil. If laid by therefore L - v m r.r : 'l ' r' , l f w a v v 4V w TTn t 1 at -u '-. j rnersny;or hHd to' lay !y that adaxsJw. you are fidgety. nervous oiil j . ... . ,. ji i generally out ofa-rts and -, waot to corn with two workin-s, it grew s,) Srace niv Brace up, .but not with fast I could not plow It again." 0;i MiiniT.aiits. spring iiiedicines.'ot bit- pooTsoii; destitute1 of hmnuV aiid tera, whkh have f n- their batis very ' 1 r the rAbwoes tfo frilutd ' 1" d1oW. is aarder to J6td' ateardjr.-Kho,. JtTotkoAn4j 'Jl- ' (nU r-JiuAt NfiuL(Tn.Vl V "labbr of holding It to iti pfeittj 'J - SS JfiSSi went pivtnQ enew.i.ropt-isnuino;,! i wave very injurious j to cbm'' Afterit 1 tassels.-WJ L.j:l 1 : riff"fui,i' iitm:.'M.::iim " Ilorseaat lnird wprkbecsr life "0.jd-waMci madiyhen he . - l;tiMIr-1 ni'f'K-.. ullVjfli-Ur i ' I J R Vnnw all .Vn,.l 1 1 2 1 at tm I! .i.44 T' J 1 A ' ! ,'m I '-'I.. A Bnaaew. iru,ereate no trees make j and thatrhrtd with rrti4iS !it r I a -wa... I I , ., .7, r-r,:. "Vf ffn?lf "T' ?t-. 1rV rV f IVfJ AWLUICU an a f h9-vH h.Aocio.wtKl bf,, rro vided with shade: lwa salt, frW , t . . , m ! . . .1 . . I ,-4i;-). '., J,, "P'a'ttelfc hot weathes to Jceen I .vWj W verm riitvraah 4 J H.'' u 'j" v'T t rfru" Afti: m ' -j ivil I , l, . .1 t,". i. . U.r. i n I rl. 4 A . 2 A 14 . I "'unsi i f r ' i J ' - 1 tt,vnyk...-..Ll ' Ifti V , aJ f- '".iHPiVft.J'Jrt.r Yon are fwling dspre-ipf, your ap petite is poor, you aie bo'hrred 'with cucnp aou uaa whisky, ivia -wiimju . . t a . . . a v ;eave you n ahorse, cnditioa . than before.1 v hat' you want is an, altern tifft' "will imrirv your blood.' strrt I. restore your: nU it?, and,, give .re- on wed health, and strength, .jfiucu a oiedlbintfyiHi wm'flnd'in Electric oiirieni, sun unij'gvcenu uuiiiu si t " - -?I( vr"? wno conrjuerancr nus-j with a bfoouisuck toe., said tq Ht'tWlaiJawW nvpr him? '.r . - . GIVE TrJE.M"A1ClJANCE1 r L.ii I That U to say. your lungs. '.Also ail 'rXrtr theUrxerairpassasoi.but thj thos-' I anus.ojiiiiifl mues aa caviaa'-ieaa WMra,tuen)f :i .;- -thj. A lo o w liU taeldo; tUeydanirot o'qfof odl nd ,lii croup. honvQla. ca- mon or anv oi ine iim- ilv bf th'cSft atid noia Ehd ' heiid a.fd Iunf;Thirdiitlon, all are .'bnd'VIT ou jbll A? bj?W rid jat Ihere- is 1 ast' ona way-to gyt rid of tliem. , ,Tha j is to take BoAchee'a German . Syrup, which any 'druiglst' wilt sell- yoa at -75 ceots a bottle. EVeii ifeverythinflr 4elpd das falledcyou, yo ntay fcpeod ' ipa ULaoccrlai.iT - .w-ufl -k ! at Athxnfterleavlnff ths) hospital, ' .rJii'L v-N.i:-;.!7 ' :ri V.7L wroie w a .ineou; 4(j-,yyJ. winn konfirid' in rnt bedel fry acio japelO. wyeret ;I it:tfj B i, jt !him rhtcLmNICA.SAtY , u Tlie-Beafi Salve r. I i.tho . wottd t if f Ctrt-ViBrajsev.SoceiV J -w,. . alt Rheam, Fever r3res(Tetteffc Char.., hed hand?. ChTlblains, Cms, all Sklq 'Emotions' tmr po'i tWely' cures IHes or: op pay requrxi: is is guaranteed Lt1 JSr,kd-! Fn tul alLthi-.,a-b twl Ir m .ni iini in r j; - apmecuj f .Wnat Is It ?' ajreiiy aaked As, ff 4ra A tl rVA I 1 ma till. t t t- A . . fj1 . ; iwWiiws!, tenllfkL fe.PfftiT.1 Vi.-rtl.J . -7- INDISPENSABLE TO'TltH on UlHXWiI4jX li;u.tiT,, LrDTI XTanrltWl. f lln;4l . i.i. Vuu I" X4m' HIVUUrlT, (Qf-J jpmi innisankerii .A; UtUe of th-a-' aT L tST51aSii7l 'lit ill Ull A nnt y fil nxAA aeked a latin xtv,- t tt . , . . ' - rt MMTtTIVI . DM ttdmin 1 .JL m I. ' I.1U ' wIT "e fiubjocw 6f Embroidery desifiua ..4l.i -W .'j, -4.',. .'4. .4 ' -.T . ' , auppweit'abth lllk VClpthes dQ wot uiako the man' Ktarer,u6!3wnirti a 'ready-l ; ! 'WRELVVEfiETBLrV Z ; H sts wifli xtrr4nMry sSlnsaj mm j . I?R,.'klDflEY8,'''' ; ! - EFTCCTMAL SrCW5 H3 -iviliti i'l . !1 4 '.l w. Btok Hd i . . BUi Colte., mm a rid. Tor beln apt frady 1br libra 4 U.U ay w(l swra rnagr an kosr of. sanvtin d : ,i sony a dollar In Una an4 doetors UlBv , TWrjitB BOOMC . SmOKSLIYinREGUUTOIl' tW m mA SWfa.l wHB Z .ZtlUN A CO.lWtrrMM, wU4 fvi riiica, L4i f ' I 1 H -T .n.t : 4 1 What a fiiUy is that tabsady nice yeopgtnen Vr& aarv.rful poor V m4 Itnid J ara ea t o'Jdsi lovely and iwltty niece. Yc', she demurely replled'so.awfai poor that they can,' Cevcn pay ttietrt addreeaesl' 1J4"'J' 4- H 1a i: Lti.i!j - Nevr UUrrnpi msry eoaVsrsaUrta with .UrlagcoughiUcteatea aliad 3jUaf Jamii A-raBUr dfajdlain aaat r JBqir,: 4Au yrrBn and ew M fi.s j tjv n .Ybo terH coo v lace jocnx fnai .that this country Is rclmr ta wreck f 1 ici.V1ien the atoinsdi lacs ri?or snd llUiW 4..J IU.4W .HI W it4UiltDCft, Iieartlwn,' n tusea, i a5ekJ besw'svthe, rievousiir.oio DrJ U , Mclas 'treoiiln? pord'1 and BJoI . I'otU Jf!' S ner, to give to Je, sxarctuUaly , t siomacu , '.b'rfifJ L.I lS bf kit klrid cir9 uXined 7 orf tew .tvffi 1 mi sa we ar j -n sn a a m m m m sa w, 1 1 ul V received,,, : 1n'iHatU Ttu: 1 4, . . 1 . . . -i 0.1. -Jrrrf! -vr- -..7i;,'j-. 1 lula -i j s aa( rw Wova,' 1 lsi aosse Strang wy lhe 'pOArsl Iwarf Ike .WweVvtoltWa!.1! il.iirr. ,l.LJ. 4.. 44i m' iLii J . .'i.a ! j iifi "iii 6loiri OU tlnrmaitTwr 'lorss.4 V' I diUla, bor aod ahcep. It hS "protbd WVrMttA HUT A.rnaa kotaruj ruftscui Libe .pro! ' of bja.ntyjiwra: ibabaa ifUHd temptations to Worry 'ami bj too O ;v ell Wfctied doXirny fiih'ffy b<" ' -FM Mlrei;Adyfteoa fif.i.iufT 1 'tv,1-,0' wti ''l Vi PJ!'.i lxl Io,the, 0cun oIJLna, IniaiaU berT -H VAa'1 ovlrjfiatb aWuu , -tt Were i rangers,' ;our 'WoijiV . WcAb1 Vfrua's IV. 'j.' IK "Mclsh'k'V 11 tivef hnfl'KrvJrjey Balm uH' rrC'.a tsr' trf Urtue orgau;' '' j. . I .111 T r -4- ftJ III 1 .'Sill II ,SlvUoaOJ,lnigTeU'JUt'rlMf3rVlx I. . .4 i . ' 4j l" "4 I V 1 BQiiiojria, Hill Nxurssr-Tiw )itr vjv4iiB8i fctiil ) iu 1 o audjsha il-rii ils;., .wess 0 d I ulxro77X Th rnaTn line of .. . tbMLA l.'lL,B.aaftfiroiU W- grf soWs aadWltalU 10 ft elMe of.' w w , Saav IrrnDf ake rrcidae stop -d J W... Those Jneers1Hl edla Kraiyrtiitffrwintre ror !ly tavltel te ImrpoctXLis tha Isrt-J" l!f 1 1 I i 1 1 I 4 .... a- 1 1W, II' 'Mil 1 H v ft 'SIT T III 1 1 4V 1 mmA fVA t. a j M LtL 1 . vlsj. si4u ctd id cn'ing O'Lteiiy,. Ii; I i jYi y-.iT 10 linnhi wii esl uvrsery itbw tftaW bi4 ine' -'"! aning tho largest In tKe South,!,., uu tTbf propria tor has for many years,, , yUte'lthw hiding Kuraeriea ' Korth ' tetry fruit that was eanlsta.t0,.ik. thi Sonth' both ' n stive atkf fcreni The rcpatktloa cfl'ssiioualllif Naf- ", 4 fcerici ts sucb that .taanyii agrmts jp. 't tn O" from Qree ivboro,, rpnrwaat.r ln other narseries,, try to lavo, the isahwsstino thai tWy 'ar ?reprtlUt.'", Ia4 tliere PvrsenaA..'U hy l(tV6 ' , -lnav in stock grow mjr (aod ' siiow Visitors the sffiePthHirxe . and .oeatt! aOosX-ruf .ftr 'i Vt,. ahOWn, vOC' a WTnSrMvfn. enary, plum, xjapv, cerrti raspbory, rrsnU. I- raa.BvaroatirKMdntrtVsl ,. ut&ivut order to my sutborisfJ . agjntorordar'dlrsa fcoVe ini3r,V erj. -crrtsdetlosolldlt'le.,'l - - - - m t 4 a. WTlrT' sas3f lcm rpriUrajlt9 v i h . 4 .1.1.- " r. . m ioo QmXotml Cona ySrCL? csn ar saat Passat ttsisat ilmauV 'T I U .71 ..VJO.4 rirM.JI4taSLII .J i-i .,(t . . r, xr ' .: .... a ... . i I 4 I I B- - twmmmim xjmrzuw'xiM ' i,jui KT. : S k (MS. , nit isi-r.. lXBJC4rruurK JLr ! ! "- - mm ?T , I I " O M 4m. m vMua , Villi w' I rrrfcM, ! .? - ' fri irMWssaasB.Tr' i "fti1 vT , Ja - fan"1 J ' " .- - ! !1 J- -' : ; ! -I