- - ."- .' ;-'. - : . - ' . - . ' - . . . - . . . : v "- " : ' r .-- '": ; . " '- ''.''."- -r y : ' - .' -' "'..". ' - y . . . . ':;;., -. V'J "'': v:-Vv :-"-.' .-. ; . ' . . . . . , - ... ' yyyy:: y V. ; ; .' V. 1 . ' -' 1 ' . - '.:'-- 'v , v " ' " - 1 ' " " ... The Fraiiklin Times ' , J ames A. ThiJmas. Editor'& Prop'r vi Friday, - Aoust 5, 187. th Let those wh6s6 motitvisi :No. v ' Cotnpi raise with wrong," reacltho , ' following form the Counsel. Grove Guard: V Pennsylvania's -higi y :y- ' censaw seeins to e working vrou '"'5CSC4derltela lhat state It;, ap 'v Ci'l - ' i -Yrv: thprft-nnd -.the -Stato liquor Jeague is supposed to be in & A dying condition. We always had j faith in the high license system for regulating the; Jiquor.ttafabut nev- o r t h e i finest residences j and finest and handsomest churchfs, there ' are -J women and, childreT who are starving for bread and who are dally forced into .paths of -vice jy reason of poverty jandL sufferibg. To tiese the religion which; rears places and "cathedrals, and ' Buffer's God's poor to. die in squalid homes from,wan t, it is gilded mockery . Judas once made bold Mo remark that- certain ofntmmi jmight hWye; been sold for three hundred pence and the money given to the ' poor, and lie' was rebuked for it. Our motive is, ho vvever different from liW.. this. , f-The churches ought jto 'be made attractive, but the question wo sug Wo now hare the Baptist Year I w?rmly .denounccrt. e jua-a irom nJr f' icD7 KfA "mnA k.rAar I nme nnniiitjons that ho is another vvn v f v w w imw v w w a the figures; Methodists in the Uni ted State, 3,990,81U Baptists. 2,- .921.653; exces : of JlethodUta oyer Baptitls, l,0C9,t53. An examination Of the Methodist Year Book will hdw 'that the MethodUt figures are , too low by 331,852, making the real v ex. cess of Mcthodi'U over 1 Baptists in the United States, ' .1 ,401,1 10. " The isorretf;-flgurp a of the Methodist strength, according to. the Year Book,, which ia the beat authoritv. is 4. 322,763. Richmond Advocate. "-' . eid we expect it to; bring .about such At., nrnftwioft "of. benefits as' X i:L'r--w rPcf is whether thev-oifxht. to bd. fe oegaauia practice oi meaicm r 'S-; X;;- .i;,.L 'SSA 'l A worrisJ baeftos necole uut j tini next to com- iA'ria:,Bnffini' nnor. ' confidence in him AnAi novc : I; :-fv It. wiil be odr time next to com plaiu f 'tho North 'in their treat t ment Of their jgrt;lpe'ih'eynB. They ciy dowa tho South ; because V0hU tiieyj will y: nonio : of U in their cuurcnes,. tneaircs, noiei or hathinc nlaccs. Thov don't care to-' take 'tli'ii doso that they; wfsh o cram do oux throats Bat the latest, if ; the neglect of the; suffering poor.- i. Oaght PrankUn County Par- : r-h- mers to suena tue &u llollj Eneampmentf . TWO WAYS OF REGARDING : the doctor. , f-f-f. JL physician oft large txpetienca r re- marRea the other day that when he begaatha practice Of mdicie he was jo little lie was troubled - becaose they , truatod -hi 'judgment to tapllcitlj:...' ; Hb aecmed , to tninx mat 10 m thought Infallible- wa ft more .fcur r ?Hl' isaaie t'aan to have one's failibili-. ty empliaiixea as inruayoungei; oajB. C,blo w Win Trillins' to bcloul - MS own nest. lie brings charges ag;int the Southern people muth in the Ca ble vein; We quote tha following irom the able State, that is. Denjo cratic an 4 YirRinlan. It sayat v '. , ''Mr. Blair attributes the backward ness of the South to the condition of -the negro, for whxb be holda'llio whiVa of the South largely repoosi ble. He concedes the lo'.itical free dom of the colored people in Virginia and North Carolina, but he draws a aever ' indictment; rgMnst oher. Southern States for the abridgement of th political and ciril righta of the colored ieople. -Now,.what ia t? b : the solution of this -problem? : Mr. Blair has offered a aoluoo which la without doubt tha mwt ,ol Jectionable W ihite3 that could be . offered, one thaf they vrill re ject by au" overwhelm ing majority, by a well-nigh unani moua vote. It is that .of mixed schools a system that would be in eufl'arable to the whiter, that is not demanded generally by, the colored people, and that would be injurious .alike to both races.' For . the social character f both ; chnrchea and school la so deetlv roottd in each that onoe remove, the jbarriv1,8..- that. te races ia eiwwrsuuev- n uecweca fcrormcer . i v ,-, I liuli v,tMJA-J .- - ... - II.. . ... . . . . : M-BCjPITOB. rr -Vi.ifvlt TT now rRconirea the .limitations t :nw H!v1.1a n puoAViordjtO Eoy brother farmers i'-f encBoatoa AdVeriisVJ fcrVaUnaio ;cambmen'andiFarmIStute! IW osu-Eiaiaa I niaed. as it ia rooojmiscd cerUiulT in iwKai.nft II.1 I I aome of tha ftoiithrn Ktate?. 'in Vlr- c u panicuiar wuere uie coiorea would od fortvdctotrib3rqrfanS polored people. ' "The political quaJi- OUR STATt- COXTEMPOBA- : RIES. . . -. Welo not -'believe the Tiational government has Rny Uitng to do with education "in the States. It will lar tiiaU money for the schools; then -it -will dictate what books shall be ued; then it wdl not be a generation .ha" fore Southern yontha and madams will believe that their ancestor were a race of villains No ca.tUwai aid to schools for us,' if jou pleaae. Clin ton Caucasian. . ; - . r Qo ipcliacd to look on a few f the leading PP"rs in the larger cilea aa iiaviDg In their employ the moat 'of the talent engaged id- Ilia ' calling 'in the Stale; hut to him who sees the ,the exchanges, it ia aatonlahing4 haw much ability, , how much learning, knd the Una wntlng.lhe people ol this State get, through the columns of the local papers. To read the' papera of the State enhance one' love and ad miration of Uorth Carolina; and aaci and every paper publiahed ; tbrocgh- , pot the State ia a power exerted ( to- wanli tha nnbuUuinj or the taaUnsJ oloVrts the tl aW '-tJflVrf1 ay trtimW-but tlWnewtpapt'? rtSfc S - ORB: i . ' mm II. 'For a Neighborlidod to have Extra .FiixeXIilQli Cows. - -1 1; il i. 1 I w41I U r (ichaar far drv"etUi BWtrep la go." Hta raad.inothf r,MJ -"1 ilharutJanb Ut list ti reported t 1 ;":' ''" - ' - si Ohio, the noise r and confusion ere- I ther pjrofeealons are tnreatesied fy I 2,214 miles,' v ated Dy the dancing a real, old-I outside foureea antagonistic td their J So far fifteen mJlet pt the Roanoke ' time Virelnla reel, so affected the I interest they combine for protec- I paid Tar Elver BaDroad tave been nerves ana tempers pr some, mat a i tion, but'the farmers V wwdUectedan4placed dyna- isolaled and unprotected ' - inltft imder the house and blew it i tbe world LflJ Cheer .--GoldAboro Arua, . ; Every child oust a laara. lit' borne or achool, tome clear-cut i ode of morala and aoma d.sila y- white. 7 z:y :r . i can we raoae zooa .xaa 4 h'T tCT4 fct m Breeiy aa the But an nrorx-yaitinn to runora barri era that plainly and properly dfioe 1 women t -Withcc .these the vcrJd la taa two races will not be tolerated' I bound la crow worae: without that a :;'." - .--4;' ' un uSomeof theeolored folks were 1 .- . t - ' vcT'-'4 xuio io nomuiai fV : " I 1 "Id! Ayr yy'--; bsDihGr. f-Perhaps thoy wish him tut5i?w.jsw; saw - ; eee,thaLsomecrf tbejLSOHlJ- 1 ltemocrata - from the State of 1 rrvi .i -!. i. . I ...... . j - . ' . are the :.ofitllaU from pelaas te Ikrenmnln -; r 1 f wt'l r-; abort -work I f"Z!lYZ&-: ir O Han aaysin Prow- l .Ay7 I P UwawU to taxing d race I txtu the tobicc V: ;1" CTla -counsel ,is; thtfl iwi.wiwa.www I ia accia or cfcnrcncf .:or-ia' aoeui f i-TbtLfii bi tla c V r-S K in the multitude of BqcXinshanvePga Jt .SaneMa-1 Wfc .itwonUdeatroj . any pepulaa t t,Ah- f. i-vc . vl2 is safety. . At MUjokwcoMt elegit lla 4ri .01 earning la, the , Sonh; 1 IJRr.T:... .ir.t - . . i ii wonia mainierrate anv cnurcn and 1 wiw .. v- -- I iy 4 it TMr liGra1 Al3raT . roll Taa 'lMaam-" I aol.l La 1. M. '. t (rtr-, r,i .k. iraa iurft atirtiag 1 the Uat hinot l rlxk in IVanLl u vrruMy. Hi, tuihtrx IfconJ TIoviu" mu ly wo toC. it. Ck for n4 L . feM iniikrij-lrorv imbrUkc(or (79 Hit ai:r1 clf, urU tl''a" I rV?t fc. V.tT.fcUr!k A Mea o(bia mrrrfa ha fr sojr .aaiKto try C, It. fke, E..W. Tibfrfk. Dr. K. tf. oatrr and oUitr. lor ht ty bir rr pf V-?aJjJr fr Ihtr r- -1 thtakit wiUpiiTA.7 nfihbrhoo4 lotloh ia ad U.tn;J rc!i,iV Ui atk. Jle jj not at all trab!mrr tqbf him m iai'-is1,,'.tt.ihr 4tUt Itj reajoa far aeljlcr tatkst I kT Vtol Y ki c1t-, aa L ,r.V- t , ! JJ attiajUgyiKrt iitK, rrik f roo y-iur'V- erjw oa hi ato. I r . t f Hira. 1 Miavi0 r- 2r h ri-i-tyi-i I ni w Tr-r-.-j, - tieprt rally , - ., v . . ' j ' f 1 i I lAiwioruitiMiu ia jrracTiin. tall and aklf Ui.L'' W9. 1 i tremendous ( An eyL l: IN . . . . PRI r tinllflO h-NowtheWfae erbs: Where ;no 'people fall: but. counsellors there Holly next , Mr bth, thej?elMe3Polt;tmie of j pounseliors, aha ilis to be Jioped j -This bringing together of the Ul-1 lets of the sou m a ; yearly reuniotv i n 1ST -4 - , w t '. ejfAtWWUBuagwm I deairer It in Ua Tend.', and 1fc would lYaldga. Railroad baa garejatfQi prop j send any family of social rank to Cot brtyn,jyjUKm anAjriU bnjl a-jt-tcaijjoittpreae thereojUic.7 f i iH Lr. Larga nuabara of freight-' cart, are being constructed for tha Atlantic and entry there to remain, that would in trodooe ihe negro 'element! V In.' the; North the eentimehtal gush and aVm pathttic palaver are all meant for1 the ' outh. .ThejSoath mu t.do tto. iaO mo wealthy fkruvrt hat a gona bo re the tnaglatraUs and - a worn that they jhul4 not fOTtx&.'iibeic -JKjya,' Juai4to ge.lhem IptOJike ralonaaton ries... Our vocnz tcople.'CW isa- . - " t'"0fl": .;i;f:;in-"U a yfwy,: H -.i?rw,--ii, as ia ftntidnatfld whsra thaw1 An r BC(IO'Kl aumuoana owa, noisoam mwsroo uascaau wiLnoujjaoraim an-wipov.T T?lV; play thaoetiftheir toiUronf feClaJtli5a, if1? ff01 tMi l make war, upon ood laws and ordat. i;yy ? f?teVS Srd3i-the .ttory, oabv!raI UdaayVai;fot u. we. .wifi.. Sna Uwaaton, ftWypr ti: f-A?!!' ;Uo4ifaXtearo -.t. - w - andoTery city must have a. .nay of jnairciass oi Kicisers'unu xnose oi I rovff xdeaaantaod ,Trofitablar) to all' waitteod J3eeidesi afters eeavi ' J,-" " - ' I dnn'nF iinvamlltlnn lahnr. anil cnaj I dnagiye.us.idlJhe!emceSiBW1 Hhe South,, ha growls buseje ; - , 4 :, - - r '. , fiQiwithstandinjj growlers on both 'r'y - aides of the line, the President nur- siies the even-tenor of his way and ijives to' the South Ttho recognition i: my ','1 le." " wfiich! she deserv and; which ifaUiU ; - ical administiations for a" quarter V of a century have denied her.v : ; And for this reason among oth- ' ers, the people miring and . miibUnoss exerted : in their behalf and-Vnaking : thin ngfi?:flV'rtiat few days of recreation. ; They ' will act as a tonic and - may save him a medical bill. 1 What a delightful episode in his monotonous" life.will this Jbincampment pel , A.two nun- q rea xn i les . i me by rail , ana tne several days of lent life -under the'! iatod to Spring Hope, in Nash oonn- j, sometwentyvo tailea from Ral eigh: cTrain'- uo w run to pn ng f mi.-' JI w.-. t. i i . i J 1 ; -1. i I informed'that the.'tcon tract ' for " the building of the Clarksrille and Oxford Bailroadhaa been awir Jtd ' aiid : the cjontractor obligated-to hate the1 cars Jo-e 9 we .reading oaks of MWJIolly,with OafotdibyiIieoember,' such refieshments for the inner and ".Ay,S. .T;.. t a. a a. t jm ; i ' ; ; . i i ri iiiiif iiiHii tin i ihiw nna aaa-Hiiiiaa ,lu""5:"a iuuiwub i .how tO SUDDlVi -rt? n rV '"' h t Uost of all, thanks - especially - te 1 - Mr. iJ. T, Patrick and 'MajWiri-TT ics I t rmaiooKS.iUL.4xuioesa' 1 rallwaisaroin; bourse' of .cot-' with Taxbbro ns an bbjec- vo poiut'-One k w from J Ilamiltoh! othcrirom1 Williamston. '" Grad- omuu wwieira. are,pracucaDiy i :; "r'ir'.r: 4 i , on tbe'formfer-iaairif; , i1voi. . . . . . i loi who luuriiu iiiLF liwiii ,. 'uiiuiaiiuiif . i -i m ' n -wjj aisrenominAUonaiide.ee. has tieea placed at flvedollars: a onJ-Itfa intimaloa by -the'-Tarboro .uofWH :.s :-f'::r'"- "rate so low-as t6brli-fe this nleasant Knii tiier Lhk. tirW -1 f V extended to Wilaou:- to connect the Short Cull '1 f,i v ' - i . We do hod jexjlect 'alt 'the bffices, jouriiey within the reach of almost ex -'yy howlvoruch iwe"'want them but every tarmer ;iri-th5 county. - Cer- wit IrViiulf knrt feVw'. those who have beenhon- T t!aSiM; saai or delegate should Trtot 'fail to i Ilt "-t: 'noyir' no . attend: In faqt if ; the Agricultu- t A DANGEKOUS MOVE. AYUmipgtoa Star.., A r v t Some startling .things happen.; For in 3ancc, -there .aij white: men.vin miMMfWii Whii.t.i J not able to. see the.impwpneU't of . .v.--- :.-cia, wnicor aia v-jttoj o.tneet .our;-full.' I .iney ricniy- aeserve oar smcerest 1 u5er W njwmg racea in hcjioo put ;ayiruuai,ou, put asiong as ne treats ;y. xxxta 1 indifference to bur North, no South,lut only one eom- ril -uopartment the -railroads and v moa couhtrvi :fiy- '.-v -vJ newspapers, thes chosen speakers' . BrethPTAn; . rtin a?.a we locai of management,. . r :'r-n I r w v ."r.,vX-i so generously o jHjneci-ne may nave done some this gathering yyr-ryy" 't t -.'A i'. thanks, Will it riot JC be inapprecia-' I lh?y actually favor a aclieme to brbag tionjot ttieir efforts to . help. us and 1 this about: But Georgia does, not vvvtoisamuig uegrau lug seen aiisi(wnien wouia make him. I'V'a--.--- i inp.nn ta allv. thin, nnd thn I j o-t I a . ?n-f ests,4f;we stay away ? rItemeni- W : ,r"r s the J Deri farmers, that at Uils ..grand In- Ik" w -rAV.; iirt i stitute s-ou will have the Drivilese 1 ,nene for a, teacher to.teach a 0white ''."'"t" -T-:' y f PresWoht;of thNorth' aloheVa - as iong as he gives us AiMhpneet, . ecbBomlcal, and clean adniinistra-, tiorljie nien of theSoutn will sus- tain him, and if hewants to be re- ' nominated . nnd, re-elected. " thev wittndo: their part ; tlmthalf. K "We think there"' can bo'-nn mltl j take absout.thi bocauaeA - the people io ouuui wans a courageous and s honest nan.Jfcnd 'thov irnnw - Waf I a Cleveland they. have, found s the ::aanaiaon AdFaneeiii fcf ;lxasjad1nf thirty; years; nd;:-those f. U v i; ; few,gT6wler8 in the South who ate disappointed because: they, failed t ; oaca, are not given a mo- - V , aaents thought, Lei them snort- 4ctRh willearejy eeBe4iSLj t-:w..n:-;EXTRAVIGANT-! nyy y r; see it staled that .the EpiM P!onteiCTTlileuiBlu ' . v.- ny raillionvand' y a question of Utne . We sun- '?'it a thed it jsj win follo w the examnfa ant' . w havneyervbeia able to do- cide.5ar churches or Individ uuaian:TOciencesjl Hut sure i ly munificent calbedralaandstate; l )y n'sideuces looKYry -inapproDril" y teV..w.4ea eeh lalconiiictidilt with5 the : sufieririg and tayidibnf?hicf : 1 a n mail v'cesVl te wroa nil'tivom V V '4 of attending free of tuition a three days school ln which, .you will be led as never before, appreciate tne aignuy ot the farmers calling and to ' realize, the all Important need f of co-operation as the best means of a verting those cjvIIs that at this time especially seem to be threatening us. Of course. lt Is not claimed." that co-ODera tionH alone will drop a, fortune in our laps ,not at all.' - But if by nniting with.: others in the! snmejeallint wo are jStinaulated ifto rteihdJct?1 wiser, economv.a hiafrart9riMn liotj Ir-ving jnnchbeair I n At!AM I . A tarms, then will wacavwCra tS rejoice ioas we aid not t persist 1 in our former course of isolation and lnaiCerence :'Xo- wis ' combina tions. vThesethlngs are worthy cf tuougnv yA, y ;,;-: A.A.nr .-v j !! 'i i a . ...u.. ... At the Democratic coaYCi'tlc3L ISeld; aV Cleveland Ohio, ca Jdy 21st :. the., following i oot&lsotlcss ejre'..niaeict'-or. goverccri ThcssH 48 fism7m& F . ." B f...1t . .,2 L. J. 1 , v . a " hd superior court, longii!rnr,'Lt?. Crflcidrr7sdn55;f sh6rt term. ;Virgil Kelleyj state auditor, Emil Jiitsewetter. The platform heartl- a cf C3ey eland, calls for a Jcdidczj t& doijtl.ih.'(ffes 9iiand! thaSTiHe 'fiulli liadi La tat actual ; aetUexa, and- such only as.ara cltirens of the "United States, oxpressoa sympathy'; with rodkud in her ho s ef ule struggle, child in a colored school oV.vv ;vers world stands let the school o'e sepafi ate. It is beat for both races! Only t'e greatest evlli could ariie from the- intermlngUng of the races in schools! Tao white man of the South will ner- r airroa to ba tkxad nnn tdni n' 'itn'tl- tain-mixed school The hkvi 4ljr atriten to elevkUX 124 negW nr al!ftoaaait'tyi:le'rULX' Tf L era Opoiad; If ,VC ;edjc tional crts do nil ciaia ti" ciute this caesUcn. cf mlxod schocla ia tbs eostidi r;;L!: t; ll 3 1 i to 3; fcr" T mmmw w - aw ' at ta . . m - ' u.crxj c.1 lie scLoolx, tnd 'lJut ashltemen"ai,e growiiijrHLci1 ef IH .UE2X0EIA1I.; Tttl afee) In Jraa oa the aight of the ISth. of Jaly,' 1&X7,' Mrs. Audi Griffiu, ifo of Mr. J. B. Griffis, - aged 71 ' years.' "fLife'a duty done, a ; sinks, the day, Ligbt from its load the spirit Siea-".J7 ,: 'J bus a kind friend bu passed from oir ,iaidst,and it ia with sad hearts bow intabmisiiioa to God's will; , jet 'saoaiB Mt sa those without bopo, but can say truly "The Jjordhiuh called ills own.". . ,'K ,; u ;'; v o i -'' ' She was Vooniiettnt tsewber of the Episcopal ChorchfaiUifal , aad pntinng ia her d alien aa.j such, and , after , lortj years td God 'a service, sunk to real ' so peacefully that we fact aaaured death war to her but a, "narrow sea'aud that the loviag hand of Jesus guided her safely aoroM and held the. "pearly ictea ajar when she heard tha welocma words, "Well done thou good and faithful (errant; cu ter thou: into the joys of thy Lord... ; ,4 . Many lored ones have preceded her to. the better land.' and she haalvlt on earth a kind old husband, one son, , and " one daughter may- a merciful father help hem to forsake the vain thinga of Una wrld and prepare for aa"inheriUnoe Am Carruplihle" with her in heaten. J . 'f Thou, toy friend t 'tis not thea ' peaeUhtheovEnldI'aer " t Thoa to a fairer land. art gonei ..- i t.. trhere,'lel ore hope, my journey done, I . To see thee still" - t'atalia,lf. C, July 2S.1S87. and every city must hove aa anay of policemen, not to reform ' thoo, but to bound litem down. ThomaaTflle Ch rity and Children. ' ' Wy 'aA.' f-. '";"t;4.t James Marshall, aged 17 years, son of Mr. 8, W. Marshall, who Urea about . . . . .'- 5 miles from IxuiAburg, cued on T110: day. Ifis death was caused from couA sumption.' He was ba led on C educe- day, and was followed to the grave br frietids. The bereaved hare our sym- ,W will pffer for the actt 90 days oar en tiro stack of Sraaer Goods at Crieaa that will atoUh you. H'e maxt aTeroui imr mmr f MA. rek. a4 i order tm do this, our rentaiitinaUK k tSakaerird M I! ST A JO, reirrd UwofpeW. No bUer time Ureta tc hitr dra. Tkm r4 M r.' aa4 tha prfe la NO qaelon. The be-t thve erar ffcred to iTTOr naoo .ey- A, tt ULL LINE of oar oelbrW p. XX LWkre Shr ONLY U JO. ai. ' aarnr man's $2 7 le oil henc. . A Iau atoakaf Bm4 4 IOhm s arrie VitliiN thwe-tt .V4ayc yr aarthlr yn waatia t lnr Oooda Lia 4 -ASTON ISUINULYLU.W prioeavCtfl mt. . . . , , . .- - -... .... ..-. .. . ,; J S. B ARROW & SON; ' pKthiea.-l -ill V. I Fkiksd. r j."'-- I -i.iit-.ra trs.!. ka ..... . i ; . . . . pioyances as to mixed sehoo5cbyt crack-lc.sdJi.ccri5eisxatii4; tttb and Torthern riandisis wh::ari, ietenuily ri.Hg3 -wilfttbxs pso-H pla'ajairsirtj-d e?S2insri&lft3afleei sffy diisredlfupdn' the Biblical Recorder of. last week, pays the following tribute to young Pinnell, who died inLouUburg on th. SSrdofJune r i e .-;., - j4oisburg,'N. C' Jane 23 183.7, Patrick !rank Pinnelt, only son of Eobert D. and lIartbA.'VV.rinneU.. Thia yoaaVmaa was ooTarte4 an4 baptised inta tba WMUber war a. year aco-, . a. i a ingst hla young aiacwiatei hfc wu a gTtriaVoma.r6ra early'boybood he O. L r . , . .over jrare uos parenia aoT cause to fear hs would go into bad, oonipanyv or ontract any eTU.habtta. It U beliera nacma e?er saw ajsa la -had, company. c U U oortiia, nno, who knew hlra, E i z expeoiea to sjia nun , guuty. oi jk questionable action.' It a eon side Able lima he had eKjoyment aa aaleamaa in the t tor of J. 8, Barrow A- 8b. and hll tjloyera had Aa fu!!ei ' oollencalB wa paacBl dafy reauled pi did bnblla 'traTer:' ajul .i taafffttioa W eoadasted the yownr -PfTr-1.?18" Being' agood SlaSer, e was especially helptut to Iha juuurcn iniiiafrTiea pi song., ibe.. pat-, T1 'h.iniened young, man. 'bays the consolation of knhwhie that hia earth lylio waV pneV Kit t'ener'tf gave 4 them )rtaen6oe-aaunw-c-or ww Uie 5th.of Ansuat 1888.' or thiri 1 notice will be pleadedin bar of tlielr ! rprtii RTt tcr6ua ludabtcd to 1 l T ' ... . . M Bald estate will please max unmeca- atepayxaent. '...- i'v-v- 7. K..MABTti Jn., ', " Kxeentorr Augoatth 8;-- iru-;l Itj fad doing trtl i3 rreLs'tit'ilii. trtajl!IZ:w..Tw .! i ' A7e ixca-.CV jr-bea-4 -C;!ir soma xradea ilik sppfared ia the New Tork Inda peudent -an old AbcliUon jonrnal ia the jpaTst-rtbat were furnished y ,one Lewis. IL Blairof Riohmpud, - a : rjaanj of considerable wealth and talt eutai , Who he ia and whence came he we are not jnfonnod,JsBul Jii et-t 5or the submission: of. an a aiend-' ters .have stirred up a horuet'a, .ei ti tliM putity.ofjthe ballot bor and fa- ! jaeei hlteaaed krjoirid ti t;Ul? Ilia tanerai was preached .br hi-paa tor in thf Baptist chureh, from Psalsa i2, 11, and remaiae were followed to tha Crura by a large and ' aympathiiljg body oi his klaanen.-fcrthra and friend. IjOar bipiher! waa aged tighteen years, ntonths and eighteen days. rj "efvwnt of Jod; well done I 7 , loye ;ht, the 1 Best from thv . loved cmnloT. , .-3 11 The battle fonzht.the vietorr won. ilr 1 Eter thy manters lov." . . ; v. KAlLRUAD.TALK. Charlotte Obserter. ,J. , t ., . ,11 is said tfr&l llie . lAuldioff : of the railway tiom CUrkavilf to Oxford and thence t Durham would aet t'n motion tnuchTrailrd work. "It will insure the quiok ' ootiatrubtit n tf ' 'a" line fwrri Franklintoo ? to Durbnmi and It haatcna the completion of the road frota Petersbora; to ltilgeway. Work on thl a Jeittr road may j begin any day. That ia, well nn-irrstood. A.lineis in 'conns of ooustruelion fro n. Suffolk; Va.,4o 'Wilson - N. "C ljwaa oAteusibly besraa-oSa lamber- road; but those ,wlo h.vo seen it. aj the character of tha work u tltat or a p:is sen cer road.-' As to-' tTie Alber- mario and laleisn roao. now -wtutm I s- t ' 1: t r 11 . . .1 - . " a r . -. - a. : IF!."1' " ,,n iC ! 1 1 Main Street Louisburg H.-C. :o:- DKALnitlN. J -:o: 25 miles of Kaleih, there are people DRUGS' 2rr) w$o eay it will stop at Sprin -Uopo ' : ' v " ,,,. . - ! - ,, r - . - , .uaui lUleurh makes a subscription- to 1 -1 - - s -AKlii' , I It I'lL N0T1C13. Ilavineoaalifiad M-Ereutor to tbo last will and testa mant pi ;Ur-r.-C, Harris deoeasod. all persona .holdiqq clalrfiB aiainst said estata sis notifled -40 PTrPDVPnTun. nirttiv vrpt-.iw h' III iiU lulliu UkiunLUi nut i iiv ja iiuui uuauu uuuy jy iwuit - r V"U MiJ Y JO 'N M . . 'ni lAULiTnBi STANDARD -aoll .ccxi eiir NDARD FATT at EDICINIS.1'1 vtlet&q awl baI i . . t ' . "i lEMicALa x)B Pf?rVrfo!?i A. 8nriAiXi ' ' . WWlh' . .'?"!." - '' a - f M a ' JR.! For Hale In acccrdans .with eotkn 1TS4 ,o 4ri the Coda, the uftden -,ooa wrj f"tl for to-hi iLc tl r on ti- I . lWplitrrS!'-3cr.crJl "cl rjcrrfr or.f-i yxmTSr" fv citr-i f-r Urz . rty 'cf, . V57l i.UiSv7 iU 15 t-! .J ed : ;M A. O. T7O0DUXT. iS. The Board ctricmica wCl ncsst iiir Louisburg on tlje first JTpnday 4 jnr Beptemoer, wacn evary sonooi ftpj-, jnitteuian' in'tle -Onty Jfa to quelled jr efc W Jpl tho'Iiard. 1 ! 'At 'ihalj uiselicx crlttnirn friths ""entire couritj.wUl be . appointed by. eboaiti.w!w1!,rs M c.. -fS : Cbao. 8,Bascbv Cha'n J. If. Haksis, Bee. . . . ITsTiag thla day edae Exeeator on the esuto af tha lata John ; Yewng. .thU ia ia notify ' aii, poiwoaa Jkaring alaisra njjainft the said i4e to preaentthe tune to me for payment on or before the 5th day of July lS&3or thii . notice wiil- be plead as bar dot their - recorerr. 'All peraona owing said eatate are. notified to. wake immediate settlement. - - . 1 F.PiPntxCa Executor ' '. liauor ixzal n'rtte!rt ' :;";,;. , y? -v.-. .,...;.. i-" vi-v ."'t :U.'::;!xi: .V s.'-v v-' v '' ' .-. . ' ; .... ...... i .y - ' ' . - : .. I 1 '! - J V... r.H-l hero aTvTTrT.imTTn TVTWur is keep constantly on band, a complete a lock of . f " . ...... "" i;u.i:i3iiiiT v rj a. i i , jfa rtreuai-v'qaal'ity '"rfedf ici'nes "only are uicd for", retail and - ' if i ' . the pfescrii-lion btulnesa and no Inferior drrgs are kept ia stock wo can ouer a lai Bouraxitce to prH cwtw wiioresvlJ ja ue country, 4 that their ordors will . be, filled tu their foil iatiaUcilon . m regard 'to nrialitwfiridchaxirpa. ... t - 1 ' '- '. '": . A" fmiw ' 1 r-; -n ' :: vr. r f-CIIEMinAXe, I t w- f r w-w wysw ay a W Af T CT i ... t .. . J rfjiitAUVli, - POcnt Medicine of all kinds.' Perfumes, Fancy fJooda. l"a!nts. . . OibJ Dyo StuEs; Ac. Ocnf fine Pbda oni.vln will be pi' rrr soon.-" ' 4?tVe keifrtfk(mtdeaeed-loath.WVlI ttreecl rrowera. Il.jtt Bais." " ""it, and I. M. r erry , v ', . t' .t'tA-yL- l...kl i. . ,. Having slwaya exercicd ttie jr?a!t i4rt-!n the aelectln f the tn wte- ' rlAJa employed and .taakinc all phirruntieJ 'l-r! ''? tfo'ca -.of atadar4 . . . . ftrenjrth in strict accordance with eUiihedand reeornued fonnalaa. we ; ;do hf?i any.ljmtasey'TW 8kihirtk fcl'b to gire u atrial: M( " , . ... . - . - ' . ' - . . . - , . I . . ' " . ... . ..- . Fair Cre -!aj. f : ak. 40a ire a AS burp j JtWD am, liai .1 t i -i. t - v