" "4. , -I " - I -. . J- r . ' js ' sfl: "1. . a . ! .. . -'t- :,..' : ' - i ' . ;trMyrf,f- Fbid - 25, 1987 ill Country Boys. ; J " fc&sabeth City Carolinian Let aboy on the farm hard loiw Though he may have plain lt clothesywkward ways, and stern vir- V't i x jh- bi llies, yewie Knows wuai a uuiiat is worth.Jtfhe writer, though now sear, ing hisJijmee' score years, recollects vividlylls home made jeans coat and pasts; )$jl he remembers, too, some of tne irt town boys with whom, he eawe Itijaoulact, who worvsisure, made at , more nwuuj w wau those ijd" on the farm by a good motheM But while those bovs haJ fine clones, rich paretics and good ad vantasrj they had aUo temptations, such af$ie bal room, iie saloon, ' the traiLe)jLp work erer sinoe he was old enouglf pick up a basket of chips, had no-tj'i u It lsnerally supposed that the cii y boV'fias many . advant iges over the couifwy boy- But in real fact such is not we, caaw wMiuoiuw jpkstu ence isiflat of the half doien to wn bovs wbk' wetfidfWsed'8Ml bd plenty A of mon to fkY&r waVilhrlr apy &4 tite or TVhey desired, and who were thev me afeWiimrndl on SI tVCtarxsirfs' ing to-4iy -they hve i1 passed over th riTlsottfe flieWtailisKraCi fo't crimestrtme By dissipation, while others f$teppeared andleft no marl, TheteQIJthe tinf$aij other cfliitrv bn s his Dlaymates distrteliirhol matesr aniVrfriendt.J Sons oneunditfUfeU rniei,U thev wM taueht to work and to urac- tice frugality. They grew up to man hood, bcSsame worthy citizens, attain ed to heaorable positions in society, laised feSiilies who have distinguish ed thecUelTes in literature, in poli tics, areill living, honQft d in their aire, liut Lhft other i M born. hn . years: ago are &ad, their bon rottM ud Uiefiare forgott tegVI y pTainelotn A bovi who wears WOrkS OPeh!f fif th -rrar trt mttaa money tgpay for his schooling, is far . more a sribjeot of envy than the boy whogoeftAo college, has all the money he wantsJor fine clothes and useless luxuries.ad spends hi yacations in rounds olgaiety atfd" rlottnft , Hvlngi1 The farmer's bo? wWpeiifenpo his own exertions, wears plain clothes, and appges himself to hi stud-, has a grand future before him, aad we be seech him not to bewail hia hard lot in life. I We has a irlnrinnn tut tiro Tfc world is Waiting to see hia honvsPP1f prise have been sneciallT Tpsprv his triunS)h. His destiny is upward, J uumm uomage. Mr. M Olliiy LAT JSliEUTION. A snffiSjent number of Voters in the townshipjPof Harris and Dunn's having petitioneSrfor an electiod upon the ques, tion of rgock law" or "no 8tocfciVi4. in those Uwnships, Oiis board iit Ec4rf daCe w??tla' hereby calU an election for that $iipose, to be held on 01 township: in each oCQie above townsbirs. The fol lowing 44ona are appointed Registrars and pottljolders: f Harris' J : fi Baker Begistraioll-Holders-j W Young, P B Clifton iaroer Baker, Col.; and Oeo.Har. risCol. inns-J II Griffin, Registrar, I m. ""-xiwHqrs wMWpsn;- M -Bich ardson, IfiVn Locus, i$laoni' Driver, J?Wf-",y j.-jv' 5tt Bjr order of "Vtioaitfi ,! B. P.BuljclcJr., derk? CLOTHING JI1 AND ied to ,my already larff i and boysttlothinjc and dvlrcnal Vome in examine V nSnd be your owMod2e as to quality, Uvie 10i.5d ; 50ceto$2.6o;raueov r ei per , hat oQ hata i B uret44d don't bnv r,-;,, 1 rcamininntsock.- , . c 4MES - i ,r, , i - V, jfoVEMBKR - NOTIfR . me wniar pofflHgW-fofrtfis8 f A new UmAtm tfffl&h 1.MI vjr av r vir sir FAITH CURE FAIRLOEATET Jmwmaimm; JHmmm mum fcJL--- . ' - . . . "r;!LeJ"tt'r: For many year my wife had been the rictim of ; iyerybody I worse Uwi inheril systematic treatment of manv of the test phystcrairs m New York. andDrook If n and elsewhere for twenty rears wkh only ttmporary relief. In fict, there xrpp jtt tr, if any, kinch) of food Ad e- tlon.r The rostlsyinptoms of dyspep sia, wirn'itt coneomijtant liet, were aH preserftbad taste rn the njonthi dall eyes, coW feet andhantls, thestjasc of a load iriHm the torArW txr. glcire paii U t& sides, chert ai bade. I kare at n mn f the mght ind d michtred strrmila merely fcr tate sake df 0 a&d trat reUe they gave -i - . .... gafei nervoa hod btcotsre rzr-r twi. wwtd cIt chsrcric ifftormttteat r. imp!iciprttcrbdtIepoc4d. tia fcerwrKhle am it MHm .v. un 3ucetw5KJw. itm cooid not last. The effect of the cpmne was, if possfblc, almost as bd as the two fold tJhsease whrck was woarmg away her strength ad htt Iiffc. Quiniae pofsohins was psinfu&y evident, but the fever y&&ln stiiL AimorfFrefy VchHa jacVrij ka followed niood Mr. Nortoa, a nrrmbrr of t)e firm of Cbairnc-ey TPlik & Company, brokers, of Albany, who, on bearinf from me these facts, said: "Why, I have bee through alrmwt the same -wW-t tr-tfii' ' r -7 1. 'Jurea your- J hedeajrcrlr.; ' Kas- tiney 11c saiU, ITT rt I Of VOtW WBC. I had seen Kasktne advertiaed, bttt had no more faith U it than I bad in saw dnst, for such a case as hen. Mn krHjllb3d,nO hkdier opmiom. veton the as dtrectcdt Kow recall wtiat I hare arrearjy said as to btr then eoixlition, aid then read Uarlftt; fftMy&uo&n&x ,thp;.jRsJtjne , treatmeat all thr dyspeptic symptoms shrxed instate improvement, and the daHy fever grew less and soon ceaed altogether. Sh3e by skie these disease frfgyfd, rtC--w -Vysi-tie dyspepsia alone having, as I have said;. existed for twenty years. Her appetite HWtiany KeMptamthoutaoy,; newed ami!k of food cm,. of cewse, a sHary incree m fhk, until she nonr looks like be original cfc $hkHAos 1Cmiw ccs8ioiUy, bwt wkk no real oeed of ft, fef ske is weJL- l oeivirdw th rtwuit a tcifcMifcc nAielef ad New 0nM titrsd ro Ote cmSt of K, fer bet tbs - mi ftlra brrn- wt Kiin k i;'-"ft7M,remsi 01 reta Oftlcnlijed to do good you are waAnxasf to)taakVre pbie. flpUr.)V nALL j re-Wbfitlrcd wfuottt aathorkrad "ire4fblwd writ athorkt'ad ia cote any owe U rnclhwi to qoestfeit the genwinenew of tie atar statement I will checrfally rct4y to am conmttfC nicationi addrestwdto me at the PesU- neiatwsersetseA sensv r :M r ' . . . ,v " t . "vw irinfi. auc i .1 pQirm eat and . aKrst, the VRra-i frWal' ' jtentrr fl,liW . ,Ja. -UilUW p OTn"; Othec) letters' irfiaiSwflaririh1sikfcrJ?fJLi roprfriclnt iJSdWdtraW l,wa , ' 7 , T- ' stamp , Kasktne. as a reroedf of np doitbted meriti willf be teat on appli cation. Price $i.oo, or six bottles, $S-oo. SoTdvby Druggists, orlbot "by mail on rece pt of price, r r r c nftj:ompany, -WarreiT w. : I . 1M KSSZlti ....... v ..... w St., New York, ami . jjt faniagdoB Road, Ixdosb seJUiSWaaaB mil HS kliVv Wall ttocttrsa at boais with out pain. Book of par J-f . R M.WQOIXET. M.D. WAUmw, tM. QOoe SSKWhitahaii Sk tignlart sent mi ? V TVgmnTrrp ' Tii u a. , . 1 uiuuiuo mri V - -- T mn mmi m tmm m OLD MEN, v. t ." 1 , 13 f k t t l TIT TV VHTTT) XMih Dnflerwear Hals 'a oar f t- DATID ROSENTHAL, or.yetQj.lle anjjlarget Srroets., i; Who has last return fv! f rnm the nnrth. I ern market,' where he purchased th 3 To. . 1. . l. .i . V 1 "I '"'Scrl uiuo, ncicvt tlDC& Hflfc Hiij has ev-r lmuiilt cl, and is now offering! ' in everything in his line. A HANDSOME LINE OF 0. LBm'SQitsat Loi Prises. I TJetore clothinv their boys for the fall BATIDR08ENTHAL. CUSJacd. aittTarV tlT teiKted to for tTODKRA T.f frks Ah m u emnslte the U. a. Patent Office, and we esn ob? ume than those remote from: Lrv.;t2Jieo of '"W and we make AO CIIAJtO& fVXLksS PATENT IS SECURED. 'r. eleitKet Mflco, terms and references tc Town h 'n.ytlr.wn ytte. County. City oi , .. w . 7.r"J.!tl'JUP.PJJ. GARPENTRSiSHOP, Hi desjre tp anrionnce ti .lu fmld?c f penters shop and can old "Brttmm tt Shop." All who de t . .nil I m mi ii i m ii . ml. A " sire work in this line, renairina ofanvfrrv J"..uH .Zw-h.l kind, or if yon wish a door, window sash, or anything of the kind, made. 2 of the kind, uiade.-f giTe nio a can, I have on hand a lot of ;ood whecl- t,barrows that 1 will jsell cheat). s ! - u r.m: "': t i! ! ! . !....-. ; W.T. MCGh.EE. JV OTA hY PUBLIC. , FRANKLINTON, N. C uners ms s?rvices to the pubiiJ in nl me uepannien.ii in wiucu tbev nmv 1fe nBededf NegAtia.We pipers pnA tesseu.. .-.uatns acinniijstered. l'rivy Examinations Taken an! Deeds Pro bated at west legal rates ot har gs. is:".' '. 'Alii OF Fbanklin Co., TX. WIIiLiIXHS&GO WJiaLESALKGKOCEKS 1 i " - .t-! :.'.;rflJtf.3 i-atnr-! " 2 4 4 ROANOKESQtMlti?!, NORFOLK, Va. Prompt attention given to all orders by mail. TRANKLTNTON, N. C tygmmiCE LIQUORS. :mJVES, CIGARS, $C. n to orde I . A nice POOL TABLE is connected witt aected with the BAR. 'mrfSff fl!tniSP-f! nami MBurueHon. a usbcatHisr fi M4 2eSSAH!ra!Tffr GO TO THE : ' CITY BARBFR SHOP. JIM.' .YAUBf3rtnnr:Tf pvv; s r tt bT n. NeVDwjrTTl)rE. S. Foster's CU...! II.' f . oiiaviiiy nair ilium" : Shamnooning &c. w aVRTlSlTC -JST VTite Calls to private residences for cut ting hair and charopo minfr ladies and cniiaren-s nnirpromtaiv responded to SPECIAL TERMS. to gentlemen Bbaving hy the month. I retnni thanks to the citizen ofa Loui8b rg and sm rounding country for yixat, pnnruDHgp, anu ueg acoaimuance 4 yV "rOJn Wltlomd'bvWVW.tiijn" . f-. .s.-:.4 ' 1 "WAITT I J; i "X5oTfiaTlirnVrfo7 tTe :t m 7 tjw ,ucn "Kentucky BefyHMbirtlcU,'' f Itrry ,Bakt,'i3dCX t I "PiHiin waisaer ean'4 bexcelfed.- NasRUrahdierf' rhd ftannVA vuuwiu. , aiw one line m t i fBdge any quantity yon want, from a drib AUo a fine line ot - - - . - -n n j ii V "''hf-i 'iii:t ?)r.iiy rJi -till ;niE l -VARTEY STORE AT : i -jComriBii ainasrstteju, , Jirjd get eswry thing Jrbu'ani V the way i,J 'V'lHr f iw. f.-i .. :.? I COHFISTlDnEBIES, if3 J. ODRCCO. ATTP. t 7 I S - 131 Kit xiiOK ATtAsrt nitf.v ELL ! 0b vAftir J KLY I '5 ' Very kespectfblly I ' '.!''. ! ;. m,: n... ; ( TV. 1. v IiIFTOJT, JUNIUS LEV1STER. r L rf vuuJiu BuuwjinAjiuii, J frankliatcii ?N, f Attention' given to work in any'por jtioh ot the State. ? ii ALLEN & 'ORAM. i ti v:j MACHlNISi SAND FOUKDRYMEN, BALEIfjil,'kJ(J..; 3 A- ; I i M ENGINES, BOILERS, ' SHAFJTr 'W'!W-...lrilu X ING PULUEJYS , OS HAND I I 't - v -V '-! ti. '.I; R wS obmaIdetoorueu: , ferric K gndetl to on sliort Notice, iiCoot f FraokHa eoontv la tae east, of t . T w v J vwsa"f Tri,H,vitti saw j vwx J A 1 . -. AW . avn uuur n m with vi ;WJ en Hoaday tha fth vf.Ie. $6?, a ublle aaotios to Hs;hiht oWdrkiK vbvi aonsc aoor in ne town or ixiiS' :ttlv1 V..f wSk. nB ...... tdalejaboni OK) icrminf liknd.inrlmlina ka )Kni Homestead . Jt w jt.tU r bs.. . . . a a t Jl. (ij tit -m t : . i " www oi i me i enperior Cbnrt eff lTSiVilrUl. t t-in ....T .. r bF Monday the 5th day of hti. 187 at tiuhHi !... u. . e: .V7 , - j r v . " uiKoest Didder ttrtCMll "W.oa ered-it of tTUjrfa nopatba. .the - lotsi, of land In. the hynsa ad know w the told hotef JroSeri ONlTTHE v i'A'jLlx Silt if fx l; CT.H j J: ;4 .) 4 !ovw lie 6j".jV1 JjvJI Dili in i,Vi VV7 fcJ.Vfi. f .... . - "iff f: ri-so r ' bS.iO! !o tn! w-fc r nwi rii 8 U-JullII: Ilk I! t i J - u vb Auatwa :va t fuABS. TOBAQCQ, Ac. Give us a rail UJ fin a Ctfitik fin a Kallon. at Jhe lowest Drice. , Thunk " o mil b cwBtipuaocs oi.inf same. ry.Restctrully. tii i.i , ! ii '1 Hill ' !' i i" GOODS Reoeyed at i . MEECHAHT IAIL01 ... cUaiKl exaailoe ; ST OC K PRICES before bnying elsevhere. A,;BEL3MEYEIi, Raleigh, N. C. JiVtANKJ JNTON HOTEL, . J. P MASSE BUUG. Pbop'r. Good accommodations for the'Trav "' cling Public. Table furnished with the Best the : Market feflbrd; : - - ;, Good horses and buggies always ready at my stables, which I run "in . onnectiontwiLU my hotel .to convev. persons any where they mdy wish 'to so BLACKSMITH. I desire to in foi hi thTe riobtie thafcf' - have moved to the hop, at the foot of the river brid:e.oii the ret side ol Main Street, where I am prepared to, rf.ra l kinds of lratk1raitli ' work.1 Hdi s e -shoeing a specialty. Dure i. Da via ' EonlsHurg, N. T I 1 If V Mod Sa TitHl AITTC9 , , V iuuoT.Tloas o dtaarea luali. , y; loAdnmdj ! V - lhafniailsc OtMd f ajtoda. Hons t lha biMdsi snw a oteo im .n pnin tar iowuT Bouai kmbiiw tou inemkuort, m4 where ( bur r fr-M iew fife it nttlMi ps ttUaa. fraai tar ta CeaM. t ' '(f ' If! t , j?.1 T!I..V- noon of cf cnt f jrmtlaaa. BjmaCiJ:mlrt;4 flat. K I CilZ. pnp Miiif i a una . I "rr'r fi "nil u .1 aa aa Armrr. 11 j-.n n i ' 4ttl aW law rvT k aaaas awass aww war fjsmaw r eirtVI swatwrta laahtasuasrirtiaaiipstV ra. fatclktlocb. mWtiui sA fll V r A a .PB M ia i: RE PAI &IX& A RPet a i.i v MS, -Tv11? ."f rrsr tiei foci- JM - . a ' - " ? a., J-. 9f Stnglheorjdaneomm with the ! t.&formaUoth IT.f f ; f?JiMwwi'iWi .vuxng, , -roetery, Tiqware &C.J is a, ! TomjD.eteYs'Ytfk the bt7EST ! xii'i CheapiVf pot the word for them, fac Vworda cannot do them jus j (ice;-and they mtitt beseen tole appreciated. We ha re marled (hem iriyht, genuinbargaios, -now is I ofltreV 1 For farther- .hformatloii ?f4.i:Sl4. WfM FUnn 1 Salts rorentleiue,, i Bd ladles onderware, HaJsvaro of etery deripoiVcaoacKKY L? "a- Paper Sbella 'i for , breech loading guns cixthixo for Uoya, TdaiigifetoiiYd'ilen' call on M.i I. IblsbargrN. C. Oct. 28, 87. Iftiiiii. Npwiatlletimetos 1 " . SHOES ""i ?2ii- " ... . . t . Olocks. Car-load Salt,, Cheap. Crockery -of all kindi, Liriv ..U-l.'. X will le.nsedu.aeeiu, ,aiiv f rioutf ? r ,fu ' wl... W. H. FURjiAN Jr Main Street Loiiisburg, N. C. -;o -DEALER DRCJG-s lND MEDICINES ; . AND S " i " EWiaiKS DUALLY KEPI- IK A FTESTCLASS DBDG STORE -ii i .t:, BPISTJS SELECTEp ibiriiE pate YT'M edici n es. Puke Drugs and Ch tor' Y ".SiciALr -; Your patronage solicited.' !-. .1 lOIKilillil BUGGIES SIISDOT HARNESS r t . -1. UI.i) ivVoon '"il1 'v ! '" I1,--"".hill i i.Wed PP,J W7 h aeecP at -,e If.1 th.t - r j 1,1.00,000. XusLcl3. CoitoSecd Wanted; i j tii.7 J "lory: J-.ol .,s,; J &Ka J.rt i - -i rl J fie!r.Tin:q. i .Uiu1 ,o'f .i. y"..f ?v 'v' - 7!;' ''r1' ' "v" ' ' 1 " i rr T nil .1 n I ft Hard. the time to . aya jqurself ot tbeae and a personal examination of our J v. fltlilt VI,! !. . 1' , t. it - ii i CLIFTON. far. limMftMkepriB a.nJ . 1U 'BaM8L l?.-n,emh r ItcBjicctfuilV. T J. PEltSOX. IX- -:o:- GABDEN SEEDS, : '-..A 11 1 T ! Ti. .1. ! a -wrawwwi l u. r ... .c. i j -;... : . , ' , .m li: fTl 7i:viif 1 .. fct -C'l "wl I. nr. ? f::;; . '.'T ' I ' ".'i1T- ' I bottom prices. - AUo nind' a toll " - r.i iv- in.': t-vrJ fj-nLHifj i . w T mi.ii) J. JBIJJ V tJAll LI I .JklA sV -.;U work .not callAd- fn in . viouiuu.' ; . - . - will be sold lor the .cuiTiiuT -i"f' ; 1 n