LIFE ON THE I n n i c a (Upon Us ? or Conrt in the ens of MAor- t comb & Co.. tbEC Wipgs and vi- i NovEMBKRi, 1887 l4e a tniex ainigat ueieaia i - 1,118 uonrt Mouse deor;mJLcnisLarj on Monday the 7tb ul NoTembcr 183T at public anctioii, l(cyertoo Xate to LefVii vfrcxiA'i' r ;v 'ti-:v i;',i y! , iiest Tid iaes?anq sometimes inw iraci 01 land Id Jb'rank litr coanty on -Which B. at Wiggs re fiidcB, contaicins eighty-two acres, niore or 1a I . .. : . Socrates, at an extrecael t . - m mm u . i . 1 . v. B I : V leartle. to lay on ; musical uos t - i -sn-i ; , :.; iaw k. k v m f , 1 ji .1 r 1 f s ar , , 1 , ; . r " . . A" "'v ;Vr?KOS iind fete . ' l t V v 4 - la '...f',i.KVr- i'. ;v:"-'...i-.-. 1 .-:;' -J -1 Cato, at (rfghty. jears of iige learned f Pm the. Greek lanjruage; nfminrpl the -Rtiif!v aT.l - Bocacio waa thirty-flTe years of "age 4 ; .. .-. : the greatest masters or toe , xhcan . ;" dialect, Dante and Pettch being the 7 'V;;.- vthertwo.- r "-w I '. " hi fifevn W' ktUdy of them between fifty and r jeara leaTnOab uquafian nan. ana. law-1 i v Doefanr John nn urmMad tiimoAlP. X 'J the, iSintch la 5 . ; . SiHsfore his death, . . .. N l- iJitroyico Moenal63C9? atxthiftgreati- 0115, wrote f&MWmogg OCTtbr, tlie translator of Homftrsnr! Uwasnnainl4ittUIjLthe lat-4. Irt and GreHtAMl he wsftrMftt fiffJ i : j ; I Franklin dwl not fully f commence ,WslaO ho had - j f . -V 1 reached his fiftieth .year-; w - . Ijrjrdanv Zmhis.;'"satyight"-yli ; - commence U-the translatioh, of the! J ;. h ' . wd, Msmost pleasing produdtionJ Cj 73 rn 3 : .Am OoogttA CoM, Boneae0B,Croap, JiatAiDa, WnfiiHii.Waooplng Cough, Ipclpiotfan mp . . . " ; "v Woo, aof reliere eonntrmptiTe Lttoa. Xbe Genuia Dr. BuiTm CattA Sfntp Is told enlr in p h - ,jJ( fimUttA. GMepen Co-Bole i h SitLVATIOKOlti 4.TQretert Cur on Earth for'Paia, V1U elieTe more quickly than airy v ther' known remedvXC leonUia, Swellings cld3, Cuts, Lumbal .SiresFrcttU ites,, Backache, V;ouidHea3ac?t oioacae, aprainji MruEoIrf all ta. ; Price 25 Cents a, Bottle, rBANrxiNTON,H.&, ' TSrtJJ 7? C ' rn arv lAr cf I willidTe esneHn.1 knHnr l 1 A hieePOOL l5?iLB & enMal ' CIT1T BARBER SHOP.;, UAn I mm A IU ' lillllilill 'Vy"ie reaiaenoea lor: cuU www t 5K 3)i v. .! - wiMmrotta oairnromnuv rt-snnnrHn -v: ; .r gentWmen shaving by. the inMth. -5? 1 returj j thanks to - the citizen ofa M-pjl ' LouiSbig anrrincou t?Wter past paKona r A4l6 'LiOtlis trttTffyi 4y ' W , - i;. 1 1 f 111 Erin sri -V? .'i: -v September 12th 18S7. " sia that there was not a Dhv - " 'I' v -?repii Boys mi Yonni'm i Rimming of: tlie 'head. .'One .' : ; 'ovtoiiicuiiyaTjrino 'ii fitter-" ;-r-v,v.,. jai given to the MeTifalt't.i fiii l fe'!Stelo&:,.,t 'iT upll. Physical ..p Jri ( BUW' in . .. ' l JOB TM f&cfltt&FjiXR 'viii , - :r ? ; - iJntermedUte English lithn ' f? ;ViIigherIlish g- : ? : . : No agonal -charges, for- ? - x xo autonai icnarges for Jan vt't;ijaaj?t brigher MatheiMiy -I I . , ,i : j . i - ; - . . -s: - iriini'tTM aji ii i vr i ifrT f i ar nniruti.'j n - For f urtSier inrnrmnf iW . I mnThintf : A sort of stickv slime it .... .1 -1 ..VL TV . 1 sfnrmrVi ? Trifit.irnftfiA faints' all crone sensation at the stomaca; xucnxooa aoesnu J - :r-f r: - the hands and leet become cold and clammT. - After a while a pt itsw "montns it is aiiena- fid -with 1 a oTeenish-colored ex-" tired; allthe while, and sleep does not seem- to -anord any rc&9 nef Tons, irritable and- cloomv. : --j : . j 01 and has evil forebodings. There gt3$ic$Jot ae.sA r bpmeshjckL and r stagnant the ,wH become ' ' pb r 7i v v a vA4 vaav f waav mm. v ijdj high cojorec e-f ilnfi .SlJerel is . freduntlT'? a' raiiesimnrtf isour taste d sometimes -vritn a : sweetish JtEcmer im- sLNbtioxd. th& 3yes j there fia feeling of greal of its yaried forms. fiD jli itasj.beeii f ound that iihy i Biuiaua iiuve iuisia&en me c&nse f of- this f faSSeTJ - jS&Mjiave i treated Hf dWa- wecorirplaint. etc :.- J etaiiTikit none oEihese kinda of Treatment nave been attended Iwith sudSessj'for it is really conslipatinn and .dysnersia. It p iomia tnaf jsnater lii. of KUts 6 Mpther 'Sei-: - tflll mM.1i m K t.fc f III! W I UTI -properly. prepared Srifl remove to seciire the genuine article. atfanniuuHfemptinstalJ. ot (Jhnlaflrmee. lwnr Cn A1 i wr!to - tlTtT V Alt i TWriA H!r V P9'f?!?i0,l 3fl J cl .t7 -Y .-3 VTi': r been so much benenteal Vbv onaxer uaxtract : ot , Hoots or VWU1U. xattrcr - ue-. WlinOllt 11 .VII i7nf A Vl.t- It - TTBSTIMONT Tmnv Trri. - m. iTfl nsjm iu i--""pis.-.-uiu wuoxi v at s1ierlOTt)eeni6nfir aMictedir, , anddisease rolthe yans And- wa WrWl I M LcGruire, merchant! of r4he7;same nlroiJ J. y:wn;x jpetweane; says 44aa um it. ior iour years ;i fMwT.ex'J5newit: to,f ail;a J1 "rri-wr t V tter than I couldlnvselt I . "V4 jvc wo via vyiui ii untU li&itymmJ0 JLn copd health! c m ar c a . a . wf t . . - luhlenburg Co., Ky ' . o., Ky. ' aiiml.:--x'j--.-'-L': .address . .th e . .nronri'flfnr t i l r ' f vyillte Ximited 54 .-Wjittpti -4 J BitiibnMtie,1ied when! twfpiwswatioipntt weakh8S pr'Al 1 i msb'tebtoms inborn prssenfc f Ifi thctnghtthat ffrlyjone-third of .Sour ja JlIiUDn j&ea ilhis disee in ome ?thi9ldiaeas0" in alii itasiaires; riArt ftf hoT fnrkii - ! 44V4" the medlClDfr. ,1k hn rlnnn .v 6V'1V Ki4u liauuior ailT SU1 r r r . a m, m tmt : 4 i j r jr avw e Oct. 7th, 188T. , . BOYS y OUTHS -MEN OLD MEN. cm 1 5 l IS .-t -. . ClotHiDfc Onfefarg;' -Hats M i ' ; I . DATID ROSENTHAL, J; horteTille'gnJ HreeU. V bo oa jast returned from the north ern markets where he purchased the largest and must select stock that he ha ever handled, and is now offerine the public SPEOIAji v-- ; i i 7 lUllneTerythlni ipis line.: OE H4. 0Pafent8 should see thee strtls beftre clothins their boys for (he Wj an, winter. SpcciaUr j designed for acf ol ifeaiv' r " - g I DAtlD ROS ENT II A L, - I'por, FayetteTille and Hargett Streets, Ttaleih, 3T. .1 ; ! imam . 1887. b ilABI'KRS nrottjfG ; : ' 1 i Harpers xounjr people has beta' called "the model of what a periodic eaL faryonsrpt oplo ought to be," aiid theuetiec'Of.thtaoisamendation amply snslained by the larre circula tion it has attained both at home anjj in Great Britain. This snecess bo's been reached by. methods that mnst co'ramend themselves Xo the judgment of parents, no lss- than to the taste pf vcfcKdren namely, by aa earnest nd wel snetained iffort "to providjd the best and, most atyractir.e, reading for ; young'yebpte tv aj''lf w; piit5e4 " he 'illnstralionV arelcopToiifs and of a f m - conspicoon iy mn standard of ei- ficellenceui:rnf 'M . '' -ikV " ; el ... -Jziiun act:di.. "i ;s:a 'tin: ;".'. $ An epitome of everything that; u attractive and desirable in jun nile literarurs. B)s ton Ccm iierr j A weekly feast of good thin za to the boys and.'girls $n: every ramily1 which it visits! Brooklyn Union, ! fit is woycleiul iir'Jtw w ealth of pie, tnrrs, infornui'omlBdi intcrtht. i Chribtian Advocate, N..T. . . - Toi. viii. comanenees'Ttovemoer. 2,1888. ' .8ia ale numbers. TTitn crata nh. t' Bemittanees shonld ' be . made by tfcst-odce-iaioney order ft Craft ta . i i ..... avoia eaaoee oi jobs. ; -, if , ' , y ewppapers are not to crpy this, atjvt njsement witut the express order ot HAnrfcn V BiiotrfBata. . ' J Address ?T3 AKPEB BKOTHEB' . - . - Aew lurk - :;i887. 1 harper's Bazar, 1 1 ItratiORS With thelaWt frtihlnMs.twt 1 thi mooLnsefnl familv.Mawtinff . Tf :1 i'i Li i! i (!' -"i 7i - m -" ' r i bes't writersTand its'bamoybus skeUh esare tmsurpassed.' its papers 1 oa social etiqnette, deeowtivi rart, houatK keepiojr in all its branches,' cookery etCi, makeit 1ndi8r an sable in every; plates arid pMcm-sheet snppleraents' t (.nnkl A l.rT!.. 4 .. . . . ' . - . . . wuib iu bktc uiny lmes Kie Qostof subsripti'n by . being theit owrn-driinakerartJiO'a ttie i:rad-' the saosttastxdious tastavi - . " - - nABPEB'STBAZ AB : r ; $4 60 1IABPEIVS MAGAZINE 4 00 nABPEB-S WEEKLT " ' " 4 qo : RARPEB'S YOUNG PEOPUE -2 00' R AKPKB3S . .I"B ANEUN .SOTT A PP. fLIBBABY, rOne.,Te? ;(53 m JTam- . nersi jU .ei-Viy to iiit,j-e n 10 0 PostHga Fre tdaU sab5oribefs- :- W he United States or can da. The volamee-orSih Ttji Iwith ttie qwer4or Jftncjr of Jie3h yer. VV!i3n 07 61013 i s men- tionen suwetiotacns n il! begin - with iVceipt of r'it'.i' iur'jO '-' ' f Bound vol times of lTarpeXSijBszar 'binding.' will be Sent'by mairpost - paiaor. vj f xprea, irce; pt expense f one dollar pei yoinme), fdr-$7"00 per lJ)lfi?r tiediqgrvyUl 6ibS Wiail. 1 J J - .. Ji . ... po5iJaiu? ou : receipt VI- one - aolJar- each. ';. : ; . i - "- . Bemittaoces should be mud m ' Post-office Money Order or Draft,' to avoid chance of loss." ; ' Newspapers are not to copy this ad vertisement without the express or. der of Harper & Brothers. v' , Address. i uxuver -&-UROTnE3r 1 New XorkT. vbodv Sid ecial Bargains i.f Cn yonndbyoary rWaiUlng' a few minutes at 4J. " - ' -. . And whi erV alUin-for the "waTe'i Le rfT8ATm8,Clt8j c118 Kentucky ,BeIl," "MonticeU" "Harry Bawett.'-XXXX. P. J. -Oar vp-the-COTuitrj ' whiskey ca,n4't be clled. NashBrandie. sd Imported winea always hand1 '.Alstf S fine line i lQAES,TtBACCO. Ac - Gira-u, a rail' and get any quantity"yoo want from a drink to a gallon, at the lowest price. Thank ing our fmnda for their very liberal palronagewe ak a continuance f the same. ..;..,,ilij?. ,II..irtl tfipt: oiJ.r ,7 o,..,-r.k-, -. , , ; ; rii-V j ; . j ZlABR Y, W AITX A CO. rr i j. '; Vlr'jUti r--?!l WMTJl ! !,... ui iiiwiiiaiftVdX.! l-i 7 iLiXI'Oi!i"v-1 , r r i - w4'-uu kI x4-4ltt lu,,q;j -:'a-'. .l;iitil7 j:1 . ;DPPBHAJmp,STAHD. ;dT !and get everything you want in the way V ViWUiM "jilT'oT 1J --v.- Wt ft WHimvt , : t )jij-rj:-.f:v.i?. rl ;JCf ixi' Ta on,1-.' irfiflit aS hi.y JL-."0x'JC-ok ' Vash; V.jftT j l;ai ;;,i...-un 'v.-J"P..1 vl,.;. - 1-: trro1 A..TltAwlt ..,..1'Hl I law wua mAwrav awn tawsitft .' M VWlB f wttt by a aearet isauinf front the .Superior thereia yandins eatiUed Ksddlng Jwry aad wiferaania 1'arry, agalnet) Robert Uirftn aad wita, Martha Griffin, and J. A; Gritfa1 ad"Wif. li.-A P.-ttriffln, . shall a the 7th day of fcoveinW 1887, raeil at ptiblia auatioa, at tba aourt bousa -doo, is ffiiown of Lottiibarg Hr-Cr Vr-thj highest bidder, th4 followlhayyaal aetata towie Cae trat or Tand' Situated ia Ihian's iowaahrp, JTranklin aouaty ad joinlttg the landa ot lUH,fccLardoo and 'vhaTbUg,thlaod,6a' WMehJ , BoberV erialB resides; oontaHring 'two handed aa thirty-atrao aerea mere or lew. i i Ah s)s iaelo land situated in said oun; 4 aal s?Ue, known, aa the Robert Griffia Mill Was; containing aevaaf aare. 'Also a aetif: rahh aftanltdtir "id eoaaty tke.laudaof.U, 3oh80B hbd otha;'j toe or Jai.K Tha bov nda. beii-g included In a mortgage axeeoted to Krdding Ptrryi which mortgage ia" regia JeU i. Xrjnkjcouhtyj k-63 E'eRMS: Onethird eaah. Balanee on ; nf IuIm k44h !lteUe(L' with 8 per cent interest from date. . "" -4flF W iJCit" m.mtJmm bast x.Ji vif .' f;r.-ti fnittci at V a BErjETElUra -.?,.0-J 1 " no Jfiti. V.I $ HpctAiit.TiiLda:.:: .HToitwd 6?hipi5b 5 ; f t 1.1 4 . . .' I -hoquH iJi ic ?n jMi. fiif - TH 1 t.IJi t.l 111 Jllio 5 - fjt5t.:'U;t'ii,f .til .;. I nii.oi'r f t..' . in SMI rJoiinl i CU 3;!r TK; i ;ia ili-t.A-jr.L Si siifj.y V- K' 1 1 . - V k t I . IT (j) 1 . it., ........ .-, .;.;. t.i- 1 -1' iiARGE STOCK Li t ? : t--W- -1 f-rH".: "1. -:.'- 1, ?-l tub can fcenpiliid with manrMnd Sf if. .ul . .. .Bv VirtOa of anfhnrltv f-7mmX f . . ' decree .from . th Knn..;.. .., : - A. Frankhn eoonty in cause therein pend Ingentitlcd -M. 1 Perry GuardUa ?tS va W H.-Tarborough et al" ,we . will oa MdavthenhdsyofNortmKrlai? eS ror.caisalo the hicoest bidder- at Pubr auctionatthteartllouwdrUthoin pt LooUborg. franklin eonnty N. C th following real erlte to-wit: , i On tract or pareel otlaad "aitnatd la laid oonty of Franklin, the landa of R P Tarlw..H.J . " .1 . i wnffaoU other. onuining three hn.drrd and fifty airi lao another traet of U.d situated in JaJd tsrpenter'. CrniC bnoW aa t Car An Jee fM.d conUiningfourtee. hund5Cd ateU i the town ot Louisbarg, eaat of aad ft-ontin o the Cosrt '.llov? iqc Je". theeorneAf the atreeta runninVNorth ind East ot thd Conrt Hons, "aid W iI0?,bakto th 1'n K L Stegall 1 ot dant&iliinr alwtnt . i . lli 1' ?ae a,,d k'eh said Thia9th day t August 1887. -JJAfi-1 !ca o U J.J. Davis, Com' A. C. ZOLCOFFBR 0FFBK J JP MASSES UTJBG. Prop'ii. V Good accommodations for lne T .-. Table fuVnisheil with" the Best the 1 .- . - " ". . Good horses and busies alwaye ready at my stables, which I ran in omection -with ray hotel; to convev persons any where theymay wish to JUNIUS LEVISTER. rBUlLDEK and C0NTBACT0B, Franklinton;i N,iC-:. 1 laienton given to work in any per tionTbYthe Stated Jj Q . 1 i Li'.ji i -flTJEtiliii ;:: lit, A UK S M IT H . J desire to infotm the public that I have, moved to the hop, at . the - foot of the river bridge.on the 'vrenl side of Main Street, where 1 am prepared to Mn a;i, kinds of B' Iloise eboeini aDecialiv. - u XJ PRE I.I, DATTS ' L.ouialurr. TJ. T f' I'flClOJB, wtttJAniD fcn4 ptasua, J . JOOoaKra,Ttnrac4flrewrt t ax Jf v frioesttMrvrvwrtii. aba warns f y Umsm. DimeUoM tot Tl V 'lMwurfSrawUatFerretak HkM foe lftljata7jaaCata( v W raratahiac OoMto at ad kJaHs. rta Mi f pmmimI rnru 1 T U V 444K. t . I rr. - - ' 4 Titr kook. 100 Ufia clrr4 Plate t bmHt U klacia ctf I ttooa ot Lb hrmtti aoi aao tt RMtiT aoqaaai talara 1T frfa be tk as 10 (Juias. bant iur la CnM. sa t ra ;ti- - I i imI Omivau Rn tn Knij4 MM. A C Mlnur. 41 about t-krroM. rnwa rf Bow U Imud krxl hh I " k-m nruL , . aitiH tm l la Ce-(. lb Iaim hw-m. au Ct-. i "-artAir"m rmurit - 'C? SoatA algata htraat, FaiaUataaia, Fa. J j AVV FATJLKN ER' ;TATa:MAKEii- & JEWELEH ,1-1- l. !r: 3ilt.wvf.-U. .'" v. -..V f tliOUISDUim, 'IT. Co t K A A .!- C'EAIJCK 1JI LinRatclM'Clocaai' Jetelrf "iif BEPAfRlNC. A. SPEIAL1Y. All work not called for in 60 daye will be hold tor the ''amount dan tot rerIra. . - ! IT Martha BOOK OWCAOY Pare Ladies Pebbel GoaU aa4 r:'" 4od3ko a. vVthi best Genti; AawedWw bo; ther; isath. aati.''. ' W lr IhAvlnir 4Ka k.. n..t.i 41 anfactou, hoe department eaa.oi mm mm i 1 5.., v--?.; is-.; -1 ' 1 . '.t T. . . , -i lfs. Editob' ' Sili 'hMTtar.00?hTtheeolamBot the TIUES that we feel rery thankful indeed to the people of Iuiaburg and vienity for the UBERALaifara of paU i .fn,,55 ?ia us dWing the pastyear, and we nope by gi-hig thll? JZ ' S.V",'3' Urgai" n,J' awutinuaLa 1? he same but - I Ut largely inereasa aur trade. W areeonUnnally on the lookout fr ; . .bargain, aa onr SAMPJE SHOE oBer U,t fall, ifeSTl iJ findS ; ' n.!.thi! vM Wia b,iven benefltof aU, regardJess of taiitputioaa 5 -, . make duole profits.. We are bow reeetringa Full Stoek of goodc which i varied and romuletc in all departmenta. alwara have ob Wh -t t jaeUaa ch-ap wiheeheapeai. Ue intend to 'mk. oura. prei,ieoUr 2 ' genta furni-h,ng house, bo It will be-to the advatUga of all lb iaeed of iueh good, to aur pri-es at least. In DHY UOON we hv. good aaj" v 8UOr. ourofiraareMniply imioenva.. The regul v $3 00 ahoaT i ' Mil for $-"50, a U.00 shaa for $3.00, Tf . BOOTS for $A50. 1 . "V-,H..arJAiT8 P,J" to ohea? for aunhlngT ' 4 . just think of afintatiir hat for tt-.. -You wifl" find .! , our prieea quoted Uthe ililE .every week, look- . ' j...." or them aud keep yourself posted. Come to - ' aee us when yu come ta town, we want ' - '- vi , to price goods ta you whether you - i . . j 'i ;..IB7 f . FraterDally Years, KING, JONES & CO. ; ' .i.'i." 1. "W. M, FUBMAN Jr, . ;vMain;;Steeet II Ml if 1 U II AT K B'ST W tl l ir : v -l'.'..;.: if ill -1. -DEALER IN- .' Tii tjg-s ND'rixciNE: ;'' - - - a f f ..- i- VKWJ'.V.l 4 a1" - ... ' -AND I' E?EETTflIH! OSUALLT KEPT 'iH . a ; 'ALL -Til E STAIN DA UD BX'PBTJGSANDCHSMicAU FOB 1110X3 ;A 8riX3Al.TT Your naimrincrf artlTMf'iiwt ;' Ii x --w - - - . "v-; . .... aggingiaiia: IfiEIgiliOllIIi jf .t : f.l .liitit J;-'J .---14VJ " - --' ., - .-.f -j1 BUGGIES ipP-Pj HARNESS,-jL . fc. L4. ;' . .l;a T1 1 - - - r'' i t , t a-i -.i t;,.i'. ;"v 1 fVfe bought Bagng and Tiesand PlonVln car-load 1 V. .r! . . t . ' : . . .4. .-.......'.. ..". , ! ' -. ('- f l if 7 ' i V '" alfcT tft V1T4Ttlv Vr Aa In t' Wnitw .l..'1 IT..' V J , ' J 4.'; -L-jT-. .-s.i ..'.:!. t! .', iv ,.i-,' . , - .t I . - 'n ;.?COFFINg;iND'BUiilA:Li( : 1 " 100,000 llushclB Co'ttbni Seed; IVanlcd.. ' v: ' Ddng6l Kid Button BooU " ,1 i . -. . bought j. thaWkef f.r jjba7 P!or:$5.00. . 1 . ' . ; ' aa hi --..'".. JKMttBD 3 TU E otlTH CiXVr,' 1 . j -.. . : i ,.. ; - RALEIOII, k. C. B t mr' - i ;.. . .' ' . . f . . - 1 ... S-ptembar 1st, 1887. . . '.f. . -r 5 . .... . : l . , I , .- , ;:N; 0 at m. aw cbj . i Louisbiirg 4 -.lit - :o: v. v. i . "J.... -.' SV4 - c jPaTKNT MEDICI VES aw a a V4 iv VI . ; . 4.V .".!''. 4 "4 - A FIESICLS3 DB03 SfSHS -; ' a;.n l j. c W.-V I ,1 ! ,a.TI i t. ff.4..vti-; i t i:Jlfillti I LOUISBTJEQ MILL CO. !

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