.-" f ',!'. '-.V. r 1 -".'.'" . '." " - ' - ' - - - . ' - - ' . i - . - .- . . . - . . l?ariner"Alliancell-:r Friday;; -r s - ;4 trNoviaiBEB 4; lS87.i"l $ j 1 -? t. ' s - I fr ' AAU Itl VJEK HIGHER . THAN INPEX f p Nb 1 Al VESXISXMSVTS . 'Smitl.PdtbgTaph Gal lery. - lA:-4,,4rtf--i-'iTv:i Crenshaw. Hicfca r&f Allen The F. N; Effeitoh Nov. 1st i8R7 ' , E.; jQreenNotice. - 42; j4 Tar duo ps ear ineeting ot'countcoqi ml3slonersvnext Monday ! -1- i Oh; H is so nice and ome J fiojks feel o lRrr to i v: T vnn onC. MCookci aJilre3sea the' colored pcoplo' at .their Fair in .UhU eigU last week, ana we .lieaif ; roany com plimeuta paid him by tho&a Jwho heard iu : ; .liu.l Evxy Bridge OTer theRircr V d Creeks in the County ' siiliposecl to be wash. 4E4-Vy JiO?gVTO THE COUNTY-? i, THOUSANDS O? BABIiEii v OF In order thai oar readewTm&ovn more of thla brganizatldii,S e " puhlisTT the following 'which Is taken : from a recent issue of the IkmghanV Eock In conversation ' wiiK M.. who is the general - lecturer for r the Southern ftatnsY wfl nmn points wiikhniay prove Interesting at least to nut rural readers. t me Jb armers Allianc tmv Mr." IJlliott, is strickly a , business organic 0 -OBNl; DESTROYED" OB J CABh ? .Wf ' WEDAWAY. - As we write this ' momiug,' (ed kd)Mta wholi section, on account of the great 5ta done ;y the immense; freshet -Dudes and dadmcs should never '- i1 inrr-marry.' ttn1eSVii fd.both eTTrr " T ; , money, tm.igine a couolc sitUftsOipO V eP- l r- , , , A tillV BTcekmsin-the County to rise far- housekeeping ou a bunohof cwaf etteif "rf V . P i . J, . A , r . , f above Ihe heretofore h "host i water -and a pug dogf, tt"(1, r,y4(, ,.!T,. Mfll1:a I 'MiVA-IvSa11asddevt fa her very attra.ctvyeilUDery store iaii nice 5 l .t of Hand painte hristm 'cards.1: t of Hand painted .tt.ii"us"SLut A S?U, ta vise aLaapid,a te on Monday ?mX timU-' 4iitm3SJLajyyiGsday' at ; I0.:.o f VDon't forget the sale "of the Dent- felM " next Tttesr- duv. It i knnift Of riiA "trfc 1-in.l ?n vie County let raising to o'aCo,: s 61 sayj Cretishaw, llicks & Allen come at our readers agahj tiwt ttlU a three columiiadVrthmen.t. In addition 1 0 being liberal with iheir custoinery they arelalso libtfal to their irOme pa- per, and prove; their liberality by thefr acti -nsl i'fo fiuni""?' ' ' The ;extr,in'ly bad weath'-r l ist week proved vefy detrimental to the colored atrfeittfal iee;i iiiaje, )a4ilihey ouhhiivej1ad been y ei j, BuccesfuU vWr regret', that " itw .- w . t luting S il'ttv liflm llt. fltf 1l .V. fK I Jt'Jfl-. A $ . i.tp tf .11(1-7 HWU'4.Vp ' WU v y-'l T1 ton nhhirtnWklfev'n1ft,?-H nX&1 prepared ca Sprv.e, ihq public.-,! Ifeils -it-splendid photogrttphetl iutl'e 'rust tuat ne win receiveiaiargt amnunfcvot lwtronare. AVhile his ork i4firt ciass, nis prices are very cijjaeca- eHTf Property jis reginnm !"j;iag( hai Is jii EouisbUijj.'A inong sotue'dr -the recent sales wjj.t-sal ofooe half in teres t in tjei stoue t of B:rrow & Pleasants, Mr Biirrow biyiagMr.sPleaaTittri :kak lhis same property (one-half interest) was : 'for $2,000 years and tWdanj ;aSa alo'4'gJ Itk bor tiers are incalculable. The " river be- clock the water was" ruuumr around the south eud of tlie large bridge at ternoon water ' wasa-jfVotdeeiv on abuutMJone Hhirtft 5of Ithe biidiei? expressed the belief, that it would aoi Tben-iver continued 10 rise until about 8 or . o'clock,; At C.30 o'tlock a Cfash ws heard, .and about - on e-half of the 8ubsatralbridge1,.ft its jilaie a id floated helplessly, upon :he raging waters, leaving the other pa r0 of 5 tlie bridge iu its position; Tlie part; car ried away divided into- two ' section : antlboth seudoris wf.i'fepnn! li trjn sthpts CfXbiw tnawud .uuioers tante a aved. Aa.r 1 I t w ippnu-. tut wr'ue,! aact as 13 sser teu -that 'it'e-m bo.'ii'iade5 &sabK;n:tie xsourse- of U;fewidavs. w a.v 1.1,1 At tWs iwtinYWbduesdyt1 'U t-t5;!rAXB0lffaiIUT.THK.C0UIfTY. . Uay: morning-reports came in from dil- r7f0NS&lJ$ county, and great tidistrucfioa tto i bride. coni- ' fields, & iropbrted tjf Every bridge on rarxiver.itt rrunlciin county is re 3P?'fca gme. Saudy Creok every brulge "(a m, fiumbcr we bnlievt) is CORRECTED BY T. N. EaEBTON. " Middling--; 315-16; ' ;y- "-y - . ;" 3 . .. ---; j )1y" Cbexshaw HfcKa Aixewj. Te prices '.country produce nam ftd ere briosing' the following prices In' Louisburg this week: Butter, 2025 cents per lb; Chick- en, 15 to 2t; ggs, IZJ: Potatoee, zation. Its members may hold anr i !55r'55t;, Ih,C0; P' political views they chOoeeV and ex- 6.t0 7K "The. owJng J theretall u 1 I Drice of tnp. urticli nam Ad: , . ; r laws uiciu wiiw ,iuu wiiere . 4 " . a i ioYT please, but the Alliance will have notli-' !i "H?1! o8110 10 Flur iug to do with politics or politicians, ? S52, 6 ! Per b1 SuKar pranala- It I; not an organization to seek to ' 5 other SrHr,e8 1,iwen Mea sliape legislatioif iu the interest of the SP'Pe5' w!c 35 to 40 i Wn farmer at the exwnse of other mdus-J.v5wu,-wPerac&- ' - tries and professions. It is a secret t, - .,. , ; 0rt T , org; nization-at leasto far as its. bus-, ?-Vlt tJ0 and 05 centr iulk workings nptios'ariiui 1 ' lore, 4 Louis- its general workings or of its aims and L?. JJMiea trimmed; hats from 10 iMnii objects; on the coutrary, it is desired nP Rackeriptore Louisburg that thu farmers ntiA I)nsinp...o j should thoroughly understand the i ti ves and -the -en Jb a h cd n-ltf iSoutherit ins tTtna.m ith.r iteraln Tx and eouOnes, its '1 particularty1 W thc cottoii.Tjei.' ) iKor'tiiern -Farmers' Alliance,' a political farganlzalioirJ 14 co-onerntivA RtrkrAM ile.bojnejnerchant.i but iecogaLskig-j f"' Miracnw 13 llJUluni, nicy UUV Ut J -T- .i.-i..;- r. 01 Ui !T (P? 3 y '''.1 f . ' H P.; . . if i"n ri J jl . ,-ai 1AW, : HICKS ino-r I N. C,,you can get Dado : wndow J . -., ;-V.r, . T?Tr-. ,Zr?j f-TZtT,::r '"V wf Mtii V1! :. irA-. I, shades fot ftt.S5 mt fjAlr.! r.?r-,j I MJ : A AL i : ii! r.!J , t .. . . - v - i . , .. , , -: . .. m corner; we carry ,m stocJ-a lull ana '-well" :r 1 Whicli hi i ' .j ' . r I -ftS s-.i f.4-i'. j'iv-f ;rrr 5n;j :i- f fiAlAnf t4'A'l9 i , .V, 't.v -. . . in 1 now occupied by W. EL. A; Harris , 1 1 ra , . . , ... iS,vm .. i i ..o, f....: . . . v. n.sr.I .v.-i.-.J 1 9tH 'viUto I .Ftr particulars apulv to ' ; ; 'I m& .'.I', Tu-xr ., . . . : c r V . ii 1, A4-, ' WM rf v ft. Uii: that the merchant does 'uot'uiake' aVUie jouowing plac. 'members Of the Alliance pa v; for : b; d na.ned, and all persons debts contracted ithr oUiei'; parties itle bv the 18th day 0, lion. ,.H 11'::.: i . I. ..r? ' . ' V Ifinil thAirTuron ir lha ?il)le,Xorahe:.individual;debt8-ror its 1 &cer fo"r colectioalbyjdistresss hiei;iibcis,.and does -not allowlhem to? 4 fCcte' Rtownsliip,: Greeu1 Ti''-'.' '-0- -iW-' T:.:.-Myl?-.inftM Minn township, al Concord grapes iiLlOth baskets, cucoa 1 Bandy Creek township ttifea.iijl.r;i4us.atVCrensIiw1-wliK8 1 L Wednesdty Nov-th. ; ii 'r t. ? s a : "a -' - . r , t l vr v i Ji I . . r" --r--r . iu ! '.'t -UO. v lrt uij urg.tI-Ueiire to say to my Wends and .o-o x Buu4i wtLKe a, -cnanseV'ln--mv r "" "i"vfcucifluj umt a nnjuj iimre ,.i93w.,U; r' ! - , '; than pleased to fharethemr-caAl and lusiuess ou Janudrv 1ft 18S7?-' it-!p V orders will 1m nrrtmtiMv filial . ' in- t?. nFm-man; Jr.", has a win low full of verv nrettv Ciiuiv ero.daPflnrl h-. , also, has a'fuU lineVj pjvnja4lyvery I iiiiug man you wilt nau,ia aurnj store He giyes hi personlttdiiionto-;nye bis post. He! says that he luis a few i stroved bv the floods, and th Am rum f. H"WKoiaCtoe iHltiT JuMulal ire trave i . " . " i . pjickase? left l-ft tly 0 bigidy TreclSn? mended Eufe terfgig pre vent .or cure solera, ga pes and roup in chickens. Kead his advertisement an& calf to See bim - 'n -' ' - ? - r-rJSo town grows more rapidly than the c'tizensjdeje U to.v If of any-townvsfl stuf-ana sfty done all we x:au do our town is good enough - we have ' business enorgh, they ;ieed rnot., brpr3ff?.ttey. ; have toWtWWtlli &ili44ffil? tiire ggo w. h is concern Jherels no reason why the great 'majorfty of thVtp'Ji felunby grow m6re rapidly than they tioex: cent mSfeMfci&lftnd ittWm injure anyjtowu.iaoreHlianraj'gesrUr' leuce or cyclone, or eartliqaikeroa0 : The llmeimts The farhiprs make siniuchi'. next trludhfg the Four , bridges) on Oedar Xi'eekVJs .ar uend thtj-bridsijover Gv- 'PEesjir'v. X$K ajUlacksou's audi is -car', lied awajpi Jackson jmill damJ waA, almost destroyed iin4aU ljut three rock plllHrs was washed" from : u ider 4hiapfin711anjof Jere Pervy 4uu . yiuwwere uroKeu an i otn erSio dmagxfoue fto mills. ifedh-tiaretjolto the oreoayv was . xarne 1 1 away together L kijji HawiuaiL Jrekr3y,r attd-itoucli WDMalryW In addition to all the above thousands -loraarers:iffeowdrthEr river and creeks have been carried away or, de- - tli'ArrlN OTHER COUNTIES,; t y ;." j Tliesiwue kind j nepri&fthe taJ6veicUie fibi Rke -sktfatrsUattW snDDuse srreat 'damWoia M JCf.enShajv4 mikst S AnenV isiHhe- placfe to buy gent's furulshinL sjods. i lHCfttiOjn, jliivthe South, - fr- Recent investigations hive - shb wn that nearly a millroa pupils are in the public schools of the S juthern Butesfi; 4-1. of fTiu aitAnt r.T.T"-A .... - - a . . t iiiihi . i v m.. ui.v .unit r CAru'lrll , vSrStwo All nuRiiiff tosrether for one crand I . .. vV : -'w .Jif . purposWsur-eesl.ofaU. tiiesejngtn? Wi Jalfcf emcerjrilfg f if-? i l -CO DnnT brfdBsfLTind-r 10 our stocsoi. .- . - give rti rAND: KYfL , t5J:..:nythtog needed around a Gia or Engine.' Besides the abcweleaAing arUeles carrTa foU'l' A " ' " f eopnray ytfifg fwy mean-B-meair , Sever ?es Jn . ojpeatipnlhitj Louisturg. :f : :i -r,-:-,:' 't Personal V: Miss LolljejiThempsonr- of -Fayetty Mr. rfd liniWr-PleJMmT-A visitirisrT their daughter at; fl!up7s GrossiugCi.;-:"" i ..V-''i- 1 His man friArili 'hArAt' will K : rrloVl to know that Dr. Chrrj? ,01311" Af Arlington, Md', is dtCAVilitio Loifisk . nurg. Me will remaiu about tw'o weeks. . t - M-c-'' V.- It immmmm r -:Be-sure-t bitv-some nf " t1i.,'""fCir.iS t , . - - - i: r , Important. ;'t V., , v HJ' V As all ofitha bridges- id the Cbfaai ty have been washed away, and a towii.'it is very important tha. the bridges most needed should be r re- placed first. ifAU of them can't be built at : 6nce, and the Commission- ones attended i to at once; It is v thought that the bridge sir LfiUls-j 5 burg.wili be v&ssAhrjlnUHerV&XZ - . t ilt i . - , . " - ! w " J - - -.VV'Mt W V .j ; ?'f f s r4;d '4 :'.-V:MARBIB. i M; course, but nothing like it has been stated ..--, -.'V .i vO'v; s ronre" cream, biscuits at "Crenshaw Hicks : & Allen's. - . S-' s.S.vf-i. "xh jricmalnlng- hposfficel at Louisbui; uncalled fort, . ; .. Martha R ''' MeUrtLS Lula Mitchell; Jai' IStnckland Ann Thomai 3d' vWinsterd, H Alston, Ezeriah VTinker": uobbitt, ; A T Beddlngfield, Jamest' Bryant, GeroL Baker. C.-Ti.' Black ley. E H Cobba2, W A.Cooke, W.G follina. Rvana. tr ntv.l Mp TM- Harris. Lucv: A Hunt Laurn D Har- 'l.,:i..i:,i.4.'CL IJL Harris: P. "Mi I'"!- iSr -f' .y..-. . . . .. .-'r :V-T:';.::;i'' 'i ft'--" . - ' "'. - ' . . :-.,. " j'..-., : '.'-.'.--',.'--'---' -' --'-,-'- .,' . - .. ; . i - ; V itsuwj. w;.Aiuu(ow hiiujwiis jx. , n a uewsuppiy or mens, roam s , .o.;-' - - - ; .i-,,:,,.,.;.,,, , .,-.,- I. r " ' ' J .lTieKGilOi .which deed is rc,fded iu Come in and examine my stock-and gf rlV T V C " : - - lriiw-Vlitetew Mffic riKiyoup OWn lodge as to', quality, ; style; &t.y:iW JX 3aij tX n ,.':: r 1 l-f ' " '. ' : Riurcuoflsertocr iu the town olIinis- from Jjfv. tS.rftv :w:.Mi;-;ur:.: . V. ' , '. . '' ' ' . - ' '.' .' 7. ' . -.. ! .tart iJnbl'ibotJoB risfr' "A U l'.:.. ;A--EA . -v..' .'. , H;J4J1 Wftbaraban45.006 ydpUid Domettlcs,' 8)00 yds KeacbeJ ana Bmwb I)omeUc, 400 i f-J' I Wesday-yofnftl897.W4W'TU't h Hi JtUpfTr (S, . .yaaiCalic.oe,-S .boxes: akei and Cpckera. aUrttt lot C Tin war aad Crockenr.ad UrtK ,1 -U lot ilJonisburowioccBpid V. V . Rj 0 01 er stock of Spiders, Ovens; Pots. Jngs. Jsts Wicrns and lSons UiaaeTtr Ufbre, wUchof Ki -" -Ti-M nganig;TbeTrduse con U'fns" '-.''b 5-00 0,1 cloth,- from i i rB selling atclosevfiguxes. tor-stck of FANCY; . 3 -t ' Ti 7 65"d rooin and- go kitchen at- 7'jWcnts WM.(iqvn wo?r-- r . r f v u -. : " v ' '-- "j . ' . - J.; . ' , -X?Y p2irt?$l . i ri wi A-r-v. Yours very truly, f ' V t - "-- - ' i -i ' -' " .', . 1 , --y ; vn.'; J -n'I . : - v - 1 J at; r " ' '' ' " IT ' ITiPLEASANTS - v 3 Bach as Flalo aiid French Cannes,' Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Onrpe, assorted KoU, .Fancyi , i) ' '-.". ; 0TlE5arl-lf' J1 riiCAa an iq. , ... cake. and Crker.Ootonats-IUiiii, canned Peaches. 1 la4-Appl?omtoes,CToro, 7tr . f' 5 I 'ti ;v :;Xmt:oIa"iIeoreA..ai S6pri-u A-, . . i ' u w .. l-, 1 -' m j tlebernss; liaspberries, plmsf Damsons, Goosberriss. Blackberries, Salmon, l&bstera, Bardiae;- t j ' .TVt-y-4n-tli- i tv "NOTICE; S'T -:r K V-'-'Oysters'eefBeef SoupHam, JtUiet, Piokels, and Tabt Saaoi U all always ltd and rsh;.W. Un-.! ' .tasi of M-L Perry jv G.. S.t' Baker ' 1 - ' - ? ' c. .; . mJ 1,"""' " . r f; - : ... 7 - . f;', "-fa . .-.:' tf another, y. A -W. Jifek'son,-. I 'haU . , . ',. " : T V !lft I ; ". t 1 at rxjbllv: auctun fur oii 'fifth veahll! nr,r!Q i,a7thnf Jn.mW1!W7. t I w-r-r r -viv honrliiMof V-m 11 rrriii XlW !' ! 1 1131 , - . bahtneettfere'mtofwj puUreuction ,! VV p!Cja caUIbOXD;iui , OA UUU'iUUlU.UWWi, ,: .7 ' . SIX cenS tote"sf fromdate. for Cash th tGctdSainj&hich Cj 1 ."-- ,3 " '- V v- - 'I . .A " : n. .".-.f.li ' ! . '- f- 0 '..v-.j H.i thetract of land oruwhich Mr, M; A A W. Jackson formerly resided sito- ZRz, " W v,'! . , Very Bpectfully, ; .- .t 1 V " f'-V t . ' ; Trcker "lidfadi.yuing,.:- nds -ted In Franklin county adjoining j the ' ft f :''''" - ' - :-1 ' " '" " ' , - t L ' ' ofriDtotn.llot.abeoa lands of Mrs.'Sallie' A Jackson -and ; J a, , - :,'l-t; s bt- X : ' 'i' ' - v l-'cBESSIIAW ncnm"'' 3 1 ' ' ' ' " - . , irdfAnrVy,imAl nunojeu ana sixty-seven ceres. .--t:-f- vr . - , .-j , -.:...1.s,, , . ; f . . , - -. ": -.-( ' 1''" ' , - t '';ft.v:v. .-;:v :J'; .vA . V. ,; 1;- 4,,.. v , ';.. .- '. '- - .'. : .- .- . - . . '- - - . ' V.:v."-. vS-..'';'.!;.-': ':.-V''-'v.?-i'fi; VVI '.i-.-i i' : ."i-: - -, V, .:i '.':.,;':-' .... "-. t'. ; : .''.'-':. ' , -: . - i -. .,'..... v ' . ' - ... . . - . ..