-1 4, . ..'..- s;.-.- w v.- - .5 i v i : re .I :u ft - IJBLISIIED . El EKY F RID AY BY JAMES A . THOMAS, : Editor ancWPrdt retet poLlislicvlri i'r:iLt.".i. LjuIv, kill .1 , 't:itaut'da ln'4 a!- ATr v-.v icc :tknoltii uvl 'jAlitit;. AJrtfl Icnii iliru; !:! . 1 .1 . niiL.1 t nil !i 4 I Tv . . i Th VA.lur will cvt 1 u-c! vl:o ANNUM In Advan o for tl vio of torrcpiij;.' p; 1 tion most earnct'r 'uito j. , Nr - it ; iL KONE-t).WITU CiaRlTT-'FOU ALU"-' RICE $1.50 PEB To ciabs of 5 thr f iitEs Tvtii U yYOIfltt ull SEPTEMBER 9; 1887; J' - i u'f'YYl t - jt r - r s 2 w 1 1 1 - . - . . . . 4 Of Jall his waisted life seemdd pohl ( fow.upon. u?cif ou, poaiVin ihosamaryetd ,.?pcnd their w, .Wfl! saakxbw; ha iloAgwhlte ' lock! WJ 1' ll T -..-. -f..."! .,. trnrid tinnrin? to 1 lirnoblO 'Will all shroudins the bmJo:'--s,.l,'w- r l V? i .x i V. it ".twI ' file' rToftfn " "' . 1 it J I tunii uia uj imh,.i . The manasen eatrw oeioro iim l.v La fair"one'1 WtU curtain, arid saiU: . tiirvi-lAj-rU 'Vl--H i I(U -' ! r- rT I- ?X .. J I Biiaaie oi an arum .uiuu. . ' Tle tninstrelS give one half thd l0 j.:. -; i i -; i .t- benefit'rdceels to the wandering ittf.r r.A:Tfziiocr.iAUc ,I;ecortLiI:i HEART THROBSIHGS. t K , tK, -; ri M -ir - . - .J , - - THE SAt CLOSING SCENE IN AN OLD MENSTKEIiS LIFE. AS HE PLAYED HIS LAST 80XQ ON THK BANJO, AND DRIFTED OUT I itt- r4 t erm litSraTov melody! ; TY, AND MKT AGAIN ' if r.t'THE OLD FOLKS - 4, ' ;ine opera noose - raa cruwueu ingvbenefitf perlormarrce.;rNTney f.f , !QmK-t.1KH- J -1- Iw-" M iw r4:.77. uU Aj&uu t.neaaaienceproKe joarin jn 'inn Ann hnn nnonrnVd land ; - 1' ' jf '. I round after roiiud of hearty. EQod !-- -Vri-L" Ki, .- ,A Pl ' oy tne appearance 01 a raa , oiuji, , flt .au,ui l-a ul;aJ4avr m.j6m .V-l 1 '"rvv viiv this clasaofi-people U i always In- 1 . ThdjaiAn wuouetentuocd trula hi I "My dcAr," o:J a "wiM vrt;cf 1.1 ereOSinZf r t'ertiaps It luao tO th I -l.'J rn.uiua iiauu uu u-q I wtuiiwinw vm ja sharp lion and Ventiiry due to ClmpetUlOB ' and'TapltJ COO I niw wiku K wvuuq 1 unu - t nu n.i steady st ralitornlhetecnlh ,omuSTa- ! . I ana .uasier. un me- j.m nn: ai- civiWtlon -Perhaps it.U , ?A sort ol lotU ...Wrac Jr'.'IUt v the IridWIdaat rivalry- of bur po.oa .f tlu kidnofi ai b:d4 wtww j pos-.. . a dar But Whatever the 'reason f'lft"""1 pro.,,,Uy . , oDula-rj Ttacrt .imti cirveromea wr may M the fact Is ! Jt.J. 11,11c W L.erani KiJaoy taiJ -ivirelt CVJjf 1 . ! Ttio way to enjoy, life to to Infuse Batm.t .t.s.i. : .. i:v , ... . 1 "..t.rn,i..;tt The hdappTjth7-;iargi t iTi Romefjody KsVed the Little ' rtocl4 demonstration.; A cciileytioji start demonstrati.m.; A cyileytioji starw cmorat W point' 'out u w1iatwthe ed jif lie'jlaubrwet -oVejl Vrnt have K'ttnlUhed'.' tt ha'll rikedea 8owei.ii!Trte? Vy t yearalwoicli' t nay 'have Into It all the contentment we cani I ? .... r -f .v.- .. : . I Jieircs x am au-aui is not ,l z I .. - ..-r- ,wp sm)dui iook at ine cnansea oi tat vfoJ . - . v S uiy . t y.f.Sa ghonUbemutaalJy tolerentoODQl, V:.t U . ,tX... f t', . ; vv J.T .."., . !7i i money wwiout gemng voo7 would, ha,ve ethers ao unto us. we AEcblutclv A ' I wreck crowding to the front. Xift-JI T k w. t , ,J r"--T" -V-- - - . i iiJ ennot be sold a com petitioa with I OBCe more for B PKr Ola nilUftrel'd tb multitude of low test, short wright 1 lt f.iin,i tru lwt anil luiu orphonphatenowden. Sold oslt j afce. it Brings pack tne lost , ana in Cksa.'' KotxL Bacing Powder Coy, J dead, niy old home rises before me. ""v1!" whwfiww ouckoTand- happy tOUI"HURG. U - -r ..; f tliere'df my mother. The vision of M her wi ling face,- praising" her bo, UiKCIIBV "' UcTirnnivT Hv. A '4ftt(1nllm . Daitor unimi anrr SundaT. moraine anL I cotnes back with the rinsing hotels . . . " .. " ttr f ...3. ... ' " . " i. mTm&eZltfi l u " T of the banjo, and the memories of Airbt. . 8alar school 9 o'clock A. M.. .. . . ... 1 . . . ' Ua.ftist Kev. - Baylua- Cade, : pas- long ago. 'I wandered awayto tor. ilferfieqf.lvda? TOy asin,gl1KwOTid.! (It woath, mornigand nigUt.Jl'f ajer meet- r- i t' . )1f3. i a every Ttirday night! Suuday Sqh'eoti listened fand applandedS f. If waa : Soi!U!iioxBa Thos. whitc, F. N. fame and the whirl of plcaiiu rei! Board meets Friday before first Monday ttud.broJkl)ieArjt And. StrQAgth, " 1 "tt0ntlt:-;f '::&Jx-. I am leit but whh oueKfriend-uiy - : FRANKLJJSviiOTOTY. f baio. No one f listens to it,- for Cmisiosers O A.p.iin..o- the world has found new ftT?iltes, Tr.aar?rll. P.CllftoU. ' ' ? I ivnrM ' Ii1 UMtlKtnl-. arwilno- ' inA Sanerintemleni of PubiABstifttciionj- P-r fr Tf T ' . ' ' J. N. llarrw. Jsong 'she taught " Keener Foor.nonXAoJ V 8orT of IlBAtTK-Urivntrosstr -"V TVi-V- . ie 110 the stage, and the maiiager Went ; f.f t erjS escort hinx-thereT .Heliid his hand : enfc haye.beeri le4uc ;about $lot- on the,bovyed head; the soul of the 1 ,w'"u";, . , , 'fi ,1 . j v - old minWel had' wandered, away j r" f 1 ,f JPS?0? once more. He - was aeaa . xi9 1 "f, i ri ,T-7i 5 y" i"; heart had sun;tthat last - song on 1 tSi.SjS? yiueti- luu the borders of no ; spirit land. 1 5. It has broken up JndlftB rings, should not reach out after tho-eartft yu , ;whW we know' that ,the earth; to' wcjuUr. of the Plymouth. l;itoa4 -i - -;j7- . iblgpnough, for severabbtlliouB of CWUtce been asked . to .tc.t CiIii Gk -UU' .people JuSt..a3deserYiog us our- M OTetbe effecUven. of many. . r. onf the UTe m . . . . , o i diUertat article to r used as caIx1h - b totom;hiv cnri br tu Orsvnt v . 4wwj ui oiVA i, uuu-iu ii. w w v-1 I " - . kuw au u Wu of mfefUoai feVcral 'reDort that h - ' - i- i Bndf contented.mind-thosefonn . ? , & IL .raaOSia.lWEIl, nccuiATCH theMbJeit'ofTAttonvT.ahdi-.liaptfyJ rou-h, ylcilpd klarinz' tbe recent! j TI!" " 4ife-A ... . . . I ir i,,i ..j . h -Armairotiv.'' 'i u- v- -k., ...a ,n k . . The gentlniaa who famlahedit .with'!-. - t .i.; i . l AUpp,- : II . fcrwtrwllMlUL IiMttvli 1 theffellwlnfcftincate wm lor rrt an- I . ; - Thoa Kerr I - Iorit vrmcr'l"a drth treatment W-v many. phyiciaa. I .. ; ; ' " ill ' ' wwnl pbr f? ail la vrVW-f r I 1 1 1 k Ml f D faW TNil fT1A w i i a ii and vMOcaea w a au ior i mcmem , r; . lo r . V ! l 5dSe 5i' atW "Jt 8 but withoutthe' least brneftclal eftecU. .: y 0. M. Iiftlice, u ' iar Btai.. tat-..n . Now,', ho he finally pared and re- iJ" ' . ! 1 ditu betrfi (rom u ok, lieved" from his r internal eafferinf, is f-;;I.'.l ,.JmCS lC, Jr.; i ii' , M , sawy rncnrol ue to ifaf fi 97tuI forCrbly told in his own;tatement giteu . ' f . , Ekria a.r". . .' - ... below, to, which we inrita the esrneM afr- ' Persona who laid a Ufa ' jf "po- J EiraLr?..:; tenti m oUall suffsrexs from - the same TiMvara aubWct to- tbeauautism. nep- 1 ' . ': . fc '0" jitO dreadful aSU:ttoi If II I. Z I I had been a torture I ralzia and lumbago aod , .will Had a 4 snnerer irom ar- 1 V-lu-l,l r-mwlr in Dr. J. . II. Mi- OUllglC US a Piru Sings wnt;;i .t es- auu riug? w uauwu u ii uk Ualarartd eiatl rheumatism J lor Wore i, , V": -i rui-rli .1, . -ill cap5 mmMk f&tss'zi'ssi ss life rtsadrarid dreary ,,ra ind files far rfty.fn0 -i'1-'5 "l1' ' toakifona rBdio withmft relief, or ny .tion. yr;wZA j it in ' Ubllshednbiisinesa; VniffcnJoS - Ifu ffer prielfcgiinmoV. heart Bevejr, goes M.vy wAth-iJon mjhodaBdvBtricLsecoaoaiy-; for ofibUdieatellf my feet and Jegand j fa ct oauoot bear'brlgtii ii.WvJuo; s1UtvMw JobbeiyiTaodiiowaafefuD iextftivi-1 wSil V tlSr H 6t audlUd ytmr sign-' weak JSj 1 rM T wa " - , ----t-- " " . v ' . fV:h'rI3 'T:rl OTeJ& fpltlv(r5aTVT?.wprld . Geo. S.-.lfeUef, CUairmaai'i-'. -J-f r jr rtt- , ' ' K. ; louvers.. - ? -i ri--X ( 1ring m yanbtUerVraoug :ag.uiu aid lek my tid Heart thriH wih a -T- N. Y. (Jttlley. ' Y- '' .1 V: Hums SAretftfrr m,a..;.vr?nt will lin Txn;ai f Bttter life once more." X, kjuirii s.v wv-' y. , : -. v barg on the second Thnrsday'of Fefr; ,The house V signalclf its , assent: uaiT Apnl, July. SeptemDer, ucn- i xhc uiu.iuuhw nat. m, w hrtial' D ecember, auT; remaiu for froji wwWbeoheaehed thre davnyBi l5t4lii0i SeCO,U? oiwe of vxa1nvhrft6h fauka, he.;aingers eye's turned 'n th'e putilic "schools ' Franklin t oon hpjfyjjigjy upon the wanderer, and ty, ;.?;jf;-(;; v . ; I witn voice tremuung wun emotion ROFRSSIONAL-CAUUti , : rROF F.SS ION A T j t U A U U eane the Adisrfir ? n Jv- i Ji'if A ft - " flali np an! Sow'if W Woridjl . wan- LO U1SBUBG, X. C. ; Many were the fiougs I sangj reccive.'roiiH- sitWsutiotijf f t$ fears;wrsis3TJi tke-fiir . -; ?i K.feih Jfs:-of carft-hie flftger onoUa -i vr,M :??,..?; -;J,f-. ; V Jy"crP8:tH strings f i his .it- YeRb thG preclrSnsrtIdes ofthal J gauce.i; i iu I ' tenderest and sweetest .of all heart -f:jr.-'It ha. thd lie' td; the charg sougs'ikose-fdeiUr , that1 the;' Tlamocfar ! If In'trdsted ment 6k Vespdnstyef cdrdin ev- tv power. wdu1dB. put," Vhencl t?1? ? the groes1)'abic l'sYavery iut ;reiUtda old miuitrifl rev W ted the UuUowedl . he! fiinftdiirato dlrs- "fc rf again thiut o,.o .n,uo - cty o'r WpS war. . ... - t lerer, aK Witnoae ..noj . err oeia cated. I had al;eady exhausted my. faith iff itoctdrr remedies, and now concluded to 'itakawiftUpecifil ai a forlorn 'hope l From the use of the first two bottle, I felt Rri""l,7 benefitted, whleh encouraged w. tocontiaa Its." Use". "I ttcmliiy ini- pr(.3d:c-The jaflmmatien lftinr ioiota, lUiC Iter l?sh a ih utica JisaDiHred . comiortal i5 wMrtara,-injr,-slrew2th 'and Hvxl -refostated, apd by liej jtiuie I had : tsltei to res n me new nan. aculous , and the Swift .eared -m; anr sood for ;to rati oil ' and lireos ,dntiel .it... i.iijt fiilt -eviii.k wR-v64:-tl i St I ( ho Mffjira ntn mo nj rr oT.Li.f-a..- . . i -.!..... I . . ux u 1i,lV,Ori- V1, I maildd frce.'n.-i '.a ' jtigeineut of the J , The Swijt SeciA co.rawer J.AtUn- -an investrgUtrorl I Hj, w i''..V J . t'lVArMAi - lAiActr rna nnoT' n14 rre ir i i.tWW -irrf.i, wWch,-has-.alrBady; 'accomplished ,Adeaf mule, U Is aid,Ts not & man ltjkverenotiiortliemTOen wouli!80ouM ' . - a '. . ' i- . V degbnefratif an-J become .savage, 'as; o,f, . . r 4lu . -. - ( i oiTbuti gUe 12. The DemdcraU wluced the j quality or the bh'rtdepcnto wfn WVrlrh-lier1 irf-TL1- wihnin wavs"' j fee. eh' postaf money ordeMT and ex- much upon goo otvi d.gvMit ni , tended tne oanents oi tne lreo ue- ""--i - r:," . 1 hpieaU to all that line! and uobla iiu Juan 4-Dature5add,kecp; hHri up 6 tliat cyel AQja 8qccpeaed reaclung-v IjJvcii ijt- battle; syrbBe think Jts' lu iof piliiuttie 'h'leoi of n3(.feliowrUian:' hsu heotthl o f. killing a do, whef ; hi s. ? 1 oimin t Mnf hJi , hft.o .InuA anil VfOUjsBXTBOv FUANKLIN CO.,N.C.w. 1 .f " ' " !' ; ' v ,. ;i:,vv'r:':i?wt I all hi. hoyhdb-i drf arns.' T'e"; cho- BIU1TCICU , uu- Praak-infiteOWafte the cords with a strange. waice uoun ties also xne; r-muerae t r-s-rVTi7 v aV.X - onrt dtpj P,aioia,wl the ; Circuit atl DiSTBiQTlpoai i i he'st tide of -'i? ? :it-;;ti:if f W" ( song. ',The .time-wdrn instrument,, DtUJ. E UCALgNJS -M r andfighTiboth-tJfstra Vnc-; , H'Mlr dtMnkenlr4alrgh souiMike Cooked Drug Store; aujoinuig xr y-.i vi? y -....o. ; Tj. KUi.- CI .W TIMBER! AK3 f . Office I he Court House When the r interlode ; came the msnistrel leaned? fer the banjo with all the fonHnetiof a mother t5efl jNojlasoTOd i ffom s; hnai i:. I The X, solo - rose ga)n ajd th kraia vsupernatu- ralJiarmonies drifted with it. ut he Dowed like a mourner over ? the J.' McLean1 c'tnfugiUiugt.ud Salve. 23 teuLsa boi. . , , j.:.;..f.- , , , , ! f j'. Is there any rest . on - earth?.! plain lively, aka jan; ex:hauge ? HeLLj 4t must beadwitted, there .MB t.:piucb especially ja fly. and dostjuito tiaoe.j; JJUCKLENS AHilUA "SATLVfi;5" Tlie leat SalroIo the world .,-or Cot;" Bralier, -Sore,"' Ul:Sr; ' alt Rheam. Fa verS..re. ' Tettef ,'; Cafc'tM ped, bands, Cbjlblaim Curos, all blia lirapuona, na poi uveiy urva, uc. of hd Da, noulred: ' It U guaiaaued to giyo vvrlect saliBiaeuon, cr- money etuudcO-M t'rico ceuii a uos, ; ji. ii HE ADaCHEj a TatyU Jr L4 Tasd r .pvHUes of Um 5Winascb. .It CJfcnb. Let a3 wbo taCfeT Twmr that is n ,m:i50 mTcq E2H5iOn .s m isi immf i4-w,nl ii in y -1 .? . ; .... . ( f . - ' -r . 1 lllll. !' I UKUUiiUtt'OL-J 3 -'iawhatth'e'eUritcsft ;yJUHflll 6' J HSEflobS fxuS'atcly: hdwever, he keeps ri'at on T-saisrt riw -fcT.i triinz to sins them. . . . i . km. , 4 i -r-?4 irj ing lo slug mem. . -.HA ,W0 ALAN'S iilbCO VEBV. ' s Another vuoderfoi diaoorery 'baa beeu raads and that too by a 1 idy 1 in - hi eviuntrv. ih IMsetscf" f-stjned its o.occnes : oiKn ncr ana ior.seTcu Tear'ssiie vrit'liiidad i a ee TJ rEnSXRTTATIOITor ;i I-rr "(!T 1jSrjnii, r'--'i U a.fioHf d; il .M tality are drawn. led an actauthorizinsr ,tha Matte" L of I W-XXrTr bo rn-o . . - . J .1 . . .T.n i . n iv.' nrn . it.tic mw.lv aivjiia years tlie vrithloud l a severest tesU, knt her vit.il nrtrana wera nnderminad and death 'ajcux.'d . lannmant. For i three niimilLiihe fconjlicd la sauly and could not 'slcfV-,4 Slid bo ught "of Ukaa tiit'J Ova C3IABGR OT LTTTP, ffM tot sad ilncr wt!l b TfW! . 1T bad toe JldAOHINERYj; ' 3 ;"T j lSix'ty 1111 pia rc r audj con .denser, new. . . 1 '2ixty Saw Pratt Gtn Teierik&ilI ' cowlenaer? aceona rvpaai. 1 1 . kh i io ,1 Furty.ijav rratt C'ia, feeder .and; i - ' - i 'ii. . si at. i.Ann tvnra . l mil. x n. w uiuu i . . . i a i . l.. s if in i a.a'r. an i in u ii j w a ueiree tbat lieresenioies -more --ine 1 L :.,,c , , , c tna t5 . "T l raliered on lakliiff arst uoio tuayana l," 'A " r r-;- yL& WiHvtA4ntett:gent ge thpedple H l5 : TwtSSr' W " t, Antoitr ut hand;; i' ul - jeawthe sight of a- womao4.or;the- rj VT w po4sessmg aJobXhatwas ac shoo7er, :h;l3 b'oon iDtfacuibusly 'cured; IUr I : lijiy.Baw Ifagnaiia aofdrti , riUndofhervofcewrnkWpOaXhim 1 - A ?!nHc; yCn, k?; ; t.,l . .:r.! WanielHr5Luther:I.uU."7 Thu. jconlenr seaod hand. . , . luforlhia hard-foce-reiaxer 0n, heMl4 t!i6 health.' 'liut Green a At Jj, Olon Wn2oa Met; : .ndqoaiesjigahtsbftrm ftV WW?? Wl1???" ff1 iSSffi ra hy n.Farmaa'a Drug Store. ' . I i8Uona Fojrer .Mounted TalUt nd his midturns,lo theKthougUt of telector .Tierecoldiicf Tgl , .price J75sqeiia,,yJ v.tti t J ..' . ' ' , ..' 1" V,;,;; nf Engine. ; , . . . . ter.tliinis : Now if wommshouliT nore 1aiport4at hefs. ' 3 1 aw.tnw,ii?. , -J1,yskiana who kiiotr tle ,ralua of J0 Qotse Pewtr Kahia.- PotUble' : f'lT. 'i. Ul H 'Af S 'TtSVabeldrnn indeed, who will 5hallenberser!a! Kll prescribe theia as. felpiae.a i.nc t '.U.'.i: Suddenly relntfve fromoiT "earth,, . t6. A'DeitidcYattc Cbdgress pas- ,bflW' " '4-'u " " their own remedy., .Tiua U hardly fair, f,u llan9 pawcr ..Fakihar .Traj And ranflue-alleanoble-jt work tdf sedan act forbidding the. ue of pot aodsoa boulder, Iii Wis froog teaUaiooy.la fayx of the. lion Kaw.' . . . . . , i ".iofv ivt t0, , aw,, i con vict inuur ulkjii an trovernmeu. i : . . ... . . 4. . . ,-,lu.InA . mooa tear s.niw"i nia aiove i atmnrrT i au ii k-ki dead. ' Every heart- in the audis -V-.ri rl- r U KTnalrfv were Crushed awar ? bv W K.DAY. A.C, ZOLLI-OFFEP - ' HENDERSON K. C. Prac' Vance i it . n . .. a .t I ' - mm?. ...-.. . v :. eral courts of the State . - U1 -"TOl Wnd fteireomM ; - - . r v. f - s ". I V hen shall I hear the banjo, jmmmuig, TVTEEDIIAM Y. OfJlLr,EY, f hoary head of the minstrel, was i- ,ATTORNEY-AT-IATV't . 1 life of. a new dawning." Ilis yoj.ee - -'.-t i i i'H'iH - y.'-ir runv-'AHH I loihedUwlth 'i'pecbliar'blendiBg; '.-. . " ' I rtprfpet In haraionv. vet keeDitit? -Fl; RAJVKLINTOjV. r'G - Kvith his banjo high above41ie sing- , , ' rr - - YtYrVV II 4 ers, ringing like a 1 rich harp-string V .Negotiation of ioas aid coiicctin f lou over trained. ; The memory .f - M .f..t - .. , v.-.. -I works. A iuac aud ..wbio act. TT oiikl c?6 aboat armed ' totbeteetlf litlratf Iap.di(-njiweiglitlnK v(ild- 4 cats expression on m iace.i!j1M.uraer laDiBQwqujd, op?i be ia fiill wy. ahd. a -.T"7 .: Wisdom go unimproved,. Ia the GiHOarVof ,the transient youngl rP1 f nien. Aever sunet ieaauressvot a "f "w . stranien;V Eecolledt; one gbod, steidy some people farmer's "bdy r induatridos"; mechanic bling, always 1 j., .'L-'L t, L .'ii i,.'L' " iaiLV; I InnciiWa ffio'hn tiksh in the. world, t tTfae aliuremefats Wrong. If the weather o a dandy, ijick, wh-i goldeu-'ehaitfTis! rather loo, wirhl ,'er a - i " 1 ' i nini i ii in. a aa w u i - - .When thi atooia.-b i lacks Yigr ana arastTn.BaltimoTe seat to tha rw- I iiw aod f 1 be '.otd..fr. rea-tA.UW f tegulaaty: Uaerav, will -.w wwkpw,. rrictorS of tlie.modique f ree crow ot Ua.,. The ::Giaa!i bar v U' a, iui, : . Pw.'""Mn4funr- .-- . ' mniT Lou es. iiiQ puu iuw. vvu i luoroufiTi rerair jy-a ! ract ca IfCiJj to wi4 he vdrisocffi, use Dr. J 11 ; mo u 1 1, "by poe'. physViat 1tfctha;f ,cjU.l Kiater aa3 wllt'bergulatt5ied V gfve'f' Ueuiaai4a bis aeaa npwofiong t s t!uu1?.wt.9HA'yHvk"- i i ... f . n -i -m ;. jtB .M',iJlr;ai3,i2UtA,A!fvV.n I nsuthp fnilowlnc' outlines and nhilo. I l .-.t ' t 11 -""rr-,r . T' -:.r?."jr- iTi.r , . . n Tnn f ranc doouut tvu iui twu i- i . 41 14 II 1 1 1 !4f. I . - . .. . ... . . P " . m .4 . a. m 'UFA rfa Tnnn 01 lis hni I On'llMl eunflniPntH Otl "fKiW tfi Pn. I T - .... . t .. I I 1 W ' T nlt- M'5a iuaj. c.v r a ... u. ; fiiia eold world .just : WJ u piay ' ue i t ,,V 7 Jt wmlt.e-'.;-;-:p ly aud practice lt the - beneficial re- I - , - ; .1,1 w7i- a a ... ' t - - ' - a . t, r . i . . : . a The farriier'hiehd has' for many every rs been -Dr. H-McLean'. aad ai . ir.a .of ?unia n o. 1 . ..I MnUJKl M . . V4 4 . "r"-444 TfJiJjix vj4.i-ivy- i uin aoa wii; d uieiiaaq to ...vttjj 1 CPU IUOUJ, m. TJrartriat. BltTfas, lad I i a -r-f. Ibr Tjamertoa atvl Tlb OjB -rwooniroeud: FJeo I t Bujgies and Trnnetaea Waona. xha TBrT C-fc ,miieui, sold has giTea relief t iu ..; : ." 7.8.-Joma.;- . .mv -i J v- Ftaaklir.Voa' 'Au. 20.153 ;;' iii. I ye I r.i: .:v..TW.lmi.t,tv Anr t.t,rfiel I ID TearS.itanaK.. ... u,,. ... ch depends in this t'n -7 1 1 o . ,7w,L.i I .IrMsi liellTUJe,' Omo. .fcCirm. vnoureaiwaya ruia- i .,'.. w -;" " ySSrii Litters.? , Thoiwauds, of complainiag, r Koth.' X-Nevada wan who started out to i UftSVaddcd.thU LLaiiiuou, ad ? c TTwfervlhlrii crips i wrtsfrl; lAi fduad' Bini IB. 1 'iv, ; wrdut. xa .unauinious, tua lit unthiffl uock, vr Aluut siuk ill hU I There Is snow wnen mere snouia oe i wsV-andabrattlessou ra'innd raio whea there should be j-o ulLcanmevrtnake Up the loss of a fidrkkie-i. Mat O I IVIVHkr v O J , , , MMH 4.w . - - J:-.. irtodear, It tlWe for dmnerthS' bear's 'c ifWcoId.1 iTIlher. rCn ; edt iv.of the fiTKidDeys or Bloody, , Wherf yod arehtipateJ with loas ' ' ' appetite beaiiactie, taKo ut. I ' i J.i 'J 1 1LE. ; aran.va.-.UtU0i.iUnrr ..,ani. jviuhwt i, wi j-' um'it n r ft ' ..j lo . I.. .aav. 4...- - - v FALL SESSION ON ters ilia business and I Vl.r7L. ... tVp s,nd I rr- d haalifiedas Exeoator kidfothershom' sis feral NThese-affettioBst last,: whilo'l r ighbors are' 'perpetually wrong; rerol Such They ves in an oP; iP.ultsoIdiMe.ase- : people are rl tbe uver, ' bar .for, their recreri. . All Prow uo fussin cotn.r V.'Tl u n. owin? aaid (.UU are acUUea" to m.'fi iMrensiniua ,uiumi auw , : . in,m,d it uiejueou to notify, all persons , haiug cUitus 1 I CCDT ,Q inst the said etuw to present the same (. - . OtT 1 'li?s 'lOO" -' t. ,. " .' J s . -i ' ' . . I " r l I.. taKe need lest ye u u into tne snare ot ftnd they fuss until th5y fuss them- vdtMit beifectsthe'utoccssefdigos the-fowler.'Tdid many have 'already J miVm into "early craves. : - .'i lion and assimiktiou, aad thus make been takun from a kind fathers homo . It does seem sometimes, as if 1 ure Llood. F.P.Piaaca Exeentor -olJobaYoaaj. Jaly 5th 1887 Under' the raanaccrrnt . of . M!n -IlcfvH ILirrto'rvvl Jll-HLigle Wcd-! ' dell; hMnall boys will be taken lain " th school. Tho MoIc Dr pay ment will bo In charge of Mrs. -J, -C Mi lnc. - u I.

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