-'j - , - v . , - , - . ' v. - , - - - . . , . - ... v . v- ' - .' .......... ' . - . - . ? '-''"'"v" v -V , -.. t "' ' , ; . " . ' ' '-''.. ' - .' , ' ' i " - " ' n ' . ' . - ' ' T i' - -v ; '- " i - -..-. '. ' . - . . " . " . . r:,'.jui "in ji-L j- i - urn. 1 1 i U n hi r . inn ii i " "n i . i 'Li " '- .', - - -' , , -," . , .,. , .; .,.'.'.,, - n' - - ..H. .,, K, ' ' . .i 1 1 r i : - ' ' ' - " - I - - - ' ' ' : I - ". '.-I - v " """ ' " ' , 'v THE FR AN KLIN liMES? r THE FRANKLIN-TIMES ' PCBUSBED El EKT FRIDAY BT JAMES A Tt mrAC s- i ' 44 vu. x .v,i. Bates: One Vear A iTCrtuort pnouj'J pia arcry Ihs Ed.tor will not be . ir; -u,.uO g:x Months ; 1-00 ieisir8rcf c'6rrtpohJir.r. ' 's . X-tub ot Z Tn betimes wilt te u mis tied at 11.40. AfacoIutelylPure ThilowdereTer varies. X marvel of pury,Vjtregtk nd rhokoiaeiies.i More eeoaotnic! than tfle ordinary kiodfi, and eannot be sold ia Competition ; with' the multitude of Jowf test-afcortr -weiKht alam orabofphate powders. 8ou iORLT IX Cass. iEotaL Bakino Powpt,o . ' 4'7 V 'V j ? lWi " " St- y s fROFESisioNAL CARDS AU business put in my hands Viil reccire prompt Attention." . ;: ? ; . aTT r :()tjksE0Wii ' M attend the1 Courts of Kash. Franklin,. QrnTille, Warren, Wake (loun kies also the Snpieroe ourt of Nor th Carolina', and the Ur . Circuit and District Oourta. Jfflce 2 doors below " Furman ijfc rk Drug Store, ad ioinins; Dr.'O. - Ell E. W TIMBERLAKE ATTORNEY1 'AT5 tk W rt ' OfTV b Pnni4 Day ZollicoffeV 4 J Pracifce in the courts of Franklin', Vance,Granrille, Halitax. and North bampton and the Supreme and Fed eral courts of the State " RUF FIN V FOaGi" ; ASHIOXABLE BARBE , Mty , shop v sM r 0011 where I -will be. pjeasedj 'po ' hve- my irienas ana patrons cat I to: gee me. m Calls to private residences ' for cut-, ting ladies and children hair" prompt j responded to by Uuffin Fogg the 1 ead-? ag:lrJffr:4i .KM C mrhi ji ii fil erchanls, a A 4 boanokesquaee, s Prompt attentian giveo to all orders- by TJyOTJih PUBLIC? FBANKUNTOK,- OftVrs his services to. tkenhlO i the departmental Ju which they may he needed. - Negotiable p pers pro tested. Oaths administered. Privy Examinations Taken an. I Deeds Pro htdl at west: legal! rates ;ot ehar H1XEAD1NU UAUBEB OfFranklin county, still holdi the " t at Fr'ankiintou in one .minutes k of the depot: ' He will be pleaded rve' those who WiH ' favor him iih ;patroBagT Go tq ihe Wsf&kd'j convinced V' Vl A- . ..'- V J : -I C.v V':: "3 'bS?, jY ir - GeneTieve Ward's Dogr. Mog, and thereby hangs a lale.. A tail hans? b.most dogs, except bull dogs -and Scotch terriers wMchaYe their iis cut pff;probablyrtp keep 5 then HSE WJttteCJhat kind of a do Miss" Ward a is, the ; reporter does not know; but as it has a tail, it is neither a bull df nor a Scotch ter rier. As its name is TheklaV and as TVfiJs Ward r has been' all over the TwOHd, ftb probablv a Hussian - doW It lias grown old in heraffections; and he clings to it with unswerving devo tion. It gives her ympathj'and coo-; eolation when business is bal, and io these desj!nera.te' day-of dirae mese unrsai'id fd'eeoniediies.f its servi eeiareiiequnUieeded. ' - i' A gentlea-an who once Journeyed from India to Australia V with .Tnekla n.t Miss Ward; tells the i fbllowiiig ........ o amusing 6tory. of their ' devotion to"J each other." It appears that vx : Aus reqnfeed to' go into fa giiarantiri e lor a ff&m lenjrt; Ujne. vinortlerto make sure tliat they will uot introduce the. man-re or other low diseast s among tlie high-bred dogs of, 'Austra lia, which,' like other cjolopist?fc are "particularly of ' their Wistocrati be- I yss Ward learned Ijjfajte of affairs as the hip approached its "des tmation. She immediately tookal irm,' and her demonstrations of aliectioia for Thekla increased at the rate of . seven knots an hur, the average speedvof grapted jxlA4ejaide'& Mel b.uriie, .trying to have Miss ;War i's doahnit-. ted free and at ouce upon tlie lau-li g f theship.- Otljer high political ' infla uce was brought toTbear; but when W'ipafJkX gowtu uie huf bor .of Atel- tiH:oTijeia the v yf ; t.tiv . "' ' !- , Bjjoiuu fc jiii, reyiyz iiau ueen j re ceived to the effect that TheklA , must submit tci the usual indignities. M;gs Ward rushed up t. the captain aud, Wheltbw:wiiiX m'&WiwiiK - This was rather startling- v Miss AVartl's arrival was aw.ited witli . ea gcr exictaucy hv a public;: that lmi to be the'eveut'of the 31ei bourne se Son. and to have the whole of Austra lia disappointed f becausef adog, hAvever expert the latter might be in tandf cnhis;;; hmd legs,: turning somerauhy, and other canine accom plishnv uts, was too much for the p , tain. He said: i-t f: v "ci- Mi8s TardV you just vrrap tha tdog ',up fnoufjshalQl puSTW s1iwl-sTrap7 Jarhgp carry! him ashore without saying an y-, thing about it.SfSH..& ti ,;; And that is bow T hekl entered Mel: bourne. , Whether not Miss Ward told the fore-wanv'd and exiet tant cucom sea-' d of tlie disagreeablev purser;; whvnv'Afis' Ward called : a kangaroo. Louisville Oourier-JournaL The Editot's Itoatl Tuot an Easy ' ' ': ,' one. ' i The-editor gets up iri the j morn Ing and booms the town. ; He gives free puffs by the shore, and in the evening Is cursed by the-; merchant says irs a glrlnd Jjta-s boy the proud father sharpens.: the j toe of his boots and hunts hrm up. If he makes mention of It at all ithe man is mad.,Ijet him give credit to the wrong minister and there's a tKrwt m jlffitaTjog- ovrfepel. Date hje''t &J jbtRtajj tlte charming and"aeligiitfulliliss So and Sols In, town and the young ? men declare him a beast. .He must say every body is pretty. Industrious, Jull of , business, handsome, talented: ' and ,tah! Reused vr,tyipg " straight 4o 'heaven;' v, or : another one Of earth's most precious flowers has' been transplanted in the sweet be bond, and at night be tormented by the devil for robbing him of bis Jprai." .yerily the-editor is ac- rroKilif ttsrverIuTiiam Becorder. tralia, there is Jit rWiculdusl j Targe'litn portuty.fju dogs,, and tly: areualso ;tkeshini;A ;ilri Basibto a' 'number pointing to the iurerT said: " V.J. d02 ..fiil '-NVw.Mf the-dblr tloes'in m 4eard f her frreat. cb,t?m u raid v talent fficers"tlThekJa' haVf;fled', f,on .sickness.the. reppiJefiVS, mibrpoant ah ot '-ifaj. He'didrsYiy,nhQWfeVer,r';thal LOXJISBURiO-N. O., NOVEMBEfe'4, 1887 - fl 1 'T 'i Oil, Cottonseed raeali when used ,in rpoderatioiw ia-a Very "wefof' &k mMalry biwsr1! Islhe reserVe't of laxative, and tehd-i rather to costiveness. ThK however.-el vea upon grass and wen it fs mlxeS with bran. : . When it was first' In troduced In the KortbeTn Btates fofof4wsj twelve yeao ort :irorer ago, itTvnarsoia wat . eigmeerr idolbirs nf fnn. nil tVrta nn orW. pgl$r cheap ; food..: Since then It Ms icouvj widely pppahirand lias Advaoced value finye pent. . Still, for the nutriment con tained in it, it is yet choap,: beinff valued for its pnttitive at fort Vim"' t&ilM !yijii"h irr nltrogeneous, substances, aud is consequently an unsafe food ; for MWMlTejrottort. bfafll possesses Mtne veroVnowRTfTiV nedical qualities. . The Toot produ ces abortion, and the seed certainly ins some of the same actrv&effM-i M lneal ha'di6Winnfl uni- ory effect upon the milk Kland., n't, therefore. Is to be used only in 418 I pounds down to ; one pound, , and while feedinff 1WO noil rut Q dallu With twicisanach uraflodT corn- meal the butter produce of a -cow experiniented upon rah -up to two Kuuas aciiy. When f.;ur pounds laily was ted,fwith the same qman ity of com meal and bran, the per dy forTedavs wberfaniS- tack of irafeet K'aa Tw-nJtt TtmawtrfterwaTiitherTreld 1 than a pound." As tlrisresuU appened;, lrequeutly i! -wthother ciwsiittli dalrvi audlhirr 1 ttMiT- ouild scarcely Te ITesttsdjicdfroifr erks1,iiigV4e surfed tins temytatioft to feek the meal twice the quantity of win ineal4rM uran lor a mgte ration, cotton eed meal may be used safely;"' hut as any ecess-otSeV- that' is ipV; rtotr5 be Ijauri j lvhialde Uyiuix the fjliutulk, s Uiat the ration can uot "5e exceeded1 by ii niy1 1 accP 4;itr iTSWrt5 r- fVW! colors Folulity, a fine waxy ' texture and n rich, nutty 'flavo to- fid v'but1 BUtLtNS,iBNIC"'A:J'SAlVE. 'f r Cii ta, Bruises Sores tllvers, -Sal t Bh.eum? ;Fe ver Sesi;1 ' Tett r. 1 ChaiW pj-d band vChU Waips.:Cows, alikjn Ejraptions;' md pfositively iuVeV' File';' ot no pa; rvamrtxl: nJt idVaruaianti-H i &ye Prt' aiisfatipn, t-r .. mono. JUfuwdcdtojr that ha.nl stiidy,. i& rtlw)'! unhealthy: Element or college lire. ; But from ta-bltis of Inofhrfity of Ila'tardTrni- Versity, ' eol0c6d jy HPrbfWsorH rterce trom ftteliwt triennial (rata- i loue, it s jcTerly lebiisrrttedr tfiat the excess of deaths f(r "the Bret ten years after .. graduation ; is found in-Uuvt porlioH of -tnV ela f'JL-tt Sx . ' " "L"a.a . m '' '" wnu ijua seen tne cuxneuium Kpowfl, woiJVPiye. injury wicutiate npurst Siui rn'ponthe-tisJUpO Q&bA aodl their t wo H tt le fingers are ; heiiVfeF ;fhari the loius of Euclid. Ditsipr atipli'i eVerV ea'Jyujflpwprj; exposed. -to Tr an: ua. tiujely frost. : Those; who have been inveigled into the pathr of of smashes' make , war upon -ev- eryj-function I of tthe body. .The iiyer,- me spine, tne bones, the, flesh ,. every .Durt-ir nodi faeult v t are? to excesp f2s wii BtecardSi; mi viup Kurui ny,rj usi overtaiediaUdJ:weakehed -hv! ihef l rtsht4itH9r maiiria.at brina tonaiPrwugaeireauxyrimtniaaoaaL terriBeVen ' -iaiiy a dollar fiTumo ad dortorV tEla?'!. froaiyestrarnunrik dildpil1 iphit. Mcljm-tren th: y. 'there is But ONE".'.','",', V'. nnsirJpMv uw,.n series, anl stfenlhfn wt-aknndfaiL1- ; ts! ro oH tha i.m with r,a "Z" XK - W W ig eye sight, 2a cents a box. : - . f. .7.r"Ilr: " ' :V-. ''''; : '' - - --;: PailadalaWia, Pa. riUC SLOO. , -' - -:; .-. . - k- ' ..... " - " - ' ' -'- " . " ' " ' "-i ... - - ' " ' . . " 4 Ttie-Modesu t?ld Tlaid. r- i , Who does not rejoice in he? . I She isrdundando!l, two dim pi ea in 1 ttekiVjiftdJiasa LiaU r . musical'1 ier 'Is a bobolink's sorfgvv-lShtf w'eflCrs nicely flttiAg dresses, becoming little orna ments about her plump flirot, ud cap- COnCertR;partIe8. sappers, lectuirs and matinees, and she doesn't go , alone. She'carries a." dainty parasol, ' and wears fcniinS'bnqle, md, k4a ICe toets anlloilVs htraln1: In fjact, tlie modern old maid is 4 as good as the modem young maid; , she las seandtjonrersation is well as -dimipWs kxid A.wVeO ami , aUeJ haskJa bank book And - dividend' And the men like'her hd why not ? Ex' i V Jbp dangerf Vmslarjial I wplieii WayvJ avarlldifAil 1 atrnosf 1 asionly take of Dr; J II McieAns Chills and Fever cur. - ' "" - : .i . 1 :-The giel of to-day is a busy, useful. worker.. She is generally tToficicnlin rher. owh dresses but : cut" and make.- those and her 'underclothing as 'Well. helping the dressma ker who comes to assume charge of T iplerslajadi tiha Ijrarloui? wbraatfUesi of mending, and takos that division . of labor off )er mot'.vei's b'nndsy as well as thearf pfekrlors and dining rooms, the" Hrrangement' of flowers, the supervision of the manners and ap parel of the younger cnildren'i " and rentetiiui'of their ptulies, too. Let 1aifjus4icc-be dne to the Mgirl of the comprenension 01 wnat snguld be real-, tyres of a class cwiujtistng.eanicst worker? i with strongj'ceptiWofe;ts spcnsibilities and . . burdens and a Lsleady piuixe tp bear thenwieetHHiing Mdlhe besof tljc khility.liEx v,' 4 - . r - OKE OF JEttOTBWAIirS VETERANS. h : Na Baa is mentioned la the life of Jeb Stewart with - more honor - for braverr aad Unsh tlin , t" rallant .Mair U. S. 'Whtte.of; Bafteiville,' Maryland.1 The Vajor whb pne,of . the mot trusted of the ni-iiv'eavalfyiaani'S' ataP 'i Ta Mk)r lor y ear Ince the war. waa aa- iavalict. .botreeef tly..,lif , h , entirjljf reeorered. Ilow ihi. Wail brought aooatk told bu. the louowtse letter. " . . v, - !. . - : - ; "Sarnsrille; MJ Jae io, 1887. j; CreaUemepmFor Uteeq V tears" 1 had rheum itjsia iq roy rixht shoulder. . At the -ame tiiaI, kfi.se vera. ifio.. ad ' uj;epsia. aji auruiK ioee yean l tnea evenil physieianB.aqa ,nymcrou patf ot medicines. Withoat a:v Deruiacnt m- rlief, A.,fe months gv( tha peraoWon ..t.tra.. . lit- J..:l-J I- l - j Jgbegsu? a course; 0 .1' & rAfte ,ajng six large bottlas I waa entirely well " Tha ,raiiiciueott lh root of . the , disease and eradicated H When tha .disappear lAe oftthelieijqjUrnial30 weotf. .hef da- digestinp and dyapepsia'. 1 have "glaillT Fec9iamended.joir S.a.SctOj my neighV bors and countrymen, because f am 'con-"vlnced-of Ua efficaej.it hsviug enreL, xoe 'in lfte of every prejudice': " . " f,p,inr:5H, A Treatise pn. blood and : kin diseajea mailed free.-'' . .vT ,nuJ-iioc Bbiritualjjiy; ;rjrlngv his; health fiilins hegsve up his; abstinence reeeomraenaeq of ner to -n ever try ditetics for growth' In grace. ,?' - s'. . '..: . ..v. . , . . .. . .'I'l.'i V If tliflkJttcknaidi rferorml ils ' fnTUS? Mtiosa'ctivwly wndi'eialAr the, food. I bfwluch'it ia the rVceptio'al. is't rius- V .of ind int' Wool a of a . B'jnrishiDj? dy! tH iytoneWtf lasi stomaulrH 'Dr? fsmLegVsirue InSlJlodd 'Purine " tPji u T'l'T moral; and when the mental v and physical are right the moral cannot Dr. J B. if cleans Chilis and Te I ver t ore is gentle in ac a a:id wh r dran ted i eor tain cure,' 0 cente by !fl.'lJAlnyfxf)6sute .tooldUinds Ily represented by ihnt nKWh-abtwect pju:ase. .." It ,ia not fUr tortake ilie I jpcajest specimens otth atxaa 1. kMJ-tn.yiP.cwo, yo.; Drawer 3, Aa-' y r. j . : u t'" -; -- '- ;- - " '-j--'- I 25 c:nr.ier'vial, '"', ', . i', ," lA fJleTgymati adapted a diet of . 1 --' . ,;'..:. . , (ktjread mc water to Increase this I I -""- . : . olity, r which f furnishes vig apd ' WHfmt'i 'Wthe'tivthe reme . i , 1 t . a' ' . x '' lib. bufHAR, cnTJTljre 4 here- j'areTbnti Tr- 4 ii'VJ.. 'llow the Cigar cot Its Name;-.' 1 ti.1 Hi . :J :'-.'-...vu tt ;: :rt n-.iv Chicago Tribune.-- u.ilo X' ITie" ongtnbf'the' word.'" .cigar' Is" 'if some interest and is not tobe' . tund ; 1q ;tlie ordinjcrj j dictionaries. The : TWord; c course, Is Spanish, f and; lis-. Ire'in his 'French dictioriary 1 says ' ' thai Lw erive?i irorn jtngarra nV" utinan ish f name j for ; i grasshopper, "c W heu the Spaniards first intrudaced 'tobacco tttij -Spain fiio'mj the Islatij '6f Cuba?r In the sixfiifiihen iurjj cy' Uvatej Jhe plant' i iheie gain's, which they tailed eigaxala. - 'i Each' grew hltobaci co; in his cTgarrai 'and roUed it 'rpp1 fo't . fmoking as 'he had learnVLfrm .Tthe ni. m WieVestp'iudies. j 1 .When, one offered 4 smoke' th ' a 'JVlerid,h would sayt "Ea fdl ml dgarral" tt ii .gtiraanLSoon ; tqexpiesi sion came to be;- 'Este cigarra es .de n)icigaiTal?'-Hhisigar"!iis .fren!)mf. garden,:And from this tnb ' 'oro'dJL-1 cigarraVfor. garment. coraV from.cigaVv.' ta, a grasshopper, , that, -insect .'being; very common in Spain.- andeigarraV meaning fhe rplaee xoJtUa cigarra E sings. In this way the word cix;irm. j tMnameof "Uie'tnseci 'not' 'because resembles &b tody "of the', graVslvep li, uut ucuiiue ib. was gruru ia me placefrequentsfvM!.,t f,si; ,-:i!AFAMILYi BLESSlNGkv Vij . :i i .Simmons Liver tWnlabr.i.the a-. vorire homjTt-emedy, is eotlrety vp j tible; and is thi purest and tasttim- Uy remay;. that H compounded XKi' erijor to be feared'. , 1a iadrauustBriBjr;' i na injury frrnn exposure alter, Mkinr;., uu lusum ujur. , X IS ins uest, pC-. ventivw metlicine an d Safe1 i6 take no' mi iter what the aif-kAnka hmv.'i.mni'M lab and. In wy-cotd'nary; diarasev Will eft'ect a speedy cure. Demand ib"r gHnnine. 'having. ,tbs -25-8 tamp. jon Wranneri-' ' "A' rv'V.fV-'' : -The.hank youV and.v f'lf yau pleaae's" of home life are rooreimx poitant than might at first thought appefmi :m ' e I t; ",I.'ij.iJ.Tri.-!;t.w Sadden change of tempera tnro. and iiuiummiv oi maatmospnereonen pro daco dir.1rrV , of the "kidneys' nd' gladder, u?e,DrJ J II McLanS rjvsr' and. Kidney .Balm; to check -these roubles. in their Uarweity. i Vhat a cliild does i for -himself mdbjr himself, 'under wte Instruct Jeo&Wn'excelWiwtifcatVn'1 ; .: Wvo?pB-vKni?.t i .. m IX.Hon A Co. .Wholesale and Betail Druggist, ,of Bome Qs snjs: I w 1' u trutL.(f 11. xllll( new Discovery Elfectrtd Bitter and Bdck len s .lArak-a , Salve for:-two - Testae llave never handled remedies that sell 4, as weu. or give aucu nmyersal -aaus ctloiJ Thertsliavebeeh'soma wdn -r:il b-'it- A-sordTed condition-of the f torn- ai-u, n maiarm iniue syAterajWMi p fduce'sfck 'headiic'ie; voa aiu "iei - XT' (WiiLAH(0;i; t art PURELY. YEGETABLErrrr H aa ith Kt aoafi ia 'Z . t 'TI Ci?co Jiiv v'l .. -... li-ii A EFtccTtat'sftcirio rcat lo"" ' lIalaHa.r , 1 Xysiepatav' -' S14k Headaeb, tnstlpatloa, t i t . lUlloaaaaa Ainey Affection,; 7.; JTanoad f . .Vj V r t prtMibumied Oonsvthrithmihavc' b -' ' ' - auca a . ' ! Omvlyce the people von j ar? . L $ eiUrelycured bylbense ai a fewl, , i-ral I ' PPVr'YZ?Zi " deti'jf.ea'rnefit I fv on wWd'rSu'cceod ox; -jrjjvmoNc "-recover 7 - Us i raaan WaaAt au , 'Mi N,i T" -v I a.t aleadlng hotel last even aiV " ? WLat is the matterT ,o!J nvm?; fv? 1 ! I asked a friend. 'vWeUVl have fad'a poupie'of chums r bere from sew'Tork for a day or two! nd we have keft t Up sa'welf that lay digestion Is upse't. -in:.VV :" -TH:tell yob what jod ougit 'W dAi ciItwMtmftuthrulorsoevery ctne yufttakda drlofc KiTTiat-U' gootl .Soai C011 ?.4 rf'Hery lv.i""l:: fi.t.uL vfU:A if.;il VhwrffL-enaally ndapted for aH nes, -nThe succtt-BfollnstruCtgr'lsny . from the 100. Ut ge.; -ot. eitae lU&? V4.1 T,4 ' 7 'V"Z ' JIlUl fO- ill'! ..' '; vThe moihnuenUaVrSarehtsf tbohaknovhoVto6hare- Iho ' eojoymengof Ihelr-ch'lldfen? 1 -T horriehold wliicV 'euiso boms cuts' ispriilttt' M& tf uMesrlbt use' ' fa ?sn:h 'I caae5Dri5J II. AloTtvca YolcialtOil: i;miBiept,jift-rpr,iin4nyyeiirB.Iiei the con (ant favonte fimily .rere'edy. w .ttyilv-u :.".i''y - ft.U J-i.' ,jm:iairyois a aootc UhatTflkhee - . . & . . . I hati fikhw laayotll- put -p ore oawledga than jep JlraU in human cbarac r.VPM-'"... nets irre reipopaibTe for many pT the-. phiMiWylmVnui or hamanltT'-which Reelected, develop lota si sorioiabd rerhai fajal mahvJy.Experieoee cfasLiv?r anapdjiey Jialm. I.' ' ' i a- ' . .??W?lfe?Ploen-o' 'A'lhan rrtav'fall tpn fhnnVnd liries but there cmes "ai time', When 1 he may sucrced . J.", V I If Wbookinsp'resyoa withy, no- I ble feelings,1 sk no other'; rule by; I Which to judge it Jt is good..i r;.i j LC I! 17 -k SPECinc roRf tat 'jii.-f book' I i tH . lnaorporbtad try U LrirIt"or of V, m4 tattloi ill by ktdm( bwW MMMiudlluUoffldtk. lodt- tdaiU lMrurtio. Titim y ty TSuiai f aad AetI -ft by lni ii t 17 77 t40wM.ai)Ua8aJaj.riaainaaStaaa (0 3 liV-.dfdv7Tv i y :LEklNQTPNf KY, ffcaNwtwiTt arlMwl In imoHloO atrlclly aratelnt hwM Ay Mmoi uij Iktrtttd by fma nly two yoanr IuIIm t4 tb imih tlmiiMt f mlty ot at ferl-nee4f twlim, Sawloa tctt tad K ona' labapterfmbvr. Far prttclar r Ofttio-Ma. xt4r n n n p n "wra" na : I M lowtaata. Bookofp iil'.'UW La JaolaaraiB'' iJ i in, "nfi B. M.wniXKT. M.IK' Executor's, Notice;, .v;.' JtaTinz.analiSed this dav aa Ex'emtiir. to the tout will nd 'testament of Jai.MV. aona hsVioj claims aainat t.ie eUJe ef ne'-Aeeecaea to present hem tme-oh-6r aail eatate ars jreqaested to inakS wii)t.l 71 i-nawmc 4''JiT.nfrLDajLCarr,1 iU;' f court weak oi the andrt: hVwiaa d.rr:in- ' ti.iigujsuur.Aimn jiitr, ior sjetQ the, n.j ighest bidder for 'tuh; three tracts 6r , Li r i t ..n . . . " " A ;DaroeEoi.jana, eiocpiBg.to th eiute 6f . AV..VLIJer, deceased, conUiiugr 40,30 and &acres each." Tloti Snd aurvrri bf 4f am e. wiU.be -exhibited.? 00. idVty. f aale. Any peraon.de,4irin to-ace said Ian Js wiii call on -'n;.- ,.".. , i . O "UVii al -. JlJ-AViLnntExVef . . " J. W. Wilder dce'd. i QeL llth 1SS7. , - . R-erremrwwexQr.uieiri yuiiness- tipu. as rnuxrbjastbe. cbUirett i nevl if - V - T AwaAehaylorthatpu. would Un.-, I - rfffi' ? n AiSi' ?qliite in ibtherMnMr r"u?V:,'?DfttT -ul ' . ' " 1. t 1 Ti-nnnmi;'" t.F' 1 ATT 1 lTifi H BTnTi nnrT ' l -cnuarerraro encouraei..hv th.. Tlawxaa to Woas V aiaUcdlro. Mr. lLFrocUksts"0j7.f illiit'l - ' . Baasnaui iZMDtatoa Col AUastk I 1.it 'Ala 1' . ff m., I J .VtTf " . " ft' ' tt'-v ix-n rrrtnti I uie:lcrccOnrineDdfbjplr' Kind's Xew ' - VV-ri' Y r?JV I J 1- ' -006 V00 ve J Ior ' QiaMptlon,5 bstjug"1 a- w . l 4fare the, 12th.lAy rCftobri lrV-r; jttiu notice will be J-Iea jd la . bar" of theie TWtfvey.S All peiwirs1 tadehted' t.i ''tSe'- iions jaosl etraetly 'ioUdtoj:'' 2 t we I & . m . . . . . receire.i;..i; lu-.n :rj 1 - u - :.i ' " 'nr fir; f ,ever sneer t'xlXIrtru; r m'.. NVords are living things. . j ..' Mind Is i . . T jy,. , , L As the ireatsals thedillj.; VMornrj'skcs oportnn j tic 3 jThose ubo1 look tor evil Cad, .it Tigress isbWk ef'expe'rien". ' 01a is u ougru beryre it U&cta.l "iDo'uot sJolJ'aTrti irevcr tVrratcal : " ' I I I V .1 Ii? tdS' - n T Ttat ls tVVjyo'hrTmVA ' J jiyoor1 bYe4tbingi mavranpry.1;; .TeryV. .aaJ of'Utle lobes sod cariUm 'lead-1 In trow htm: tr.Ari-, i!,!. -.. . . , ..uneatfeeisaro flo;gf?caokedl . i:,u,rwBici.ougut uot, ta ft yor luaauteffiiirdi heir 1 iX0Lkrf. And What thsrxtTefiitintrf IJv we jJ1 i a m a wv weiu ,. 3 u.t-, hF,in.iM u C au u eoJd.crour. DTirtmaon?. . u cold. 1 onsamptiob or'a3V eftfiA fnn.- -s - - uvw b.iu uca a .1 Mll4-bVUt kOOA:llllL'ala: biiA. r. :JL7 f juwshtlo.lgJtnlolfirijajtrt . ' Wne way to get lid of them. , ThVt U " "" Intake Bhecs -Omnkn Svrip " khhsnydrbjsit wiaMlUtf - it " b'SconU a b)ti-d.ilXrenifsyeAUjiDl.H " hpo-uthisfor ri -ll-ArWUiI f -t; ' ii - atf-'Mtcr- "' '' j .RjrenU Sometimes need j iasfrocri - - ILSW l OA fftf Is t Fenlv ,",..' rin , I I.tate (ned tha bpUl of..pUs,Mf. f?5i mlarifeoi'ne' W,'H Ve ra?&t wot oerfuj resului ne loe cured a ca.vllt . of two wo'nlLa aian'd'niT ' neaseiend - me one dozen v 'nu'd. ' immtlbt-lr . It& sbme'idvertialug matterTM; , " "t DCAV .... 1 ' Give Ick.pttplei credit fox aem-" times knowing morothaa the' doc'" tor" " f.i.-i i.n a 1 ii;i 1 The faatiiatajixlp-rvwlni1" ,f I child is to snvero yourself."11'"1 i Many Iiye redfculodsfyfoJ vfear bfbHng thbognt rnicnrocs;1 "II T,tr, ,ivMt t a. k.LI , . - I U-caUrr!i. Ik caverns instant .re-T. 0' lief aud entirely lured rr.eand I, "bvte "W , uot been a3itd sirice.'wr aisa tw-V to li.l. II..I I l.J.j , . ?. .-vjip buak Lavrita outer' tt tieuiwa with.no ropd rvolL, .Ha k.j , uj1, J "Itot la.u'eri ai.d!Dr. King1; New., 3Li.tJ P.li boin or hfeh'I ca!i recoo- mend !-', n '"m! !qr.;i tntAt'ii rj ' i Ku.g "KwD9'reTy,forjara-cj: ' :snmptioMt ciyghs and coUs.Is aplioa, 1 - iHitiTe-ruaVsnt'ei J u- " ' -; Trial lorJtfccat 'irWtnTs'lrl'5f CARPEn.TEfiS:.SHUF. I desire to anpoaoewto) f!J Tutlfs t X have opened in Lou'abur am.. penter's ibnp atdUn b fonsd'fa te . s!re work in tic's ijrrsirepstrrjg Hsfiu;y:o ' ' . ;klnd, or if to-i rish a J-or,wlod3W07 give me a fail u ;;-" t"'-- !l haveoii, hand A lot'-bf riJrd iartJl ' ' ..bnrrows that l,w;l" sell-cJif ax j " . t ' In1, t rl- J I fhr ill i I Clifaincd. aa.d lort.W.1 lo Ltr Jfnnr iT rV .t,, . ..' 1 I a i i t i i i i fTite Iho U.a. i'MaHt e. n4 wn cV '? '""- 'cas tiiwtn tSw r in.c fr- .-r ,M,iV"'"yYT- ?Z)7. H .', i 4f J Ihm t 4nvenko. W b4tm a to fnt- t .n .; i r:.vr 5 r t k a. . , , rlrrntir. a.lrkr, tort i ! rf f. fTTr-, tX- J i-iiul rWiil in yniirotn MLe. Ount j. a;y c. . if ;t .11 if I v,-

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