-.1 ' -A -' -.sir '.4 The Franklin Times - James A. Thomas, Editor & Prop't. FrnUAlr " ''Xjctobeb 14, 1887 .--mU Vi;Tl;y.d.lARIES,''- ' f"s r We;tokirt "tiitiltnj . W aay gainsi charitaMe works, "but the mother who derotea the bettr part of her time to ImnUngup bbJeoW r charity and learva her cKQdrqn to the care of an ignorhn) nwatv 'fasaft know what genuine ctbjecUot oharicy are. The claim which her babies httye.uponJ)er charity i greater, ihan thai ot any other chaHtalU'cfairiij and U 1 bright to u.tlafifirf,,helc cooafyrtv training audi happtuesa should be ; her Ural couaiddralioniOdld8borb Heud-tt-ijh utf iu yil4 m.- ;. t- .,- r We arisa decked, firiend of (he State ; Guard organization in jforlh Carolina,; but jli ppVbelieYe-fU iprudent- or. right to ask the Doys fthe members of the State Guadttlfeav!e theirl bust- com. at a boar season of the yearK r ta go kr ichmoud,, jVa .-oc .anywhere tUeJjon.a.pieaaurejeicarsIon.i ! Suchj .trirjs:a hai will aoon 'maWe thei "or "gauixatlon tnpopulaif Iri '4 this' "State among business men Wq have ut a enough to pay epenses supuorti &c, TWWJPWOfirw-ji- i :-. 'i -.J" .f. One of the great draw-backs in the7?! ;waj'Sfpfr p&pe'taf; uonwrmepq- tne . sysr tematio effort f ih)part of some body e toowi so', who, to Wntlntr aUy ehabgttvthrbms-used in the' schools ; alntosVeVer'scksin'a diSer en 8et Of $7s ii'a to bo iwught. If the younger cbUdfepricopld. use -the same books as they come, along. - that the older ones u&ecj, it would npt make so much difference, fcu noi they won't do, ypu mnEt ibny a hew set for. every . child u'iend to'jschool,. this is heavy on a poor man if he has lots of chil drennpf jmttt lat way? dp" Well, it may',!, right, imt wie can't see it in that wayi-tHUlsboro Recorder. ,r ITnue xiosure, to cold.vrinds,raln bright light or maUcia, may bring t.n inflammation and soreness of 'the eyes. DivJJL McLean's -Strengthening Eye Salve will subdue Uie in nammation, cool and 1 soothe the uervesand streugthen weak and fail ing eye aigltt,. 25 centa a box. NumerpAie remedies hav& been tested;ahd reccommended "ftp wee vils In gram pms t-Once the wee vils are in Ihegrin ascerfam a remedy. af, jariy is probably bisul phide of carbon introduced Into tlie bin, v1fteffiIWea covored to - con fine the vaflor. An objection urg ed by gomeSagftinst tjbe usl of . bis t ulphiccaofisltht t& vapor arisingiiom ft i tery exbloswe? and thfrejWfolJ hyilingt-js required. Annlseed is one of tlie old remedies. This is placed near an infested bin and it is said to at- 4- uio wjyns, ana tnese can. times toiLuiiiigkc3royIthe weevils. in this as in many other cases the best remedy is a preventive. When possible avoid prins-grain in bins that have brtj? iottested" When it is practicable to change - the place of storage fumigate the Krainery with burning sulphcr. nf n muitk Tka.l.. rilliA V ' r stored.: An abundance of Ihhl. with thorough mfii2ea innifl mill; be found beneficial lfiib. advise white washing & ihTitl siaeana out, and washing AheCfloflis, occasionally with hot warer. T Ex-i pose tne wheat to the light by fre quently stirrJmr : It or pouring It frbm one bm)bh'erthl Ul also prevelitffettbecominir hLfc.' ed. TrA'weygTs adverse to li?hf mpieveDtlliUioua-N. C. Farnier. The LoaisbmsQft I- L0U1SBUUGN, 0 r uuuuyunua,1 JNEAT - - AND COMFORTABLE . SCHOOL-IIOOM. . Prepaid Boys. and "Young; stoen for College,! tTp4ljaWplywitynd forthePraticaJ INirgultVof Life; ; PersorVatternionor the-Prlnfel-Ml g veil to the nMy3foralf tond Phj'sical Development t of. tmnii ?TuitIon fixed by) Boartfrof 'ATiwiees, payaoip Mqnthry, ift ad vance. 1 r evei fjli, . TOKTEllM OF TWKTy JVEEKS, Primary English ; i; t" 112.50 ;N6 addfitiinialachftrges for lfth-r : For ' f urttiev? i rsvot mhtion 'ii whl W uiuiRauvu buuuiu noc oniy be uiua. uuv rutttaieu in tne Yi rAIIH UUnc FA BEATEN. t taaUhs Ball Write tna rpllowunr Bo- mm aisaasr. anr a , For many years my wife had been f.the Tietim ofnonjpealapf the ' ' chronio, dutressmg aftdpateuny in--i curable type from which so many of her ex suffer, langm'sh, audoy It was all the worse because twetemiency to it was inherited. She had been under the; systematic &eatm irtlof many! best physicians m New York andBrook yn anddwrreft)rit4fslwith Only tsrapoTaryrellef. .vjlnjotr, hejf , were, few; if any) kin of food that did;i Rt difsrbr,s diseased, ensmvc ' "and torpid were- all the orgaw of diges tion. ealsymBtto 1 IHLl i'isia, with its concoal tan t aslr4ti, we f aafleyes, ccrafcet and Kinds, the of a load u'pii'the itonVacn; tendernen cm tet!t4Ut6ltfh&ogi great wolmM and froitrartoa, zttd la- , gritnai tsMN chert ?orfb?Ki. 1 sc pi U oU trf rxM !icontpncatfei the baM 1 a4" ereiy jfnrptorji wore rrcmotraeed aad fw?e ttj -tMC.4Tffri pweaam-r 6atrk,M iko IrLt itbL .lowed to calf chrotwc ittmUtc saai tt)aml fercr afl ic?Snbt Wtttw thf physitijfcit prescribed ItLe gootifrotd- feicocd, shect-smtlrjr rtrmrdyrQalw- 1 ft grad?ra)iy uanff Uie dJ uiik -focrWbW ai it fsray Wiacfet- airy took TinwrY oaiws a day ro. T DATt IK st;ii5cmsioir.; ' Thai7 fed, jwt.1 lasi : The pScct of ;jthc',toMQe "was, . if possrbie, almost as bt(d 9 the 'two fold dhease whrch was wearing away her stregh gfl Jgr jQulXe poisoaing was psinfuSj erkik, but the fever woe there slijL, Aliaos every day there oarae oa tfce characteristic chiH and rackrf heafdaehe followed by fneoiiweoknc aWapsW -j About this thtK I nret sociaQy my frieod Mr. Nort, a member of the firm f of CTwimcey Tku & Cpapanyf 'rj brokers, of Albar, who, cm hearing from me thec facjts, saidirbyirI have boon-through almost th sime thrng, and-barve. got ovta-it." " hat., cored you?" I asked eae rlrl Kas. km&" he said. " trv it for vrwvr wife " I try it for vow wife. " I had seen Kashf ne adrertieds bat had no mote firith.ia it tba I Ifead m saw. beaii ha use a dkectedt . $ t .v ; Now rpcall what I tSare arrewdr said 1 a to rheTTeoixlitionj ami thwn read wWfo-lows; Undur the Kaskine treatratfiit all the dyspeptic symptoms altogether $nk by side these disco vanished, as s?de by side they had tort- urod thcirtiiMfor Ujrear--the exi." tod for twTnty years. Her appetite improved from week to week util she couid eat and dige the arerage food , coAsrteJ a aeeaOyMftw ftrweeVfa 9Sfrt&taJ& .watonwUy, bwt fWTno rf4 tfwfcdoi ft, for sfce is wtJt 06arfdthewoe mwteK aod tUk Hem X&Uiii ?. im-: titled to dwmdWofi; 'iwartawV' ,t?iff.ro;thrj: ttduA. tJiew!fttt calculated to foroZtti't&g' ' to atake le pttbUe. . tlakUMyl ri JA, PwAewtiaryV T. . ommeeletrera cthWWnd catc airy, on;U JwcHjwI ,i 5 (QesdoA the gensineiwi of the abwr jtateet I will cheermlly reply to any contmit- Lojlcations dMoeraHyPeiU Other lettenr of a rmilar character fro prominent mdrriduah. which starap Kaskine at a remedy of on- t , i or., six potties,, f5oo.f Sold byjDmggist; terieot bt mal Km reedptf of prided ; ?. ,r- J' . 7 KaskinCompiny, 4 W W t t " IrtifinYrrr!1 a Lu . f . .w. . S25,'53il, i E ""yet u r it m 1 1. La V w-.ll 1 ui-i i-: i - j t strength lof iny frierrd's; recpinmciida-; ; ttem f got 1 boie and i sh$ved instant improvement, audthei Emm LARGE, STOCK OF .. .'" t t . r i : J L. GOODS Receved at . -'4 1 . i I . !; - A, BELSMEYEB, -- : - HTTAIL02 X call and examine y i V t 1 :and4. rt't, ? 1 : PRICES 1 I ! L before bnylng elsewhere. . i . 4 A. BELSMEYEB, t 1 '-.J t 5 i: Jim. iii.i'.l Raleigh, N. C. THE ii n&i .r lYAKTEY STORE V -AT I DPPf RMAHS OLD STAID, , 'Corner Main aM Nash Streets aid gfet everything you want in the way o ! V-r- "J . Groceries; COBFECHOITEIUESj " FlKErm. A T C!FINE 1 - "FINE I r-i f.4 ) -tf Tobacco, &c, &c. T! &ell Tjl ! Pell JO OP. ilASH OK WASH O NLY Very Respectfully W.T.rtlFTOX. l.A. KEl)M(kD FRANKLINTON, N. C cmoicq liqzjom, mjE$ aiGjms, $a 4 1 jWiTliTs espeeial attention to orders- Ai 'ruuL TABUS inoonnccted with BAR. the j GO TO THE u- 1 1 GITY BARBER SHOP." JIM. ; I AimOHOUGfr. Proprietor W. Nas',j St, - Loulsburg, N. OO TO Khaying Hair Ciitlin ; Shamiooning &c. ARTISTIC bTYLE , AUUD til Calls to private resideuoea,for eut- to gentlemen aha vim; bv the month. X retnru thanks to the citizen ofs Lou)sborg and aurroumling country for past patronage, and beg a continuance of same ' ' .j;-juj inn",, NOTICE. t 1 Byj virtue of power conferred tipon nd bj aVleofee issuing from the - buperloi conn oi -r niuuiu oanty, in c&a therein pending entitled Bedding Perry and wife Fanuio Perrr, against Robert Griffin aad wife, Martha Griffin, aud J. A. Griffiai aad wife. it. A. P.Uriffln, e shall dn the 7th day of November 1887, tell at habllo auction, at the eoart house. . door, in the town of LonUbnrp, N. C , to the highest bidder, the following real estate to wih Cue tract of land situated in Dnnn's township. Franklin eountr. ad- joinisg tot lands of II, M.BieliSrdsoo aud I . i t f il 1 1 -r ' 1 " oinerv, neing me iana on wnicn .KODerf Griffin resides; containing- two hundred and thirty-seTen acres more or les. AJ- so a i tract - of land situated in said court Sand titite, known as the Robert Griffin ill traoti containing seven acres. Also J u'-trabt ' bt lana situated in said eofmty t arid State, adjoining the above tract nd ior iuuuivi m mm tfoiwtson ana oineis, oontolning one hundred and three acres wore br less . Tba above lands beii.g thoke included in a mortgage executed to Redding Perry, which mortgage is regis tered In Franklin county, Book 63. Fage 163. f -1 . " TERMSt I One-third cash. Balance on a credit of twelve months, secured with 8 per lit, interest f-om date. . - . i.-uu- I Corn's.' ucuiat, im. if no n ) illMH udWknktyBs'fe It cared at boas wtta I mt mIil Hunk of MM tins! ha(r,and cliiropo ming ladies a:d ohildren's hnilfprom j4ly responded to I i t: 8Ptil aa; TEBUS, - - VI ATIT TOT TWO U :t . FALL ANNOONCEMJE-NTi TOTfiE L: P TT-B Ii J O I V O OMPETITION s DEIFIED - AND 'SITISF ACTION QU&BiKTEED. Casii Sales and BMTLL' vPbottts i ' ST1LI1 ilY TklOTTb j kTo tlie Ladies 1 bare 40 say that I have a vi-ry elegant line of Drvia GoOfCa,licocs, Ladie Gloves, sice ,. lino Collar and Cuff Buttou. &c. and the following areamoug the many articles which l avl and desire to sell, and which l'iutend to sell, re gardless of profits. T R U Ni K S AND VALI S E SI at any price. Excellent line of TINWARE at prkres tliat will a tound ihe world. . . " ;' t ; Jl l'. .'. it.- -yr OROGKERY 4tablegutiJry Pocket Knives, BoiusorSy flair Brushes and Combs. .1 x ne re nerer una oeen a time when time whie I could be bcatrn on Groeerin. A choice-lot of FLO UK always on hand, andj a full line I Grooyiee " or ievy kind. A full line- of Canned gooU such as Peaches, Beef, Sardaine Ae 'in irwv aa . t5-v ii V. A fresh and excellent line of Cigars Sraokiug and Chewing Tobacco, and Hailroad Mill Snufl. v . Biing me alt your country pro ice ;'J and I will pa you Jie highest prion iurlt. and ae 1 yougcWa aarcbeiaA you can get theu hi -any retail store this aide of Baltimore. r. s. . " : V - ; . I harr aome of the very best Vine gar thai can ba had any where. A full atock4rPlaiiiAa4 FsacyCaiyj dUa always hau ea JOrie, J Iun'dna, AppHesJtait 1 twi,- I CARPEHTERS SHOP. I deelre to announce to th public that X have opened In Lou'sburs a car-penk-r's hop and can be found in the oldfBrumm tt Bhop," . 'All who -4e-a're work in'lhlalinr: repairing of any kind; or If yoti wiahr'a' dMrt window eah, or anything of tba I kind, made, givHOiea call, - J tJJ I have on hand a lot of good wheel barrows that I will sell cheap. . i I . !v : . Besrxctrully r , . V I J A. FAULKNER H'ATIl llAKEB-drr JEWELKM 1 ' - 7 1 v I - LOUISBUKQe 3 .15 VUUB IA .'1 7 , cnatnu'ftnnn P ; urtioVL uuuu. KEPAIBING A" fti' EI A LI Y.- ! V Ill work not galled fvrln fX dan will LV sold" ior the, amount doo fU V ' ' re? Itt . . -,: r . AT jTomwll find a aw loT of tThite o(1valicors and Drea UoxhK -which the ladies would do well W exl am us My priow'are vrrt reasoua- Lie, and my nWa Crst-ciiw. ; JUST RECEIVED ( a f rek 1 .1 of canned Peiehee they are perfectly delicious. Give me a call and I will please yon. - H 't iy, rtTv Mr, IL Cai.ij.w. V ,C By virtaaHpf Mthority vested Jn by ttlwM frout the Superior 4'urt W Frasklia eoaaty ia eaiM therein pend ing entitled "il. L. Perry Uaardian t ml va W. H.Ya Thorough rt al" we will n Monday the 7th day of November IW7 sen for cash to the highest bidder at public auction at tlie ourt llosuedoof n the town of Loolsburg, Franklin county N. C. the following real etat to-witr One tractor pavevl of land- situated in Raid eoontv of Franklin. adininnr k. lands of R F Yarbon.ugh, the ttate of n n NiMnDDrK jnoa tlulT and others. couUinlag threw hundrrd and fiftr acrer. also another, tract of land situated'in said eonnty on the waters of Tar Hirer and Carpenter's Creek, known as the Carpen ter laud containing fonrtern hundred and ninety one feres; alao'oae lot of land situ ated in the town ot Ijoninburg, east f and fronting on the Court House square on Ue corner f the-tres running North and st ot the Court House, and run ning bark to the line of L trgall on the Kant and the hotel lot on the south. ... t 5 .. . . ... . nvniainiiiK aooui onr-f writti 01 an acre. J All of the aboTe land is fultr described in a mortgage duly executed br K. F. larborwuKb and W. II. Yarborough to M. i rerry uuaruian and iuiIt reconled in the KeKiter's OfRc in Frannklin Cvaa y KMk41, Page 3-6 aud i to which said mortgage reference is herroT made. ThUoth day ot Angust 1387. lerUK MTSMle LASU baLinr nn 1 months tune. J.J. Pavrs, A. C. ZOLCOFPEB j corn's. pitANKJJXTON HOTEL, j;. P MASSES BUUG. pRofK, Good accommodations for the Tmr. ... -v eung x-ubuc. - - i"-S ,:1 ' Table. furnished with the-Be,tthe - Aiaraev anoroa, : ' - aSBBBnsBafMaasntan Good horses and buggies always ready at my stables, which I run In i on section with my hotel, to coo rev persons any where they may wish to CO - --JUNlUSr LEViSTER. BUlLDElt and CONTK ACTOR, Franklinton, N; C i . ' Attention given to work iu any por tion ot the State. JblIcimitjj. I desire to la fot nit be public that 1 have moved to thehoi op at the fot , of the rivfct brld1e,oo the weal side ol Main Street, where 1 am prepared to do a l kinds or B'aeksmilli work Horse-sboeiog a specUliyi - '' r r 4 , ? r .DcKKix Davis j J ft fyi XouIsrwrg.N.T ".r! w rrrteml rocL- yf M4fitfM Unr SaMtd s MM Aiwy. AS tM hma Nm mt Cva ; tisisMSfaniatfUst - AtaoctATCD rAHCtcaa. M muwrwi,nisiiiiisrK oooHYinOTr-ooc i t , ' t - nrtassuarm sa.aiS wasessa Uyta l gsii n i awTtpt-la v Ais I isnrsnsi SwiatJwBta. AiMCa tf i .mi yr ktihaasr Oaaaa a a aaaas. 1 rtdaal litrHtoa taacfclf T Tasarf saw 9rMtte wUI Jr tnaeli by Itm mIs C ," i 1 1 Pare Ladies Pebbel Oo. aad $2. For r T vieau andwed Ti Ws GeaU'ad- .; '.1. j .orsacoav i .... 1 i i XITm .V. I .L . -. "T" mr;- WB,r NORRIS' Cs, CARTER, ftj T! -1 n : Bar ,1 H . . .....1 ? GREATLY REDTJCED PRICES on anything. A great aaaar artldea can h lwrVi far lea than prime ml to ma e ro- Ur new stoe. wai h viU be tma in very aosaa. I a Wo frt far sale, on easy terms one Terr fine BLm Mare. ia driver, geaUe. aad tha Wst plow h.r- xmr where. lae fae, alUea kr top, fMUu, J.,p M Phaeton, one good? horse Wagon aad Ilarweaa. f . FOR -RENT W . T TT . . " ."" ..vm irwaiiax pr-.rsare r--l -U Ui-g t i. h., .Ul Ueaa W begovdaUnda. inraM rJl. aad ararr a cJ hmiaia Wfvt il U t Ut.. Lonis 1 1 if, X. . W. H. FTJRMAN, JR. gyp- .. .- , j Main Street lmsburg:; N. 0. - - : 1 . DRUGS A3STD.MIi:iiC!I2SfEfc ETF3TTHIHQ-DSIIAILT IEf?.lf. FmSTpUSS nan? STflHE AliL TIIE STAN D A U PuKx-Dt' XD"CrfkitcAJjB ,our patronage solicited. -.-.... . Il vt!. ctrv1 r. nw ...? A,av?!il.!; 'H ,4 . 18GCIiOIIi;i)I, .k-itifiJ, ' B) af BUGGIES ftfWB--HARNESS; :! ' nr. jr !. ROAD " .! t " If." ..''4' J : ' Wehof htllstfgtas; aad Tiais sad Xlassr laaar-Lmd ; ' shied to awnfly erary m lm need at ii i ? COFFINSAND . - - . -o : I 100,000 Buslicis Cot(oix8txi4vTV;an . a ..... ii IongoU Sid Battoa BaU at U Udght la th markets fee gxbo. $5.00. IS O0a4a thee, la la tha ftl k ' ' - ' ever oC.red to th. tJ. RALEIGH, jr. c. mm . ... nil nef. tne ather lw rt n...i ktesitetfaT U. KlJFTOV. Oat DEALER; IN m:- D 1 PATENT M E DICI V EsV rt)R lRisrBim a finxiALTY 5. - 1"! ill. VVH FUEUASf JB. r r ' . f III I i I ! 1 r a ' 1 1lU H I est CARTS I Wis. sad ar tarelaw eav boUom p riass. AU haaKl- STfaU 13DKIAL CASKETS T a f -" - - r ciULU. t h ! , I , OF THE VNIVE5Xft4Tii "AEOLIAN, PmNCiPjm.'IM-Wf V . . --".-A H tlin I ... r- o 1 - ' . ' .i:t. z,:u 4 . IjOUCBUrtGMfLLCO.; . PsMmlvanU Aarktitttrai Wsf U, Vsr. fa. Miif . yy aavt -rrpaL-a was swot 1' - -v ;- J"1''

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