TUT? 17 1 A NT-TT iW 11MP ft i-tx n rrrrrri : J - Tns Times irttj cl Jc, ntwu'--f JAMES A. THOMAS, . :, ,---.f-.v u i Editor and Proj-fetor citu.ji.o'i a;' g vrt $j.r tec E a!t.es:' Uae Year 2 Months: $150 P"? TQ. 4f "P AIX. JHICE $1,50 PHH AIIirDXX In AiivaTX,' rVtt for tl Ttora cf crrrrt-? . .. - - j M! !..! f.flU '".if '.! ' -f . To Cubs. qt 5 .The Tikes willbe Wnished at $1:40. rr -r--:Tv ittan'ot in , .. . , . roceirej. C ; -' I ' 1 r " - '.r, . 1 S . ... 4 Jil SaSSS v v'V:;-- MJSSai 'r; "5tMy Jv' 1.-JiSl! Ij&i? "srrC ii Tfcupowdfrerrvarte. A marvel of 1rix, . itCrciigth Mid ' vholMOMeaec re enomie4l tliam the ordinary J eftnao't b aold tA eonpetitioa iritb tfa tultiUde of low teat, ahert reirli ftlmm er pboapinte powders. BOLD OKLT ik cjlxs. BoylL Bakikg Powdi Co.. . I? : General Director - acrrice rcf f, ssuauaj; ; tnoratng an uioath, morniag and night. Prayer"Sneet- Uig erery TIn'rsdAy night. Sunday School iilbt. SiradaT achooi 9 o'elock A. r I seini-respeaapie.. ,?. ,; Baptist Her. , Baylaa Cade, . paa-1 . "Thankf." was the 2 ter. Services 1st and 3rd Sundays in each 1 V.Ci. t .....i ruXVoti anorak CTs: rl"1 -A1 An toKXMHIOXBBsTiM.twklteii.Aj it Wl Cgerton, j. j, uarrow, J. A. riioiuait. , CoSSTABLS R. D. Pinneil.. V " BoArd meet Friday before first Monday in each month. ' . . -. ...(. Coxsiissionkbs CS A. Naihj h'mn.r S. J: Crudap, It. S Foster, F, P, Pierce, V. 11. Uell- v Saperior Court Clerk A. W. Pieree. 4. Uerister of Reed B, F. Bullock. ; : Sheriff Jt Kearneys, r I ' -f ! 9res'rei-tt. -PiOlittot. : h lO't 1 .i S iperlnteadtfttt ot Public Instruction Keeper Poor nouseJ W. PmseU.; j. Sor'r or UbaLtii Dr,.E.8. Foster. BOAUD OF EDUCATION. V E. Cj. Coarer i'X'i. VjLJLkX . N.'Y. Gulley.-?.-.----ri---'- rV"l-;;' J. N., Harris, Secretary.': ; ls .-s The Buperibtendent will lie in Ijouis- burg on the Second Thursday of Feb-: u:y April jaly1ptembV;40ctU; lrjiu'l i DtmbertTV'Ur?1!0' thre-t days;if iecesnry, for Jhe purr piwe of fxamiuw 'applicant' to teach i Frn hkiin eonn r : 7- jr., .ii FROFPRSIOHAiV CARDS ppisEtl Bill . ? ATTORNKY-AT LA f V . Oihce lis i lie Court House. . : - ' v , X.11 Imsiness put in my hands Will recciy typyiH ytentton-yc . '. l ..."!!. .":' ' . --;.'.'. 4. fT' JTriit,' ;jmuXSF,r4rOB atl,AW. LOlIISBUaa, (fjtASKItUt. go. vi c. V 11 attend the t;oirrts 4f Xash,! Frink iu,. Granville, Warren,' . and Wake QonVttei K- AlsoJthe npieme ourt of Nor th Carolina, and theUr . Olyitit 'DlsTntoTOenrta.-.vi V: - Oft4edAoraelAWF o ke s Drugstore, adjoining Dr.'u- i . ATTOBNEX A.T LAW ;v;a; Day-'Zollicoffeiiryf -";rr::tf?y.Sfe.5 1?.. :h.i.y Fracticdin the courtsf ' rrahkliri hampton and the Supreme and Fed eral courts of the State . (Sityi.ri K ifc RUFFING FOBGa- (AU AM Alibis ilAtfJLiB r k - I.TTTc;TrTDi I" : ,- . My.-shop; is etUl;Jn court - Street where I will bo pleased toH hate' mjr menus ana patrons call toaeetne. Calls to nrivate- residences far cut ting ladies and childrens hair 'twomn y responded to by UUfinJFox the le&d-I - by emily Lennox. ; ; ' oa atMri JraTitiljeTtJ "Mr. AfnsW ' Arbnthnot'Mwaa ; jft'Ir tiki. . - r W111 engraved on ( admiring the sweepipf her, ;.w hlte J( fiattii iiania aA w t w w , w I ! " ".Ta riD lyu's elaborate taste. . ' J I f ;;.VJr tn "WBTW)ni you, uui houi .wune wr-.t.;iV v;.;. riA. led a frankly. ' "I'll lend yon my fichu," said St Ii- look than An a wish, to KaVel v Sybil look Zrrij yi entle l 4I borrow any fine feathers, Evelyn, dear. Don't -nind-qit.,I cwiidn'tjook anything tsuit me better to creap into a quiet cor ner where no one will see " roe. I can enjoy your trium phs, " cousin, for I aifl sureiypu .will; hayp the4u. I Yon I'Mik beAiitimi to-rihrht "l you iniuK so j- 8Hiu xuveiyv h ith a conscious glance toward 1 tlie tBlrrorj t fju am git ,naisclress is becoiiiiug: ai.' Arbutliifot'hdores 'white." ' ;WOuhJ goperved Sy biMooktng aownat ner own dihiii ares. "a Kvelyiij butoniug her long gloves. herelwill Jbeja--lot: jof tubs, or piin2h-bowlsr probably, and we will nil ha ve ' gii fc fishfng- rods '.and lines, with hooks on them. The fisli are hollow and have prizes inside. We i ri 3 u lumi n . w i i 1 1 iv- m ri b -w m'ii r ii f3 ! oved aboutllnl fcenV of rare hfitood,t,efi,re tall itb-w i tfim - v r .-v- -v .- 1 - - - in ib niionrn - iiTTiCi una m - rna idu t haven't any lace Sybil a id, j X'arrTr-vr Trrx? j:r? - - rv'? - .v having sense ofbehig in the way, elyn. , ldou't even know how to yed toward thelable behaye, for l.nevc r hedofa pro- j i n WiedT the youth "V" -fy - v ,7- "V mrtttrgTasj: vnieJre.rey.as, v "Oh, its simple enough.( bald i , s, f i y Ti iv I - , ' -?v -V , , goKl flshltttlie sea as eyp?iet were I PPP iaily a&MrtaUfcitew: rib wnut die is sroinir totrettlll-the fish A 1 .. n -r v.i . ; are opened.- ; There will be a , gold ring' in pne-lp-night, they say. - It will be like. i wedding cake. 5 But you needn't worry,' Sybil? -. VtV tell sybil was not worrying, tshe was ar9iani I r r si 1 f : t - v'.ir!1 ss ev ' wAVAj WSAAifc A AS BC,l OV UIUVII CJ that Evelyn ; fancied her brilliant scurc wouiar4et ;be; kt f air pleased wun (nis UJiexpecieu - auuiiiou. iu 1 BvulU had: came to the dty to try and get a position as a teacher, aud Evelyn did not-fancy . i takiagj her,ont..iilospciety;'but llr. Ogden child, and comuoanded- hU tdaugh- Wet io-how bet nlM t4teaQTaaCdoe4 to a distiriguislieVl gnestf rt'liy feousln;issivV:eirs Mrf Ar iHliiriot' saidvelyp', presenting; Sybil to the geutleuian who await-J ed them In the parlor-- -- . ' Alnsley ''Arbuthnot'a' keen ::ejrea had .swept Id an instant : oyer, the I white satin gowh,ivith a mental ob servation: .' t 'Overdreesed ?': r Jjwlif '. They rested now npon the "slen der littler figure 'in the soft; ,;rich jcj)lr!ld,cashn witn genuine auuuraiiou . r :- . -st arnTpleased to ifhalbpor R(f4- p qttaintance Mis&i .Welrj? he I said. wltlij ithat ' uiet fyet "lmpressl vp manner which la such: " 4 valuable Sl'.lf -4 JI.-?i j jt? f r.i if ."f r.'l ,f j ySybil naurmnred something, ; but peyelidafi 3e;gianto;ti-i 1- flow' handsome he vartfiand how 'perfectly"; self-posessed I ; It was jia) wonders t haVvjly a was al wayi talking-about -Alnsley Arbuthnot, f JlEIe wa ''ricH " too, they, said, though Sybil lthought' very - little 6Uou wealth, mveas rsome faraway-thing which she-would prob- ably never, possess in all lier uliftrr 1 f alrtr-ta'nVt '"omnric'''flAn;tire inrl fS-fl vrv - "Vr,rvr !u"; grance, ana prtirolorna. UgW8- j , bnfcroWtibf "eletl Mos I fisli. top ? SyUl askea; nervously taa she looked -shily at mo supera ui-2U3s :i Dowa, - in Don t be afraldWld 1 Arbath- - rr -r . ;.w.-.u .t .u A 5i Am;t you golngi to feUt.rbntho ';v'-'.i. : ":.! x .-j j. j iboaorl rIt's sucl fun to ceef those -Dd you .know 'whaCthat I'mikea m thlnkrof J? 'he 'corajrraeclteft' h'newnicli .ffnJx.Syp.Uf, .Keard, "It reminds of .a.) deflaitlon . I iw,,w i'curu given iwr usutug-ruu foolat thepthec,? 3n& tf 1 ; vi Sybil brake out in a nletry labghU vw a aa a-a a. - vij mm - a,a CAB UUUVAt j !Won!t you try hciw??iiauiAfn Arbuthnot. I.?Tiiere tffe not very many people at the table." -: Ytfg," said" Eyely sweet fyj let ua try now-4jy Alt means. Do you know, Mrt4 rbuthnot, , thee' s 'tpllw a geroian after' th'Qfn;. $nd we ladled havo to flish our part-: neni'out'6f yonder bowl T"'. T Mlow: momentous i . Arhuthi ie kind tv irV W I, SvelUedahtii and bij Jaught." , ;.-t . "Allow me I t said Htck TraverB, brother of the jiostess,MQ rwhom Sybil had .been, presented. And ehe found hers -If in popeasioii of One of YWIS j.. Shfi4at ifwher Jneand tmosl J immediately the others were' cast iiong'tfde"! p yytt-x ix am asiungjut yiq,'.M4A wetn' said Dick, boldly.-. "I want a good i irtneaiifijruioo.k youdaace divinei'?'5 "'f i-wuw Id, modestly; "but I don t know a. At . . ... uuvii Miy viipHW 4. 11 ilka. should hnftafjrnklit try'," ucn apopi e-rrmtpr A-T. ipinjc Evelyn ftownel And .bit her lips.1 rhat a fool tt-e girt was 1 "'' Ihus "VhdybIir''shVsaiid; petUhly. tiratitthat Little fat nh.; I'm 'Bard . . . . I e's gotpoutetTiTri nRin hlio "tyf You J are w?ilcuie Sto hlm,! Em sure," saia tsy VM, aoanaouing ; ner game pleasanil. " IiI rather have that I slim life fellow; Perhaps J 'hp hasn't .anything in mm, and t ten I shall be allowed to look on.' - "Aha I cried Dick, whose skilled hknd had hoocked up the first fish. IT. Aniv, . what la xio. jr sen tfe'manVt prize f'- -":tu'j- l?You dahca i wItKMiywjn, si id Mis. Bayari, putting a bo t in t her brother's hand. C " t DIcfcnexf.ltT'tri T':Z ; "If he lovei the girl, he can Vf alt iur ner a, year or two. as . won't x irt . him,' . remarked 'a woman , w th a thin lower Jaw to I a " caller, Av 10 was swapping gossip for x"ex tndry." ''My husband bad to :w tit five years for mor-didnt ya J hn .T' she continued, appealing tol hef husbahdi. who vas sitting JIa, or e corner trying to uiend ' av cork ; 'VYou're right, ptd woman, I 'did that very 'thing.And 't'i wlsh'.tb, gojodriess I'd W4ited 'twenty-five," ha added iu a lower toue, with':a sigh that wnismal, ba. she heard sly-, as shes'atby th little -old j study-, jonn ana no is s now ut:IlIj5 iruui ii.ianip, uuniting a tut oytt.- '1 might I , the brute( I fthhWini. or a well ; as well staged at home; Wh'a rioTspent .j.Ia usea loiung-pm. ;, . t - money gots tv-town:- Ipdee she Pqifte tmU an4- rndchi. 7"Never nIaia .rbolhnol, I ldded;'with ;a's&lCi ' ' wouU' We the meiiu.ola bUl,;Ulyj, lausiung.. --e aro -..mi goui w oeen a great uear Uetter. ' I st o the lejiilsture of. havt Aivfiurcs irftip eewbat you l" U was da odd answer to her obser I on of lfca mei Tk Dick produced a very pretty leather 'moiiient' 'i ' wg' at " thTJ Del!,' ' Which eegrpea, aid cuke it a punishable of. l-yi0n BoLLi tnUkliVr??. , pocket-hook, which they were all ad.-, -frou-lit her tape to face iathe'dorwaT : .fence lor whitschioi or.bkcitoVfr- IXiamhdUrci:,c-s''''..,.r::;t - k' miring, when Misa-.Xvelyn cry of trl-j witHasley 'AihuthnoV?' '. o'bo iUnupii's any otM.evon-l wtujll'ib'rir;'-.; i; - ' - - " umph riveted atteritia. oa herself - r lia followed you,. hVsai3,hol j- Pnite clor '.Vv;f, yrl HT'Uf , . -IVegothiuirshcf-r'Jmed, lilt-j "tnUiehaad which she'gaVe him.'.-I '.'."Ws bursaWes think.'.. the ,alLera-: -ratadUkiU:l.V;',l,!'- -N '. ' iiiSihtjf. ; ful.thafl 'could uot beiiapp t away riiht hVlhla Utctattf mpt at' ict- a-ll-. . rJ - rtalll e-l c " ; - , But gfeaMwa-W chagrin who she HabusnJ I cVme ti' ask.' jhil, M' bme ot the local diScuijAs' ij' .'XpflH-: Yrr::TXt ! - ' . found it contained no priie at all, tndi V.iheVI'nhVttbt'.tay With jbaa tbVeolbr prebUia.; cVnnpt aii j rN'-rQasai-liii t4 w. , . : , the name of spmsbody she;dld noti Va-ysf , Wove.of thetpiitwh'njxi , sUbwJOf fcyarrifeatlArl - " 4 - i i - Come hi, she said, leading him .In Slaplay towards 4n& llm:k, Tit we rareJea; .ntr.l a el elWir 7?rmiJijClinhot catch any-! the par'WherkUij lW"fireiiht : SW bdW they ' are g)rriraSUd:,ena l.h.u 'htArirVrVM - ' ' " body asidSybUwho found It' quite j iwlc&l& L WcinJed by ntWwh would f&t - ' ... - ' atSM&xMrti:.' . .-ir . '::! tnT 'twill ret a Umn ! . : elm evei the leathery Wdeof a1 'irl- iX-M CtttrW'irtnt '; : "You don't go at- ir right,"--said j f0?.?.1?.' I thQw what.I came for,,. J.., lore, jpoi "Whiehi whed awerea rightly.' ''offers the little fellow oyer : Uiere. :; That's I ivill you marrr "me V ; , .. ; ' I a clear rtd ce-'tbe eetttenteatitf''trre Gently now. There aha. W hat did I tell VbuHThat was1 1 well dooe, wasn't U. Alnsley V , Excelknt," said Alnsley him do. 1 am consumea wtw curt- i osity. oynu openeu, iBugnuigiy, exprcuog i nothing. y. "By JoveH ; Dick cried. "She's hooked the gold . riug," Surv enough, hiside of the im little fish lay the shining band which every one coveted. . ; ; i.i LK - i4ItlsKke the Arabian 'Dights,"- she said in aslomhment. W !How pretty it. is V And see tliis Trench motto in- ilied, BJ,Wver; of get- wujf j,ijo iiii,.,. nyuutr uuffr x eyer i .1 ; 3 - r I Dapuea6u.vr i'.iv?fc t 117 p There is no great mystery as 1 om jseei said Evelyn; witli a 'disagreeable laugh..; A brothet of Mnu" Bayanrs ought to be able to prompt oue efl'ect lyely.' ' .' t JIisa Ogden said Dick quietly, I hope you do not think tltat I kuew where the ring was V " j 4Oh,' of course not, was the sarcas tic rejoinder. . ,Alv Captain Clyde, is Jihis yon? -Tlie music . is playing. ' I suppose we may as well go into ,the ball-room. V :;'' ;',.". t . Dick Clyde smothered an exclama- I tion as he turned to Ainsley with a cunous look. . . , . . :: , ,"' '. You have not fiahed yet' he said! There is -plenty of time, Aroutli- aot answered. 'There Is Miss Irvin, . Dick. . She looks appeal iug.' . v - . . ' TYoxrWwuys nave your ownw!ry, SybU .alpne, by.the pahle ,', rY i- t. Aren't you goin to fish V be asked. dp.ph'tre;j'i and itljs.-myi peculiar: . privilege:) to choose a partner. ' Viir'yod l'dance I nnu ' yyl f . j- .'phi llVrbotbilofjlnlutH disgrace with me,Miss, pxr. 1- ? h ,CK, .."u-fjn Woit uoM.wiUTUai, tlip risk,' he said,, offer- J arm. whkh the .took shyly. a . . x . , v . . . . baud I Do you know I have a strong So. AuisW took her ! mIl white hind and put the rini ori,it.! ii fit w'UI coWfrue Ina Vr It coms true at all, be said, y Xow, come, ! ' The German begins - at ten. and I must tell you what I haye. jcho-' tverybyalSiiQ'ihr who that quiet little thing was who, danced with Alnsley Arbuthnot; and, the next day Dick Trovers brought a riend to call He found Evel-n : alone In ,, all her glory A J.: ''-m ' ' " ilisi Weir haVoe out tb' hunt a place,! she saU vk ioua'y. le wants to teacu school, l oeueye. . Ah, you don't say ?' said's Dick's companion, who was the youth with the " pjrimrose." Do you think'' she would take me for a pupUf;I am not imncn'on most things, t,j)utthe, (ellowa say i am the very deuce at geography.' A'TObnth'jsllpped by.'and Sybil went home disappointed. It was the wrong time'oVyear," they said. She - might get,a piacam tneiAii, put , wuqcu w.oa none vacant now:' c " i ':'' - .it . - . i if .-. . i !-l ; : V" '4 .'' .. . '- 'I'm afraid I'm not of much account, Aunt nannah,' she said, Ycspandcnt- side-'Mariau -Temmc,. Tanne por- rp(brtune some of those plain chi ?oaa4atfc1 Tbere U no escape froinj H.Tru.Biait TSnlxWit "V- . i 1,-; uVe;f.:iir.vArhuthnWil -the.:' heat eoadiup,. Th?i iorniUU Thiefrf'eo ; fThat mmns you are m to be married catch of the seas6n: 7V;r'.. :! tavthe, Booth i.lU .monulslo'V t-wft ryJt 1o l! iiJirb mtlNM d in ayear.'lsaid Arbothnot, smiling to. .; u i . aW ' .J -; '-." race tendency alone ib irreBUtible to- lini; fij.i. uT.) 3Vt-l tloow her shy, litUe. flushed face. - . TesUmonlaU from persons who have waVdi It.', and" mwu-ee'tV'liilC'inorB j.W'1 Ifi . I don't thiuk, that's llkelv. Sibvl 1 beeti cured WametHdne buiiht tocbu atronVlf BverV J' d'a? 1 '.'."'.. for. a mjtn who m llvcon CXt JfiCpn ts Alnsley. Dick said,, resentfully and Sent euVti) Sybil tttr.btithuorwer5ieft fjeslre tonxJwiLawV-hfTj4 .1 il'Well, a huveof t hni' a'Jjecfions, saia aywi, oiusiung lamuy. -xma wiu ao,-tie.; aakU detaining Sle was a natural jrirl. wUhout . anv I nrhm mv wni I come true';. h I Hhathe is hftjesiaig. Hexarglii. emi-,"ani;;kissip5:-jt I kreteoet'thla; iois',(ls'Jjttrilikry,' 'and ;lifUngberhan4 .here the irold rim? annnned hen nrU ty finxrer. ; 'Do you know what I wkS. I eddarlingff The ring : fcaid that the I not look for any" further positioaVt I-p a She ousht to be satisfied said Eve jyn ugdcnf when She heard orthe en- I gagement., lt ;'U': as'tonUhmX'Cwhlii I tioce those suffering .fr'-'theaamedVi man . a mnri annl.1 ..ir ki,AM I v--f "v uvnu w cir i.. 'ivauwvM MHtnucueiwws 1 publish any testimony ra favor ofShal- lenberger's Antidote for.MalarU,'lthe! name and address are given, and ;. that w invite von to verifr. It hw wrlti I ..AT.denherger A Ob.,,., .1 tA,-:i i nocneier, 1'A.i. . . . '! - 1 ''; ) i 1 1 i '!? i-: -r. -r , . . r ' W- - . r , j ah vnjy;jiHiue;ojr jnance- ! riIenbury-I wish, dear tliat you wbuldn't take part In that - church ta-'r.', . The games of chauc - .Mrs. DoseuburyWyes I I sup. se yoti never indulged In a ganen of pose chahce,5 .-)!' -.11 i ir'.l i one-ot ahe .mt complicated 'Bh iwoaleultbln lnBiJtBa.:.Itld J kkisUa'e.ltfd1 sr.i vt ' ( r hn food'aloppv sBtal werry,:laIe caJHiy irufc obi oieruer.-- " -GreasT'-f ood," tons food, bad cooken! menial lioura'i irregular-' nabits, - and many other thiags wbicli ohght not to -be,1 n-vetLBUe ui Axaeiion peopls b na tion of idys peptics v ." .y..: y i , ... ci ' ! But Green a Amost -Flower 'has- UOue a wonderful work in reform In una sbi : pusmest via. msting . vio American yeor4o heaXLhy that they osa enjoy mU 1 and be happy.-, I jSpprtanieB who want to, fill:;gme hagawUbihe least postiblB,: expendi ture f powder,, will be JoterestBd. In lMMu. r t.t -. ''') f.-)'il pusrles Ieayard Norton's iiiuatra Uescrlptio'n bA.'rot-ltunVers. Y dise,- to apfar Ii Uie ( American'! phsrles Ledy a rd Norton's illualrated Fara- , !lax- ne forOctvber. vj..Su.ir . uucKLEijNtcA i3Abye':,. The Best Salve :1a the . world : 6r uUr Uruiaeay -Sore, Ul-ars Balt aeuio. Fever Snree, :. Tetter,. Chap ped hands, Chilblains; Corns, all Skiq ' Erpptkms,j,ind positively curse,-, Files or bo 'pay required; Lt ia guaranteed to give )erfect aallaiaetioo, or rooney' ,f '-iu II J ife I see that between' sixty -and bna hundred neraons in different' tJarli it tie country i been rloneJj by cecreami if , r '. ?j She (tommgpale)--DUanyoftheul lie, George 7 . ": f ; : 'j I lTe--N-no; but some of them wee Verysictv"7;S; Vv: She (color slowly . coming back) jLme cannot be 'top. cariful, George, when odo eats ice? creani.'-' Ilereafler let us fctict ib Dc!mbnicbs. Har- year would brfng'you a husbandiand MJlJ CUippwinginay .De looked I wished it hiight be pe.. I'S aa a moraliarpouibmtyv -ju.-a tVi'eeaa'toVthat Wtfl 3id Tbiwe is lcl. o ies4lajr.(.fiiri;u Y .t. . .vT " j. . , ; . when theaBaralorirBlndchftkj.a 1 In I tr ri ab in w. I, rA . ,1 AA-a I I CAJiU-wheu was thatru) i -.ar. 1 w',th matter whkh ought, not . to bo. jWl0! rrVVffJ.W9ain -V i.4VuenImarriedyou.,ridclplila' tbern, yoor lungs oincol half do theit infLainnaailon aud fcxvA,,rffrtCiv4 n!KX !iweU"rr fftVB!-' " BBlEFr'AND!tTO"THE-'FOINiT tsxrh, contraption or auv OfUw fsnv. ".lnirtoft co anl s vbjjj tha.. ' r. .a'ol 'ijy pf ihroat Budooao-id.. headmod, ineneVndWeuztWti w,-aV .TfiiL-: tDyipepsih ii dreadful. DlsoMerea lun oUstructions, all aro '. lmd.,4 Ail hnW'eVe k!gui6 fiats a bo?'71 l ' hver U wisery; Indigestion is a foe ought lobe gwtiid oU jTbers is, just j ."VU ; to choditare. i n- wr tatrfridnf iiiam -. ".'Thai !- D.r.4 U. AIci.eani Xulils ,.aadT' pers Bazar.' ", t " v A i . . . . ... ' , . , -.-' Qsorgi thtjp jro&sooa&Ifilp wtiii i-kmutoess tnlrtxlaail that-Bute i.bjl. pni- mai aooimonwu ai iae twae or the 1 1 hole.quesCvuTTIstteirsgro 0 die I becomes TO ore so the longer he' re- mains la the country The ioaorhIs taerm with the whlW race,1 ahU-'fix Klai-k nn fhla BantinrfiL and it ia thai I wnJcn MtWt nurked out roc aun. j 11 - flw iiwui-aj. ntjlveby Mmselfln.fweU-deaoed Thii i spirit of Uw's likethAt eboUtnei. u m " '' r ' m i V . " I in uieun.mn i in iAvor oi ,iast con- i lommtuon, , u omi noi lei uw nw fu opposition n,or tocourAgV'unoBUi- rnihatred;bot It marks more ' clearly those natoral toon '6esJwhc'h1'GVi, ' Ldi .AWif f uesLTueuoo. hb uuqb Bit' ciasseA' shonldlook- BltiiB' matter L 'thbil nL v.. I-. - ,. .. . -i.Vw-f., vi ; w.-nderful maorfnery itls. Joi oalyj : the Urger air passage but tho tljoo- audi of little tubea and ckviLra-'lad- iojr from themU o rcr.oor'i tn. yrt; iwhich any drosttist will sell you a liTScents BlxtUa TTven if evorlh5f I i7ff cents alxHUe Xva If every thing ;eIoe has failed bo-'yoa Oaj' 'depend- upbathls for It ' t" ' r . ; . f. , - f '- tha vouni? ladv rleaBAntl v. m sm-wul I.HHT1I1V HrMA MTV', a I - - S . . 1 a .1 : . V.a ters, whkh 1bt lor their, bais . very - That is tasay,7ouriun& -Also alt - ... , I .I've-. eaten next.o-.nothln,". bTwtUrsiho rtxcr tlcAT, T; fet 'V lipped BmUherp, .wb6.wasLdlttlpr fctmbd'Iato'btiod W'k;"... ?T. " ?wiMAiglrJ.0f'UbjIniawiv.aaj hJ.7to fufnliCa ;g!r1Ai:. ; ' ; '"' ttjat.whenjsjahyjoewpond . . ww:n BTUnE1- iJP.::?:' ;:f j iXau arefeelinj depressed, Vent arn : ' ,Tbe danger of 'a malarUr -'alinov' petite is poor, yon at bothered, with, Uets "iakV Um&xitlti y'odi: w roc-". headache, you ars fidgety, nerrousaa-f f t , .-, -v ' . f. 1 r,i:.--r iil generallycTrcTand; want-to' & ' Vraceon.. ;Braca epv'.huk Inot with piUls and Fever curf. . chcajiandbBd 'whitkyr and whkhTrV?T .r.V',! "tiV ipH..:.f r..e?.i . . . ala;',j. A a. . . .a. m a a . SuroalBte you xoz ab uour, ancv t aueor leave ypu u-a worse -conu.uoa utau i txiortK' - DM TOO WBjakia lit. Bikorar tiw tM n.t.ir v.nirMvu1 frl I r.i auair J . VT."r T Healthy acuou oi L,mr ana Aianeys, ft CSWurQ JUUl TAiai.awf uu ; t w newed health ead atnmsthw' ' Bucaa .dl, a -!f IT tat ' BMI . awevaA , medicine you will - find In FJwctria Jiitters, and only w cents a poiua fl j The biggest jgum-botl ' on record has beed discovered In a ' mncllage THEIR BUSINESS BOOMINO !' !. ir, I. i ' i'i.;ti ( ' .,'"..'" .Probably no one- thing .has. cansed Such a general revival of trade at Far- man&CooKe'sDru- htore aa their giving away to their customera so manj free trial bottles of Dr. - Kings New. Discovery for , couAumption Their trade ia simply enormous in this very valuable article if cm the fact it alwaya cures and never dlssp- oncUitia, croup, and all throat and uog diseases qu'cklf cured.- Yon can test it before buying by getting tral bottlefree, largiisj fl, Eca , i&ecv Cue or nein,..L.:;' "-r , . IT! 'enoaktiri'arliu'iij.V'j ' rAlit Mr , frxXUilifomi pitVrTYi' t Ur his eatirelrntkr.! enrMM.k svl 5J! lrZb!KTn J f fcennl f IUnhlfiua fit vj.I oi YioV: loeiBiH MdicioetrfU anbf ouT -ciiLi ' i. PT.,r l AXa LrHtA SBMjicilcd aadwuhout Ifas koie'i bi tbm proprietor. r :f .3 wXt.Ff Jll-jsJErU? . IhA .Vlj CI a 1,1 - kj.-.'fi(";TTra lutB" mil have bejon svibigtjiiiaoii Regulator rayselfsome fiye jenrs woret ah'd ipy'Eunilv a.Ub'.and'cn tr$ 'J ironixpenenee wwrna r'"! know it tr cnri.1 nflti)tr meuicUn-t ar,j ryrJ pki-X WSUra. tr'H)itrjf e'aij?Je LTa' Ifco oeaired raiieL. iXkia:.atiaAnrr-i :pv!. ,Iav , xxwbltyt . , . ; an I hnte ,ofieu, fclv- , - ' . : . ai.r.cike AV.d'nlca ' . tilled ItrlA.W Ii.tA - . . ! oi iwcuiy-tive jean the heed of SOch llound itrejtelakiled ! t nvilet.'Jt.H llnrpsr-'iuV that tinhi should U antloaidvd l&! . . . :Kjjy4w -i . 1 t j . : i .;, .; ; a ex vt a a a w aww ataw s a a secure Is gratis In actiQa. .an'LtiT.r- rA LWri L..;.3 --.ni..li-b. t . v?i'. . r f ?n ri Vyi r-f "f f.V11? i 7T? ! .! V"? '.-,ar.S V" iris a'ctireiy and' renUf'.lhe ,'fooii -r4..- 1....3 - iii..lit. Mjt w glvs tana loihe tomkeh t Dr. - a a - . . . . a .... I W ai ix Alji,Anj blrenjtticnrng' fjoruTv and Blood Furlfierf r ,A ' a 111 lit. - at'. a. . . ' am a i - j T 4 T . W l--.tfT JTOFn : ..f.- airei I w f Jr. ' A .'JLJjr f-- rCtA'Twd :.d.r, ,dl I I W I . . .-a a av -1 a. V ' I ! ;benttBiwemafaostUbs?tW, I and to remain healthy, and: ocaa.'JiU 1 she should, take. Dw Jill ;IcLnx.! Sttescthesung OordiAl and Clood rra rifier. It imparts teoe and. CqibI Uii hhtkto,! strengUi.lrigor .tidt'rvra.! ilood; enlllji adapted tor s:ei A rom, the, Ube to & ae4 -Al leHhejr.i I.,! ;i -1 l - : 1 .' 9" FreaieiiUy accricnta orczi Vx 1 da 7 I ,ftn,.hiJl whtrH f""A fnirna tilv I . , , , : .''mU ' ,priln l L?V ' Dr. J. If. Mttaas YotcanlcO.l : I Liniment Lias for many years been tl,e constant favorite Camilv reme.lr. -t a Adlaonlered cwodAIon of theatota ach, or malaria In the ayatem will pro dace aick lieadAche, you cm 'tedVB,,f Wa trouleby fAktng Dr.-Ji If.1 "Sfc-1 IiCansl.H.Ie LWct aa IXhbey Fillet V ' V igweneawaintanwfa .rr " In their onojaocy .by, tbeL,,Ufl -ri: f it JfiLeana Btrenbeuiost'Cr' SS'cvalt per y'jiU r" I r oarDer' - . . . - " i 3 : ' ' I A- :""S

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