. ; - y.: ': y ; -V -" ' :"- 4 .. ' -; ' . y. '.W;.;- . :- -V;--v..' .x:. - v.y ; s ' .-. v., . - - ' . . ' . . , X"r .-"" " - ' " ----' . , - - - , . . .1, - : " ' . - ' .- - ; '-"' ' ,r " - ' .'. . " . ' . ' ' " " " . . - ' , - - ' , " . "'"" . . . - . " ' " ' --"4,. v-.: i 1," '-ji.' i s v,r-s: 'V-i;' ',r'V':- ' I- - ,4 - The Franklin Times l Thomas, Editor & lrop'r Fbiivay Noyembkb 4,? 1887 1 . H"r ' v THURMAITS FAREWEtl. ; Allen Q Tharraan, the gQidtiest . Old Roman of them all 1 has ! been . "' .canvassing o the interest of" the his' State ' " ;(Ohlo)'Hn4cm;accwnt.o V ' ' : i , k infirmity feel tkaj he la compelled X c ; ; . 1 ; to withdraw m i acUve i political Jiia io u u iruc iiuu mcu uemo "Mv IVlenda. this Trohahlti lh i" '-wS1 In hts closing" speech at I . r ... ' ' ; ;i , KentonOhi&'fetpdiinJ' Ke .. .last iwiiticaf epeechVI "ever- shall Y YJ! iHafce.Ufldoh'tknowys-Iam a ret-? r''J'"' y,tougH;pldTeiloV,.naitfmae ''tSMi'M that I- may be wandering aboat ' Y-'. . 1 . - v . - "here, like a ghost oq the -banks i of . j: . ' : . 1 " Styt ten year?" froiknqw4 aiklng "v-L-C:.v'A.i"--J)emocracy to von. 1 swenr v : v' wiii never hear1 me talking iy-; : i thing , .else.Y.Laughter,. audv ap i . piause..; Bat 1 am Inclined , to . ; ; ; think that this is the last' "political . ; . Y speech I ever shall make. And if i , itt,in my parting wOrds to yod, I - - ri; :, f ; Y principles, that Thomas Jeffersson, ; -; V " ' laid down.forthe American people, " . if : that AndrewJaekson "enrnriwl H V r , that have made this country one of v : lovable countries upon "whlcli -the ,4; v bu.1; or: uou aniuea tw-aay iJe ' tliankful that' 'you .have "such-, a . country; be thankful that you have ?"S goeh a govemment;"aiid never for-j yiP &it that when youcbme to "sift if j ; ? ; : . Muwn, to anaiyzo it, lo poiMt you V. " I ? Will find that eery "principle that has contributed to , your',' happtutss , is-a" principle of ; the . Demtctic- " . ; - ' : "i-Such ..expressions as .the above ' 3' '. ; ' .v froth the grand old man" ''niake -r iec uiiw it is sometiung ;nigh ? and . I';-.-" Jr . says .the, .Wilmington '.Messenger, ! ; "who h eyCT been aPemocrat and 1 ; pcliticianVofthe golden - type--a' tf inwho In f Warefare. m times when'hia th. ties were'nft in-.- nnl iiHih tinA ' v" -;v ? It sentiment Of the hour, nevertheless I'' ' " haduffidentf mental- andWimprai ;r"t" ?yx f sUimioa to stand true to l his pr'in- r VX i&:iMVte and to defend them with diz- . : -. "rrJf wii--ourava as weu as to upnom mem with a devotion that :X5 iSfe? ? Q'nevef counted Ihecostfe We honor ' ' j ;. uiaunoou . w e honor iiim .- ' ' now because, after many years t " T remains'a typeOftoanhoov which -.- . .vv ,u a puuiHj U, i ilO Bill! reverence him because h n!d fe' ia.mbre glorious than his vouth -I Wl1"1?: iasiovable " as he is admirable.'' stronger In - hia J ' i ; lated upori'his Cdevoted - Bhojulders; I i-fc Si a- weight ; j thattTjaturewiselyi: - . i -- - - Wearv Ot nri nnri nmnM i - " ' d'W(?3e;teke it that 1 ; Mr Thurman could desire no great er honor than the undivided f ap- .-;. . nvuiu lam lay i . i; ; " ? r jKwMun ana anection of hisf ftl tf.: . East and'Woof 1 pkW ".l' 1 r':''-:r"v ' lon.is now his own'posession and' yy -,.:) ' hr affection Jsrnow a jewel his I w.V.;;;.;: r ,: coronet Pore-snt-;or . " ': ' Peopleh4-ilripf.iriiio -Pti..- ;:v-', ; m!raWe rvantshiltiec! fo hls I a: j v ? viu, nuujururman is enti- s . A . c"Hione, gooa- and - : wfumn is the tributertliat . ; hid fell6wlcoUhtrymenJ; nbw' Vpay : v : himi- whetKer ?rom worths tor 8outh; Vom Qeol-- "i y-: . brfMairtei.:vW;..r?X ; !3 a4ne example for vounP TVm 5 ; v - if '" Faweni anei.. And a great : ; ?.:J ; - fmaQy whoaTe not young .would be, lifeiSs?".1 ;hb'iif 1 . - v - ' ; . . ' ' -TOMPfe joupoaf tie that class that we. would! - importance of rotAintnru ; . i ' V.f:?; c ,ne4V? 4 3 , " I.-. vlfy.lttpiian'cefTJust 'l'elf ; ymmmc simplo truth and It is saf3cient: 0:-Mffm .make pe6ple realize' the :';7rP feiScr6at ItoPrtancebf workat1 home. ' -;;5M I n-styf -alizlng tke dangers at " heiryex7;d,oor: ' " : ' " " ' r " " : ; ; matic, utovge m;., iJaltimxire,'Md. THE FARMER AND MbNOP-'f : As the Tarboro Southerner Well says,HhemCanJbo "no doubt ."that of all the ills hehas to bear the far mer suffers most from the blight of monopoly ' ' Monopoly. la manufactures sup ports a protective tariff. Th .'pro tectlve tariff roby the ftir i erfrbm the moment ho opens his eyecjlll. he closes them againpay it taxes hliiuwhiie he: sleeps tlleTwHsKes" hl3 Tace In a protected baisln fiom water out of. a . protected pitcier drawn trom a Well with a protected I imcKet auu cimm. : rxie ureases in protected clothes, puts on a protec ted hat and walks out in ! protected boots AU day he del ves with protec ted tools. The.hamsa of h is m ules, theshoes bn their feet are protected. The collar on , his friendl the; dog J inac runs uoaer nis wagon is protected.- ; : Protection everywhere 'he turns at a cost to him from 40 to 100 Ir cent ori every tiling he touches A t lastwhen he lies down '.to - sleep it is under a protected coverlid, and a3 a protected blanket tickles hi m under ihe. chin he dreams he is pro tected by the i best government this worldvever saw. Then ' monopoly grir.s And chuckles while it meditate : on ihe' cFeduiity of merr; in geb era! audjihe long suffering patience of farmers in part Icular. t 4 f This giant monopoly buises him- selfln otherj ways with the -fanner j too. He forms combinations against him in railroad trafliafid robs" hiuV through a pooL- He buys up al the telegrapK lines and lays a tax on the , pr6duceof the Earth : to ; pay. for Jlhemag ?ell as Jo pay. lai dividend xn the inflated worth of hem;Ev-' ry' wired, messag sent relati ve ; to the i purchase .and sale oT4 cotton, wheat, corn- tobacco! or other pro duct Is axharge upon ; that - especial prcduct and sooner or: later . must come out of its value: Verily ! is me nana or, monopoly laid j heavily bn the Farmer. . t MAKE THE- FIGHT WITHIN - THE PARTY. , "Every Democrat who is at heart what he professes to be In principle will benot onlv anxious hut . wii.- ling to settle ah party.:, differences, Within thAliiifva nfthonirt In substapce this is what the Gov ernor or our Kister State, Virginia, 8id the other day : when ho was in- yuea 10 aaaress tne democratic vo- Ciple applies to North CaroIina. ,; 1 Now, it is very evident to every intelligent oter In North- Girolfna- Jhat, unless there is a compact par- organization, jthe chances of Democratic success in this State and eisewnere are- greatly diminished. In. our; township ; and ward meet ings there may, be, ' differences of I'piuiuu ua lucai issues, Dur, -Wnen State and national onestiona nr "t stake. Simula ltical influence any voter who is a true t)emocrafj and certainly ought not to swerve hint 'front th tvth' r Ws allegiance. Wil. Messensrer. . i l.iThe above is true, every! word of "vTOe; hopo v that everyi true white man in Franklin countv will meditaCe-oyer it between -nownd tho (next j eleoiiohThe county should be carried - riext year,' and ' . with strong ineh and.united refforls It. 'iiirt?ta' 'f II J!r. . must be laid aside t however , and for the time forttenLet m gin now, to make dp our minds that each and every One will j mkke Wv-i ory jjacrmce possioie, to redeem old Franklin next year. ' r ; '-. V--" v t F .RATIlEtt PITY rSTHESI. ; -CAsI thrHeadlightiaaysi-idon't ; i blajmeland censure those unfortun ate. rplejvRdre forever; talking. "4, uittSSUiK uuuufc loeix. lUUSiriOQS lineage: iand.. xtistiugulshed antece dents.; It Is the only thing in many cases," that they have to be proud of and to braguSdutand sake dont censure them' for ', indul ging In that very rpoorl: and harm-. lesvastljBe inaiiney nave oot meriti:ln.;tbem eeiy-no royal jnslgnia roiY their ' regal worth and attainments to cve Ihem WfchbosUtorii and dlstin guianeu recoKimion, in ine realm ot brilliant' renown ; they must f need fall back on famil v nrPsHoo 'on A dig up the burled skeletons of past Kenerations, ana ask their fieshless bpnes to give them position land .referment. . We do not depreciate He glory of a splendid and lustrous : :.ncestry.It.is. ..indeed;-, something of which to be proud. . But we do not entertain the thought for the millloneth part of a'second that th cry ot "family" Is the only pastport j iyo and recognition No, not maQi and 1 his own; inerii should J ol.a eSai repuianoa,- wnuo me from his own rich rnlnps r thn pralsewortliy e'ffbrt will sparkle ' hi the diadem of magnificent example as brllliantly.and as beautifully as those won and worn by a king or a queeni rBut, for sweet charity's sake, do pity those wretched t and miserable unfortunates who have nothing but family to brag about. y:tr C-M, COOKE..... , The Green County Enterprise comas out for FrankKnTdisliuguUh, ed son for Governor. fyfsj Some of our exchanges , deprecate therldeaut o iBoon" 1h inin? forward f he. names of gentle met ax Ca pdld tea 5 for the various Btate offices -in the1 election to conieriITnext year, some of them base tlielr oppoai tion upon the ground that CAndidates.tUus early Drought outhvill die 6ut.r Wn an ,not subscribe to :such kpr opinion bit omthe therihan4 Jberteri Jhai thin will bo a, proper lest or trqe merit ; Jf Jhevieputdtion, man brtBat man cannot , stand - the scrutluor investigitiori o taisdils sion now -we.think he, had better I-lfe ouVAfcel'ire being t;twiaiuated:ratber than afierwardivt Sojthinkipg, eo.b lieilng and ha v.ing at-heart tho V best interestn of alt the- people - of'liortU Carolina' ' we Resent 'thn'ame ol ChatUa Mi Cook,i ;f Louiaiiarg t'aa the candidate ol the Deuiocratio ,p:r ty for Governor iu i8&. ,pt. Onike; iaowln the piiine of a' splendid and Tigordus'manluwdviewing him , from mental, physical br.morat stJindpolnrj lie is of flue person aj iapi)etiainoe .of moU captivating mauners ax. , able lawjerV' thie speaker," ttd' 'wUhal a nioatcharmiiig and" elegant 'christian gentleman. ?lHa has lii-M "Kitrh . ii- ; tiotis of trust and hoaor and in . thetn ne reuecicui cri'Oit upon, .Slate. He would make a One ranvas?; ho would arotise the people thki would' makeliira GavemnY. .nr'd a tnnHl I he-would be, V!i v. -Ti:Handy Jcket:AUa5' .j::MJi -iL . iK v- r ; au ovioimn w jjui m pocsei S1Z9 ,the con ton U of a'farcre rtfeivnAft. " At- tas ja usuallyMompanied by ri)igh,. jand printingjiut hthQew" tetket1 j Atlas of tbftorJd; pubMiAdlby Ivi wax ljjakeuoan & Co.-: 753 & 755 Broad way, NewToVk:ihis iSlWfacL luety-one Miipa .containing, nearly j every geographical point :0f iaterest ' thronghput the world,' are giysrij autf ;each is a gem'bfjtt' .f Engraver's' ar1 ! DeHcatfly yetdistmctly'cobrtS.Vii,5 iapa are exquisite illastratioa of the; best color, prl itiug to-Iay nbulcable. )TTiile th6 Maps U aVo notfiiti-i 7 io ife de'Vired by way of lullaeiJi,' the,' arl fully up to datcr and now - evcr.re cent'discdvery, or change of lodbda-tymhfWm-'ryfti''ii i$fixnl 'is.' ".One: hundred and twelve pa C4 1 of : terse, well-arraued, aud actsuratevinv f jrmliou. conserving every imrxirtau t vuuuujr w. ouilo pn tne gtooe, i uow,. thelmHps in this compact volume, iu . fact- the book i n ttlonttr : L heiisive AUaJ hul; al.j a t'nmlihiiiA.t . L G iz ttcer of the w hole xvorM, and tl put in an atlmctivrTmd'Bnbst;intijil binding and aidd forfilty cntP. w'''l! not foimd at yourjotk!ellers,.oi th. reCClDt Of til i 4 ,Rnm thn TnhliAr. mail it Irw dt oV? T.At.-' - - - , . j t; JtfIGE CONNOR. : i !A. corresDondent of flie'lfturii-Oh. MrVerrItibf'4 oore'couniy,; has ihe follbwingrlto ; say f ? t hat model gentleman and Judge,! II. Qi Connor" f,'-i" r-!'t 'i- :! vv;.j . Judge.IJG, Connor, now Tiold : injf courthere, ist model judge. He Js pujerlatively - conscientious, perfectly. fair and imiwrtLil Jr , lU rulings, .'t and dispatches ' business wiinouB aeiay ana .without 'vIoIh- like 4im except thb onforttmates' on the wrong sidd of thedocket!; t) Both the PresTdefnt 6f IheTJnlted States and the-Goycrnoirof North Carol Ihftl have? ; issued ( ; prnct a n a ;tio;riamihg' of NoyemV ber, as a. day of Thankgi vipg to Ali mighty God -for the many ' bles sings that have been besto wed up on the peoplet- It'levery - "one wnacanr-oraexve. the dayf -and let those who are .biessedAvittr plenty. iremeinber ithoSe In5 destitute-, cir- DL Bull Babjr Syrup is' theY. best ieuu.uj,iui U11.KUU oLUicnugi oi 11(110 children caused by diarrhoea, or'' sum- jner. complaint"' Price 25 cenis..: ,( . V LargeVmbrellai'32 an3 it loche r CrenshaW,IIiekf V&VAllen'a pl. and peaches bylftI. Hick. , rfor Courjt dftFrauk'lih' County- nide ill jiuu e'ruii j.i.uccruijj Ml tU0 til- cance of Geo; 8 Baktjr.-AdminUtra-tbr of Jas: Dent, ngainst Jr A. Thooi as and wife and others to sellland to: make assets,,,,! a'xall on .the -8th day of November 1887 sell at the Court House door in the tott 61 Louisburg at public auction" forgone founh of the price cash balance on r credit Vol twelve months with 8 piri cent inter est from datel three.huDdre d acres . f the tract of land known la th.' T)n t plantation, adjoining the j lands of . J opencer ana otner?.- Will be soitj tni small' tracts aud presents T a flue , - vovu.v o, uue- opportuuityfor good i intestmenta..,,,- r.OEQ 8. Bakjsb Admr.-:;'.- a -r I i zfAlL accounts - jon; ithe booksq of . .. . - 1 ". . . . . - J . A r a: prompt settlement ' of i the same, A 11 1 I Via TTAYnT- - wiyIaVi s .-r nrtvMinni ! Kease;4p;nbt.put; cU? .i;:'.;,!' '; v- li'- .:v.-). Jv!: -In-rl fr-.lj'-fa but come ;at once to us and meet your f 'oljKgaitioiisvJ;:.:W ;a complete stock of eroodsl i and ;SrA i sellihg tneni clieap andi would be ! -'.. CJ. i uUfi J.'.Ixj i'It 1'. i.jv'i rfij l 1 H . ri -.r,')'. r'i. ..i.-.I. . ' 'l'" 'r j --i.:4 f.; . S TrUlV"" ' it! ::;;;:L:.;.v;.,7.:;lP.;N,i ... .. "" ' .. ' t If I EnLfibtenuig tho "World and this v.V information that our Fall btock.of I .. 7 rrrr : :-. .. - ' - . I ' .- ' 5 1' . H ' ' I ,. ; . . . , J 1 I ' ' I , j ' ' I . Da: i:i " J l ml. r ... I l H t.' i.r 1-- '' I -ll.; 'MJI Uli I'll U I !are,'DrG6odVKot!ool: Ctothin.Ujrockery, Tinware Ac.. is. as;' i complete as it i$ possible to make iti and the;prfcca! the' LOWEST. " , I : Cheap inot tfce.word fur them; in tct, -wordAoanoot dathem itun ,-. , iAJJA j'JI 4.f,.!Ti t:.f. i....r -U-;'l v --J,-'- w. - tlce, and they mutt be seen t o be appreciated. We ha re marked them -? 4: all doWatthelowist figures for Casii, and If joa-wmnt real, , down r;i tight, genuine bargains, now la the time to avail yourself of -t'-ee ' f v"' 4,'' "-"-I 'V4T ;!.? .nt-n r .' Boots,- Sbo"s, ctoruto, cusnMKjnia, shawls, txo.vxs, k; c pxitb?, ' BhftchedJani Uu-Bleache-J DometicsvFlAnaeiJ5uits for Gentlemerf v , and Ladies utfderwaVe, Glassware tof every. dejcnuUon.'CHOCKKBY . ',1,and llinare, rowDEB, shot! caw, and. Paper Shell ' for4 breecbl;:; , , . . ; -" i ' ' - - , loadlngguhs, dTHiq for Boys, Youug Men and old Men call on ' ". . - jJ6'Wvis"the; .!,,.. .--.-;Ta. rir-..; j ...... i . ' i r"f We wnleli you the best and cheapest anlt.fou ever liftd. '-"All my atock cw. - OTTAt7C! Men's Kip Boot t2.00,2.50,'' 3.00 and $3.5X V? OiZLVIllD Men's Brogan ftioes $L25,1.50andi.OO.' Men's iiuvwr ij w iuu ui v I rTvLfXllCl f nn ' ( : r . - iu4 Broad Bittom Sewed Shoe, every pair 7$ cent, wortti 41,00, ' Best elf Gaiter.' wurrMiitd at $3.00; calk, Walking fast at e3.60 worth $5.00.' Ladies Sh' e U.00, 10, $2.00, $2.50 aud ' . J .... . ! ......... ' .... . ' . ' mi'i ' ; nwUVi Cfl4.' nTii V-rlU UiiJ3,H V-r til -1U '1 . 't0,f -i Vj.V) .'tu '. 1 , ? ;-i".il,."ifl ..x ,.'r 1 ." :'va tfi slj'-'vi: nyAriTrQt't r Uktnds, fhr? VJI (JUlitJI VC(uplcs. Tin ware,: jcallinsr on'Mr. Parish who will sell r nave eng?e tire am tccs 01 jur. uiianeB irrt vi, iriuu caaciy "rteic, who Xwill be pleased t aeebia many friends from Gold Mine. SauJy' Creek Bnd' :3edar Rock.. -.Don't buy until you examine ray Mock,' at White &3!ia a fT. 1 tl i'A-.iv i.I.'r'.I-.t rSJ.?.i))rf) ftuiM.ri'. irt?iSil.Ii .11 tj;' J .'r.; - . . . . . . i I''.'), l V' '"' ( 'i JI'i Hti". Ji 2 -I iM ' iilV;;..v.ibiiuKo i . . . . . I .1 . .. . . !. . I r I " L' ' ' ' - 1 - EGERTONr - .f. - ? . r'A'"':..i'i: :.!:. i:i.iijr ht ,'f i . -fi:-- I coiumunit j, particularly wiihibe. ' , . Groceriei, ; Boots -Shoes, Uard-; at n- .. r.-t. 1','' I-?; .' ' ( Mil ll .iil.S.n. ' l. - v . T - - - Vhm 1 .SO and &1.00 .. . ' -w . warranted fcl .f. t; j jir j ; CLU. ttt L, , w lie ct M. v 11 - . f..,j-.!i, i;r.v. fAiUV. ' V1iirji,' i' - ..i.v.'..:..rvi...-.,.: c j r I iHTinmiT ..x.. lifUD I ."I .,, T. -.vf vfK':iiiiln'j h)use keeper and, newly married Tin ware; Tinware;' Tin are. ' you whether you want tn-bur or njL slkapectfully for . 1 r : - .v;i-. i.:i; Jt i i.vji i i J - " i fi: Kit a ..;4?ii a-'U-i . .l fill' Ty'd l" -. j v-; f ! -j iii.z i'.'.f't': i . - W'- tu: i 1 . . Z'i !l.i". r.'-.''.h i t ". i- . .1 i . - . UV:.,:.,JC2u,.XM,; JL, j f i j iT..';r .ki' ..,(!.;,' j ,,.!; ' h-ii.Y -y.lt Tci, , (Wjtefor oreBUrrtk4frWd4Wfci.hwiU W elr I.aa .- ' ' cTlP"in " Prti folowm i " wiro ii. BoUora. . . . - ' t "y.. ....pmBBB irr vrirfc lion; JSMWh'ti Whete bav aever before bn brought lato LoaiJb.rrJ ;..tii.i i . li w. . -.'Hj-t'. o v L i, s.f-.;.l ..1.1 t -Hi 11 M I ,.n!.;:IM..l T'i' f..V. li.iii j'W f i ,;;i.; ' -..i i h ii ! : T. 6 aafawd far oarawa extlosirf. wlc wlieh ii tirsod'Barro-,k'; ' . .; "r;a tol ib l-.t.tH e-r o&reJ tL. mfUVS. Uaicai...,. . i - tire tK Ul h(M It roiniI-f n.l ..l.li. tr ' Jl.i. .1 - ' . . baa l oae mt oar sjMiaiue. .i ; ' --: V- : ' -;;,.i tU-M. -t ii .... ,ii. i . a n. .u .i .w j I -a tf,ri.-,r 'i 1 . iu v 1 J u j- . ;T.:;'Vli,;i"..! ,$ vi cvh- j " .tii.Sv r.nil !.ii.-!"( -j 1 1 . i'..j!." , - m mm i 1-." - '"T f ' - ... . '" i.;,i;yr'; '-Ci i i-t . j .O .71 ii.lsjoif.a r-i 'l-.'i.T. u:.;.-,r fi Jt, - iivt h.-S-, .. ' ' , : ... ' ; V. -d erf.r "rltL P'e, d we faaratt mtinfartion in -trl. vr - aU 4lllit.- W are "lli-al4iiaift-a f .r I Coil TrrArrVM Jtm,- Oor ,tk af ilJIIiarrr. 1 CLu, TrilDJrs -S'aS&SlK A. and all Uie aid rr ai Uttrlt uiiunine ae r!i r-n ..'4. ! .v)n;ii .i,-tm-;. i .j .k5irr V;.77; i..;! . 1.'; i 4. y.i t i i i, ; j i..i ,U 1' lat7 i vi'j !d i i -3 i" r-t. ? i ' .! 1 i i ". .it 4 " i"!, ft,,J 'ilJ I S..!t ii jU'o: -i .s.' .1 r. Vi d !' ' ii.'.a v i: . 1; A. - .; v. - "... - :- -ii I -.IT iii.-fi; .,i.'.- IU..I V1' i : : r.'J'-i: ' .7ir: 4 I ' Mrtno. naaafsit.rl. -.1 ..f. j i. ..i .. - --- u, ' " m" V0gU uitJt . i BmlV-eJilM Tailor to ent for na mA leretlitueMwa-dsi:taaafiUb.fwlt .11 V7V TTFTJTv 7tT3 V- V . iz A tr I 1 - .- I DRYOODSKdTlONS'&O-i-v' ' i ' ivo, .-l! ' .ir' J CiU .i:t..,! f ,;a vl ? eofiiplef e1 as 'Baa.4-f AYnU Siock vf Irille sad Jlca, barMt aaJ -alaa etwa pteea to tavaeai:i . '"a- rtu. i , 1, vi n? 3 ft I . i ... . .. .... . i . ' in 'V.1 idt .'T iT.lf-U 7f:f f.lAi.l II ,'i nld iiif.d tun rsnti fchiio . - , - ;; r-1k.Ti ins T il-i ijni ;;t .1-1 n tiii 01 j ' A V54V t iVVACVT, .i tf it,'TT73TVT'TnnT TT31T ,rzUKV1rI iU..l frt Lt.4; ..rill.i!i.i!-; i : .ii ' .i.MAihi.ili 7t lo Wi.lt At: nta:i itttx 0.!t,t:st uti J ni-a V.'jiJ'Y" is4ii , . .... . '1 . " . . 1 . - . . -. 1 . . 'Vi I ' i' mu in. .i-t 1; lit iu .7'4tii 1 .1. .?-.;': a: fi. ,ir.ti lt lliil '.-! .ir'r4ttt,l .vl.'i'i-iti vl.,i i 4t!.-.I 1 .'t oT H-e":.! : :1J t or '.l ."'Itt 'I i'i!.' .J n 1.' . 7 . L-) ,1; ;c4l : , j rcr lit room aboVe tlie etofe Will U tAti ta orerflotrloy wita all klada of , ; r -.i fail ta and examine cur at b(i baying, aaart w'trj.wrJ jr leapf ff v ya K tneblt to ahrw jkkU wacUaryu wat 4W-k4, W S ' ,'i l i'l. I..JI '.t.1,11 ll'". O ifl'IT l a 3 ,'tunj yjrrJ . n o x VyxXOXx 1 k f - : - : I- ( 1..l. . i . : i " . 7.500 rands lninr aiid Titm-ro f' .V.' .! iu: I l- ".'.(" ei-l 'J i'. 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