' L . . . ? ' Ji.-J-. . ;t i r-Trtf I . , -r-i , "TT" S , t.'jf: -.J - ........ f .4, rrr. ) ;r- james a.tuomasw k :.t ; ill Y,l-nmnV 4 Ubd;.kJ,tiiAfV; 1 4 ; . jiAmor ana rro. reior - J: -7;. . i ... . t- . ' w I'G i i . . n i . . . ... . aiiq ioai f ru .a . F 'it- i . , i . i . - -. I " T. ....... j '' r . i !l S 77! iS' (l..;f!f k9 tilt .vrii I tW14VimUH's eju utrry-". . : i 1 J mm, 'Kzjf-r-Jr, 0 I t!oa ci t. air rJi - "I'll i.'S. ih?Uv-L-u; v!sc'i:vM:rMii.j. ' 'J' :!:J",;!: rrbpridtor; ? y . jWiTu MAtiCK towaud kone.jj i7ixiLciiAiirj:YfF0ii all.-; It. ; si-' IK t-f: 5 a-! 't;:;-:.; i t in I 7'. .1 .j- ul (j;f. ! : .f id' I-' ft v !-!' l i i f - j 4 I.:, : ' !; ''rf--:. i vl' : : t . ''- V K ut rushed at 10?fex4iSr ftRBYALMSBl JiJN - - -VI "V t- c A r - -V t i .rv r-.-....- I At heighbob; "WiWbeholdfrf .ti'oa tliemote that Is in thy brothers eye, bat Considerest- not the beam that is ia thine own eye ? It ATT 7. 3. S-;-;:p i-'-.-.-,- I. it ia with no ranch difficulty that '.egn pejnpqe lo una cotnpre STCsCiSinif uaye Just , teen thinkinp; -of, one reason for this t-A h l Tfeasonsi'bot t !nta,rifsf ty"Btf er "this . v ' cue 1? an. Important factor. It fl I I 'o1'' irr t jsomt hiri : ths way : xikW'4i pf t fhbJfy? J 'pore -cn'rbfui .nveUiUoa'Wmo( a ti nrrvrkf f rl flnvinlrlintv I i I- f I r pah S . a t . a I . t auwwu iuiamig A.ei i ipymicavBjinejp, was JrLJOlrtr, auivuft lire .M"ui .uci ui w cucjr ,wwo I tqnipiapa.IJ09 C VLr, 'fiSiJJVf V. Iful of gano to one vfj tN,-boxes Hvtle;pr?peity, W tbem t HH one." Th?.Bible ajNot so.- Thii povdertrer Vftrie. .AnarTel of I T nrfAratniT U: Wt mn hnt. fth. imrhr. atreiiKth td , jholeoineneB. f ; - . ' . vl 'ri . t . " . - re economical tnau tnc oramarvitinag.M yvspvrf3cjr, va" l alnm orphophatedtrdlftotlf osH Tlf tTT W TtthloiVr Nof , when ; ix cans. EoyaLUakixg Powber -Co i. -.P55 Even f''' H.J x51:v-"--'::W'iiiS-,;v ,, "Ml 'V 1 'r"""V "'"''' '?'' . , I - aar 1.1111s 1 : aiso' sar. -out v nv no means intrust' even . an ' honest roan with a large amount of prop- METHoDisT-flev. A.icCallen. pastor while you recognize t. that : your OQlttg tmnsplonte i they ' :bsan lo trajsht.in eyerr -rart9ur unH turn yellow and as if half starved. sp'me moneyr t plrbpertj waa'l'na-, ifitfeeXpHatedy idjclogp iqta gopc1, for so" many, waterings had ia ife keeping, f At'flrs't "i jsht, oca out df the: dirt contained; iaV.ttfe I tyiejdeiVo J ' Aii'lntellWeVit flTurtr.9 rr ' of an bliibbwT maah'6 lii'bUe'd i? t6.tlJixry:Cdkt4UuidBra16u2 VLill i: t 1 ! .'lx . .m r Jj'ii. ,,t -""in j6d fthnbr crfeiibJH mndful inigl have killed -It-all, Ujmtoibmiy-t?;v.Di:ir rabvrKislcr rf'rn v.! "iht aiitl arra mi Imiiw r i a ? ii : - . i ,, i)v '7.riiL. 'v - - - ?vun guano, ir a irieua tpr: years rKoMe.-ear 'tlefidflxtfetrttlr Urjra. ifaUwifcHOfXisl I jfc leeus a mue assistance, io -cari-x-ti libout overdoing the business?. Glv- tngTiffieVlnuclThMpat once niay 5 1 hbtir felloW-qienyba might :com- ' 'the jibtrit berihg'.J roMpbhsibilfty. inetice exaci:aniy Qinmend)l hvcicaulJitwotrf u -Jrtk'lt JJti InEdcntonwUkhyctliugcrB in-.J lfbtw;rrictjr;..-J nwfconc own. -a ff?an mig jug?b a a i Jpif jrF:CHPwTVl Iuatrat.on. .fcaaVtiertt m Vuo fort.ci :cr'!r,, Hn r -f , , . work as muh MtojhjeCas the guano rnr'HheVs If-- o . . If ivuimuun i wiv iii44ki UUIUW iisjiwiu, wwtt-atti mmu j twamwii aUavCXIU aiut TuaU r i I fit v -i r. - . , TI ..."f - I. ...v..".r . ,.. "Ill . , -..I- .:iir..- I 4 ""' . 3 " . -"r-tsy- , -.v. Jterthalnals idy6uT county Jal and ir -',"2ro,S',,-'f w'" wT'."r.,opimthftthebarMiliex!: I Iriyd thr&wii but7 'MliVeWai'f nWlcntlcAiVHcrii H "f1?1 ufjrt;... , . "i " -tauaing you Jo tmaire whether thoi '2.'l Bat tootr" " l . ,- "vi:- . paa siaie qi aaaiw w not pwmg ...ta 1 1 "wo yon nunc . . nwn inoyuo do patch ana -hotOTKi.lt JlciQui'tcif Bacllibangd7oVInderr,l,; '"W ' iw MlikitJyed 0x i&mlUaxJy. K yo,aij tffloonXt ftXj7. feoodcotnesiot IJ ?help him a. HH J .haVelpntioae4,';kB:hav.iu; i "rian. 'fS .r r.on 4 HJjha W.Sl P, fcf nudaj.a.jiaska cf.jw'ir . .. irptaM.v.-.'A ,:; P "If thevideuecfa the cageihontd, w good enough for the judge ain't ttJTlHTih ; : - tte:'fetibeicsr phCTWWttOiBeilfwr Jut tueu a lawyerjme In anf . a'p- jo? ibevwil iDflrg-iiJ' -- thtraiakei VOjguuty.u Vr. all good taen -ana woinenshodderr U'-.'rr.r.:!;-i'iAii -TTT !.v - 'y'iTJ vi h I 7i ir-rWi - - - ork in 1 ' - - i i. Ii .i -i 1 UdttUlDUft.lieM Mjiuy iDlUmni,uwBwcoracome, nin, uib yoqain. Life U lod--d a mI?Uy i BUUI3 I t nrr a friiv4lir K.tltr iirim1 lit m' T ' ftilf I . J . . , 7 . . . . . ... .. i .. r .4 1 ..-,..... 1 . , . ... .. 'W 00 . .",. hl"g'!: t h!n. ,u t8ltlV xbpu himrnor anyigjji that. hW f ,yikubw WuVtift llflSclndigatilda.aaJfu .b If; ...L , M I t ' - " . . vcminUilvid U-MI 4- lol :..V- f,? lJlfeflecn:- clS.Wt i'3tgg& ' hl ifti- "iiii; -42 totakeahidayatAbat Bai.o 'rotefc&v ;'i?fe-5t&"frra- . ' i ol.w limt n minml hv ni - " ' l r"--".T- r, - , , . ,. . -ivKHJt oa.1 cookery, u.epiai worry, laie r Ljrre been ci'il Simrao- LTvcr :- W- .? , nartheTOnrofourcqunty.f; i'-npjy-jiVL hoiixd iirDiQLVJEhME 'lirt-V lrrular'tIlabfta,ad'fmani- ittiffiiVa ;5-vVSr7A! '; " ler fromHvouna brother of rmine. l-LVioA ' l . Ii " . . B&iT Ai-iy Xiouii UKDioituc. Aki?i.i:..i1innnM..i !tn-o rajseirioniti rHii -t. . rM afore'ibv,birth.and.of;cone. ;-. J,3- done a wonderful work i 4n70ratl6iK com-, I ft 'a ,lVfi BfT JJ;?f:" tbi. bueio betO;Wh)ctttraiLg a AT 1 i tT.! .!-! 1 I 1 l" . . . " ... ! ' UvirSa On.) D V'ju oVslKloA nioath, luoraias and night. Prayer meet-; f ; luany o , ine irouoies 4r una jaugeis njc every Thrrsaaynigiits r ; SMinaaysscnooi i that come about amonff the bes Aixvoa (V L. Ellia. ' " ) : -' " v" - friends are because thinga are left louiimiosBRS Thos White, F. N. I tansplv. . TtiisinVnui 1 Hnnn In k snrt j Eerton, J.JBarrow, J. A. Thomas. ., , . . .. Board meets Friday before first Monday man sendS Oil A? lot of 3l0ney or ' j .,: - ?-):i;.ij.;4 bees WH3t,1nd does not -even ,kuow; - FRANKLIN OXJNTY how much 1 hehW-sent. ; N6w;i 4-X ISS1M"'?" friends; it ems to me you have no 15 Uzaelh r , v".t ; 1 1 right to do things in this way, no IRjfvwhom, yo'aTepealtng with . N. lUrri - -'il!!!'' things strait as yog go along. ; in-5 K'aS? (CTtryinMo! remember the! our. 1 u un im u. V'ff rr t " II! f i J 3i i v : ; rx-w-w f Hwrticulars of a "tranf .' jyj.VUD OF EniieATlONi leoTe;dtt4h8am1 wayV,?aidvso; bompib.ed;nyfl i Wlth1 $Pi tnteitur8oi , Lpooc nnforti is ioi confined I fiir-at tempting cyi jhe uc transaction, ; write; if -down i-whirer. and iInc-bc tTf ' iWU -? kp oasafv S.JirnSecreUrivf tf The Superintendent wStlwi ? n apdjwjrite it down and burg on the second Thuradaypf: FeU v bptli parties ,pign the- paper; ua: y, April, July, ptamber, 6et; but dont either of you sign it Avith b r a'u l D. cember, and ' remkln; lot1 nl?r3rnht three dav'a, if neoeswry. for the pur- Haying done Jids-a pose of ixaintfrfayilltipvC Plffi0 JfW gains.? n the publio&lJcf& liW5 in ty. v s ' - ": your'neigiibors, keep business close 1JR0F RS.S ION A L " CARP iinffsnng.V If youare, Jntrnsting ' work to others whom -you .have "R. MASS ENRUK - A- -eiiovl tif worlbr Jffi; fc&n an - T- 3 l"i 1 - I a-' i'i-- "i meuts o you can iook auer n 01 ten. Office faHheCburriloule.' All business put in my hands wm then see.wh?ther your' hired' help receive JBrjmjp Attenjipi., Jt, tmteii Jr-Z, c'-t- i -f laeiMieigmxHrawm M: tetr rrei- OtlltSEM.GIt a3 JWfi ieeoiessneef in ?BiweapwvK- A-'frTaat L.ouismjftO', torn I riiUtv'eniif a'mlksmnSir tetut-ntVd frwii Africa' made markosQinetlilng Hke j this till roblyouccHSsf ul vp ir'icat Tf he Is noi brinsinj t fiinWali WBhWK i.-'4r6W:VM(4 Ki' irl.fa kraiiironrl iiifl .mail' 4b.l I Ik f wk.. etdWelVtJd feiid Wremgedv at .al- 'i4.ooi but ior God'a aako friends A feWyearTagefbegai. on rtfflivtoaA- irouhle' "is I S hut,iorioa a taw, -iriemi, fte kio iiWataontiiMl i3MfcftVit9fQiTrruiiitK9Ubl9 flon.t bi,. io hstcr ti xoncludoihat) Was entirely Frtd,My blood was thyfongh-. 13VffietraiV, h0 M tryillg tOdO4 too inf.i, or oiioh a nna fe-.&bsolnttUv y cleaased, and t'Mt nerfecfly well. I i ?ch?7aja owns rIarg9j farm,, $ad.'V'Dotit be'-liv-harry-lotaay t.t4ouehpthf-dUeaae.ffn ibjitj da.. 1 aSfe that"thbesttace:forMmin tewW i rAJWUm Jpeprngan ihpeteniaty' wAllsiW dWt be- Kthr" "5 i vleVefV,neJiorthat, nirmi'i:he 1 J.i.jik .r 1... Llii.i'i ?-' AS kn eminent catarrh specialists, at cost of iABfa Artil 4m a I I v . 4 V A T 'P v I UaMsI,,ttfI. aWUl Jal' TTT" kJ- lak LJlT'r bft&IftW . lb At lfvVTV JOOAwl -VtCLI'-lt T ) tney can enjoy tnar aieuu mna d3 owoj ucxjamcn aTtaluA, happy. , 4ere"wbrlsfed to dfiiahd: other FranVMn villft... Warren. ' and I .inrjcrHnenii lerunzers are oi " v " vi uiiiiin mm wy.y ; I J. IIUDK very 1IKBIV ne j CamCS . inB I ,t , 1T - TT, 4lntaj1 tnn innch tn Iiil'I CircttitrMWRIPBtf? ltvftb fciKMrTTTTTtrt of l m !t7T .rT . ."r? :J" aay the moicugirt' -to iiave .aiirea jbu, igjeio" w, aiu-Jri pfupuoiiT,Mnoxr4iirei" csrwruw t ny..re.n,Tl,n4imyM.M: ' ikntldty-'tihJc'Ke ubkofcpfsriait baiilAAiaaiti Ayoung man UaFtotfOUK04. 1 ! ? '?ai& Ind I aopbose It , .la best to Hlf y ras, that two oribree of hiaaw,, tlliltmi:M 'i&iwa iM-iitJl t sifAfAWJftlftnii .tflliBRgteV 4r4Pi.iV?, 1 I .i4v..'IIWi''4'. '' "Ik 1 k' hnnt- Fever Snrea. 'letter. c:hnJI " ' "" t r. . Try -x.v-if -T;T.m trr rai rr-n 'JJiA-id?;XhilBlaT6CAi.AutiA r. Office 2 doors ixryur.- AUK.ertk umny pny tfUlj hjX.UglialStnder his .oat .money.for fertilizers when-jt j XM4iim-m .frtd 'u'uci-iiicuir; najjrood ' vhatever7 biW. Feffiaot rf YWwt-sV-rn, afrwe trtyo T The. C oke' Drug StortOmhiiJtuVaj pais OfUta are r6f- 1.. KU'". -a tmj PS-S -.flirx fit- TH , w TIMBEU31AKE, ill- ... t ATTORNET rtrhJTi -f- " ' i" s.-;;r'- iirA. IV'- , ATTORNEYS Al LAW. Practice in the courts of Franklin, ATTORNEYlAT-LAW. :-- oramendinglhat each farmerBhall test fertilizers on bswn grounds that is don't get "iXisiastic, and take, it' for gra' te(? j that because ,errT1iry cTnt wc 1 by the use of hasi a.as.ya'iaLX Jo-.weir alsoi csk 1 iianyA tLg st; time the v vitacJpha'ld orone dust, , in r zeal, will put on ,, double th usuaI quantity. ; They take it for rteabtfimttc isetteowTitllVe?y diQcvilt matter indeed tot be able to 'po&tlytThat gave you a crop. , If you occasion ally witiiold the fertilizers from - a 4l44VVlUin4iri44V4 AXI41U44A4 44W - " - harapggpe p6cJxfJFey tiiloojfnj trr.ojgrloir eralcoTtrts-iTfUieStajAj-; bt?his. aflfbrds-pretty goodevl- r mmUri ltent. Jn my earlleriexperrments5 with euano I killed so many of, my any me so disgust- was allowed to stand In "the green- value or not, I bccai tE eyraef w.qtstHlliii tlier iwlgh tl omYyil! clef ittpjnr! BWqrs t liaaixj'ta h:l JIa be ttyhiUah't nixmd fdd SniHo lUa'demk4yHhe otgjyit nsjtifd ha.ye been, titrated in, t lis way. when ydd Ahavol falthli' irt the good: intent ions Lof your neigh brer,einbet hp uliuj, t TJ'u8witJtdut having any hkrd ieeliiigi tdwttrcf them particn- f a t : - Sf T ' 1 ; 1 .9 working mH hailj6e"41nadef f to saov. ajgieat; ddvahragO.im; ply became, we haVbpeB, Jushe! in-? to somekilace he as'uot competent to filLf bm pecfpldo-:'no"; seetn .cdpabojjirgi ppsseasiou wuiiouv, uuyiug a, out id right to.aIl;subh people- .thieves becatt38 they iay cat ' f money7' fha d6es tioi belan'gf, - to' themV (l ' haye known; quitealnamberj whoseemtd ! l-TJrtftTaeiJto- tramc4 J ; - . IVoTtUaw Of L'n.meul, for. hr. - - Anea-izin snul? A, Ix-T s i i nrnnrlBnT -XW .IWtv Y S ft a ft -V W I sWasV AMia (irwa U f la.i !tilAaa - f - - rJt mj .THE VrattHP-iWAKlMQUs.' leluies: "I4j1n.m3p0u31en41.ie4v, I UlffiV,a (A 9 IU - TV. 4 J r- v U J a EtWynviafAJa bUiat)LtUdriaap VA?.-n rureA rTf Ilh ui,vl ;n or ara - 1 ... 1 - J : 4 r . . rrii -ti i-nlaiaIlaiSillxJ peU raae ol eontairious piotxi.' ppiaon.. 7 . ' " ' 1 - - Tm at ooeeio tnK S. !vJ 6hii&.7tarmfrfntiTTtf I JlTrb-nk doseolargaf-'MttJTfiey friends ami VishlvTTfUnd to I f " wed. and am tijr? lo tioi:afiet edj Civw I-ardJ. .UjaiclUaaWIlrw tlil . " PA5d bl!i elllo aoUv rtrr ' e rieam In thine own eve befion TlMl-.h51 free. .iriwLr 4f eiA .ntst UT:ljBt jnodx4iftt NtwK t-.t " VrjC-l I .T"1.I 1 4h SliN 11 .' j H,1Ai-t ru.,S,h..W. a4 :neiscfAitwmtft hjmbnt -.of :hur bftU. tJx,i J Tlquiiy fneiUood ideacbf pradoxicalaaitinfty appeari itiU bereXwillbc rliWtJ. t r rr j Villi tb'plMrata feiulenc1- . 1 laa 1 1 1 1 l. . ..n,l. i - - - i;. k . ire are subject to rhe'umaU3,nev- bkniah pain and undue-imumma1 m,.- j fieemenVof 1 ; 1T?tbn of Se (twilig! ; -r'V..v:;::r' " 1 .y" V ,W b 1-1 nnqntatipnaNy ; a I , as AkL--v aT" r . atpAfiAirtJ-thtJxlog'iaUedfr Iwwfs.E i'"1 CeUfsV? ' iJ w i 'r-" Jf thehvr,aad,tLerwUr4y, : in-tot-Vwiail.Wfed 1 1 f i .... r. -;, ViuA becoraea deranged. sDr.7,-.H.. Mej . 4 J . 'r 7 .T a . j 4 1 . iReiaeniber; No harpkelthdnl .,..- strcd2hin'? :ord!al jmd.iiloo.! .riait ixom jotf a boUTe of-youri AiitWp bealtb; . Uut Greeu'e -Augu.t ioer Lpdnficr-perfecta the process of dlgeiM nnii tin UK! 41. mil ojU I..i-k-.ia ..iiTii , ,I.!v irxti'i dptSuriaalaVii for my brotlsuv who ITaJer thd manr-t.ior u ' 'hka'cbilla for aure tliaa. alx: laonUivItuILrriaqilIUt iLirrta Y.a o nill.txy5 will .uj t i.en int r - . - . . 1. -, 1 . 1 ' A, IA I 4 1-4 4 4' 4.4V .41 IWV-.- . ( O - briiig$ healHi and4' happtne&S to the I -tfc)B au(J Assiimilittldn. and tUaa tnakei; ' in'? i-rkiii-Irnomafc for: ft I !. , ,.. -.-.. j . t , bottle., inv iitenM. !-.. fir-1' ,"T J ? ' ; -4" Irt V.u.-.,n -Z t this -school: '-The f Mails D??t' - i : When tbV.toma;h la,vUor and t A'' J nent wilt t lA d-'of 1 J , ' . . , , ..a.' -! lwATKltM t 1 IT J sTI7 . ' rfldl' 14.1 'III-" r : . . x-: - .-j tj- I heartburn, 'n iusealVaiCk. ' beada.-h,' I lita.notliadftrbJJlafnteL-.ikkxaarAdis - netvoasneas. use Dr. J If MfcL-an rT i," ' - ,n .u. ... T'.l'r-s rr n . Htnn T.tvVr and KUaev StrengOitngpordialaad lnoodrrurl-, ! . . tlW ... : . I H ; - ( w J n' !l HI. 'I j of appej v. - . i. jf r, . j - a A'aif - - a.'" a a 1 w ii a i in uu aw aa i ii i ni u aw uu i3u uuiB is a t - a t4 n a r rr i a aa i. a si as s a imii il v iii a ii a-rr'. ; -cgetiatioa.rf ;Hrix"t W't'.V" 'V" t - i .',';-.'. ,;"-; ";:,' . . - - -y. '..i1 i -, , ia V:11?,'vy.t;;f;--,,,ll:,y. ;. ... -:.t,:-:f ..-.. - .. v " . . ""-. ''. . '".- - ; ',.-. '- -.;.-;v.-wit;-.i-v'i;,',v3 ''',v!"ite.i..'i..;'-1 '-r:;''-'.-- - .'.-'-'"'.-;.. v .-x -.''. : - ' '. - . - v-. - .. - . .-. . ,. ' . . ----- . .k . f . I.. I tw'T. i ' ' ' "- , -., .... . V 4W4 .

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