. .t;.;...,,,; ... ...... ;,.,:.,J . '.' J,; . . - r' .-,. .- -. v -f--...-..,-.'ir-.c,.-K-r--.-. . ', ,S.'.;V. i.r, -i'v' V. i. "J." "-rri nf fyrr'-IT 71 '-' "' I r t-fy'ij.'jpvvyi nj' j!" vvs. i?iaga'ji."t r-t'.'ffP''i ---.. -i-v''" J "wv!"'''-jj si n r ,o)si5d) fikfir:fdioTO tfi3"itenf r - .1 : I II, Bl Ikf "-" 'JLTTAJk I iBliiaaflD EVtRY IFBXbAY B V 1 TXiaTnur buUihedl'r 1 eaxrJ orfl Editor and Proprietor. Bates: One fear mrorand Proptiewt. with malice toward none ; with ch a fa thrrVwx Itf J'-',''.lh;.r. izrnv I i?rfrf musing fl n 'Cila'mJ11' lbsm al aMeyvf jir To Clubs of 5 The Tikes will be I 3 n ftp .1 f Ml uraisiieu at 81.40. i V OL XVI. llf f PITtV. in T)'i:na'. .Mil"- 1 Will i ..ADC ,5'J Tr w, i i w-rw f i f i ' .. .11.. i r r i i i . . . . r M : .1 1 1 - - . . , 1 f . .- Vr.UI .BL ; I ,,11,1, II I W I rtTTTTl trn 5 LIAS. " "Z.M -1 Tvris' m i, 1 'i f. 1.1 I ' ' l'" ' f6lV lilrni 7Z:?Xf This pAW&reYeV purity, streBgWkaad"' wfco1f8onipeA More eeonilicattlbMHtnWiBilrlhVlQ ' t', Wild CiiU UO S4)t l.t!rtn Vttfc T ftluta or pkahat' towler. Sm.n mit ! ixoaics. Luro ftwpti Co, riiOFI'SSIONAL CARDS 1 r-. . I Djj.AlAMLMJUliG, J ATTOliE.YLAW Oinoe receive prompt attention.. V LouiSBUito, franklin cd.,N. c. f 11 attend the lurts; of.Naah. ourr. ot Nor th Carolina, and the U . Circuit and Distbict Courts. Dlt.J. E MALONK ' Hoe tl doors below Furman & UI US acorc' aaiominsDr. O. I "CT VV TIMBEliliAKE; v,: : U A I 1 V 11 it Ei 1 - A, l . Lj A LOUISBUKO, N. C. OTice i he Court Hue O. Sollicoifor. Day :& Zplliffer;-, 3 1 1 1 i ' " ! " "I 1 .(-.L.-' f i HKX PERSON K. C. Ui" -;;':- Practice in the courts of - Franklin, Vnnoeiranville, Halifax, and North TMpt u and the Supreme and Fed era! courts of the State r ASH ION ABLH45AaDE ' L LoiriSBCBO, N. C. JMy shop is still on court Street 'wliere I will be pleased to have my . rt'rieuds And patrons call to see me. '. Calls-to private residences for ent iling ladies and childrens hair iromt- resnorv ted to iirRnmn FoTrrt.hp. psii- V l-arbe. I FRANKLIN-TON, N. C Offfa his services to the pufeii in all the department, iu,-wHcb,tbey;v niy,. Ic Heeded. ' !KegaUab,jiijer8 pro-r. kel. Oathsadmiuiatared'.iPriVT. i n a ti oim fTa fcn . an Deefta-Pr ted at ' ! J '. tegaaiel' 'ha'f'; ' OF FBAKKLIK CO.,. I i ; 7TXliUXH8 & CO, 1 HOLESALKGKOCEKS ... ..... 4 ' tv na Ktt Comrriissraa Llerchanls, 22 &-4K&ano:esquaee,- -NORFOLK, fS fT 'PnwnpbikitaatW given to all erders by wiail. ' . CARPENTERS SHOP. that Lhave onhed'in birsburo' a car. Penter'sah-S'lM-hmiiH'tnihe old fcnmm.trSnopVr Alilrho de- wmjrfcin tb4ine, repairing: of any -iuu, ii vsawsu -s . aKr. window or anything of the kind, made, TP MIA Mrrall . "rV" FV-- ' l " t -wirrowa maai. wui sell chean: - ' Jiespoetfully . t ' tSAMOEL GrUEEN. in the XJonrrTout e with Treas r ana qner- a ' HIS FHOW THE HTTMBGjh OF MBEIV LN03 HELD BY ?HE OqfM MISSIONEHS o?VBA.3jNVcoTmrir w.a, from IXECSVBSWk JIKE. 1 8 TlA.- tk 1886. TO -: jjLlOO j OTHER COMPENSATION. E- CfelVED BY- EACH MCSCBBK OF THB, ' BOARD DCEIKQ THE TIME. . " "IjSnS5r mettiog held 30..... C. A, NASH, CHAIBMAK.. Attended 28 meetings at $2 per day. Traveled 276 mile at 5 cents per mile. The following is the amount, and na- Deo. 7, 1 86, Commissioner aud mileage tu d;ite 9.60 Dec. 7, 1886, Chairman one . vcar ; 30.00 Dec 18, 1886, examining C.S.C. Dect01886t affiaavUs .v.vin-t; 15 I' W'w. Wr .e'i 1 lO. Oft: - " 5 v A "11 tI'il-HA ? ! Mil mil- - " 1.20 MIfll ,gA cWmissioner mid mileage 12.00 March 8, 18S7, Examining offi- ' cialrepms o-W April 5, 1887, Committee on of- fiiaj rMirt8 May S. 18, Commissioner and 2.00 Imileagn 11.60 Vane 7, 1887, Committee two Jnly 12, 187, Commusioner : tktJl milAAtrn -15.40 1887 EoalizhigtaiWi. ,v Aug 1, 1887, .'Correcting. ' tax . i lia 4.00 P1 5- 1WR7 Commit! ea to set tle with Sherift and Trca- nrer . . 6.00 Qft. t 1887, Commissioner and 7.20 Sfof; 1881, Commissiuherjanclf 10 Nov. 8, 1887. Committee on bndjs, Nov. 4, .- 2.00 v W. B.UZZELL. A ttend 30 nietin?S;at.$2 p ;.r ,riflT Traveled 320 miles1 at 5 crnta.jper ' fVmA. 1 lAwtnrr la.' tlA otrvninrJ ' and-nat'ir of claim allowedr v . r.-' Dec: 1886,Cmmiriefkrid v v " lnileace to dat 7,50 Dec. 30. 186, Commissioner and mil nee 15.0ft- Ft b. 8, 1887, Amount, of ac count .35 FeH f i887;'tJinmitteeon Any X, lltJI JI1 UUKD t 4.W, March 8, 1887, Commissioner n mileaire 12.50 May 3, 1887, Ooramissionerand itoilengft"' Z 13.00 June 7, 1887, Letting and re ceiving FerrelVs bridge 4.00 July 12, 1 8 "7, Commissioner nandmileage TT, W H17 .fc-v - .; Conuuittc 61 Andrews bridge 2.00 Oct 3. 1887, Amount of account lttfrag. bridge c.. . 8.00 ,j mileaao is ;a bnc;'M-jriW Xf oyc?, 100 v?oou.,c., ior :.-- . V Poor flouse 'V' " v v 79.80 Noy 8, 1887 3 da . committee J on bridges . x:. i- 1 . r i 6.00 Nov 8. 1887. Committee .on :V. .MB.S. T08-riSR. Attended 39 meetings at i2 per day. Traveled 286 mili-a at 5 cents per mile. The following is the amonut and na. f lurfclaimsaiiowainsH 34 Dec 7, 1886, UgiSteriog names 5.8t pec 7, 1886; J. P. frf"ea';4 "ii," .88 Dce'lS, l," Fjnuning C. S. '' ' 1 reports '.r.,.r ' : 8.00 Dec V886Warfants taa4 ; , ; -ierrenl UbrAairerT : 22.95 Dea.80, 1886, Commissioner and . - . . mileage -tj " "- v. 15.00 March 8, 187 Commissioner v f eh 8. l887. !,Takicfl' lnTentorn yni.jn ( ml reports . $.00 April 5, 1887, Committee on of- ; ,-SVfluiaVrfports &n T 2.50 May887V mntftee sit- " . : tling with Treasurer and Sheiilf 16.OO If ay 8, 1887, CwQMiissioQQr aa4 1 i 7-.' I vaay a.W I JTbly 12, jJ887, commiasioner; ,: x pt887.-i?pmimtciie- Hf; O jU;I887, cojitaiailonof . and, "!. ruileage v -.12.15 MYWlll(rT.lV'W w Nov a, 1887, commissioner and rnile.ige "5.06 Nbv 8.; 1887, comiitlee on 1 -j..2i-.. ; it ir ii. Attended 80 meeting at $2 per day, Traetetr 1?04 milet. 'at & it eenta per piile.'; The followfajr hi the amount. and nature of elnimsallowcdi ' Do: 80, 1886, commissioner and j mileiige 19.80 'March 7, 1887, committer, an ! wid8vTPei'.-intll r.-(fcG0 Marcti 8, i887onk8ld'neV" 14 w . 1 aud mileage 16.50 March 8. 1887, S. V. Fees Sao. 27 Mnv 8. liJ87. commissioner and mea;e JafyMa. 1887. oommi38ioner -J.S?7r fand mileage . . . SlloJ Whnt Jafvl. 1887:iilakerada-- , . t i Julvlll8feiua,S Oc4, 1887, cowimwsiouer aud .1 mileaae 15.80, Nov 8, 1887, commissioner and f mil. oa 7o j o.. v.McrAwi-. .j Aiienoea z j meeimgs i 3 Ier ay. Traveled 67 miles at 5 cents per niile. Tlie following le the avouut andi nature of claims allowed: Deq 7. 1886, commissioner and I niikasrv to data: '. rT-V.O ? Deci7, 18aa,'Beuort on .liritW- 3.00 Dec) 30. 1886. commissioner and Feli 8,4887, committee 00 An,., Person's lJHds .fVK"' j00 Marh 8. 1887, eommissioner v ' 'and mileage- - 15.20 April 4, 1887. committee ou Ce- jdarCnMik bridge 4.00 May 3. 187, coiumis.-ioiior and wileiee 17.30 June 7, 1887. Letting and re- coiviiis. Ferrell'i bridge 4.00 .lulj- 5, ls8J, Lis takerundas-.. - , July 12, 1887, couifmssioner. andBvleavre V U - J- 23.10 Oct 1887, cmuitteti on hill hearPo;lar. priniia. .'- 400 Oct 4, 1887, ,toiaxui8&iiner and- - - liiitiMue . .'-!- - '- 1580 Jov'8 1887. coranus&iouer and k '' t.fleSgH-.i hi.Si-i& - 7.90 ! Nov i 8,-1887 , lVUiug and recciv- 4 hut biidue ' " Utc--4.0d : fCjuMMIoNEl8.0i.,, tCt B. F. BULLOCK. JR. -V rUgisU'r ot'Deedi Booby.Explalm, ' r v --- Minliter That's right," Bobby; ; . - owi can wtelmie PwiypyouT doesii't want tp lij bothfcrod?with.1 m 'yfitKU.th BUCKLENS AEKI CA" SALVE. ped bands. Chllblams. Cotus. au Slin ernntkina. ur3 rnitivlu cures PiLr C rJTLJ T;: t- Tx. r giv perfect satlsfaetion or money .defubded. Price 25 Cents a box.? A GrenMlu( MnrYeasPoulwislflt is she hot ?. . got onh f , the greatest rniiida, tS e f-rr ersawi 3asi.ti,iiJ-wji j piece oif it every'day for the past twenty, years, aud I guess got t large stock.pnand f yetJ'rTStatel humid; duce hladdt and' IrotdJes intheir incaxiac 1 ti if uiO ii Iflrocloso allthe lnsa- cortfancf wwh law, l. IjrHa- l ysiiitlr. Mr appetite railed iae.su tire., fUaf then han ot i uvTussionors ..f Franklin cua- ''W1" rlon.of ik.JMarb A' er- I the grateto abovfe true tntem- ntv fot- thew tlmt 1 atted bomaeM t;-allr tfie chimney, as-hrBpcns the car- y. r '-eydiJilOvnbeTSCUli tAlX. The aaias rereMioVftble, and waldime 'felts "Omrse inltlhrwn daarath'a 1887i oi the m t juidjuavureof all . tunei pafom out .DiA. y bodyio MWJ Arwwa aWa Ue. claiiilRCijnuiiUftuilWd Jxfatbvr. finaUyv Ua ktyatpelaa-dwoke ,flae Is much bettev " t!,eBard "to tbtr members? thereof, out on y loft ln ami ara, W pro- ;ftjt ililiJdin, i".- r-ri ' . 7 stoat ' jMimtsier i aitiuiajKun ine wuii aoign-ol Ji9eo isrt exeept a Min- iy)-b4g&$ mi's, '-vaiift: nsr. daysJ do VO, Bbby? I ed oa an average two nounds ofvflesh pel i-.ru as i . ii L 11 y . Yea3ndeWlveami; 'I tiTWU Kt P uma rw ha I I unosulaljr heayyoM manf'id i a is e naaiuswgnea r-rr -m ty tow grourt down naixt ta; de ba- . . . -i .t,i.w . u. ' Bnt this seems to be a little too heavy . ; ObtwuAnJLaah: Ifiunachul. ? Natural Cotton. I Trri....ET.oJir-L.arr ti iin-keot groan' ai nlghi. rAimos' think j ctir'd been er rain eTet mownln ' I t4h. Yaa. itsnachal , .. t Ing yoo- unW I open thlahaleH ' - Bar ain't no nse In openln de bale, sab; no ose er tall. Cotton's all dahnAchol an'-mighty fiae 3&fet' bosMUi:iaria' eottort teYjplecesdater tray. Dar, dat'll do. Oh, yer aeo, Its-nachnl. Ijow i 5gl?rt?3Jr 2!S,8d!tC Ixhamphor and .applied- to nsbrntf. tin.. .r ivl. M"v "w " Vua 4 - I ;f w. , rvr 1 A 1 iLt - . v yOT dUl thhr I irMv.uv. -mI,. rtii k Lf , " f blame f it doan, L .Xa.ttfho. tiuff wvv. f .yott knoW weQ enoagh hat It I laryoogoVrf tor-nothing old rascal.' I who dor ' I Tou doi yoathierlng f fTakere, notr, ta. kere. Neber 1 teed dat wood. till dis mlnit an I oanlmoirhowitgorrlAr.' MTusteF drupfked in when I wasn't lopkin iI tiilnkit draped in wbe;ypu weVe looking. Tuko-yonr cotton away from here. I dont want it.' i Wy say, Jes pay me fur de cot- ton an let de wood erlone. Wat yer mean by sich capers ? Huh, I ain't axed yer to take de vwxxi. XIiainH'ripusro uotliiu' ou a .man rw'en-he .diiauT want u; xas san, aais nugniy flue cotton. Raised do wu dar A. DISTINGUISHED CLFJiGY- ' MAN'S TESTIMONY 5 -Ile MffckeBS, Piresldeaj I of (the OnJiiris froBfctJfeeatiUe: , " Abou rtopirfearf t lag a -was anaeicea 1 lis raicK:a in uti wr,na ot course i.-i- wrter savs tt5 InfklliMA rnU a gmurmaay klad. ef lasdietaeajbti) W,w?le"; L-v??k? V 'V?! "le iagWmv relief. - Friends JtaalrrMcr khQW when rHeo.,, potaloea f .are. tibthiK persuaded me to try Swift's 8peiic. k. noticed a decided wiproTemtjt while mk- ; rlarta.arir bottle . continued its u continued iu use i until t iiadtaKen one down bottles, when I found myself sound and wall, again, r iiiiin. n.l.I fiuuutl nwumi'iul it L. m I friend." ' skfa' leMs t j t f.' . v , I CWldinot bo a. BUU 1 .hwi lrJit & -tr. aba no. irr. I.rf a-j .-r.'. .t.-i -rrvthlr elsiunsd to bo v couta seo as nome, oas aaa never t IhottirhLorbAfoML-v Sha. walked Jn band. 5T J'Hera'a a etter,.:(br .jrou mad- .ir1 - "VV - - " . . . - ? "- What! makes' yocf thiols? that?' Well; madatu down Tjiniiuent ba for many years been the con-taut lavoruu wwly remedy. . 'lvioojcs lice a ony wfriwii, ; i, "" ! "" tdonad, bU KJttlrita to llousckeeonL Tha rtiftat naafnl ikllahaM AMlAlxfl sharp. knlW. '4' h" never pe.anowed to irefc red hOts jv furniturWtn talcd oiit wniteVr w.y. niiun nwKUVnil NIHIMm with, kerosene" -ti -:j i ; ..,., .. ;,, i JM .,: BWfflboMihouldha xaghCii arMali.iiqaaaUtles snd Inc a covered labv I r a .-! .fm , Plli wfWIw OT artg Lw.oolon , uaderweari.-: at KeVe Waihbron d0lle 6.tc-at flh.ert Bbrifsiyor.'ca1so ctolt i. is ;J-. ,i''-i.i'Z --Ai 5 Aj:?- . jEor a rare throaisIh'iof laS' boneless bafrpepper thickly; nd and tie around wltht flannel itoth i, night and aborning '-wilt entirely re- mnvathPm. . v:T rajf w i m imc i ri ruv Minnn a nrnnim nsv tribny! one before Christmas,., and N sore that It Is dar k - rediAh-y ei-- Ho W round.-not oralrajwirmedtafitf Bttn ! M.aana nn-s can De rept gTow- ii -ikf kXo.ht .MWU ml afl winter; and they vrtll' hetptb" ieaatifV ait aroightly:conerr Jtrf roAnuwonderfaliy. m: -. . r. i0-ter 7 rrrir--" 7,v.fraen"I.in 7or. nea.aw ana wrap njius o esca 'wpiWnwicr.1 ' u o A pralty addition to .a cloeeetlew; room can be made by putting up twb p aces of scantling ra a corrven- lent conior, fastening In sotne hang- ing pegs, and draping it with' prbt ty hanging of chintz or ' Madras cloth. ' ' ,.' V Soap should never be rubbed ; on funnels, but theyshoijld be Washed in warm suds and rnlsed hi water 1' of the same teuaneratirre as tiiat in which they are , washed. A .Ilttle. j.bhtelngla the second;, waler will F " ..-if a chimney or flue catches on windows -and doo'rs a blanket In' front 6 1 exciud aunalr.;. ,Wa be t poured down I done Is thhs: -i When first thro wti frti 1 to the fat , ;$heyL, siak;, when ,done they, rise and flaaU After-trrrs it is only! a question of how ti.u rtv aftor when tney should :botak?u ootJ r ;r it .I iTJaealwweeuiau,ImatAww4 I Amertcar 'Durtnar ib.e .Tears .that .1 . t baTl been. kfflicttaX-X -harro i triad i --7 "'ZXmJ 1 permanent reltat. I had abouk raado T elnea when I notlcod an eadommenl or Simmons. Lirer Regulator by a' I J; knew, and eonciudo4-to-,vy.my I effoctS in my case, Lhm naed .lmS... 4 two tnttles, and am satisfied that X ' I tett tt beneficial' effects almost lsa.'.' mediatory. tJnlllre all other prepajrw ' a nauawwia w ah awvi.. j f" - j, JinO'frt -jTihfnriT TXte IViendanlprot- Men Faja,ctih lisA'd vox "WdtateBt'Alq vcibilu ouiiO'.'oJI odleHW'5S'qld'.io7 III I .Wcn-1 49ndfflodver,taJV5ttad.iir KlftA filial!!!; 1 8eeOTdlyWiMen,WWtf their Inter-4- :orer,ome thenda opa,, Fiflhi -af iirt JS&t-Ati-1 W WILL" x CxrnenceaJuimrjref'ionrrla!fl anl ready to espouse the causejff ivfj f.7r.t'iF?r-a ' , women tnaheCsijeromAa-are. 1 S 5 7$WKVpf Q-'Tnf: viil courtesy ahJ rirtehess "'3wt' -e-"i.:-,"Lf1M axrted fch!lai!i?4rv aflaaai'w feetfeaUWarVnrf-aai mna1Mra.h4aVealMtti3:i!4Vt M.ninb mom relhibW frleods hi the! longJ ruHl' KfghWThfrtefthrp,breli5?n3-i tibWbly oereaaerafter a w'on mrf- lriV.,.,r, -.m t'fe-tlv.:;: v . riJO : Wintrjwrfce lrfcndalt' of wmrtTJ? ttoficeably treitteiraftera woinetf ra4rrjs v-f 4:i tfrvj 9q:.Ul X"' Tenth4-Agoaifficitttinajr i abetter frtend aijd: adviser : than biaVf wehwonajic1s4 0i;, -5-4 ni Klevenih A, . trood and -efflcieai wotoih is aJbeterfriftadTand ,dvisei 7 . . TiT tP wniea gor ; 1 erns the matter., . r ' r' ti 1 r . i ii .. ii 'k i in II l iiV llVJJ Ht -I 1 1 . - : 7-1 ot . - --at , Yl 11 1 1 1 1 JJ UO lUi-3 rJ 1 PiC RGB usni t 35a r? . M w M T ft i u.ii i Cbould bs astd a Stw laonha bef on Bond for book ,t rovL &( fM. t The ew'sPaprJW." . .-I . tJlll III) ill v . siderjedwWi.h AubscrTntion;-- 7' ',' . , " ni . If subscribers orMr'tha dVontfn. (to take their periodicals from ' the of-- '1 . Ai The courts have decided thai' rec fusinir W Uke bertodkialarrom tba bf-'1' . w m . 1 tm. r MmMlnir nf tsirvr lh.irf hn .1 ' 1. ci ii,-.:.-.. '". cavuea.ivr, is ytuu lacie evmeucej. 01 f..t-f fU-v. -ii .fe:r-J4 hi waj nvimi. a a ajsA If sabscribers pay jmTadvance,v (... it -':... i.f .'lJ..T ' - tlOT WO UUUUU KlTW UUUCV U DUO I ' do-nolj frwls send sponi -I II v ; n sill 11 1- 1 I HAKES ;- erjjnd the Mltf YSo; tff eroirecBon, mer are ne;a resaonsi- I : ' - i o ti..t,-;di blew . :;:i'::n,: I ' It takea JxT-M,ta2to ivt'r r.i c 4..in..TT.Vn.. J.-vVrf.A..-..T i.'I'il I III 1 I III I 111 -n , - . rT vuw.Mnwris puwuiucu W I .11 J II 1 f II I LJ II i i note unui an express notics wiui i . i si v payment of all iiTeaiagei; is .aent'-to u FLL r. ,"7T -th2 publisher ezvof.ltc,. (L VV' C- ;; i. -An chnaiastia t editor! WrobrV-r cPtr - - VTiio Datue la. now opaaad.''r Dvt ibelled SHtle!! aa o; and Ilia reftilirB suid tnav lttul aiuniiettiiiF H-atf along! - ij lar. .et' i "v i. .it i "Severe i disease. ara !: frequentij -la- ce by neglect of proper. attention at' their leglnnlaga. Xaxador wLl check tliejDeginnin c.disesAes.i e.r. iThe baby's cries are itaonly method- of letting you know that it suffers and needs Dr. Bull's Baby .Syrup,- Price 25 cents a bottle. " fmcswMcri fca install I A fflffiffSrirrv! rH aovV! atfkMes rSjhb 3 rPawCWfi!Wiii. W od jWayaCttftjrro Vrtqoh : rff9...WlAi!wffi r! oJtiria d ii llon'Ideai.tt.faWJTlia.ia voioa i-S.VfW 10 ?$J?.yiW VM$tii fa ,?r?fJAJmVcq ..?Tl!?Mlaab Nhi?'' liyuvCiLW Jim taef tt.iwa t M t rv ) 1 1 fl mi nil 1 I iir i 'mi jwflec,cveUlnto Xdjeani . Jreraadi &onajE zata wola . f u i .. C - .. - ' 7 r 7TG3 .7ITTI07jr7XwruTJ nn n i nninmna ra 1 . . - ,-. . - . i ' -1 i ? J-':: ! ' ?Tiar.rTlS,;ISiX Messrs. Aj TL fftiTlenU.iW C-L" The b9Uk af-8haJl3hssrV rt ai-iinaeaz. 1 ria(nnff caaaCehCJt aflsi.eriV f hAs! trvl nrfmTiTnt taut.. -iTu""s f'nf any! vawMxt09mrBtth fflWflSW . . ; j . sii jii w v :r.ra 1 1 . -w a r 5-rHtt lollO I . Ia4UoUara. w um-Io aha ihovU taka Dr4 nH:. liLal a Str ehtKenrag IkHaI ff4 Csi r-! Maiil- eQnall f aaatLL t Lll .r iwoiki 1 -t s. ,Z Vt al Laa. I . . . TTZ i 4ij toabding cores of all icstatt'l 1 -j Mj -r v -to i).iTr.T rwvv- m&n: W WrtU3 X;. i7" hi ?i lfjthiJ t i " a. .ll - T . . 1 ' " - r . .-HH! 1 V T-- .11 I ni' T - - -i - 1 1 t w tt. 4. I i 1 ..tt Iff I ' 1 siy.., r,!:! hI -1 ') .V 1 3 A LV ATICH C - LI .-1; ML L -- J-r 'W .Tbo Qroavtsst Cuvo sw lUsawjrVU' 0 ,vm relUTi'tocWtST 2,'' i. tharyfasawtt' remaj;i ..r--'ffii leofjdgi. Swtlliags, BrtlMit (cauos, cats, iBJBbsxa&wrsa, iica. uacascna. w oot taacA, ; . a . . , Sotmiaa. rc Calikycll ' Irnggista. PricaSdCaata fofn 3 Vs'xfci 3wjg -. l - . T V'i A. a! HUfl no-ill. . vliV'aj

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