- ... : v ' . .- . , . ... r-' - .... v : , .... .... . . ' . . ' - - .. - ' - . . .1 THE rRANKUN, TIMES 1 1 ' j i.TnirFRANKUNtlMliS; -; I7BLI8BED Z EKY ruiDAY JAMES A. THOMAS, jtlibbsl iu !Miklit.cuyHtj(a4 its circulate :i cxUinls I.icTcr Tj acc- lk of Ui and 40rt.in acuiitiu- Editor and Pro, refer H . i.drrtuor riioultl cu4ro a aoto ereh B A-TESi 'One YTear - ' i . - - Th Editor wlU t ). ropocblo for tl tmm of corrcfooderu. ' , Brit-l'owTtiwwTjVaittuwf Trtxn Ueo. .Iff. f j,. A; THOITAS, Editor aiid Proprietor. 3 .. l- . -:'..... i f-T .ri':-;' :,:.iVU-i i ' . . ; - ' x I ' ...... . . 7 TTT ' ' i :...-.-- - . . I I ,vr ; I I ... I I - 1 : I : .1.. -. i A t I I . .,-.: f I 1 . 1 f f . . I I I II " II I I X - I I I I I II ; . - . .. I 1 . - . I I II! ti ll II . t - tiff . i -1.: -- 4' J'.: V, sAt- 'i.s '. ? 3d v Mm ' -ii-..' i:,-:-r',-: y Uf.il f .k :! :-T-vV---':. of :.,: ' .;' t- , . ji : ! ToCIub8 bf 5 THIS; farmnbed at 1.40. i r Times will I'C Si. 9: A sfVJ bcolutcly p urerf This powdereTer Tarica. A mrriel of puritT. strength and wholesomeneM. More eeoHomical than the ordinarjkindsj awt-eMftot be sold ia comnetitfoa witu" ike Muttitade of low ; .test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. SOLD ONLY incurs. KoyaLj Baki;j3 Powder Co." ' .1' 106 Wall St. N. Y. general Director LOUISliUKG. N.C. .. . -UltCHES. : MKTaooisT-BeT A.. MeCullen, pastor, services ' trery $uaday, morning - and nijeht. Prayer meeting every Wednesday niehtr Sunday school 9" o'elock Ai M. Baftmt Be. Baylus , Cade, . pas tor. Services 1st and 3rd Sundays in each; month, morning and night.. . Prayer meet- ug every Thursday night. Sunday School o'clock, A. M . . ,L . . -Mayor O.-L. Ellis. ' ' " VJtxI8SloXKR3-H-Thos. white, F. N. Egerton, J, J. Barrow.l. A Thomas. i; OoSSTABlJE R. D. Pihneil. ?, Bo.ird meets Friday before first Monday In each mouth. v FRANKLIN , OTJNTyV ; CoMMiasioXKR.s G. A. Nh. h'mn.. S. J. Crnduo. R.S. Foster. F; P, Pierces B.Uzsell - -v: Superior Court Clerk A.,W. Pierce. Register of Deeds B. F Bullock. Sheriff-H C; Kearney; i sT TreHurcrr-B P.l'lifton. . . ... 8rperiaten4ent f PubUc lnstrttetioh- J. !t. lUrrin. !r ? VV-'ty'r'''' Keeper Poor House Ji W. .Piiuiell. - . ? Burr of Hkalth Dr. E. 8. Foster. BOARD O F EDUCATION. Geo. & Baker, Chairman, K. O. Convent, k .... .. ; r N. Y, Oulley. .1$. !; J t J. N. Harris, Secretary ; Tlie Superiutendent will be n, Louis-. bnrg on the Second Thursday of Feb-., 1 yay ApnlJ July, September, Octo ber a4 1 December, and remain - for three days, if necessnry, for .'lhes. pur pmj of xainiiiins appVicants to iich n the public schools tf Franklin coun- ty. ?:r:y: '. '. " -J-" ': TROKKSSION A II CARD$ Bir.MASSEN15U16G, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office ml be Courtlloase. All business put i n my hands will receive prompt attcutioni,; ; ; ; tt M.C0UKK. , ,1 i f 4. TP r and COUNSELLOR at IIaM L0 UI&aUKO, FRANKLIN CO.,N. C. V H attond' the Courts .of Nash, Frankln, . Gr nville,; Warren, and WakeJQonn ties also : the upieme uourt'"bf "Not th Caroiiha", and the Dr . Circuit and, District Court. r D Vtl J. E malOne. i. O lUc.e 2 doors below Farman & Coo ke's Drug SttfjlmhjkgJ' i ; - - i W TIMBEBLAKih ATTORNAT LAW 1 LOUISBTJRG. N. C. - J i1 v - KC-. Office i ho Court House . Y W K. DAY. i -A . C, Z0LLI TOFFEP Day ZolliDoffer 1 ATTnilVKYji AT LAW. Practice in the courts of FrauklinV v ance.Granviue, Haluax and North-hJirapton-Tuidlhe Supreme, and. Fed eralceurtsof the Stale fyjj J jyr EEDH AM ' i G UIX.ET", ' -; ATTORNEY-AT-LAir, iff i- 1 - - - ... - Ji' vl ' r '; t - " . . ' i"-wA.-' .-.t , f J i FRdJVKLTJYTOJV;JV; 0 1 Necoti ation of Xoa ns "and ni l i urn iliili .Va,.,.. .',Va Tr-Tr... tW T. " 'H: AT) RAT5 A '5 UTIT A T?T? - BV MARY, E. MOFFAT. . I 11 w .... U ' ' - . f . Tho yonng Popple of " (3 rqveland I were tiaVinRltt plcntcTlt was JiaTy feigro jnstWh0-edgeer t.-r---'vi .sceiie wasr a pictnresqno one, pd drew many in admiring j look from the pasers-Tiy t - V Most of tle booming vilage girls were :theo,MreSsed in their Jcrisply taiched ' and neatly-irone! : white dresses; so ins with bright-eoiored sashes and bows to : matcn, othera wrt-athed.vvith wild flowers gath ered In the woods which" stretched invitingly away . In their shady coolm-ss at the baqk of the groves : beautlett was Barbara WlldmaiL, She M'ta alall, bright-loSking?giri jprboja ? gtea . . dark eyea usqaUS7 flashed back a merry answer to the jests or the rustic beanx who gen erally ' hovered 5 around her !: iik mothit around a. flame. Just now, however, their brightness was nn det a cloud; for Mark Everson was standing. at her side, and the itetc- -a-tete she had ffnr some time been endeavoring to avoid was inevit- bler She was sorry to lose . Mark's friendship, and with: a womans in stlnct, she knew that it must be nil or nothing frcm , henceforth fwith him, and with a newlydearned in sight Into ber own heart, she now knew that she did not love him. Her answer mnst be, ,no., - With all her gayi. friendly ways, she had hot an atom of intern- I tional coquetry about ner, and with r a sudden resolution toeoxl his sus- ben.ce, she' t urnetl toward ,'hl m . WelI, Mark," she said gently,' j 'what is .it you want 'to say" to me?' tpYou must know witiiout ioy tiling fOhi Barba4it?Uf!your .owasweet i self I wan tl vl have been as true as a needle is to the ( pole since the i time when, a, little f boy ana gin, we asea to -go nutting together.'t';, T ? Poor Mark !; I am sorry." ;v There wa no mistaking the ex pression of the t soft brou-n eyes. Genuine pity was in them , for the pain she Was causing, but not love. .. "Don't Barbara I s I can't bear It I Give me a chance before you say a decided No.' I'll do ; things' for you no one ever did before, if you'll only' promise to"try and love me, ' !? ; . ; Just then a young man rode by on a powerful blaclc horse. Mark saw a sudden change pass over Bar- uara'S I ace.- Turning, no saw, wiui a bitter pain tugging at his heart m n.iSn fmnrl tt uf . Ilia . haapf strings, that the eyes of Iheglrl. he loved, were resting on the stranger's face with a rapt,x lingerfm: expres sion in them which had never ir radiated them for him,, her , old- timc,faithful : friend., ; ; v ! '. There Was no lirwiakingltlip 'an swering' look ill the "eyes" of . flie equestrian, as, bowing low, lie rode lingeriiigly by, turning, ever" an anon, to smile at the ' fair face which Mark new now-was not to bo tho light of his homev !, t fJ I T, "So it is that stranger whom you love 1 x You need' no deny it," he said almost fiercely. "I saw it in ; Bardara answered, proudly - x oopot wisa toaeny iw xacn, 'wh audden. change of manner, she held Out. her hand. LI love as r 1 love him my life, and have prom- f ised toimarrVr:hlin:-.b1itear old Jlarfe, lettis oe mends, for the sake childhood. Markl": ' Be i my brother j 3i.Mark' hesitated; but he could not resist the pleading wlstfulness V of theeyesT whose 'brightness ;shprie through V mist, 'y: which , suggested 'thaLtears were not far; away. ; He took the soft, little hand ,in ' hfi great browhf palm; : hardened -by manly toil. 4 r , . i. wilV.be your friend; . Barbara, but I cannot see "you and be In your society as I have been. I could not bear ju l ehall sell the farm; and leave the place.,?i-r,;:ic:' i :"N6i Mark, you need not do that to avoid seeing me: for we are - to be mrrried next week, aud and X shall go with him.' - . Mark lookeil at her' In pained. I tln'fflv.'Bhe fold liiiii tnla: overcbir.- .k. 11,1 K. 1 I ing her maidenly " shyness and . " . - . ...) TO-' 7 -H servo so that", the honestheart,' vhoso friendship she sovoted, need j not drive lis owncr to .take : a fnsh - v-7is: -r-- . " n: r.Goingawayso soon, and with a ranffer Ohi 7-little Barbara! H what do you , know .of him -He may be a fraud, forr bugiit you can tell."'1 -vZ-- . . g, ... - A sudden tnger flinied up in the girl's eyes, ! - . 1 ' jirf know tlilsMark: "I love him; and it is cruet in you to make hucIi a suggestion.'' 'T? "" n -M VBut you know nothing of his family of his past life.', y - He brought - letters 5 to A'auntiei His mother-w'ai an tjld friond of hers; -Don't be worried, dear old '.Mark.'Ho.!at ;'good-j.as-gold; It litakrmy: lifin rk sighed lvlly tarnSr . .... .1 would Hark away. Tho Joy of - tho afternoon- had gone for "him, and -another, hour found - him on his way home. file did not see B.irbara again un til after her' marriage, though tho wedding was quite an event "iri the . neighborhood, for the friends a:id : neighbors were 'invited for miles around; but poorJieart-sick) Mark? ' staid away . ... .. .... For weeks after the ooauty and happiness, of the bride .was the vil iage gossip, and Mirk heardlt talk- fd over until he folt as though he must cry but in his agony. ' v ' several years passed uuring wnu n Mark led a lonely life.'. His dis:tp-., pointment, whileV not sauring his . kindly nalure, had made him in- lifferent to social pleasures. B Jt after a ! t line his Uacfe ' Clif ton moved ' with'? his family ; Into the ylllege." Hiihad. a humbecof- daughters--Pleasant, lively, girls and it was not loug before they drew mark '"out of his - shell," hi they called it. grew to onj.y their merry chatter, and found his 'way to their home quite, often. One of his cousins had formed a friendship with a young girl nam ed Alice tfarlon' while away at school. It had prove.i more Luting ' than the Ordinary, liking between. schoolmates, and she was to spend the summer lu Urovwand. .r I She was a gentle little' thing, whoso shy blushes at the most triv ial word addressed her by 'Mark at I .first amused him greatly. He iiried to draw her oat; and in doing m found, after a time, that the old iwound Inwl irotie forever ' Little I . 1 S ! 1 1. l . tl : .1 t . 1 uvihx, wiiii uer uiiuuisii w:iya imu jbfousrht peace" and "happiness into Vhe. Veart once s. fllletl with . tho a mage of t he lost Barbara. J f t From thp first Mark had see med" to Alice all thut was good hud no ble, shis "wooing';W;is! a; speedy tone, and in1 a. twelvemonth after their, introduction Everson ? Farm had a gentle mistfes3.ji t ' ; '. Comfort and luxury joined hand3 ii beautifying the quaint old home stead, for ?; the prosperous young farmer had plenty of money, and rAIlco"must have - pretty surroun dings, he thought, . tenderly,": "to nake up for sucli a commonplace, yoTk-a-day sort of a husbarid.' r J -It tyould not - have done ; to eay he i cbnduding'ciau3o aloud, ' hOW i ver, for he well i knew that . the ittla jwbman ouldlnbt , h a V o ehanged him for a king; and though, pe -considered himself sadly, over rated in her mind, it was - very 'Sweet, to" haye' it so. t :f'.)i 1 I Barbara had faded completely Out of the Groyeland world, j -The aunt witn. whom she had lived -d ied suddenly sbpr after her .marriage, vi iTCM r hn hin(o j.rj. "-j :tru;l i-i.-t-i .1 j ii If Mark ever, thought of her it was to wonder at tho poignancy of 'the .old ; sufferings. , His wedded happiness had been without a cloud to inarr its brightness.' "Alice as a . matron had grown over j more at tractive than In; her girlhood: ' Care ' ' skt lightly on her white -forehead, a-nd her soft, pink cheeks,' seened made for dimples to play hide end seek inv--v. i :-l-f,A' .'.One evening; Mark came homo fro weekly, auxmtuis expe- seemins strangely: thought ful. nnd nanmln( otMnlrMif fhrrtflif Oil . oriil troabled . Alice" Tioticed- it, r. ii ! . l . , ' - ' ' . -- , ! v ,jHas anything gone vrrnj: with 7 V ! " '. , - 4VVjiy, littla wife,-whalf put that into Vour hea(t ' ' J" " ' rdon'ttaiowyl'nisan unless it 'H that .you seem so quiet and nnlilco vmireeir Ji ' ..r.l j . Mark thought a moment, then ho said: - '." ;-; ,:; ; ; J r. ? f "The tiuth isKAHie, I am; sorry and pained I bnt not for myself. Did you ever hear' any lone speak of a girl who was onco,' tho beauty of; '.tho village Barbara "v Wild man??' : . '' '.( t ','.' Alice had hoard the whole story of Mark's infatuation ' and ' disarm pointment, but she made no. sign. tiiougn;ncr ueiirt ga.vq.a great thnjn j" bT "Whv. urhnd nf her?" b!a nolrorl: 'Why what of her?" sho asked. quietly. .: , . , :'- : ; ; ; ; " ,"I sa'v hor( to-diiy and It made my hoart ache. Sho is tlie mere shadow of what she was, and site is alone and "friendless. .Think of itt Barbara vWildman locking for employraont! ; Couldn't we And a place for her, AlPe? She was 'a no table worker in the old times,' mid could help in the butter and cheese- making."' Alice rather would hare died than Tet Mark see tlie keen pain his words had caused her. The thought of his first love domiciled in her house ! Il ' was like a dart aimed at her heart. But she wan too noble not to strive against tho unworthy Joel big. and as soon 1 as she could command ncr voice she an- is wercd: -. '.'"- ' "'ir' "CertairtlrMark. If Uwoul I please !you, bring licrhereV Tlu-re is' always -rotmoi:an extra, fop6t?T7&-?p ' Ho it was arraDgcdf Barbara came"' A quiet,' reserved woman till beau-' tiful -but not with Uie winsome bright ness of ld. SuflVrm? and sorrow had set its ttnip upon her hij'i, broad forehead-, and the greaS bright eyes, seemed looking away hito some unap prahable dist'ince. ; .Her lips were shut so tightly together that tlie pret ty, "pmtlug curves Which Mark re'mem boredso'well had merged Into two straight, red lines,' suggesting an ' Ida of firmness which made her ' face too severo looking to be attractive. 5 1 She 'went about her duties with a . pre-oc-cnpiel air. as - though Iier thoughts were far t waf; lxit they "were faithful- iy perrormet'.. pie mano no enort to-. wards sociability. . : Alice at first , re- gardetl her with a mixture of feclingsr hut she'80on grew to feel only a' - sor- rOwful pity for the ; lonely uhluipp. woman movin-r about in - her. sombre black robesJ,::"'f K-y' S Thc Everson hoos oho Id was a strangely happy oue.( Someti me s Mark' quick temper made liiin unrea sonable and exacting, and haty words Would escape his lips; but' Alice had Weel," loving ways of her own that he could (tot resisL She would go up': to' him and thread her fingers thnAigh his curly brown hair," and put up her lips jfor a kiss; so what with: some would jiavo ended in a quarrel mvariably made Mark feel 'that no' one1 rn-lhe wide world had such a dear littla wife as his own cross.urlyelf, as' he Would -mentally stagmatize himself. f". j Barbara, being constantly with them was Qftcn- an nnthoughtof, wit ness of these scenes,, whert a - loving Word turned away '.wrath. I rOnce'she disappeared sudeenly, and jwhe'n,:'in a few- moments; Alice had need of his services',' and went td her room .to call her,' she found her kneel ing by the, bedside, sobbing" convul sively.5 Going to her? she put her ten der arms about her,' and said, gently: i "Tell me vour trouble.' Barbara. Perhaps it wUl make your heart light r I er to eneak of il.'' ' -' " ' ? "1 1 "l -: 1 1 The woman -raued ' her head - and looked wonderingly - in to the kind, sympathetic face for a moment. 'At first She made no answer, but . rocked herselt.to and fro, moaning;' to: her self.:.- ,;t'J .'.:.; -i,:;'.iLr:;vcr.l':. tl-f. ?'Lam unworthy and God has - pun ished me." . : iiTi., . : .r j a t i. Alice cauzht i the words and said Oftlv; f - " r-l i'If you have done wrongmdare sor ry -for it. He who chastiseth . the chil- dren He o.vetll will alsO forgive.!' : -,Can ho brinr tlie dead to li:e?' aald Barbara, suddenly. lookh)r at . All I h;? wwi eyes lua seemed ta read hef '."It is past the time of miracles; but' t , w w w I S V ed heart of the monrncr.' "".'.' . " , I lit; can dhh? itci mr M thnnfli mj The wonmrTs dark cjcs-fillod 'with? tears. :. ;.-.v - rriicrejs-nc death like ttatbfl6ve and I have killed it in Tray bus bandy heart, lie hates mol aud I 1 am .to bLime. -I see it all now-4 Had I been, like you, the gates - of my ; paradise would never havo been shut upon me. liut I drove 1dm - from mol with my hateful, wicked temper, and the rct of my life will be as joyless and wretclicd as it deserves to be.'? r': : I r . . : 'While tUvre is life there is hope," said s Alice, solemnly; 1 . Tlio words came to her instinctively... She- was greatly surprised to learn that- Bar- bar's husband still lived, as J Judging from her , deep mourning she had bought her widowed, v. '.v. ? ...Jk-T rv;4Are.ywi in earnest? Do you . really think what you sayf Barbara's whole soul teemed concentrated in her eager eyes, as she looked, at 'Mark's wife. " Ycu are an angel, and 1 will believe what you say. Lis you who have taught me wherein my wedded happi ness ; was .wrecked. I should have given my husband loving words and caressc, instead of anger and neglect. I would give tcu years of my life to see 1dm, and tell him of my love aud repentence. But It is too late. They were interrupted by a . sudden sound of hm rying footsteps The door opened and Mark entered, followed by a stranger to Alice; but not : to Bar bara I Sle sprang forward with a wild r cry,"and was caught to his breast-' "Oh Klmer, forgive, forgive I" ' ,.'My iioor girl! It is Iwho" should plead to you for forgiveness; Can you let the past be as a sealed book,- and begin our life "over -iurnin t0 so gladly bo joyfully I if you : ool y knew how I longed- to- ere Jyour dear face since ray wild flight away from you anywhere, I thought," so as to relievo you of my unwelcome presence. ' - f " . And I too, my poor ' darling! Life has seemed a blink since sinco I lost youl ' But, pie so God, nothing' again' shall divide us. ' " ! ' 1 Explanation followed. Elmer Hau-htou was wealthy- and In her wild anger st some faueicd ' wrong of Iter handsome, worshipped . husband. Barbara had t nought to punhh him by leaving her elegant home, and going away from him penniless. -;. A she had told All -e her temper ,waa fiery and unreasonable. Its con- .stout friction had worn upon' Elmer until his fervent love had kpparsntly merged in o indifference toward 1 the .wife whose beauty and ' bright ways had first attracted him. ' '' ; Bnt mutual absence had ' proved to e&cn now great was my love lor one another.- Owing to tho influence of tlio example which Alice had uncon sciously held before Barbara,', all is uow peace and Happiness witii tiie .e- uniledpair., - BUUKLENS ARNrUA SALVE. Tlie Best Salve In 1 the world -or fJuls, Bruiser Sores "-Ulcers, " Salt Jtheuw, Fever Snres, Tetter, Chap pedhand?, Cliilblains.' Corns, nil Skin Eruptions, md positively euros Piles or no pay required: s It is guaranteed to give, period satwlaction, pr, money eruuded. ,Pficj 25 cents a .box. ; If you want to see a wildcat, slrapty aioiu up tne .uomesuc article , dj tne :liao1bs will find "relief "frdm'VtneV costiveness, swimmin? m ' tbo head." rolls, sour stomachy Ileadacho, Jud poy troubles, etc., by taking a dose of per or supper, so as to move thebow elb onortaday. Mothers ''will have better health and the babies . will grow more robust by using the Itego f ior. II nn Infant shows signs of bolic. " nothing like a few "drops in water for relief. -' The' genulue lias tho rod Z on front of wrapper. ., (-- i -:- f ' ' ir ;. j A father who puts liis son into a Uw office, speaks of him as "hU Sou in law. '..' ; : " i . HXITEMENT . LN , TEXAS J : , . Great excitement has been cassod In the vicinity of Paris Texas, by the remarkable recovery- of ; Mr.' J. E. Corley, who was so helpless be conld not tarn In bed, or - raise his head ; everybody said ne was dring or. con sumption. 'A trial bottle of Dr. Kings New Discover? was sent "hinv 'Find rn relisf, ho bouglit a large ; bottle and a box of -Dr. Kinga v New . Lifo Pills r by the time be had taken two Poxfs of pills "and two bottles of the Discovery, .lie wps well and bad guin cd in flesh thirty six pounds. NO. SP 1 . , TliOSlPICTUItES.' V ...We aflmlro busloesa zeal . when not carried two far. Anything for .the accomplishment of man's sue i cesj . in the- way of advertising pleases us much; provided it is not immoral or indecont.- M- It - shows P53!? r ro . evejCwiUlog. to bear mortiflcatlon of showing: inai inejineriior Mrs. yWinalow's jouiiug syrup tro, Uetallcd upon; does us good to hear that there U a , , j . ; I) a r ham Hull An .. " Mt. ftilU f J mids of. Egypt. , True, our awthetic tasto may boftirendod; but what of that? la not this. Iho. nlnptnih century ? Is not this the practical 1 --ww.,.. vw i cau T ui in amiablo under offenca to our taste, we aro quito ready to rebol at 1m noraltlesbr ,what .may prodaco them.M; , ,.-,,.;.t? .a.: , ;Lnererop3 ia all candor we :caU upor tbo ady'ertlsexs and manufac turers of cortJdn brands of clgarettu to substitute otJb'plcturos for the contained la these packages. Theaa pictures are for tho .boys who boy I cigarettes., They are a. shame, They are lewd. They aro. unfit lo bo seen In any boy's . posossion.. They excito. the pasisons.' They are I immoral as the pictures or t,he Po-, llco Gazette, a , pubUcntloa forbid den in 'oui; State. ' Wo call upon thqsd who'clrculato them to with-" draw them, 'if, they am not with drawn or substituted wo will call upon our representatives to suppress I .iiem, uioucai xvecoruer. . t ... BRIEF, AND TO, THE POINT. Dypeplai dreadfol. Diaonerrki liver is misery JndifgesUon is a to Rhod nature. " , -Tho-humaa digfstlve atiparstna la onoof ; tUemot'eVihiplliiated Vmd outexrul turns In -existeue.- Tt ! : easily pu out ot .order . "jreay lool,-WUjjb- rood, slOpT food, bad cookery, rnoofal worrj, late hoora, irrcgnhir-habits; and many niner tilings wblch on jht not to re,; nve mada tue Ameiionn people ana lion of dyspeptics. ' " But Green 'a Anguu Flower ' has' done a wonderful work in reforming this M&1 . businos-i and making tho American -people sv hoalthy that they can enjoy their meals and, be happy, r . - : . . . Remember: No happlnew without health. Bat Green's August Flower bring health and happiness to the. djspeptic... Ask your druggist for a bottle. . Price 75 cents. . r -' It Is said the cotton crop . of I the United States will bo a largo one. Tlie easiest way to: take a jok good naturedly is to do it with the scissors. . ,.!.-. THE VFUDIT UNANlif OUa W. D-8lt. Druggist, Birpns. Ind teoliiles: "1 oin rtoommend Elee- ,tric B ttrri i as the very host rPtnedr. xTory. oaiue 8ia nas civen relier in every caa. One am took six bot tles aud was curv d of IUmumnt.sm o; 10 years standing. '.Abraham Bir druggisr, . Jjeliville, Ohio, - affirm. Tlie best soiling medicine I have ev er handled in ray 20 years experieuc. is Electric "Litrers." , Thouiauds of others have added their b-stimoay, that the verdict is unauimous that Electric Bitters do cure all - diseases ClftllA r.Wr ITI.IriMmi nv niu.l .Wliat kind of plUQ is the most diflJ- bult to saw into lumber? The porta- ' pine. V Lf-...V '-': J;I -.'C - i Iryou sufTer pricking pains on mov-. log me eyes, or cannot bear brigta light aud find your signt weak aad faiiinj, yo bIhh1 protnpUy-use Dr. 3. IL. McLean's . -ftreogthhig Eye SslTft. 25 cent a box. . ' 1 1 ' ' ' i. - i vuanij may cover a mamtuae i ot "TV ? 1 . . .... . . sins, but that Is not its regular, busi- I ' A sort of Icthary'sometimes take possession ;f th kidneys and bladdes they should be promptly ..ia.ula-r; ted to heath ul action by . the use of Dr. J; U. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm; -- ; " - - . 1 i .f. : f - - - " ' . ? The moddern dandy .can.; truth--. fully exclaim;,, "I really, haven't in idea H V,; ,t f v " Mason; Ala.; Nov.' 2.1, 188C Messrs. A.T. Shallenbcrger & Co. t Rochester, Pa. Genls. Your An tidote for mafaria is the lust chUI ' and' fever remedy I have i 1 ever : known or rriodV It never fails to cure every case. Since you sent me the sample bottle I have sold over one dozen, and not a single person has taken., it who has not been cured. , Please snd me , a dozen b'y mail immediately. ' . " ' ' . .o. Yours respectfully, -'' '' ' , V - k N. B. Dixon. leaVof rv" m u ankfull , ' Contagion UbeaM" An emlnont phv-alciaa say that scarlet fever LVvery n uch Ic-m cjtt- N J tagloos than b commonly rupixwed; much less, ' in fact, tlian weasel and whooping-cough; amfit proof of his opinion, he cites tle fact ti.'xC " whom Jnjnru'h tv fV..4 at U.. . Whoo - Jngoough to- afftait lr.s ddldren la ahoiwchbld, scarlet; "fVu -Tor limits lla attacks to oneor u even thoagh there may bo otKcrV who have never had--tire iclisease, and are therefore presumably r mh'.J" ccptibW.: There Is one point wKlck the doctor, It seems us, does not lay suflcieot stresj upOa; and .'that b, while, pi'ronfs dread scarlet .fc,. ver, ney nave Out HtUe fearer measefa or whooplnglooughj ai , being Influenced : by , the popnlfj-. perhlclous' and 1 foolish . topre; -that all ch I ldreofn oe t r t iome tnso In, their lives have these Utter 43' ' eases, they ,tak no faint toT late the sick from tho welJ, astbey 1 do ifth disease be ', scarlet lever. The writer'could jrlva reoealxi Irv. . stahoa where the most rtetd ki. - tlon , 'was,. practiced In cases of : measels. In wldch but one -member of a faniily was atiacked. thoK?h - there were a number of otlrers who were presumably susceptible. " Un. til, therefore the same crttpglmr cure, is talcen to scparalo the,, affeo tea ciiiid . from Die ana fleet ed ant measels as is" done in , scarlet, fevoy Is much contagious thaa raeaseU4 This will probably never, be tfono uiitllparenta ,ara . .taughr ,L that racasela b not a trivial disease, .but. Is In fact; many U rocs a most scr -OtrjaonorEg4.i , , . , fr J, u , , h. ! Tim farmer friend lxw '" for " wmf yrars bron .Dr.s J ... H Melran'. VoVauiic Oil . Liaitaeat. for hrtMjs 1 calllc, bog and sheep. It has proved ; Every man who Indulges . know ' that smoking promotes selflibbeRS. When the stoma-b Ueks vijor and regularity there will : bo flitn'ence. , hearthurn, niujea. sik lieaita U. norvonsnrtx, use Dr. J 11 McLean'a Streoghin-4 Cordial aod Blod Furl-' fier, to give tons ' aad regularity to the stomach. ; . , r.:. - :- It Is reported that Bulgaria In- I: tends declaring herself IndeperW dent.. v"v;..r -: When too are co noli rated Ilh lnss I of appetite, headache, take Dr.J. B. MoLrtn's littlo Llvtr aad Kidney - - Fillets, they ars plenaant to take and cure you, 25 ents a TiaL Mint statlstlcs--Tho numbet' of . Juleps dispensed by the bartender.1 ! . Persons who lead a life of expos- ' 'utb are subject to riiruraatisra, ". ncr ralzbcand lumbago and wilt find .a . valoalJe remedy in Dr.' J. U., M- . ' Lean s Yolcame Oil Uaimsnt; it witl, . banish paia and subdue imdamma-. ion. ' " ". '. ' -'". After all, the 'greatest fWiory trouble Is when they wont bite. . ,k Faults f dlgesiion cause" db'orJcjr ! of the liver, and I the whole vystem : becomes deranged. . Dr. J. ,H. Xle-i Iran's Strenjlhing Cordial and Mood ' Ponfier perfects the procefis of diges ' lim and asslmibtion, and thus makes : pure blood. ;, -iy.--.i - Ti t- ;.. r;l ' : To what geological formation does rock the era He belong ? v: J The quality of ttio bnd depends much upoti good or bad d'gestiou aad asttiailatiot ; (bmakB tb blood : Tick' . a life and-strength-gulo ooastita,' -ent, Uie Ur. J II McLean's Streo;tke , -jbnpgCordLil and Blood Poriaer, .it' will nooxiah 'the properties of the bloodft-om which the aleemcota of ri . tali ty . are drawn. , . - . . " i . - RUFFIM' FOGG. - 1 ASIHOXABLEBAUBEIV . LomsBCRa.-N.C...- My shop is s till on court Strict , where I will be pleased . to' Iiavemy " friends and patrons call to see me,". ; Calls to private residences far cnt " ting ladles and children I; air. prompt- : y re sponded to bylluEn Fozz tle lead-r ; , pj barber;: .. . . . " NOTICE. ' ?" By virtue of a decree ol the 8apriu ' . Conrt o! Fraaklla eoaaty ua4e at Aorunt' UrmlST. I shall aell at the eert hme , door, la the tewa of Lou i burp, iloDvisr. the 6i day ef 8ept. l67r a Uac at tuuc " sitaated ia said eoaoty, Ja i'rsjjkJinUi . township. sa4 bounded as foriowt: On Uw K or th try the lauds of J a o. Perry estate,, "i on the bast by the Dcbnara biLas, oa. the Soeth brthe rCency Debnam laod aed the ' !ad of J.S. Jeyner, aad on the West hv... the lands ef J.H. Jornvr, eoatMoinr 310. rrcs, ef which llOscrcSUia fee simple aad' 100 acres i snbject a life eetate to 11m.-, Ann C Allen. Terme ese-farth CAtl . balance cm ere Jit ot eiht nteaths vith ia- teresi frns Jy of sale. June 30, 1 S3". t iL CeOEK, Com'rk - -e 1 .4. v-f r- ' I' 'Jf,.-i;. -1 ;.r.'':.-D .:-::-.J.i-'';.-s.;v . : : . ... , -. .

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