j JL Htlr-X" iaUJtlliU V. lllica - fc,v.p.. baw.ou uiiug w uav j me .- I' '" t- rP( 1 As an exchange says, Thankgiv .household, .V hen,w.ell made it is ap- J A.1IES A; Thomas. Editor & PropJ. W day has never been observed In Pe'wg t$i wholesome. The Star --U: eBouth to wireattenuU: the-f xperiments IT , ,frTvi "! tftmwnq has. generally etjspnMaeredyVt n ?. )g sugar from "-?,-7rnf3Jn Way abitfmtesbciallyVrbr. our; fr?onP 5apefl 1116 expenm K yLSOaAlTSES,WH noli blends oflhVNorthttdWsld bfa, clory and the production is oJctending. There is a : rr,-Ci '.ilirTW h'irro"i'a1Sri1(V 1 W fnw nprsnns who' fpltthafc it AVrta a i,abcepiSitf UlaslhiMvIn .S sysiei its nil imm ma j. ii. ii ii ii. ii p n . i iii.i y tt 1 1 i u . i . ii ii ii r, ti b ?a-.i-i ly.forlhetenvWnlierMdr bhiiigTOrpoa Us As a iiaWon.jil Hs - . k?ctu4 ; never wislMnofe; the; bo less:iWty thafcWrfmcm- WoofftliiWr bill !?i nld Rvafpmwhpn th pastern rnun- her to be thank fjilJor the bless- L- . ..." ' -n: ' .. ion. .A'annf Cv 4Hrw rttfiai. orcfam no. i -oil naMnna ruiv liiV a-Iila lha Kliav I "7 Vr:j: .LT:i des notforpurchaseWft .mai Kriit ia i i n t irtra Fnn ri a wirrvno r w ma i 1 1 1 1 in 7 iilt is i i.a i i u Orcalled piu 8y8iem.Wiii..wi.eaSiwu Wu- i ",a "; , ,7 sion bill, and felitionibr the savlnR inoHt bankrflpted by careless igr-I: k& v Weoonuea pr ant and djjVpnefit inems. Yejjdo lite 'and health, and in the,, bestow-, railroads unde-f-GoVerniiieiit control not ciainioweveiYinac me: prps i aioi tnoseinujWuwiLww;. i-Shcotthe Deaiocru on the sDOt" i1: jn JbJlJrllilTU4-az, eraue,-baaia tiiM II T T f. V nfti iv 1 'iYW T5-T I ST V.T l -.- l t will1 eerimii bh t r appreciated: ft-r-tr.sriUKOSv :j;ir r:i t:,::;'t i I 3 v'r-'i I 4 jj ' cur now that are dlstasteful tb1 people whldi- could and -should".' avoided bylthose i who as Magistrates and For instance,1 in iWake number otvery 4tii)pbfia'nt 3 be-' Wbicl tentt, to Jais enjoy men,,, only : a,JU " wi-owid irora ine uip- e! buels 'askas. special,. day, ia .tical-Becbrder gives' to anu&liell rttie 18'dV;! WajcK.ojir bs.aretogoi.putr in FeMllt of ther "i1? "ession;' no.' are -eiecieaj tiianKtuiiess,,ana uie,naaos,gTasR-4 t" v.,...vw,iuuuuU)ni, in. -i.' ii'iA . i-'-'i i jj-v1 J " , .'.- 1 Bits a remarkable mo.Kthi..-nTt w-a ) couniy ,a rooas. pe openeu jn kjvc anu; pty i jr r . ; n . " Irfej oliose livAdxer, :!d- l Liirt'i vi,-i7Vv.. ir.-i- .1 entaiweSnan.infttiwi deaomlnatiAn ... . i -x: off settment': , v., iT '.r-r '. '"T V VI 1 ,.t-. t1 "!irr fnr?f;aVt-T tlie ..HIGHEST CASH' CI I 1 tiitil' wef send to srouy f -1 L' i flnirfd Hurt It 'iiroo Tmnnoonut r fkn I Tt i a rtnt n ilJV f thA rfltl ftutv :rir li I iuagisiraies ioineeii to concur I nciuiaiOn.iipuio y.catJir eentaiivemen inf! taef dUom'inftttAn wt?re , present .: The business b t r in; i noeiaieiy an priier'&sfttnesLrieH !"f. ''-' V ' i. i at; oiice I to vis and meet I . i . . ..... acccpltsiied'NoW why was th?..lbs fort ... ... .. ;.,!(. . - r . . mi.-L-:S. A.! .i4;-;,f l' 1 awiw .1 W,inrtP-'r-V. . t. times thrilhugly eloquent.'?; hTbcD 4 'v -M ?:.; 1rMl i itcy: ;.-t . .... The.vemlaWililfv called, 'and .lt4v.mve;NranotlitnToiMViiicfarto.tMS . -. ----.k-: . t" i. v- . - .nr? i PRICES. ij I ? J;..;-...i.-.: ; J .j- oi at i;...(i j J. - J - ' , f W N Tl 1-1. t t i-cy '3 '! 'l 4" ". I ' " t . Vii',-'iJ.!'-l was the dtjtty of very .-Magistrate-L thankful ? Aaa wNation--4we" v are t eftti"ngfM to'dWprtsjintiS fitOCK OI CTOOdS: 11 aUd ' ale T:r7rT-:r5"r",ir'H'"i'T-T.'..--T-"-'--' r t.-i-..: ; v::, ii a -cv . .iTj. -a. n . i r- i f for opr entire utock of Roodi whick'Vill te -old pWr.t.sa ":w be rore, cum prist ax 4art,ihe folowinn 7,500 vanlx Bnriinr and TieaUr Bottom Pric.e,.-i W mi rsi Soots rUip tk.n .... K.f- i. TT 1 j t?olnd bi.y?JIU, Ii-tfa aKove rood are burnioa which wteoadeQtlr ; 1 believe hive aeTer before been brought into LtxjuWrK. . 7 wasimpont.inthatagenu : Board.' are read,, toginthe ,n ' , berof pe6fle wi1iiiterfeljed,,;4fi4l'' 4(&fntte;eiU.Aiov year' wilh"cco"aoti, "qiiri4 .a'Sd 1 . ' r . v' V:r " . , J ' . a- .: anxious tfrt the bridges br5glenel hopes.' 'All' the1' brethren r I rI : ' 1 1 " ' fV 'srt" " ? ; iWmm.. V.S' rebuilt aco, pSnjk, Jiisfri .dreameTnd-yer1 protected1 i?ZtZJ,PJ'rrr A11 J. Selllllg t neill Ciieap and WOUiCl Oe I t..-, : .. . I 1.. .... . ... 1 . . I -0"-J mm sucn occurrences aa-inese is one a" ie anapropey. r inere nas itV Of the gwd people . of Durbain.wasi cause pf ;ctgnlalnte AtidCwexofht heen5feVjeftrs:!tf vhlcli-TBo lltlle5! equaf'tb the:c8nV-andjeffry.gaest' tnention. other Just i such acts on the part of thevMaglsltatesl which tend to cause iiopposi the Dresent svstem.Vehave heard 1 served flWainst ebidemicl as Lheoneith admiration for Dufhata '1ini its cc.rtrtAVn& Min cWatns. .iDuring the entire' ess' . . , o i " 1, 7 n . - -- f-yrr- ? I not a word beink If. '.V t'i.: . a. glad ioftdi business thyou- 1 1 ii 'i mi wah inkpn nnr a mpnvuraj It, .. . , , I . reiufus luiui iuiifH)ii iiiiavuuwuuiuiiR ua, una j-cn io proposed that rnrr d tiie re ,eo uE I mmiV'iM more;tarticular !n seleclliiff Hwe not to take oneday from work I anyone.1-'rb6 sessbn as: the 'most . V1 :f t;' ' 'JLIUiy - . :, wmityO&atiImiers to Rivehanks ? The bJ'"1 arl aucTe4rBrui thesfory ;. ...i-n . ; ;. . , .. , :, : . x ' iiiiisirtw-'i v-rcM.--i'-i' t I ,j- .?. '"'' !ss: " lhe Baptists of .North Carolina.. .I-i ii t ;..-.. otiST5otmeAVr-i,ave hear cfo.na,ve;;yielde TT'O TTTrP"rT ' ' number of nC ecell-lenli(p nd actual atrffetihg s lesecduimQa'. .-iHleaanrf, byv thee4who attended i . M 1 r ' " '' "t't J? ' JM lllvJillXv X VAM . mentteMSs tl-lanotds aoi6rry m tKiscojintVtlian; iawyothori "i .. . ' " ' ' ",''"."r ' ". '' .'- . i ;ft?o:-i?n-t -. : fr.St-;. - ; ,v;;Vm-..'. . commissioner 7 res ponsi Die nnan-r ujaiortes, lurnaces, ' mrnsyana an ou- ui a ci juiiui. m uj- - --r- - - ciaifyfbhi,j M: a,H ": cr t '':rr 1 N -O'U It 1 S & U A- It "f E" IV". - :- ceixJuif tKid uon&'buirspeQRibte!' ;inloyin'morelicert- ,:tp-day r ) 0n MrA i'ortr',:iw' t : ' ' . ..-.,. . ... . . , . . we had trrnnafartartil for onr own exclti-ive m1 which isbraadedIUrrors .Beat" and gunmntee l to be the bet stock evtr rCVred f .r the mirty. Oara tire stock pf shos is comlet: and was selected with the grvattMt eare as this line is one of -onr seialties. inerj sKduiilbe ecteliuntylebra-- hari, at a'ny time iu! the history i - of 1887, the .audersij:ned wi II . a !l, at the : ' oiissionera. HaVefieBoais of Jije'eoantry'v ' ', , .' ;oimrt.house dooV ; in Ixurfaimrs, at Aiu.' 1 ii- ViiLl- iTHEOert Steiahler Schottpn collb Pe rsonal property ;. One hale of hat! " .. . GilAT IN ttanV&ii - Ji i Ji U t:fl.l fl: thATtnHH'7 1 a,pte,nte.rb..1!g7 a,rf II " IS Hi"-' - injf unhsuli.wefBel,!!; out? duty td street and evening wear. managed jrreatdeai better, undeiT " M " j ' r'T " 1 ; iue uove propriy i; oia 10 r; the present Hmh-under theoldsysi " "W " :T en to ua bv IT wii r - - . . tem.bdtyweca: ,M" m , . , herCBllotiandhimmplaln ' JiO 2oiu ; ;v : . .: - - . J. .. 11 til 1.1 1 W I It II I 1 J ft.-", t al 11-rtH 111 ' LI1CTH I f IV X I I J 1 ... I .'Kteisj' I --. ' I :- ' ir' t;-:'t frr- I .New shadts or colorings for .-j . . ............. IliMM Y ..- s?wu....r-...-WiViTi rTTi 8TATK f.OWTnVTl0- that theyjnaybe oifThefr guard. I.. L&f':U i-nitki:V' ''"'ri' ' andihsteMofdolngythm brlrigTerlrfehtrtnW11 present' ' jErfery foot 61 road Uat, is improved system, everything ina 1 'legit:? ''f built by convict laboi; jast so 'matfMva.um and i xi' i.i . . :-1 52-inch Cassinww . : ' ! . TVivdnartirent 1 complete, ami we irnarartee satisfactloa in style, pre and' qnsilitr.-We n. IIadqnartiii for Pre (1mmLs. -Trimminjca Onr toek of Millinerr, Dre Gv.,.., Trimmintra and in fact ererythlnx pertnin?n;to a I jidles Wafdrnb hare been carefnllt selected In the North en markets by fra; Harrow, wha will )rwnIlY aaperiatend 'this departmea aod-give all the aid nectrry as to fiyle trimming Ae , frs i,-.-jW this ;4 Hr'-V-iri) ii 4 th-.v e.s . . 3 v-i"! iuor ,nia- ue to equally uivnnuit Terean; bid saying -thatj hasgfte.ereecmfronted business on'Jarinarj lsnitribei almost naslfo impracticable ''to I i -'i! '-;-"i7-?j?v:r'v; lu ? " - - at x ' i i r-" : r r T ; i i -i ... . - . isa oyiQwettes' U I ork this labor prgmablvJn public k? bbfton 8uil8 I close athalf va'ne: AVe! are nolive the jdre. goods are piny.;pTeS- .. , - -.r1 r ; ; oJ . fl 1 3UJ. tr,;, i ouiu oociH-aai o mnt-.'; 02-n-D urm i-iyiMiii tor ranor .m iue iuta, per yarii;,ft ;TUe UW, 3a-iicU DltOP SALIEli J3uUjg-v 33c per Jird;. would be cheap jat 35 . A tow odds and euds ia HtuU auct.Wool com- ' f .- . . i! - r r" ' Miff 'mH L.t. is unaouDieaiv tru& tnat a strtfBrprt.irMui u wiiB.rKuiucui waa ueu i j -ii !one&hirjMiil.aga 5 I 't! ,U r..-, -in the- : stondr idSferMitfis W all thbW whoi ludabied CbWal ! we mosuaamirevthoutrhii usefuliri-' " "n rr. r". lr .?n:s. ff --llf,riJ ...... ... '.it, i;Vvl io i". "i" )': I.r.uf (11 III i tl.' .i v vis ty. 5-But.the danrer;lie.-ir ethm, i vJ . i, ... i ty. SButo'daoOTr&An flantyeMnera rdgrbSst pur observation. is that the grealef riOaHfcMiftlKltlOd " .,?i:s,.: r . AnytHvlhff tftialileifritivsQff; J.rkW ii0U-uVi-' ibdaqta will t6 pu biUXor;fcbJucUQo;V . ; M .Wt9rfefie;i.dolJnftXu j ' r.:x .si , ..w 4J V-r.lAfNj.x rl 71- ? . .... A .,.-.t- .. .m- A.J, r I . "H ii-iiiifit -ii.! "U ..'U harwidbo goodnatrjtber jltatMl$$otf feSlitfFi 1,6 commVttfed; aodiieniarnrith 1 1 -t -- 4 ''c ir- v. ; r" I T i T .rra. ; . : -.t j I . f" . " . ;(TIlan,M "1 'l.'ir. are now minuftrtnriuff.it ouratorc. tMrt nf iti V Va1.. ik! ft "r f?K? ?:to:J kw 1 ;M'tr i nd ttoy lothinicaud we can ofter yon beucr gMita; M Iwm priewi thin t. . ' 'in?: : '7.:!-t tvillil Otis ,':rir.?; :;y-:y! .li--.:t- l.irii .T-t.ilJ IK ? ? ,b Tl?e) fiv.'iil in.T . O v;-jv; T;.-.;uc.;j j jvm KTbijax'.w l. -Ri tin .nr-i ;.ra-. Snop .and am; now occupying ntlie er before as we cas'iava'ywu the" bonnnl taauafactarvr'i rdti tbcrvbv an. I t--t ...! : h-l , .." . . ' . , iwi)t ua w sen 3 ww a iogic ui auicsaia rricct. v a aarc empioved a t first-chUM Tailor to eat for as and we Will guars a tee Eatlra (Satisfaction. A 1 rho want a BrHt-cbus'auli1 aadiit wilt dvVeU tu.eome and select tbdr pleea Wa t 1 iiea ! uAm thrif measure and getanica fittiuganit at wbolcsala priteW Oar ' sUcst of vi't'.-ninf.i' hi t. "TH,rw' v -.V ' I UUU . Jl.WU.kJWr ... f VVVMIUUUi ' AUUWO. V V. U W ,1- I MM V 111 II II l VII I II i nmapartt to I'b . . - tsive me: It is the man of force ;f?,niMM?- fl 1 ti t 1 3 J J I ' AM J iSOTe"1 alSOllaVeafbrStClaSS BtOCk' Wl,vrr.r.-.-.T! hatkickajthe stone out of his path, tftale and rbeftfmp i prosesatornce. , nKmU"QUlIgnUl -iy.PI . T- VTtfr?? r.HXT;. j PU -.L Akrldlea, Wwais&,lm,oW : iWfhd Wh ' usefn?nlyo tb proceed : exejpfe 1 1 UT,ru.,u.uaT mttlfcir2 r3tm fctt&Tl 1 W ! , ". .if. I" enaOTwereotning easitd J f . . -v ii! . .theskt ly mahumureas an enem klglt-elait ....... a a nL & a. : nH i . 11 . a connection mth; th!e above 2 3. Kiii flgoTMtsimrtT PAiL ; ofr Grocemes, 3anned Go S'the-cheat)eistaMW 11 Oft biro; heatro-g Mh urctf, a " fUnttrgNuyem eif i 30 FeaH t;V ff''.i ' cpieap 1-1 n. T5 .;.a;-. ig-Ki i jri'fii iv i - ' no. tFarnitnre. fall so eall ana examine owwtneai beiora Dntint;, as we wtu . oertatnrr pieaa I . - a 1 L it a. a . . a in a . ap.f T'w-v; a I '.vJtfQ.I' riHlUfi la -ge coom. abore thestore will be CUed'to arerflowinK with, all, kinds of, . TiitarV,b' afrt, kaxli,Bnreaos wastaM tHles, Donet ''- roemb.ersjoget their face8'agalnstJ-tJii'prTiatWBmbei Li this 'tMng;;ftfR.4rr IF ,cannot be uped in the name of the I 0 tHerglrtjtelthatWs soUr LordiffiJp l ,3 ' tensiYflj cultivated duiing the ;war 1. , . , t, j 5irv ,fn':lj fiiuo ,tH!iHd ,r!'y BToa oqve,wijjowgfou4 wnawwn, waa war or ny. wa .wiu . , . '.,"r " -' . ; ' i , , ; . ' -. . V --I-"" .1 . . . .... ' ; ....' ' H 1 -; .:1Vi;..'-- '. - -.

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