4i". Oae Tear lO Jlaua oi i THIS. TlilKS Will nriiisftftd at 41.0. v;;.r , Abco JJor ccononititl! than thr ordioarr kindI ndiwt WM d- ' rOtaptttiotf withal th multitade of low test, short Mreirht alum or p1iotphnt powders. SOLD ONLY is css. KoaL Bakixg Powder Co. rJjLl vQ6 Wall StiN. GeneralrDirectov,: ' CHUJitJIIKS. -MRTatTsTReT: A. 3CCalInVpiMtor erticv i every . Sunday, mrnifig ianxl aiht. Pruyer. meetmir very J; : 4Mdsv uigjit-f Sunday sckool 9 g'eloclc.A. v I tor, Services 1st nd 3rd Sundays iaeaeh mouth, morning nd night. Prayer meet- ui every lhnrsriHy mjfUW Jsanday isehool ti.sstoHRiw.Thoshit. - K. Eirer.n, J. J. lla'rrftW'J; A. Thomas.; ' Hn.tr J meets Fj-iJay before nrst.Monday f franklin oarrY. J. Criiduf R. a b" t ;rr F P. Pierce, W, B. UzateU- - .vf-Y'P: Superior ConrV Cleric A..AV (i irceli Kejrister of Deeds B. F. Baile&. " heriff-.H jUearney. vU 4 T TrettabferiJ) PiVKftawK s?- Keeper Poor tt6uiJtZ'TlauKnS-i.f Svv't of He lth Dr. B. 8. Foster.; U 1 iNftaiV 061101 MvtilieaFniBlt Jiutdji. N. C.: " 'i.k VK; ? . a i ; '-i ; ' rfOAUD OF tDIJCATIOX. . ; Ae' i. S. linker, Chairman, ' C"ayer8r ,.;. .. v , .. N. Y.-Gully;' ; ; J. N. Hams, Secretary. : , - ?: I The Supcriateudeut will te in Louis bnrg on the second Thnrsday of Fel- taiy. Apnl,' jnly, September, Octo lor an-1 .December, and . remain for three day a, .ii uecsairj,.for; the pu f$, pose of vxamiuinw applicants to teach; si the public schools of Fi-ansJ in coni. B. B. MASSENBUKG ' 1 O.ifice in tfee.llonrt'Hottw.'' A.11 husiness 'putlh my Capita will, reoeive i. prompt -attcntidn iy!....i;-;,. 1 L'TT and ;O0NSF.T.LOn'ali:AWt:' ..r LOUISBUAO, FKANKLIN CO.,N. C. II attend the urts Vashi Frank in, Gr nvllle, Warren, ; and Wuke MVHi.is:ilsoJ;re-'npieine ourt xii jSTor th Carolina, and the U' 0 i rcui t in d D isTjt icr&Ooii rt. Urn-:: EW TIMBERtAKE. -f?t ; ATTOREY AT LAW ' . LOUISBUBO, H-C, OIBce ihe Couk Houe-'- 4 w E. DAY. ; 4 'A. driottTnrirM Day & rZolifcoftettH ATTORXEY8 AT LAW, HENDERSON K.'XJi7 Practice in the conrtg of Frankiiir v ance, Granyille Halitar, and North hampton and the Supreme and Fed eral courts of the State. ; h. - yj. : 4. RUFFINF08G. He iLonsBUBoN. C. My shop is still "otf confi Kfr whereXwm bo pleased ;toivertorf o-iiruus 'vhii to see me. J Calls to private residences: fbrctit-C ting ladies and ehildrens hair-prcuhn-1 y responded to by Ruffin Fogir the le6 ng barber. . vWAti J'. kaniltf mmmtri ''" ' Olfnn 7 ml i luteiv.Purc 9 yikmmp o kes Drug;Store1 adToinini Dr."6T A. THOMAS, Editor ahd ST:: 4 "Enffaged tt bo married," slowly j"liTla MUJdion,4 Anil Jlh,n,lh!1 htf . j?ncfte' Follett Ijffould Kave,beenrihe first of the gwduaHnglasstoear aajengage It was rather stran$.'i:The three girU &itsljle bjr side orft the ; brpadi fj iyina.iiV4rgQidftrl&eyes 'andyeitow ,Tp? in ,hef nain Sp'hie'len slight and graceful, a ype i the inosl tfutki JjttdelbvetinUTaW I s an insjginacant,.' chestnut out irothing beyond the average; WVllni Europe VAnd you are to have your trous- lJ?Ji!S!P pM.f:P.li dear,:i wish dt;wm skiuThereiU enviously wouKi tiave-euspected you of capti Yrttinjj a rich husnaud ?" : ; I, ; i I don care whether Iw Is rich kW mt' iaid Btailclrfirinz ud. lonry-JwtWilAloVe him. That is enough." -'H f - -?f -Vlt wouldn't be enough ftr the," said Theresa.1- must have cash aswell '"mi : curesses. "BaV. come, Those handsome young Cubans will sit oposite us again, and eveti 'a ItdfcercTlrler tllrth';! better thaii iWihxll;.blatiich4 Jitr us, of course but we dou't care for atiH(Cl:: : ; Wffnd;manlvJ,'ali lin snuff color, that- wim who sjijt next u?i thanernoirttt4linHer V 'JaosrtK IPlitAvN itarjl at oslI sit;tt!dnH Wonder if hu were" :simm riclifwldawertellfel- ;f H .rrid ld igy r aid There-1 8a.;. Da you know, girls he htu a ken tho room next to ours! I saw theiu cnrrylng an auteduliviaii trunk In there a little ' while ago. Depend upon it he the first co win or Methuselah ! ; I'm sure I diiit know what such wretohed old create Yirs want at a '-place ' like 7 Long Branch;'; yoni heyM lt hume and jiorser their rheunlatfsui kHwbmresii !rtil8p3red' Miw Follett, glancing around; "He Is sitting oa the beTicti f ust'beyoud. M ' vAimdietoo, -insolent ! in" the pride land flush ofer bean -- The gray-t-alre4 - old man; who ha 6feItUi ctpVeveVuis goluV headedeue -)ihly fied on the changinjf glories of the "sunset sea, .hjodp-here-ii?; 'yx.: JVLWMgdip said he, "you thiuk ttiat the old have 410 Tunoex h;.h;acentuTybr iiior0.;'luareC' overour head jru amy tldnkr dif ferent oa f toe entjecf. 4 frt T Theresa 'colored and 4 tossed Flief head, Sophia DeanvtUtered. ahe- J rose anu snooK out her flounced P4oayn robes preparatory to going "upMBtalra, but Blanche Follett" 1in 4 gered Whlttd after the other- two -had swept away and glanced-pleadingly up In the old man's face. 1 , VfI hbpeTlhey have not hurt; your hfeenngsrsishe-? saidt Wistfully. They mean no harm, only theyv 1 "are- v yOTngdVfobllsh.y- K ' . - vi N6;myaeal, no," said the old man, kindly. "Yoo, at all events, ha veil gentler nature and more womanly, Um perament ( : f The August moon' was at the full that night, tmd Jong after midnight Sophie and Tree e practl cing on the guitar and singing sen-' ti mental songs,5 wheiv a ValUr : tap ed iohly; attbaobrplthliefi; "rPIea.mi8s, ;;VnttmbeK,-vlbrty--; nine's com pi linen bad 'eadache and can't , sleep,' and. ftiidA'tHe.tf ladiesJobUge by; leaving' 'nanging t - -01 knpgUsiioii to ;4 C t Tit "What nonsense 1" exclaimed Theresa sharply. "Every one is free to do as he or she likes In a hotel, I believe -yi Theresa, pleaded kind-hearted little Blanche, "if the old geutle f map ha? a heudache h;tPhiwit -otegolar ; fuiisy old diatchelor," said Sophie, petulantly, ?ti uppjjf jour pr-ctic in this wav r Flejwas relute isting.WVtthl4ettUa-rl 4jIiiuldA jput a y, and so the two girls went : What b;Qa think ?LexcLdin. tnornisg dripping at id radiant frotnj jthe bath. .-"Old fortjrtiine is sick I The d'ictor was hero half ah hour ago, and J J liit saV t he waiter car b'ing ice flirt his head. ' S ,; ' - "Som lorridTfever V cried Tfie, resa.tartiing. ;$i&eji t It ineaw 1 to tjuuig my boarelng place at bne. pianche where Is Blanche? Why, she's goto r declare r HoW proVo- xtng, when we are ia a harry to de- dematters, , , r-x vrr It was more tharv an hour before lanche Follett reiurned. and when 4t length she entered the room The ies and Sphie were half through: he task oir packing their trunks: i Blanche, cried the' former, per-' tulantly, "where Tiave you Wd t I "In the next room with the side old geutleuiiin, doiug my best ! to nurse him.' -- . ... "nchel shrieked f heresaJ . Well fTi was tlf calm response. Are you mad V cried both icirls in chorouH. - -. I. A "No ouly humauV If it was toy father, ' added Blanche courageous ly, doyou Jhlnk lhoubj wajithtin. tji lieVone and unattended In hotel like thisr' r T " ,:;"-- ' J Let t heni send for his friends. said Theresa, sulleuly, V" 'i"Who3aai tell who1 or'what lihWy iaVer?:---5;;,;T . ItiSSC3 trunk that's the' way.. iu aci iK8 S'FTnanyioolv aaUl iphlesliiirply7. " T"I suppose t- y will if he does not get better soon. In the mean time lie needs a daughters care, and tjie memory of my own dairi dead father promotes me to the -nls-8lon,"! : .'. .j. . .. , f Blanche, you are crazy If cried outHisa J$jaiuz.lWhat do you.su. pose Mr Arch field would say to you rfeking your life thus ? ; I d. not thtok;iWn1biiiiRsi&' Siiid BItnche carmly. "Moreover, I (believe Guy would bid me do uy jLniIa! Owy seniejoCdutyi IsnH qtnte-gti uprnie;TT8ai6rTheresa7 scjornfully.s You can di as you please, .butbfmhleand -X; , i n teml ving at once to the Metmaid use". ' r ,;:; "Audf j?oq are sensible you vlll name up my mlna." I fWell,tlin58Aia fSophlett4 Wish that old flntifr (Idrt uViMld if j ' atbeAiiiewItHUilr not oe nuirso pleasant without you,' BrWncheTvk i..rt;t;i;in . . 4 Okl Snuff alor,-:wever ai Sophie' ireftjrflly' 1 termed rhlinf d4 doHiei' f ehe ftmtraryf rv te that day of prlfhim&('W chjtnseemed to turn la his favor. nuu permnueus recovtry. . was as , 4My deaf, said he to Blanche Follett, 1 have much to thank you rofj.i Before L yesterday 1 r,. never knew the soft touch of a daughter's: hahdsi; thenirusterts augbr . fodts'epsjuhiLraj shall I . consent to part . with .them now. : I Weaa 'to keep you always,' mjf childif "tT-';V; j Blsnche cote?-ji4jiax7 the Incomprehettslve words. ; "Does tin mean ,tb adopt me ?' . she askeil mTie&"r;,9un)r : tbqt caiihot"te po sble--he la going to bropose to me?' -y ' 1 : But the pldgentleltsext sentence completely solved the rid .teL'ii :) i-; ttFor I do not .think you have -sasbected,'! he added, with a quiet smile, ''that all your -secet ' charita ble oQces have been rendered to Guy Aarehfield's father l Blauc!ie was frightened mors ProprielorX , r. ... 1 - - - - - - i TOBER than ever. Surely Insane. -4 oil man was "Mr, Archfleld, BrJls fa ITurori. she said HKltatInilyv -V ,i v, .He Was, myldeari! the old man answered iiriWbut 4heu rfeTUrned on the Arlnde,and hyU 'here ' by your side. I telegraphsd to Guy, ; this morning; he . wlll be here In ihalf aiid 'hour .' to ccsiflrm my ; words. Little- Clvnchs will yon Igimsial dihUb ilsaowlrr 1 "My own JiUnchev you have won hrj hearty said , Guyj -Arcbfleld. the .only doubt I ever jsntertalnett, heut mr mat rlagehb cotaent---. Js Holved at lastA lie honors you as 'yootleaerve'.' " fvfel '"'v I And the pretties, of all Blanche FolfeU tfdMrifts :WtM isSla- monds given byer arBalthy -aad excenlrlcoIJ fkt her-Io-law. ' l, i , . . Thturesa ilddleton fad Sophie Dean cried out lb choroas. as they had cried before manyatlme ,r Blanche Is the luckiest girt H 1 4 : , ;- ' m : ,U -r . GnrjsttiE34A7 caAKtie.1? ! Usav, your taiWIaSI all your breathiajr toscldarry; - i Vety w.nderfal macuSaery It ia, , Not ol y Ur!f j lg. hit the thooi and of littl lubet and csritn-a lead- Ing f rma them, - j . i When thea arc clogg! aed choked with iMsUUr which oagi im to b there, yooe lngennothstf da thrlr work, Aa what they d, they eaanot dWwelL" - ""'"j' .-t .;." . f t:41tte.ld. croeW p6eW'ls, ca tarrbt e-aamptkm r aar ortbt fass dy of throat kik! ikm amd hed - svmI Ion oiiru;t!on. U mj ba4. ui iught to oeg rid oL There fa lust 4n war to gt rid wT them. - That is w ' take; Boachec's GrmarSyrv, which any drargtt wiir twit yoa - a J5ceuUb-ttLs -Evcaifevervthied . laeha- failed i. , i . it 4 aja aponthisforit - V--.- .- 4. Tricycle riding hi raoom mended m a remedy for I UeamHti n. It ' m ' xcia 1 j than earryiux a horse oat a your porkeU" . earai- : Ask aay olc the above aaU. mmd the answer will made instaatly.IifV greatest boon is the -eajcyaaeat I of f4 health. No oae feela Mior keealy t ab.Bce of this heavenly booa- tsw the weak aad delicate woman, and no one " keenly than ahe will appreciate the blessings 0f food health, or mora earerly seek for the recmiies which will restore her wasted strength to the fall perfoetioa wbish health alone eaa give.' To all aach w earnestly appeal to read the following teatimoay of a weU-atowa lady resident ia uop4nstiUe, Ky:, , j "HopkiasTine, Ky. Feb. St 18S7. " ; Oentlemen Seven y'eais ago a sore de veloped oa my now from a finger aail scratch. -1 tried a few simple remedies, biit the ser woald not -yield.- I - grew T0-? r Je for year, Many thoMght I had a cancer Over a yea. are I commenced uking 8.S. 8 and two doa- -ea bottles entirely eared me. - iWhea 1 began with Swift's Specific I was in very poor health, aad cow Id hardly drag about. After I had finished hc course of a 8. VI was strong and bnoy-: aat, and had a rood appetite., 1 regard it as a moat valaabte medicine for ladieS 1 ia w delicjUo health. It ia a . Jwtuchojdr tnedifehie'witW me.-' 1 . V t a u , iorsresaeetXBllr. Jars. It. W. WUaoa: i - A PETERSBURG CVA)K EECHAUr. I lar. S. F. nhtia i. a "f v.'Mt'.U'f ? ! safiVrer from rhesus-. 7, of paring Wa.f taay dnd therefore Mr. Hohb'sowa acwoaat of Ais ears Is glvea.i fH,.j'?f f. viif- i s. : h I c rsbw;Yai'l'yiMr.uJ J OeaUameailrbasi had dr.pepsU lorVi year,' when recently I took aevea bottlea of 0. X. S. i Yo r aaedieJ ae gave me . greaU er relief ASd did ma mora good tha .any-, thing I erer took, , IshaUtakaafew mora bottlea this spring. ' ; t -. ;; 1 WiCtf-f.t-Voara 4rarr - , i, s'. -a, -'-t.: B.r.nohba. - Treatise or Blood aad ' fesia Xiseasee mailed free. 1l. t'i' : . The Swift SpeeuTe CSJ JSri vet X, JUW otnicai uinurtui or nis iciiaw aasrpra. wg w ------ , - 4 3 1 i'.. - fart bar ' Itis tald, that a do! Ur nowthaait used to. Hare the Haaa cisrs selected M more-: distant 'colony than Canada f '''l. s" ' II AVAiiiinr BLESSING. ; 81ainoos UverlleguUVir,: the fa Write homj reasedy, is catlraty vegs-. table, and is the purest aad. besi fam-. Uy re cidy that liVompbuotled Ko error to be feared ' in adafoaterlng; noinjury from exposure after taking; no loss of time.- v It Is 'the bast pre ventive medicine and safe la taka do matter what tbe tlckneM may prove to, be, and. In any - ordinary disease, will effect a 'speedy eufe.' Demand the genuine.; having - the Z-stastp N n Wrappe' A , ; .4, i r ; . -. . . ' ' -. 7;;i887, '- HatacraVT , - Pome el the first eooslgB sweats' of fruit reeeired In this markU says' the &a FrmJicliMJOl!, earns from, ladles, Tiie yporjli';.rMoavvW eot by Wrs.JJ. A. Jackson, who lives ea taajtacrameoKo'.a lrrr, aad 'the first royal apricots ware' contributed; by Mrs I'ena. ef Vacavdle. ' These Ja dies appelrib baVe left the jmeo ( be-. bind in thct t We bope tit y wUl have many sueceasors tf their ewn sexand the woeaeu will . have their tail shantof hoour and profit " eat ef the lmit;aIeV tOiV seaeeav v: ; There to 10 reaaba ' WbyK woeMht sbouVl bet be tw aoooeaafai frail raU raasmen. Forth heavy work of padlsg sad culUvatlag laey zma hire belpae wwli as their busbiods. aad s'!EB!.? .J9 b MnnreZot Itbe teres when they are ia Uariac ' and the pieklag eed Waiarrwf-ihe-irm thryarf Just as ablet soaaag that as aoy aaao. Ia Ue East weaves raise a Urge portion of tha fruit, especially the f small femes ' While tie father of the family sod the boys are ei work at Uieir bosiaese the another aod. the girls ars Laay In the otxbard aad the garden, and at the rod of the seasea toe Utter have qalte a sum ef money to add to' the fund for the support of the household. Mas a gUi dress as herewith the proceeds of ;few arrse which are br ewav er a straw berrr er- tUkberrys patch. Froit Undlns; t. light, pluussei werk, far Wetter foi a omea than aewutg or oth- them hi the epw air aad C2a flnS luna'wlLh . wf4aeme exhaktloas tro'm the kia.Uy earthy ' 1 " Hope VlUa. 1 Nov. 1st. Messrs. AT. SludUaberger A Co. -..',B.M:bet'r( .Pa. ;t Goatss I. re ceivadaaawple botUeof "vour Anti dota for If alarm Uat spring, aad have teated it fully in my owe cas. .After fslliasj utterly with . eiiiuae, it. has cured me permanently, and I would tk it bfure any. remedy .whatever. TOW cwuld sell at a lower pries, H for . hv rodurtory parpjies only, H . weald be-Uee4 apoo the waters jater, whea the world fiads.lt maVt have It. i . Very truly yours, - J.a.WeUter. Wltat U aoceatry after all? The rich man as well as the poor one begins life without a shirt to hU Lack. ' - - XLECTBIC BITTEE3. ; This remedy is beceming so well known sod ae popular as to need no spedal mention. All who used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise A purer medicine does not exist and It' UttWsnteed to do all that Is efaJmed. Electric Bittrxa will care airdisoues'of the liter and 'kid afys, will remove implei .bolls salt rheum and other affections eused ' by fmpore blood. - ill drive malaria from the sytem aad prevent as ,well si cure all malarial fever. --For eurs of headache, coostlpaliee aad Udigts Uoo try eetria Bit ers-Etttirs aat UfarUoVgBtraeted, wBSiMiey ; re funded: Price M sets aad $1.00 per bbUle at W. n. Furroaa's dreg store. - The fiy s a tall Insect, Jl stmdi ever six feet Fart! id' - '. -.. . - ' iSCOXSUUraul IKCUBABLEf the feBbwiar: Mr. I11L Hor- r t Newark AricmjairWas' dowa with abscese ei hug, aod ' bleed phjslclaas pronoun crd me aa, Ueura-, bUeousumpUye. , ZWgaatakJng Dr. Ava Ks V Dbeeverr tor , coexsomp tloa and am now pa. my third ,Wuie, and able to oversee tha work en., my iarm. ItU theAoesk asadiciee ever madsj. ' ",, ;i " :. JeaaeMlddlewart. Tter, .OUo, MXAilLVc I01 JDr. tiagU w Discorarr ; for Coasuaptlea. I wocld. have died of hmg treuUfe, Was glvea ep by doetors, in new la the heat ef healih.M Trr Hi - 8am pU boillasfraeat1 W. rL: FaTaans drugatore.' ' r; ; K;, , The crab U a very gratplaj ..1 tore.--'"?-'. 1 . : Uasuspectel dlsord-rs of the Ud nevs are responsible for tnsay ef tbe ordieary allmeats of hamaoltv Which newtected. develop into a serioos' aad parhaie faUl. msUvify Experieaee wvmld sanrt the eaa of Dr. -J. -H. UcLsuas Wrsr ao3 Kklney Balm. , ' 1 1 1 -1 1 h A Judge of Uxb ataeaTag hafe thd pastqarter saceatarr bee;vts4 for ma t hofoi UUta, . ley t , aogcs aad pertoctmtcgru. ;Lami put m, ty,-wrect and vioroaa ju asaamef. fjort tj, beaaaet condaj.Jeai ky . CU ness for tnany years, aad laet lis pest MreguMyas theetmi-a.. Vll. csce asked him tha, secret af Us power. -Ham. U rrpLnd. -has . been my salvation,. I was a tiarron jocth, bigh-strun g and exdUtls. I tacirsd. drauk occatioaall r. and wasrlrea. ta I rich food, shertly sUr beir- adslh. icq to uas bar, fookieptirr yks.. eytpepca. , l oeaa-. te, study my haUu aad-thekUfiuenceea M and body. I sgparitnentsd yUb pjoi riatUexercUa .TU cesU wai m fixing a.rals ef Dif ntkX: I aaW amce followed fcJLexaij. :Z& . a plain aad ebetUaUaaaJiatX lei aelkeex jr14wasa4. tbeav pravloesly Jad the rsoot wall ?at2a ted. I sUy m the beildii-,- accused, except sahoor at aeoo, wid ty'. dkdatiewThe ether Jad2SHtakea hearty loach; I eat Mthmgw,. At Cts clock I am tbreca fbr the Aj. Jud .walk trp towa agaia. Baia er- a2n, bet or cold, finds me fwlciringmjiacais aaa ptoddiag along is the sae ; gaik All legal werk la iTaarJaaada. aUerly from my mmd as ITa kaew Cci aad rVtfnma. I esAa heartv ner take ae made sUbet r.ae . tferccr- ShimerlsUSaiajlag pUnmsameAea drink he wioe,'iharaa fort but aet a replsthm, feat ' desire w miexica (tag Hqpon,: aad saakedta hoalaess to tUreexhly djgest my feod, eaten twice a ej.', o aserso X aVequaatly wpalkd totsd; s WatHioets aad featiraja ,e ertry kind. But aeitbeseatreatj asrridV caU caa Induce me io.chasay hsb lt Even aduhof Ice cream caaaet tempt me,' A dlsortlrraj coodlUoe el tbs stem schrorrmvIsrU 1st thosyatoa wl era dees sick headache, y a .'reawte thla ifWe by taktox Dr: J,' It. He. Leans LttOe LrroT Sad KUaaj UUta. SScraU per vhd,. : : , " , ........ . . 4 .u t ! This bfCiteaVsU a woarder a a botal, mast be three .weeks. .eld. I coalda,! aay," repUd the waiueea, rveeoly lNma baretWfajaeks. , ; Frequeutlr 1 4 la the beiaelrfld which hures cwU sprain and bt itles; for eW 'lan each' eaaes Dr. J- ILMelaaas YnUanteTnif Tialanettt hae mr maay years LV the cob taiU Usrhaiaayrrae.' ' - - v Til . . i "v!- ' A beautllat wesaaa meat be aeahh v. and U remain healthy eed: beaQ.tfal she should take D J". rJaas Strenirihenmf Cardial and Bhod pa riflcr. ' It lmtwrts toas aad' f ah tA the akia, streagtk, u vifnr aad pare blood; U etjaal(y adapUd tVt all. , from the babe to the aged, of either SeX. : "' "- ' ' " ' " " i -AppetHe aad tWa mav be . ImJ proved every part . U the system aUraAfbeaed aad the aajaf sptrila ?J7JU W "of Dr. J il MelaaaEtsthBalag for ded and uiood FBriArr- ! ' lXJn.UsXeaaa ClCU savl Fe Tereere Is gaaUe la nsv.aaj ar. .: v . Jf the tteeneb ptriorcaf. Us feat tiee cdrery aad rsjrtUr tie food of whfcIT it ITC mrrtlcal, U'lrana ferr&ttUo tiled ef a aet'fULIag quaXty. whlcb; iHiraUaes:! sal warmth) te the. whole bwdy, Co resaaV dyte ttve ttoe to the atumach fa. Dr," J ZlJfcLaaas Btrcarthealhx CcrtLal a.'t' i'- 1 - I ' ' - aa 1 11 ma - . ; The i-uirV-i V a tBJarlal phwrtuylss.Bvvetadlf y- .wl'l easloolj tiie of Df. J-ll pp Chins' ail rsTmr evr. -J9:' TJadas rxpegys e eeld wbsdavitla sU yt ris, e-ay bav iaattlca. aad emaeva . atithe ralsg rye. IU I wj a. aehdas fa ka- ffamr:,!cf7cl rri. stc'M .'ts arrw ail trr;r;trrtx tMua l&s eys rrs a box,.; ;,t MJea rbanrs eCtetasenUre 1 eell bimi4Ity ef the ttniicracjsra dace Cserdeys el . the I0iaejs'. aad bladder. ase.Tie.in .Helenas. Uvtr sad JLUoey BVm to aheck. Ueesa i roaUes ra their lace?eUy. . . , ; .TlUtTmxais,the el rtstaspapyf : pnuie4 fa rrrskllrrrr:,y rrj its etrWlatioti extrnsaiv rtTrtj eo" " tkm el tUs" a4- ijo!ej2eV -" ' AdrsrtiaarsshocIJ BStU'saacU "m'itb ' will ac.'lar f-'rtt'uit " Isv the vbrwe ef tt;r.'c:!.rxv.ait C Brief sea'iii4,i,'3,ic f-ta te tloos moBxaeCj tPp:r.r rcwaj.--Uems el ay aatara wSt U?? . Cacti rri t r.'if.rf 'rj iiL"?o .... 7" ..rnnvTi Thf Veaa sm-J r, iwt!:?wra.l , toatet aa -ITham a.ea ska. art, i'-. , fabelntia mcSts. V:fJ f4pe bat am Us sea Xe4 na&J Yin f glorioes Coaflai symLisyljVl.ttn asesEa wci tics ribec aal x.JT lacks aad ttxiTy wjtsV k'T it1 t.'.V Cash ef tU ta. -ea' Ur ' iLU? ThsAWtUkJadf sa atrtd Uif- mr, r: ,iii.-rrf;u-ri .itJfj'j f Ta WsrsitrasUrH 1 ax fa, sba 4. w&L rJajSay-taraMl , wreBBest j&eA,Catat-eaya tieVl. rJUcsd st tatlaadss& tber etCTtsgac.tCat tbeaa, Aad JaceXdscevti cj ari wrestle wlUOsmkai aU,. Iermve 1 i-wesddWnlacasan Usees days t Ul jctt . the svaaeed pealtka wtka'-a "ibar dvCacaasjTfa ts,t. .C . I '..Lil-i ar rtt'sd -;;amitio1 - xtf mill iii 1 '.tin 7t'w A. 1 ' 1 t 'tCCQyfn A - . - aa com jiIj v" l-iJ L CjL- ;t nesf iarA wta a r s e- ia 11 mis 4.. tasarrcrti f . r h . fao awl pae eaS fSajaaaie Oos . ;V fM waaaant WtKaaVMaV mTsaaspsawwksa aawsflt aW r 1 .- ,.1807.' 'U .1 'ivfcj ! . T; ;. iLtcc5TUATmT r fo-illt 4larpers Baxar emhias tkSitflcs.: d CUrsturs aeU finest art,. trafJaes wfrn rS l.tr ' .w .. iw R Tf TVaiJsttfj cr -4 aA ae 4 ! j ' - e , . - -BBBmwaaamamnamnaBn 1 I , essena hiimibST" tb iao4 aaWal faaedtaaJ'tu tt f.P. aadismiytsewy dt . tast writers, aad its feamcrvai tSetcb es ara amnirpsend.il4 rrt. aaa! setial eUqaetU. daeorallve srt bwvse , . keepUf; la a3 Its teaatWs, . 4kery, '," ate mkh W.pwt-!, '"htfj"1 h-caehoU. Xia! teaaUfii. fsahioaa- r table Udiea to tarw manT tk-tJ.'r - . C04cselaeriia?e ty .Ub' ibeis. . - ,;'. eBSMwrnwataiaife a J Je ia ed- . . saittsd te Its .Isatas that eocU sUoefc6 " - the meat fsatidsesa taslsV r . I . . i IU area's lrxieifav., ..v n'ASFtr. ffil?? f'iir ' : ' A!:l2Ira.:!AO--tr3 aoj-i " " -iiAUPnrHT -n: n . r.Tr - ZT rth 3flUlasJsna-V-.110-' r t -H4 ' fS j f .t4' , -ei;iprris.-s r 1 1 j ret t . I k. rr r ,f .-. er'rr. ' " v. f ysrs. was ;r.t W.r p-el ls I f tlair; e- - 1 : jT. -.l. ; :lUss2seW 'a;"t fl AT 1 k JvV.tara . "oT Cms I I -1 1 ':ii: .:- j-

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