Thl Franklin Time s. I ' dfc: wpwiS&ft ----rr--r-r -r J. contract for rerilrinsr the 1 ri! -' fii! i?Lj-i: :i om the bridge to th i Zntfi& Index to Nb w .Advbktiseicb5it8. f J. Tin 17 la AT-t I nA s. v C. M. Cooke, Trastee-Notice; C. A Nanh-r-Stock law election.--R. H. Young A; Bro. Besiovai. P. B. Hawkins, Ad mr Notice. 1 1 1t Is here and is fating like!- "hot cikes" What? King's grearwes- frohjhe bgejo tgrid;duk'daji KfW this week, and ; very gainfully hurt y "? tua - ; . - airmen; uiougn be was detained from '-AT f - V""- k ' Li. -.v - . . :. ... I 43.75 at the Rat lap. L ., ' ' uis woxs Dm a snort time . ' JSe . is a I J T " - " it-- worker and no mistake. ';' - v'Vi A new lot Pf ladies lineneollars and &.?-' m ' 7 v-v" f cuffs &c, just received pat the llack-FarmeraMeetii We are requested to announce that r4 new t offterseys. just received it' J Notice..3- -tt - v v . I n."?8?. Doa- uree nwief from Louis- t v 1 AT r1 r?.w rrrrr; ff . V Trf """o. " aiuiai) mace vu Jiex. 1 i: TAKrWWPS i;ifcD Z the best oap in the world. Washes 1 " uwu uiLciesb ui Liicm. - jr. oil oironrt. j i... . - . . ... . . . ' ' - .iw ..v . - " : - I anu Dieacues witnous rut-Ding, rnce Cotton 9. i : , More of th. iwiwt 5ieUi8 ftcake,for salet the Uack ; .M-i-; 3t i jTi I of ait iA-Athh'M f. . A iQngarmer.thia -recent freshet : U " , . r?---c Jl -The bridge at Louisburg 1ms been did great damage to com and cotton iHZ ST rftnlaced. and ia nowlM'!ilAi . - - r . j. ...... ... - uvxraiu ,; Irsu I C - . ,- - s- lmruara uafi two sudden oeaThs r PBaa 0i 8tep,Tina we-iearn mac such f i ..'.t iu'r. : 1 ? and an attempt at suicide In one day. J losses extended 'all. along thA river We hope to see a large number or our hope that they will see irom nere to its moutn. : 1 - , I By virtue 6f decree of the JSaperior a.. Lj. -: '-'' -O? T?t v - Y --4y-. v ;iv I Cohrt'of Knk1ineaaaty?I shall' aell'st ineuua ab cwr.. , weec-iana. fll2iltt011lkivrJ ' ; ? tUi OoArf ihouw o v iW Hhe . towa fcf e that they will come prepared to I: , : . . : LHiiibarg ou Moo come prepared to I: ." ''- : v . ' - ; -i 1 LHiiiibarg ou Moodajthe 5tkilsyof D41 Cbksssjlw, Hicm 4 'u.Ey, LUO eUlbUf UnaUCiailT." J- . I .... ' ... , -... ..,..:?,f 1 ..,J.. k.l.n.a ..n ...J ( 1.W 'm.ik TIt 'livtnt-.tA Htirmm ATHitUd n h.- LtXmS&iSiW SSSS? WJ5S feSiinSO couoty, one day last week. . TbertweM 1 Pm woer Bpaert t, Hester: 1 e was I 4 I i;l.;.t Mi lr OobW Aiv?jU?i lii?f.P PP! M.wwpww. J I . .. - 1 ! i crossinjr in a, boat rwhenritr-taosiied J jnkibaimSuTiSXlAKl . Anu rit-li tHa" .tuiva matt iMivlf ? f 1TTult. -4 w. i -.J r , :rrznr:."rr,Tr. 0. w year-isss. n . - i ir.nmrooi rn;K :.. iuf- - y Tlrtae ,; decro.rof Jb-J9xipierioi townsman, CaPUXJtf. J3emio. avfai mita muansi me nrst or By virtae ol.s. The poeuy in the, Cliristmas ,lg! LiiJrLi 8Lf!L4i rMK. Ciad. others tlL rljiog fh,iWTsfei?Si kTJbtdur -rExV1tSr,r t i, u-rr TTdf omoiunlcl ndfeNowshlp h sou Bbert Wvcnson Elp- 00? .ndaj iu beth : Akers, Ediflt M. Thomas and jJT4 v i ii y M- 9 tfUl third yer.witb;,8 pter esjitv interest from d:itfc, about 910 acre of i&ud.ineluding the 1 9 1 lt:!.. u..utAt.tAiiri iv win nu baih in -ay. nay are amonthe i -n j , A; "7 riimiiiiwtn. i .m -"-r Mmaa . rati a u nitr miitui -. a x- - - . w - poets rpresMtea& 1 " -r"yu,w vuV wbbks. i . j A few of our citizens attended the- 1IU remains were taken 10 the Ceme-1 Nof 5, 1887. tery near Loulsburg N C, there, bur- iTflEIlAUKETH ' Cotton. . - COBKBCTED BY F. N. EaEBTOK. t Middling-; . r . .' v - I . .' , : - - ' : i ' i Produce " V : , ( By Cwasniw, ; IIicks A Aiiar.;." The" Wices of countrv produce nam ed are bringing the following prices in jui8burg this week: ; Uutter, 2025 cents per ,n; tliick env 15 to 'A) liggs, r-tJ V ratstoes., sweet 35 to 40 cents ; Irish 60: peas. 60 to 75; f The following is1 the retail price of the articles named: v - ' 0 Meal 8 to 9; Lard 8 to 10 ; Flur $ Av Jo 6U0 per bbl;- Sugar, granula- tea 7t4 otnergmies lower; Aiea i to 80 ; potatoes, sweet 35. to 40: Irish ; Large umbrellas 32 and 34 Inches at v i-Crenshairr. Hltk ,& Allen' . ... 41 Wanted. . is Beeswax and tallow by ilV'.iJ-w in h 7 FilTTi 2 Hi'.- , ' III" r-v f f -;.' - i t. 'ary ti sly -V' .'VI f n ,r., . ; v;;-,:vo ; -rrCd . . ; i i,.,-, ); f::;dn ; w N1. Ifci -: .,' : iki LT"i . -t MWs It j r. n," "! .ip'fTI ti - ; fin lf-1 VU-'' tiUUr.. V-.J iv!3J....i4iUlw Hicks & Allen's. 8eed wheat, rye and bine stone at Cren haw, Dicks & Allen's. ' . Crunsh.iw. Hicks & 'Allen have ..tisErecived a.largeAtocjv of Crock- exj, lieauiiK cw"o nuMKun xc. fcucj e., furbish youwith all therepaira" that belonjr W ntOft any - stove, they, make their ostatove pipe from fluJ Irep.- ..HS -UCUJU OUJilLUCi AUUJJLU. tLU bJ-LCU. UOUUL UiUWO. Uli ULLU J ! ':uo . - B3' ,Jt. 5 V-l-rfrl-i,.' "' " ' V J -LL .rr yO-'vrr; r ' 3a- " ftuil ' J. II. IITJIXFIT. C;jtX,o6Kfe.t'ota." ; 1 M FJII I ll'W "?j2l5S;-e,?? 'cSed byrr; ' ETtue o . deerKf;b Superior good. TheMTioanoke.'NeWs aysHhe twi - t "i - - eonrt of Franklin county, I will sell at the iX.t7l. .6elL.Bjr.l deatli thetpfiurcji ,s oiirt house, door in the town of Louis- pliinen, Resident Enieyy.forihisun .ferVail W1 hit tizljnl !t public aacUotf fa-IhehigtiesW-biidef J isiii-.-i i .. ... ; .P.Va8.a Ptan aX4lwO&eLaUV fornnefaarth cksh' balance on credit of y ww ww -w ww ill ar - mm w - 1 i i m k w w - wa si a w a. - 111.11111111-1: I ' V-xiM:... ' : ? ' PI HA h-.. tiring energy .rorUnjio l walkiaon the lots'. of land in Gov. Lee. of VI smia was Presenl T t. uiit'. tij . - I town of LouUburz lylnc eastpf the x I- 3 .; -J - , ' w w mm ue na learaea oi je- I h4u bjhI Irnnurn the old hotel firoberv In the couri and made an address. , T TheRofck Anura t JZiKr.- VT fJ-T0!? "SMWT-I v japuni jrair.nexr wees. , j, cihriaair waai hvKfif ui ts &ri.w I ? j ? t and wtfJa&kitheTjtfttV be fullvriiEudi)J:niTrt ifhSMrUig i I "'. N I IT 1 1 !K. Hawking . jC.Ji. Cooke att'y. "f V1 frSl mWtnelpbwecontal a the beot Greeu willtorr.iew4 the brethren.his seat; was mrely ever uJ o1 send the - weath'erorta Wlob!.jtt&--iceTt. thtfttottt .fiet(oI 'Suuday; t !. j rIl B-f,.':; uiiujr. x wio n3 uuuc iw ovine lnu'. j .iqwi wiyio ysro iticnovujjcr- wiiiio i . '' KTllQK " LA VV IfillliU k lUi 1tit firfK noit tarn in rn t li'n .. rurutfto K fn'i-'hlrrt i'llft llPYt Sti'lrlnr' ninriiinT - Tf. I ' . - f. - H" - . Vv - f , . ... v 3,. sufficient number of voters, in - tht J ttVB UC SPjX :-nJCci V (UI. - Fjatt T ue- irew r onu iu l vuc uvvict uuc nuu iwiuu i;: I, . 1: ..ii.L.:.t..' .ku k.- iiner men j itHicign u thing. f Seud uh reixym1 money back, expendetiforiliiisflfcc' I . jr;;v 1 -3; -i" j ' t " ' ' ; I aid child, aul sit large a circle of ad- in tltose townships ihU board in aecof V The board met 'n ; . An or3ir was passed persons listing taxes to I townships ol llarris and -Dunnys bavink ell US any I Joiiu mcs uiijuv -via j Biiwuiu u -i .: i - .,. ..... orTpfvnhrr tom'&T petUioaea toriai eb npn: the aaa. r."Tf heTpTes3 .inovIier i ving brothers wife 1 tionwr law w;ow tw:w,: nIAs shall make a' change la ' my-l -11 T ;T;y..-ihifv".V.t;''1 business 'JBjMst 8't 1 P''1, ... !' -v''-f f '.XVi'A' V"1 :;''J v'f-'-a: ' 'vrt'-t . -v-. 'i ;-';v .;; :-.t - g Poll ses,-.fin;buggy to tiQ heaviest caxt:; In- : - tice5 to all those who are'ilidebted to I v S'm'iI't. Vie have dealt so long it Is almost nselesa tor as to say. anything, as oar customers too we ra r-: ; - -1 -11 '.: 1 v -;,-v';?7i - H..-;- - r-.-'W! Jj r i headquarters, and sell them at the right pricaKe. bare just rcceired a ear load of -, vi:rr'X Q -oIU Lac i me at Cedar Rack?, atJuisbunr i ?l VtVi : " f- rl, f L-t-?;-':;; j"' '-.' :; 1 ,t L-.rt.t-.i;r-'r-.-rT H bon- v'Hv-ri 1 v i i -t?;; . g; : A iargiv lot on hand, ronning In size' from a penny lathing, to a 60 penny- bridge nail, and fS 5 10 t Vv r r-. ; vj'. ;tBERri" i " "'v f all si2rs of linif hing Nails. 5 "'J HUiHEBS attention is called to our stock of 1 1 3 : . 4 . fj s',',5 ir o siitop - New fisrs, rvrahses. bananas.- and . f . . ... I 1 x.'.': :r, '-A .-iVj -"vf .' ;- ... I w---.rr . ..r- 23- .i, concord grapes in lOtli baskets ccoa nuts and raMns at Crenshaw, Hicks f? IWlbsrpewngro toci at'15j Wnls t r" --' JLJy. per pouwl at Crenshaw." II icWs rAl 1 K 1 " r iJ ; : - i: mirinu rienis: uui oar lusa is uis ewr i aanoe wnn law.HereiT dim no cieciion , .. .-...... ii n: , RMMh int Mnu b ifluunr rowaer; suu i u wies.: iron v iv wwwiu kcu mmxo rum it . . ; H not .... irKcrenstiaw, Hicks arAiiens is the tt , onr.v:.,. r AVtanwool and 'Musket Cans. Paper Shells. Primers, Wadsaud reloadiaalnila-' "V V:''--t?ir - ine. n anl fuw-- ,r-w-iTn irm: i IOT.Piriraw,ll:-,:ifV1'rM Place to bu v cent's fumishme coods. -K 'f'-r-rr --7--r .-y;,.: j.,,:...-. 'v.- ..... v .,,'. 7 : .s.M-.ft :In:i ova.- 9ieqirtiig4 all W a,,l 1 ' TlIUliSDAY, DEC, 15tb:4837l JA V i v A -VV . 4lg Vf- -J' ri:.; '- lUo nav .ihe aJ' Sherthe saudjiy School and church a I -A. Vnn V ' ' V f r--;i-y -'r'" !v,r.;.i!-n::.-a-, .,.1 t . - taxes to ShenffmadvanSh ; JA - O '.TI 1" -i iff was authorized:; to rece tlUtnn-. - crjs. ,W' a 1 a a a u couu ua.' aaarc ' w a w v ww neuiiM m a v ava a a." ul xku biiioi a -ilulii w - ava . v - r - 7 . 1,1 . m - m -. vbbbbf' 'bbbbbbw . t saaaasaaaws . "bbbw asssHsaaaass swmbwsw vaBBaasaanaaiBBaBa saaaa vaaw -waaav w - 1 1 s . from V. B. Cooke, Tor Wreof Waltec anojoeep.iy uepiore.our loss, tniv- . . f . r1; ' V 1 ii - " 2 ' . '? -T- .'..m.' . . ;-..' n.-. - r-y..-.-;v.;.,-.,-- Davis. ms-Jvcnrfo : T,; f yn h.:' P 1 ' vis was appomte "law -ence oihersnd tliat many may - be ? jpottholdors: Harrwjker, -v, y:r: : . :v J. j v i sellyou a SHOT any price, f:bm ta.75"'to the best 430.00 Breech loader, with att x,t. . r j u fence repaired on south side of Tar cyyiued.fp. sjthejbeaufy of holW - rK hIw rivera ivisap t ' w' r- -. I j . V,,' repair bridge over Lynches Ureek at; a laiinium.-ss. ;.in au tit xne cuwes ot nsiunns, 1 f TJT 5 costof $3 50. Aaron was .a i wmimuiHLcireiBUi man i n miiroi, i ittj t . u i)vicg just ncuicuf mhiw . .vmj Wm . t - ; iouowmg.commneswera;:appMtr:.p DrW r.CeLf ' than pleased tor have j themitaUTantf I" fe a.i. l r . 9 ii.-i. . . i A . ..fc,.. . I i I end - .TUWKa .... m - - - ma ,ntmn , - I av wuu vx uu&mu - . I . . . . . , . . . . t - cu: ii. i).; hi icl jv - ..rr.K.. i pmov . . uw unuui .. , i .......... t . .-- Jack8ons bridg- (o er, letSimms brid Jere PenyOe'Iet bridge1 pyer Perrys I byeaadbje mill pouav bridges , Davw and ' Moore-a I n every gooiL. ,21 w. naay hrteudeirTjrr - es, 'alliens aypfcev:ahd repairs -I mercies ioflioa SUStahj 0d; '.comfort r,i.m.iMtJx,.mrt4M- stock'law lencejus tr above the' I riv-.! the wife, child , pamnts,nd.v brothew; j v i x i i 1 1 i : ! . lb 15. roster and T'Jl4nrerS'tv r IT" " TL'T'r: V""" - vi I -t J " rv " V . V TStoS Neal to let the bridgel ma prions dawn; ;V mt:r,miifV aH near Ws place B. S IIVtet itf IstT r "TVr: r .r' ' Vi uiarV-thaitiie taxes must be paid ; j promptly or they, will be.eollccted by see me when they are jr; towp. 11 Any orders will be promptly filled. " 1' ' . ' All executors, administrate guardians who have not tiled their, nual or noa) accounts are iiercby ne d to tto so at once,ortney with according to .bw.;:ti?!! . ' A. W.PkabcrC. A.jaB at- i i t k.'-?r. m. 1 i tb h Li . a ra .i iiiii l iiiiiiiiii .il in .i iibii Baj,siBiBn w a a a a a BiMaaiaiiaa j -! Ml 1 ---" " 7 ... i . . . , "x . .... 't.v , and baTejepeBjf&JohI pronwtlorjtl uiuuueriiVOTen, uavjuig, t pewu.:eu :.:C-MyX.Mdw5 for Harris andSmnS towisldpsi'to b V 'AA f f . .1iSj3 4 ;m1a9 , r..,,vr!' -ui . iwl-ftjftri''' held Dec.:lTjte38lra1s:au3 poll rPemnal;? W: I FllMV i;H I til1 l fl- holders will be seen - In- notice else- J - Mia Laura Krisr of Varrentont is j J nx;: II A 1 1 U 4 ! Ii tBN M r- was poi Warreutouat1 creek.? to let bridge over creek at head of ! situation as salesman in a general Greeu's pond, .Uzzleand Crudup appointed if lef iagdpeiyel ei bridge. Harris old minfepaited.;. to have bridge near J. repaired. . P.P. Pirce ta Williams mill repairelcD and R.S. Foster, committfe ine annual statement of cltrk. W B mend ii - ii 1 1 . 1 1 1 i.p.ii- tla' ' 111' Ml I II tttTVI T. I! ii 4 ..f. . 1 . 1 'i 5! - i y. " I mi-: ; Jr. -ii I Tl 4 ! U H - l II: 1 Ml FT 1 H I U II . orderil. ij;.aknleti was i Ii2i4-U;K g,: :. 11 1 t Tl ' l7 ' ' i H- fr KM V liWWA-A hi JUiA&.tViX 'iL.:x Liwaineai: iv ?L lil i -1- 5' V-.V - " ..." ' 1 P'.. WW. L.V Va a'- W.H. Mallard was aonointed WHO noes not mina wor, aesires a F?iiLI t" sT. - -Jt."5w r spa. r i i' ,7. w -nr-r n w xa mra r m x t 1 ' 1 Cans. Bacrrfnir and Ties, bajrtrinit Twine and Jfeedea,' Marking Pots aid; brushes -And - almost vi will i at Jt-a.. t . rri'iv '-iT .-v- l t r r ... . . u,v u r v t a i 1 j. . " osi r-. v i ? ft" - i - . - i a i a w -, . svt- . . t. m f i i . rw . fv i 7 : m i - ra. a. s rm t i s , - - ..'a - . l CJJasr1'?: I -HH!, w irinrii Onlek shot I V; t i .'r-.Ti 'TrT,TTn PI , ; OS niVi . 12 ' to have .bridge i.'lV' rt.,a ?. ft - If gtLlXw IXfJ UiM liiO.Uattf C":. : i : M - vM (f j A . We have on band 3.000 yds Plaid Domestics, 3,000 v tir,-'. ysrds Calicoes,, 35 boxes Cakes and Crackers, a bvrj el WrtJ)i t1 - ; er stock of Spiders. Ovens, PotsvJngs: J'?. Clmrns sn 3SsV44al . - -1 h -'IL ..m-.iaA firnra. Iter stock oCPANCY T-.i . -. ; ' ds Bleflchel and Brown Domestics. 4.C0O - i X- ot of Tinware and Crockery and alar-s ; I I v: and Demijohns than ever before, which we;., i . -. .. . IB DlUUa. ca w-. " , fc ' " - . , . . - r K t- J ' W 5 -.- . " - a. . " - Hunter was granted licens tp . retail I School Kotlcei i A above and less than five gallons. Re port ofkeepeCof podr.rjnouse was re wived. A new road was opened in I fied, will do so before the 1st Mondayij $23.00 G L0.0Q Qy 5.0 Ladies Cloak c.nayi,reeK,irom vv tx reirces cap- r:.I.t;-.i ' .v 10.00 Ovpr.Coat . ping Warrenton-and Louisburg :-road. ,n iai' uu 5 vv". VA i tI nAoi. ! Such as llalo and French Candies, Apples, Oranges; Bananas, Grapes,1 assorted Nuts,. Fancy j 5 - -; H Cake's and Crackers, Cocoimuts, Raisins, canned Peacbps, Tine-Apple, Tomatoes, t torn, .VThor- j , - j . o :fr : north of A D El'.is's residence, provi- from every sihool'dlstrict will be re , . n - , . v ded there ; shall.,, 'be lno'V.'cos ;t". '. l;;f 1''"! ' 'l 3C-1 rTiYfn' to, Count,. rey:im&gwaW,e.? -KklAl'wwm. tncken from . pauper, list. . In ad- eition to the usual alk TTind "Friends corao to sea os when yon r iJOHK It . HABBI3, bee I wont nhvtrtlncr ot not. I lituro na ra nAn. I - : -v, . : . - ; 1 -. - . a a a 1 r trV" r ;mv:eft.J8 .Wwu,:.iuir " to to your imeressro puyot.; . . v . . I - IKk. ViJ. il in !! Ill I x . Adjourned to 1 ceniber.

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