sj . - 'V . 1 1 " '"V"' "in if.." ., i'- v ' - , . i I . - i:' i '.V. , . : . V V " : Y', ' ' .- . . . . . y . ,T:rTntrtii VL? tier-; -,r pali sh! irrFrsrVln:. -.r, qU iv- tionof tLi e lj i'L!-,; .tM.s'J:i, Tl Di tnr wi'.l tot le tc-..t: WAIIES A.THOMASV:; 14! i 11 A T ES S,; no Year .si so; !-, - -: . I 00 4:?$)! noev vn rn ciunrrY roii alu , VhRICC 1.50 PEll' AihlUU In Advance lor n Ti9ii o torrcsVv " JfcU-f eomtann:ca4ticL f.ota t'f Uo.ijjDosl fifinctlr mITI I items of dj iatare -.U iLaiilftTy reoeiveJL- ... .''. ."". 3 1 Blx Months'; T Clubs of 5 faK Times will be 'iV-'V.i iOOTSUBG N-;;- C.. JULY 99 1887.; NO. 29 1 ornisb'dAtit tl.40r 1 . - 'I J ' , ' ' ' - . i - ; - i 4- - . . . r " ' : 1 1 - 1 ' - i I I ( ) i , 1 1 ' - ' mi? up: ! ! C- r t r'v! !! v 'Mora eeonQiAUJ t.-h diuarrf tuw nJ cannot be sold ia coutptttim -with. itb nultitul of lew teat, short weight . Jia -m ibaphte powder. : 8ou OXLT v, flX CAM. &CXL ttAKUICt POWDKR CO- 106 Wall St.'N. Y. General Directonrr CHUItaiES. ? : MKTHotsT Eev. Ai McCaUen. ptor v tior. Services- latMULsKU aiui'daya ta-each ' iinonth, mortuujr aAJlskt.- J?ati? service ' every aday, t: morning : and I r .1' T'u luftTfK X l..L lorrnTj-k 1 flight. . Pryer pieaiag eerjWecJoesdayl dressing, had merged ittto.wid.ely 'dockCUr ..1. ,7'r4.tp4a.,aqbrti ;srasr ,isan;.brgfried, -; ' " Tho. white, F.? v lEf ertoa, J. J BarrowJ. AtJiBa. ..:-- Coxstabi.k R. IJ PimieU. r ? : Board mceta Friday Tcfore first Mondiy tia each mouth. - : ; :.; ,r ' ' 0 --i - FRANKLIN iOUlCTY. u-i" CosoiissioifKliS-ti X. Nash," h'mia S. i. Criidii!, rvS poster, F, P. Pierce, W.; Sunef ior; Conrt Clerk A. W. Pierce, . Reginter of leedB. F'Builoehw0;.B ' ' Sheriff-,H C. Kearney; c-, '"tim - ': Treiwurer U. P.CHfton. ? i ' Saperiutemlent of Pablie Istraction-r X. llarritfi'.'. r'"-'"'":.;A',.-'?''" Keeper Poor Dnc J- W-Knnelb SUT ok Heltii XfvEf. p.Fosterr ;:n. y. iuiier. v; . r . J. Jl. Jl"s? ecret?,,7: 'P v '.. : ? - tTlia 3herintehdent will bq in'Ionls--Vbarff 'on the comt Thui-sday bMel tiaryi-April, September Oeto h? if ah'l : DJcemijer; , awd i remain : for; . t hree4ayvi necesaarylorlhe'vpur-. pose of V&niniQ applicants to teach .u 'the'' pubiiO: achoulai) Franklin conn :?P1U) KSS ipluT Q A tip ' All business put in my hands will T?cci vc prompt at tention :fi0t. irrrand-;OUN?rBTJiORatA uOUl5BOnoV; TKXNKLIN CO.,Xs C.': . Y 11 attend tlie Co'iirts of Iffasti,' FranVi n,r firnVille. Warren, : and Wake (lonn ties also - the '- upteme 'Court of'Xoith Garolinii, and theU 8. Circuit and Dstiuct Oourta.'' ., v Otnce 2 doors beewForHiau.-.fc Cooke'a Drug Btorc, 'adjoining Dr.- O. 'i;..1SIIiav r.n-. 'II!. W.TIUUISUIaAJ ? ATTORNEY. A1 LAV7 he Court IncVse" W n.IAV. ' A. C, fcOLLI-OFFEP . Dav t ollicoffer -v ATTOltXTlYd AT LAW. - - . ; HESDESS03T JS..C. , ,s - , . t - ' f '-1 ' Practice la thacrrta. ot vTranklinv -Yance.Granville, Halifax, and North .: hampton-TAnd the Supreme and. Fed Vera! courts of the State ; -A ' -It T.TEEDIIAM Y. GTJLXEY, ATTORNEYAT-!,-- v, . ' TJXAMK L2NTCW, X 7. NeRotiatiaa "of Xoans aud collActiuff a specialty - MILLY'SDIS- ) : J5Y MAr.'., .MOFFAT ; 3 ; The Bev- Arthur Qrev was SDen- dihg liis six ivueks, vacation Jwith his family rI Pethrin ldgeV; ihey had minted, the old 3tono farin- house. cr--; : , IvJ IlarRta, ftthful, tltaehhpnorect servant , and Peter, the trustworthy, iif somewhat crabbed, . man of all wprjc. liad concluded to follow their tl-enfernttf ttt lif IfialtficrshlW sfia 1 ; Jitney were leit in cnarge ot uie larn (receiving'': for jrnpensatiqn ft oneh It inadi A pi easan 't iunlmer, "Jre' treat for Mr. and Mra.-Greyvf baby; L was tovydufiTb "oUliXl'Jrs JtUierwlnii i&iu unci rouusb uiauiiuuv.- .v 4 ' SUtfo morning they were all gatlw red together In the large, old-iai- sloned sitting-room, each one em ployed in-some genial occupation.. Thel)oy ish 5 resembhv ice wtilcfjt: had" fbeen so striking between the twin brotliers -Bob and Roy w to. poz- ale those who us, and a rMEfet4xok-jwor a, rha nr&i2iti ia twi ; nrrowr ,.au ; luti ui uveiy, frolicking. Out, which awoke merry echoes in the old hoQjestead. Just now they were both 4 engaged ;ln watchingtheif jHny tileceV of wnose active tna usiry mors; auou.. f The young minister was :. cutting: the pages of a scientific: montnly", -Tjfa lejlVi , taslO WlJ though: continuing lifn with :BotnetlUlg of tjiejpirit WilU wnicn nn epicure iiagersuver his soup whflewhetting liiappo-f s Mrs. Grey was dainty fresh xierseit in pavv wmca snowea. knewthera:i as-'to ! nrKtf.h wnt Iha 'iina t(A .uara ail. i T.fotIierUttleJ?ne.whoJJ lr- i.U hk th tho UXU -reception, of from tho 13ath, was: enjoying- rareto""aiid (lormany Is not of iarze Terns and- ine tenderness orner Daoy neart. 1 her father's; surname. y I'll- under ' Jl liave oald that ,the room was art j to and her, . If; you positively qia-fashloned one, And - itsntiqae flre-ptace was in tuftartnony witrt it,-atocenpteci neariyrvne siae ot ihe apartment, miifwas - bordered tyScm of tiles, each! one showing a crane, though no two had A hesamejposition f jor I slmilar .Vurroundngsl .l-t 1 ypm ift'XRCfnU ftngers were somihosijy engaged irt istening biNef h some time, no one paying rhucli at tviitloti to her cliildlsh prattje ; saves mi occasional suilling glance in her direction, when a. crash, tollowed by a sadden silence,' drew all eyes Auother moment 4 and her." two ".r " . . . . - 7 .: .r oper..:g causeii oy. ne raiea. uie, and, then, with; aj:ry oirrd shi rani " J 'or r7 Jti''.T "gl il jt," tightly a tioasure ste i.-u uawiuK .'- . ii. loci i; at: :hedl toai cl...:.:, 1 id:ntly cf fcrc ln work--t -.ship. . As ZLIircd took It from; f ti t.:,z.l it Cr.: c-cn, and revealed two pi:l. i facc3 One' '.mr that of a girl, young and beautiful;; the other ? . Mildred called her h usband to look at. it. . . ; l;r- j i "Arthur, whose picture is this ?" " lie looked and shook his "head. 1 UK wife rIate4.far ti$ta.rt' ln-c;l .pf fthcjr 'saUf-rcIati vajVyWh locked I downnpoii thpmj fcntte ;an,rc.-..,'v c.Jiioii'tyoa see a resemblance V. ' His attention once '"called to it, it c:7 to dzzltstt't th3 pictures wer3 cf tha tirra pcrccn, cna talrri in early youth, ar.d the ether, after years had silvered hb hair ; -.'..'. ' 'r"Tlii3 must be lookup Into,' said Mildred, resolutely. M We may be usurpers. This fine old place may belong to some one else." - ' m.t lLU.'l..-tl.tUlAAll..'.'it.ll.i;.U1 - - iu inn Li LM119 1110 sinuuuci'v ma inirptimtnt ti frm( 'thd ' ..m I e.-,.-- - - .. -. : i cai:a jo nerinnrea." 7 i mtra!ncd .yKue had been nlavlnsinthts wav l . nvfanaj- -r I t..i -'. ' AU watched her with .breathless Interest t sho went to' -tbo ' secret - Lri- i.--. . i--' t- & -rj,j a .deppsUQry.orwhicli ? baby, Mildred li:i(t unwittingly touched thespring in tryinsi to feedj te bircls. , 51:1 ,7 W W i r'f" A A A - .1. urea paiiier nana into tne cavnyi ana iounu ii io oe oi-consjiueraoie i extent.-" Ju- it was ti seaiou ' iron bo, aud,a letteir ycllo., with. .'as. and sadly defaced with mildow;' It was"iri.i:li::..l c: t! s cutMe:",, ".jjopy of a tlcusnent left in the care ormy inend and laal , a'lVHser, squire AtKina, who 13 my sole contidant aa I Atkins, wiiu this' secret r pository,' r'iv$ ";vi ,('4 j "i 1 She ODened the letter, and read? I fcirifhrwimiih & Mimn i.f .; . i " V - 1 fi to mv-nearest maie reianve, ;a -uave beeh considered aa unmarried man, but ii. is not true. . I am g- tq Grerniuny J,o set roy child,1 the onlti'daiihtectJf hertsoul kuh! j6f. the . writer'. X'jftave thus lfarwlefi my .roori.Uttle ffiriuin.i f fJrc' X hxriJ t s cau.30-.' theiagbt tf , hem tance witli my kindred, 'shall be entt tied to oae lialf of the fortune which lies! in gold and Jewelsin the strooe box vou will tad in the. nidui2putce which contains this' letter. . Tha box is not to be opened until my child shall be present, or proot 01 her death m se cured. V Hhe wears a chain and .locket the fac-simile of oae which 1 leave bo- Qui. kf-f-rw . . . ." iniEra t Atu-inn iis .mv.iriauiirhter 8 uarho and atktrassc bat: tvmake rtoutu y surtr VUlTwrite'it otlu faU-aaiu." '7Ltftad,-alni05t iuappssibq, phcr ?tf-iy 'lor .the - letter, and tnaiiyof the wofcUhad to i be sup- nliit tA mfr 6Ani! hut horn." at i.J mr.i: l - thei most Important part, Time had done Its dafactug work so com pleto 1 that It was an uhlntelllgable blur. Instead of fcuirae, which greeted U A solemn silence .followed the .rbadlhg of this voice, as 5 it were, front the grove. After a timd Rob- f ....... O: 1 ...r. . , . j ...... ert'rose kiul ' went to his lirotlttr'- "r. f Well, R y, it lies between' you an4 merhichsliall It VrJ; 'jX-ty. hesitated ainornent; thenh,e said; Vc&i&i V" J -! . ::It wou!d be bootless - search without name or 'address.'" - '-'M r extent. The child too, must have. jtlecline the chargn'V , ?' r'.s-i lts a quixotiJ -plan; ; Robert; Yoiv are welcome, to my b aro In 1." -lfii?p'?i t'tui it;ai fifrstrv M 14 tqbert flushcil i at Ithesatlrical tone .which igrwQ.a sting to -, R y's. re mark but. ; re f rii ntxl . froi n gi vi n, 1 cr- 1 - , rT , . ashara answer in-return. Heloak - i K V-,--'-"" "ou get! towards, u swter. .She .under-, 'stood the glanca, anO-sa d, .nciu , ;it will help you in your German, for 1 i-' t rs "" n : , j ' - . '" T f VThanks, Idre-l.f You ! never r f doing? , XOu are adding fuel t fire; throw cold water on a' fellow's pro- Di you' really think me blind 'tb'llil ject.4 WvW If they' d savor a "little da's sroodaessand bauty ?" No ; but a. -i- l .i AM.tL fK . 1 1 r r as bo it' was settled; and as soon .the ' necessaryv arahgeinents were airnnletftd.uRohfirt-" siafteViAnhis. I quests i ' 1 .a 1 - t K-icK Vrfntwht : hrmihl tktaH,iff i TrftiVi Kfin rt f(i"'o y ""Lnt ajVI" ftmlln sc'ipuonsol tne country ana or tha people bat tyear -pacd by wtthrra t his' galnlnr" th&M&t clde to the object of his search. ilU time, howe ver'was not was! ted. He was fond of the study of the languages, and upoi;the native, soli he found' tho'. r acquirements of one doubly ; easy1 , HIM V llties luid . chanced to fall iu pleasant places.! After a Jlme hewrqte 1 'jvo no ' thai he had given up all hope of Hading, th 5 yu'ng cousinTutrif Mjlid ap pnqved he two"uld - continue -his. studies fbi another six .months ad- dlpgt x ;'';' v ' ' ' I have been almost adop ed by one of the kingliest old meii who ever trod tl,ia earth, IIe Is a professor1 Jacne of tho best colleges la Stuttgart,.- and has a family who treat me 'like one of tiiemselves. H'm two ' daughters Hilda aud Gi-ctchcn -are tho pret tiest girls in th:citv - Hilda is dark,, with Targe, soulful yes, and Gretc'ren is a g)lden-liaircd fairy, i whoso blua eye? ueauxvith fun and mischief. The old professor took a lik'ms to me from fclM resemblansb io a -n whom he bail lost, : and insisted t!.. I should mae my ,;om; with Iiira as lor- a I remained in tlie country. V . : .J : dfxiiirso MUdrai cavo a wiilinsc ' . . . . .. .a . . . consent to the iene.nencas:ny whea sriQ - launu ne. woma cava sucn. klnd'entcrtatncrs. -;.' ' j .-' i -i months latter a Ict'.or came which oecaoac;! a jrc' '".it t r in .Dear Sistek: . tUlvtvree jo1 The lost is found,'iuul in tho most unex- rect6d manner. , This eTcninj Ihenro- fess - ir had uiaila wanements. to take his 4auhtera to a full ilresi entertain raett - hen- Hilda .' cam into rtlie elttiris-room she ws dressed very el-" l;ahtlriu a way which " brought - ont 1 1 fin her dark beautv to tho best advantage: I T(3e to cixrnp.iment her on her toilet. I injiMit liaVe startled her,' for 1 1 struck1 f anhtUtudhid.. inAre etnkhi .thaiiPsan If W there-, I'uroundF o lif p L and locketf ,-;MUrta turned pale 4ad glanced at her, mother, wh answered for berTiy askin hi? reason lor tne qucsuon. , I then told in as few words as possible, the cause of my visit t"Graiany. The seen e that ensued - was verr af- fecting.. Ililda threvr Jierself in w the gootl mother arms,- and - then "'they - both Vweiit Hnrcstrainedly; 1 ' t ' 1 ; n The truth ii, HUda 1 S ouc eoualri,' A aa naa oeennaopiea: oy jfrau , iser jpiau on, the death of the lady in whose care she h id beea Waced' v ' 5 (trfWhei iHou'ihenda 1 was vher' rKat T wmni .f. i.w .loss histeaa of her. Inheritance tova JrKO ionuue, s aeepiv aia luoy grieve ut the thonaht of parting' with her.' Things have set; le I do vvn a ' lit tie ;by,this time, and you may , expect to . . ! . I . 1 M see your new reiiuYO ui. (iievourse ou a month. (Jood-by.' "... . , - ; t ' i Yours successfully, - ; . l A f ROBK BT PKTHEKWiw. Rummer-tune agnin had lured " the little family to the old homestead. All was hi readiness to give the . tn volers a, homelike and cordial reception. ' Boy I lid roused from his indifference since Robert Md met with unexpected success, and hj d dooe hU beat to make things look atUactive to the - younger .,8traugcr. 5 Re had brought mosses from his fa vorite liaunts in the woods, and 'ar ntngod them in a Wardian ease for tho partridge ' berries i.and otlier woodland 'beautie.' ThU he placed in her room. .Other litr tic acta ' ef thousrhtful - kindness sur prised and pleased Mildred, coming as they did from v her . abstracted broth er. - u. " : t - "v HilcLt's gentlelovelinCSs proved !so attractive that every heart in thelain ily- yl'ildo i her allegiance but o 10.' Roy appeared cold and indiflerent, though rtilda tried in many an innocent' wile 1 w winjiis irteiiusuip, tier akxtk cuees J.,. . . , K. , . -1 feiraed to nushYosily at W-eu trance, : . .v , !' to winJiia friendship, Her Jark cheek , - Lt -. i,.. " - r.,' hfialntir ..ti .lL. frsic..vw 1 --- i.r...a,. ... . . . t .i . . . . . . wumnc inipeiuqsiiy 01 u torrent: . '' do you kno v what you are I'm no a dastardly sneak. .Tlilnk you I would raise a hand to w tn away that angel from you who so richly ileserve her? , Had you" advice, ahe woi;14Jiae. Iscji forever tykuQu ou4ejYPUJw.!3c!U.'I7-',, Pi .Tfllce Ir? ke- and.h. Aried; tJ . fale in his hands. . i . .i.-rrrI aciu J'llai" said Rort; inrurpriae. h "Lies the '.a lUt C:. . "ioa ? lk t IS As he 8 poke, lie took l.u ViiUrby tlik shocIUers wlta a s tror g; Crra clasp, and gaed into his e tea. They stood Just v-face: 'la" Lie ,,: f-ra clcuta, ! Roy's lips working convulsively la the effort to be calm. Then Robert burst iuib a hearty, riaguig lauh, which 1 UDoa "j ('You Vavrt't seen "Grclcficn,- Rhy, oryou wourdu t as t.40uou llua was the' only beau y in the wcrlJJ. - Hoyseized liobert's hand and wrung it till "he.bessed for merqy." Then he. left the room ;"a'.d Robert smiled . to himself as he watched C om tLa wLa dow and sav hira tabs ths tzzzs direc tion I which " Hilda hai previously cho sen for a walk',.. ? ; - f : -. . -w ; ililda'e fortune proved to be a very large one, and' she ' insisted "that her father's intention of giving half to the - ' . -. .; - .. ' mde Roy's fiice""beaoi with costagi-. ou? sympathy before Robert's words fell UDoa hu ear. . j ono trho should Lrbg her 16 Ju ttn should be carried oat. ; "Hobcrt resisted for a long tbne, but vnen uoy and Hilda came tq acquaint . hw-Tj vith.rtck.mutuaj- lorc.Miad -en-, fair fOr hlra Nvho had takr n; the rqost troablo in the matter to sharo equally witji bun whawjia to marry - the-licir-rshcorvntcl ; aiTd;UilJi ;svri' "f: 1 1 .victory I'y .iyU'". -inU-txUvuusly; 1 ' . , , r' , t4Gretchcn likes pretty, thi 05s , a wel a' her'iUter.V ' . '. . This was tfi3 first' hint to . llobcrt that hla secret Lad been discovered. ' Roy Pethenvln are both enriched by 1 wr. xwj-waxOTiaicerea-w:e- raosii f ttluuful womaw in Ww'.ilu.-tuii last iuiter. bui lieVSS Af 4 RnQ YOA& hct charmsf heart and mmd(9utcank u mere. personal vcwiejs, , v? ; ; And all, thia happiness and prosper ity, originated in ljaby's generous im pulse to feedjthepoor .hungry, bird s,". So we find.: a ,Uu wonderful Taxman life. . "Great deed fromVUtUcv cavaes spnng. INDISPENSABLE 'TO TTIK " 1 J niN i TOILKT.1 " 'H ' i-" Darby rrcnvUctJc-Fluid 1 cures .pliAftn;; erupUons and inrtammali'o )IaU klndturosflnflAmfed or sore e3s irelfeve -V lns frora bIU r tihgs or insccU. and sore Let, :de straya all taint of perspiration or tot-r fensive smell from the foet or toy part of tha body; cleanses and whi ten tho sklD. '-Usfd as a dentifrice tt Vtuincs thi breath; t preserves the Uetfi and cure toolhache; sore gnma and canker. A little of the fluid ia the water used in bnlhins is v.-rv -freshing and especially beneficial to' Uu skk- i ,-: i , i . "1 ; Atchison Kansas," does ait annu al grain business of ?$,500,000, ') : -AH EN D TO. BONESCHA VttQ EJwrd- Bherherd.. of narrlsbuni' lilt, sajs; .Having reot-ivetl mnch.. benent from EUciuc Uittcis, Itcl It my duty to let suffering ha uaoity know it. H ive had a ruunln sore on ruy leg foreiht je rs ; my chjetors told lue I wunld have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated. I uted. luiw-ad,. three bottles of Eleo trlo R.tters and evea boxes Uuckleus Arnivat Salve, and roy -leg is now . . i 1 . , I fn Tehama county, ChI., 20,000 rabbits have been killed In ' a boot four months, and the animate now seem about as plentiful as before. The bounty on scalps is to be aban doned.' 7.;'- :'; '"' ... j 1 i. mm GOOD RESU1,T8 IN EVERY CASE. ' )A Rradford,? fvholeralo ipaper. defth rof iJhattanoo'EraTenH.wriies tdat hewns Kerlouslv alllictsd wi'h a severe oold whicli stiied on his lungs; had .tried rnntoy mnedies withont ben en U liujj induced to, try div King New Diai-overy lor, oinsttiuptlon did sot and n a9 entirely cu'iea by io of. a wfc bo ties. - Siuca which lime he' hai usfdji in his family .v tor U coughs and colds witli best results. Thi ; ia the experience "of thousands whose drcS haver been saved by this won Uerful Isofery. ' : f -v - : 't7pto a fow weeks aentfoonsirtared tTrclf the champion Djrpeptio ot America. During tha yearn thAt I hAve been . adlcted L have . tried - ' aiiaot e-verjthlnsf claimed to 09 a rpeciflo Tor Dyspepsia In tlie hop of Ending aomethlng that woold A2&rd. . permanent relief. I had about xnada np ray in In 4 to -abandon all zaedl ctnes when I noticed an endorsement 'of Slmnions'UTor II- ulAlor hy a ; prominent Geortrian. ivjuiirt whom -eTwt in jay" I bie tsed hnt .two bottles, atsd am samried that I . hAve trti-ucfc the rtjrht thlncc ,at las. I frit lu beneactal c altnct Lm-.-m;edlatw!y. 'Tnl'-ka alV other prepara tions of r similar kind, no special Instruction are required a to what One shall or Khali not eat. This ac . alone ought to command It to all troubled with Dyspepsia. ." ...' j. jr. nouEst,-1 . j .' .'. , ; . . . i Vlneland, JT, J. V t mn a rulr ITAhU of TU4y Wioct AbJMkfiAS tbo DM ar 1-U- . - orgaix!c tho Srtm. take - Enr:o:;3Uin:iiiiiGiJLATOii ont CCNUINC iiKMcmu t - V. H. ZUX & CO., Philadelphia. ful girl generally docs, especially, f, 1 cUUkeir MLrTchii iai v--her causa be right -'and Robert "and . n CcjUardcmaij t ' m -' i ... f-.v..; -j Htlut I v h: V rf . -1 .ii ',.r .-' r---' I v , - . . . IOI-' M. toOAialO : " J c-T''ti MAST EH .-.WLen Uncch.' senator; lk ft the sickle? ef tl Uvci in 'tLe.Soutt parted with Col Tom Hardeman.' a ntnix named Gc irsc. tie dilflod a ay, buttl.e love of ti.e otj" nikstf f .never 2k-d ia hU rc irt Tre" fVttlH uesr Amn K-ii.'v and iio:.v Vnd -thr a AruM' seud Col Ilj'rJcuuui af6wpcacl;c4 or something of tlie kind ia kind rem cm fcrabce. : Yesterday the Colonel re-ce-fcd a prepaid telegrora "wfikh read thus:-v ;;" i ;.' 1 . . , 'itinay be-imaiacU, Iher Hrasi - 2ceiTt4 that teunrd . from Ihij !eW J.ihivtn COMPLETE CUPjE'CF CAN C LT- QeaUeBca:! Lad a aora fin Bf urpti Up foe elyhlyeAra. Serea ICTere at ooe tort AttempUtila TAla to teAl u One Cv ne a fmall tia! for Are drar, which wa a "certain earejlt lrattd lets tony that it did mt jo rwd- Abont w Tears ago I beAie qaite imeA-.. a people thoorbt I ha4 a mm, A1 1 took eore of vightcea bottles Ms & 4i. til Th rernlthas beea a eomclfte mrt. The ! aUeer orsaaeer healed eAttUf dUi. ' 1 ear- Jag caraH a rpertfcptihiw . fear From;- tnatasy 1 tvAve- otea. tiwl'.ent . healtb. TJ 8neca hiriBr eriflJ mv blow ibcfrtiflijllneraaMtf id? .tptretit Sa4 reitcica ray igeAtioo. Xaa word, 1 Icci like a new wetau, aa4 best ef all,' the ei?tityear aioer tf gu4 entirety. .4 f. Vors sioeerelf , . JlrAi W. P. Canaoa. ' ' j ,1.1 . ,i . ... . , . ; . . i 1 . i ' tWO TJOTTL EFFECT A CCRlT .... , 'QenUemea Uy blood u ia Mich -a eoa iuiou that oa tha , Alirhtett . Abraxicrn' ay flevh would feter, aoJ ouree wr 4i f- flcalttobCAL ItookttrobotUet efH. tL 8L, and aiter tb At say abrasiAa woatd kl oaart iaUAlioa, aad air teh u Ira. . W.T. Wllkla. - Jasap, Qa-HArth t, 1W7. r 1 : . . Treatlae ow B4 aai Ekta Pjwias a)4ieu tree. Tha Swift 8paehVe Cai," Prawcr ,n At-' 'aula lia. 1 , . ,, t. . r T)ia Canadian iMrlisment has-arW proprtated $125,000' to 'mainUln fisheries crttlsenu f. j . t ;..: FsuTta l diges'iun tanse dioruer ff the lifer, aoi tha whole ijstem becomes deranjed. Dr. J. H. Mo rgan's Strenjthing Cordial andllbod Pm-ifier peifvcts U)0 prowet of digcs . ; tfcn and assimilation, and thus makes pure blood. ; , - . , - . . 1 - . - 7 . ; V . 1 1 11 .. , ', A Michigan . man, -aKcd sixty, who is a grand father, has Just lccu admitted to the bar., : , GIVISTOEMA CHANCE !, 1 " That is to say, your lungs, v .Also al your breathing taachioery. , yery wi-ndeiful nuciilncry ills 2Cot ouly the larger air passage t. but the thous ands of Jiltia tabes n4 caviura ird- log from tUm, ;Tif.' 7. r When these are cloggal and choked with matter whkh ought- not" to 'be 4her, your Iungc tnnothalf do their work. And. bat theydo, they cauuot "d We'L -. , , . . Ca3 It cold, croap, pneumonia,' ca tarrh, consumption or any of the fam- Uy of throat and nose-and neaa - ami luntt obstnution. all are '. bnd.t '.AQ ought to be got lid oh There i just on- ay togot rid of tbefiu1-'- T"'a to take Roachea'a Gvrvuta. Syiup, which any dmtutwUl sell yoo at 75cents aU)tllr. ,Ten If every thin else Las failed you, ywrtnay depend poo this for cerlal. . " ;.l 1' Bix new gold mlucs -bayer been, discovered recently In the eastern part of the Island or Cuba'. " " ' t ' "1 -- r'"d RUCHUIN'S ARNICA bAXVE. ' lTeI5aJt arfe Wwafwutli -oc CtitK i Bruises; reJ.TJl'trra, "ialt 3 euia, :rrar fiflTeef Tatter', CLa l .peUtoaais, ChnLlaMjCunsr. o'J if ktr .xy.pitont. tnd joitrreiy cure- lTiea cr'no payrc-izsJ;. nit'JTiraaed to glva perfect iatisiaeticu,-9r. ocnay eftiuded. riice 3 cxnts a. box.. ... i : - 1 ' -' A recent cstUaale places the y&U no of .the dairy products of 'this country n ISSa air7SO,4t5,6C3.-. ; 'i . .a ' 1 'ii'ii. ..." A sort of lethargy soaatlmes (akci possession f ths kiuineyaaad bladd-r; th t j she uU vbt promptly '. stlaraiLa ted to hftbLuictiie byt.Ci rim ief Dii. J. U.2lLeaa'a Liver and Kidney I j . . 1 m rovcrkl inve-cr-.wwtrs la ' Boulh- T "c'rn CUlifornit will this year enke oil Instead of pickles from their crop.-'-' ' ' ' '-' i - : ' ' 1 In 1SC0 Henry GctHw-, of heacfort,' 8. C-, wrote Dr. S!n!!c5tergcn I regard your 1111s li a iTzdZc forcLT' and fever. In tha ccn '--':. Ira of the CMWIWO G liT- U I R , CUt Cf otie g-r7 cf t"0 L irtd t : ;ro oper tlves, f.:;y were stri r.on-n with emus, tut ail recovered immedlUly .1 Ml. t . . vi o.uij iCt. ijerf r S i u 1 oa i.ave tnp pnfltri rwii- uciae In the worU. . ; LOVES UIS.ULU 'A SjtRMOX riUl) HO W '' j --... . . . , . . , j 1 4, , j Chicigft'rjlr.j cv "r?.: " ..'Thefctia formtfr. Lllx ky :Ur ii , , tf.e Wavstrrora led ! r tuJiay " ; ..u X.ix cam In t t t34c rj: r. --.d ai'--. , V ej o W"t frt tLo lortly Ivr . 'Yi voa Jcr tbt I cirV3 ir. L V. , . . as tlie teats twl'nl' tlown ) i' . . M" ut)io t'aiC I was co..; ir" t- a . . . . . - - lac -wfiett I rtache-i t:e .-r' .!. !! - ? J-x)iei! up inCa my face t' U a woider, aod AAed frankly. JV.Vr t - ya lA-alt Of til'.bi U Lu y oa' n ttV t".' vi wqr, he&alJ; 'Oh, lZzS.:: .) l stojnot afrakl; U i 1 .'.!! ""T r ; , d-'notrraje-d. bit I T.'vvtfril t- iTaVTrd'a tint tifW M'v I . 0ead to book - To Mothjcaa, f.rsv. r . - m . '-r.t iT "P - v.: f t- :.-tklisz ri!,w -tj-i --";-irK4t- '5 a? aSa- ' ' - -. o . j - ;-4 1 : The - fruit prospect 1 hlcaj: th3 v UikUon River districts ura raid to. , . promito more frnlt than thct f-nv - ers will kno woarhat to do wUh. u ! .. - 11 1 ; . . 'The farmer's "friend Ia for rrftv ;V yra- ben ff. -J If If elran'" Yolrraais Oil Ilniaieat, . Lr hTSf.'-. ; : cauie, ho aad Ahrrp. It l aAprovr-1 7 ' " Its-worth in tbou-anl of :ma. " " r- Rla fell for ten hocrson & spot of gTObnd two feet pquare lnAu. m gnsta Ga., recently. The phenom enon caused ; much ' . exclteount among the nemcs. - ... .. Vhcnlhe stoniajh laois vijnr and TCTalarily thera wiU' b fl.ialeace. ' tieartNim, mustc slek. . haauach,. nervoua(ir u vj Ir. J li Mcln. " r Stoai;ib;ri( Goniial and U'.v-l Fart- tier, to give tone and regularity to tha stomach. '-;'.-,- .: . 1 . v : : , , It Is stated" on go d authority " " .that one of the richer!? rdanterV in Rio Janlcro. Hrarli; dcldrl to, - s set free hU 3,Q)J slaves and settle thfm on his "own p'.tnLitlcn. " ' 1 . - ' 5 When yoaareoen'Ji4led wIlH l ., appot1e, h?A-bc. taka Ir.J. II. MflLean's .Uitlo Lira, and; Fir.ets, thay are plca.nnt to take and wi'.ltrure fo4,nc3U a Jv-a2.rn': .If ' TLebodiei of 'CM Chlnco Are about to' bo dUinterreJ at Rin Francisco and shipped to'Cilaa ftrt final interment. . ' ' . : ". " lnirVr yon eufTer prickiug prdas c-mov. I Jut.anvlu();T yonri'.V wcCk 'url .i " ! faiUae. yo-f shcfiU T3;nr i!v uV1r. f.) H. 'MelJtn'i r-tAnt:5-hr-vI A 1 . W 1. iv ,y can r .0 i . ,'croas to-fca0a r.r"?!''-'1 ' -1 are SnVjacT rtiet?o,iti,i1,-acr " pr j-araraia iaai'ao a io.; Wtjl L11 n-r. valuable n-medy ia. Dr. J, H. 2f2- . Lena's Vol. a:.i3 O.l UrA-.-. .o!-.t; ii will w.j ak . ,. . . ... bapi&a paia a::d UIo lion.; ? w t ..." . ' Tr.e quality rf th l!-v3 'iTcpcnis mucl upon' good or tl;.Lf.Tnand fBmilatioti; to makc tha blood Hcii inlifaand alrepJi-irioz .crr.iLU-, cuts u4 lrJ Ii Mdjeiti'a Sireu-'. i-' enng Cordial find 1 3od I'uritiey j; ' bi .xKirkJs w n .h- the tlec.t:c5, is ff vltlT a A a . i t ' ' -u ,;i In te f clln'o t'f Hie, iii lrt'i'HcilV t e5 M to WUicu-oui.u4Ui anJ c.alar'. ly were :rargs, our kidaiyi end. Iivtr are e-atject to d.-ra i;cr:- t.t. lut r-olhic; eq Dr. J. IL . McLaV, -liver and KiJaey Dal ra as a" rv-'j i- cr cf thtaa orrnji. .'..' D LACKsnimi.. I desire tMnfetm tlie fr.t!ie tJ,.-t I Uve moved nr. eLcp, at the fjel cf thcrirtr I ri Uci ,:i t' 0 a otiulaot !l2ia Mrrct, v. l.crc I c.-n prrj-red tV " do a I of Ji'ackscniiU wc;k. Hoisc-s'uoving a spH-:ally.' , , - .:. . Dckexx D tvi? ; . Louiscrj, . TJ

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