'v.;- '. v v . - '3 (.-'.'hi . , "'" the f r an kt.-t:;:t: r.TTSl ) 3 r. ' m i 1 !-l i :fc'-Hitor and ProV retor i f ..." ,: ' ; v - ,'!. v ' - ' ' x c:rca!jt'ou cxtcn.la al vex etvrv it - ' 1 rr- i 1 - I;' :h-.. A - . r - Ill ." . : L-if- f!,.:V I'' -i'ifM-:',' :iyy S"'r f'- -1 Rates: . -One-rear;? ;;-; ?;;?,X ' Six Months ? :i $1 50 : 1 00 To iXuDabf 5he'!TBii will be .furnished aifc 61.40. In f- -W ?r,v -. !.: I ;.s I, i - 1 ... ' -v t. 'I ' '.i--- ..V' :'. -y;-HsO"I "'' j; A; THOHA3, Editor arid Propriptqr., fjf WimMALICE TOWARD NQE ; WITU CU t i . -, F 0 H' ALL; '-if RICE $1150 PUR ANNXT11 In Advance rait i5i.5:-" CClJ TY'f'-i'r A::t!y'0i l::;X-Z.p iii'nf'w'fi in ante Deiiam limes xno x rnnK- S Jin cqunt: fanrief, as ; $v FQJ?' ? nare.-Saving tli9 egitabie r- den." his lands now-oof ! thk tor dry of arilfiapliw7BptM was to cleat npa 'new -:rbuhd,, 1 caIttYatoit foi all it wafl wofth , I as 16b is1 H wonld jrpduc& eiidgn itp, make. its .uuage prontaoie; ctrxoo itojn.lt cut'f io rest tor a rew yearsj to the mean time having-' :; cleared ,op" omer new grouuav . . w?, u kreatedia .like manner) He may lhave taken Moses as.hld aolhorit'. on agrlcuiture; ror rns piaa was io fertilizers: Is a" waste of u oney. fathers used pejuns a restorer of fer H ,f. ni ; i,t '.-y,)ry,S: Thousands of dollars have;leen tilityis -well vrorthyof million I . QaJ th& unchfsnaCenftalWd i i . c-w j . i t f . 1 1 - nncrnn tin i u " " - - - 7-1 ; : i- ; 7 - . thi .directional Their I en thusiiwiri r.ni . t ho other - Uy as ' the" - biit'chcr cime Into tbo canvlth a';ba'Wtt '6f pretty-evidentittterotiorethatltbe 5f.ir;;: s.it'esiae m7H;eTy"'ihxiot Frankiirj county farmer 'rxtusl; ldote ?Tf&jLDi&azjr.pt cime imSsw t- b'uy: half a dczco, bnt ehe wav- elaewbere thart ts tbencHAs ,wlt OmeWtnl I bate foond.' I: edlbebo fcff-wllhf.;' 1 7" r WAESHOOSBior bia mannresupply; llaredKeIlic Grab. mrA63 "into mvfre calnaVr If be is discreet and disceioing. Tie -i.ilr, vV,' w:vtmt ?V- ':UUL.4ei'iV'i4..ttii.-"jr.;','iX..i' Will mk..liave toJooK? very .lar, - : - 1 : hiihM rMoAi' "" eitber-moWiarcan-usually j Mpot acrWoV htie .. T, ,a;vv:n;'iJ:;t Vner;A Ifeprotestcd,! y,. pinv looa nia crops neeaK'x-xuir, 1 what bate you louna ixeUidr sne ij hiwv. vnnrAiri Ya Jt-'. :wkriW.iiJ whl plowhiul until 'SSKS thir5!a.ar. -k Wm Itmt'rtV tbtoUc..le5torie4 eslax48.tm34oi UerVe tbrce-IfM wise and of the big tree down at t&eeoi of the -S22S?' ; consiaeraie man, no wm noi con- v j T-.ii-i.,-Ji -.. Li v i;.v-' v wn eAuld knock it down bT throwing . IIe hain't eat' rig' la thirty r'fine.hialaithtu! beast to. one -diet, iw?-?ttU' o"niy wrowm,, . twU'i- '.IWW 1 hiiVwSlt vnVvVt i.it-oidW sticksatlx. botwe" saw) Uomei wasw years, and Xfcuew he can go thirty4 it put will yary.ix, JU'; oraer iq. give , , . n- i.-...Jtvj the animal aieVieliah. and con- ,rawl-otetUand wwere , afraM more. : - ;-; . 1. , ted, and given intervals nthi v (See Kxodons. 2310. 11. bCOlUtGlVRurCa llfWDoses and the Southern farmers Tbi povderever w-AinarTel of 1 once ia Tina viigm i parity, : strength and v wholesomeness. I (q draw ,vlip for agricultural and More tsconomical than the ordinary kinds, J . 4 . - f ?nfcJ.'iArwA 3 A - -13 ' : : 111. OT117. lllll I H " a I IQ IAIU1U U1G11 II . m alum or phosphate powera.r-5SOTJ only I , , . -Ciii rBwywuujf jjusiici. , shpuSu., , Is pass. ::JTALlUjttTOWTOa iiuy:u ssheuld land lie treated- V- ' " - vi.iur uw. be fed before its strength LOIllG NX ' ' to save np and apply manure to old : i-C TOJtHis. t 5 C i fieldsollhat condition of things; MKTHonilr j&er. A. McCulien pastor "ho longer exists in the Soul h;.f We; ISe PrSSWe cllonger follow the teachings nihu Sunday school 9 o'clock A. t ; tf t-h "greatUewish leader opon the JA7l; asnSe'in S subject of resting lad.: mast month, morning and mght -Prayer meet; I seek some rnoans ,of perpetuating BS yCr, .-.i.-7y..6j--!'- ""----i the native, virgin-tenuity. 01 our . o'clock, A, M - -1 ' 1 -i- ' ;" I - . . . ixyok O. r Ellis. , '.. , l y soiii by restoring its lost' strength . r, f QIYiiTilESLl' CUAirciil," f That teto say, your lnngs. , Also all kl-AafT.'n. . 1 . . 1 wi.nderfai maculnorj it is NoV only tho larger air paeeagoi, but tbo tho')- k" oriirtu tuLc arm cavil-. ka- : VbcD tbeexre clonroj andchoVed with matter vLU;h ouf not1 to there, your lung 6 mtut hAlf tl tiltir vork.- And wLat they do, tbe'x can nut Wl ItjsaldiTQjav pUeomcDia. ca tarrh, eoiuumptiun or any of tho fain Uiaoit kiil cdQindJ &'tkt aad lonr obalroctioys M -nru bttd. . All ought to be got rid of. ' There i just-6ttrfiy--to'gtet m i xtaf ' I to . :Uka IWJiea'i j Gvrman 8jrcpn AdTerti3ra shauJd t-idVq a nf4'?. rf i Tb Kdllr will tot - t-fdcs.W for the fiea-a of correipoiJilciJa. : Brief co rod a r:. fi .. tall lion inossl arnetly 9-4iu-jtc.'...Ne Hems oi any n&tota m Jl Wlr-Vr i y, rtreuT!. . ,, , , . , t . lo tha doclin Hf. Jafinallis U- act u to hWttor jwilii anrd mtlnri tf warastrar.scta. err Uda' viul liver ara uo to Ctrrfjrfr.rit; tu nothinj rqw'tjyv. J. . IT., IRU's Litr aid XCldiitfj Ualusa a 'j'.i tor vf llie :orsvi?. J .'.)! r-r. -T,t IrVoo en5?r.rTtck:nr djij orrf.. j L io g use yj. vt c vr "T".T ; 1 u -5 U ' . uaua-, .you abou!aituiuptiys4 lial -j J, 7 lbs- iiciStt'? ;uoiii.u ,J1 - " ;S!ve, v2Jwiluk Ujs, ', "... f " .ntfscvir)'fU la! Wc,3rT, io'dc&tS b? a knUt? Vv4 ' ArUnt rajltd -v - - etobaifalleyoo; joa may Uejea 1 ,ud to Leath -ul acuoo I t thV Le of 1TI ' . I. 1 W M rna T . . ' . - . m ery.i A . ,, i ; : : '.Alwajt .open, to, cooyiciioa T!... Fault of dicvaUoa eaoia CNAtuv iWnoyt&CoWhoieBaU and 'b f WbaTebeonaeUicRDr. Start New : irfcMS:- ' R; to? J tm Kwr ' ' 1 ' ;"o Passea on ana returoea vrun jery - tJectric mters and Buclc- Uoa and aimi!,,ton.'d tiiM aVi;; isexnaus- , Uf . if W 1 MrrA An!1" Wml'TLa' r ftln Th "I .-rf I: MIt is rather hard to (be in ; aMevtr f.W r'had oiade ttemanimr 41' might W .teil yean rihoe ne naa alU.rja. rdftl el&eted by ,theM medj. 11' .. ?rt V lat4r etait lm10 'you'very badiy.4:Li4-i A hlshead, and Wdhave to swallow' f'JfWJi ?ltl .i t . USr' Syaoon whble p-et iMSItott Th.TT W-: . Carry pointed out the objectof hercu- peannta aione. ,(J w.JUi; ol Dr; Hnrt.ewIMteOTery -ta-. much ti Se6d bai dU.iTaad f .!JVIt la essential to tkeep i land as ;rio8ity to her auoU' lt was an nnusaW Twenty minutcA .lattr h the bov ;f6a ? nedion with Ibiric Bit- WmiUtios to mak !,. t:wd i rich, . ear as possible Inlte virgin condl. iaeWapV nest; and tbennsecta Uvas bacwUhndyV packages, toi-Tsoid bfiSMLii'ut REu??;? 'T l v rhn orittvt tto nnn vrwv o - xi aiir i - . m r at. t - MAAivik, a a ' . . .ii 'a awwa . - lxiw nT.TaJ-R.r r PiuneU.. 1 fued our soil.: No sane man would BoirdmeietsTrriday before firsMonday aUerilpt pioV mule until if, fell i a each monUu I Vi "llL J. , -iv,, to the srround iroin -sheer exhaus- CoMMiasioNBRS U A. Nash, h'mn.,H.i , ; -,v...i to-' I 'exclalmedt riMis d Vi;i.:i.i!i I' - A 4 being asked. what W gr juud,?? ;; W, eVery , farmer well ione from; toilcb'n their fortress.l:! jptf he one o'erA or bust!.j, fv tbrea)jreat leasts of the Jews j nerMWW iasahe . motional riv takean-old field that has been? sviewQ2 Xbe-.waspa'.wira cunoaay, nnn- i v fc ,.,,niV, -t.... .11' " i j . .- -1 jt! 'th fart I'a-f; I'' t.-'i iH . .... . , " v. .1 .'x-V7T i' . uuuiyateu ou me mu lau nu n -i (t - z - ' . inumittl. nonww' i i . a ujj wi i . "J0 .rccroiiy . prcoran I minus tfte stumps and roots; "2Jew j jquite formidable enough to deter', tetjulid j? '.' ?'eVef ; farmer - well I :on frrtm tiiicho? their fortress!1 knows, v is 1 loose atjd porous,' ; dt J - Didn't too ever see wasp' s rekdil v alisorbH and Is a irood -rti vl fbefore?" asked aunt Mary of her taiiier or 'moisturel fVOn the to ' Beghr of Deeds-B. F, Bullocks -yy lana rest every sevenui k Shertffikft Tt JtwrneyAf ier, ffracticablev)u1 SfetMrc sufflcfentwrestore Its 1 jperlnteadeuiTrPttbUestructfon "Keeper Poor JlouservPinnU manner, it to give the band rest every seventh year,, or of- mt'thjsns uot sufficient to restore its lost lerUiityf It may have been sufficed fbrthe 8e1dstinepromK"j1aWl-un ., ftl thelighttniagethdserHebrew GK ioneerarmersereabie to give E. G. Convers, , 1 ' 11 i 1 with tie forked-stick plbws- and t f7;rSri!ysrrtorr. ; ' - 1 other primitive implements then in The Superintendent willbe in Lonis-J j use, but it will not do tor the doep KnTr ontlie second Thursday of Feb-' I running turn-plow, scooters,! aud uary'ApriL--Juiyl:lSeptem sUb-soilera pf F:ourl times. .Under ber aud Dtfoembor and remain . for j our more intensive system of agri- thre's days,1 if neeesHfyior the ' pur- J culture, our lands uiust be Iferd as pose of txamininglipplicants fo" teach" J oar; work 6tocb, if we would reap n the public school of Franklin conn t tne best results of our labor, ty. ' ' ': ' - , - 1 1 Despite all that our agricultural lKQVKSSION ATfCA jDB? , writers haveisadd ndjeiteiated ' ; " 1 I nnnn orroaf. imnnrtjnr,fii of fer T B. M ASSEXBUliG. 1 ; ; tiIization l;duringl the; lat ' de a rrmiWY ATT. tW. I cade or longerr there ia still a great ; 1 louisbuuo, n. q. l f 1 1 deal of indulereoce manifested by ' (Sffiee in tbe CoTrrtrlloaseTt- I'thVaverageScratherri ; farmer oh . - . . Ail business put in my nanas wh this most important , sunjeci. - jais receive jo)nJiieon I sins of tgn lesion rrrt.lr tnisiireeypn. 'y'v :r;-ll -1 1 are indeed grevious Comparative were tha l!wilLnocrii4-,tLe tCDnuii9 tbo MTjliadi 1 it"'x1'rcUL Triich tu oicetoU y :n terlyfimpoverished,-and i note how f nsomm."-:anawerea carrre. t eiBotJinfeoia4a bay.! BOfOthW ?i!T. ?v. ,'8PanaipS ob-ffv , 1 1 -.; I iT Lmpactthesoilrbeme.V rAubtffe, bbWd'-'tbygf V.mj o4 nira -I .uoLLhA). L'Xbefaxye;-, .ral ,rMr.VT.T kbwudllyJthVwateirii feSwiI yoirWaft.1 Youean-. have" SbS- kSei4Av4 ''1?' iVhat is thecauseofthedrfferencef; J&e- conieH with poiorn orottermii gSSlJS iSSSSfg i' s.wtb U, tbobW usij i l hvTisUe'newgro ttlawonder. atdMoratenT; 0a,tyoU .u.i ' poverffcrnM -Howlto gah, tc-h6, luLr - inore porous, and f loamy . tnan tne t " t-j. 7 , - i .itt;waif. We'll btfln Detroit at 1 FW"y oor FoaiuTeiycuraa, aU I fe pgam auu W; whvi'irs midc of nauef .Msnt it? P5.? , ur."?' .J tfhe battles of the! tmloa-fiabtJctf k F" !Vt--; cueried Nellil-ihsurprise V KeJ ftSf ::Xe ltwec4 manar.. whW'Vi -M.t ble maturhumm h, e pir-.-. lerrlngs is' iomethmgio stand-by ,vfiil . , : ,;.r, Vtt ,,,, tjoa-the ne tondhas.bi. -aunt My-Bmilmg at lae't Jastb'tii.hi' yMBu ndthe iheid and j KjuS ys; .;, w ..-..it pxhausted oiJthdjoicU f Hence, the 'i - Kd -iM 1 : jtolls.are good .fur ; warts. t Wye i . , f YSKHkEV V reat difference, .npt only la this re-; j rI tyi'you how tbet" make jit got too. old. for gewgaws,. Rabeuj. - spect, but ;alj in -their : iemntyr Vasns are furnisbed with5 broad I .What we want .Js Iho, worth. of out, II . r . , u li;fA umusacts botnasai meauaima., WerVihandibles orl-pincers'and 1 taoney,'.;:,:,rwV' v. ll:',,. .- loJll ...it uiv, iu ov .vo, i tnese tnev tear ou some par ticiea i , . - Ji; i ks a chemical fertilizer, in supply- Up WOodv fibre 'from Sate- posts, pal ing plant? food. Hence 'the Igreaij I 0r the : bark of trees. ; hls they Importance in. keeping up the iip- I .Wux" op into' a -soft i?ulp with tueirsali- blv in the ' cultivated fielda.l But I Vai and with tbiaVilP tbev Icoiisiruct -how js this" to beue? ihi ; t( ' j the ie&L The inside of the i aopbi jtf'r;i v ,,, '" When the elota.b bck vl'or arnl - 1 ezuUrity lLr' wii W lUluierna ' bertHini,-Otttert,JtrektAaaull-, ' po-vouaaca, use Dr. J It 21cLpaall blreuinCoru'ialaadilUMl -l'uri- , -" Cf to gtw tjtto and rrguUiilr Xo the ftloioacu. ... ,. . , It la tb FrrVf tbe roomnt that1 makea'tiiboJITy: Jv. - t j "Jone njust be ai vert ;dear.fxkad i V"-JS': i V CTJli.EI j - ." )il!,""-'-y-i:.' vfjourt?- J'XUi, become prUj 1 Ormflemett-lly ihtla' daBgh tu 4 .H"WUU.---UU.- 1 . .. 7 , . ( f , borfelr .afllirtdi with: rrmlotJas -vrt Xs aOtetloa cf the Xlrer. and eaa . I wlipn rmi Atej'.rtIi.Afl -(ih nest IS .di spring and fall ioe eleren year, eon tin m- I I " be thoroughlx cursdby that Grand ing lor aoont two raontns eacn attack. , it I . Jiegnlator of tha liver f-" . 'Mirto of artili tA - f ij-Vt: ial-ft fir-'l MLua'a i 'itUa LiV. r and Kkl r . f tn Taa anATiT vn menini arnn arr ai ar a v Y :.AnwA 1 tra tto ' 1 1 na tMini Ma rf I wrtl 7wr lift lft anmhi'' atit rpllfl UtTrt 1 w - ""r " I i in ai vr-ini waaw kiiu u w a-r w v w ia au vu .vwa w v mr . w b a-i , A HaA m w ktk a r a. i . . k hinh Li hvVBowiuff land Dlowini tho substance that separates the cells, best, thickenin of . the - skin ,d, oXurj l . ni. I A Ucy era plaaatt IP take and A.C-, ri,L:--XA mll.thir and firmer than flowed by a puSthlar' eruption. , lh. u.ui aiJ cure Jpu, 2 ccota a,. inaer green crops oi cioyer, cow- i ;geuniu, 1,"T I phyaielans failed rdietaioB -arrest nt. lauts l rye,- -or .buckwheat. - .These 1 that on "the outside of the 1 best , ,1'As J but the caa grew- lor 1stq yw. te beibg-pf the kind that fdrawi the neat 1, enlarged ; newaper; is en0 IVuVtl aproio . . . r jy-fefri -rylew or-, our xamiers navej.as yet, 1 M.COUK13 s i t given the fc subject ot agrlcultqral ustenance 1 largely from--tho ai- .mafle: for e purpose, the, whole; .nest 1 aew daya it brooghoat aprpfa tnostpbere, they- increase If beingenckdJn tne lastde S&fZSZr mount to hitrogenrm the soilor; velope, while the raaer one unmoved kod Bhe not hadAiutuctita. aymp- SltJohwnBported f?v!a;!V tdSeaUrieerh .iVeTdbiyl oest.; wsspj; in . trop.cal .countries, , jXS!, mZ . - it W'wi, -l Vi 'are-8omees5veryrt.larswWteOAlx and fail, and she baa bad no re tamo; tha te'fiffiS-' i?r..WKf- frSfcfe.w4rwwWU; r ' ?SJ?JJWcy - " -Ii ly very large faffies' of, was to jiad it every fall aaapriatf from tba age iMri Kootf ery appropriately. mr. ,T ests yeira to thirteen vears. Sha .a ays 'JSature has suppued the earth's wm. !r4t8 Iowritie year. oldalfia:ijib: i r 'TtW-.iIi;i' f-'lWt must takef7.sa)tr.Carr.e,s r,.--. spell iaihraa years., Voars truly, .. iurface with - the elements of plant t M 0,0 Brincioal 1 ' ' -' J- w. Daaa. I.j' : :.tn.t in it t 'es, paper ma vug isme principal r F.v .jow..,. " r, I "-ri 7 . j j I l J.. .i AriKo.n tHa" Intoof c 7 lit. 1 - ' - - : . t 1 - rP- : 1 1 johabitabla lands, and insufficient sup- I T""V:r ; wluZLri2?l T, " B.K-W-have-beenl Uibauii r.f , .v J; , I iwerea heranntv Eathone'of them f mailed free. - nail our airi-- lJr rrTJ-I nat hjs own fbare CtworfW'ffCWJ I Jt. " w v '"r Ki.o. Kr. I i r . - - -. - - ? "Whit iio wasra ca.tr asKcu. . i i'hp a,: efx ntv wjr RstM turn- 11 oi tne laws 01 -.aJfwcrcB ar j ;.:'. "i . X B. ZTUn k C04 Tt.fitilftiM, Pa, -. . r li 1 1 n aflTMed r rrerU y w0h 1 ' -. ' ' . (uwrlcrea itTer. waicn tewtfC la a- - arrera attack or )ol.11os. I nad aa food meOtrml atuadaaca aa our aeot.a. ' iton affbiCv who Iklied cuerlr to r- L), or aa to tho taOqyrnaiU of KJ '.'.J. lbrmer food health. I Uveo trW U4 j ; farorttcpwacrlptloa pf oa of .thaJ i-t . .Xnovt rtMwnd pbyalrtaoa of Lrvta vUie, Kr bot to. no tarp) : wba-v- I Ml tfrou 1 wu lgducM to trr Hitjti atrrairjlVtv 'Ifoond imoie- Uat benent from tti and 'l mo- , loatel7TeXArd taa to Uva fca eJoy.' 1 Wrfrdt Croa a Torrid Iirr aa4 Ifl, I -faitUi, ttotitiw 'neaaatx - J flxiwraiajjalaA2ta,J. f r.i rr"--i 1 1 1 r t - r. nature ; tuat w. - .'; ;- ' '-y - itr-' ' -i - 4 er be unsup I ' n a8P3 quanlUy-of they were not to takt a wedding trip, it -nii'M botfiaiiinialajidwetaUef Rnd he.tola herUi.i1OV iwered aaaVMary:.; Weylfieat - -7 v.: .;- , t cIMaS Who sb&w reaMBTubftr that" ' ElCX'i! KTHTCw3 CLi2JLCZX3 W 111 W tdl aUttaa a Saa aa aaaa a 1 aryaga fUmtm rh taiofaaiaj a4i Wake Counties alsothe .Fupieme ginning oreahse that many fthe, rjourtf of North Carolina; and the TJ 1 old-time methods miist give place S. Circuit andDisTBic?Toowt8yn 1 tom pranressiveand aggressive : ideas and processes. . Commercial manures nmoft 1? donralhelowl FurmanV LCUUurai papers jor. iu taoKe s rug.piwjci f w-ot,vvKy .-.. -..x t kmorauce l.'!?18! i? the race of man will ever - ,y:$ , ;1f'" eolumnof essaysnpon I fcgd withheeded food. I Wno ' ."Canadian ashes," II, JtfrtAWli toif 'fhe Vbil msecta.anui, u--y puautet.. n ct. a- ATTORNEY AT LAW cf I' . L'.'Iand plaster," "special" ana"comr mU8t neCess 1 : - I TLOUisBuitGw; c.'t ,ly v t l plete fertUizers,' etc., almost ad i y the prodc V::&;y$ fafinitnTi-BelnkaeiaSliyq i & support" vumw r"',yuiu,"v"r :' J ' ' I tne application, ui uiitiiutes, .uu 1 xnese rouuur&a , y;; more.QutAVerage,Soathern, farmet are reasBuriug.i A proper knowledge mucb VeT aked CJarris; 7; I'yH totMlcltutcx' iSvZ chennorbiigsofnnatare v iant Mary'The improve the appetite and esUon. -.-s 't-'Arxm i acid, ammonia i ahdlbther alkalies. I through her great Jabatory, the Soil, Is I v ior-A.t anM!i of wn I They cure bnmediately by destroying STOlllCOlier t1 the less m Knows oi neir pracucw -'bTwenTtmitt- 18 foond ahVcanW taken uidcr any 4 Srcurol' MrewhWiliOaVre. Uia fee dmp&aad '4frt?WT :LAW.!i 'mm. conseouently he discards the li Itaeems to be generally understood Vft -. , - . hack to -mT tew-1 flr i7.wJ.-f. r-V it iv-j 1 100 acres Us-biert ca'atita estate la Mra. i au a a. w a -p- - v. -. - .j. 7rrr j-..- -' . i i . r - . - . w - . . & uuilci wt uci a 1 - - - - -- tt-7.;-i - A a.a. i mri f.mvfir in me an croDS i . w . . - . i - i - i 'Miluj.'4 d couevrrcfcUh fmj -f. J Xe, scar.r Vrat d;d you bate witL-? rf Mia cci ar id a s tick onv" : : P&onVwlA lJ a' re are bobjdv-t lo TtrruiZiatiiiBi, aci'- Igta aad ian,Lftgo wd-wtti SjhI a luahU muedv r Dr- J. Iii ALl- ueaua o.v-aoto Uil.liue.U; a mill, , ;haa!fajt puiu .aitdubu,; ip.;tair.ri.ti r T?nr rin ; rnnr J - t - - nut lilt 1UJU. AlUONAHl.CBAl;j:i:i: ily tr' U t!r cu ct-Urtr'f lr ' t" ' mere I wtlltie-Icaexf ' to hive ir.y frieuda aad patrona'call to see mc. 4; j Calls topnrale nIJencea fur cnt- tmjr. bdlea and cLildrcti hair "rrcxr.rt- y mpondodtObyi:affiaFo;tfce Icad- -i Ot'UJf r NOTICE; J V 1 ftn int-de bee rtres ana Bicai tne l tulntn lor malaria. . , intermittent Ie- I , in;riar aiera. of tha 8dMhM ariljlbece .exhausted j&rBmU aBrabspedeiof ver. bilious remittent, fever, mb'. feSS iction of food - needed for . i . - - v. ' 4v'i' v ,.. i Urmlw". I shall au at tne e--rt bona rlr " y,, , '...A wasp that is known to store up honey ague, periodic headache,, as t well as , i tha Un of Loibnr?r, Uondar. Of fits areuOUT . l I - - y y ' ... - ... yrfy--C ,unu n tW 'numlta' "f ' tla'60 day' of Sept. lo7, a tract f laad aieaa true as they T t.r ,.'v J. 4 ' I "vT ZV IrxW I altoataH lo'aaU eoaaty,' ia Fraakllatoa I vowntniu.ana oosquey Htwiowii im mi j Poultry thrives In orchard and to tha txiarda-tirbch!gorl, for they )ull " i tan y Insccta, North by tha Uada of Jao. Perry aaiate, ea uiiaitoru Lwoaaoi They cure immediately oy oeauoymg 1 1,-4 Booth by the Kaaey Debaaas laad aad tha oT J. S. Joyner, a&4 oa t& waa cy rHEXDEBROSr 3ST. C. K red clover is the tf all crops hera io watcbthe a C a 11 - faXMa . tSavfAe rfS P1RH , Ca,' Ait wawiwaa w-, baianoe on erexui oi eignt nonur wuo in- ftninect oi ienuizers m .toiotis. iar tatl notapply tbaUiarmers for there; vaWbftffbrrg. ts leg9oa hope'yW Utile urnlng is a danserou.th,ag. , Jaaesu,!. ivaLCooC-tr, , i Vance, Granvillerlianlax, ana.oriu- ;y, , , . 4 rvi"'V roots strikes deep mto the sou, and . : u ' sj,t'f:i!X " - I 1 . . ' . . . namptonandtbegupremrandFeai are many progressive and thorough- JZL.t: air. Will learn from theoi."V- TesViaflnd.ifelil,iroflk. tbem An Irish Judge thoa sentenced a. ;.ralcourts;bf iheSWU??ri :iyl scientific agriculturalist, m .the, .crease its What is that, Aunt Marj asked ciatlvenesa,Wimmbig lu..th4, brad- r-risoncn -You are to be hanged, ami Vf ; r-!Mr03 South, tevwhom- we are largely in- and decaying, adds: humus to the sub- the cbi,dren t03etber. v:;f;.:o, ilc,:Qrtomacn; iIeada. he. Kid- ihow it will profe awarnlogtjou, y yv'--w ;-.r-. . . :debtedtbrthe'riew.and moropro- X.ryyy, -v.fy. yt Kt.Wiix , 11. tuiteatAhttvS fare .nay troubles, etciby-taklftg-a dosehf , .-.- - ,. ;,. PSJ' ,,ly? v-.;-J giessive order of things; above al- Jrii 80nernfSutes, hoVever; UTfed SianvjP Uyer BegtxbttOr! afUr dia-, cKLTWS AltSICAALVE.4 : I- vSWTEEDIl AM' iGlHXliy- " to.- We must be understood , Q , mcoyf .ll wr or supper. soaa.tooovejbtW .1 Salte' la the 'world or i. . P . . . ... ' . - I cii ; -1n. ninnira nl v top II. 1 hAV9 1 t . . . I.. .....it...,,i.i. . ; ?-ATTORV-iT-LAW; DCttcr neaitu ana ,u.o oauira .wm 'wrl-T:?': " , TlIllmer will deny their value,, bat f,the of cow-peas is ntue appreciate.-a- a . work is accomplished,, ftow more roimst by asiog tne uega- een manure croppy our farmers iiori... i,: ... - - , - V i."i"-r iVt", I-". '- ?-4 ,r "fnM'Ma. -tl rAen,. lhnt thpv never' at- - i ... , ' ' . c eeilC. noun i ..uaaa w "ps,. ooyM - . ".tT"- 1 An oia nacaeior saya iuw u.iu-i Water Tor retieL The fcenu.no has 1?Fy question is: VHow can.they .be mmmmm'tmmr'm ed P&? lo vu that theynerer at- - 1 olJ bachelo lhe most dra.. f r". &hebuina ' bal ;-l;NeKotiatof ans andollectin XZi 4mPted ma.0UnS 0r cult part of sur-ery is to take the aw o" front ofrrai- mymmUU Any, pruaentianx must iknow ioae of uou.jany; extent l out,e wmaal i. rJ T- U W " . ' . y-ii'ii '."i "i "..''; . "i "ii .- r '".-. 'i ' j -'- ".. .-. 1 . fll.ltl . Vi ... ii U'j ; ' j... ! j , rirf f-"- n ! i ; ! "! -H ' ! f.! '71 7 i . r ; -! : j 1 j ' LJ V ll r t-J : .. j . liASZCTfsIPp'' Qata. Bruises, Sore. UV-ors, gnlt TJieam, Fever Sore,,; Tetter,, Chap- ?d hanoVChllblftins, Corns, all bkia -nDt3ona.'tnd pnaiiirelT cures lCea n..-.f..Mn'Mi.. Til. r-nlit I awawiMiauaa--,1- fc----aua l-v - n 1 oU ba aaod a f-w avn, Ja bataaj eia--i. efu uded. Fncc 3 cenU a box. J j.f .rr-, -t-v" o, c 1 ' !r:t r- : : I - :i Sea 7;: ; U .It l:-ll' .7 :'-.-7 "" ; - 1 iilti; i;i;::t-.i