. t i. -1 ''J i . .' A. The Franklin Timea J.uesA. Thomas. Editor & Prop'r. Fkidav- - - - OCTOBER 21, 1&S7 It 13 pot too iooii for tlie Demo-t twits to be Sooklns afler prganlza .t1ojjtlewrah!..TiMi younc - lemocracy . of franklin should ,tjttUp; their 8leeve9 ttext yrfnnd dejteruaine i.that the county shall be carried for the grand old party.. lll.has leaked out that, the ene. ' roles of Mr Powderly tried to paw a resoluUoo censuring '.him in the ;secret session of the general assem . biy of the knights and failed Mr. . wdrly Is said now to' : lave at- ; tached his signature to his pererop-. . tbry resignation Ex: r . . VJIiEu B. Z. Linnet, , has announe- - ed through the Statesville MaiUhat he is no longer a Democrat. It was unnecessary tor him to, make such .announcement, as it is pretty gen erally known that he ran as an in- . dependent .last year, and,, flew the track before electioa day. He - is lllbe gfer ynany others who have - jmfe1 imjatieiii waitg Vr , an !Oface,jFi0ding .tiiat tneir own par y don't 'want them and does' not fntd id hafe them, they first be gin to kick at the action or some Convent ion, then they cry ring, and - the next' thing you know, ( they haya. flppped'over and. Joined the- oppcsltion some of them :stil eliining that tfiey are just as good Democrats as anybody. - Are there not gome of4hese4dud in- Fran It lin? It 6eems to us that there are. BBWABI2 OP OU CORKS. ilItls strang?7,,?8aJd.a physician other day, "that in spite of the great interest taken nowadays in the purity of food and drink, no one calls' attention to an abuse that it is as dangerous as it is dirty. . I refer to the second-hand cork busi ness. Every intelligeat person, every paperand the board of health should protest against it. Their use should be prohibited under all circumstances.- Corks once used are not fit to cut-down, bleached or pressed and used a second time. They.may be ever so well cleaned, the fehuentiiig vpgitations that get into the cracks and internal fis sures, communicate decay, disease and death to liquids they are used in preserve. (Corks that lie around for weeks' among the filth and dirt of bat-rooms cannot be'purified. wo tiro glad of U, bocauso wo be Uevo it to be based upon a subsran tlal foundation. Wo do not, even aire to soo that day when Inflated values And bubble speculations may glvo for a brief period nn abnormal activity to any Industry. For when this day . comes, comes, also the boomerang and the last stntejs seven times worse than the first. 0 THE HIGHEST SUCCESS. Tho Kind of Life Which Can Not be Defeated ly Outward ; " Disasters. ? ... ; M t There is nothing more Inspiring, says 'an exchange, than the story of a triumphant life; a life that over comes great difficulties, works itself clear of sharp limitations, ni -sues at last in a large, free activity. It is an oU! story, but. it remains tHe one story of which men never tirei but seems to assuage a thirst'of. the soul. ' For the end of life is freedom and power, and those of ns who miss those supreme results, uf. patience and toil and character feel that we have ., been defrauded' of that which was our due. The old stories of magic cany n deep meaning under their wild extrav agances; they betray the mighty passion of men for supremacy oyer things material and other iiferior of life. The man with genii at his L command could build places in a night, and rejoice in n-." marvelous mastery over - the forces against which so many of their feilows seem to measure their strength in vain. nThese magical successes aro only dreams of real successes which all men and women crave: which the noblest and most aspiring must conquer, or lo3ev utterly the Joy and sweetness of living. -These successes are, lortunateiy, not ex ternal, though they are generally acconrpauied by . visible trophies; they aro achievements of character, and are independent of conditions and largely of human recognition. The man whose life, outwardly all defeat, is steadily expanding in its interest and sympathies, steadily growing in powei to bear and- suf fer and be strong, has tVe blessed conciousness of coming: into his kingdom. No outward disaster, no external obstacle, or limitation, can ever defeat a true life; it can escape all these things as the bird escapes the perils of the snare and the net by flying above thein. The highest of all successes lie? within the grasp af every earnest man and woman, and l it Is rarely without attestations of its piesence and value, even in the eyes of those who take small account of spiritual things. There is a force which streams from a noble nature which isji8 irresistabie ana perva sive as the sunlight. The warmth add the vitality of . such ' natures,: while they invigorate the slrpnggst men and women about them, pene. , trateto the heart of clouded and ob scure lives, and minister to their need' There is no success so satls- XOCAI The Value of the Local Paper. It is difficult to estimate the value of a good local paper to a .town. Ev ery wenk? there koines to' ou?' desk ;ja score or two of Uie. best ; local rapera from Virginia and North" Carolina, and it U gratifying to nolo the interest the - Wipers take in theuv tWus "and sec tion rhey all do fiaj tinus- more advmising for their lownr than thev get paid for. Tliey speak up for.; their respective markets and draw trad thereto that would never ;coniin)uY for the influence of tliS ; paper; iThougb; oppressed often financially; the vayt-? age newspaper man does-no. lei , that hu native or adopted. place.i , It Is-tiiM f . ' Crenaiut W. : II let A. rA fc rt hvp. possible to estimate the gookUtJiftt "Ms j just received: tt'i-Urge5 lot'of , Nails, being done to our sections; :Dy locai, I wmcuney uro selling at -.ou per hi herm.i -ilotsTEK'S CAND Ysf - Asu T your dealer for it, and have none .then It U sold to dealers at the' lowest prices. Crthiw,: Hicka Allen hive ut received anargstocn of Croek ery, HAiiiig Stotte, Hanger &c, tbey ei furoish ou with all the repnlr that hkZ to mott any sttv. they m&kt thtir own kfyve pipe from. lue iron. 8eed wfieat, rr"d Mat stone at Cren- lirIIiek4lllca'.i - v : v BajrsriJg and;. Tits at Crenshar, Iltoks & Allen's. . t - i l:rs'. iJ""i '' ; iCrensha w, Hijcka JL, Allen ' an headqatrters for. all eoods Iu their line. Shot -at 1.50 a bag. Come newspapers. Farmers Alii ajace ' ;RevL D. P: MeKchamVof-Walfe eaa tyvwai ?n our oflQf-e last week. He inrormed u that be was ovgau'ziog in Traulslin Count v subordinate F.ami- ers"A1:ance?, and that ti. would on, oi-ganjze a 'Tounjy Af'ane. The ina'n oW'eots o."the A'.iiaiice, as we! understand Iheru. are fcr the purpose orinati5U!"at!ng a more ' tlKrrbut: ' or gan'zaroa anions: the- fannrA'" for tlieirown protecron.'. , Tlie' proceed- and only tneiiibefs of the Alliance are allowed in the meetings. Up to da;e Al - 111 - . 1 4 uie ioiiowmj; AMiauces nave ieeii o.-j ganized in this i.ouaiv wUlilbc ofnceij -YOUXGSVILLB AlXlAfC3e.ij 1 V l'l,.lmll PmlinU Ml Wlrt.f V AT I W 1 IV 14) m. IblVVUl V -, V Ills stotiyice rre.s!deui.Y2L?Hanl!&tertj Seci etafj; J J CarrowCbapU'n; A"': A; Chapjiel, Lecturer; W T Harrow As sistaut-LccUr er. J , ,Fi.t Kock Aixtanck. 1 . . .... . C O Jeffreys, PreVuleut; J R Tbar- rington, Vke-fresideut W V LevUler, Secretary; G T Levister, Treaurr; 1 ssaac Frazfer, Cha plaio; J D Thar rhigton. Lecturer; C E "..Young,-; Aist. Lecturer. - " Cmftox Mills A'luance. W JI Youug, Pjeslttent; 3 TCMon; Vice-President; ,L E Bartholomew; -''.f.M will buy yoa .ft; Bnfrel tof tTce-un-? o6dTamiIyFU.ur at " r - Crenshaw, Hieks A Allen's." At the TUcliet store. 'Looishursr. If. C, yoa ean get Dado window shade for II.S5- per. pair: ' -. f.. , TAX NOTICE . . .. ; ,nie Tax list for 1887 will be' open fat the following places on the days na.oed, and all persons failing to set--tle by the lR.th day of ' November will find their Taxes in the hands or an oP ficer for coPection by distress: Franr.ntoti ' township at Franklin-: f-too, tvaturday Oct. 29th. ? ,- . : Freeman's townshio, at Youngtville," Monday, Oct 31st. Harris - township, al Cliftou'i Mill, Tuesday,' Nov. 1st : v . Dunn's 'township, 'Poplar' Springs;'! t eanescfay, N6vn"d- If ' ' Vypress urees townsnip,at sioores urn . ruursaay, jwov. oru. Cedar Rock township, Green's Store, 'FridayNovr 4th i :" Gold Mitie towus4ilp'atXeniervIlIe, : .Tuesday Nor. 8th. Z--'"'- J-".'.. ' Sandy Cretk township, at Laurel, Wednesday Noy. :9t& tlayesTtlli ;iownshfpl it Rocky Ford, Thursday Nov. 10th. ,. Those wishing, can settle on any- day, at Loulsburg. - Ml m mm 5;0 00 BaM Cotton, ' !.','!!)'; i ..; 4 y for; whicli propose, to pay the HIGHEST CASH 4 PRICES. r I' ll, 0. Kkakney. ShcruT. M .4 I I.) ST.;'"! 1 1 J : J0.iL r4L J I W'A-ST iT'KDJ- .71 - I owjiis the time to save rmdiiey. -t We will osell too the txwtand cheapest auitv on ever haJL- :Alltny slock to new. GTTAT? C! Xfen's Kip Ikx-U $2.00. $2-50, 1 1S.00 1 aV $30. , r - WJJLLXJXLlfD Men's Dr in clwSes 1.15. SlOand $2.00. Men' Btoad BottomSewed Shoe, every pair warrHnUd.;'i-,v' '"L'2 v,.! - 'LadieT.awN-r n.Ar AllWool Trieots and F'annoU 25 cents,' mCDD JrUUViptwortioO;allwolTr'icors, doubl wWthfc i 75en.wrtti ILjOO. Bst crJf Gaiter, wnrrs nied at $3.00: calk-walkliifit-t UTast at eOO worth $5.00. Ladies Sh es fLOO, $1.50, t2JW, t2-5Qaud $3.00. Clocks. Car-load Salt, Cheap. etinra for oar tlr mtnck .ot ro5 btX'wTIl VCld clr 2ta 'tvrr . b(r,eoBipriaiBf la 4n.ib fuhwla: ' 7,500 yards BagrUc and Tlrate go villi it, t 000 Pd tSkot ai XarfaUx , frt.' 4,000 pairs Saoa at Ka f Bottom Prieea, 34u in Boot cheaper than ttr bfcrt kaova, $40 saca'a veatka aadb.T liaU. Is tb above roods are barn ins whicH wceoaldeatly believe kavf aeter before We a bronchi iaU LoaU4arf " " ' "' "'' '" " 11 12.90 .'. u. LI of all kindi, for house . lumpers and -newly married f WHipiea. -; Tinware 'ilnwarc. Tinware, lin ware. nffvnanro )'TTW4-ta fit and Miit cvrTbodr. P-memhrr; VVCiwabD. ,JLACLIOou will be made to TEKL ROilTl h Secretary; P B tliftou, Trcasurer J. I calling on Mr. Parish who will ell you whether mn want to laiy or no. TV Ybuug, Lecturer. ' Thata e:8?ed the senieesnr Mr. Oharlea Drawer, rrom 8andy CTreek, who! A win be pleased to see his many friends from Gold Mine. Sandy Creek and' Cedar IWk. JJon t buy until you examine my stock, at White & Shaw's old stand. ltcsuectfiillv. (:....' Uv J- JPEliSON. . . , . . I .. .. ve aad Biaoafeetaretl for oar on eielasire tale waleli ItbranJpd"TWrrea-s Beet" and gaorno Wed to be Ute bct otock ever offered for the nooaey. Oar ea lire stock of ahoea ia roaipletc aod waa acleeted with Uto frcatet eara as lata liae la oae of our apcetalut. CAKOLINA'S IN- Ust VALtJET Wilmiagton Messenger. When we can write of North Car olina we are always happy. There la not a step that it takes in the, march of improvement .and progress that does not make us re joice. For the old commonwealth Is full of glorious .promise. Its place is right up in 'the' fore-front which are not only blessed by na- tare, out aiaor nave ft native 5 popu-j lation aufnciently energetic, euter- lingftDil appreciative t convert that which Is embodied in viuuiiao.iuiw nvuiCTcmciif I i i i i. i Nothing is more significant than a tU. r t..a.. . k a ih . mm-m mm m-m Siw IIopb Alliance. WY Mann, President; S'ducy Rich ards, Vice-president; J O Baker, Scc- re.sary; li B Floyd, Treasurer. J B Kins;, Chaplain; B D Kobhius, Lecto- rcr.' :'' KockSpetnos Aixtavck. v W II Mann, Presideni; J II Oxlnm, Vice-lresident; Geo. W Harris, v Sec retary; S S Strick'and, Treap ren W. D II jirris, Lecturer: "B L Perry Chap- lain. . - - - - . . 1 . . i i 1 5 E 1, ThU d 1 ft 4-.'- ' t. r . t ti V A Horrible Death. : ' A Jittle son of Leander nilli livtnj; nearCovington Tenn., ;Went ,tQj.hui father's gin Wednesday of last week and 8eeinsftlie nress half full of the fleecy staple, lay. down and went to sleep. .Later tlie neijroea filled , the, press, to complete tho hale. , 'nete rific.pressure of the block was lronsht down, and wlien the bale was rolled on from the trass., houud with Iron .ties', the life blood of the) l407.,"ooed t -t 11 l 5. ml ' tsiuwnr uirougn it. i ne ORie -was-. once opened 10 uie honor and un- speakable grief of Mr. Hill,, the body of his little son was fc mid crushed t !a jeHy.-Yadkin Valley News. , 1u itiu Editoi vi 1 LOUBCBO.N.ci. B-ptember 1st, ISS7. lepartireat is eomnlele, and we rnarastec aatisfactioa In strle. trfr and qaalitt. Va j aro lleattqaorlvra fir- Pre Goods:-Trinmiofa A."' Our lock of Millinery, Drrva Go.vis, Trivaalnire ae sqd -fart arerj-tWna" peruininittn a ladies ttordrobe have bee a earefallvarlecteJ ia theN'ertaea markets by lira. Harrow, woo will personally aaperiAtrnd ihia dcpoxtoteat . aod glvo all tUc ai4 aawoaaary aa to stjla tr in art a? ae 1 'x '1 i - Good goods' nnd low prices at i .; u S. A C. Wotklns' i -,.- Henderson N C. ttarn;'; Nothing tells more tally .whet her' the people of a atat e or city are standing still, retrogra- mt' . ' m 1 aa ' fl " W o- -: wug, or wnnner iney are aauing i talhehr wealth and thns, r also, to the Wealth of the commonwealth. Figures can lie sometirne?, he old aage he contrary, notwlth- tahdjng; bat the deception may 'generally be -exposed nn occasion. in regara to worth Carolina; how w, there is eertainly ho lie out. irahspdrtatlon . $nfi . telagraph TptcUopon which thefigujesare I JlnesahdV other' : things :?i too ssaa are too paipaDie to aamit the f numerous to mention.- w com- duMlUrT:: ? '.-. ; r I tnend It to those few lonesome dem- ' In a. recent interview State Treas- I bcrats 'honre affiicted with the Wy BMn salds The indications I diseased notion that their party ,)s rwthat there is a ; considerable In'" 1 no longer good enough for them. crease In the value of property of in im'allhess of memhershtp r and j VMp0,1!!6 Co want to buy i the ,ote a? compared with last Infinite variety of demand Vt would 1 wttan raised mTklin.Cbtxthl Tf. J - !! , B,luw uy . uie reports i suit sucn cnaracters exactly isx. from the counties so far received. which, embodied In the character 'of others, Is also indestruclable.' In shees the Backet Store. Louis- jburg, ean beat the world. Ladies jsm uoofs at per pair , Dress goods at 8 cent and upward. ' r fue mcnet store, Louistmro. :z v Wmi . o, rWw tf. t- 3rour cotton than yocan geiefeei jovOMVf.a a i. AiO. 1W1SVSIM II . . enbraces woman anfTraffe. nmhihU J i"" Bk ( .-.--i ... ---- ---- . i tlpn, government ownership 14 ' of,! ' We wish to say through the colnmns of. the TIMES that we frl very tkaaVfnl Indeed to the people of Loulsburg and viciaitv lor the LIBEKALshsre of pat. ronage given aa oaring the pastyear; and ve hope by e;iviag them the adven . tare of every bargain scoured to. not only merit a eoiitinnanco of the same bat to largely increase onr trade. We areoontinaally on tlie lookovt for Jot sack bargains aa our 8AUPLE SHOE otter last fall, aad if snceeufei in finding any, tae.pabliot Will be riven the boorfUof all, rrgvdlees of tempUtions to . maxt double proSis. . We are now reeeiviar .a. Full Stqek at , rood; which Is raried and romidete In all departments. V. e always have on hand a fall and . .freahstockof FANCY GROGERIE and i "5 1- r-5 RIE which we sell aa chrap aa tho cheapest.. We intend to make oars, pre-emiaeathv, . a . ' gents faraishinr -boose, so it will be to the advaatare of all In need of so eh .goods to examine oar prieea at least. . In DKT OOOOS we have good oalieo at 2 cftt, Japoohi thread for ocrnts aad ananV' other, meh .barrains, In ..: V4J10E8, ar ofiera are aimplv immense. ' The rcenlar $3.00 shoe . I -we sell for 2o. a $400 aboe (or $3.00, Pf. BOOTS for $150, ' ,U V .' e&. ) Oar II ATS are; jast too heap .or any thing, ,; just think ofaanestiB4 bat for tlX Von will find - oar prioea quoted in the TIM E 'every week, look for them and. keep yourself poated. . Come to 4 " aeo as when yoa owe to town, we waat n . - v rr , toDriee roods to too whether Ton. . -j i. V7 T S 47, bBoMuot.:'FralraallT. Yours.. n t,, i & V ' . il ' w V- .. TT5 TTTlWiJ7Cr V?T?7nTrf7VS? r. mmr VtaB W mmVV 1.1 t-.i.i IN THE : ..if 1 " " I J t. Ci OTltt'fi TRASS a u S. & C. Watkins' ; ; : Henderson N. f!- l AnDles. Lemons. Coeoannta and Sot. liters french candr at Creashaw, Hicks A A 11 X . . , - iHenty of money and the biggest pnee ror your cotton . at ? - v ' ; .waiKina' more r AC ; Henderson W . O. . KING, JONES & CO, l i w i(Uk of Voaftaa Ke'aa 1 II II . . , II ; . - -: v ' I ' U tevIisUUttref reduced the CTIS io xwenty cents per one hundred aoiiara , valuation of property, so ftSMtl6 ftm?unr if tax even at ine increased valuation, will be maUer than last year. Taxes are bow; loweritflTerth: Caroliria?than . In any mother; state, according to ; wealth and population. cj 4 i . bte certainly mlifyUigl and there te no 'reason why v the State vr p&oVld noteach iyir; be able to . 4iow'aeady:incrMra in; values. IJtioaUy with the Various' newr enterprises projected and con- anroatfid, there should he an annrpl ; 3 mwmt lop la yette, and vilt guarx.'jiay .IUl- eigh ricea forsame ;oaaon' ! ; of ' "tl. ..r C HIP I 4.1 rt Pure silk velvet at 80 and 5 eents a yard at the Backet lapre,' Xftti-1 purft; cv?,;;',;..v;r rr-;' i Ladies trimmed hats from 40 cents up.'at tjie llacket tore, , Loulburg i' Hiehest cash prices for your cot tOIX at. xr : ;i . r r; v,, ; l .. '. i I.: ? ; T: a . v . Watklns Store J s; Hendersons C, aUtfnl rofuso ' So mppToased aattw and rregmlav 3pIahioaiUphto HUtel:-. There is scarcely a week JLVioNTHIiY v SICKNESS. ins passes now hat has that passe how that has not , it I"". . ... , - iicry otpfogress to tell.-jAnd, al-:IVTS tbbU2hthe t4bOpmMisamodestOne. fifOkItassAoa to Womx," mailed ires. ! Look xot tjpok tot wikb cJon it is re i, but ivk wat K.t!g,: 44f . fjo's stooK ox goods nrtor every es p-n tion ana get too a hut, ' your wire a chess or a pair ofkhoes. M e will do all in our power to. ghre -you, jqur Touch not, hrjidle not the .unclean wine,.Bat at King, Jones & Co's dry roods, notions, bouts and shoes you will find. And then if we can't suit yon in dry goods aod notions we will simply call your attention to our jrancr gro cery department Wt ar sew ajuaafaetsrlar.aioaraiora. 4 part ( oar - and lioyt Cloth inr aad we eaaofier voa 1 Uer rooua, at lower prion tbaa ev er he fare as we can ive yoa Um ortlie'-s) aaaaafaetarer's profiu iherrby en . abanjr ps to act) yo a aiaaicaU a. Wboleaala Prieea. We bar1 eatpJoyed a first-elaaa Tailor to rat for aa aad we. will rmaraaUe EoUre aJatiafaetioav. All Wha want a arsVeJaoa nir aol It will do Well So eoma aad Kkt their f4of roods bva tlieUnVMCvH11' wboleaala prioe. Oar stock of 1 OlillSrERY GOODS 1 H''.i tv.rr,a..,vrxii J;.tj-u ..-..ft; . if MlTjilallSrERY 4 LOTJISBTJRG.IN; 0. Is eompltta'aa Wsvat 1 Frt fitobrfdleal saddlea, bant -mad wajea karaeas f : i .' ; T-J wTA't I V-,: 4.1 t. BaviBg Jwt returned from New York witk a beautiful atoek of -j . ri- if-? L , I an prepared, to show; the very LATEST 8TXLES ; Afull line of Plain ind Fancy. Velvets, Silks, Satlop, Ilibbons, 4Ostrich an Fancy Feathers and . Flowerav ! A pretty. stock of "4". .. : ' : ." , r; calicoa'and in tact every thug that ia kept In a ant-elaa store, cnne to se$ me ,and 1 "i ? . i -.4 -.L . I . "t r U JTL1N1-I U IXC A 4. i -v 'j I - I!.-. :: :u ...nntM to oleaao yoa ia rood roods at I. , LOWPBICES wh.l;w.Ia. Al2r0rders oyaaaafreinptly stUaded to. V.ry Eespectf ally '.-. " ); 4 .i 1 1 4 r r u . .it.. .J . . ! j ' I ,.J V 'inlkj' l I.''' ., . . , ... . , ' ' ,' . r - i i r n .,' ? I ' 1 ; r ; ; - i . ' oorla -ye room above tke store wCI be filled to everfiowlnr witi all VJodj i! : j FsraMaro. laire, Ite44ataa4a, Hartaoa,;. wahstaaU, craUiea, Ae Aa. Jo aoi fail to call aad exasaiae oar atoek before baying, aa we will eertaiajy pleao yon- No troabla to show foods waetaeryea waat to ba y ex aoC vf , w iU, Wo, . ..riad to show yoa. .i.Ii5. . us.k ) IV i;'c; . V 4; J-ii ,,:-1 tr ; v.- ii lli'sf tin l iaj 4 1 1 j 1. 1 j;s;BABJiow& son, J 41 1 . A' '-";,.-i-.-A.'." I ",4 i,.. ., v . - 1