.- - ' - THE ERKtlNIMES- 3H rt T -1 - I Si rril PU$LI;SHEJ -EYEltTt FRID AY BY JAMES A3TflOMAS3 sf ..Editor apd Projreto" 'Tlix Tl M fcs U tbe oluosi ocTspapef pabliabei io Xranklic. ooutr4Ad'!ts t . .cirsfllaLou TUftJa a4t c ' it) v. u4-Oi? i;uiu "fZ r - - 'To nr'o vf ttmi-oit; ni vl,''r'V !:,'4 i', : . j" AdrorttfrW,pv.if:iQttreh : Bates: tlj it-!;: -riiiirj f-M;j-.T V.lI .IM One Year kJia iuvumio i! I 'Brief rntarheaUthi' 'frUlttf ' .... ' -r 1 in.iT tn t nuTif fini 1 1 n .1 1 i ii LmmV I . i .r ' ' . I , . i , ... lirmshed at 8 1.40 VOL XVI. .llilI J-.'liOl ii NO. 41 itera i bf trfy iitTiWlll t iSJa WJlfy - ETA "r . 3 i 24i . hi II , r. . v v4 r . x ' a j ,A( II . i -r Absolutely Pure v and cauaot be sola in rompt:.Ulvoa,.i9l)f the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold okly ix cans. KoyaL Baking Powder Co., 10C Wall St. N. V. PR ay tci f c a r ds n h t'ti&kxi M BB. MASsENBljjLlG ii-i ifVii ATTORNEY AT LAW- LOUISBURG.N. C. Office in tbe Court House. All business put in my hands will receive prompt attention. M.COO a. Lvr' r an.l 30UNSELLOB at LAW. LOUISBUBO, FKANKLIN CO..N. C, 11 attend the Courts of Nash, Frank in, Gr nville. Warren, and Wake (.io'in ties, also tle npieme on if. of Nor thrt-nlhift?fmia"thelII . Circuit anA DiSTKicTJourtft. $ & ; :-- iL .1.;.. B. J. E MALONK. J-nfe 2 doors below Furman & okft's Drug Store, ad)oinin; Dr. O. l;llis. .!i:!i:r BW TIMBEBLAKTJ,1' - LOUISBURG, W. C. . . . Office i he Court ffou?e E.PAV. A. C, KOLLX 70PFEP la fcTa talTj -aaar fcaaai HEN PERSON N. C. - Practice in the courts of Franklin, Vance, Granville, Halifax, and North hampton and the Supreme and Fed 1 4 1 1 . 1? era 1 couns or tne cale RUFF1N FOSG. ASiTCOXABLE BABBE : .Myshdpjis t5ll ia.cou treelJ wnere.i win be pleased , to 'havemy Iriends and patrons tall to see 'nicj Calls to private residences for cut ting ladies and childrena hair prompt y responded to by RuflSn Fogg the 1 ead- lnrli-r. r-.- - ; . lit Tlt-ltri.i1t 1l(!l!W;Mi.Utll ?.!, oojilERANBXlei COh b u ;im-i Nd with v Coriimiibn MerGterits 2 & 4BOA.NOKESQUAHJ3, Prompt attentian riven to all orders by "W. L- MCGHEE. JVOTAttYPrUZL fbankhkt.. LJ, Offers ma sarvices to: the pubiu m aB me uepartmenib in wiucn tuey ; mayt be needed. .Negotiable p.-ipers pro-" tested. - Oaths administered. Privvil BE LEAPING BABBEB Of Franklin county v sill, holds the foirt at Fraakliuton. in oiie minutes walk of the depot. ' He will be pleased to serve those who will favor him ui patronages 0? to see Jin -uxaminauoos. xaaeq an i ueeus-rro-, bated aw'fe'st UegkP riles Hofchr; ires Jva.u ..SXir. ,tttmti Tn , COIVtMUNICATilO. ise la imerdCQmncftdity of snf rodttetHm. InrirCThous to all climes and classes, and dates Us existence to an epoch co-evil with Adam and the everlasting . hills l3Ttlil?"oroii'Bftirs sang to- since that remote event it has been a custom ever meet and proper For mortals to sing jljtheir. fellows for meritori ous acts and deservii.g efforts," a cost less offering indeed, but however cheap it be is one more often honored h the breach s than its observance. TfTe fxTore t Irftpit y. TToi pftfits many intefcts f-briUiart ytiVe pow er liaVe bee'8warfedv and kept in obscurity that a little eicourage- ment perhaps would have lifted into prominence and opportunity - tbat potent factor to all. human success ,,71 4xe:qaiio. .wrulled ponJimerin&arirtas riftne. ,5 .Jtt.htbeftn sj4 4iUd(!caubUess not vltl wut Tieafefety)' tiMtciiM 'Worlds greatest miuds are unknown to it, and if so the failure must needs be attributed to it is now, and so it will continue to be, while time lasts and man remains a mortal. For the future so far as pertains to human :actiitns wxli.befmpri0r, ltsasrnaMgl t but:a repethiOn of tfteipast1,1 HoWev- er much; we maJj-xerftt a,n3Ldi?plore j the ad order of sich events. . In your issue of Sept., 16th, was an article surned t4E," an4 headed ilSchool Interests." A subject of l.su;h ial.4Uipriapce9.and contain- 1, ful liic titatOwei- .oafdently ex pected to see the matter taken up byothersaud diseased and com mented . on until stub an inter est wbuki be engendered and ac tions taken therein tliat would, rev olutbmizwi theifrpresentisraeeful oidet'br hii.k-attdj,yk'urM4d . wi ti'? deff y iug ; Jplmklits-1 fflruli 'n 'fttc1ffilh9kd:s-dlAkio.i' tit ' the welfare and progress of his fellow Anglo Sax o'ns. But however deserving the subject b it " lias not within our knowledge elicited- any rc- ght wft t5Tls deaf to the entreaty rs a Hindoo Ood or Egyptian Mummy. Now why an appeal so important to the public japidfO-patriotic in the appellant should fail to arouse the white race to action is curious for us to under stand. But perhaps the strongest isMcauke f2r3t. 'ut e) thatias It 4 rfy th tRet drfi. eilet an undeniable lact.v For, tho circumstances that gave rise to it we are sure was no fictitious repref Bentationa mere creation of fan- cy, but was to the letter true. TlieeouiiJtjiartCu:whWiiitoVbe iouhq uirounpui- ine wgft.i,tna breaUhul .iriiclAiv ebunty ijti .tot 38eeyorwtliqiti And . is indeed a Qause iir ; serioos and sad '. rcftctlon ''. wji.'eti we, congld- er the instable - consequence, tlia t awaits our proginy in. the near or. course, ot: conduct pt us.who now oc cupy manhoods estate and shae the destiny fthow'honi fate, de crees to follow in our wike. ' Now apathy and ipdraerence and by a uniteo! effojt5n order' blf tg thing we" are assured Education will Rule, i . Hrbeilts pasaesrrwrarrMpever It may, JLodL rce belong. whether a Caucasian of lofty virtue and antecedents above reproach, or a sable decendant of Ethopia, with ' apd facia sispect as , Jiidiovs aa h eio , AND ; . WILL , v CONXKOL4i VI kRl those who attempt to ( Compete therewith with no other . .stock in ,trade but asoomth white skin . and auburn hair will find when-perhaps too late their effort a sad! mistake. M Bavs? that eiirayi monster l lthnflYWrf'lrs fhAii vi trtfu-ah it -.ferula M jypobM fi y ;! if; j race &noYdfrelte friths lind-ofDlxin- tVso has 'i' vlifbeen. So ( (-ijttifiAHio oiiiUon,"-Ad- 1p5nsa Ivlififever 2nd for feu with a vision af prophecy "E". that is to be in a picture clearand, comprehensive. dut iaiis to gssigi.jtjiftaucipnti 1 a f a . ' ... . . i a. caMiofl'fel-MCsraaJ : that deplorable staate;T!h,ri!nari affair (i.j'j ; tjpiktfiitni miU That dark ddasdffdfty- in comtng A'iiuiVttnfit,nUisttfntl' 'ji'J Jans'. - The t utnr8;fh9JOs 7apjice: ( ruie- , - . The AnglOiSa'xohl,racdi!'n 1 (lie im ?lJip. Jin .'iiiili'wrr.i A lack ordmerence due to.a diC fercf.pTnioa'pvcircalar ' ' con cerns Is the actuatine sDlrit and TWlWaaaaBaWtl rralFsenaT ContinoiniT oartsfl n strife and struggles, and though Strang iththat ,ame ancv one-1 rV ?al I telitnoas aHd 5 (Mali! aa tukM ! f r.Tf Vl! " V .1 iniiuncesasIamaging to univer sal progress and human happiness as the dreaded scourge of a pest ienciJ(5ln Atjtf tohai ageh cy and the malignant influence it ex erts upon those societies is in our oiriicMtiiibu&btettt the grevitar fully attempts fc Tight atidhy sqg.Qr ing is deserving of the "admiration- anprajsejof eyerjman worjMin and Vanced we wilLtake ?he. town, of FranlJTfajtviSBAd fapMiixnecffedG therewith as illustrative evidence within its confines and adjictnt tiieret(t5pecialiy..it permitted to go a little W'ay up fntc ttie cUt rjilf) inere can oe . louna aanerents to cnrfete.nqui,, y,'ih r3iptist and ilethodist predominating, and bf i h tellect u'a 1 fl nutfciil1 afu nu m erical sf r>l' suBicienf' if 'united , to : achieve success. 1ivny enterprise or undertaking. But unfortunately the prineiple-otconvaiesceiice consti. tutea no part or parcel of their make uiasacauibiiiation for educational 4., J a. ;- .M . !-- excrcise;aua inenvtuat advance .J..!a A! l. ij. la ' thougn repeated efforts have been made to that purpose, all of which have endeddir ixirfgriinhinious faiU ure. Even with the outside aseisr itance of Jews and Gentiles, Atheists jund Infidels, to say nothing of those who may bv.ad jeaninga tow ards mormanism or the strange gods .P II t - stt ' i wRj neaiueii uiiiuee. nd so continues ttibd; ' Siirply.bt' auJin jt'lie ftscendeney cf Obristlanlty.' 'il dren aOgi by-Baptist teac'hefs and iethoilit.:ViC3iii VERaA.i ;Aid, jxb jtJiii wr.wHuininiiuu .nave a Buia1 , . (I'll' jo i;-n i:r I:n "to ,-?i Jin.vl.ii -m ueut ,U,y!m,b1ei ,oJV s ppor e. paraAp, icbools and' will' ntit Un lie1 i q" tttej ..:.! 1. L : a ,i .M ' . he cou8equejar.i.tlutSCbv?l3 are i uoneity aiui'i''.ctJiWre'h.?,b!r ttll - Lit it ' I . -.1 ; . . f In. I It. fcreeds grow up injCOWPtiwtivAf horance, save tho J rav6rett,,1TtAtl:,Tt wiiour lortune t tiaoies io ,aQqaiceuiUi education froiiivfctranger$; t1iat - ur v. tnvious bigotry" tteuies them at borne. AuothfrrliUe.cauSS'TbFj V00 aiuenoance iscosiiy lumwn un- GE3Ei3 species kpown as Free School.' jTiiau wbicbtbftre is perhaps bo irrferffllwaiHlsn4W.mirrrBr 4xiib7ncp unfefiufle exeept Ibt ;4y fieorie aJiU iPeverty a Urtbta KewaiicroWieVsiflore dian Land Booml erang of North", " A " ' ' a:l , . a m ' m M a . . 11 .1 iriirnlind tl-iarx at. this It mot .o9- a i . ... qeeper .xioa , upoa ine creauuiy riftnmo nrHit .l ifWiVi f & 4f Hia and lidjoining counties, tlian lias his r& jl gion; -Or eyfn . rfpublicnhTO Jrt thVpalmy djjkjjgClJto fhen theorigional fraud, the tra- ditioaal, forty acres and a mulff wadj it the zynith of its ElSryM , In speaking.thus disparazinfy of public Schools, we .don't wish ,IfL 1 Wiled free; ri understood as ' beimr an " , oT1' Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlan, be unaerstooa as being- an - oppo nfenfc .to the nri.pciplfi. , bereofii ti bui, rither that we favor it. bui its orac tfcal' workingsra- Jff jpjippsfeT ratid uhless It canJtJjiljjeilerM: le say abolish the whole ' concern. iu me iwvucijum vwucs dirs fetid Best Trieflds WlUefteJ. Ivonofll ail thiiTnrmtr.RiriiK h- vT. a n r T1 ;no pavreoutreai Mter (thanks to yankefrewMoyrfttrgive ptfeSTihrl aid sectional .muirioitVVriloiiT efuiidcdiSdd need it. . we say make; it better. -Mse1 Wso - nhV stiferma' IrbrBt I ureml to t!i6 costly ..;1uilion of attout as four to -one. Or. la tbn words the cost of luition for HiatciaJsJ I A 1 i of puruHi know:,ai,begJunW.nd 1 tnat usuauy anvanea WAlka,kirjilrRtarblAiTfitria fiflB'ifienla iirtoth Terms: pay if ftfrtk&i f7oan. - ttS - tJl fleedt 'ou t0 ofJ?Vldnjir8 tane period, f ay (gfsJiUr quit. Tn,,.,rl-S5V .,JJ- If Fib na iCOll )er it a ibjec andaithc coup- ledHli theiict that Ke nnkiiciaJ sUtus averHjwwhue-twan svoi mocn above par with the "nigcer" it is very easy to see how the darkey outstrips .him ipAelucittwi, ud asftrnt-iy- Will -fcike-tfidlead IiV WrtryAing else. The usual, if not -universal, ver dict upon the tuition cf white schools. Is thaV thTiy!al4iti we clear ask-; ing space in your columns for these 'J li.ues (already extcned far beyond the..; or!sw.l; PWpose,)wc doe to tejykr . . -i:i iour. mss i-yt'tt' ii'teu i .IT7" . ..1 1 -',-l..: J I and timely article, instead of for the uurDaslTof airiuirursiJfjii-JMdttt.a ,1 sil t w - J- v)y, ttttaug ltJb commettcr even. HKS''WwEi t?iereW Tbouli ibe, subject iv ope ever dearjtip us by reason -ot' ode o via in s u ffidency, and .'s iu cur opluiou a matter1 1ef liii1 portauce .paramount to all others. One iu which each and all of us who dwell beneath the'protectilfUT Am. ricdn Jtgle is, especially jlutei csl edj !S'.;parate1y, asj iudi'iduajs, ajn coUectlviuly ak a port and parctfl of that b.larg' tide4f hiikinuhf, whse as- bost, who live, m .ve and hare iheir being within tlie geuial confines of tliis. liberty loving heritage of ours. This grand American republic That transcend iut star, amid the galaxy of nations, wlio merits ls the adiuiniti.u of -ana'fcaterainal- ,-atid tosters no.nal its fondest friends ice towards envious foes. A. F, T. E. . T -a j ,.' "'.llll ...I I .-P. in .irw-V'i uk hi 'ii .: linn rnr. r.'.'.uy tuXWatli, tWgtiaV liaotaVter, U(4i ofl en triatli hpjl fant lly-cl-H? injij.' cut rlghtea tfc ' tiscb wiq it ift-rJ th ktea isugr: or ki9iwyte.'';tftiir averted fcftht foid pardti.iiA tfieyWUl exercise oddgbttwtW'iirMtoruife aa efficient ewUy fofttheirttillh'.tluld, S'ich a tW?i VelaUid tetow;"1 ad the testiibony tb Bother canuot 1ml to irnphess 'ttsb poa tlie memory of all 'ciothnrwlto:aiti9 be called upou to uu pdo'aianl0liperieoee, audwho are jllf J,IJBJ 09 T vuvu vwu havj uiv a I MU the Insidious attack of a disease which rutuervuore, the enure uarmiessuees ot S...S,. S.,is seen in the fact that tittle four- nionthsHtidMbies take it with linpunnr and great betfit." Cables predict nm-to scrotula 8uouip be Drougnt op irtm M e one or turee aarBtns w eityneen ison s floaB. t5SJvthkOay K5eJevel: It 1 Ja5linti.S..I.Ptil:lUi. 1811.: Haaby.Spcn only (our inonttisoid, tlevel opedofula. ; He had' two severe ti gftya p.n4 aftres ta the neck. Isentforour f Tami.y physician, - who- proboiTncea the i caistorni-and 6rescnheLS.a. a. for jami.y ppy 1 lfci Jtathd UabV 3. 1. K.lf I . control. The sores are healed, and tha by lavary weU JMajr iw-appenr- kaohTa. SWeithk Ui lifend i toia our aocwr so. ""J,r aa..wojuiidfe&ai had the scrofula. f. it H&l&tTtSli:,. i j., ' f Treatise on Blood and Skitt Di,ease. ia, ua vii ""l ?fi?inr-,,Ti' n'-'fTX An advertisement in a live paper is I greaGfrMa,lTP " 'SPJ' CutBrttisew'6crfe;f7tM'rs, ait ' H6 ChUttiMua-.wrusi W01 I Ej-Jjpttdnsrtd positively turtenWi: It is guarant Qieeu i.tn.i.lAM la 5 ... I A Atat. -mJ ' I consequently expensive if pot exirsr-, 4 , " u,raBl"i '. the Ameiio ui i eonle a an-I v TjAUtuff tfAttTft ftCl Sypfrl- A-ant ase amUakes the KEWF.aand ef by "fclug-Sal Nation Oil. i ' -lion f jlyties-. " W " - vTr'OTt nU4M,,?cf 8.fe!M4Hr 'iCaVti 02X1 rjz i,lf:,4j Mrs. Win. C. lUld." - :.Aiu;Ureen j AugrUt: Flower lifcHI ndtht tf!A W'J.fmt ,vr;. . .t. -w. ..jio u 513 NwCarirY St Baltimore Md a,"e a eormin,1 aeli at V Jious lipt BwingWltoUlecUl4ttt,ThiebMMt.e, bMto, Md. ths fw bosses j and making .tko llonday the ItM JltSSk xltooe or-elsestrlythit tb8bdiouap-i -vU -Lrv.i .'.;. t. ;t Atart-ican .voplc su LoalOiv that I puUle-tt!'thi',MftW-4 pellation of old fogy, ami steer of the pwsebce of tfilTJjcQ 1: JIM 'JUH'J ! Ill I I M Tlf Rew JasepblCook saj ' it ! s. iiard fox5a.n1an tagetiwny from-h e(xvironianfc. iThon jouth ' fain full realizes this iwlur hot lias ni- bar i-iwice: otcbardXenberp;ocidc,at'fetktVH t-tiosM(toUiJ2ett another add tBo)cE anaji roitSil.bVn-Ulin iaj Coark! -Misery isJJifioneword tbe feelings wheo ,aLTa-i berserk iMls taken, at, bed -iiuo, yiV, almost restore you (p health a4 few! more, will eertaioly, dp it. Ml 'I We often hear people say therv isi J "'Sv'b'' uw.iiir.nuu ii.;r is pri i3xU. CeugU Su-uiiu j .1 I, .1 SuQeleiltiMj.weeks with neuralgia ; stirntp is Pnot they bse t6 i4at eggs with; but to ride horseback. ' - 1 : - - "it I l 1. i i 'i i - l - A TJ0f ' tlXPE'lIMENT, . . ... Yon.nnaV8tt.itcl ,u waste uroe in Lexp rlmen'iug when,ur lui.s are in 'Mrtei'. Voirsumption always, seeras, llrt,-ly b oJldl Do not permit Mny .jler .10 impose apP?' you- w.th Mini) clieap im.talion; ot lJr..,ung New D".ewverv 'for ' Consuniptivn. coughs kftfl 'oolds' bdt Wsitrtt ou gnl the geumne. , Because Iw . cn make mora prtilllrhej p:y tell you -h has sonieibhiiif just as Hood, or just the samV. Dou 't-be' i doceired, but- ir.Ki-t upon fettling Dr.' 1 King's ,Now , DU tovery, which is guaranteed to give relit f in all inroat, lung and oaest.a Ov teacher (to Hie class in ch'enjistry); .7 What does 8ca':aie'r contain . b'eidcs sediain euwrue uiat wq naveinenT tioiieJ?- Uaad boy: lisTi. ( A FAMlLT-BBESSlNa. .tli.nI .i!,:rni!l . Simmons Liver Regulator, tbe fil I orhe luimlj fcwiidj Is tfritirety1 vege I fiOleVhudislhevuresl'anit betttitn-' . hhVft c , r -No error to be fearw Mn ' 'administering; tV injury frdin expttsui1 ateh, taking; nolois of time:' ItviS 'the' best pre-' Tentive'inedJcItfe attll Wale 1 to Uke tio matter wha the sfcknesii rnur" prove' , to b, and,1ntay 0r.Hn:fyi,,d",1a'!ie,' will eiteit'ti 8ptmtolrt':!:lniatU!lli5, ; geitolnei "baviog 1U.M,Z-Alaitt1ri . 1 Wrap1)r. ib T1' -:: "4,! 7.'"" -hi i ' Tf Is "the sOeiU w'itch'es'bf tfie bTgld' inai renuej axui-pwewasivj-! r If tlie stomach Pjeftornis Its . fane Wke-TWc of wl.iruirftb'&uitcptfi'al. is traua formed tetO'brilubf a nourishing to Pi' W t BMtiBeur:ftaBgtheiiUig- tjotd A kndJJJox PmbflcJVf ncill nolloT.'v id OT.dw1 . :l i .i-.t'i'!' j. kiili i-nri lol miii almost everTthlnff claltnetl to-rt'iia"''' apeclfle for Dyspepsia In the hope of perfleriljpeiUeZl haA aLeptmnb' up' ray rdlnd to abandon all) nredljj, cines wnen x noticed an endorsement of, bnmpiM, Af Wr?lle"JaiUr. I ha-ra struck: the right thins, at lAiftiO I Jelt ttafpencln)17ifcts almost lm medlately. TJallJKe all other prepara tlom'canfclmltkrJrina, no special cb III tr a Vlnfetab, ' Tof; Vi 4tH"bf 'kdr. Ywthat UaairUi tKUteS r Db inx wo,: miwitf i ,8.iero. vere .njay w . pppvtive lacaaea, of iwbybood. . Price 25 cents-. " - fs ai'rtr?aVi tktfnJ.M " - - s tSi shades; I cbillf, tjuttbera; wlle crfd foods and! r" v2r iL. w.i I .:. .ni.PtV MtKlia - , -. mith lHt dlfkilr; well W.o everthins dae,-, 9, H1 life hUfTia. caVuW I -m' ' ht nmiiui xtl- VT ' yniw veomri i IU.4U19 cuiiuiuui. one uose Di . Boaueo- ' " 1 1 ' - -i ti A' "barber s'nYS tliat 'Ms cxrnatJonM world. " Thfs fs prbbabry owin' to the . yw' ' . ,r, , , . wrtif 8 per rJeiU-,rWroVci itrbhl.ma factlbtitaWber is n6 sooner through; 'iSLiSi, tniranrUAJn-jA -I ;: ",t i " a - i 1 1 . i . nr wmb i r atk n ti 1 1 i . im m m s. , i n j w r' 'ii -.n ir-s a T I V .1 WAS C OVlllUL lu V " I . . ... . fl Waputif to tfca jfW a.viertjme: dy to give Iona to tbe stomach is Dr ioroMulaliiifrtawMtewtUItalaa' .txHi fipmUIIOUiiailUitrULAiU.tt. i I I .'..K m.!uv bl JViW!.v' ' ' I 1 ocaickues ii a aaitl, l(ea notorur lnate in the.atomacbT Tins mar b I 1 nuvuaio """ "-"vTOnaYe Deeails vic-l t l,i .r lhirtywo huhdred bftbie are orii( - ittTlicUifitedrUtttes vHr'aVimd I yefi people t wxaidat :.vAitry' all' ' te uywUsiaildicydwa eehid?ftoiv:' -ojicot,'.Hi ;3ncMi-,TropiirHrcd :iand I r jwoaaerruj.thiga.inieauteoe i .Jtiis (lAfil I tin I a a.-.J.. "UrcasyTOOW r.iVtott-Tfwv? lAnnVl.. ...m lJli a V a ' . ' -' iooJTd totk-pitientarWrfrfy,k1ire I 'W."1 it-tta joimy tbieyuan wijoy Uu?ir- moals' and' be ,4Bear with me 'a littfe, 1 observed the grizsly asiie1 Tinged the hunter. ' ' A bcaulitql woman 01144 bo health f and to reumiu 'healthy and beautiful ehe should take ''Dr. Jl! 'Iclata'a titrengtheaingrdral nd Bl6d Pu xifler. . It imparls u ua and, flush to luesain, Birengm. viyr and puxt blorxli is eqnally ?apled fyrall aire, XonuUe babe to the aged, ef either F teqaer. lly " aucide nit tir cur iri Hi i houteliohi! which - CHitso bums eats sprfiios aiid4buires; tor iae. in. such cases Dc. J. II. Mcleaos Volcanic 0i, Lintment has Tor niany years "been UeAtant' 4a Vdrite family Tt ornery'.' v . m i a h ,' !! A dftordered condiUon of tlttoni ScUf.rjiiaJac iothe-pystem 1111 praM duce sick headache, you cap remove this troule by "taking Dr. J, II.- dc Learrt Lude Liter and Kidney Pilleti.' 2S cents per Vial. 1 ;.!.' . j...; . 1- tr. ' tansilspecte l diiordjrs of tho a'a. U- Aaa..lla1.. . a . lie I a hid ii;iKiusiuir lur lllfiuy Ol VUC ordinary ailnieats-oNlumaarfv'- whklf urglectdj develop jxyU a;siotif juid IHibate Ian iriijhl nht or hiaUna, may brng on, eu,iqg,Eye aJye;wlll,aU.Ui4,-jhe.iam t)rvJ IL.Miaeaijp .Chflb and, Fa- i ver cure ianUaOui-AcUAa an wr tad p cKijp urjfj I 1 m. .1- . 1 1 I A 111. lllliaaaa ail aiaiiaa ill ll nTmn ptei.yjLy.tjavttt4lf y4 wiSiic- 1111 ddi3nicb9gdl tarjtmeri turwni' j .),:. - r . t. r . i . . .1 iico uisqraers ii vne JKiapevs una uu,U y.Vheir.eljfci Vrtmsriitfil wait l- W T--1 " -VJ-Tavi c lotion, ana fur tne relief of cos nmptiv pexsdns-'fc advacced etalfj bf tha Disease. ; Fcr.Sa trtU Drctf I l-i-i I.IKS .m "'iJi.MrP I 'I M.t rr..iai... ii .. ."-f'Y "y.v Uiiuoimtiiirom li: ....... la la a. . . - io uescnoe me nan v. dv ikuiu rr. niir irw..-it-h j.iaa.w.. .ittc rg 'rub: he au'al foVlVf -Vh- ' llM?!! i !.... ... ' t ii, rif'. ra Mfwv 1 1 1 - ... air.v-.' f,.i i ii:r.a7'"7(' vifr-- tKT'i - j.j.diyh .... . , ire7eighoaaUiA 4oxlMi J ( bWetteTiJle 54ltri eTv i.l.-j.- !') ':ll 1 1 li'iiiKK 1:) ir 1:1 r 1 a-l-n inirtali whorM n Yn r.TijjiVl tl.A Ulc mttVPX1 W toy roW Ji lw1' l'.ii rttJif -tvjjoiiu!! ei'iorlr In' The sculitor la the nian wW .carvea . rut nia own Jcrtuhe. I'jy lit --TV- . iiL;'.' aKjr.' m.s:ic fiiraat ... ill la itn court oi rranxim m f . j. r-. - . . west ol t raaklTnlon. ' TJ Ll W U .tMaoUirj v Jkr AimiqiVr .f Jft I.cktr, TC, A. Cay tttt-TUbf VkrtAx?r.'-b.85rJ11 LCI "Hni UlUCI ... 4 Bliaill UU 1UTH- .ar,tlturtM Mor.vIuiAart - l .W.. .-..kI 7.!v"f- i.. r . aiiH Tit iiiiioa ImA ii;NOTlGB-Mit.ril fHtvll ior. Cash thbtrdet of r.ll,J cile A W JanTrlj.,edVrd. ilt ted InFinkJin county adj liuin j the torxr kii tfg' by tt wit tehi tWS buudcjl aad sixt jpven fr?I"S. n : r- ri i .-. v i rl--.5 1 VJf rr T)cl.:ttbi67." 1-,r"l V-'di iti.l-iuirrtra . .ByytugrofJeavof.tfeii bMPirit or puurt in castj . of Moe; t Ljw t comb Co., tsRC WL & ' knOolM eT4, 1 -atrtlWl t the'' 06trt"H3tikw doi: in Jjcuifcburt oa Monday thii fttt of Norembr:lK7.at jHibUq aotjon for caih, the tract of land In "Frank lin cCAidty oa which B; C:"WIi W side, TOTita'nEhtgUtAtr. izimf moj.o or ice, 1 .4 -,. ,vvv-?v ! tin ;.;,(--ii vVrt.RPT.! Oct;7tbi, 1S7. ! ? Mltrii-m."ia 1 .aw .T av !. . iaat'iW tvnaoilo ji ? .t:! Jntll rr-W: loll at 1 ttv-vw; Ait1 dl Ilulal i .1 r: vd M vlo loii wia ddw -i ?" ,--iivOfirtlniaiinuJl litritiliail Wl'HbkUlfcHIWHjt I b5 triianCtl,ad.a.hCirif3 I . ! Wo t4fter5fWfliP l&irUQri ii-'AiUAirD802l&UN8::-vite .f. L be fuii niii.cr. opccia. ueyuuej ior . I DIVID ROSENTHJifc" I n.l!ic;bn! erfT itxWVUJ OJ Wjr .to, ,1 Ni OUBCIUI JUCLAKU1U. . n w 8 . w . t.'-JT ClOtWB I Jh,e vr. hpr IarU;nts,t . -$2 ',r-.e Jv.m 9 j tlVTf V 'Vr pebtcrf ndina i'Uf fkojtfs Mb rjRf a oulfSlJrpmnT SWtlK'A!iUlT?kJdrr sa,oV?Byflmfj5K'IhiftWiXe gUr rrje-a:Bvj n ro-ilftnbrr. vaiallob barrows that I will pell heaf.. ' n 7raT: .-rfiivjxiTKi OxU3JUan n HI Ml At:i W.ri,fH4 if-iH hi is -r - ..TV"- A Uul OfltOaV .abd;TN sMI unetMR irtoae rcntmv from ntioa. We sdrNe. ft to rmt-. yswQtiitnqnr "ti i-otu. CruMty. a Ji rmi U 31? ' 1 : 1 '- ! i ' V .-;