- 'A i jUBLISIlED E- E.1MT ritlD A y $ Y AMES A.THOMAS, W Tok Tim e u iL otjoi niwr . Editor and Pro.retor r. 8 CirOu.ui.uliUtxI i over vrry Vct - R ates: 9 ho Year $ix Months ! V? - 7? ; T ' l 00 To Clubs erf 5 Times wall be prni8hedat$L40. ;. VOL XVI. LOTJISBURa, NJ C.; item of. urt natHrjjr.il ta'iWlfttO :',: ; I i . ii u i'ai ;.v ; ii l; ii, ii ai i' n u m . i ..-.. . . i. .... .11 ... it . i i . .. . ; : iiiii . -1. ' mm - i . n i m . aML-J V" mwVI. II ' II' II '11' m.' 1 " T:. W Q IU X-.iit niuirrt4MUi fxnd tU sc- it ,.1 "I . ,'.' -"is; T : . i ' -: A: Thia powdcrever varies. A marvel of rity, strength and wholesomonek. ore economical thau the ordinarr kinds. and cannot be sold in competition -with the multitude of low test, short weight nluni orphosphate powders. Soi.n oxtY ix Q4X.HotxL Bakixg PmvpBit Co. J J J . 10(j Wall St. n: y; General Directors. LOUISliURG. X C, ', . CHUJtCHKS. MKTilODlsT Rev. A. MeCnllen. pastor services every bunday, moriuns and niht. Prayer meeting every Wednesday mgnt.. Hunuay scnooi a o ciock A. ii BAPTIST Kev. Jiayius v.adu, pas tor, services 1st and ira bundavs in each month.. morning and night. Praver meet- g every Thursday night. Sunday School o'clock, Ar M ttAIOS-O. J ' -Ellis VtfJttoxBfM Thos. white, F. N. Egerton, J.' Barrow, J. A. Thomas; CosstABtE K.: D. Pinneil. " ' Board mectjj Friday before first Monday lu each raoutlu ; FRANKLIN OUNTY. Commissiokus--C A. Nash,' h'inn., S H. Unze'U- Superior Court Clerk A. W. Pierce: " Jlegisterof Deeds B. F. Bullock. Sheriff ,11 C. ''Keamev Treasurer 15. P.CUton. Sipetiiiteiulciii of Tuhiia Instruction J. . Harris. Keener Poor House J. W. Pinneil. Sup't ok IIb.vi.tii Dr. E. S..Fierr ? - bo .ub p r i2iTic ation; Geo. S. Baker; Chairman, E. il. !onver8- " N. Y, Galley v&D v. ' '" J.N. Karjj SecreUiy.i ' The Superintendent will lie in txms- nrgrxxalhesrcond Tlinrsday of "FeW uaryi Apcir, J uly , ptember, Oetik- beran.l:;Pecember,; ani) Veinaiu tor three dajs, ii necesanTj. for the pur- po4 of xainjiiing japplfeantsjo teach ii the pablic schools ufFraTikluif 6un ty. -v'!,' ' -Vv' I'RO F KSS IQN AJ OA R 1S , jg B. MASSENBURG, ATTORNEY AT LAW- Louisauno, N." c. Office lu tlieCourt House. . Ali(nirtess put jjn Jny liapds wiif receive prompt attention. M. COOK 13. ran;V:;0JJT.Cpnxnt LAW. LOUISBUUG. KUAN KLIN CO..N. C. XV II attend the. (Jourtao "a,h, V r i uk : in' Mr In v flt e ' V arreru. 1 and. AV:ike Counties also the r-'npieme Court of Xrtlrf"aroUna, and the 8. Circuit and District Ckiy its. D U. J. E MA03fK jmrtcr2frrirb C wkeT8 DrugStorn, adjoining Dr. O. Office 5 he Ceurt J Mr. UU1C 'iV'l ft 'K.j:ii5 uay. zojJiconer: ATTORN" K Y J AT- LAYi, . 4 . - ; " HENDERSON N. C. , ; fonu.-r I u.?''J '. tin-: . Itfmt &nwit rracttcMrt 4ha courts; f , ,Frankliv V ance.Granville, llalitaxy and North nampton-and 4.1 tSuppeij.i(. aftdFd f j eral courts of the State i K "z iilisr. WEEDIIAM-vGUTiianrl: ArTOUNEYHAL v Hi". -- - ; l "- x 9 . t - a . ir rr n franklIntojv, 'JV.ty. xr .M'il"'!? ' IlI'MlH'i e-ouaviu.o. iiwoans no.i coUecUnga specialty mwyt .TTi -ft i c t rTrtherror a siefxioarOHrnv 111 ces- . ATTORNEY 1 1 !I4W.W'fliftoM the '-...V,r.-. H 5, ,ttf i - rff JpiW.'kviRf rrfv tfed.fi in LI iff i:. iitt likoii from tft' Kvbicli was wry full of : praise for lie fcrtsKl if Mtt re knowd f.'aa ,t!e, llolstetns,. 1 adaiit that they haCv pntmy ceHent iurtliuea ami wtth- out desiring InTroYOkt Oriy tDnlro- VersyNv t h ' t l-i r; , finonj.nous chamt$o"iv: fii ! lliii.' Bouthcrtecf. ; I, send you Herd Nvith olte "high auA trioflty iif raVot of the 'pdetnse's, wlilcli Jvfi tf Vqut ; prf j udicek', jigtithsi other breeds my in vest igati wis :Jip to the present have e led liie toi- pre- ;tvii..itiiii' 1 - - i i fer. ': I trust that your readers will rc- ; lierasiTtTie S6utheriaer'rpl6ce- fit parlson narft Ji thpne I inclose? ch perha tntyJarrou their interest on tUe important cratstion; Which is theest breeil frytUKV In this connection I dsire;tc re new the discussion of the query: Shall we have a stock Association tit K-i uiiivi iu vmuii ?"m , J ijnereiore movq inai ajtwojji'. vor, and wlio desire to become char ter members of such an Association shall meet Jn theCourt house at 8 p. in; on tlie ftrsi-monday in Au gust to effect an organization. Who will second my motion? Very respectfully, ARTHUR ARRIXGTON. GUERNSEYS IN THE DAIRY. ... . j , About six yearji agp,i contempla ting theStaWishinent Of a ' butter dairy on my farm in t .near v:- cinity of Buffalo, i''Y:;; TJfok into consideration tlie best . breeds of cattle lor that ; oi j-ct. . Although for nearly fifty years cohversiint with the leading breeds of our coun try, r.nd long a breeder of Short horns I'n their thorough bredite and gttidarrimnd ffielttlioratto'gmer up to the standard I 1 wished. Jclljiny - ?rfrf&!ow8 were- e I for t he dairy, as Iheearly Ii xQjJieit tions of tlietu bred" -and Ihey So continued; but whexi-well fef$ they readily, run to a prepon derance of flegli " for choice- leeff leading their breeders, particularly. 1 in tie states' wesf of the AUegaay- aioujttoii6 itieglecf their milking iiuu liro, vou. vai uig nine tut intii n valuein dairy use,heir ; piilWng qualities bad partiallydisappeared. Ii therefore fouudfli dificulty in wtirkinffTtYem up to, the standard of full and constant milk produc tion that I demanded for a reliable dairy. L st ill, possessed a. goodly nam-. berof hglgraded cows of. SlorM horn blood, and on them deter mined to found, if possible, a herd to myjiking J, i4drexaxned the iopu1ar Jersey's -so4 'nib4h admired by'tneIr.adv!ocitesr and selling at theermrjirius pyic wbiph, rnany of theiir bbtahied'botli at "public lnd . private sales, , and the , boasted yields of butter thay were some times credited with, and which I occasionally doubted. Their mfe riorsize and. lack of . Jiardihood cparred witTi the graded Short- LhogtMa- Llud l,feaiw rSn .although Tat tne jjarry: ano;i iflOKea ji gnie is- island higher degi$eV;,They had Been Imported i in.uuclu .less . numbers than had rfceeu h0Jers,ndfrpm-Knmll-' Rr lRlnndixvithless DiddlioiOvet kept)lispue L for .a fmtury.past) as had been the more numerous ones of the larger Island;' and c reared iahd ie1acated with'equankiir atid 1 teit&mif dairy 'VMekffeiiHi Percenti rWK?J .iBJKj ii4LftWy t well formed, rather harder in con- Bti-utifeHua11 f !cn in milk, cream and butter as pthorsan the ..wholepra rapprplan ."; iX.opft imrchased tlroyougbie.ti ypungtull, hn ported inside bf'lns m, jaod .''ah-P ft j)(a,e.akfir - 0 extraordinary; veight in pounds. CONTEIBUTIONS. were, and still when lieart-shaiSd h white spot in' tlui t educated ,f')i.dairy use torerieiuIeldT H SjliV throu 'h. among my graded bhortnorns alter iM)rvice a product of fine al ves came 1 into 41 te. Ttm buu caivesi.aa. not. I wanted for rearing; 1 went i to ' the J Ibutcner.i The hoifers wereialHcept 4 and reared.and atsuitiibifeages bred, to another , bull of , the same pure lers, aPtor becoming cows; were fcred o the 'supedibgb)iH Vhlch,; '-pro-: luced. tithree-qurater ui breds! vthus wWfns'-their prtktiice'ifVlii 'lilhecJ.' ados of Guernsey blood. Yet the riginal Shorthorn grade cows, ,vith contfriual service to the orig;- al bull, stULbred their half-blooj,. Merns pai ves Toruceessivo use, intendnjrsaoxjntrduetintiljiiy . r - Jairy Nvbtildjjornmand'tlieTOumhftr; f eos Which? raightj bejrieedeu i -Tlwa wa3myntif4Ytem Ostabr- isfied.J3Jlho leault. so , f Rs erpermreota iiave, proven. The graded Quertisey; heifers ; produce a L1 ? 1 : m. - ' . . ' -' i , . t ?on)a of tKeinaf Ttionth br two ess, and others month or two be yond thatjige. Tneir siaas - are good, VCe equal" to our, native tock attlM)sejigtiieilili.iia.vt3 100 pounds and afterward milking crowth at four or five years as lavethem, to 1,099 or nearly 1,100 bounds. The heifers at first calv ng showed well-deVeloped, square hdders, sizeable teats to be grasped y the full hand in milking. ' pro jlucing 30 to 40 pouuds of rich milk tor several veeks or moaths after parturition, excellent in butter uauiy, ana iuii equal co any Jer- ey's for dairy purposes. With a Onstant two bmv' of ttbodt 4 'of hem, gradetl half and tlireefourths bred ,1 have ,. fiu,ii di t h e; a . , tu i vor- lly kind in temper, easy to milk, legular in yielding it fro-n day to ( ay, and many of them difficult to t ry of in time for a fe.v weeks' or ays' rest before their next c.ilviug. m pershtjnt do their yields hold on. j t rv i - TUh (drs'f th'a thoroaglbredr- ire lUtyeUoAorClS.Twl III- M. W out the body and- of-si&i . paite equal to our cotninon or uative cit t.e. V "The grades partake largely of the thoroughbred cross. - In shapa they are- (cetbely. better .v I . think 1 t)iai$hje avefage Jersey; btrt-ns- uicu mailt hu 10 ill it.tijr piuuutv mmetery ortrjxill js uriass'co.'i- -ijueiice iii.iii iiiuuei.-f ui uuauiy. .. .1.1 . . C 1 ... - y own young cows, however, king much of their forms from those of their Shorthorn dam?, are uite comely in shape, and many of em truly Uaudsome in appear- nze. rneir milt is rich, yielding 3 large percentage of yellow cream, the Guernsey character of it pre vailing largely over that , of their mothers. Thus,"' in "'my" adoption1' of the grade Guernseys; my object has Been accomplished qui I my expectations, and I ite equal to the higher e true blood runs among the cows, ic better may be their product, hose who have used --theKrades" tntend thatTleyfre-artc the orouglihreds foVpjrtT334 rhujhilcsVput -ieeu, exeepu tor inor4-3grrere ! am:' sale preeding tna, expense or uie. Mat fff JstpQ great Jor, geftef at diry4 Ii aper, tney run tne oettea Mrwy, c an bgrelled ' upjoarTor the' ; most I rofitebley In com m6nd iuxjft the Guernsey J have n wish toer:iate other" reeds of cows." AH the sowJrisi red dairy breeds are valuable, and t leir preferences are indulged in by t lose who most fancy and' prefer, t lem. The breedersTof Guern3eyst 1 oweve, have been modest and less fl)rward in 'Vaunting and "''ad vertls" ioghetr.'tuem vocates of J ereeys and Holsteins, br dveh, the Xy rshy res or De vons, jand' Had ihey "possessed n the ' spirit 5 to DusKheirni. ralsl'by; Pyertiog" ih the5 papers its the-lothers, have done, ,uie uuernseys wpuw .now oe better known and estimated by'the uiass yi, out juiifrviucu. ,. ( ,.ltl , .j. - MY PAIRY. Having alluded to that, you may tpona- spersea witn wnettina a large. n. t ducVIbouMcpws .composfl IlieLmilk,lng, a.-eonsiderable major.! Ity pf vhkh are iradta Guernseys. J li .They, re winterea m .close, , well a ta fiaea; warm - staDiea, . iros'- rarely enterimr them, i The . stalls are uuuuit, vuwa hi vr.ivi, inaieueu q nigh the partitions, which are seven feet apart by a chain around Ueir necits, held by a ring In a long jron UllatacciXii3 eacfiraide, so that the cows are kept separate in their feeding and lying down, A pai tition i. in their mangers to keep their ftod from setting mixed 'their kTHtHSettaiidy oiv .im Iron derated floor abbj I eet'vvldt laid in :conrrn-4,U3ectioris -aching toionest-ibth 3JUeir J"ore fefitrestIngfeujapTnVr. I rWVyWfUr I wooden trough .3 feet wid andlD I iuclie-deep, tightry made of 24oje I plaukV-Iato vTucnTthexcteen I and urine thn humgh the U-ches I space -tetween the 2.lrtch wide grates, tli,i8. paying the entirc&ri. -Tuft Irfturhi ii tifari icjeaujng only onco a weeK without straw or other bedding the cows He quite comiortaDie, anu are as clean as when in summer pasture. Of course tneir udders teats are al ways , reiidy for uiilking without toe liecesstty ot washing, so neces sary oftentimes when vthelr thighs and llinks ure daubed with the ex cre.nent, and even at times with layers of straw under them. The economy of utilizing tho urine, considered by" many qute equal to more solid fueees In value, is im portant. A the iroii grated floors I have mentioneil are yet. but lit tle known, I may say that theyare made by Messrs, Stowart Brother, Lake View, Erie county, N. Y. They have been adopted by many "dairy inGlrtiftxer.11 oX our states, an i nigmy appraverrf-.sa-.iar a4 I dra-reruidj and a furnished it thericofalij inl highly anpravijtb-so- far as. I opinion jprthwrTuems r. .3 J' . FEEDINGAND OTH ER M ATTER3 J rThe cows are" taken- from their past ures, or soillngJn "the - graznig "season t nsSqTi as thwt t he r, b,)i- . .1 .. 1 JT -2jLt . 1 comes eooi eiiuun to require mmier 1 a -in7t6ir stalls T ...U whatever the soason or waathet may be. A milker is given ton or twelve, sometimes another cow or two each, the same milker to the s.iine cows as near as possible. No noise, no thumping oa a nervous c w"with u milk stool, or other pun ishraent is permitted, but kindness and soothing words are the rules in gover.iing them. ThU3 the cowa are kind-tempered, and their is seldom any trouble In their man- agemeat. -Their winter food Is chiefly early cut and well cured up- land hay, chieily clover the more clover the better. The hay is all cut in a horse power machine, of rjklnd-thiijmajr. be preferred, hlf 'tread f tf9TY.cr?S!worked hy tsinglaChwie, hftd he rcutter i"riJi9-lri fWtli' tirhasMiSTTan inchr iaa .thrown- iuto'Jargelght ' box of 4bfltO-Ahj 'hep(1)U3lxGTtSpicu7 J aiiugs, icoru mcaiou meat,-or oiner additions throjrin to t,- they are then thoroughly. wetjed with pure deartMterajjdieil mixed- with that every portion may be weir incorporated into the other. A heaped busshel basket more if the cow will eat it, and les3 if she does potjneed lt-rsa given each cow morning and night, and a feed of dry hay at midday, , T;or at, other raea 4f wantedfVby them, j With this wetted, food they require less water 1 than U Ted;; oh dry food, aud a less vqantity of forage 14 deman- deI 'Mak 30f .tS'5:par. cenC leas- than vin'; mat ' hay strawTcorn .stalky ojr 4ry. ground , graiaof .any; kln4." Th cows or course! have all the wier Uveyi ueedi- and :-are det tjqt t)f the stables to drink it at ca-' poeiQys tnoqgns uucv uiui an IgMT-iWrei wuk uvuieu eignt wish t know somewhat how I con yoars. 1 1 have htViiVee&jftvwar manufacture; aiid' Vive J o;dy 'saf feet above the ground. :strppUed hr I " Vturbirwind mniintflnirer fttwcllpf pure Witcc.- Ui-V,.-,. ThamlXk: wheU drawn fromirie cows taten 6j ls kndi-rrtine(It6bar': reuized gaitamzed Ir0n'ean8,'brr tn I jvijomrag-oaranoor inn 'barn isl 100 I - wiuxw ica wiu, wuh leuri I w .Kwisa BUjKiKuu coca Biue oralis cnliro lewtV-ind 16 iit wide fizchj) AVuiin.milkiai fioBalid:khidi Vto put intoa tPaU4iaj5ulcarLMd;ikaita r iIaKU. n I t . . 1 , m . . , I . to glairy housaboutSO.rod, tanU It is tenRgrain8trained4Wigi- I I ed, audrurcainColcxcroanicaM I I which are rut Wo their, placeV'foc I ripened put Into a'fiftralioo baV-' churn Often hy i snialV two ho'rVe rawer t.nmnrmo w;ik.iu-'at- I ade"Ptrty fuwliiiug H; and fur tot ceinins all the imnle mntft In lift. I Tte churning tattail4arerage of half I Il.hJttr, tine niore or less. Tlioliiit- ter whe of the sise of wheat grara U taken from the balter-mllk. wall washed iu tlie churn, when it becomes solid, tliea taken out and worked by& Hit-surfaced wooded ladle on a -felaU stoue lab, two or tbret times tumed over, one ounce of salt added to the pound of tutter. and prepared in m gle pound squre cakes, with a print oh tins upper aurface of tlteru, for mark et, at a price several cents per pound higher than the common or march prawed io-called i,creamery", butter is sol J for. 1 might mention, some othe r particuLu of the dairy work, not essential in this general account. but yon have already- enoagh told td sh-iw my estimate of the propr kiml of cows to be kept,their treatment, and buaer prajess of a quditf ' avIV- who bur and use thc bultcr say cannot teexcel'.ed. ' A WORD ON REARING CALV US FOR TUB DAIRY. -1 occasionally see a plan of calf rais ing pu skimmed milk In the agricultu ral and dairy papers; giving various processes, as if it were a dii&cult mat ter ."7 I givejrou ray own Way,"lmple as possiUa and quite soccesifbl. When the calf is successfully born it is al lowed iu suck its dam,' that the medic inal qualities of the nw milk (no; thea tit for use), may cleanse the Dow els of the calf from the foetal matter within it, for which the two or three nursings from tiie dam are sufficient. After Uiat the calf., by aid ot tho at tendant's linger, soon learns to drink h j new milk in a bucket, warm from the cow's udder, for about a week. For another week naw ani skiained milk, half and half iu quantity, is t mixed and given to it twice a day. I From that time onward purely skim med milk only is given night and morning, whatever it may need. The milk must be wanned to blood heat. Cold milk may . causo scouring al ways to be avoided if possible; and when it occurs little wheat Hour may be mixed with it, whic!!, n mast cases will shortly correct it. As soon as j tnc.cait wiueaiauttie cut hay with meal on it, or even well cured clover i T m the colder jnonths, give Jtaint wjll eat of that' food, and continue Vvo rillk until live pr six months old, and eveu lDger ; if yob linve' the; nflflc to b pare- Never stunt"1 the calf la growth, as UwLlJ.' dauinlsh: hs rapid tjirihso necessary la the. well . 4etel oped. cow., -. Iy own, warm calf sXabls iidT,") fiifeSJl'1 PUMdairjJioas; whore the warm.miBj ls.Cfa4Uy takeu b- tlie gutter maker, They -driak I aU they .aqani aaonUnted, ;Ia yir jf cd.or. s far my weather the j r do not go out of the. stable, but. when tlie genial season comes on they: run out i ito a five or six acre blue grass : lot adJoining,and graze r.play at their leisure as best pleases, tlieau s A a consequence of such treat o.smt t Ihey are always lu good condition, svoa id fatness or the. butcher, if aa needed accident occurs to them. . The u ble contains an average cf; fifteen to twenty in number , of feeding' calves, according to the seasoa. and . winter calves are as easily reared as spring calves. .i.,:,. L . M :J .! : I have told you a long, perhaps1 ie dious story, whicn you can pubjlsb-iot not, at your discretion; but I do -pot wlh any further questions wked .nie i on the subject, putside of yonr . paperj Buffalo, N..Y.,,.:Li . r. ..i.-.l Urr. Ii A lone society X batchclor's 'Jclab. ' - - i...'t t.i j,,.'t t!' nit' Ihal Wh; & . Kf ST:' anywhere: TWas' fupenarJfrrW school, Upended from Volic'-eVW? How I j iosneb'deJ from Iait; -1 i' i ' " : I TfiTr v -ti.j .i:.---i; u 4. . i i ; ir.:. f;i u .1 Darbyi iPrripjlia 'FluM''fc(Wk ?utVn'A4i:iQfUrMrtiW 'i'' ''MeMi Mtt I .. .. ' . Vtuuti . ATi. Uv.ltatpt;r!pirxiV.oo oi oli 'J'oi'Vcl) fra thdj feat, otany P1 if -jr; cleaow. and wbit the water ni'iuthiT.1; fl P:lrffelUSal frtT' b m-.c o f Uu ifi fjn 'ffeVil gaVe;a'heUlticfl?1C0e, $tci5brwM(i!ir -WI&llBAkj,'T,tthmlf 'rm' aktwlrfth Vast siaffll1 he'-hecafne P diunkand cornmkted Ihe'ouWtwo.' Faults .ttltsTcf digestion eu AiLJ..l I cf the Hver, and ' the ' Whole TStenT l ixsan 5j:xenw.mt (Jordial ami 1 unucr pel lecis uio process of tlon and assimilation, and thus pure blood. 1 . Tlie. way of truth is Uke, a- great road. It is pot diftlcult ,to! know .it, The evil is coiiy Uiat mcu .will , not sees iu .uoyougo home and : search for it. i ... B3U5c AXD TO Til E POINX. DjfpepMais" dreadful. DwoVjeroo! Ifre rer mfair.' JIndrgestion Is a fu to ghod natut. . i'o J ti iitllbinlMrpiiia aiid'tttbdua (itfltUMlua The humarrdtffrstlTe apparatus ls!tiO.? Ji.L' .liUs'wiwwi one.af the . liaoit 'ioi Jnlkkit d t ind npndcrful thujas in axistaae easirnnt oht't.r or,lp.' "reabrifoodftJailr food. 'dop-pV foodbaJ cdokery, mmtat worr' taos hours, irrtguUr, habita, , aad 'WT other thiols which'ouglit ni to, be. h .ve n,ate lha ' Ameno tn people a PA- ( 1iileU, they ar pleasant totika a, lionof dyspeptros; lr-i h! rt HK.i?;WifIcoreYoatieutaylaJ, ! ' ' ' - But-Gwoat -Ansa -fUmer n 1 Lill.-J uo ie a wonderiul work la .ralaraiingc this fad busiueas a i'd " leaking tiie American MmXi ' swiealthy ' that' tbej ei'ioj tfcoir roaals and : bo , ... fl,r: Uemember:No hapaioens without health; ;Bot Green's Anguat 'Flower oruigi oeoii& ana liappmsks !o wao ,.. ajspepua. Ask joa druggist oc botlle. l'rico 75 cents. , - EuQplnymeut, which Gilen etlU Mature' physician.' Is so ' essedtiul to human happineas, tKal mdoleata .ix justly considered the mother ery. RENEWS HER YOUTH. Mrs.- ruoeba Cheslcv. Vttnr' -ii. ... . and lameness for nMuy yeais . could net cress mrseirwithrmtfiiit -v.. w A' " " I am free JrrHii all pin and sore-nets and aai aVlp to dol my oira ho.ise- work. lowe,my.tuauk lo ElecUio Bitters for having rUeweJ my y7npt and removed eompleleW ail disease and .psku'. ,., : ; ; ' ir i-f . Try a bottle, oalrW ceaUt atPa nlsu & bokeV 'drugstore,' ' ' . .The m ore able a injur isvtf Ka asak is il) ue of his abilities, the, ' . mora: din- gerpus he Is to- the fidnimunityk i r; -vlT.i.'i-'j 'j;.'-, ,..': s... In c-leK to give all a chnnca to Lest , it, and thus be cOhVjhcid of Tts' w n kerlol eutilive ppVca. Jir. KlnV New DiseAnry" W:'-Cbnuniption fhsitldiWi wvlbtvAo) aoJItn- cf time- gi yen aw?y. Tnja,,ffiii;.4i hot only- .T'beraT,Jon shows utv bounrletl fatCrnUimertfs'-of "tf.U great remedTAii, who.sufTst froai poujjhs. fldspoaBumptkjn, Aithma b'toiicLiUs, or soy affection of . throat. chest, er lunjs,"tira e.peciaUy rf qaes.ed to'call at Earmao Aj 'nnkeVJ X)rg .Store, nd get a iralbotiltf frta? large bottle $1.. , , . ') . . . i mmtj ( m -. - ' - Hfe Is a gSod deal of re4iioo that is.like'a toornin -eioodr-as iood ' it tha sun gets hot it disapparsj - : i, BUCK LENi ABNICA, SALYE.. xue imss naive t to Cva voritl oc Cabv Brs. re? Ul-srs. slt Rheum, Fever gores. Tetter, ' Chstv. Pad hand,. ttllMacWaKSkio' EraptionaU ind positively euros llu 'pv Pf nrtoire4; f ,lt it KtuusQKe to give perfect slifaction,vrt4wozvef eruuaco.- i-ficc ocenua pox. fn i rrr- i --"r i ii -tmm m mutwii When death finds you, e tcruity blaila you SalvstUopiV:tKpfCTCAtauT- earth for pain, luw'mOj a mcit rrd- IWmtdVbatlu An drUgglstSUiod-'di;!- ets in Bjouklat aclIU at 1 cents OOUIe. . ... ..... .... ... .. .. ... Clay cx, ,Io, telU Uia .fo'lpwiag isniy nccessarj now.to post nOUces remarkabto etory, the truth or whicu, , on land at UirVe place,' aiid treVpass' is vonc'ied for bjr tht residents of tin es tn1 'a sVcb'nu-or subsequent offeiwV LX: nu iVoull iA- Judges IxvlU 'Tirs firrner-I Jrle'nd laV' for ,:rVlnV y-rI 'brtBfn'-'Dr.nj . H Meb?tni Vkpm Oil iX.teiiMM.tr for -vhwai catUe, bo! and fhccvu Jt Im pivel it wortMu jboi.ijil of TriflJ mike ' perfection, Ian? pcrfl Ziffl Mtj.XOricUpas joavb ar rVjn.- nihi2 bOtDrt "!lljriliitia.,i4 tftr.orthcq onrAn, . 3Tiexoi 'orbrai'trclmicl' ' f!hr crave thaii tliijuTc -' , 1 &iiiniitb; ir caA&.c-rtaj Ltcaxb.'fliJ htiid aiiQ slttastlgivteUonsatJtgU , wpis gprduia4 jilxUi,jirfA,jJt wuinnaruu me propenies (.4ke - hloudftorq.wh:ri tbo uliwnunti id tt- :iAi t.'-it) A V S4 W tlie Troceas'ron d bfbre It. . ' ' i. norvonsuav rea'Ji Cordial aad & d. 4 iMrw, fier, to give tno,i nd rfLuLl,j49! lha kLnmar.fi. in rdex to descrvb a : 1tj you mast fini be -ooew .cH;lv-(t -tx 'WrsotiVWTib tizik tVo' . ure aru subject to rheitnftistfi J Tier ItaHal to tiitnWMl ;mT3li- : riLri4.auaTtnnaf s.!KT"viu" and . rrP4 Toan Oil liayrrrfril:iVflP m nn ? lir.i I .'Tttre ltnotorul vVitnriLrtUst DrtjB may make a fopi nfhlmidf., A !olrnitiHjiteailM."taW Iri JJ-Kr I M&Utut's Ul Xl vr. aa4 KWnt 4i uerc wesjEinraiea as angtis trf woaUiwue-aomoTaorabi jlialiB'nst than by taiklag,.! ,vj u 'if you laffer rteklng-rkiiil ' rnorl1 rng.tue eye (VOtoaUbcaf'VttgW Hirh4jodfld ytrariznt. mjttiktjanAi , faiUag, you shoaU promptly. use . Jir.i J. TL AlcIAn's fMgUtius .' Sae.' 2 teota a ','rt,r- ii,! i nil A sort of leUiai socnelroAs Vkea, nossoa tha ki4aeyaadJUikVrr, Cited I ' u M4--JM 4Mt 1 At. -t, t- 1 t makes' I rtN,,n nMr?!'v ,te:r ""cn! IJr; -'Il "2i4JvHOW . bleat:ix : iy sboulL b-,, proaiptly ,atliain of. tnia-i ; ted io heithfu sction j, (he'ue, of .... V ' ; 15lni;.Kil -t 'ii-I-hh ril Balm; trf' 'v ,r.H'i la.w in relation to posUog pf laid.. It I WrJ.or Imronmentfbr th.rty days. ' I ' .j. mm- ' . - " " ns -' v'3ji:'- i-.tir:. ..it torn if ."Kjiiiiwiii xit v .juyr.tt - . - ..... O.I1 Jut rw iti,tU X"b9 tborrtTycwrAy tbaaoeaxkl! It.- i . frriAt fi ttuyarii 1 1 giaaoita,xiYE& nccirUTCa 9d J Vj aaajoaitaalsaisu arflT-oowT .Jtmrn7ji4(ncxis!?t!a;f,:t W liom CffocO,wW iaid mUmAj Ul ftrr food kitk. I lAa trwi u 1 1 tkVtxtta $oaenpt ron 1m lndjr4tatry NwH . !i t.twrt UrxmmmrJ- TtMrxi.rtu- r " ,, . ilaMHWftinliiHa)M4Mi. i. nuclr rmonr4 bm to Um fI jy- ' ' r jLrXsrrTK-nrr. - vl 1 t;j 4i i - - - tirn t Tfi in i V MrillM hi (S. UUik' it &. 'I apiONSUTnETjUUTC?.' -y.l ru i i... lv-1. . . U ' 4 to -.-c A5?. WT-r Mfit I'i n ???r I : td fa iTTTJ j , .Thi . 1 viTi -i .r:V i, v .t:i t ll.Vi .v tt. tJ.' lll l.rrr. .4 tr1 T3.?" : "4 pn.TrTi VZSZWrKJX liAMNM4unkIMMrhwMki . - ..-?f'l v ! J v ! ij) Z":lWjJ'j: ...it ii.tt! i . 7 "i . t 4 i 1- TO)